Bend or Break

Oleh Sprinting_Ginger

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REUPLOADED STORY!!! Accidents can lead to heartbreak, but they may also lead to something better... but how m... Lebih Banyak



567 24 18
Oleh Sprinting_Ginger

Ashton's POV

"That's more than just your yoga bag." I comment as Izzy slides into the passenger seat of my car.

"I don't work today, figured I'd be your shadow since I get insanely busy next week with clinicals starting, and school and work. Is that okay?" She smiles, leaning across the console to kiss me softly.

"Yes. I can take you to breakfast and you can come to the studio with me. It will be fun. But why the bags?"

"I figure I should probably work on some of my homework while I'm with you today. You'll be working so I'll sit in the corner and do my work quietly too. But at least I can do it near you."

"I'd like that." I grin, pulling onto the mostly empty road, heading towards the yoga studio.

"Me too. I feel like I only see you at yoga anymore." She whines slightly, leaning her head across the console onto my shoulder.

"We both knew we would be busy, especially with you doing your last semester of your degree. It's okay, I know it's not on purpose that you can't ever do anything. Plus our schedules are sorta flip flopped right now, you working mornings to mid afternoon and me going in at like noon and then not home until late."

"Exactly. I knew I had today off so I made a plan to be able to spend it with you." She smiles, curling her fingers around my arm, cuddling into it slightly.

"Well I greatly apprecate that. We got spoiled with those weekends in December, New York, and home, and Vegas, all before reality hit us."

"I know. We should have enjoyed them more."

"I don't think that was the problem." I chuckle.

"Ya, we enjoyed them pretty well. But it's been a couple weeks of missed calls and sporadic texts and I miss you." She frowns, looking up at me.

"That's why we are going on a breakfast date before we head into the studio. I need some time with you." I smile.

"Thank you."

"Hey, Calum's throwing a big party Saturday night to celebrate his birthday. You should come with me to that."

"He already invited me." She chuckles, "Took you long enough to ask me too though."

"Really? Please come with me, Iz, it's going to be a lot of fun. And you can meet more of my friends."

"Just tell me when to be ready, and I'll be there." She smiles.

"Yay!" I can't help but grin, excited for the prospect of seeing her again this week in an even more casual setting.

"How dressed up do I need to be for this party?"

"Not much, jeans are fine just don't wear pajamas. Although if you pack them and leave them in the car to stay with me after that's fine."

"Hint hint, wink wink." She laughs.

"Not even. Bring an overnight bag you're staying at my house after the party, Izzy Fey." I chuckle.

"Don't have to ask me twice."

"This weekend just got even better. I hope you know that."

"Oh, I do. I get to spend it with you, that makes it infinitely better. I haven't got to do that in weeks."

"That's why it wasn't a hint but a statement."

"A very good statement." She sighs, rubbing her fingers over my arm softly.

"Does the studio look closed to you?" Izzy asks as I turn into the empty parking lot.

"There's no one here. Not even Amber yet." I nod.

"There's a paper taped to the door, just a second." She undoes her seatbelt and slides from the car.

After a couple seconds reading the paper she jog backs, "I guess there's no yoga today, there was a gas leak yesterday and they are still working on fixing everything."

"Well, okay then, want to just go back to my house for a while? Then we can find some breakfast and head into the studio?"

"I'm going wherever you take me." She smiles.

"Perfect." I grin, turning back out of the lot and heading off towards my house, excited to spend the morning cuddling with Izzy and ignoring everything else.

Izzy's POV

"This is the studio." Ash smiles, parking his car in a small lot behind a rather boring looking building.

"And you're sure you won't get in trouble for bringing me with you?"

"I won't. The other girlfriends come all the time. Come on, Cal is going to be excited to see you again. And everyone else needs to get a chance to meet you." He smiles, pulling my large backpack from the backseat and slinging it over his arm.

"I can carry my own shit." I laugh, jogging around the car to meet him.

"Na, I can carry it in for you. What do you have in here anyway? Bricks?"

"Books. And a laptop. I know it's a bit heavy but I have a large work load. That's why I said I could carry it."

"It's heavy for a book bag, Iz, it's not heavy though. I'm fine." He chuckles, holding the door open for me to pass in front of him. The moment we make it into the small building I can hear yelling and laughter from down the hallway.

"Sounds like everyone is in a good mood, so even better for having them meet you." Ash grins, taking my hand and nearly dragging me towards the noise.

"Hey, guys!" Ashton yells as we walk through a doorway into a large room, instruments and computers set up all over.

"Izzy! I didn't know you were coming today!" Calum grins, hurrying towards us.

"I had a day off, and those are few and far between for the next four months." I shrug, hugging him when he pulls me in.

