
By Inconvenient_Ideal

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For as long as she could remember, Liruliniel had one goal, one hope, one thing she wanted to aspire to be an... More

Author's Note.


526 35 8
By Inconvenient_Ideal

Camp life echoed throughout the tent and into Liruliniel's subconscious, her eyes squeezed shut before opening slowly. Her eyes dully stared up at the tent roof above her before she even contemplated moving, she just absentmindedly stared; her mind was waking up slowly, and her body and limbs even slower. She ached. She couldn't even deny it, she ached horribly. She felt awful for thinking, and longing for a bath and a fresh bed, the people around her didn't have that luxury quite yet. She wasn't even sure if there was any running water nearby. She hoped so, or else where was everyone getting fresh water to drink? Surely what Thranduil had bought with him, had all but ran out now?

Liruliniel frowned and slowly tried to move, she was stiff and her back clenched at her even trying to move. Her legs felt heavy, and the arm in the sling was as responsive as it had been last night. She tentatively sat there with her hand gently against it. A small frown was on her face. Nerves would fire off every so often, her fingers twitched on response, but it wasn't her choice to move the digits. The thought of potentially being without it for the rest of her life had her frowning in thought, no more fighting was the first thing which crossed her mind, she could train those around her with one arm, she would have to give up archery; not that she would weep over that...

All in all, she could do it. She could do it, and she wouldn't even care that much. With a shrug from her good shoulder, Liruliniel just accepted it for what it was: her arm could heal perfectly fine, or it could not. She wasn't going to sit here worrying about it. Especially because of how she was sitting was making her ribs feel like they were encasing her tightly. With a wheezed breath, her legs were heavily flung over the bunk. Her bare feet shuffled against the ground as she sat there looking around, Liruliniel's expression softened at the sight of Thranduil within his chair, not so much that, but more for the fact that he was clearly asleep.

She knew he was, because if he knew she was awake, he would be over here trying to help. He'd be trying to not look like he was fussing, quite like yesterday; he was very bad at blatantly trying to be ignorant, it came naturally to him yes, but when trying to act it...no. To her his worrying was as clear as the sun no doubt in the sky. But he seemed to have gone to sleep leaning against one of his hands, balled into a fist and his elbow against the armrest. If anyone saw him, they'd think he was merely thinking with his eyes shut. So deep in thought he was oblivious to everything around him.

Well, he definitely was oblivious to her awkwardly stretching down at the other end of the tent. Liruliniel stretched on her toes, her good arm above her head before stretching before herself. She felt and heard joints popping, she felt the protest her ribs and back gave before commencing walking forwards. Reaching out, Liruliniel just smiled when the reaction from her fingers lightly trailing over his cheek, had a pair of slightly sleepy eyes staring up at her. Thranduil's eyes may have opened quickly enough, but even she could see he was still more asleep.

With more grace than what she showed this morning, he moved from his hand and looked up at her fully. He seemed surprised she wasn't swaying in place, that she seemed quite stable and smiling his way. In truth, Liruliniel passed out into sleep last night. Her body was screaming for sleep, and she couldn't ignore the pull it had on her. The bunk was uncomfortable, the sleep had been restful despite of the lack of comfort, but she didn't see how she had any standing to complain; some out there didn't even have bunks, because they were all given to the injured. Yes, she may have been injured too, but she was rather sure she was perhaps one of few injured that actually woke come the morning.

Shaking her head, Liruliniel sighed. She couldn't help but feel melancholy. How could she not? So much had happened, in such a small space of time. Things escalated so quickly, honestly, Liruliniel didn't think she had had a moment to fully comprehend what had actually happened. Thranduil clearly saw her turmoil, the way her eyes clouded over and she stared through him. Standing and placing a hand on her shoulder, he turned and slowly and gently pushed her to sit. He knelt in front of her, his hands remaining holding onto her one. His eyes flicked to a twitching finger before looking up when she let out a small laugh, it didn't sound all too happy.

"It's not my doing. I can't actually feel anything from my shoulder downwards." Liruliniel explained, Thranduil understood where her bitterness laid then. She bowed her head and nodded slowly, Thranduil leaned up and tilted her head back up, he wasn't all too surprised to see her eyes filled with tears. Liruliniel scrunched her nose, she tried to smile but all that did was cause tears to finally escape. "It's hit me."

