The second last time lord (El...

By Christmascookie15

11.8K 301 65

The sorceress, a time lady from Gallifrey, roams around in her Tardis, believing that she is the last timelor... More

First Regeneration (part 1)
First Regeneration (Part 2)
First Regeneration (Part 3)
Second Regeneration
Sisters united (Part 1)
Sisters United (Part 2)
Sisters United (Part 3)
Sisters United (Part 4)
Sisters united (Part 5)
Bee and Marla
Bow tie prank
Victory of the Daleks (Part 1)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 2)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 3)
A goodbye
Time of Angels (Part 1)
Time of Angels (Part 2)
Time of Angels (Part 3)
Flesh and Stone (Part 1)
Flesh and Stone (Part 2)
Flesh and Stone (Part 3)
Soft and fluffy
Vampires in Venice (Part 1)
Vampires in Venice (Part 2)
Vampires in Venice (Part 3)
You're my Bow Tie Guy
Amy's Choice (Part 1)
Amy's Choice (Part 2)
Amy's Choice (Part 3)
Amy's Choice (part 4)
A needed chat....
Hungry Earth (Part 1)
Hungry Earth (Part 2)
Hungry Earth (Part 3)
Cold Blood (Part 1)
Cold Blood (Part 2)
I'm back :)
Cold Blood (Part 3)
Cold blood (Part 4)
The man of her dreams
The sisters are back.
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 2)
Snakes and Willow Trees (Part 3)

Snakes and Willow trees (Part 1)

62 2 0
By Christmascookie15

"Where to Next, T?"


The sorceress pulls a small lever off to the side of the main control, causing the humming noise of the Tardis to increase. She smiles, taking a deep breath in, smelling the familiar smell of strawberries and cream and reminiscing in the warmth and homely feel of her own Tardis. It had been a while, and the sorceress didn't know why she always missed T so much. T was the biggest part of her life.

The sorceress ran a hand through her coloured hair. It had been a while since she did something nice for herself. Even if that meant just wearing something nice. She pulled off her old pink flower crown and waltzed over to an old dusty box sitting in the corner. T has surely placed in there for safe keeping. She opened it with a little struggle, and her eyes lit up as she saw what was in side. The box was filled to the brim with hats and head pieces. The colours were almost overwhelming; reds, greens and blues, bright and vibrant.

She sifted through the box before she found what she was looking for. A clip woven with glitter and gems. She took it out, braiding her hair into a simple braid before clipping it at the bottom to keep the hair's in place. She smiled. 

We are here

T buzzed quickly as the humming noise came to stop. The sorceress nodded her thanks before sweeping out of the door, back into the park. 

"There you are!" Bee smiled.

"We thought you got lost," Marla giggled, teasing her.

The doctor shook his head at the two sisters, "Told you. She never gets lost."

"Hmm... you've only known me for a couple weeks... a month at the most," the sorceress smiled, shaking her head in a mocking way, "By the way, T will hate me if we don't take her for this trip. She's already called me a jerk."

They all heard a sharp beep for the sorceress Tardis, responding to the sorceress' accusations. Bee and Marla laughed.

"She's sure got you under control," Marla remarked.

"Haha, very funny."

"I can just feel the sarcasm radiating out of you," the doctor poked the sorceress in the shoulder, watching as she faked pain.

"You've killed my pride," she gasps out in mock agony, falling slowly to the fall.

They all erupt into laughter, forgetting about all the stuff that had happened, everyone focused on the moment. It was nice to laugh with friends, to just relax and be a little silly. And even thought the sorceress found it hard to trust, she couldn't resist letting loose and showing off her silly side.

"Before we go, I should probably write a note to Amy," the doctor remembers.

"Don't forget to make the Tardis invisible. Don't want someone to randomly walk into her," the sorceress gestures to the blue box.

"That takes up too much energy!" the doctor complains, his voice high in pitch.

"It doesn't," the sorceress shakes her head, a mischievous glint in her eye, "What me to show you how?"

The doctor seems to get flustered as he says, "I know how to do it! I-I-I just..."

The sorceress laughs, pushing him into the Tardis, "I know, I know."

"Right, you two," she instructs, after the doctor had disappeared, "follow me!"

