Partners in Crime; A Jay Hals...

By Writer_Reader05

353K 7.7K 632

Y/n L/n used to be a Homicide Detective, but now, she has been transferred to the Intelligence Unit of the 21... More

Season 1; Stepping Stone
Wrong Side of the Bars
Chin Check
Now Is Always Temporary
Thirty Balloons
The Price We Pay
Different Mistakes
A Material Witness
At Least It's Justice
Turn the Light Off
8:30 PM
My Way
The Docks
A Beautiful Friendship
Season 2; Call It Macaroni
Get My Cigarettes
The Weigh Station
Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw
An Honest Woman
Prison Ball
They'll Have to Go Through Me
Assignment of the Year
Called in Dead
Shouldn't Have Been Alone
We Don't Work Together Anymore
Disco Bob
A Little Devil Complex
Erin's Mom
What Do You Do
What Puts You on That Ledge
Say Her Real Name
Get Back to Even
The Three Gs
The Number of Rats
There's My Girl
Push the Pain Away
Born Into Bad News
Season 3; Life Is Fluid
Natural Born Storyteller
Actual Physical Violence
Debts of the Past
Climbing Into Bed
You Never Know Who's Who
A Dead Kid, a Notebook and a Lot of Maybes
Forget My Name
Never Forget I Love You
Now I'm God
Knocked the Family Right Out
Looking Out for Stateville
Hit Me
The Song of Gregory William Yates
A Night Owl
The Cases That Need to Be Solved
Forty-Caliber Bread Crumb
Kasual with a K
If We Were Normal
In A Duffel Bag
She's Got Us
Start Digging
Season 4; The Silos
Made a Wrong Turn
All Cylinders Firing
Big Friends, Big Enemies
A War Zone
Some Friend
A Shot Heard Around the World
Don't Bury This Case
Don't Read the News
You Wish
I Remember Her Now
Seven Indictments
Favor, Affection, Malice or Ill-Will
Emotional Proximity
Remember the Devil
Little Bit of Light
Last Minute Resistance
Grasping for Salvation
Army of One
Fork in the Road
Season 5; Reform
The Thing About Heroes
Care Under Fire
Rabbit Hole
Chasing Monsters
Breaking Point
Season 6; New Normal
Bad Boys
Ride Along
Fathers and Sons
True or False
Black and Blue
Night in Chicago
Ties That Bind
Good Men
The Forgotten
Pain Killer
This City
What Could Have Been
Season 7; Doubt
Brother's Keeper
False Positive
No Regrets
43rd and Normal
The Devil You Know
I Was Here
Center Mass
Burden of Truth
Intimate Violence
Before the Fall
Buried Secrets
Silence of the Night
Season 8; Fighting Ghosts
White Knuckle
Tender Age
In Your Care
Equal Justice
Protect and Serve
Impossible Dream
The Wedding
The Radical Truth
Signs of Violence
Due Process
Trouble Dolls
The Right Thing
The Other Side
Season 9; Closure
The One Next to Me
In the Dark
End of Watch
Trust Me
A Way Out
Home Safe


1.3K 28 0
By Writer_Reader05

Yn's POV

The alarm on my phone started beeping, a sign that it was time to get up. I groaned and reached out, clicking the snooze button in an attempt to get a few more minutes of rest in. I then rolled back over, expecting to bump into Jay, but the bed was empty. That's when the events from the day before hit me, and I remembered that Jay and I had a fight. I sighed and stood up, making my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Once I had showered and gotten dressed and done everything else I usually do in the morning, I headed out into the living room. It was no surprise that Jay was gone. When we had fights like this, which wasn't often, we didn't speak to each other for a while. I drove myself to work today, which felt really weird since Jay usually drove the both of us. At work, I bumped into Hailey in the lobby.

"Hey. I saw Jay come in by himself earlier. You guys okay" Hailey asked me.

I shrugged and started putting my hair up into a ponytail. "We had a small fight the other night about how I went about arresting Del Toro. Jay was kind of a jerk about it too. As soon as he's ready to apologize, I'll listen" I say.

"Why don't you just apologize first" Hailey suggested.

"So, what? You're taking his side now? All I did was pursue a suspect on my own, which every single person in the Unit has done at one point or another" I explain.

