Dark Nights

By Phantomheart8

250K 12.6K 7K

(Yandere male x female reader) Y/N is convicted of a terrible crime, one she never could have done. All evide... More

The beginning of chaos
Guarded or Hunted?
Guilty but Innocent
Welcome to Hell
Your new home
Newest group member
The Wolves
The courtyard
Elliots Garden
A/N: Elliot
Not so bad anymore?
Twin Wolves Riddles
Not the baby anymore
Here and Already Causing Trouble
Punished for sticking together
The Patient Profile
What Do You Want?
Olivia, Henry, AND Joshua?... but no Elliot
Baby Steps with Big Feet
Christmas Eve Christmas Tree making
The voice of an Angel
Not Safe Anywhere
To Mess with the Lamb
Together, Always
Home at Last
Breaking News
Long Talks on the grass
The Man that was Hiding His Face
Taken Away
A Total Stanger
A Starving Animal
Starting Conflict
Forging bonds
Willy's story Part 1
Willy's story Part 2
Elliot's story Part 1
Elliot's story Part 2
Elliot's story part 3
Joshua's Memories Part 1
Getting out of There
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
We Go Together
Nighttime Reassurances
Clothes " Shopping"
Sparkling Eyes
End of the Road
Run Little Lamb, Run
One by One
Desperate Times, Desperate Deeds
Something's not right here
The Labyrinth of Torture
Faces Revealed
The Lion, The Wolf, and The Lamb
The Moons Bright Light
Epilogue: Finding Home

Joshua's memories Part 2

2.3K 183 80
By Phantomheart8

Warning Dirty dreams in this chapter!

The little boys ran through the woods as if their lives depended on it. Because it did. They ran as fast as their little legs could carry them as the shouting figure of their father ran after them.

" When I catch you! I'm going to tear you limb from limb and make your mother watch!" He screamed at them. He was slowly catching up to them. That was alright though, they were getting closer to where they needed to be. They were almost there.

Their lungs burned from the running. Though they could not stop whatsoever. Joshua's heart pounded with fear. What if this did not work?

Joshua's leg caught on a branch and he sprawled to the ground. Jack stopped and looked at him with wide frightened eyes. But Joshua waved his hand for him to continue running. He rolled to the side so that he was under the cover of a bush and Jack continued running just as their father stormed right passed his hiding spot.

His leg stung a bit from the branch, it was most likely bleeding. He watched as the shadow of his father disappeared in the distance after Jack. He needed to catch up!

He rolled away from the bush and sprung to his feet, running after the Rampaging adult. It had been three days since they had come up with this plan. Three days for them to work up the guts to do this. However, he made it all too easy. After he put their mother in the hospital for breaking both of her legs and three ribs. They had no doubts whatsoever that this had to be done.

They simply just threw one of his empty beer bottles at him. Making sure that it shattered over his head. That was all it took for them to get him to chase them through the woods. The first part of the plan was complete. He ran up and stopped, they were at the spot. Their father had Jack cornered against a steep hill.

" There you are, you little bastard. Where's your brother, we can't have fun without him." Their father spit out. Not hearing the footsteps until it was too late.

He turned around just as Joshua charged into him, slicing at his ankle with a kitchen knife. The man toppled to his knees with a cry of pain. Together, the two boys pushed him over the edge as he was down. Leaning over and watching as he tumbled over sharp rocks, screaming out in pain before landing on the bed of sharp stick and broken beer bottles that they had planted into the ground.

His body landed on them with a crunch. He layed there, twitching for a moment as blood pooled up around him. Then, his body went limp. The two boys carefully slid down the hill. Using a shovel to dig up dirt from the hill and cover it over their father's corpse.

It was past midnight now, and the deed was done. Jack's eyes were wide and full of feral hunger. Joshua... Joshua did not feel anything. No happiness, nor anger.

He followed his brother home, walking slowly behind him while still carrying the bloody kitchen knife. He followed his brother, while he hummed a lullaby.

- -

" Hey, boys! I was thinking maybe later we could go down to the park and play some baseball!" Their stepfather Dennis said excitedly to the two twelve-year-old boys. He got the same answer he always did. One wide-eyed cold stare, and one half-lidded bored expression.

