Glitter and Gold-My Hero Acad...

Oleh PikaBlueQueen

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About 80% of the human population have a 'Quirk'. A 'Quirk' is like a superpower or special ability, so for t... Lebih Banyak

Prologue: Izuku Midoriya and (Y/n) Akashi Origin
Chapter One: What it takes to be a Hero
Chapter 2: Roaring Muscles
Chapter 3: Start Line
Chapter 4: What 'I' can do for now?
Chapter 5: Rage, You Damn Nerd
Chapter 6: 'Deku' vs. Kacchan
Chapter 7: Bakugo's starting line
Chapter 8: Yeah, Just do your best, Iida!
Chapter 9: Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter 10: Game Over
Chapter 12: Upon each of their hearts

Chapter 11: All Might....Of A Woman

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Oleh PikaBlueQueen

The last thing I remember......that still stays in my head till this the way my life 'USED' to be...

I am almost about to cry....just remembering how.....long ago it was.....

I remember how hard it was, to fully bring out my hard it was for me to even maintain it.....and how easily I would cry.....when I failed...

And I would slump in defeat, but then I remember how while I would go into a fetal position at how I felt how long is it going to take to do it.....and there were times I DID want to give up....but then I am lifted in 'His' arms. As he spins me around....wearing that smile that made me feel I could take on the matter what was thrown at me.

Both the bad...And the life.....

I my eyes....' He'....was...MY All Might.....their smiles are completely different....maybe yes All Might had that effect that everything is going to be okay.....but when I look at 'HIM'.....I didn't JUST feel safe...

I felt that I was seen for who I was. And what I was meant to be, or to find.....

So as we sit together overlooking the day slowly turn into twilight.....then finish off into the night...I would look down at my small I felt how if I'll ever get a full grasp of my quirk....when I felt 'His' hands smoothing out my hair...

As he whispered sweetly as if he knew what I was thinking.

".....Oh, honey...I know things are hard....but nobody said life would be fair....that's why we have to make the best with it....and what we can do...I'm not expecting you to get it right the first time....*giggles* in fact, I want you to make as many mistakes as you can...."

"What-!? But....I.... you're stuck here....cause of me....D-Don't you miss everyone back down there?"

Looking down at the city and how far away it looks in my eyes....he just kissed my forehead as he let me sit on his lap. As he said, yes there were times he does....but now ever since I was born....there is something more important now...

"....(Y/n)....let me tell you something that a lot of people don't think about much anymore...The truth is sweetie...Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to me...I believe that...Strength....'REAL' strength does not come from winning...Your Struggles develop your strengths when you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT is strength. That why I want you to struggle as much as you can.....your only human. Even I do. Even heroes....sometimes....people forget their human beings too.

The fall, they struggle, yes they sometimes can't save everyone....someone could be screaming and calling out for them right now....and they wouldn't hear them...That why we have to encourage others...for maybe....our actions can save another."

There was something in the tone of his voice that sounded sad, yet also hopeful. That 'His' words stayed with me...It wasn't until I asked thing...

"....You know...I always wanted to know...If you could have a 'Quirk'...ANY Quirk....what would it be?"

He looked at me surprised that no one has ever asked him that before....or how it had been so long since someone asked. But he cast his head up at the same sky that match his hair as he blew in the wind as the thousand petals and leaves seem to carry his wish into the heavens above...

"Well...If I WERE to have one....even for just one day...I would...."


' a little longer....'

When was the last time I heard your voice....?

How sweet I forgot it sounded when I listen to it...

How much I depended on it...I would go on, and on...

I slowly open my eyes as almost forgot where I I was hidden in the trees....forgetting what was taking I allowed one tear to fall down my skin as I gave up at the glass ceiling...

There are many things I wanna say right now....that I wish...I could tell you....but honestly, it just comes down to one thing....that sometimes...I don't think I can ever say loud enough....that you can hear it....where ever you are...

".....I MISS YOU..."

'I the weather nice where you are? Or is it paradise? Is it summertime there all year?'

As I kept my back to the huge tree trunk that I set myself up in I had to look away as I had to take care of what was happening I swallowed my grief and buried it again....knowing that it won't stay there long....but for now I made sure the sword that was by my side was still in place when I pulled it out quick and fast as I knocked out a villain who was about to wake themselves back up.

As I just got annoyed at how they are a bunch of hopeless idiots who place the blame on others....that everything went wrong in their lives...

Setting my sites on the figure that had JUST made it in time, but seeing how he wasn't fact, he looked like I did....when I was four....well maybe he looks a lot worst than I did...I got out from where I was hiding as I blend in with the surroundings I waited to be back up... Double checking if the bullets were in there....and setting it behind my back. As I watched closely to see what would happen next.

It seems to get what 'I' wanted I had to break that...Nomu smirked at how I didn't have to hold back on him...I was only thinking of the numerous ways I was taught to break a I watched waiting like a lion, waiting for the right time to pounce. 


Up where All Might had burst open the double doors, Mina was sobbing at how help has finally come as Uraraka was in an upbeat that now things are going to be okay, as they stood near 13 as she laid there unconscious...

Rikido, Saito, and Mezo all couldn't stop holding their grins in at how this nightmare is

Making his way through the scared students of his, boy was he feeling really anger right now. Not only did all this happened while he was resting....but how his colleges had to fight so hard to keep them safe!! Some teacher and hero he is....he SHOULD have known better!

Each face, that was trying to hide their worry only added more fuel to the fire. 

"I couldn't shake the feeling that had gone wrong here when Aizawa and 13 didn't answer my calls. So I hurried over, and I ran into young Iida along the way...he told me of the villainy at work here..."

All Might couldn't believe how much had happened while he was resting!? He remembers how much Iida was shaken scared. In fact soon after Iida told him everything All Might be with Airi and her phone had a video, she let him see what was happening. All Might saw just what was happening....all under his nose!! 

He can't imagine how frightened these kids are-!? He hates to think of how frightened they are, as they watch their teachers fight so hard just to keep them safe. 13 was sort of waking up as she moved around a bit looking up seeing All Might walking right past her. He looks at her letting her know everything is okay now. 

All Might HAD to thank (Y/n) later for that video and giving him a heads up, in fact, she's a smart kid. The only thing he can do now is let everyone even his students know that everything is going to be okay. He's here now. It's a good thing Airi gave him some of her aurae. 

