Ballet With The Bad Boy

By charlottereaddd

419K 11.1K 1.8K

Eliana McCoy. She never spoke a word. Never drew attention to herself. And never caused drama. Her twin broth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40: Leo's POV.
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Leo's Story

Chapter 50

5.6K 138 40
By charlottereaddd

9am, Saturday morning.

Why the hell did I wake up at 9am on a weekend?

I'll bloody tell you why, because my parents decided to have a dinner party last night with some of their friends and they are still up right now, drinking and laughing with each other in the front room.

How the hell they've managed to stay up this long is beyond me. I can't even stay up till 1am let alone pull an all nighter and still be drinking and fully functioning.

Peeling myself out of bed, I cringed at the random bits of hair that stuck out over my shoulders and covered half of my head. The one time I didn't tie my hair up before I went to bed...

Well I was going to have a shower today anyway since I decided against having one last night. Plus that and the fact that Harvey decided to use all the hot water so I didn't have much of a choice.

Pressing play on my usual playlist, I hopped in the shower and had a proper pampering session. I even shaved my legs fully, that's how committed I was to looking nice for the dance tonight.

After scrubbing every inch of my body so it was all smooth and going mad with the shaving, I was officially hairless and squeaky clean.

I left my hair till last since it always took the longest because of how thick and long it is, I finally rinsed off the conditioner that I had left in it from the beginning of my shower.

As I stepped out of the bath, I had to narrowly avoid death as Loki decided to just lie on the mat where I usually stepped out on to so instead of stepping on him, my leg stretched further than I thought my leg could even reach and I nearly ended up doing the splits over my bathtub.

"Really boy?" I sighed, slowly picking my other leg out the bath and glaring at the white and ginger cat who happily rolled over onto his side and began purring.

I swear this morning is testing my will to live.

As I made my way back into my bedroom, I scanned around the room and couldn't help but internally groan at the mess that cluttered it. I seriously need to clean this room before my parents came in and told me off for it.

Slipping into a tank top and some leggings, I quickly chucked my textbooks into a pile and slid them under my bed. All my dirty clothes ended up being chucked into a pile by my bedroom door so I could quickly put a load in the washing machine.

Just as I went to open my door, it magically opened for me and my tipsy mother stumbled into the room.

"Hey darling." She smiled, her eyelids hazy from the alcohol and I had to hold back a laugh.

"Hey Mum." I replied, going to pick up my clothes but having my hands trapped in my mothers as she pulled me in for a hug.

"What are you up too?" She slurred into my ear. I couldn't even move, my body was completely trapped.

"I'm uh, just cleaning my room and then I'm gonna sort out my application with the Bluebells and then chill out before the dance."

"Ohh, you have to let me help with your make up," She began pocking and grabbing at my face and pulling stupid faces "My beautiful daughter needs to look amazing for her last school dance." She pouted, squeezing my cheeks and I had to pull a face of disgust. Well, attempt to pull a face of disgust.

"Yea sure." I pulled my face out of her hands and picked up my clothers finally "Let's go and get you a sandwich and some coffee."

"I'll have a latte please honey." She swayed as she walked out my room with me and I rolled my eyes. We don't even own a coffee mahcine so she's getting a white coffee.

The kitchen was a complete mess. Empty bottles of wine and beer scattered the worktops and leftover pizza boxes piled up on the dining room tables. Looks like I'm cleaning this up too...

I noticed that Harvey was no where to be seen so it looks like I picked the short straw with dealing with the chaos from the night before.

As I turned on the washing machine and began cleaning up the kitchen, my Dad appeared well rested.

Huh, looks like it was just Mum who decided to go on a bender.

"Morning Eli." He greeted, wrapping his arms around my Mum's waist and snuggling into the back of her.

Her face completely lit up and she spun around in his grip, swaying still from being intoxicated.

I will admit, they were cute together. They'd been married for nearly 10 years and still acted like teenagers in love. It was welcoming to see that relationships can work for years and years.

Luckily, my Dad managed to hold his wife's attention long enough for me to be able to clean the kithcne without being distracted.

Putting the kettle on, I set out two mugs with some sugar and coffee in both and left them next to the kettle for my Dad to finish making for himself and Mum.

"Thanks Eli." He winked at me, pulling my Mum to the sofa as she rambled about a blue pair of shoes that she saw in Milan and that she regretted not buying.

