Does That Make Me Crazy? Kuro...

By Fool4Toga

33.3K 971 854

TRIGGER WARNING!: Cancer, abuse, death, suicide, sex, depression, and too much cuteness All is well between K... More

-FINALE- Part 23


3.9K 78 53
By Fool4Toga


I always liked video games. They were a way I could express myself, a place where I could care. My mom and Dad always told me they were bad for my health, but I never really cared. In video games, I could live in a world of my choosing. I didn't have to wear a mask. I could freely express myself in ways I couldn't in the real world, but what I didn't know what that video games could lead to true love. 

Training camp was over. I was sad to see Shouyou go. Karasuno got on the bus and left. I felt a little empty. I looked over my shoulder. Kuroo was laughing with Bokuto and saying goodbye. I sat down on the steps and took out my Nintendo. I glanced over again. Bokuto had his arm around Kuroo and was whispering something in his ear. Kuroo looked over at me, his face red. I looked back at my Nintendo. I couldn't get attached to Kuroo. It was clear Bokuto liked him, so I dismissed the thought. You can't have everything you want, Kenma, my mother's voice rang through my mind. She was right this once. That was okay. I didn't care, I couldn't care, I wouldn't care.

I watched Kuroo hug Bokuto goodbye. Fukodurani left. I sighed and opened up Minecraft. I decided to create a new world, one for these feelings. A world where I could be with Kuroo. That would be nice. I opened up the new server and explored the world a little. I remembered Kuroo saying something about the beach. He said he liked the beach. He also said he liked girls with long hair. Something angry flared. I sighed and calmed myself. In this world there were no girls with long hair. Only me. I headed over to the beach and took out my fishing rod. I would build him a beautiful world he would never see. I could be with him in my imagination.

Kuroo walked over to me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"..." I wasn't sure how to reply. "Minecraft-"

"What are you building?" He questioned.

"I'm fishing."

"Oh! I love fish!" He said. I already knew that.

"Yeah, I know." I said. I wanted him to leave me alone. Him being here just made me feel worse. I decided to ask him. I had to. I just needed to know. Did he like Bokuto? Or was it girls with long hair? It confused me. I tried to stop thinking. "Do you like Bokuto?" I asked. The question took him by surprise. His face got red. So he did like Bokuto. 

"Uhm- no. I only see him as my brother. It would be weird, dating him."

"You can tell me, you know. I promise I won't tell," I said. Kuroo just stood with his arms crossed and shook his head. So he didn't like Bokuto? Then why did he get flustered?

"No Kenma. I don't think of him like that. Besides, he is in a relationship with Akaashi."

Oh. That did make sense. I guess that made sense. Thinking about it, I remembered Bokuto acting weird around Akaashi. And they would sleep really close together. I needed to stop thinking.

"Anyways," he said, "we have practice off today. Do you want to hang out?'' If we had the day off, that meant I could work on my world. I didn't feel like hanging out, either.

"Uhm- sorry I am busy," I said. Kuroo frowned.

"Okay," he said. He walked off. I went home.

The whole day I worked on the Minecraft world. I built the house Kuroo always wanted and a sushi restaurant on the beach. I got him a dog. I didn't name it. I wasn't sure what Kuroo would want to name it. I made a volleyball stadium and a boba shop. Kuroo's favorite store. His favorite manga shop. After sixteen hours, I had enough. My hands hurt. I checked my phone. Kuroo had texted, asking if I wanted dinner at his place. I was hungry. I texted him back and said sure. I took my Nintendo and told my mom I was leaving.

Kuroo's apartment was small. He had only one bedroom and bathroom. He seemed to be happy there, though. Living on his own. I sat down on the couch and opened my Nintendo. Kuroo sat down beside me. He had ordered food.

"What did you order?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of my video game.

"It's a surprise," he said with a smile in his voice. I continued playing my game.

"Wanna do something?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" I replied.

"I challenge you to a game of Just Dance," he grinned.

"Oh really?" I said. "That game is my forte, you know?"

"Yes. And if I beat you, you have to do whatever I want."

"And If I win?" I asked.

"Then I will do whatever you want." I considered this for a moment.

"Fine," I said. "I agree to your terms." Kuroo went over to the television and powered on his Nintendo Switch. After about an hour of playing the Kill This Love repeatedly, Kuroo had beat me twenty-five times to zero. I was dumbfounded.

"Since when do you like K-pop and since when do you beat me at Just Dance?" I asked. Kuroo smiled slyly.

"I've been practicing." I crossed my arms. Now I had to do whatever he wanted. I sighed in annoyance.

"Well?" I asked.

"Show me," he said. I didn't understand.

"Show you what?" I asked.

"The Minecraft world you were ignoring me for. You know, the one you've been working on for sixteen hours."

"Oh," was all I managed to say. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shitshitshitshitshit. I had to find a way to get out of this. My heart started to beat faster. "Uhm..." I didn't know what to say. Was I to show him? I had to come up with an excuse. Wait. I didn't have to. I realized I overestimated Kuroo. That tall pretty boy was just about as smart as Shouyou. He couldn't take a hint. He wouldn't know. He would think I did it out of friendship. How could I be so stupid.

"Sure," I said. I took out my switch and hooked it up to the television. I opened up the world, which happened to be titled, "Stay away you dumb rooster ass head." Kuroo laughed.

"Dumb rooster ass head?" He questioned.

"Whatever," I muttered. I opened the world. For some reason, while he was exploring what I had built, his eyes shined. He had a huge smile on his face. When I showed him the dog, he insisted on naming it Rooster, after him. I tried not to smile, but I couldn't help it. Kuroo saw my small smirk and smiled back.

"I didn't know you actually paid attention to what I told you," he said.

"Yeah, well your annoying voice is hard to forget," I replied. Kuroo looked over at me. He smiled. I smiled back. Maybe just staying as friends would be okay.

"Kenma," Kuroo said.


"Do you like me?" he said with a serious look on his face.

"Uhm-" was all I could manage to mutter. "Maybe..." Oh well, I thought. So much for just being friends.

"Cool," he said. His statement took me by surprise. "Kenma Kozume actually likes me. The person who has never ever liked another human being before actually likes me. I like you too, you know?" He said. Oh. That took me by surprise. He meant as a person. I did overestimate him. He thought I meant as friends. I sighed in relief.

"Yeah, Tetsu. I like you." Kuroo's smile was bright.

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