"Listen...I don't know how long this aura will last inside you... it's been a while since we did this....but...If it will help you keep those students safe....then call this a field test...All Might listen to me...YOU ARE TO KEEP THEM THERE. Understand, if you run out then delay them from leaving. And I'll get the rest of the teachers over again. DO NOT PUSH YOUR LIMITS."

Airi used a technique called 'Aura Share' what it does is Airi gives her part of the aura to help All Might stay in his hero form. And yes they have done it a few times when they were in a heated fight. However, ever since Airi almost lose her right arm, she had to retrain her right arm again. To use 'Aura Share' would take BOTH uses of her arms... 

Once he made a loud stomping sound, All Might was filled with only one thing right now and it wasn't all smiling.

It was RAGE.

"...Have no fear students...Cause I. AM. HERE."

He rips his tie off as he stared straight down at Shigaraki and the Nomu. Mineta screamed out tears of joy came spilling out at how they're saved!! Tsu held up Izuku as he was filled with a sense of ease....but also....dread....for this man isn't the same person he remembers watching as he grew up.....he wasn't smiling...

Shigaraki rose from Mineta, Tsu, and Izuku as he spoke in excitement. 

"...After all this waiting...the 'Heroic Piece of TRASH' shows up.~"

Something in the tone of his voice was leaning more towards hatred.....and resentment towards All Might as he stood there angry tossing aside his jacket. The villains that recovered from Aizawa had stood right back up as All Might look down at them all.

"Holy crap....that's him...All Might-!?"

"I have never seen the guy in person before...."

"I never expected him to be so huge...."

But one of them looked angrier than the others, he had stitches going around his body and one eye missing. As he was thinking about who the heck cares about that!? So he scorns the others to snap out of it and stop hanging their mouths open!?

"This is no time to talk you, idiots!! If we strike NOW we can ki-!?"

It's like the guy doesn't get what 'Number One' hero meant....for just a second All Might stood at the top of the stairs, the next minute in the blink of an eye, he was gone and had knocked out everyone surrounds Aizawa!! Knocking them all on their backs and he leaned over protecting a fallen Aizawa. Once everyone drops dead, All Might pick up Aizawa looked at how much his face was tortured!? 

He spoke in a hurt tone....knowing that Aizawa will hang on a little longer for him to make it up to him...

"....I'm sorry Aizawa...I....SHOULD HAVE BEEN here...!!"

All Might then faced forward at Shigaraki and Nomu as he saw his students were behind the two of them....once he widens his eyes, in a flash as his body became one with the wind as he grabbed Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta out of the water dodging Shigaraki!!

But what no one saw was All Might had punched Shigaraki!! Cause then his hand that was masking his whole face fallen off. Showing his whole face now!! All Might had then circled to where the bottom of the stairs was to the entrance as All Might set down Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta down with Aizawa right next to All Might. 

Mineta wondered what just happened!? One minute they were in the water....the next they are out of the water a few feet away from Shigaraki and Nomu!? All Might set his hand over Aizawa's back protecting him. As he informed the three to head back to the entrance and to take Aizawa with them. He rose upsetting himself in front of them but telling them Aizawa doesn't have much time.

Mineta and Tsu were quick to do what they were told, but Izuku was the one who was right behind him as he thanked him for saving them...It wasn't until the Nomu turned his gaze at All Might growing more ravenous.....but Shigaraki however was already fearing the worst as he didn't think anything through. was more of how All Might wasn't anything of what he was told!?

From what he was informed All Might was weaker. Slowly. But after witnessing this, and how he made a direct punch at his face-!? He quickly covered his face as he spoke in a shaken voice....walking weakly round looking for this hand that fell off of his face.

"....No...No, No, No, NO!! It wasn't supposed to GO THIS WAY-!?!!? He's still fast FATHER!! And somehow....he mange to HIT ME!!!"

Getting down on his knees he found his hand as he picks it up speaking in a hysterical voice at how he's like a spoiled child who is not getting what he wanted cause he SAID so. He then looked up thinking, but it wasn't on blaming himself....he was thinking about WHO ELSE he can blame what's happening to them. He was claiming an act of responsibility whatsoever.  

So he was talking about how its the government's fault since they sent one of their own heroes to shove problems THEY can't handle through acts of violence....he was speaking to himself of how he wasn't prepared for that....he couldn't even see All Might when he moved. But it wasn't until he chuckled to himself at he did notice something. He may not have been slower or weaker.....but he WASN'T as fast as he uses to be...

And that was all he needed to be turned his gaze behind him, as he looked like a mad animal from you can see his teeth grinning like 'The Joker' at how the rumors ARE true!! All Might REALLY IS GETTING WEAKER!!!

Izuku set Aizawa over his shoulder as Tsu got to the other side and Mineta held his legs. Izuku dreaded what he witness before All Might came, so he had to tell him. 

"All Might...YOU CAN'T!! That....brain villain, took-!!" 

He had to stop himself from saying One for All out loud, as he corrected himself. Since it's HIS quirk now...

"....Uh I smashed him and I didn't break my arm this time-!? He wasn't fazed at all!! He's too strong!"

Even though he was telling him that, even though All Might had known that.....All Might called back on Izuku as if trying to ease his concern.

"Young Midoriya!! I GOT THIS!~"

Turning around wearing that familiar smile of his, while holding up a peace sign letting Izuku know it's alright! Izuku just stood there looking up, wondering how does he know? But he had to trust him. So turning around Izuku held up Aizawa and started on his way with Mineta and Tsu helping him with the weight of Aizawa.

All Might made sure that the trio made it off towards a safe distance before he faces forward at Nomu and Shigaraki. Once Shigaraki did the same, All Might lunged forward crossing his arms up.

"Carolina!!!! SMASH!!!!"

All Might's real aim was toward Shigaraki, but once he made a command to Nomu to protect and block him. He did what he was told and took on the full attack of All Might's Carolina Smash.

It sees to effect what was behind Nomu cause the water made a huge wave shoot straight up!!

All Might did look surprised at how this guy was thick-skinned! As if mocking or showing human expression he seems to mock or grin at how the attack tickled him. Raising its arms Nomu tried getting a hold on All Might, but he bent backward dodging that from happening!

"....Guess he wasn't wrong when he said it did not affect you!!"

Quick to recover, All Might rose as he punched the Nomu straight in the gut! Even though it did hit him.....Nomu was still standing as he came up to bind All Might. 

Dodging again, All Might tried another hit.

"So...Let's TRY THIS!!!"

This time Nomu was sucker-punched! All Might hit him from the right, then on the left!

Leaping back All Might distance himself too bad Nomu was soon following after him. 

"Doesn't even matter where I punch you does it?"