"I'm not necessarily taking Jay's side, but you could've gotten seriously hurt, Yn" Hailey said.

I growled and pushed the strap of my satchel further up my shoulder. "If I knew everyone was going to grill me today, I wouldn't have come in to work" I say before heading upstairs.

As I set my stuff down at my desk, I looked up at caught Jay's eye. Our eyes didn't stay connected for long though because I soon looked away. I did not want to start a second argument when I had just gotten to work. Right now, all I wanted to do was bury myself in a case.

"All right, listen up. We've got a new target. His name is Wilson Young. He's a high level dealer for the South Side Hustlers. Got multiple priors for possession, distribution, and assault" Voight said.

"The guy's been a player for a while now, but no charges have been brought against him for four years because nothing will stick" Adam added.

"That's because he's got a protector. Brian Kelton. Bottom line is, Wilson is Kelton's 'fix it' man" Voight informed us.

"So you want to catch Wilson dirty" Antonio asked.

"Yeah, but it has got to be real dirty. It's got to be a big ticket charge. Something he can't wiggle out of. Something big enough to force him to flip on Kelton" Voight explained.

"I've got an angle. A CI of mine, Maya Shelly, she hangs out with the Southside Hustlers, and she's great with intros" Kevin said.

"Okay, good. Persuade her to set up a drug deal, and let's get eyes and ears on Wilson. We've got to move fast" Voight said.


Trying to make a deal with Wilson did not go as planned. He wouldn't take the bate. The good news is though, that while Kevin and Wilson were talking, Jay was able to put a tracker on Wilson's car, so now, we could see where he was all the time. I was at my desk, keeping an eye on the tracker when Kelton walked in. Every time I see him, I just want to punch him even more.

"You know, Superintendent, usually when people come up to the bullpen, I'm excited, because it's for a lead on a case. You, on the other hand, make me want to pound my head in with a sledgehammer. Have you not gotten the message that no one up here likes you" I ask him and smirk.

"Keep talking like that all you want, Ln. It doesn't bother me. I'm going to be mayor of Chicago soon, and my first act as mayor is going to be getting you assigned to the foot beat at 26th and Cal for the rest of your career" Kelton retorted.

"Oh, I'm counting on it" I sneer.

After Kelton talked to Voight, he finally left the office. That man came here so often it was like he worked here. And I definitely didn't want that.

"Burgess and Atwater have a lead" Adam announced as Voight exited his office.

"Tell them we're on our way" Voight said.

5 minutes later, Adam, Antonio, Voight and I met up with Kim and Kevin on a corner. Supposedly, they had found something.

"Wilson's runner led me right here. The kid did a car switch in the parking lot, dusted off for 20 minutes, and pulled into that garage" Kevin said and pointed across the street.

"He stayed in there for 15 minutes, drove out, and then returned the car to the same lot" Kim added.

"That's Wilson's stash house. Kid dropped off cash, picked up packs and jabs" Voight spoke.

"We ran the address through narcotics. They confirmed it as a stash house but we don't have anything to tie it to Wilson. It's not enough for an arrest" Kim said.

"Wilson's smart. He's probably never even stepped foot near this place" Adam said and glanced at the house.

"We don't have time to flip up the chain or tickle the wire" Antonio pointed out.

"So we gut the stash house. Have Halstead and Upton pull gear from the roll-up on the quiet. Not the M-4s, just pistols and my Remington, and any blackout gear doesn't announce our office" Voight said.

"Copy that" Adam said.

Hailey and Jay brought the gear over, and after we all got geared up, he busted into the house. We had blackout masks on, so no one could see our faces. We then threatened the people inside to give us everything they had, which turned out to be a lot of drugs, guns, and money. Back at the district, I was supposed to inform everyone on how Voight wanted to proceed with things, and when I walked downstairs, I came across, Hailey and Jay, both of whom I wasn't on speaking terms with.

"Hey, uh, Voight wanted me to let you guys know that we're going to man the trackers, wire, COH, and everything we've got" I say.

For a few seconds, silence filled the room. And lets just say it was pretty awkward. Once Hailey saw that Jay wasn't going to talk, she spoke up.

"All right. We'll be up in a few minutes to help" Hailey said.

"Great. Thanks" I tell her before turning around and heading upstairs as quick as I could.


"Wilson visited a stash house an hour ago and picked up two of his runners. It's safe to say he's pissed" Kim said.

