By Ztaoffy

64.2K 13.2K 3.9K

🌜UNEDITED and ON HOLDπŸŒ› Teniola Oluwademilade's parents gave her no other option than to repeat her S.S.S. 3... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Shout outs!!!
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
A quick recap of characters.
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Not An Update, but Please, ReadπŸ₯Ίβ€οΈ
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Thirty

766 207 77
By Ztaoffy

"I'm sorry to say that the smiles that I give you,
One day will be tears in your eyes.
I'm sorry to give you these memories,
Cause memories like this will one day make you cry.
But i'mma stick around,
I promise you that i'mma stick around for now."
- Lukas Graham.

I don't know your Wattpad username but I can tell you're from here. Thank you so much, Oghenetega Allison🥺❤️ Whoever and wherever you are, know it went a long way🥺 May your pocket never ever run dry. May it be replenished abundantly. God bless you!🤲 Amen.

Omo, this chapter is pretty long. It has 4988 words. E be things.

"Demilade! Will you eat apple?!" My dad called from the sitting room.

My parents take fruits as dinner everyday. I don't like Watermelon and they know that quite well so they never invite me to join them when eating it. They only call me to eat Apple or Pineapple. Today, there isn't Pineapple so they just offered me Apple alone.

"Yes!" I exclaimed from my room. I was chatting and reading as usual. I dropped my phone on the bed and walked to the second sitting room where my parents were. They were both watching NTA news.

"Here." Dad said as he gave me two slices of Apple.

I collected it and thanked him. "Thank you, dad." I said and turned to go to my room.

"Demilade, come here." He called me back.

"Uhn?" I said as I was already chewing one slice of the apple.

"Come nearer." He said and I moved closer to him. Then, he suddenly grabbed my hand. I didn't know what he was doing until I looked at how he was staring at my hand.

Oh My God! My wound! Dad would be so mad if he sees it. Well, he already did.

"What's this?" He asked, still looking at my injured hand which was covered with the bandage Aunty Tosin used in school. "What happened to your hand? Why is it bandaged?"

"Bandage Ke?  Demilade, what am I hearing about bandage yen? " My mum said as she stood up from the sofa she was sitting on to come and see my hand. "Eh! What happened?" She exclaimed as soon as she saw the hand.

"I. . . Uhm. . . Fell down." I said.

"You fell down and you wounded your hand like this? Where did you fall? Were you running? Did someone push you? Where did put your eyes? Were you walking with your eyes closed?" My mum asked.

Yes, if you're from a Yoruba family, you won't be surprised with the way my mum acted. Yes, she cares a lot but while asking what happened, she'll still insult me stylishly. That's why she said "Where did you put your eyes? Were you walking with your eyes closed?" If you're Yoruba, read that part in our native language.

"Can't you talk?!" My dad said aloud and I came back to my senses.

"I slipped in the hall. There was water on the tiles but I didn't see it because the tiles were transparent. As I fell, there was a stone very close to me so I hit my hand on it. When blood started rushing out, I was taken to the sick bay and they helped me bandage it." I lied.

"When you won't use your eyes. Anyway, Pele my dia." My Mum said with her Yoruba tone. She then looked at the hand again. "This wound needs to be treated properly oh."

"Yes. We'll take her to the hospital tomorrow morning." My dad said.

"Daddy, it's just a minor wound."

"What do you know? We got to this life before you so we know what we're saying." My mum replied.

"Do you have any paper tomorrow?" Dad asked.

"No, but we have a class." That was also a lie but I can't afford to miss school since I'm not doing anything at home.

"Alright. We'll take you to the hospital tomorrow morning before we drop you off at school." He said and I nodded. Later, I walked back to my room.

• • •

Daddy's driver, Mr. Idowu drove into the school premises and stopped the car after he has turned in front of the Admin building. As I looked outside through the window, I saw most of my classmates standing on the lawn in front of the Admin block, as if they were waiting for someone, probably the principal.