"Good luck." I laughed a little as she flopped down onto the couch.

Locking myself away back in my room, I shook my head at my parents acting like teenagers and began tidying up my last few things.

The rest of my day went relitively smoothly. I heard my Dad manage to convince my Mum to have a nap so there wasn't as much noise coming from the front room.

I submitted my details for the next dance that Leo and I are competing in. This time we're travelling to London for a big-time competition.

It wasn't necessary for us to win it, as we had already been scouted for the scholarship in America, but it would be nice to have another victory under out belts.

I knew Leo had already submitted his since his Mum practically forced him to as soon as he got home from the competition, whereas I decided to focus on my exams first before putting in the application.

There wasn't a time limit on it since it was next year so we had plenty of time to learn a new dance and perfect the choreography.

Before I knew it, 5 o'clock came around and I started getting myself ready for the dance.

It started at like 7, but I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to make up and I still haven't decided what to do with my hair.

Do I straighten it? Curl it? Shave it all off and just turn up bald?

The third option seems to be the most likely.

Part of me kinda wished that my Mum was still awake to help me wth my make up but since she would probably still be drunk, it wouldn't have gone down well.

Plugging in my phone to my speakers, I put on Halsey's newest album and began going through my make up box, fishing out all the things I think I would need.

I ended up with a bottle of foundation, concealer, an eyebrow pencil, powder, mascara, an eyeshadow pallet, eyeliner and some fake eyelashes.

Even just staring at the fake eyelashes, I knew I probably wasn't going to end up putting them on. An attempt will be made though.

I tried to think of every single make up tutorial that I had seen on youtube and mentally going along with them.

In the end, after mousterizing my face, I barely used any foundation and just highlighted under my eyes and any small blemishes I had with the concealer. To finish it off I brushed on some powder to set it and just left my skin with that.

By the time I had finished with my make up, it was 5:30 so I plenty of time to try to sort out my hair. It had mostly dried by now so I quickly went over it with my hair dryer so it was fully dry.

Just as I finished drying it, my phone pinged from beside me and I smiled at the screen when I saw Leo's name on the screen.

"I'm ready and bored at home, can I sneak into yours?"

Rolling my eyes, I replied with a yes and to come in through the window just incase my Dad was still awake.

Pulling my curlers out of my drawers, I began lightly curling the ends of my hair so they didn't just fall flat like they normally did.

10 minutes went by and I heard a tapping at my window. Placing my curlers on my heat mat, I rushed over to the window and pulled it open.

Standing back, Leo pulled himself up off the ground and into my bedroom effortlessly.

"You really that bored huh?" I laughed, snuggling into him as he pulled me into a hug.

"Kinda yea," Leo replied "That and my Mum said that my Dad was gonna be coming over so we could have a 'family chat' so I left as soon as I could."

I immediately felt bad for him and pulled away from his grip so I could look at him.

"Are you ok? Have you seen him much since the dance?" I questioned, completely forgetting that Leo's Dad was now back in his life after being imprisoned for beating him.

"No I haven't seen him. He's been busy with moving into my Uncle's place above the cafe. Gave him a job there too."

I instantly felt worse. Leo loved that cafe as it was like one of his little getaways and he didn't have to worry about being bothered since his Uncle owned it, but with his Dad working there, I can't imagine he'll be wanting to go back there anytime soon.

"I'm sorry." I buried my head back into his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

Like me, Leo was just desperate to leave this place and move away completely. It was a blessing that we found each other at this time and we're never looking back.

After a few more moments in Leo's embrace, I pulled back and put on a determined face.

"Right, I'm gonna finish doing my hair and then I'm getting changed so just lie down and chill out." I reached up and pecked him on the lips, moving back over to my dressing table and picking my curlers again.

"Whatever you say, your Highness." He grinned, falling backwards onto my bed and making himself comfortable.

I watched him through the reflection of the mirror and couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

Leo in his suit was hot.

Like I didn't think it was possible to find another look for him to look beautiful in but yet again, I was mistaken.

I imagined he would play on his phone, and he did for like 5 minutes, before slipping his phone in his pocket and watching me do my hair.

Each time our eyes connected in the mirror, a blush heated on my cheeks.

Why did he have to be so distracting with his stupidly handsome face.