Dragging his feet to come to a halt, Nomu came in but All Might punched him in the gut again! While pushing the Nomu off, All Might fix his feet as he tried hitting the same spot he hit before. It wasn't long before Shigaraki watch in triumph at how he is on the edge of winning!

"That's because Nomu here has 'Shock Absorbent' All Might.~ The only way you're ever going to hurt him is if you slowly pull apart his flesh.....Of course, I don't think he'll stand there and let you do that.~ You've finally met your match.~"

While hiding in the brushes (Y/n) just rolled her eyes at how this guy is a real piece of work....but she also noticed how he has this...BIG resentment towards heroes....judging by how all he is missing is that villainous laugh of his.....She quickly shakes her head thinking she has been listening to Izuku and his All Might story too much. 

'Oh boy....'

Only it seems that was enough for All Might to take in, as he swiftly dodge the hand about to grab his head, just like Aizawa! Missed him by a hair, All Might circled him!

"Ha! Thanks for telling me how to beat him!!~"

Now it was his turn to grab Nomu from behind, as he locked both arms around him, as he did what seems like a wrestling move, where he was trying to bend backward making him hit the ground by landing on his head!! 

"All I have to do is wear him down!! Then it's on to YOU!!!"

Throwing his whole weight a huge explosion of dust clouded what was going on, Shigaraki lift up both of his arms from the dust getting in his eyes as stood his ground. Just up at the entrance Rikido and the other students waiting at the front were watching as they had a full view of All Might in action!

"All right!! Take that bird brain! That's what you villains get for underestimating him!~"

Uraraka and Mina were by 13 hoping she is okay, but they did look up now and then. But once they heard how Rikido had nothing but a grin on his face, they both looked at one other thinking everything is going to be fine...

Meanwhile back down at the bottom of the stairs, Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta were watching All Might from over their shoulders. Mineta of course was cheering him on, asking Tsu and Izuku if they're seeing this!? Saying how All Might is on a whole another level!

Only Tsu did a comparison of how he still has to look at his notes when he is teaching them.~ Don't know if she was going that to be funny or just to lighten the moment with her own sense of humor. The only one who never once looked away was Izuku while he was walking away, he couldn't help but shake the feeling that something wasn't right...

'....It's possible...they might have a way of 'Killing' him...But even if they do....there's really nothing we can really anything to help him right now....'

Turning his head back Izuku kept his eyes glued to the he tried to shake this feeling down...

'....Even if we do....there's a chance we'll get taken as a hostage...which is so much more worst than getting in his way...I have to put my faith in All Might....and stop worrying about the villain's plan.....'

Izuku tried keeping his mouth quiet as he tried to ignore that odd voice from badly he tried to ignore what was going on inside him.....but it wasn't until it felt like something was tugging on his shoulder from behind as if he was imagining someone's voice that sounded a little upset of what he is doing....and thinking what he is feeling is getting in someone's way.

'....Is that what you think it is...? You think....your getting in someone's way...By CARING? Come on Izuku....what's really stopping you?'

His lips were trembling, he was very close to screaming and talking to himself.....but....he bit his bottom lip to keep it to himself...

"Get that guy!!!"

Mineta cheer from behind holding Aizawa's feet, Tsu only set her index finger on her chin just thinking out loud.

"Maybe we were worried about these bad guys over nothing...All Might's unstoppable!~"

Tsu had to agree with Mineta and the others as she looked forward ignoring what was wrong with Izuku. Cause he is the only one....who knows the truth! He and (Y/n) are the only ones who know his secret.....and how much he is hiding inside....the things he doesn't want anyone to know...

'You.....know....and understand...Don't you Izuku? You know fully well....better than any of them do you?'

Izuku seems to speak in his mind.....yes. In fact, Izuku looked back on his way to school this morning looking at his phone he saw how All Might handle three cases.....and how 13 when she was speaking to Mr. Aizawa as he asked where All Might be. 

13 rose her fingers signaling three fingers. That means All Might used his limit this morning. That why he didn't show up...Izuku can already see how much All Might is blaming himself from behind him like a shadow...

So much was resting on one man's shoulders.....Izuku felt more and more he felt how he was distancing himself further and further away...

'How long do you think it will Last Izuku? How much do you think he can take? And all on his own? You know fully well.....of just how scared he is....that is something no one can say....think.'

The very flashback he saw when he first meet All Might....and how he saw him in his normal form...He still remembers the conversation they had up on the roof. As he lifts his shirt showing the very scar he has been haunted by for five years...

"Pretty gross right? I got this in a big fight five years ago...My respiratory system was basically destroyed...and I lost my whole stomach....all the surgery has pretty much worn me out...I can't be FIXED.....Right now I can only do hero work....three hours a day.....

The rest of the time.....this is what I normally look like...."

Izuku's head sank lower, and lower, as he remembers how he just told him....everything....and he didn't even know fact, it must have been so hard to hold something that big....all to yourself.....

".... I'm supposed to be the 'GUY WHO'S ALWAYS SMILING' right? I'm the Symbol of Peace.....people everywhere have to think I'm not afraid of anything....but honestly kid...I smile....cause I hiding the 'FEAR INSIDE'.....It's just a brave face I 'put on' when the pressure gets high...This job isn't easy..."

He sounded so....gloomy....and alone.....but mostly he sounded so small once he told Izuku that....when that gentle voice that matches a feather's drop asking in his ear.

'....How much do you think it will cost him...Izuku...? If he keeps doing this? How much trouble do you think he's in right now? .....Izuku.....he may be a hero....but what about his human self....? I can only imagine how terrified he's feeling right now...What do YOU wanna do about it Izuku?'

Izuku felt his heartbeat stop and pause as he could almost feel....someone smiling behind this imaginary friend of his.... somehow already knew the answer....but he needed to hear it from him.....loud and proud...

When the dust settled All Might was frozen in place! As a line of blood spilled down the corner of his lip. A groan and held himself together...

"....Gah...gah...Oh...come on! What kind of CHEAP TRICK IS THAT-!?!?"

It seems Kurogiri had lent a hand to Nomu as he had warped half of the Nomu's body in half as he warps the Nomu gripping and stabbing where All Might's scar was!?!

Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta all were held in place as they watched as blood was sainting his white shirt. Nomu was clawing him for dear life refusing to let him go!

Shigaraki chuckled at how he was almost impressed with All Might's plan.....well...ALMOST.