"You're to take this drug by 2pm. Make sure you take it when it's exactly 2pm. You know you'll still be in school by then." Dad said to me in the car as he stretched forth a sachet of drug to me.

"Yes." I said as I collected the drug from him and dropped it in my bag.

"Your proprietor is here. Let me say hello." He said and I looked towards my classmates' direction. Proprietor was already standing in front of them, talking.

Dad got down from the car and I also did. Some of them turned to face us. I walked to join my classmates while Dad went to the front to greet the proprietor. They talked for awhile before he left. After Mr. Idowu drove the car out of the school premises, the proprietor turned to us.

"Teniola!" He called and I walked to the front so he could see me well.

"Sir. Good morning, sir." I said.

"Daddy told me you had an injury in the school premises yesterday."

"Yes sir."

"Are you okay now? Let me see it." He said and I stretched my injured hand to him. "Ah! Why didn't you go to the sick bay immediately it happened?"

"Yes, I did. Aunty Tosin helped me cover the wound after giving me some medications."

"Good. Daddy said you have a drug to take by 2pm. Make sure you take it and don't forget." He said.

"Yes sir, I will. Thank you." I said to him.

"I told him there'd be a meeting with parents this Friday and he said he'll be here." He said and I smiled, knowing it was because of what Aunty Tilly told us yesterday.

"Thank you sir." I said and he smiled.

Then, he continued what he was saying before Dad and I arrived. "So, my students. I want you all to be in your best behaviours because by next week, we'll be accepting new students."

There were murmurs everywhere.

"Yes, I know you'll be surprised. Well, I don't mean new students of this school. We'll be having a school join us for our WAEC and NECO examinations. Not only will they write exams with you, but they'll be living in the school hostels with you." As he said that, everybody started murmuring. It wasn't new to me so I just smiled. After a while, he continued talking. "So, you're to invite your parents to the school on Friday. A meeting will hold with the parents by 4pm. Don't worry, it would be a short meeting. It's to discuss with your parents about the boarding house thing. If your parents do not agree, you can continue as day students but it would be more comfortable for you and for those students coming to be boarders."

"Excuse me, sir!" Jetemi called. I knew her voice anywhere so there was no need to turn to see who was talking.

"Yes, senior girl?" The Proprietor said.

"Sir, are we going to pay additional fee for the boarding house system?"

"Just feeding alone and that is a little amount of money. You don't have to worry about that. We'll discuss everything with your parents." The proprietor said and people started murmuring.

"Sir, please, which school is coming?" Fiyin shouted from the back.

"Great Leaders International Secondary School." The proprietor said and everyone began to murmur. It was very obvious that most of them have friends from that school but I barely even know the school, not to talk of having friends there.

Soon, the proprietor rounded up his speech and told us not to forget to inform our parents and also to read our books well for our exams. We thanked him and left the lawn for the hall. Everyone didn't stop talking about how excited they were for Great Leaders to come to our school. Since I knew no one from there, I was least excited.

• • •

"Madam, how's your hand?" I heard someone say and I turned to see Lydia. I could recognise her voice anywhere though, so I knew it was her even before I turned.

Everyone were doing one or two things in the hall and the place was noisy as usual. I was glancing through our Biology specimens when Lydia interrupted.

"Who's your madam?" I asked turning to face her.

"You nah. Madam Aramide." She said.

"Because you know my third name now, we should not hear word again abi?" I said to her with a smile.

She smiled and replied. "Nah you sabi. How's your hand?"

"Fine fine fine. Thank you."

"Are you sure? This one your dad followed you to school like a baby." She said and I hit her arm with my hand and she laughed.

"I'm his baby! He has every right."

"Yes ma. I'm sorry ma." She said and I laughed. "By the way, I came to call you. Coach is calling us."

"EhnFor what?" I asked, confused.

"He said the second round of the spelling bee is in two weeks. That's the week after next week. He said he doesn't want us to stop studying."

"We have exams too nah. WAEC for that matter." I replied.

"We have only Biology practical and that's all for this month. The rest are trade subjects and we don't take all those subjects here in our school so we have enough time. Let's just go see him." She said.

