Wilting Roses (Formerly known...

By Ortiz-Novels

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Heart broken and mistreated by her arranged husband, Scarlett Heart seeks refuge in a massive garden hidden i... More

Cover Art
Copyright © 2014 by Mara L. Ortiz
Wedding Day
Grand Feast
2 years and 9 Month's
Tragic Karma
The Little Things
Little Lies
Challanged Thought's
Falling Harder
Heart At Ease
Urgent Message
Recovery and Dispair
Hiding in Plain Sight
The Truth
The Encounter
The Day is Gone
Heart Warming Farewell
When Push Comes to Shove
Plead Bargin
Against All Odds
Holding On to Stay True
Final Blow
True Love's Last Kiss
Fear of The Truth
Set Things Right
There's A Fire
Looking for Shelter
Sweet Winter Spring & Summer

Winter Has Come

55.3K 1.9K 159
By Ortiz-Novels

Chapter Thirty Seven

As she neared the large brick home, she stared in awe as a family of four sat at their old dinner table. A smile tugged at her lips when she witnessed the family pray. Scarlett drew near but not enough to be seen. The mother, whom dressed in a beautiful dark green gown, smiled warmly to her husband, taking his hand as he too grasped it only to place a tender kiss upon it. Two beautiful children sat at each side, their smiles and brighter than the sunshine on summer day. She was tempted to press her hand to glass but instead she wandered her eyes to the side of the home. The sun was setting as she scurried to walk past the large manor towards the gardens in the back.

Looking upon the entrance to the labyrinth she felt the strings of her heart tug at the sight. Her fingers touched the dead worn hedges and a smile reached her lips when she heard that faint water trickling.

"Thank heavens." She whispered, the instant she finally looked upon her old garden. With a smile she walked in and sat on the fountains edge letting the silence and cold prickle at her skin. She had missed the peace and quiet of the garden.

She was risking her health by sitting there but she found that she did not care. In the end nothing mattered anymore. Scarlett felt guilt eat at her as she finally grasped at her hands out of nerves.

"Heavens me, this is all my fault." She breathed.

Had she not shoved Dathan to begin with none of the events that had taken place would have happened. She was to blame and she could understand that. If she would have told Nichole on time what Drake had intended, maybe then there would still be a breath of life in him. Laughter escaped Scarlett as she clutched the blanket tightly around her shoulders. Her laughter echoed in the large garden as she rocked back and forth. However, had nothing to do with joy rather she laughed out of nerves and sorrow.

Covering her mouth she stopped only to feel a few tears slip from her eyes. "My, all of this drama has clearly branded me insane." She said. Part of her understood now that Dathan, her family, and her life would never function properly after all of this. Drake had died because of her and the house had burnt to a crisp because she had provoked the fire. Once her family found out about the horrible things she had committed they would scorn her.

She watched the sky and the beautiful colors that began to taint the sky. Scarlett stood and turned over her shoulder once she walked towards the exit. Memories filled her as she looked upon the fountain, the dead pedals fallen unto the dry grass, and finally the entire hedges.

"Thank you, for giving me the peace of mind and center I so longed for all these years." She whispered. Walking out Scarlett held her head high and walked up to the front door giving it a firm knock. A servant greeted her then and the family took her in, providing her with a bit of shelter before she began to find her way in a new life.

As she settled into her warm bed that night, Scarlett curled her finger into her hair gently allowing the soft tugs to drift her into sleep. To these people she was nothing but a lost soul looking for a bit of shelter and food. Tomorrow would be better and the day after that, things would begin to feel better once she gained her footing.


The day had come and Dathan felt his strength had returned. The weather outside was something fierce as the sudden storm hit them with such a violent clash. Ice occupied every possible crevice it could.

He had thought long and hard about what she had confessed. It seemed however that the anger and resentment he felt towards his father would not leave him. Part of him understood why she would doubt his love for her. He had, after all, been a wretched husband to her. He had been plagued and tortured by six months of loneliness and longing, it had been too much for him to resist. Now he wondered just how she had managed after all these years.

He could not hate her nor be angry with what she had done. Scarlett had merely tried to save herself the heart ache she feared Dathan might once again inflict upon her. He watched as the large blanket of snow covered every inch of the ground.

"I had expected that by now you would have been declaring your reconciliation," his father said.

Dathan turned to look at his father. He wore a thick coat and a cheerful colored scarf to warm him from the cold. He pressed a small smile on his face as he reached his sons side.

"Tell me, how long did you seek to prolong this little lie?" Dathan asked,

His father chuckled and shook his head as he turned to look at Dathan. "Still making everything about you? I see that you still have yet to change Dathan. You claim to love this woman, and claim to have changed your ways of vanity and greed yet you stand there acting a victim of love when it is Scarlett who has suffered at your hands." Sir Heart stated.

Dathan grew silent as he pondered his father's words. He shook his head and took a calming breath. "I am sorry, for everything. Had I been a better son maybe none of this would have occurred. It is I who is to blame." Dathan finally said. His father smiled and nodded once as he reached to squeeze his sons shoulder.

"Then go to her, the family left before we could say goodbye. They seemed a bit on edge since the incident, I myself was headed in that direction. We need to apologize for the wretched things we said to one another. The Worthington's have been a good family and friends to us all. My two boys would have never gotten into such a private school had it not been for their good word." He said.