"....Nice.~ You were trying to bury him in the concrete so he couldn't move around.~ Sorry that won't work.~ Nomu's as strong as you are...that won't stop him.~"

All Might had to fight through the pain he was feeling in his old wound! But boy....just how long can he hold it....?! Shigaraki was taking all this in as he finally broke his emotionless diameter and finally gave a victorious laugh as he thanked Kurogiri for lending Nomu the extra hand.

Saying how they got him just where they want him! Motionless.

Kurogiri glared at All Might ready to finish this, All Might released his grip over the lower half of Nomu's body as he tried loosening his fingers around him! Where his wound was, but All Might was trying to fool them as he looked at Kurogiri.

"If this is the best, then you picked the wrong place to attack! You should just give up now!"

Shigaraki went back to scratching his neck, the same spot where (Y/n) hit him since yesterday. As he spoke softly to Kurogiri to shut him up.

"...Normally I wouldn't want blood flooding the insides of my warp gates....BUT I'll make an acceptation for a hero as great as you.~"

Look behind his shoulder All Might saw how both Nomu and he were being sucked into the warp gate, All Might had to hurry and get him off of him!!

"...Since your too fast to see with the human eye...Nomu had to restrain you...and once he's pulled your body halfway through...I'LL SQUEEZE THE GATES SHUT!! I'm going to enjoy tearing you to pieces!!"

All Might felt the sudden squeeze of the Nomu holding him, enough to take his breath away....and not in a very good way either!! He moved around trying to resist but he was only getting closer and closer to the black bottomless pit!!

Tsu and Mineta both stood there scared when Izuku felt a gentle hand over his shoulder as he asked Izuku one more time.

'....What will you do Izuku? .....I think you and I both know the answer to that do we?~'

The voice wasn't taunting him or guess I think the voice was telling him never to question his gut instinct. For it is ALWAYS the right answer...


Tsu looked up asking Izuku what is it? 

"...Will you carry Mr. Aizawa for me...?"

"*Ribbit*....S-sure....but...what are you going to do?"

Izuku's body was slowly moving on its own, but it looked more like he was about to collapse any second now...

'...All Might...I...WON'T.....LET THEM KILL YOU...There's still so much I want you to teach me-!! This can't be how it just can't!!'

Once Izuku made that first was as if someone gave him an encouraging push to DON'T stop! Once Tsu and Mineta looked up Izuku was already sprinting off, not caring about anything else. Like a child not ready to let a parent go without a goodbye. Tears were already staining his eyes!

As All Might still struggle to loosen Nomu's grip on him as he watched in slow motion as his body was getting closer and closer through the warp gate! Izuku was having flashbacks of how far he has come because of him!! How he placed so much trust in him!!


Izuku didn't care if they heard him, all Izuku wanted was to let All Might know that he doesn't have to carry that weight he has on his own alone....he doesn't have to be afraid to show his weakness to him...

'Midoriya....NO. What do you think your doing!?'

All Might look up while laying on his back in mid-air, as he heard Izuku screaming that he is coming! He watched as Izuku came closer and closer, and that made him want to stop all this NOW!! 

Izuku stretched out his hand as he tried reaching for All Might! But then Kurogiri rose to block Izuku's path as if he shouldn't have yelled that he was coming!

".....How foolish..."

Opening another warp gate Izuku's arm was just about to have his arm cut clean off he held his breath as he stood there helplessly.....not knowing what to do....but then a familiar roaring scream called out from behind him, making Izuku looked up!


Soon after that an explosion Bakugo blast the warp for a smokescreen effect, Izuku quickly stood back, as Bakugo pushed himself up as he grabs what he was aiming for! The neck brace as he grips it throwing him to the ground!! It was then a trail of ice started running up, to where Nomu's foot was and once it touched him the right side of the lower half of his body, became frozen!!

But it didn't stop there in fact thanks to the warp gate, Nomu's upper right side of his body was frozen!! All Might noticed how Todoroki is here!! He just stood there unfazed as he explained how one of their poorly trained thugs told him he thinks he can kill All Might. All Might noticed how he control his quirk just in time before the warping gate could reach his body! 

That was all he needed so All Might, thanks to the ice, loosen Nomu's grip around him as he flipped his body over and off and away from the warp gate. Setting himself next to Todoroki All Might held the spot where the blood was. 

Izuku looked up and asked All Might from where he was if he was okay? Kirishima took the chance to leap in and make a hit at Shigaraki! Sadly he dodged and leaped away from his reach to try again. 

Bakugo looked down at Kurogiri as he mocked how he found his body that time! The three boys ready themselves to protect this case aiding All Might. Izuku stood in the middle as watched how they arrived just in wasn't the time for tears he felt as he quickly wiped them away from falling. seems the tables had turned!

For now, Shigaraki was all alone....and defenseless now.....all they were doing now was waiting for his next move.

Once Tsu and Mineta watched as Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki arrived the two relaxed that Izuku was fine and he has helped this time. They were both snapped out of it for they felt Aizawa was moving a little bit. Tsu told Mineta they need to let THEM handle the main villain now, right now they need to focus on Aizawa. And to hurry!

Uraraka and the others watched from the edge at the top of the stairs as she sighed at how the boys are helping Izuku and All Might....but then her eyes found Tsu and Mineta as they were carrying Aizawa. Uraraka brought everyone's attention as she pointed down, and then flagging Tsu and Mineta that they were up here!

Mineta asked the others to help, informing them that Aizawa is badly hurt and they need help carrying him. The kids gasped, at how Aizawa was bleeding, Rikido told Uraraka to hurry and give them a hand. Mina didn't know what to do, but she still stayed by 13's side. 

It wasn't until she finally spoke in a tired voice.

"...Don't worry...All Might will take care of this...When the other teachers get will be find someplace to hide....."

Mina felt helpless that she wasn't helping but 13 seems to understand what Mina was feeling I think it was her way of telling her to stand by for now. So Mina did what she was told and hurried off for someplace to hide. 

Back to where the boys were, Bakugo had pin down Kurogiri, Todoroki kept his ice up keeping Nomu frozen where he was. Looking around Shigaraki looked from one child to the next. Then he started scorning Kurogiri at how he could be so foolish to let that brat get the best of him? Saying how Kurogiri had gotten them into a real jam right now.

Bakugo just took that brat comment as a compliment. As he leaned down pointing out at a confused Kurogiri. 

"Ha. You got careless you dump villain.~ It wasn't hard once that stupid ex-president told me what your quirk was.~ Only certain parts of you turn into that smoky warp gate. You use that mist to hide your actual body as a distraction. Thinking that made YOU SAFE. That's why we missed..."