"I did wonder when it would." Thranduil replied softly, the last battle they'd been in had been as bad, they both equaled, but she had ridden a high of relief before crashing. And she really did crash. It was the same here. Her relief and happiness over everyone being well and good had ebbed away to realisation.

"I think I did a lot of reckless things."

"But without doing so, I believe a few would've died." Thranduil said, hoping she'd get the hint. If she didn't do certain things, Thorin and his nephews would definitely not be here now. Liruliniel brushed the back of her hand over her eyes with a laugh. She sounded a bit happier now, Thranduil was relieved of that, even if she did still look sad.

Shaking her head and looking around the tent, Liruliniel stared long and hard at the armour to one side. Even Thranduil glanced over before looking back up at her. Liruliniel opened her mouth and shut it, thinking of the words she looked tearfully down at him. "True. But I think recently I have done a lot of reckless things; a lot of unnecessary things. I needlessly went hunting for trouble within our home. I idiotically faced a dragon. I went running head first into battle without much of a worry. Then I, without even a second thought, sacrificed all of myself to save Thorin. I know my actions bought good, in a way. But it is awful for me to say, that only a few times I thought of how you would be if things went sour. And for that I feel dreadful. I am so sorry, Thranduil. I am so sorry that I have acted so ridiculously, and idiotically."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow, he wasn't expecting this much retrospective. Inhaling slowly he stood, Liruliniel looked up at him, biting her bottom lip looking almost worried about his reply. He wiped a thumb under her eye and looked to the tent doorway, he shut it late last night but he could see shadows flitting, people were busying with some task or another. "It is what you do, you do the ridiculous and idiotic. You always have done. Do I expect to always be at the forefront of your mind? No, of course I do not. It has taken me a long time to accept that your care, your heart is for everyone. Your actions are for the good of our lands. It just so happens, that in this instance I have relented and will have to accept sharing." Thranduil said while nodding his head to the side, he held out a hand and helped her stand.

Liruliniel smiled his way, her eyes narrowing slightly when he opened the tent flaps and the sunlight hit her. It was warm out, she couldn't help but be struck with how ironic it was in a way; yesterday, the weather reflected the mood of everything and everyone, it was dreadful, foggy in some areas, drizzling in others. The sun did not shine until the end, and even then it was the late afternoon, it would've been the last of the sunlight in a day. And now, now the new day had bought with it warmth, sun and not a sight of a rain cloud or fog.

Thranduil didn't rush her, he just stood there and let her take it in, to get her bearings before smiling his way. Thranduil took that as his cue, he started leading her away. It seemed like most of the tents had been taken down, the only ones that were still up were the ones which had been formed into field healer rooms. The smells of incense, herbs, and the less pleasant smells from the injured and dying could be smelt. Liruliniel paused, she rubbed a hand to her temple before almost doubling over herself. If Thranduil wasn't holding her, Liruliniel probably would've just gone face planting the mud.

"Imrathon! Please...where is he?" Liruliniel looked up at him with pleading eyes, she was mentally kicking herself. What an idiot! The elf had been with her on and off on the battlefield, they had fought together, lost each and reunited only to depart again. "Please tell me he is not still out there, if he is...I will have to go out there, no-!" Liruliniel's voice was getting a little hysterical, she even tried to go walking back to the battlefield, only for him to grasp onto her a little tighter and stop her. "Thranduil, please let me go!"

"Your attempts to go charging out into a graveyard is unneeded. Unwarranted even. He is well, he is alive." Thranduil explained, Liruliniel's relief was almost palpable as she sighed heavily. She blinked and slowly looked back at him, Thranduil tilted his head. "As you wish," he said to her silent plea. He led her slowly away, towards a set of tents which didn't have the smells of herbs coming from them, the sight of healers and helpers coming in and out of the tents they were going to was less.