"Welcome to 5sos craziness. Please enjoy." He chuckles.

"Here," Ashton pulls me behind his drum kit, setting my bag against a blank part of the wall. "This will be a good place for you to study, out of the way and with a wall to lean against."

"Except when I get distracted watching you on the drums." I smirk, pulling my bag off his shoulder.

"That is not my fault. And I won't be on them too much until later. We are working on final tracking for the album songs. So unless we have to retrack some of the drums you'll be good for a few hours."

"Not sure if that is a good thing. I was kind of looking forward to watching you practice."

He rolls his eyes at me, "Study now, while we do the boring part of this, and watch later when I am practicing."

"Deal," I chuckle, setting my bag on the ground and moving to sit, only to be pulled up by my arm.

"Don't you dare sit your ass down without giving me a kiss first." He laughs.

"Maybe I don't want to." I smirk.

"Liar." He laughs again, pecking my lips softly before turning to head towards the rest of his band. I can't help but notice the others glancing at me from the corner of their eyes. Suddenly I feel very unwelcome...

Deciding to just roll with it, I set up my computer and pull up the assignment I need to finish by tomorrow evenings class. Turning myself so I can't see the room at large, letting myself focus on the computer fully. I have to keep my grades up, and no judgy girls or guys are going to distract me from that. I slip earbuds into my ears without turning on any music, just to help block out the noise of the band working, and set to work reading the article I need too.

Ashton's POV

"So why did you bring her?" Luke asks quietly, glancing towards Izzy.

I frown when I see she has turned herself so that she can't see anything going on in the room, her left side pressed to the wall. "Why do you bring Sierra regularly?" I fire back.

"She's my girlfriend?" He questions, like it should be obvious.

"And Izzy is Ashton's girlfriend. Get used to her coming around sometimes." Cal rolls his eyes.

"Thank you." I sigh, turning to him.

"But why here? We should know her before you bring her to the studio." Mike asks.

"How the fuck are you supposed to get to know her if I don't bring her to things like this? She isn't hurting anyone. She has homework to do and she wants to get to know my friends. Plus she is busy and I'm busy. The fact that she had a day off to spend with me is a miracle in itself. So be nice, and stop acting like I brought the fucking plague with me."

"Your girlfirend still does homework, Ash, doesn't that sentence sound a bit weird."

"She's twenty-one and graduating this semester top of her class with her Bachelors degree. No it isn't weird." I sigh, "Please, guys, try to be nice, for me. I would really appreciate it."

"We will try, for you." Luke sighs, but nods. I hope he is being honest, if they do try they will like her I know it. But they have to try.

"So. Calum turns to me smirking after a few hours of putting songs in different orders to find the best track order for the album, "Can I go scare the shit out of her yet?" He chuckles.

"Have you been waiting this whole time to ask that?" I laugh.

"She is the one who put herself in the position for it." He nods.

"Yes. But I am not apologizing or responsible for any reaction or injury she may cause you!" I roll my eyes, but he's halfway across the room by the time I finish talking.

"What is he-" Michael stops talking as Calum crouches down really close to Izzy's side, all of us watching intently.

"IZZY!" He yells suddenly, right by her ear.

"FUCK!" She gasps, whipping an arm up as she jumps, knocking him on his ass, "Calum!" She half laugh half whines.

"That was fun." He chuckles back.

"I hate you now."

"No you don't." I yell, getting her to glare across the room at me.

"Did you tell him to do that?"

"Nope. He said you gave him the opportunity by sitting how you did." I chuckle.

"I was trying to concentrate on my paper." She frowns, "But lesson learned."

"I'm sorry, Iz, but you are being so boring in your own little bubble, take a break and come hang out with us." Calum offers her a hand up as he suggests it.

"I could use a break. I'm tired of reading about cognitive delays and their effect on reflexes." She sighs, taking his hand.

"I don't even know what you just said. But it sounds fucking boring." Cal laughs.

"It isn't but it is complicated." She laughs, wandering towards the rest of us with Cal.

"Watch out." Cal pulls her to the left slightly so she doesn't trip over a small amp.

"Dammit. I've been doing so good with that." She laughs, "Thanks."

"Don't feel bad. Even I trip in this room." I chuckle, pulling her onto my lap when she reaches us. "So to better introduce you. Izzy, this is Luke and Michael, my other two bandmates." I smile.

"Nice to meet you again, but more casually." Iz smiles.

"You too." Luke's smile looks genuine, making me relax a bit.

"So you're still doing school? That's what Ash was saying?" Michael asks.

"Ya, I graduate in May with a bachelors of Science in Occupational Therapy with a minor in elementary disabled education." Iz smiles.