By the time I finally finished my hair, it was coming up to 6:30 so all I needed to do was get changed and then we were good to go.

The nerves were finally setting in now though. Like the thought of being all dressed up and being around my school peers was just the base of my worries.

The thought of Brendon being their with Ivy set me more on edge.

But I don't have to talk to them. I can just avoid them all night and not have to worry about them. And call me horrible, but it means I don't have to tell Leo about it all either.

If Brendon doesn't come up and talk to me in front of Leo, then I don't have to introduce him and make it awkward.

I just need tonight to go smoothly... Please?


Leo pulled up to the school and there were already hoards of people swarming around the entrance all standing and chatting with each other.

After he found a parking space, we gave each other a final look before exiting the car.

My gold dress was pale so it didn't stand out like some of the bright pink and fluoresent green dresses that some girls were wearing.

It was a pretty simple dress as I didn't want to be to over the top. The straps were thin and just went over my shoulders. It finished mid thigh on one leg then progressivly reached the floor around my other leg. The main thing I liked about it was that it shimmered in the light and looked super cute.

It's probably the only dress I've ever felt comfortable in.

Leo slipped his hand in mine and we walked up to the entrance of the school.

They had rolled out a red carpet, for some reason, which people were wondering over as if it wasn't there. We had to squeeze our way past the bunch of people at the front so we could go and sign in at the desk so they knew we were here.

Music was booming from the main hall and I was susprised to see people up and dancing already.

"Wanna grab a drink?" Leo shouted slightly over the chatter and music and I nodded my head. The nerves that were still sitting in my stomach had made my mouth run dry already.

I'll admit, the staff and student comittee had done a good job with decorating the hall.

Around 10-20 massive disco balls hung from the ceiling, casting smalls reflections to shine around the room.

All the walls were covered with black fabric which had small fairy lights poked through in random spots so the walls were twinkling too.

Everything was just sparkly and shining and it looked super pretty. Usually the dances have always been tacky and cringy but they did good this year.

Leo walked me over to the refreshments table and grabbed us both a cup of 'fruit punch'. I say it like that as I have no idea whats in it and if it had been spiked yet.

Someone usually does.

I waited until Leo had a sip first before I drank some of mine. And by the scrunched up look on his face, my assumption was correct.

Shrugging my shoulders as him, I took a large gulp of my drink and didn't even let it hit the sides as I swallowed it quickly, not wanting the alcohol to hit me too harshly.

Jesus, it tasted like someone had poured a whole litre bottle of vodka into it.

Not nice. At all.

I didn't want to be a stereotypical killjoy, but Leo and I spent the first hour of the dance just standing in the corner and chatting with each other.

We were enjoying each others company a lot and no one attempted to come and talk to us so whats the issue right?

As the dance began to pick up, I glanced over to the entrance to see Harvey walking in with Abigail on his arm. I was right about what I said yesterday, they did look good together.

And the navy blue dress she was wearing was absolutely stunning on her. Quite a few heads turned when they made their way further into the hall.

"He looks happy." Leo commented and I couldnt' help but agree. He did look happy. A lot more happy than he had been recently.

I was so distracted by my brother that I hadn't even noticed the person walking straight up to us.

"Eliana, hey." Brendon was already pulling me in for a hug before I even registered it was him. I jumped at the contact instantly and pulled away faster than he anticipated.

"Uh hey. How you doing?" I forced a smile, falling back slightly into Leo's side as I noticed his guard was up and was eyeing Brendon up caustiously.

"I'm good thanks, yea. You haven't seen Ivy have you? She said she was gonna meet me here like 10 minutes ago but I haven't seen her yet." Brendon asked and I narrowed my eyes as I could have sworn I had seen Ivy earlier by the toilets with a group of her friends.

"I think she's on the other side of the hall." I shrugged my shoulders to him apologetically and before he could reply, a song I knew started playing and I grabbed Leo's hand, pulling him towards the dance floor "I love this song. Sorry, hope you find her."

With a final quick smile to Brendon, I pulled Leo to the middle of the dance floor where people surrounded us and placed my arms on his shoulders.

Leo held my gaze for a moment, his eyes trying to figure out what the hell had just happened in the last 10 seconds.

"So..." He began, his hands lying comfortably on my hips as we swayed along to the song that I briefly recognised as Tom Odell.