Liruliniel was not sure what she was expecting, she could only presume that she got so caught up in the moment, of everyone greeting her that unfortunately...her mind got carried away. She felt horrendous for forgetting him, she truly did. Yet, when inside the tent she was surprised to see that those within, weren't so horrendously beaten and wounded. There were men and women from all of the races here, other than the dwarven women that was. A few children were present too, evidently caught in skirmishes and come off a little hurt from it. But, sitting in the middle of one of the rows of bunks, was Imrathon. The elf himself sat propped in bed, he seemed to be trying to deter a healer from looking at him. From the outside he did look fine, yet Liruliniel narrowed her eyes. One of his hands was favouring one of his legs, the palm would grip painfully onto his knee, his eyes looking sceptical.

Liruliniel sighed, looking at Thranduil she nodded, he let her go and she walked slowly over. With a heave, she practically collapsed on the edge of the bunk. Imrathon and the healer naturally looked perturbed by her appearing, so caught up in their argument, neither saw her coming. Liruliniel grinned their ways before sniffing quietly and fidgeting to sit upright. Thranduil just rolled his eyes, yet graced the side of the bunk with his presence, causing the healer to blanch and turn rather pale, and for Imrathon to look wide eyed and rather confused.

Liruliniel smiled as the healer bowed and practically scuttled off, Liruliniel raised an eyebrow, she shook her head and looked away from the beetle like scuttling woman, and stared at her friend. "What's wrong with your leg?"

"Took a hit."

"By?" Liruliniel frowned in thought, his words could mean anything. She would quite like to have some specifics. Imrathon though, no, he stayed silent. Liruliniel sighed, "You should let them take a look. Yes, we heal faster, we can take more damage than the mortals; but you are still hurt, and you still need help. Let them look." Liruliniel spoke softly, worried even that Imrathon would still decline help when it was right there next to him.

"You seem...well."

Liruliniel scoffed, "Busted ribs steal healing, bruised back and a few cuts here and there. Took a few hits to the head, and this," she pointed to her sling, Liruliniel smiled softly. "Yes, I am well."

Imrathon sighed, "If that is well, then I am not sure what you class unwell as being."

"I do believe you wouldn't wish to know." Thranduil commented dryly, staring between the two yet staying standing by Liruliniel's side. He didn't trust her not to topple, considering how she fell almost on the bunk. Even now she was fidgeting trying to get comfortable.

Imrathon scoffed, trying to hide a laugh yet from the smirk on Thranduil's lips, the laugh soon slipped out. Liruliniel raised an eyebrow, if she could've crossed her arms, she would've. Instead she fidgeted, got a hand to steady her between her shoulders, and she stared at Imrathon pointedly. "My point is that I am up, and moving, and I will heal. To be honest, I feel better than yesterday. I wouldn't be feeling this, if I didn't have someone look at my injuries." Liruliniel decided not to let slip just who looked at them and that she wasn't in a state to decline aid. Liruliniel didn't know how much information Imrathon would've received while in here. She didn't know if he was even conscious when she was bought in, or if he was out cold. Liruliniel decided to just act as if any other healer had seen to her, not Elrond. Much like any other elf, Imrathon was proud, accepting help seemed to be a flaw. When it really wasn't, if help was needed and there, it was foolish to turn it down.

Imrathon looked sceptical, well, more so then he did previously when the healer was still buzzing around him. Thranduil could see this was going nowhere fast. "She is right. Unless you enjoy being within this tent?"

Imrathon sighed, "Not particularly."

"That is sorted then. Let a healer look at your injury." Thranduil's tone wasn't exactly one for arguing, or trying to contradict. Imrathon bowed his head and nodded slowly, he was accepting that defeat while Liruliniel grinned Thranduil's way. He just sighed in response. Liruliniel's tact wasn't working, Thranduil's did. Like Imrathon would ignore something which came from his king.

"Caladhiel is going to not leave us alone. She will be like a mother hen, fussing and clucking around us." Imrathon said, leaning his head back against the pillows with a heavy sigh.

"I will tell Caladhiel you said she clucks." Liruliniel smiled softly, Imrathon let out a laugh and opened an eye to look at her. "Be fair...I don't mind her fussing." Liruliniel picked at some invisible fluff on her trousers. Caladhiel's fussing always made her feel warm, wanted, almost fuzzy on the inside. No, she didn't like how worried the elf got. But the feeling of being wanted, to be worried over? Liruliniel felt odd for revelling in that, but she did.