"Oh, true. Alright. Where's Ella, Sarah and Demmie though?"

"They're already in his office."

"Alright. Let's go." I said and dropped the book I was reading inside my locker. Then, I stood up and we both walked out of the class to the coach's office.

Minutes later, the five of us walked back from coach's office to the hall. The hall was silent so we guessed our mates were probably not there. As we entered the hall, we saw everyone seated on their seats. We were surprised at how quiet they were but our surprise ceased when we saw Master Akintunde and Brother Blessing in front of the hall. No wonder they were all silent. We walked to our seats and greeted the teachers in front.

"So, now that this place is quiet enough, I can now talk." Master Akintunde started. "Where are the relay race athletes? Come out here."

"Sir, girls too?" Rachel asked from her seat.

"Everyone of you." Master Akintunde replied. The silent hall turned noisy again as those standing dragged their tables and chairs. After about two minutes, the hall was silent again as the athletes were already in front.

"Who takes first leg?" Master Akintunde asked, facing those standing in front.

"Me." Daniel said.

"Second leg?"

"Sir." Demmie and James chorused. Then, they both looked at each other and back at Master Akintunde.

"You'll be racing tomorrow to choose who'll take the second leg on the competition coming up on Saturday." Master Akintunde said and there were murmurs in the hall. "Third leg?"

"Me." Adedotun replied.

"Good. Girls, first leg."

"Sir!" Almost everyone chorused. "You didn't ask of the last leg."

"Because we all know who it is. What's the point in asking anyway? Isn't Animasaun here? Or is there anyone who wants to go against him? Jared?" He turned to Jared.

"I have a wound on my leg." He replied calmly from his seat.

"Yes, I know. That's why I didn't talk when you didn't come out." Master Akintunde replied. "Girls, first leg."

"Me." Adeola said.


"Me!" Ella and Glory chorused at the same time. Master Akintunde shook his head.

"Match between you two tomorrow morning. If any of you are late, you're automatically out. Yes, third leg?"

No reply.

"Third leg?" He asked again.

I noticed everyone turned to look at someone in front. I looked at the direction and saw that they were all staring at Joy. She was chewing gum and her hands were folded as she just stared at us like nothing's happening.

"Joy?" Some of the people in front called her so that she can answer Master Akintunde.

"Everyone knows I'm the one who runs the third leg nah." She replied smiling.

"And that means I should call you and you shouldn't reply?" Master Akintunde asked.

"Sir–" She was about saying when Master Akintunde cut in.

"Glory will take the second leg and Ella will take the third leg. Last leg?"

"Sir! Sir, I'm sorry." Joy began to beg Master Akintunde.

"Me sir." Rachel replied.

"Good. All eight of you are to report on the school field tomorrow morning. You're going to practice everyday till Saturday. You can return to your seats." He said and everyone walked back to their seats while Joy kept begging him. Brother Blessing just stood there watching everyone. "Football team, all set?"

"Yes sir!" Our guys replied from their seats.

"Good. The basketball teams from S.S.S. 2 will be going with you for basketball. I'm not the coach in charge of that, so, I have no say in it." Then, he paused. "Moris." He called Lilian.

"Sir?" She replied.

"You'll be coming with us on Saturday. You'll be our health Prefect for that day. You're to come with the first aid box. Pack glucose from the sick bay too."

"Alright sir." She replied.

"But sir, I'm the health prefect and I'm around." Favour, Fiyin's ex said.

"I'm aware. You stay in school for your Saturday lessons."

"Sir, why don't I go and –"

"It's an order!" Master Akintunde exclaimed and the hall went silent again. "We need two more students, a male and a female with the complete school uniform to come with us so that when we win, they'd be there to take pictures with the winner and the teachers that go with them."

The nerve! They're so sure they'd win already. Mo fo oh.

"Dami should go. He's always complete." Brother Blessing said and we all agreed immediately. I was wowed as to how no one argued about it. Well, everyone probably knew Dami was always complete so I'm not surprised.

