The Clockworks Charm(Ongoing)

By Sanjuuuu003

368 96 0

Fantasy - fiction A little kid has a huge desire of accomplishing his dream ,but his parents aren't supporti... More

Chapter 1


19 7 0
By Sanjuuuu003

 I looked at Sam to watch his reaction when I said this. Sam was yelping excitedly ,that blew me out by looking at his expression.I started kicking the wall out of rage. He got up and started whirling and twirling around me and said "Cool down buddy Cool down"!

       ''You seem so excited when I am upset ".He  kept quiet for a minute or two and said, I found a way to get your twenty-five bucks,  not just the twenty-five bucks the whole seven hundred and fifty bucks for a month ". I looked at him for a while because I didn't know if he was joking.  I asked him if he was serious .

 I made a grumpy face and started shouting "This is not the right time to joke ". Come on Jack  , Why will I play with your  mood swings ? I am  your friend, I have a BRILLIANT IDEA ",  Sam said." What is it ?".I asked  him,  "Let's go out for a while, you"ll feel rejuvenating" .                                                I have a mathematics test tomorrow ,Sam .                                                                                                            Just trust me and do whatever I say, I "ll help you in finding those seven hundred and fifty bucks". 

Thirty minutes later, Sam and I went to the place where we built a house when we were four years old. The house only both of us knew and nobody else. Generally, We guys come here when we get upset or maybe for a day or two to lounge. I  was wondering what had made him bring me here all of a sudden when I had a mathematics test the very next day

I started panicking as I took leave for two days ,but those damn twenty five were bugging me the whole time.                                                                                                                                                                              Sam , Please hurry up and tell me what made you bring me here .                                                            Come inside ,Jack !                                                                                                                                                          He was standing before a wooden table  which is made of the tree trunk. 

He started writing  on the table "Plan A ". I was looking at what he was writing .                                           Jack ,we are going to start business to earn your seven hundred and fifty bucks . What sort of  business ,Sam ? "Jack , please be patient .I 'll come to that point by the end of the  plan". Sam took a deep breath and said "Plan B- I 'll try convincing my dad to  decrease the fee,as he has already given you the discount.  "Plan C- Let's share both of our pocket money  for your classes ". I gave him a round of applause .He started smiling at me. "Please Sam I have to leave now ,I have to study for tomorrow's test, we 'll come here tomorrow immediately after the test ".

I held his arms and said "Thank you Sam ,You are my true friend".

We guys  departed from the place .I started rushing towards my home.

My mom  looked at me and said "You are late ,Jack!". I dodged my mom 's words and headed towards the room and started preparing for the test. I opened my mathematics notebook.I realised  that I 've written  notes in loose papers .I kept searching for those papers in my cupboard .I have this inbuilt ability of not organizing things properly ,so I end up searching for everything a day before the exam . It 's been almost an hour searching for the papers but because of  god's grace,  I just found a single sheet of paper at least.But I couldn't find any other papers related to tomorrow's exam .I  thought to myself " Whatever ,I wish only this part of the lesson would be asked in tomorrow's exam". I started solving problems based on two digit additions as I lost single digit and the three digit addition notes  .

While I was solving I came across a question "What is twenty five plus   twenty five ?". I  got frustrated looking at that question and as a result I tore that page too.

I had nothing to study for the next day's test. It was around Eight '0' clock .My mom was calling me to have dinner .She asked me to pack my bag for tomorrow's exam as well as the Math's revision class and the English class.I fell asleep soon around nine'0' clock as I have to get up a little early tomorrow.The next day my mom drove me off to school. I was a little late to the class so the teacher  said "If you answer my questions right ,you can sit at your place".

"Sure , teacher ."

She started drawing tiny mangoes on the board and asked me "How many mangoes are there?".I answered five  mangoes .The whole class started laughing.The teacher  started banging the duster on her table and said "SILENCE CLASS". She asked me again "Jack ,How many mangoes are there ? ", trying to accentuate that sentence with a serious look.I answered five again.The teacher was rather feeling abashed listening to my answer. She rushed to the principal's office to call my mom.

After a while my mom entered the class and I waved my hand at her. 

She just dodged my wave and asked the teacher "Teacher what's the matter ?How is my son doing?"

Your Son is not able to answer a question whereas the whole class is able to answer it right.

My mom then asked her "What is the question, teacher? He might answer if I would ask him because he might be scared to answer it to you". My teacher whispered the question in my mom's ear. My mom  asked me the question ." What is two + two ? "I thought to myself "Even this bloody question is a secret .Wow! ", I answered   five .My mom got angry and said "It's four ,Son"!

 No mom it's five because there is an other  mango in my snacks box .

My teacher  looked at my mom .My mom smiled at the teacher and said "Can I leave ?".

"Sure !" My teacher asked me to sit down .So, it's also important to view things from others perspective too.Later ,we were asked to prepare for the slip test in the next five minutes .I was searching for the mathematics notebook .I opened it and realised  that I didn't take notes of the test .I started   the mathematics notebook .I opened it and realised that I didn't take notes of the test .I started  crying .The teacher asked me "Why are you crying ?"   "Teacher , my stomach is aching "I said this so that I could skip the test as I didn't  prepare for it

"Let me   call your mom so that she could take you home".   While I was crying I started shouting in the   While I was crying I started shouting in the class"Teacher,My stomach is aching,please do something".  She rushed to the principal's  office to call my mom again. She then said "Your mom is coming to pick you up ,Jack". I  thought to myself "You are a genius Jack, the plan worked ".I was  asked to take rest on the bench .My mom had picked me .She  lifted me up in  her arms took me to the car. I  thought to myself "Time to show my acting skills'.She  drove the car towards home and she lifted me up from the seat and took me home .She  put me on my bed and asked me to take some rest .

Later she went out of the room I started smiling   because I didn't write the test today.  I felt like going out and playing with my neighborhood  friends .I then thought to myself "If I would do that I would be sent back to school along with  lectures given by mom ".So, I thought I would take rest maybe an hour or two .I was then looking at the ceiling of my bedroom on which the radiant star stickers were placed.Whilst I was  looking at that I started falling asleep . 





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