Sighing deeply, I had to have the conversation I was hoping not to have with Leo.

"So, that was Brendon." I started, noticing Leo's jaw clench almost instantly "He called me last night to say that he was invited to the dance by Ivy, who it seems is dodging him."

"And you didn't tell me this because...." Leo raised an eyebrow to me and I felt like a child beging told off by a parent.

"Because I didn't want him to ruin my time with you. I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want it to bother me." My hand began to fidget and they started playing with Leo's hair that he had left down tonight so it brushed the tops of his shoulders.

Leo looked like he was analysing what I was saying intently and those nerves in my stomach just became worse and worse.

Maybe it was the wrong idea not telling Leo about Brendon... God have I just fucked this up? Surely Leo trusts me more than that...

"I can see that you're freaking out inside over what I'm thinking." Leo commented and I looked down to my feet. How I had managed to wear these heels and not sprain my ankle already was beyond me.

"Hey," Leo brought one of his hands from my hip and placed it under my chin so my head was pulled up "I'm not mad, don't worry. Ivy seems to just be up to her old tricks again and I'm not gonna let it get to us. Not this time."

Before I even had a chance to reply, Leo had already dipped his head and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. If Leo was holding me with his other hand right now, I probably would have fallen over.

I wished I could've held onto that moment forever, but the song suddenly changed and some R'n'B began to boom through the speakers, causing everyone around us jump and shriek so we decided to move elsewhere.

For the rest of the night, Leo and I hid away from anyone and everyone, occasionally saying hello to people like my Brother and some of his friends that we knew.

It was reaching 10:30 and some people had already left. I had gotten word of an after party at some random persons house so I imagined people were already congregating there.

I was waiting for Leo by the entrance as he just popped to the toilet before we left when I was cornered by Brendon again.

I noticed throough the night that he finally did find Ivy and all she did was dance with him and make out with him whenever Leo and I looked over to them. Particularly gross.

"Hey Eli, didn't get to speak to you much in there." He smiled but it was a lazy smile. It seemed someone had become influenced by the punch.

"Yea sorry, I just wanted to spend time with Leo." I replied, not wanting to seem rude, but he needed to get the message.

"But I wanted to spend time with you." He complained and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"If you wanted to do that then why did you spend the whole night with Ivy? I already told you Brendon, I'm with Leo and I'm not ending it with him anytime soon."

"Good to know." Leo appeared at my side, slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his side.

When Leo did this, Brendon's face fell and a scowl etched into his features.

"You don't know how to make her happy." Brendon declared and I had to laugh.

"Excuse me?" My voice went high pitched because of how much disbelief I was in "We hadn't even been going out for 6 months and we could barely see each other because of my parents. You have no idea how to make me happy considering you just fell of the face of the earth when you could have just phoned me to explain."

The disbelief was slowly turning into anger and I think Leo could sense that.

"Ok, we're done here. Go home Brendon and do yourself a favour, stop trying to contaxt Eliana. She clearly doesn't want anything to do with you." Leo stepped in front of me and blocked me from Brendon's view.

It was extremely obvious that Brendon didn't like this, as the next thing I knew, I saw Brendon's arm swinging towards Leo's face but because of Brendon's slow movements, Leo was able to catch his fist with his hand, holding it in place.

I could tell that Leo wanted nothing more than to just deck Brendon right in the face, but instead he pulled the arm that he had caught and spun it around Brendon's back, pinning it forcefully.

"Get the fuck off me!" Brendon shouted, attracting the attention of some of the people that were leaving.

I watched as Leo kept hold of Brendon as he walked him towards the entrance of the car park, pushing him when he got to the pavement and pushing him onto the floor.

Since I stayed at the entrance to the school, I couldn't hear anything but I could see that Leo was syaing something to Brendon who was picking himself up off the floor.

Brendon look past Leo, giving me one last look before shaking his head and leaving the school grounds.

By this time, the small, crowd that had gathered to watch had dispursed so I was left to the side like I was before.

Leo made his way over to me, taking my hand instantly and guiding me towards the car. I felt bad already. I didn't want Leo to have to be involved like this, especially having to waste his time with Brendon like that.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry about him-" I went to carry on my rant but Leo put his hand over my mouth.