"Good. Damilola, you're going with us." Master Akintunde said to Dami and he nodded. "Who's the female that'll go with us?"

"Me sir!" Joy and Favour chorused.

"Neither of the two of you are going so forget it. Who else?" Master Akintunde said.

"Trailblazers, where are you?" Brother Blessing called.

"Sir?" I answered as I stood up slowly. Yes, he's the only teacher that calls me by the name of my former school.

"You're a new student. Your uniforms are still neat and all. You also dress well. You'll be following us on Saturday. Come early." He said.

"Yes sir." I replied and sat down.

"Ah, I even forgot. Yes, Demilade, you're going with us. Don't be late to school oh and come in the full school uniform. Your school Cortina must be well polished, white socks and not forgetting your school hat." Master Akintunde said.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"Good. Have a nice day." He said and stood up. He and Brother Blessing talked for about a minute and he walked out of the class. As soon as Master Akintunde left, noise started immediately. Favour and Joy ran to meet Brother Blessing. I'm sure they were telling him to take them on Saturday. I wonder why they're so bent on following sef.

About five minutes later, Dami, Emmanuel and Fiyin walked to me. I looked at them suspiciously as they were all smiling to me.

"Where's your last person?" I asked them. They were popularly called F4 or probably they named themselves F4, I don't even know. F4 consisted of Demmie, Dami, Emmanuel and Fiyin.

"Wo, leave that one." Dami said.

"So, what do you guys want?" I asked, still looking at them suspiciously.

They were my most favourite guys in our class and they knew it. They sometimes come to me when I'm eating snacks to collect. Sometimes, I just give it to them willingly. Literally, they're still the ones I'm closest to in our set as a whole. I wonder why they're here today though, since I wasn't eating anything and they came together as if they want to collect something.

"Lydia is looking for you." Emmanuel said.

"Lydia Ke? " I said, a bit surprised. Why will Lydia send them to come and tell me she's looking for me?

"Yes nah. She said when we see you, we should tell you to come and meet her in B class." Fiyin said.

"Yes, and that it's very very urgent. You should go now." Emmanuel added.

"She was very serious when she said it oh, so if you like sit down here, cause I know you have coconut head and won't want to go." Dami said and the guys hit his arm and glared at him. "What?" He said to them.

"Anyways, thank you. I'll go now." I said and stood up from the chair I was seated on.

"And what are you giving us for delivering a message to you? Or you think we're messengers?" Emmanuel said.

"I wonder oh." Dami said while Fiyin just laughed. I shook my head and opened my bag. They were lucky I still had two Chocolate Pure Bliss Biscuits in my bag. I brought out the two and gave them. They laughed and thanked me, then walked away, telling me Lydia was waiting for me urgently in B class. I wonder why.

I walked to B class. I opened the door and entered, then closed the door behind me. As I turned, I saw someone sitting on a chair with his head was laid on a table. I didn't need anyone to tell me it was Demmie. I knew those guys had something up their sleeves! I knew Lydia could never send all three of them to come call me. Meaning it was Demmie that told them to come call me. But what for?

"Demmie." I called softly as I tapped him as soon as I walked to where he was seated.

He raised his head and looked at me. Seeing it was me, he sat upright. "Babe."

Okay, that was the first time he called me that and I won't but lie I felt shivers a bit before I put myself together again.

"Why are you here alone?" I asked him. His face looked a bit dull too.

"Nope. I was waiting for you." He said.

"So, it was you that sent those guys to call me and they said it was Lydia." I said and shook my head.

"Hope you didn't give them anything sha?  Cause they'll collect messenger fee from you." He said.

"They collected but don't worry." I replied laughing a bit. "So, what's up? What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"Yeah sure. I'm good. Just thinking about some things." He replied.

"Like?" I asked as I dragged his table backwards and sat on it. Now, we were both seated, facing each other.

"How to break up with a girl without hurting her." He said.

"What?" I asked, taken aback. I wasn't expecting something like that. "You have a girlfriend?"