Imrathon tilted his head, "Surely you have not got out of your own sickbed, to come all this way to see me?"

Liruliniel smiled, "I did. Well, that and food. But you first."

"That's nice to see I am a priority before filling your stomach."

"I am healing, and healing people need to eat!"

"Yes, fine. Be that as it may-"

"Do not accuse me of scoffing."

Imrathon looked baffled then. "I was actually going to ask you to bring something for me. But if you eat everything before anyone can share it out..." Imrathon trailed off, Liruliniel laughed out and looked rather mock offended while swatting her good hand against his arm. Thranduil just shook his head and left them to it, though at the sight of the healer trying to venture near again, he aided Liruliniel up and they left. Perhaps it was best they weren't around, Imrathon would probably feel like his pride and ego hadn't taken a total bash by them two being present watching.


It was within the week after the battle had taken place, that Liruliniel found herself sitting outside of the tent which had yet to be taken down; in truth, it probably could be, she had become used to the uncomfortable bunk and waking to see Thranduil definitely asleep in the chair, but there was nowhere else to relocate to. In truth, it had taken this long to get some of the healer tents taken down, the occupants either sadly being taken to a place of rest, or walking about aiding where they could. It had also taken this long to clear the city of the bodies; the orcs, goblins and foul creatures which had been within their company were burned, far, far away from the city, or anywhere within the vicinity of the allies.

The dead which had fallen in battle, and those which were laid out in some of the abandoned buildings of Dale, were about ready to finally be put to rest. Everyone felt awful that it had taken this long, but it was never going to be a quick fix, so many had perished. It seemed only right that everyone be laid together, as they fell together. Didn't mean it wasn't still hard to watch. Liruliniel had stood beside Thranduil, her a lot more emotive than him, everyone around them were equally so; some distraught women tried to clutch onto bodies of men, of boys they clearly knew and loved, and it was all so hard. It was dreadfully hard to watch, and Liruliniel had had a little cry later on in the evening, even more so when Arthion's body was put to rest along with valiant horses and other animals which had been used in the ally armies. Thranduil had comforted the best he could, but truthfully he didn't think it would truly be enough; she was as close to the elk as he ever could be.

At some point, Liruliniel had grown fed up of the long sleeves on the borrowed tunic. When she got given a replacement, one equally long in the sleeve, she had taken a blade and sliced the sleeves off. Right now she sat in the newly fashioned sleeveless tunic, her own trousers seemed in fair condition, her boots were still abandoned. Thankfully, running water had been discovered within a nearby stream that was in the woodland surrounding Erebor and Dale, so soon everyone was able to clean themselves of the muck of war. Liruliniel's hair for once wasn't braided, the fiery locks trailing over her shoulders and down her back as she sat there looking suddenly up at the sound of running feet.

Sitting upon a stool, she held a ball in her hand. Feeling had come to her arm suddenly one night. She was surprised, so surprised that she almost choked on her drink at the sudden twinging sensation. Thranduil had been confused, to say the least. His eyes looking at her widely, his face just set in this confused expression as she explained what happened. He had been pleased. But though he was pleased, he had been the one to push her to try and use her arm as soon as she was able to.

With the sleeves of the tunic off, she was truly able to see her arm; the splints were still in place, one against the top of her arm, the other on her forearm. Her elbow was free to bend, now she could because before this, she couldn't feel it. But, even with the splints and bandages keeping them in place, she could see the spidery trails of scars. She scrunched her nose, her hand tightening on the ball which was in her hand, apparently it was meant to help the muscles or something, she didn't know, but she went along with it.

She was still squeezing what seemed to be a child's toy when those running footsteps seemed to fully come her way. She raised an eyebrow, watching Fíli send her a sheepish yet cheeky look as he shoved his brother into the tent behind her and shut the tent doors. Liruliniel tilted her head, something was evidently happening that involved them two for them to go in that tent. Thranduil wasn't in there for the moment, or else this would be extremely awkward.