"Wilson then makes a phone call to his supplier. He has a big deal to make and doesn't have any product to do it with. The phone call goes back to Trey Guerrero. He supplies Mexican tan heroin to the Southside Hustlers" Hailey informed us.

"Someone please tell me they set a meet" Adam said.

"West End garage, 2:00 p.m. today" Jay responded.

"This is it. I mean, he's about to buy $1/2 million worth of dope. We get him on this, he'll have no choice but to flip on Kelton. All right, let's move" Voight said.

At the meeting sight, all of us were spread out. Voight and Antonio were in one car parked on the street. Kim and Kevin were at the front of the garage pretending to have car trouble. Jay and Hailey were in a security van at one end of the road. And then there was Adam and I, and we were on foot standing against a fence right near where the deal was supposed to take place.

"All right, heads on a swivel. As soon as we get a positive on Wilson and see drugs exchange hands, we roll in, but wait for my-" Voight was cut off as gunfire hit my ears.

I looked around the corner to see that someone was firing a machine gun right at the security van that Hailey and Jay were sitting in. I ran forwards to try and help, but Adam grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Yn, you can't go over there" Adam said as the gunfire continued.

"My best friend and boyfriend are sitting in there, Adam! I'm not going to just stand around and do nothing" I say and shake my arm from his grasp before taking off towards the guy shooting.

The good news is, I managed to get to hit right as he was reloading. The bad news his, he took off in a sprint. I ran after him as fast as I could, turning down alleyways and going down side paths.

"Wilson is down, suspect is fleeing through the garages. Male, black, blue jeans, gray jacket" I say into my radio.

I then got to an alley and looked around. To my right was Kevin, and to my left was Kim. Our shooter was nowhere to be found. We had lost him, and Wilson was dead, meaning our case was basically ruined. Right as I got back to the crime scene, I made my way over to Jay and Hailey. As soon as I got to Jay, I hugged him tightly. All of my anger at him disappeared as I buried my face into his neck and inhaled his familiar scent. Jay returned the hug and placed his cheek against the top of my head. For a few seconds, we just stood there, but soon I pulled away.

"I'm so sorry" I say and look him right in the eyes. "I've been an ass this past day. When we had our fight after I arrested Del Toro, I should have listened to you. It was stupid of me to go off on my own. I mean, I could have been seriously hurt, and that's all you really cared about. I guess some part of me just wanted to prove that I belong up in Intelligence with the rest of you."

"I forgive you. And you don't have to prove yourself. You already have multiple times. You're an amazing cop, Yn. No one doubts that. I just want you to be safe. You're everything to me" Jay said.

That's when I turned to Hailey, my best friend. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I was pissed off at Jay, and I took my anger out on you" I say.

"It's okay. I get it. We're all good" Hailey said.

"All right, somebody knew Wilson was going to be there, and he knew our van was police" Voight said once the whole team gathered up.

"I've got something. I recovered a burner on Wilson's body" Hailey said.

"Anything useful on it" Voight asked.

"Yeah, five calls and three text messages to an unregistered number. The last text read, 'Like I said yesterday, the cops are onto me, need your help, you owe me.' The burner replied, 'Will look into it'" Hailey read aloud.

"So Wilson knew we were hunting him down, and he reached out to Kelton's burner, which means Kelton knew our plan. So he orchestrates Wilson's murder to cut us off at the legs" I say.

"Let's say Kelton is that cold blooded. How did he do it" Jay asked.

"Who cares? Look. If we catch the shooter and convince him to flip on Kelton, we are back in business with a bullet. So let's keep our boots on the ground and figure out what the hell just happened" Voight said.


"All right, our hunch about Kelton is no longer just a hunch. I got word he was on the South Side yesterday at corner of 70th and Calumet from 4:00 to 4:15. Wilson's supplier, Trey Guerrero, he lives on that block. I'm not sure what they discussed, but I guarantee you it had something to do with Wilson" Voight assured us. 

"That's why Trey didn't show up for the meet. It was a setup" Kim said. 

"We picking him up" Hailey asked. 

"His phone's off and he's not at home. Lodge a BOLO" Voight responded. 