"Stop talking. You have nothing to be sorry for. Now, I'm gonna drive us back to mine because my Mum text me to say she was staying at my Uncle's tonight, so we're gonna go and chill out there and not have to worry about anything."

My eyebrows were raised the whole time and when he finally took his hand away from my mouth, I bit my lip to refrain from apologising again.

Leo run his hand through his hair and switched on the car, revving up the engine and pulling out of the parking lot.

I just stared at him the whole journey.

Admiring him was probably one of my most favourite things to do. I could spend all day just staring at his beautiful face.

I didn't even realise we were back at his until he undid his seatbelt and switched off the engine.

My brain finally caught up with me and I copied his actions, unbuckling my seatbelt and stepping out the car.

I basically followed Leo until we made it to his room, unstrapping my heels at the door and kicking them off so I could finally have my feet flat on the floor.

Give me ballet shoes, and I can wear those things for hours, but give me heels and for some reason my ankles literally go to jelly and I can barely walk in them.

Watching Leo, he began to undo his tie and unbutton his shirt sleeves and the first few buttons of his collar.

He was just hot. Over six foot of hot male.

*Warning, a lil bit NSFW :)*

"Can you help me with this?" I was indicating to the zipper on my dress as it was a struggle to get on, Leo had to help me do it up so it was only necassary for him to need to help me out of it.

Sweeping my hair to one side, Leo came up behind me and slowly unzipped the dress.

The cold air of Leo's room hit my back almost instantly and the chill crept up my spine. The dress hung onto my body by the shoulder straps so I held it in place on my chest.

See, another thing about this dress as well is that because of how thin the straps were, I wasn't wearing a bra since I didn't own a strapless one.

So, there I was, standing in Leo's bedroom and watching as he sorted out his duvet and changed his shirt to grab a hoodie to wear.

Before he even went into his draw to grab a hoodie, I shifted my shoulders so the dress slid off my body and smoothly tumbled to the floor.

Leo paused, he wasn't looking at me but he must've heard the fabric hit the floor.

Standing up straight, I watched as his muscles tensed and his hand went through his hair.

The room, that had felt cold not 5 seconds ago, suddeny began to heat up and I noticed Leo's hands move to his belt, the sound of unbuckling following soon after.

Taking steps forward, I slipped my arms around his chest and hugged into his back, his skin hot to the touch and I noticed his breathing hitch slightly.

Pressing my ear to his back, I could hear his heart beat pick up, the rhythm beginning to race faster and faster.

I hadn't even noticed that this belt was unbuckled and his trousers had already hit the floor.

We were both just standing in our underwear, and this was the closest I'd ever felt to Leo before. Well, to anyone before.

Every little self-conscious thought I had in my brain was screaming at me to dive into the bathroom and never come out again, but I stayed.

Leo liked me for who I was and he never complained about me physically or emotionally, so why should I hide?

Leo spun around in my grip, his arms wrapping around my body and lifting me up and instantly moving me so I was lying on my back on his bed.

His body covered over mine and within seconds his lips were pressed to mine, the connection making sparks shoot all over my body.

The fact that it was pretty much all skin to skin contact too was just driving me even more crazy.

My hands made their way to their favourite place, tangling in his hair and lightly gripping on to the roots.

My legs were wrapped around his hips holding him in place and not letting go, not that he was going to go anywhere anyway.

One of his hands caressed my cheek, the other rested on my hip, gripping slightly on my body and making butterflies swirl around in my stomach.

We broke the kiss for a moment, just staring at each other and breathing heavily.

"You're so beautiful." Leo breathed, his finger tracing along my cheek and following all the way down my neck and towards my collarbone.

My heart clenched as his words and I had to hold back the tears in my eyes.

I was so overwhelmed with emotions from the situation, the kiss, the touching, the proximity of us just- everything. I couldn't help myself.

"I- I love you."


Well.. That's it.

This is the FINAL chapter of Ballet With the Bad Boy.

I had so much fun writing this book and I wanna thank every single one of you who have been reading since day one and have enjoyed the book and even kept on reading when I've had my stupidly long breaks and taken forever to upload.

This is the first book I've fully completed that isn't a fanfic and it's been so fun writing something different.

I hope you've all enjoyed it and I love you all for the support over the time its taken for me to complete this.

I do have more stories in my works that I'm working on here and there that I'll hopefully be uploading soon.

So yea, thank you all again, I love you all

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