His grip only got tighter around his neck brace that was hidden by the mist.

"But if you DIDN'T have a body you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor right?~ You not immune to physical attacks if they're WELL aimed.~"

Kurogiri thought he could try and break himself off and away from Bakugo but once his fingers clawed along the metal armor small shots of fire made him stop what he was doing! Bakugo only added his weight over him.

"DON'T MOVE! IF you try anything funny I'll be blowing your a*s so bad they'll be piecing you back together for weeks.~"

It seems he was getting a real kick out of this cause Bakugo's face was really in the zone now. Cause he had that villainous grin as he is true to his threats. Kirishima told him from behind that doesn't sound very heroic...

Shigaraki just lanced his hands together, as he narrated everything that has happened. As if he was strategizing on what to do now? But I think he was looking at how it's the kids he really underestimated. 

".....They escaped uninjured...and capture MY two strongest men....Kids these days really are amazing....they make the 'League of Villains' look like newbies....can't have that....."

But then Shigaraki scratched his spot again as he remembered the same person yesterday. And he thought how anyone who is anybody at the best hero school would use their quirk to stop him. Or at least bind him from escaping.....but that person.... seems to be holding back. Why? He scratched the side of his neck. 

".....You know...I heard something very interesting that happened recently...Maybe YOU can fill me in on it...All seems your school is hiding a big secret. You hiding a 'Special' aren't you?"

Once that word was said Bakugo, Kirishima, Izuku, and Todoroki all had their eyes opened in surprise!? In fact, what bothered them was how does he know that!?

All Might didn't say anything, in fact, I think he had heard of the rumor but....he was told by the other teachers that only the principal knows and one other teacher knows the full details on that. But it's not like he really cared. Don't get him wrong he was a bit surprised there was a 'Special'. But All Might wasn't going to let him know that. After all....even he didn't know who it was. It could be anybody at that school, Shigaraki took that silence as a sign that he has heard about it.

"Haha...I knew it....well YOUR school's 'Special' gave me THIS little scar...yesterday."

Lifting his neck the boys and All Might saw how it wasn't just a scar it was more of a beast's mark!! Whoever gave him that mark they intended to take his whole head with him if he hadn't thrown the dust from them to miss.

".....Oh, don't get me wrong...I admit I didn't believe there was someone who could wound me that badly....but what really p*ssed me off was how they weren't even using their quirk!!! I almost got my head cut off by a 'Quirk-less' brat!? Do you have any idea of how much of an insult that would have been-!?"

Izuku then remembered how (Y/n) arrived late to class that day?! But what puzzled Izuku was (Y/n) didn't look like she just came out of a fight. She looked like she just had to take a breather outside and then came back in?? Well....did that mean....(Y/n) meets the 'Special' along the way?

Izuku didn't know what to think....but...Izuku felt....(Y/n) wouldn't lie to him... Especially since he feels close to her than he has ever been before......

"....What does it matter to you anyway?"

All Might be fixed himself up, as he didn't know what he was asking of him, or was he just here to complain about how he lost to someone without a Quirk? Shigaraki only leaned his head to one side as he confessed.

"....Well, that was PART of the plan of hacking into the school that day....but here's why I just HAD to come today...I heard that this 'Special' was so strong....that they MIGHT be stronger than you.~"

Okay, that made All Might swallow his nerve a bit!? In fact, Izuku, Bakugo, Kirishima, and even Todoroki had a sweat drop from that?! Was such a thing even possible!? A teen so strong that they are even or possibly stronger than All Might???

Shigaraki then stated how all he wanted was to know the person who can live up to such a title, and not revile themselves out in the open. Shigaraki even called them a 'Worthy Opponent'. And how he wanted to see first hand how powerful this 'Special' really is.~

But then already closing the topic Shigaraki faced the Nomu, and he simply spoke his name. And as if he knows what he was about to say, Nomu's upper body was pulled out of the warp gate as Todoroki gasped at what the heck!? Kurogiri warps the upper half body back to make a full Nomu.

But once he tried standing up he howled at how his arm was broken and crumbled off of him. But also his leg making him look like an incomplete monster.....!? He tried standing up but fell back down....that was when he rolled his eyes around as they were set on the kids. Izuku was the first to ask how is that thing still moving!? Pointing out how he is almost up!? All Might told them all to stay back!!

IT wasn't long before the ice Todoroki had once frozen him shattered off, but then muscles of his right arm and leg were growing back....and fast!!

All Might wanted to know what the heck is this, asking how he thought he said Nomu had 'Shock Absorbent'!? Liking how he was so clueless, Shigaraki simply asked him.

"When did I say that was HIS ONLY power? He also has super regeneration Nomu has to be modified to take you on....even at 100 percent.~ He's basically a high efficient punching bag that hits back!~"

Nomu's was fully healed and ready to go another round! As he stood straight up, Izuku and the rest of the boys ready themselves for what is to come! But once Shigaraki stated how they need to free their method of escaping, he orders Nomu to get Bakugo!!

All Might and the others watched at just how fast he was it even made All Might gasp a bit on the inside!! Charging right towards Bakugo he held his breath that if he lets go, what's going to happen once he was hit!? In fact, Bakugo didn't even know what to do....he just barely had any time to come up with something that he watched at how the Nomu in slow motion never once looked away from him!?

Nomu ready his fist as he threw a punch just as powerful as All Might!!! It was so powerful that it looked like it threw someone several hundred yards in the air!!! In fact, Izuku, Kirishima, Todoroki were all threw back at the incredible force!!! That even the trees were blown away, and you can see someone making a trail as they crashed straight past a wall, and crashing into the forest behind it!!!

Izuku had never seen such force that he felt numb at the aftershock from it, but then his eyes looked up as Nomu had himself over Kurogiri now!! But where was Bakugo!? Izuku screamed thinking he hit him, but what he didn't notice was Bakugo was right behind him, but he had the face of pure how did that happen!? 

Izuku looked behind him as he thought how he must have dodged him!! Even Todoroki and Kirishima were impressed.

"Shut up. No, I didn't you damn nerd."

Bakugo sat on his bottom as he couldn't look away from the spot he once was...Bakugo only couldn't believe how he didn't even sense Nomu coming for him!? Kirishima only asked then how the heck did he get over here? Todoroki looked over at first he thought it was All Might....but then he noticed how Kurogiri seeing how everyone focused on Bakugo, had made a warp under All Might's foot stopping him from moving!!!

So then who was it to take that blast on!?