Liruliniel grinned at the thought, blinking and tilting her head, she lowered her hand to her lap, the ball forgotten as she heard their names being shouted. Her eyes narrowed slowly, she didn't recognise that voice, there was something soft, yet determined about it. Liruliniel straightened on her stool, her eyes blinking as she looked at the dark haired figure seemingly scouring the area. Liruliniel almost winced when the figure looked at her, she got looked up and down before she was no longer alone.

A dwarf. Not just any dwarf, but a female one. Liruliniel smiled sheepishly, with a foot she kicked out a nearby stool and nodded towards it. She remembered Thalion saying that dwarves got confused, they struggled to find females of their race because of the similarities. True as that may be, Liruliniel was surprised to see this female was not bearded like the men, her hair was dark, her eyes were bright and blue. Liruliniel sighed softly, Dís was basically the spitting image of Thorin. The siblings couldn't look anymore alike, well, maybe they could if Dís grew a beard...

"Have you seen my boys?" Dís was sitting on the stool, her eyes leaving Liruliniel to glance around again. "I could've sworn they came this way, and I couldn't help but see you and how you looked...suspicious."

"I think that's just my face. I have been told that I look like I'm scheming quite a bit at times." Liruliniel said with a shrug, her hand clenching the ball again and sniffing quietly. Thalion was such a charming brother, honestly.

"I know you," Dís nodded, Liruliniel looked sidelong at her. She never met Dís, not the last time she had come to Erebor. Nor did she meet Thorin and Dís's brother, Frerin. Dís leaned an arm against her thigh, her blue eyes looking sharply over Liruliniel as she looked back at her with a soft smile. "You are the one who saved my boy, my brother, my kin even." Dís's voice was soft, she looked rather kindly at her now, whatever hard lines that were on her face, were gone now.

"I would do it again."

Dís let out a laugh at that, she looked quite laid back now that she wasn't hunting for her sons. "You, yes. Others? Perhaps not."

"Others and what they do are none of my concern, as long as they don't intend to harm my friends and family." Liruliniel nodded, she pushed a lock of hair out of her face and looked at Dís. "Why are you hunting for your sons?" She was curious, what had they done to annoy their mother?

"You see, I have only just arrived; imagine it, trekking so far, the last words I had was that Fíli was close to death, and Thorin was dead. Only for this message to get retracted and changed. But, and this is quite a large one, what do I spy upon returning to this land?" Dís's voice turned hard again, Liruliniel winced expecting the worst here. She didn't know the dwarf, she had no clue what would irk her. "Thorin in cahoots with whom I can only presume is your King, and Kíli canoodling with another one of your kin."

Liruliniel narrowed her eyes, "Hm...whatever problems your brother and my King have, I think have been put to the side for the sake of everyone here. What use is squabbling amongst ourselves, when there is so much to be done here? The only way it will succeed, is if we're together. As for Kíli...Tauriel is a good elf, she is kind, compassionate, she is very smart, and quick. She is one of my oldest friends, I think they're rather sweet together." Liruliniel giggled awkwardly, Dís shot her an icy look which had her laughing more. Honestly, of course she always believed Legolas and Tauriel would become something, but as they grew, even Liruliniel could see there was more of a sibling relationship there than anything else.

Dís sniffed, she tilted her head, pushed a small braid with a clasp on the end out of her face, before looking back at Liruliniel. "Aye, true. I cannot argue with that logic. But..."

Liruliniel looked up at the sky, her eyes tracked the clouds before narrowing in thought. "You will always be the one woman in his life, which will always be there, Dís. Sorry, sorry. I have not introduced myself, not fully-"

"You are that missing Princess my brother spoke of."

"Ah, yes. I should probably thank Thorin in some part for introducing me, to you, inadvertently." Although she guessed she wasn't pleased that was the thing he went for. "I am Liruliniel. Although, some of the mortals here call me Lark. I find and they find, that it is easier and less awkward. Some interpretations of my name have been...interesting to say the least."

Dís laughed, "Oh, aye, I can very well imagine that."

Liruliniel smiled, "Do not fret about Kíli and Tauriel. Honestly, just be there if anything happens."

Dís looked long and hard at her, "Do you have children?" Dís questioned, there was something in Liruliniel's tone, the way in which she spoke which had her thinking, it caught her that their tones were similar, fond and wistful even.