Dennis moved his eyes around in awkwardness, stumbling with the next few words to try and come out. He eventually just gave up and closed the door behind him as he left. The brothers returned to what they usually did. Sitting in silence.

No one had ever found the body of their father. They got rid of all the tools they used for the job, and by some miracle, they happened to get away with it. Their mother healed up and with the threat of their father gone, was able to use her secret bank account to move them to a new town to start a new life.

Things were starting to get better, and for the first time in their lives, the twins felt safe and truly happy. That was until their mother met Dennis. Dennis was actually not a bad guy and tried his best to bond with his girlfriend's sons. They never spoke a word to him, however. They hated how he took her love from them. They wanted all of her love, they deserved it!

Everything came shattering down for the twins when their mother told them that she was pregnant and that they were going to be big brothers. A year later, their little sister Stella was born into the world. A little bright bundle of joy. A few months after that, their mother and Dennis got married.

The door opened again and this time it was their mother, Carrying a sleeping Stella in her arms. She looked at her boys with worry. Ever since the disappearance of her ex-husband they had been acting a lot more distant.

" Boys, come on, let's go get some ice cream and go do something fun!" She said with hope in her eyes. She got no response. She sighed, laying Stella down of Jack's bed and walking over to her boys.

She sat down next to them, but they did not look up at her. She leaned forward and brought them both into her arms. Giving each of them a couple of kisses on the forehead.

" Please babies talk to me. I'm so scared right now. Please tell me what's wrong so we can all fix it together." She pleaded and only got silence in return. Her voice got quiet as tears came to her beautiful dark eyes. " You know your mama loves you with every ounce of her heart and soul... right?" She asked. Joshua shifted his head so that he was looking into her eyes.

" Yes mama, we know." He said, leaning up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. More tears fell down her face as she closed her eyes. It was just then that their little sister started screaming. She always did that! Just when they were getting their mother's undivided attention she always started screaming!

Their mother pulled away from them and grabbed the little bundle into her arms. She sent one last look of love to her boys before exiting the room. They stared at the door for a moment before Joshua got up and climbed onto his bed. It was not even close to night time but he was tired.

Jack watched him as he pulled the covers up over himself and turned away. It was not long till he fell asleep. When Joshua woke up next Jack was nowhere to be seen. It was nighttime now, and looking at their bedside clock he found out that it was two in the morning.

He left his bed and his room, walking quietly down the hallway in search of his brother. He heard a noise coming from Stella's nursery room and pushed the door open just in time to see jack holding a knife over the cradle which had their sleeping baby sister.

Joshua's eyes widened and he rushed forward, grabbing his brother's hand before he could strike it down. He wrestled him away from the cradle and moved in front of him.

" What are you doing?!" He hissed at Jack as quietly as he could. Jack glared at him.

" If we get rid of her and then Dennis then mom will be all ours again!" Jack whisper yelled back. Joshua rubbed at his temples.

" Don't you understand?! This time she will know that we did it and she will never love us if we do this!" Joshua cried as silently as he could.

" Then what do you suggest we do?! I can't keep doing this!! I cant have mama keep ignoring us for them!!" He finished with disgust in his voice. Joshua was silent for a moment.

" Mom will never stop loving them, they're a big part of her life now. We can never change that no matter what we do. If we can't take it... then let's leave." Jack reeled back as if his brother just punched him.

" Leave? Leave right now?" He asked in bewilderment. Joshua nodded. This time it was Jack who was quiet as he processed what his brother had just said. He looked back at the baby in her cradle and with a snarl he threw the knife down onto the carpet, storming out of the room.

Joshua looked over at the baby one last time before following his brother. They never even went back into their room to pack any bags. They simply just walked out the front door, and never even looked back.

Over the course of the next ten years, they became two of the most wanted criminals in the country. They never stayed in the same spot two nights in a row, they were always on the move. Always one step ahead of the law.

The only thing they left behind were bodies. Bodies of people who crossed them in any way. Be it trying to hurt them, or even just accidentally bumping into them on the streets. They would get hunted down by the twin wolves.

Their favorite method of hunting their prey was to make them think that lonely one of them was chasing them, only for the other one to sweep up from behind and catch them off guard.

When the cops finally did catch them they were prepared for the death sentence. Though unbeknownst to them there was a certain asylum that was willing to pay top dollar to keep the psychopaths for study. So instead of the death sentence, they were taken to Holland Hill institute. Where they were dragged into the group room with a smiling orange-haired Doctor, an Icy eyed muzzled man and a large, pale man with scars all over his face.