Shigaraki just chuckled a bit at how All Might look down at his foot that was trapped in the warp gate as he then looked over at who the heck pushed Bakugo out of the way? 

"....Uh-ho....looks like you got an innocent child killed All can you live with yourself after that? What's wrong did I make you angry.....well blame yourself....what kind of number 1 hero can't even save a kid?~"

Shigaraki just shrugged his arms up not even bothered to even wonder or who was that fast? But then again he believes that Nomu had just gravely hurt or killed a student and now he is guilt-tripping All Might and his lack of actions. 

Kurogiri picked himself up as he was about to dust himself off when he noticed something was on him? It isn't until Kurogiri looked down seeing blood a puddle of it!? Kurogiri's eyes followed to where the trail was coming from when he took a step back at how he didn't even see it!?

Nomu had a wound right in his brain!? A trail of blood was spilling down his face, but it seems Nomu never even noticed when Kurogiri stood there wondering how the heck did that happen!? But also wondered who hit the Nomu and made a wound that big without letting anyone noticed!?

Of course, Shigaraki wasn't fazed by the small amount of blood, if anything he thought the person Nomu hit just got lucky and made a desperate hit. What he would call 'Dump Luck'...Shigaraki shrugged his shoulders letting Kurogiri know how it's nothing to be too concerned about.  

".......Dump Luck huh?~"

It wasn't until a voice that seems displeased with those choices of words, but it wasn't until everyone heard something creaking, and then it got real quiet.......

(Okay I tried finding an anime character THROWING something, either my choice of words isn't the correct term but I guess this is the best I can do. Very sorry...And yes I know Marvel is a completely different thing than anime.....don't be technical here people, please.....TT___TT)   

Something had been thrown and crashed right onto the Nomu and it surprised everyone All Might, the boys, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri that everyone back up and away from one another. Everyone either looked up or took a step back, as they heard the sound of someone making their way over. 

From the trail that Nomu had just made with just one punch, as it was getting closer and closer...Izuku and All Might were the only ones trying to look through the cloud of dust as they tried to see who was coming. Or more or less who had survived that punch!?

But then everyone saw how one color was coming through the darkness it was right around the right side of their eye......


Slowly walking their way through to get a clear view of everyone but more or less who was the cocky jerk who called their hit 'Dump luck'. Everyone sensed it even All Might and Shigaraki sense how pressure was building up as they made their way closer. With each step, it felt like gravity was crushing them. Not enough to kill them but enough to make it feel like weights were on the shoulders.....But the oddest, bazaar thing is.....the pressure was climbing higher!

As if it was no surprise (Y/n) had made an entrance for her face was cold, distant, and emotionless as she gazed at the Nomu. Watching as the blood was still spilling down the face. She smirked as she started rotating her arm getting the blood to flow through her arm as she kept her eyes solely on Nomu.....

"......Well what do ya know?~ You CAN BLEED.....And judging by how slow taking  for you to seems your head doesn't heal as fast as your body does it?~"

Shigaraki and Kurogiri both in a link open their eye in surprise at how she figured that out from just a glance and one punch!? Kurogiri then threw his arm to the side demanding to know when did she make a hit at the Nomu!? Or for a better topic how did she manage to survive a hit that powerful?!

Her eyebrow rose on one side as she chuckled, making her shoulders shaking in what she considered a joke.

"....Well....if you call THAT a hit?~ Hey now don't get me wrong I'm feeling a little numb on that spot.....but its more of a 'TICKLE' to me...."

Kurogiri called her out thinking she's bluffing, there is no way a teen could walk off of THAT as a tickle!? Only (Y/n) basically ignore Kurogiri and his whining as she started stretching her arms as if warming up. Shigaraki started chuckling thinking this girl is crazy, taking on a monster this size. But it wasn't long before he noticed her eyes....something was very.....familiar about them.

There was....something very.....gruesome behind those if any second now if he pushes her too hard or any further....something even more horrendous will happen to make Nomu look like a saint. 

"....You must have a death wish if you think you can take Nomu on.... bare-handed...Don't tell me you're going to claw him out with your fingernail?~ So why don't you go over there 'Little Girl' and play with some dolls or whatever you lame being do...."

Bakugo better than anyone shook his head slowly back and forth but he'd be lying if he didn't have a little chuckle at his last words. Even Izuku gulped at what is comes next...if Izuku can pick one person in his life that is the most threatening and you DO NOT want to insult... it's HER. If he was to describe her in ONE word it would be...


Shigaraki leaned his head to the side as he was nagging at All Might if he was going to do anything? I think All Might never even bothered to look at Shigaraki as he was trying to get him to be angry, all he saw was (Y/n)'s aura, and how it was giving off that strong wave. It made him think of Airi for a second, All Might chuckled thinking there was no way these two knew each other. After all, Airi had blonde hair, (Y/n) has black hair. 

For now, All Might had to trust (Y/n).....she knows what's she doing judging but how she took that punch like it was nothing. 

"....Nomu....teach this pest-"

He never got to finish his sentence because that's when (Y/n)'s body had pushed off before anybody could even blink!? Nomu was kicked, from the jaw to every place. Such as eyes, neck, chest. It's like she knew the exact spots that could make someone paralyzed from even moving!? They didn't even see how she pulled out her sword....and they all watched as two beasts were fighting it all out!!

(Your fighting and using your sword like this, man I love Morgiana!~ XD)   

She was using her sword swinging at Nomu so hard that Nomu was pushed back trying to block and on the defense!! Shigaraki and Kurogiri both watched in the revelation at how Nomu was on the defense....of a HUMAN!?!? 

"Th-That's IMPOSSIBLE!?!? There is no way a human....a little girl could-!?!"

Kurogiri was having a hard time keeping track of who was hitting and who wasn't, but Shigaraki was the one who couldn't breakaway. It seems he is the only one able to count how many times this little brat has hit his Nomu!!! Not even giving him a chance to defend himself!? Nomu was basically rendered useless!? It's like he forgot how to fight!? How to attack!? He was like a brainless being that couldn't track!?

The both of them made their way over to the edge of the lake when finally the Nomu roared making (Y/n) hold for a second. But that was all the time Nomu need for he grabs her leg swinging her around and throwing her back making her distance herself away from him!!

She leaned forward as she used her fingers to slow her down as she was pushed back to where All Might and the boys were, Izuku was about to ask if she is okay? But then she shoved herself off kicking up dust!!! Blinding everyone...All Might could not look away. It wasn't just that he was impressed.....but he has never seen someone so young take aim and make a direct hit every time...