"Don't act like you didn't know." He said and chuckled a bit.

"Geez, how would I know?" I said, kind of offended. I don't know why but I was offended.

"Now you do."

"Why are you breaking up with her?" I asked.

"Because I have to."


"Because I can't double date."

"What? Are you planning to date someone else immediately you break up with her?"


"Answer me, guy." I asked curiously.

"Why are you so curious though?" He asked, folding his hands and staring at me intently.

"What. . . Me. . .? Uh. . ." I stuttered and suddenly stopped talking.

He smiled and placed his hands on both my thighs. "So, why were you stuttering?"

Despite wearing a trouser, I felt the touch. Yes, today is Wednesday and we're all in our tracksuits.

"Just something I do when I don't have a direct answer." I said.

"I see." He said, his hands still on my laps.

"So, answer me. Why do you want to break up with your girlfriend?"

"Because I don't want to double date, I've said that nah." He answered and gave me a small smile.

"Why? You already know the next person you want to date?" I asked.

"Sure." He replied with a smile.

That moment, my heart fell. All of a sudden, I felt sad and my eyes became a bit teary. Immediately, I moved his hands from my laps and jumped down from the locker and walked towards the window. I faced the window and tears began to rush from my eyes.

"Who is it?" I asked with a shaky voice without turning to face him.

"Just someone you know." He replied calmly and that triggered the tears the more. I couldn't bear to see him with one of our mates again, and I also can't bring myself to tell him. I suddenly heard the windows moving like someone is closing them. I didn't turn to look though, since we were the only ones there, then it would be him.

"Who?" I asked again. "Who is the person?"

"Why are you so concerned?" He replied again, with his voice getting nearer.

"Just who is it! Tell me who it is!" I shouted then calmed down. I still didn't turn to face him. I just used my tracksuit jacket to clean my face. Just then, his hand touched my back and he pulled me. I turned to face him. My eyes were red already and were still teary. I rested my back on the wall for support as I stared at him. His hands were in his pocket and he stared at me also.


"What? Just what is it? Can't you tell me who it is? Are you that ashamed of her that you can't tell me? Or you're scared of me?" I asked calmly as I kept staring at him. There was a little distance between us so it was weird as I kept looking up to stare at him since he's way taller than me.

"I said the person's name just now nah." He replied after a smirk.

"You didn't say. . ." Then, I paused, realising what he meant. "What? Are you. . . What. . .Me?" I stuttered.

"Was it third week or the fourth?" He started as he tried to remember something, then he shrugged. "It doesn't matter anyway. What matters now is that. . ." He paused.

"Are you for real?" I asked, still stunned.

He smiled then replied. "I like you a lot. It's since our first term but since you let go for someone, oh well. For me though, it's always been you and –"

"And what! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! I was always feeling you had someone else–"

"Should I remind you of how you were head over heels for Jared?" He asked. "You guys even kissed. In my very own presence, guy!"

"Assuming you told me, it wouldn't have happened though, but you didn't." I muttered.

"Why didn't you tell me too?" He asked.

"I did. During the holiday to second term." I said.

"Iiish, you said you were over me already ahan, stop lying." He said and poked my head.

"Hey! You're bullying me!" I shouted.

He poked my head again. "So what will you now do? Beat me?" He said and smiled.

"Don't try me. I can actually–"

"Shhh. You talk too much." He said after he interrupted me by putting his index finger on my lips. I hit his hand and he grabbed the hand and pulled me closer.

"Demola!" Someone called and he turned without releasing my hand. I also turned to look towards the door. It was Ella. Perfect timing to ruin moments. Witch.

"What?" He replied coldly.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she folded her hands. Just then, Lilian, Moyin, Joy, Favour and Adeola entered.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He replied as he released my hand.

"What were both of you doing? Demilade, you'll say you don't know Demmie has a girlfriend oh. Her name is Peace in Great Expectations, I told you when he and Lydia broke up. So what are you doing with him?" She asked. Others walked in. Lilian and Adeola sat on the window sill, earpiece in their ears while Moyin sat on the chair Demmie was seated on earlier. Favour and Joy also sat on the table, staring at us. Ella walked to where Demmie and I stood.