The trooped after her as she walks back into the door, that had nestled happily in the trunk of the tree.

"Not as weird as it looks," she mutters, more to herself, but receives the satisfaction when she hears Marla snort.

"You know the drill," she says as she stands in the middle of the console room, "Your rooms are to the right... Bathroom straight down, then take a left... And medical bay if anyone's hurt, is to the left. Oh, and if you want the pool... well, bad luck, because I've lost it again."

"You lost the pool," Marla asked in annoyance.

"Don't blame me... T keeps changing things around. And for some reason she only ever moves the pool... and the kitchen."

She proceeds to point up to the ceiling and yell, "Are you trying to tell me to lose weight!?" 

T buzzes in a mocking way, making the sorceress huff in silence, as she mumbles under her breath, "I don't need to lose weight... besides, it'll happen naturally when I regenerate."

Bee laughs alongside her sister as the two shuffle to their rooms, T was by far their favourite Tardis.

"So where are we off to today?"

The four of them gathered in the console room. The doctor leaning on the railing while Bee sat on the floor, legs dangling over the edge. Marla was standing awkwardly admiring all the buttons and gizmos on the console, wondering what each one did, but to shy to ask, while the sorceress watched her from a far, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"I've thought about it and I have an idea," the sorceress stopped watching Marla, looking at the doctor, "Æes"

The doctor smiling, remembering the quiet planet, "That's a good one."

"A-Eh-s?" Marla said, trying to repeat what the sorceress had said.

"Close. Æes. It's one of the 35 planets in the suilnia system. Known for it's great nature. And it's famous tree. In comparison, it's something like your willow tree on earth. Similar, but not quite. You'll see. It's great at night. It's a common place for saxills to go to meditate and speak to the planet. They believe in protecting the nature and in return it will provide healing qualities to all of it's residents. It's a bond unlike others."

"The snakes there are brilliant as well," the doctor adds on, "Well... they're not really snakes, but that's what you'll see them as. Their actually an ancient species of Traquillia. The most peaceful snakes you'll ever meet. There's millions of them, covering the surface of the planet, everywhere you step. But you'll never step on them, never."

"Never?" Bee asked, curiosity overwhelming her.

"There's some magic that the saxills have put over the place, allows no harm to come to the planet," the sorceress answers.

Marla was overcome with excitement. She loved nature, as much as her older sister, but she had a fondness for snakes.

"What are we waiting for?!" she squealed in excitement, barely being able to contain it in.

Bee looked over to her happy sister, smiling. She adored her younger sister, even though she could be annoying at times.

the sorceress pressed some buttons on the consoles, programming T to where they were going to go.

"Care to do the honors?" She asked Marla.

Marla's eyes grew wide, and even though it seemed impossible her excitement grew, "really?!"

Her voice was an excited whisper. The sorceress nodded, gesturing to the big lever in the center on the console. T shuddered a bit, before the familiar whirring sound started up. 


The sorceress swung the Tardis doors open grandly, the light pouring into the console room. The sisters gazed out, longingly and admiring. 

The planet outside was just as the two timelords had described. A peaceful atmosphere washed over them as they stepped out into the sunshine. The weather was perfect, not too cold, not too hot. Just right, with white fluffy clouds in the sky. Green foliage was everywhere, covering the ground so that no dirt was seen, unique coloured flowers grew out of the green bushes dotting the place with colours and brightness. Tall trees grew up, bending over as their leaves touched the colours. But the timelords were right. It wasn't like any willow trees they had ever seen before. At the end of each branch a small globe was perched. The sorceress caught their eyes on the globes.

"Wait for night," she whispered to the two.

They smiled in excitement. But it was short lived, when the doctor placed a hand on the sorceress shoulder.

"Hold up..." he held up a finger, "something's not right."

The sorceress stiffened sensing it too.

"Can't we ever have a normal adventure, without trouble," Bee complained softly.

The doctor smiled at her, "Adventure's all in the fun, Bee."

It was Marla who noticed it first.

"Umm, guys, not to bother you, but where's all the snakes?" Marla questioned.

She had been promised snakes everywhere, but there didn't seem to be any snakes anywhere in sight.

he doctor frowned, "I thought something was wrong."