"I literally have no idea what like any of those words mean. " Luke laughs.

"She's going to work with kids who have disabilities, like autism or down syndrome and help them learn to walk or talk or eat or whatever they need." I grin at her.

"To name a couple things." She laughs, "I'll do a lot more, those are just bigger things. And not all the kids will be special needs, but most will. Sometimes it will just be teaching parents sign language to communicate with their nonverbal child, or helping a child overcome their food aversions. Or showing a parent stretches to help correct their baby's flat head issues before they have to have a helmet."

"So you're like a doctor?" Luke looks shocked.

"No. Just a therapist. I have more schooling to do too. I graduate with my bachelors this spring, and I have a year and a half of credits left for my PhD. I'd have finished my bachelors earlier if I could but certain classes had to be taken one after the next, so I started into the classes for my doctorate while I finished those. I'll be a licensed OT come summer, but a doctor of Occupational Therapy next year sometime. I have to convince them to let me take more classes so I can get it finished in a year instead of two."

"So you are almost a doctor." Cal laughs.

"But not a doctor of medicine." She shrugs, but nods.

"Holy fuck. You're probably the smartest person I've ever met." Michael laughs.

"In my subject maybe. But you all know way more than I do about music. Because that is your passion."

"So like if I twist my ankle on stage could you bandage it up no problem?" Luke loos dumfound.

"Yes. I'm not a physical therapist or like a sports medicine trainer, but I know basic splints and wraps. I could get you back on your foot with proper support to finish a show." Izzy laughs.

"Whoa. And you picked Ashton?" Luke chuckles.

"Hey!" I laugh though.

"I grew up in a very stiff and traditional environment. I like the change." She shrugs, smiling at me.

"I'm helping her parents view the world differently." I chuckle.

"No. You are helping me view it differently. You're giving my dad a heart attack." She laughs.

"Ya, that might be more accurate."

"Okay, so you're smart as fuck, and you don't listen to music. What do you do in your down time?" Luke asks.

"What the hell is down time?" Izzy laughs, "I work full time, have 200 hours of clinicals to complete in the next three months, and 18 credit hours of classes, plus a 25 page Thesis paper to write. I sleep if I'm not doing one of those things."

"She's busier than we are." I add, kissing her shoulder softly.

"I don't have a ton of down time. But I like to watch stupid cheesy tv with my best friend or lay in silence letting my brain do absolutely nothing when I have a minute for me."

"Wow. I'm in a band and I don't think I've ever been that busy." Michael chuckles.

"I'm not sure how not to be that busy. I'm a little nervous for this summer, I'm not doing classes and I work at a school so I'll be out of that for a couple months too. I haven't not been busy since before high school. And I'll have nothing for two and a half months."

"I might get to see you for more than an hour every morning? And a couple hours every other weekend?" I fake gasp.

"You might get sick of me." She laughs.

"Worth the risk." I shrug.

"We're on tour though, Ash?" Cal frowns.

"She has a passport. She can fly out for a while and travel with us."

"Traveling sounds nice." She nods.

"Hey!" Cal turns to Izzy suddenly, "You're coming to my birthday party this weekend right?"

"Of course. I scheduled you in after you texted me. Don't worry."

"Good. I want you there. And I know Ashton does too. Make sure to look hot, you'll be being introduced to like all his friends for the first time."

"She always looks hot." I fire at him, "Just be comfortable." I add, directing the comment to Izzy.

"I think I can manage to put together an outfit." She rolls her eyes.

"If your eye isn't quite enough I'm sure Emily will help."

"I'm sure she will too, even if I tell her I'm fine." She laughs.

"Hey, Cal?" Luke suddenly looks nervous.

"Yes, Luke."

"Um, Sierra said she and KayKay were going shopping for new outfits for the party. So you invited Ashton, Izzy, and KayKay, all to this party?"

"Well ya. They are all my friends. You two won't cause issues right?"

"Of course not." Izzy frowns.

"Nope. Kay is still friends with all of you, I already assumed she was invited." I shrug.

"And she probably assumed Ash will be there. Don't panic too much Luke. We're all adults. We'll get through the night." Mike smiles.

"I just hope she knows you're bringing Izzy." Luke shrugs.

"It will be fine, Luke. I'm not going to like rub it in her face that I'm dating him now. I'm not a bitch unless you ask for it." Izzy frowns.

"We'll be fine, don't stress. We are all going to be there to celebrate Calum's birthday. That's all." I nod.

First off, we are getting an Ashton album and I have been crying all day and also already bought a shirt. 😂 I am so excited and proud of Ashton for doing this!!! Skinny Skinny is amazing!!!

So how does Calum's party go??

And predictions?

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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