"Are you his guard or something? So because he has a girlfriend, he shouldn't be friends with his classmates again?" I asked.

"Not you." Ella said.


"Because you always cause problems in people's relationships. No offence oh, but that's what you did during the time he and Lydia were dating. It was because of you they broke up. Did I lie?" Ella said. I was about replying when Joy cut in.

"Jared and I too. It was her. I wonder what she's looking for. Her mates are in 100 level. She repeated S.S.S. 3 and it's still boys she's following about. She's not even ashamed." Joy said and Favour hit her laps, motioning to her to shut up. "What? Did I mention anybody's name?" She said to Favour.

"You guys know I'm here right?" Demmie said.

"We can see you nah. Stop deceiving her, we know it's Peace you want to move on with and–" Joy was blabbing when suddenly, Demmie removed his calculator from his tracksuit jacket and angrily threw it at Joy. The sound of the calculator hitting the floor after hitting Joy was very loud, shocking everyone. Nobody expected that. Even Lilian and Adeola removed their earpiece and looked at us, like 'what's going on?'.

"Are you insane! The next time you open that your time to talk shamelessly to me or her again, I might actually slap you. What's wrong with you? Why don't you ever mind your business? If the way you meddle with people's lives is the way you focus on your studies, you won't be amongst the dullest in your class! All you know how to do is move your mouth uncontrollably. At least, if you lack home training, you don't have to disgrace your parents in school. Keep your useless manners to your house and family members alone. I've been watching you all this while without talking. From now on, if you make a mistake to ever open your mouth to talk to me or make comments about whatever I choose to do or whoever I choose to date in this school, we might as well get into a fight and we'll both be suspended. Bet it with me!" He shouted angrily. I was very surprised because since I got to TEC, it was the first time seeing him that way.

"Eh, Demmie, calm down. We were just–" Ella was saying when he cut in.

"And as for you." He turned to face Ella. "The fact that we walk home with you doesn't mean we're your friends. Even if we're friends, you have no right whatsoever to poke your nose in my business. You've been doing it since and the only thing you know how to do best is gossip and lie. The next time you do those nonsense and it's about me, Demilade, Lydia or even Peace, know that you're in a big trouble, I promise you. Know your limits from now on and know your class!" He shouted.

"What happened?" Lilian asked as she walked towards Demmie. "Demmie doesn't get angry. What happened?"

"Lilian, I know you're the only reasonable one amongst them so I'll tell you. Warn your friends. You and Adeola should warn these your friends especially this useless Joy. If she gets on my nerves again, I might do what she wouldn't like." Demmie said and walked out of the class.

"You guys saw how he threw calculator on me oh! I'm going to report to a teacher. He thinks he's the only one that can shout abi?  We'll see." Joy said as she jumped down from the table she was seated on.

"Joy, just let it die. You caused all this from the start." Moyin told her.

"Abeg oh. I know you'll support him because you're his ex. You can't even support your own friend." She said and hissed as she also walked towards the door.

"Someone can't give you advice again?" Moyin called back. "Sorry oh."

"Joy, just come back like that." Favour also said.

"I'm going to report." Joy said and walked out of the class.

"I want to go and watch film, hmm. Sorry oh, Demilade. I won't poke nose again oh but I've told you already. Demmie has a girlfriend, stay away from him." Ella said and walked out of the class.

"Wait for us!" Favour and Moyin said as they also ran out of the class to follow Ella.

"Demilade, are you okay?" Lilian asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"What exactly happened?" Adeola asked me.

"Never mind. Just let the matter die like that." I said and walked to the chair Moyin was seated on earlier on and sat down.

What type of girls are these?

Lol, probably it's just me. After I finished this chapter, I read it and I got bored. I really hope it doesn't bore you guys though.

Thank you all for your support on this book. I appreciate it❤️

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