"They have been gone far too long." Dathan muttered, as he now thought of his two younger brothers. His father had shipped them away with family to Theodosia. A city growing with wealth and prosperity. They had been sent for the entire year to study under the rule of their professor Sir Joshua Bane, a wealthy and intelligent man.

"Give me a moment to dress, then I shall go with you." Dathan said.

His father left him then and as soon as Dathan had dressed he stopped to think just what he might say to her. He had been cruel in leaving her words to hang in the air. She was truly not deserving of such actions. Dathan would plead if he had to, he cared little for what anyone had to say. He was determined to stop this charade and prolonging to finally be with the woman he loved. Nothing would get in the way of him finally claiming Scarlett Worthington as his bride.

Wrapping a bright red scarf around his neck he dressed in all black winter clothing. Quickly, he made his way to the foyer where he witnessed the carriage rider murmuring to his parents.

"Exactly where did you leave her?" he heard his father ask as he drew nearer.

"What's going on?" Dathan asked.

His mother shook her head and covered her mouth in surprise. She blinked several times before sniffling and turning to look at Dathan. "The poor thing...s-she's run away." She confessed.

His brow furrowed at the news. Dathan felt his world come to a stop as he turned to the old man and asked him with a tight tone further questions. "Where did you leave her?"

The man seemed to grow intimidated by Dathan's tone and lowered his head in shame. "Sir, please, I insisted that she climb back into the carriage but she refused. All she said to me was that if anyone asked where she had gone to tell them that she merely sought some peace and quiet." He stuttered. "I left her near the road leading to an old manor near the forest." He finally said.

Dathan shook his head and walked past him towards the front door. His father called to him but Dathan refused to listen as he reached the stables and took a horse instead. Before he could gallop away his father stood in the way and stopped him.

"You cannot go out to look for her this way, you will catch your death out here, get in the carriage and let us go to the Worthington's she might have returned there." His father suggested. Dathan felt the journey would take forever as he looked down to his father and then towards the dirt road which laid covered in snow. Loosening the hold on the reigns he descended from his horse and climbed into the carriage.

"Joseph claims to have gone back only to find no trace of her. We cannot blame the poor old man, he was merely doing what he was told." His mother tried to reason.

"I hope she is alright and somewhere safe, to be out in this weather is simply a terrible idea." His father said.

Dathan could only grasp a few words they muttered to one another. He felt he would never reach their destination as he looked out the small glass window.

"I'm a fool." He finally said.

Both parent's stopped their chatter to turn their attention to their eldest son. Tears spilled from his eyes as he watched the dried and snowy trees drift by gently.

"Son, you are no fool." His mother corrected.

"I have been the most inconsiderate, conniving, and vile husband in the history of time. I don't deserve her father, mother. I don't deserve such a pure soul. Heaven will condemn me if I try to take and angel such as her for a wife." He said.

Dathan fought back the tears but as he tried to blink them away more came. Everything was caving in on him as he recalled the scorns, the vile words, and harsh commands. Closing his eyes he tried to gain control of himself. Now he saw the greatest mistakes he had made. His heart ached as he covered his eyes and tried to hold on to his sanity.

"Son, everything will be alright. We are but human beings, we are prone to make mistakes and it is up to us to either walk away from them or try to make amends for what we have done. You will make amends not because I order you but because you know it is the right thing to do. If that woman wants to be with you then by God claim her, because it is heaven who sees it fit to give you a second chance." His father encouraged.

Dathan wiped at his tears and tried to smile. His father's words were enough to make him feel at ease.


She had no clue how she had come this far. Scarlett looked at the worn out home and felt a smile tug at her lips. It was deserted and fading yet she merely saw how beautiful it would look come summer. The man hopped off the wagon and aided her to descend. They neared the door and he shuffled through a few rusted keys before finding the correct one.

"Here we are miss, it isn't much but you sure get a great deal for it." The owner tried to say.

"This will do perfectly, I only ask that you please be a gentleman and start a fire for me." She said with a smile.

The cheerful owner hurried to throw a few logs into the old chimney and quickly started a fire that began to warm the home. She walked up the small creaky steps and opened the two bedroom doors to allow the heat to spread in every corner. When she descended, she saw the man to the door and paid him in full for the property.

"Now what did you say your name was?" he asked.

"Eleanor Merriweather Preston." She lied. If she wanted to start a new life without Drake's family or anyone else for that matter seeking justice for the vile things she had done, her name would have to change.

"Well Miss Preston, I am glad to have made business with you. We usually don't sell to women who are not married but you came highly recommended by Miss Bridget Heart." He said.

It was in her desperation that Scarlett had sought the aid of Sonia to hide away from the winter. Of course questions and worries followed when Sonia witnessed the condition Scarlett had arrived in. Nevertheless, the two had time to catch up and chat about what had happened and how Scarlett could find means to start again.

Then she learned of Matthew and Bridget's marriage. To aid Scarlett in her attempt to flea Sonia and she visited Bridget not long after Scarlett had arrived. That is how she stood here now, owner of only two acres of land and a small two story home.

The house wasn't much but it was more than what Scarlett had asked for. It laid far away from the city in the outskirts of the country side. Sonia would follow along shortly to bring supplies and food for her friend.

She stared into the fire, it crackled and popped as she dusted off an old settee and pushed it near the fire. Curling into a small shivering ball, Scarlett began to plan her life of solitude. She didn't know how long it would be before she coughed up the courage to tell her family of her whereabouts'. Perhaps. she never would.

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