Liruliniel blinked with large eyes and shook her head. "No. No, I have no children. There is one who is like a son to me, I have watched him grow, trained him, watched him go off out into the world. I love him dearly as if he was my son."

"You can choose your family. They don't always have to be blood." Dís nodded in thought, Liruliniel agreed with a nod in her direction. Dís shifted on the stool, she looked at Liruliniel curiously and she eyed her worriedly. It seemed, much like herself, if Dís had something in mind or on her mind that bothered her, she would just come out with it. "A man, perhaps?"

Liruliniel burst out laughing, she slapped her good hand to her knee and managed to shakily reach up and wipe her eyes with her injured one. "Yes, there is a man. You?"

"Oh no," Dís looked saddened then, "No one since their father." Liruliniel looked on curiously again. "Mavli died alongside my brother, and many others in an attempt to reclaim a lost homeland. He was and will always be the only one for me. Even now I know he awaits me, for when my time comes."

Liruliniel felt herself earnestly smile, that was such a wholesome way of looking at it, even through the heartbreak. Liruliniel squeezed the ball again, "My brother died in an ambush, of sorts, alongside my father. I am tied to the aforementioned King." Dís double took, even pointing a finger at her in shock. Liruliniel smiled, "That wasn't the expression I was expecting. I do not know you very well, Dís. But I did not think that, out of everything, would've made you silent!" Liruliniel laughed, "But it is true. Much like you and your Mavli, I feel entirely the same about Thranduil. There will be no one else who could have my heart, like him." Dís's shocked face changed, she softly smiled and nodded, understanding the similarity here. "So, you are chasing your boys down to berate one for canoodling as you say, with my friend; and the other?"

"Near death, Lark! The near death!" Dís exclaimed with a dramatic flair which had Liruliniel edging away a little on the stool, yet she smiled when Dís looked at her suddenly. Some around the camp looked over suddenly from her exclaiming, yet none ventured near or even asked what was going on.

"I saw them run in that direction," Liruliniel waved a hand casually to the side.

Dís looked, she seemed to think before slipping from the stool and coming closer. Liruliniel looked at her with a smile, though she tensed a little when Dís grasped her cheeks gently in her hands, pulled her close and rested her forehead against hers. Liruliniel just let out a breath and shut her eyes too, "Damâm uru 'aban, madtithbirzul." Dís whispered, Liruliniel could safely say this was the quietest she had heard Dís so far in their small moment of knowing each other.

Liruliniel opened her eyes, staring into the sharp blue eyes of the dwarf woman before she pulled back. "I don't really know how to translate that. My knowhow of your language is...not great, to say the least." She admitted with a bashful look. She knew how secretive they were, yet she was ever curious.

"Blood over stone, little golden heart." Dís replied, Liruliniel, although older, was being sent a look which should've come from someone much older than Dís. The honest, sheer heartwarming glow within her eyes just had Liruliniel smiling lightly. She understood, family was more important, as for the name, she guessed she would accept that too. Thranduil had already told her what Thorin had called her, azaghâl Uzbadnâtha, not the first time she had been called a warrior princess. But Dís's name for her was endearing, it warmed her on the inside.

The moment would've been complete, Dís would've gone off in the wrong direction if only the tent flaps weren't opened suddenly. Fíli and Kíli who were clearly crouching listening intently to their conversation jumped and fell over each other, Thranduil stood behind them with a raised eyebrow. He could see from the sidelines that the two women were in discussion before the way in, so he went around the other door. Only, he didn't expect to see the brothers whispering and chatting in hushed tones to each other. They hadn't heard him, Thranduil's steps were barely audible, they only noticed him when the tent flaps were opened and they jumped in surprise.

"You two!" Dís exclaimed, pointing at the pair as they scrambled up and stood up, they brushed themselves down and looked somewhat guilty. "And you!" Liruliniel looked surprised, she even blanched a little as Dís's finger was suddenly in her face, from a disagreeable noise behind them, Dís flashed a very Fíli and Kíli sheepish, yet cheeky grin before lowering her hand. Thranduil rolled his eyes and turned away, he didn't appreciate the finger pointing in Liruliniel's face, even if this moment was ridiculous. He sat down and looked at the four of them. Dís seemed to say something to her sons before linking an arm with them and being in between them as she hurried off.