"Hey, I got something. So that house with a flag that didn't let patrol in, it's owned by a Phil Sturgeon. Phil Sturgeon is clean, but his nephew, Deon, is not. Deon's a low level runner for Trey. Deon's parole officer said that his last known address was Uncle Phil's" Kevin explained. 

"That fits. Kelton goes to see the supplier, Trey, and tells him that Wilson's working with the police. Then Trey order's Deon to do the hit and tie off the problem" Jay said. 

"What are we waiting for? Let's grab him" Voight spoke.

We grabbed up Deon from his house, and we put him in the cage downstairs. Adam and Voight were talking to him while the rest of us were sitting around the bullpen. I was seated on my desk swinging my legs back and forth. The more I thought about it, the more I realized this could be my last case in Intelligence.

"Any luck with Deon" I ask Voight and Adam as they walked into the bullpen. 

"No. He's smart. He knows we don't have a case, and it's pretty clear he's never met or saw Kelton. So, we got anything else? Anything at all? Something that connects Kelton to this" Voight asked. 

"We don't have anything. No ties. Trey's in the wind. Nothing" Kim responded. 

"What's our next move" Jay questioned. 

For a few seconds, Voight was silent. All of us were silent because we had nothing to say. Finally, Voight spoke up.

"I don't know, but I will do everything I can to make sure he does not ruin your careers, or disband Intelligence. So we keep moving and keep digging" Voight  said.

We found nothing. And when I say nothing, I mean absolutely nothing. We couldn't pin any of this on Kelton, so he was going to become mayor and disband the unit. We were all sitting in the bullpen with the news playing on one of the computers. Jay then walked upstairs and stormed into the break room, so I followed in after him.

"Hey" I say and place a comforting hand on his arm. "What's going on?" 

"I have no idea. Voight just left and he said something about me running the unit. We lost" Jay said. 

"Kelton is who he is. His time for reckoning is coming" I say. 

Jay scoffed. "Not in time for this unit. What are we going to do" he asked.

"Hey. No matter where I am, whether it be on a foot beat or back in Homicide or wherever else, I am still going to be here for you. The job may have brought us together, but it's not what keeps our relationship strong. We'll figure out a way. I promise" I say.

Jay sighed and leaned his forehead against mine. "I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too. Now, we should get back in there and spend some time with the team while we still can" I say.

"You're right. Lets go" Jay said.

Jay and I joined the rest of the team in the bullpen, and we continued watching the news. Just then, Platt walked upstairs, and she had a look on her face meaning something was wrong.

"Adam, IAD is here to arrest you. I told them they couldn't come up and that I'd take you down. Save you the scene" Platt said. 

"All right" Adam said and grabbed his jacket. 

"No, no, no. This isn't happening" Hailey said. 

"Hell nah, bro. You don't got to go down there" Kevin spoke. 

"Misconduct" Adam asked. 

"And obstruction" Platt added. 

"We'll come down" Kim stated. 

"No. I appreciate that, but I'd kinda rather you didn't" Adam confessed.

Tears were beginning to pool in my eyes, and I did everything I could to keep them in. Adam was my partner. We were like peas in a pod. When you asked for one of us, you got both of us. I don't know how to function at work without him. I walked over to Adam and hugged him tightly. I didn't want to let go because I was afraid that this was the last time I would ever seen him.

"Hey. No tears" Adam said when I pulled myself away from him.

"Sorry" I say and wipe away the few tears that had managed to fall. "I just don't want to lose my partner, and one of my best friends."

"Well, you've got Kevin, Antonio, and Kim, all of whom are amazing partners. Trust me on that. And you've got Hailey and Jay, so you don't need me" Adam said.

"Of course I need you. You were my first best friend in the unit. I don't want to let you go" I say.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Keep an eye on her, would ya" Adam asked Jay.

"I will" Jay said.

Adam hugged me again, and this time, he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. I squeezed Adam as hard as I could without hurting him too bad.

"I'm going to miss you" I mumble into his jacket.

"I'm going to miss you too" Adam said and pulled away from me. "Trudy, lead the way." 

And with that, Adam and Platt walked downstairs. Hours later, I was angry at the world. I was specifically pissed off at Kelton, and there was no way I was going to let him off the hook that easily. So, I drove down to his house to give him a piece of my mind. The odds of Kelton putting me in the worst job possible for a police officer was very high, so I figured I might as well go out with a bang.

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