He laughed at himself thinking he was a newbie compared to her. He couldn't hold his grin in any longer. As his respect for her only grew. 

Nomu watched as she kicked him in the arms but it was so strong that he was pushed into the lake!!! But it wasn't long before she followed after him!

(Your Erza in this case.)

Kirishima's fingers couldn't stop moving, as he held his breath from escaping his mouth...He then asked Bakugo and Izuku if either of them know if she HAS ever show her Quirk? But Bakugo spilled in the air as he stated how she doesn't have one. Of course, Todoroki asked if he was stupid or blind?

"....Quirk-less? Do you really think someone like THAT is 'Quirk-less'? Really Bakugo....maybe you don't know her at all...."


But Todoroki words seem to hit Izuku fact he always believed (Y/n) was telling the truth that she doesn't have a quirk....but once she enters was like....he was starting to have second thoughts now...

But he watched her taking these hits, and dodging he was beginning to understand....maybe he DOESN'T know (Y/n) at all as he thought.....He only tightens his fists as he looked down at the ground wondering why? Doesn't she trust him? And even if she did have a quirk... it's almost like....she was faking it just to make him feel good about himself....??

" POSSIBLE!? She hasn't even used her Quirk and she is taking the Nomu on like he's nothing!?"

Kurogiri threw his words in but Shigaraki kept his focus solely on (Y/n)'s shadow as she was fighting like a wild animal. Her eye was redone a second and then normal the next... Nomu then made a hit on the waters as a wave crashed right towards (Y/n) making her sink into the waves!!

Izuku gasped as the waters soon crashed ashore, wasn't long though before someone leaped out of the water and set themselves up shaking off the water droplets. But looking over her shoulder Nomu flew over setting his fist up about to hit her from behind. 

Once her eye was lifted, (Y/n) straighten her legs and then bend over backward throwing up one leg as she made a direct hit at Nomu's jaw!!!  

(Okay I can't get the image I was trying to show you guys so I will post where I found it. The anime is called 'Air Master' Character's name is Maki. Gif. It's the first image if you go to very sorry guys...TT___TT)

(Y/n) only swiftly turned on her heels as she spun around and wrapped her foot around Nomu's neck as she lifts her body as she raises her sword and making a direct hit into his brain!!!

Nomu roar in pain, as (Y/n) didn't stop at just a stab!! In fact, everyone watched with their mouths opened at how vicious she was taking this!!

She was leaving nothing behind, she had to slash whatever was in her way! How does she make that many hits in a minute!? 

(This is how fast you were hitting Nomu, even in his head!)

What is.....this...?? 


That person.....


Kurogiri was watching as his eyes trembled at how monstrous this girl is.....!?

How much much....bloodlust can one person hold!? 

Bakugo, Kirishima, Shoto, even Izuku, and All Might swallowed at how they thought they knew her. How can these two be they are seeing make the same person!? 

Just a few minutes ago she was a young teen who seems to have all her thoughts together. And basically the 'perfect' student.....and now....she was a villain she was like a demon....!?

Even though blood was thrown all over the place, (Y/n)'s face still wasn't fazed at the blood bath she was putting herself in. However, her face wasn't hit with the red liquid on her face. Nomu's arms soon dropped as she had made so many blows to the brain that once (Y/n) felt that was enough she stop and held her sword by her side seeing how Nomu stopped moving. 

His whole body dropped to his knees as he twitched trying to recover from the number of blows to the head. The blood that was being thrown at all around her, made it look like rose petals.

Freighting....yet beautiful... 

(Y/n) still held herself up...and once Nomu's body was still for once and not a black dot to show his eyes.....(Y/n) lift her leg as she flipped herself off of Nomu. When she swiped the blade bloodstain onto the ground (Y/n) just moved her hair off of her shoulder as she opened her eyes as fixed herself up.

"....Well THAT should buy me a few minutes now....there's something I WANNA ask YOU."

 Raising her blade the tip pointed right at Shigaraki, Kurogiri thought he could defend him, only (Y/n) smirked at his actions. As she asked Kurogiri does he really think he can protect him, now that she knows where his neck brace was, thanks to Bakugo?

Walking her way over, Shigaraki asked showing interest in his voice. It's odd how one minute ago he was threatening and telling her to walk away, and now he is friendly and interested. Of course (Y/n) didn't get too close to him....clearing her voice she asked point-blank.

"....Who's in charge?"

"Hahaha! You're a funny one.~ I'm the-"

"Cut the crap. There is no way in heck you TWO planned this whole thing. Either someone informed you of this place...or the 'REAL' Shark, in this case, told you of what to expect...."

It's almost as if the three forgot who else was around, the boys just wondered what the heck is (Y/n) getting at but more or less who the heck cares who the real boss is!? Bakugo's tick mark was growing more and more heated and bigger! Using his explosion to make himself be seen and heard.


It wasn't before something was thrown barely missing Bakugo's cheek!! As he loses his voice so easily....everyone had their spines stood straight up as something seem to make the ground tremble!!! 

For soon a sort of shockwave made everyone stop what the heck they were doing as (Y/n) glared at Bakugo.....and for once it made him shut his big mouth up. 


(This is Bakugo's face when you told him to shut up.)

(And this is the face your making at him.)

Izuku's arms couldn't keep still, in fact, both of the boys had NEVER seen her like this.....She has never raised her or fact, they didn't even think she knew how to raise her voice. I don't think they even knew what yelling was? 

Kirishima and Shoto both looked back at Bakugo and (Y/n) as he fell back on his bottom. Izuku flinched thinking how Kacchan never did that!? But he had to admit....where is this anger suddenly come from...??

Shigaraki chuckled at how where does she come off as giving him orders, in fact, he just laughed throwing his head back pointing up at her. 

"HAHA!! You, giving me orders?~ You really are an arrogant brat! Thinking I'd tell you anything!~"

But then a loud bang echoed through the field as Shigaraki snapped his eyes opened as he didn't even see her holding a gun!? Kurogiri took a step back, wondering when did she....he didn't even have time to see her pull it out!?

The steam was exiting out of the end as (Y/n) never looked away, as she made a deeper wrinkle where her eyebrows were.

"Okay....let's get something straight I don't give a flying frat in space what the hell you jerks are here for....but if you think that I'm going to let you escape without answer something I HAVE TO find out for myself then fine! I don't mind torturing it out of either of you!"

Kurogiri asked what kind of a hero she is trying to be!? 

