The Glue - Luke Hemmings: Seq...

By LukesLover96

153K 4.5K 2.3K

Arias pregnant? With Luke's kid? Luke wants nothing to do with it? So many questions. Will Aria and Luke be a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Authors Note...Please Read
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Final Authors Note

Chapter 18

4.1K 126 77
By LukesLover96

Arias POV

Christmas had passed, and it was now New Years Eve. Tonight, all of us were going out to this cliff where the guys use to hang out. Lucy and the twins were going to Ashton's house and his mom and Lauren were going to take care of them for us.

"Babe, you ready?" Luke called out.

"Yeah, almost." I finished putting on my makeup just as Luke walked in.

"You don't need, you know that right?" He smiled at me, before walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Luke had been a little different lately. He had seemed really tense and aggravated easily. Of course, me being me. I thought of the worst case scenarios. But I just had to have faith in him.

Mrs Irwin had already picked up am the twins and Lucy. Me and Luke left the house and went out to his car. He grabbed on of my hands and the kept the other on the wheel.

"Babe, you seem a little tense. You okay?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah I'm fine."

I kept it at that, and played with the ring on his pinky finger. He said it was his grandfathers before he died. Luke has kept it all these years.

We arrived at the cliff, where everyone else already was. Michael and Stephanie. Nicky and Ashton. Calum.

We got out of the car, and greeted everyone. Ashton had brought pizza, do we all at on a big blanket and ate. It was already dark outside. Since it was just about 9pm.

After we are, we watched the guys kick around a soccer ball. While us girls sat on the blanket talking about things.

"So, are and Michael like official?" Nicky asked Stephanie.

"No, I want us to be. But part of me still wants Calum. It's just so hard." Stephanie sighed.

"Hey, let's not worry about any of that tonight. Cause tonight it's all about letting loose." I coaxed.

They both nodded, the guys walked back over to us and sat down. Luke wrapped his arm around me. He seemed so nervous, but I let it go.

"So what are everyone's New Years resolution?" Ashton asked.

"Mines to move out." Calum said.

"Get a six pack." Michael laughed.

The girls said, there's and now it was my turn. "To be a better girlfriend."

"What about you Luke?" Michael asked.

Luke turned, to me and said. "To marry you. Aria I've wanted to do this for a really long time. Recently I have found enough courage to do it. I love you so fucking much, words cant really describe it. You mean the absolute world to me. I know I'm not the most amazing guy in the world, but I do love you the most. There's nothing more that i want to do than call you my wife. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to grow old with you. I want to be there to tell you that you stil l look beautiful when you feel insecure. I know when we first met i was a total jerk. But you have changed me into somebody i always wanted to be. i wouldve never made a certain girl happy. I enjoy being the reason you smile and laugh. I love that we have to kids together. I dont think I wouldve ever had two kids with anybody else. Aria you have had my heart since the day we met. You always will. I love you to much to ever let you go."

He got down onto one knee, and pulled out a ring. "Aria Beau Johnson, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

I didnt trust my words so instead, I smashed my lips to his. The guys made wolf whistles in the background and they clapped. I pulled away and smiled widely. "Yes, I'll marry you."

"Thank god. I was scared you'd say no." He mumbled, blushing furiously.

I shook my head. "Id say yes a million times." He sat down, and the pulled me into his lap.

"Let us see the ring girl, he wouldnt show us when he got it." Stephanie chirpped.

I outstreched my arm and the looked at iy. Oohing and Aahing at it. "Damn Luke, you really do love her."

"I do." He kissed my cheek.

"Guys, its almost midnight. The fireworks should be starting soon." Calum said putting his phone back in his pocket.

We all stood up and we looked out towards the illuminated city. You could hear the faint voice and sounds from the people, ready to ring in the new year. Luke had his hands around my waist. Nikcy and Ashton were standing together and so were Stephanie and Michalel

Calum was standing by himself, with his hands in his pockets looking out into the distance. I felt bad fro him, yeah it was his fault he and steph werent together. But I still felt bad for him. Its jsut the person i am.

Fireworks began erupting and it was 12:00am. I turned around and smashed my lips to Luke's. His grip on my waist tightened and i placed my arms around his neck. After a minute, we both pulled back. "Happy New Year baby." He smiled pecking my lips.

"Happy New Year." I said back to him.

We looked back over to everyone else. Nicky and Ashton were practically eating eacvh others faces off. While Michael held Stephanie in his arms. Calum, yet again was jsut awkwardly standing there. I grabbed Luke's hand and we walked over to him.

"Happy New year bitch." I laughed, and he cracked a smile.

"Your gonna be Mrs. Hemmings soon."

"I'm looking forward to it." I smiled.

Finally, we packed up all of our things, and left. The entire ride home, Luke had the biggest smile on his face. Which made me even happier. He held my hand and kept the other on the wheel.

When we got back to the house, we walked back upstairs. Mrs. Irwin told us not to worry about the kids tonight. Bless her soul.

We got upstairs into our room, and Luke crashed his lips to mine. "I love you so much." He mumbled against my lips.

He picked me up, keeping our lips attached. He threw me onto the bed, and got on top of me, and started trailing kisses down my neck. A soft moan or two escaped my lips.

His fingers fumbled with the button of my jeans, and he got them off. I tugged at his shirt, and he pulled it over his head.

Things went down from there. But it was an amazing night.


A/N: THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED!!! Omg I'm so excited for it.

Lol. Poor Calum he's the Lone Ranger.

Until next time babes.


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