The ground was sparse, not a single snake in sight. This disappointed Marla greatly, she had never seen a snake outside of cages at the zoo. This was the one thing she was looking forward to most about the trip.

"What's the time," the sorceress asks the doctor, eyebrows furrowed in concern as she tried to figure it out.

"3709," the doctor responded promptly as he checked his watch.

"So, before the war..." The sorceress muttered quietly.

She sighed, pressing a hand to her forehead, "I haven't the faintest clue what's going on."

She turns to Marla, her face full of sadness and regret, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," Marla smiled, hiding her disappointment.

"Hold up!" the doctor shakes her head at them, "We can't give up so soon. Adventure is calling us. Let's go find us some snakes!"

Marla smiled, brightening up instantly.

Three cloaked figures swept by them, muttering to one another. 

"Saxills," the sorceress answers the sister's unasked question.

She skips up to them, tapping softly on one of their shoulders. They all turn, the one she had tapped, lifting it's hood up to greet her. Their faces were almost snail like, two eyes peering at her through their upper tentacles (Searched up snail anatomy, that's what they are called.). The rest of their faces where more human like, although they possessed saggier, greyer skin, like the skin of a snail. The sorceress almost expected to see a shell, but she knew that's not likely. 

"Hey, I'm the sorceress," she greater them, smiling, "I'm here with my friends, we were just... you know... touring the place. We're tourists! We just had a question to ask."

The middle one nodded his head at the sorceress, allowing her to continue on.

"We promised our friend there would be snakes... But, we don't see any."

The Saxill opened his mouth to speak, a raspy ancient voice coming out.

"We do not know of such thing."

"The Traquillia?" the sorceress corrected

"We do not know of such a thing," they repeated in the same tone.

"But your famous for them," she exclaimed dramatically, "You know, the wiggly things that crawl along of them."

"We do not know of-" they began.

"Of such a thing," the sorceress finished, watching them nod their head in agreement.

But what they said next surprised her.

"The new ones would be proud of you."

"The new ones?" she asked.

"The hooded creatures."

Their voices sounded monotone, as if reading off a script.

"Why would they be proud of me," the sorceress was beginning to worry.

"You are learning quick. The new ones will be proud of you. They predicted your arrival."

The sorceress took a step back, before turning around a rejoining her group. The doctor took one look at her worried face, before assuming the worst.

"Who did it?" he asked.

The sorceress shook her head, "They kept repeating things as if off a script. As if they were controlled. They claimed there was some new ones, and that they were expecting us."

The doctor laughed, "Who's expecting me now?"

The question was more to himself, but it made the sorceress smile. 

"Why don't we figure out who want's to see us?" 

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, doctor," Bee warns him.

"Don't be a spoil sport, Bee. Loosen up a bit, it might do you some good to just take things as it goes."

Bee smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. The sorceress slaps the doctor softly, to avoid hurting him, but to get the point across.

"You gotta figure out what's rude to say, or else you are really going to upset someone," she tells him off.

"Snakes!" Marla reminds them, "I wanna see them!"

They all laugh at her.

"Let's go find out who wants to see us!" the doctor exclaims excitedly.

Off in the distance they spot a ancient looking building, that seem sot be crumbling, defying gravity, but held up vines and branches of nearby willow trees. Hooded Saxills went to and from the building, carrying books and other ancient objects. It seemed as if this building was the main source of the population. It's walls stretched further than they could see, and seem to take up most of the left side of the garden. The doctor nodded to them all, indicating that that was where they were headed.

The trooped off, excitement in fear amongst the group.


Hey guys,

New chapter, which is fun. It's also a new adventure which I have made up.

Also, I accidently pressed publish instead of save halfway through, so if you got that notification, I am really sorry. :/

But new chapter is out. I really felt in the mood to write, as I had been reading a lot recently, and it felt like something I wanted to do for you guys. I also reached 15 followers today, which is a huge achievement to me, and I am very happy for all of you guys.

Bee and Marla are back, and so is T, because I love her. And thanks to the random generator I found to help with planet names, the rest of the names though, I came up with on the spot.

Love all of guys, and really appreciate you all. Have a good week! :)

- Nik

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