And only a couple of months after that...A scared girl that would change their lives forever.

- -

Joshua was dreaming again. It was the second and a half years in this institute, and two years since Jack was taken away from him. He tossed and turned every night in his room. If jack were here they would have neighboring rooms and just his nearby presence was enough to calm the wolf.

However, his twin was not here anymore. He was alone in his room. In his dream, he was looking at himself in a mirror. In his dream, his hair was longer and he had a beard. He looked exactly like his father.

He pulled and pulled at his hair but no matter how much he yanked it out it always grew back. He only stopped when a soft voice spoke to him, soft hands touching his arms and making him turn over.

It was Y/N. She was in his dream now. She spoke in a soft voice to him, begging to not hurt himself like that. He slowly dropped his hands from his head, and they found her soft ones to hold.

She hugged him and he held her close. He felt hot all over now. He never in his life would have admitted this... but over the years he had developed a crush on her. It hurt him to know that the Asylum would not let him have her. But this was a dream, and even though he did not realize it at the moment, he knew right then and there that he could have her.

And he did. He made love to her all night long, feeling her moving underneath him as they both lived endless moments in utter pleasure. Her lips were so soft against his, and her skin was so warm against him.

He suddenly jumped awake from his dream, lifting his head up from the bed as he looked around wildly. He was not with Y/N, he was still in his darkroom. His eyes were half-lidded, a flush over his face, and the room felt like it was one hundred degrees, his whole body covered in sweat. His eyes darted around the room as he panted like a dog in heat as the high of his dream slowly left him.

Then a strike of embarrassment hit him as he realized what he just dreamt about... and what he had been doing not only in his dream. He made love alright, but not to Y/N. He sighed softly to himself as he pulled his pillow out from underneath him. He looked at it in bewilderment for a second before his eyes flashed up to the camera that was up in the corner of his room, the red light on.

With a snarl, he through the pillow at it. He yelled at it as it bounced harmlessly off the piece of technology, leaping from his bed and jumping up to it, grabbing it in his hand and ripping it out from the wall entirely. He threw the sparking contraption at the wall. Standing in the middle of the room as he breathed heavily.

He did not return to his bed, instead, he nestled into the corner, with his knees up to his chin, and his arms around his legs

- -

Joshua cornered the old lady in the backyard of the log cabin that they had pulled up to. Jack had already killed her husband and Y/N was still sleeping in the car.

The old lady was tripping over her feet as she backed away from him, sobbing as tears ran down her face. A dog that he had not seen yet ran at him, and he stabbed it with his knife as it jumped for him.

He pushed the body away, getting its blood all over his hands as he continued to stalk towards the old lady. She raised up her shaking hands as she pleaded for her life. He could hear his brother's voice in his mind, telling him to do it. But he could also hear Y/N's voice screaming for him to stop.

He looked into the old lady's tear-filled eyes. But he only saw Y/N's E/C ones. He raised the knife to plunge it down, but it only hung in the air.

"I... I can't do this anymore." He said to himself, lowering the knife. The old lady sobbed and started screaming as he reached over and grabbed onto her. He pulled her close, looking into her eyes intensely.

" Run." He whispered to her. " Run as fast as you can and don't looked back." He told her, letting her go. She immediately started running back towards the house.

" No! Not that way!" He yelled at her but it was too late. He heard her scream from inside as his brother found her, and started chasing her. He heard he scream cut out as his brother killed her. He growled out to himself.

" Why didn't you run the other way!! I tried to help you!! Now your dead!!" He shouted out, though he knew no one could hear him. He only heard his brother call out to him.

" Your bitch is awake!"

- -

Joshua jumped out from his memories as Y/N turned around in her sleep again. Making a small little squeek. It was still dark in the attic room. How long had he been lost in his memories? He let his eyes lock over her form again.

He wanted more than anything in the world for her to love him like he loved her. But he was a monster, he did not deserve her love and she would never love him, and he knew it.

He continued to watch her sleep as the night went by. Trying so desperately hard to not wake her up as tears rolled down his cheeks. He brought his hands up to his mouth, trying to hold back his sobs.

The night went on.

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