My safe place (Jensen X Reade...

By FictionalWife02

155K 4.2K 355

Can a horrible relationship lead to your meeting with the love of your life and to your own love story? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 41

2.1K 57 2
By FictionalWife02

After the ceremony, we went to the photo booth and took pictures with the guests. As soon as we were done with these photos, it was almost time for the sunset. It wasn't planned but we decided to do our couple photoshoot then. The sky was at that yellow, orange and kinda pinkish state and it was just the right time for the most romantic photos. Later, our first dance was magical. We kept staring at eachother, without saying a word, just dancing to the rythm of the song. It was like a fairytale.

About an hour later, Jared decided that it's the right time for his speech. "Oh no..." Jensen says and I chuckle.
"Hello everybody. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jared or Jensen's the best man for today. I wanted to say a few words about our amazing couple right here. You see, Jensen used to make fun of me about the way I asked my wife out on our first date. Not gonna lie, it was bad--" he says but Gen interrupts him
"It was pathetic actually" she says and everybody laughs
"Thank you love. But Jensen was even more pathetic. She texted him, giving him the best opportunity to ask her out but he didn't. I texted (Y/N) asking her to go on a date with him because he was too shy" he says. I look at Jensen shocked
"Sorry but I was nervous" Jensen says.

"He was beyond nervous. It was actually the first time I saw him like that. After their first date, he called me and said, word by word 'Jared, I'm gonna marry this girl' " Jared says and I look back to Jensen. He was looking down shyly but I bring his fave up and I kiss him. He wraps his arm around my waist and we look back at Jared. "I've never seen him happier with another person. Besides me of course" he says causing all of us to laugh. "Seriously now, I think that Jensen found his perfect match, even if she is way out of his league. (Y/N), honestly, you could do so much better. Anyway, (Y/N) and Jensen, I wish you the best guys. You both deserve it" he says and we start clapping. I go to him and I hug him.
"Thank you" I say
"Thank you man" Jensen says and hugs him too
"You're welcome" he says.

A little later my brother comes up to us. "You are leaving tomorrow for your honeymoon?" he asks
"Yes" I say
"Great. I'm going to be here to overwatch the contractions next week" he says
"What?" I ask not understanding what the hell he is talking about
"Oh didn't I mention that Dylan is gonna be my partner in the brewery?" Jensen asks
"Really?" I ask excited
"Yes, and also I'm gonna need to go back to England one last time next month to sell my place because from now on I'm staying here, in Austin" Dylan says and I hug him
"Where? When? Why?" I ask still excited
"A few miles away from your house. I have been planning this for a couple of months now. Because I found a new job here and I miss my family. And I thought that Jensen's idea was really good" he says answering all my questions.
"Did you know about this?" I ask Jensen
"Maybe..." he answers
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask
"Because it was a surprise" Dylan says and I hug him again. "Now we gotta go announce it to mom and dad" he says
"Yes, let's go" I say and I follow him there.

Jensen was talking with his family on their table and I couldn't stop looking at him. I took a moment and looked at him. My brother is staying here and they are creating their own brewery together. Jensen is my husband now and I'm his wife. Everything is going so good.

I could feel my heartbeat going faster and I started having hyperventilation. I walk slowly to Jensen trying to look as ok as I could. "Hey babe" he says and pecks my lips
"Hi. Can I borrow you for a second?" I ask
"Of course. I'll be right back" he says to his family. "Is everything ok?" he asks me
"I... I don't know. I think that I'm having a panic attack" I say holding my chest. Speaking started to get really tiring and soon I had trouble with controlling my breathing.
"Ok, let's go to the bathroom" he says as calm as he could and I nod.

He wraps his arm around me and helps me to the bathroom, while we were both trying to hide it from everyone else. As Jensen closed the door, I started shaking and the pain in my chest became worse. "I'm so sorry Jensen" I say
"Hey, hey, it's ok. Everything is gonna be ok" he says
"We just got married. I don't want to lose you Jensen. I can't lose you. I love you so much" I say
"You are not losing me baby. I'm right here" he says hugging me. "Everything is gonna be ok" he says rubbing my back and the back of my head.

I started crying as the thoughts of losing everything were taking over my mind. "It might be the first time that I have something so important to lose. I have you, I have Dylan back and everything is going great but everything can also come down any second" I say crying.
"You are not losing anything. Everything is going to be ok" he says rubbing my back. I had this tingling sensation on both my palms and my face became really hot. My heart was racing, I was crying and terrible thoughts were allover my mind. "Everything is going to be ok" Jensen repeats.

I open my eyes and everything is spinning. "Oh God..." I say as I try to stay on my feet. Jensen keeps holding me "I think that I'm gonna faint" I say
"No, you're ok" he says. He lets me sit and takes his phone out. "You're ok. Everything is ok" he says rubbing my cheeks. "Stay right here. I'm gonna be right back, ok?" he asks and I nod.

He comes back in less than a minute with a bottle of water. He opens it for me and hands it to me. I drink some and I give it back to him. "Thank you" I say still shaking a bit and he hugs me again. "This was so real, this was so horrible" I say
"I know, it's ok. It's over now" he says. "Now... How about you wipe your tears and you come out to the party again?" he asks me smiling
"I will. I'm sorry, this wasn't your fault" I say
"Don't apologize. It's like it never happened" he says
"Thank you. I love you and I'm not saying it just out of habit. I mean it" I say hugging him
"I know" he says and kisses me. "Do you need anything else?" he asks pulling away
"Actually, can you say to Kim to bring me the emergency makeup kit from the car?" I ask
"Of course" he says and kisses me again. "I love you and I'm not leaving you. Baby, seeing you walking down the aisle, I fell in love with you allover again. There is no chance I'm leaving you. You're stuck with me now" he says and I smile
"I know" I say and I kiss him.

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