When she just had laughed like a villain as it made Izuku's and All Might's spine shake....they have never thought in a million years (Y/n) would behave like this!?

"You idiots think THAT'S what I wanna be?~ Not even close. In fact, I don't have anything to prove to the world...alright. I'm here FOR ME. Yeah call it selfish, but if you have any idea what kind of life I've had well.....but then again...I highly doubt you'd care. After all, I don't need a Master's degree to figure you okay? Let me see if I can guess this right...YOUR upset cause no one was there for you when YOU needed help, is that it?~ Something so tragically happened to you, that scared you to the very core and now you can't trust a hero cause why is it that they save others but not you?~"

Shigaraki for once was silent, in fact, she hit the nail on the head. It wasn't until (Y/n) just told him straight up how stupid he is. 

"Listen, sweetie, bad things happen all the time to people. You can't think that whatever happened to you justifies your actions today. In fact...I'm guessing by how your dressed is cause a villain saved you didn't they? Pitiful."

Shigaraki hated how the way she was talking to him, in fact, what the heck does she know?! Where does she come off as a saint, and claiming him as the bad guy, so for that brief moment he completely forgot everything that he was taught. As he made a fist and blood was running down at how tight his squeeze was. 

" WHAT...A VILLAIN saved me!! But you know what, where do you come off as a hero of justice in fact!! What right do heroes have to use their powers that are just as destructive as those villains!? You and the rest of those heroes are a bunch of government trash!!! So don't try telling me that you and I are different in fact....judging by the way you think...YOU and I are so much alike!!!"

A long moment of pause when finally (Y/n) shook her head slowly. She set her gun to her side as her hair came undone as danced around her covering her face and eyes.

"....No. There IS a difference between YOU and Me. It seems WE both have been in the abyss....we BOTH saw just how deep and how it makes children's monsters hiding under their beds seem like nothing compared to what WE went through.....but the difference is...WHEN we both gazed into the abyss....when it looked back at the US...YOU BLINKED."

Shigaraki held his breath at how she took the words right out of his mouth, but then Nomu had slammed both palms onto the ground he gave a might roar as he charged forward towards (Y/n) with her back turned! All Might be about to finally make a move, but just when he leans over to leap in to protect her a sudden rise of pressure pushed him back. 

In fact everyone, even the rest of the class and the villains who were coming back for round two all looked up. It was like hearing a monster breaking through the earth to bring hell to them all!!

A large amount of wind was blow up around (Y/n) as she glared right back up at Nomu as he made a foolish mistake raising his fist at her. For he didn't even hit her and already his body was quivering as he already regrets what he tried to do. 

" back for round two huh?~ Alright....I'M GAME."

Throwing her sword up above into the ceiling she made a strong fist as Nomu slowly looked back down at her when she made contact with his lower jaw as he was thrown backward!!! 

Nomu crashed into the forest area as (Y/n) set herself up, about two seconds later Nomu was up and like a mad dog using his jaw to bit her head off!!

It was like watching a REAL PRO in action, (Y/n) knew how to hold her own, Nomu was looking like a complete and utter fool!? Nothing was said between anyone. They all had their mouths opened at how-!? How in the heck is she not only dodging him the exact moment but how can she make a hit land THAT hard.

For it sounded like cannons going off!? 

Even the students who were at the front all looked up wondering where was that sound coming from. When Nomu roar again as his muscles were getting even thicker now, and you can see veins pumping blood through them!?

Once (Y/n) landed another hit, it made another shockwave as it pushed back even Kurogiri, and Shigaraki along with the boys as All Might to them to stay back!!

"Weren't YOU listening Nomu is shock absorbent!?!"

Only (Y/n) just smirked as she called him out while it seems she was now hitting harder!!

"Your POINT?! And by the way, you really need to know how to use your words!? 'Shock Absorbent' means there's a LIMIT to what he can take!! If he had 'Nullification' then yes! I would be in trouble! So let's see how many hits YOU CAN TAKE BIG MAN!!!!"

It wasn't until a sudden quake made the whole area shake!? Everyone inside was wondering what the heck is going on!? Cracks were forming around the dome area!?

Even the glass up on the roof was not able to hold its form as tiny pieces of glass started falling! As of now, (Y/n)'s entire body was surrounded by this massive amount of energy!? It wasn't wasn't raw super strength....but it was so strong that it was making everyone duck their heads holding something that doesn't fall on them!?

(Y/n) was soon had her entire body pushed up into the air as she was hitting Nomu in every direction!? Every time Nomu tried getting a grip on her, she would twist his finger making it crack a bone as she crawled all over him!!

She then spun around in mid-air as she launched him up towards the roof, but then (Y/n) backflipped as she followed right after Nomu as she beat him to the roof as she used both hands putting them together to make a two for the price of one-hit as she slammed both of her hands into his brain!!

Making him fall at a rapid pace!!

Then once her toes touched the roof she slammed back down meeting him at the bottom. Nomu only made one hit as he bounced off of the ground as she ready her fist last time. 

As she looked at him, as she growled.

"....GET. OUT. OF. MY. SITE."

(This is your last hit!)

As if it was a video game (Y/n) roared as her fist made contact with Nomu's stomach you could see the force that came!!! And like All Might, an explosion of raw brute force sent the Nomu flying out of here and making a big huge hole in the roof!!!

I think the boys had their eyes trembling as they have never seen a fight quite like this....!? All Might himself even had to he watched as the dust and destructive sound of things breaking that he was looking a 'REAL PRO'. 

From that amount from the blow, the very same sword (Y/n) used to throw it up to, loosen up, and came right back down as she caught in at the sword grip! As she faced around making a line cleaning her way out.

"....Now....WHO'S NEXT?" 

He hates to admit it but Bakugo couldn't look away for a second. As his eyes solely gazed at (Y/n) as he felt just like when he first meets her. But now they are on a completely different scale. If anything that made him so upset was how? How does she do it? How does she get so far ahead of him!?

For Bakugo had to admit...

' how...I REAL PRO works....!?'

She's the real deal!

In fact (Y/n) might as well be THE TOUGHEST Student in U.A!?

As (Y/n) slowly made her way over (Y/n) set her sword upon her shoulders as she wanted to enjoy the look on Shigaraki's face.

"Should I tell you how many times I hit your Nomu?~ No. You might throw a bratty fit if I told you....well anyway.~ What good are YOU guys if you can't even BEAT a girl?~ However are you two going to take on All Might if you are too scared to come at me...See that's the difference between YOU and Me. The abyss DID NOT MAKE ME BLINK...."

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