"Well, isn't she a character?"

Liruliniel couldn't help but laugh from Thranduil's dull tone. She turned and looked into the tent, "She is actually very nice." Thranduil didn't look like he believed her as he tilted his head, eyes looking at her sceptically as she just smiled and looked forwards again. "I never asked if she came here alone."

"She didn't," Thranduil stood and moved over, he watched her hand clench the ball slowly as she looked to him to continue. She seemed to have improved, whether she fully realised this, he didn't know. "Glóin, his wife and son have come too along with some other dwarves, workers, smiths, craftsmen and craftswomen." Thranduil explained and looked at Liruliniel oddly when she leaped to a stand, "What is the matter?"

"You said smiths?"



"Yes." Thranduil narrowed his eyes as she turned on her heels eyeing everything up. "Why?"

"Where? Where, Thranduil?!" Liruliniel placed her good hand against his shoulder and practically shook him with excitement. He didn't like the action and put a stop to it rather quickly with a glare and his hand swatting hers away. Thranduil didn't answer with words, but gestured, and that's all it took for Liruliniel to turn on her heels and run. Thranduil watched her go, with a resigned sigh, he picked up walking after her. He was curious, how could he not be? She had gone off on such a sprint he was surprised the momentum didn't actually make her topple.

Liruliniel was easy to see, leaping and jumping and running about as quickly as she could. Thranduil could see her pace wavering, her lungs no doubt cramping and her ribs protesting her moving so quickly and suddenly. The speed was something which hadn't been used in a small while, yet Thranduil paused near a small settlement which had the appearance of a makeshift market. There wasn't anything to trade as such, but it was where those here gathered to share what they had managed to garner, make or bake.

Liruliniel was screaming and shouting something, others looked at her oddly but she didn't care. She didn't care because she soon sunk to her knees before a dwarf, even from where Thranduil stood he could see he was greying, almost white haired in places, like those around him he had a long beard with braids within it. He had an axe strapped to his back, but a bag within his hand, something like a tool bag no doubt. Thranduil could not hear what she was saying, being too far away, but she was speaking something.

Liruliniel however could not believe it, at all. What fates were looking down and favouring her right now, she did not know. The moment Thranduil mentioned smiths, her mind reeled. Did she believe an old friend would miss out the opportunity to bring Erebor back to its former glory? No. "Bodur, brother of Ralgor, son of Rúdir." Her breath came to her short and sharp, she looked up with a grin. "It is really you!"

Bodur looked at her curiously, his mind was clearly trying to piece everything together before laughing loudly. He clapped a hand tightly to her good shoulder and beamed her way. "Well look at you! Haven't you become a wily little scrapper, eh?"

Liruliniel laughed and winced, she tilted her head and straightened herself despite being knelt on the ground still. "I'm an adult now, and I'd be taller than you!"

Bodur rubbed a hand to his chin, it got lost in the thick beard as he thought over what she said before laughing again. "Nay, nay, see as your elder you'll still be a scrapper to me."

"I still have the sword you made me." Liruliniel said suddenly, her eyes wide as she just came out with it.

Bodur scoffed, "Should bloody well hope so, what with how you kept on wanting one."

"But you're such a brilliant smith!"

"Don't you come raining praise on me, lass. I am well aware, why else do you think I was asked to come here?"

"As if you wouldn't have come anyway." Liruliniel had him on that as she stood up and brushed dried mud from her knees. Bodur shot her a look as she grinned down at him. He could say all he wished, she knew he would've come here. He had never been to Erebor, Liruliniel had got told of the dwarven kingdoms by Bodur when they were in Ered Luin; it was mainly because of him her interest in the dwarves and their kingdoms was so high. He spoke so highly of places he had never been to, only heard stories of, but she wanted to see the stories, see the things which enamoured so many. She wasn't disappointed to say the least.

Bodur put his fists on his hips and looked her up and down now she was standing. Liruliniel frowned a little, he shook his head and shrugged. "You don't look much like a Princess, may I just say?" Liruliniel laughed, she couldn't help it, "Don't know many who'd get so beaten in a fight, or willingly fight. You look like you've been dragged to and from the Halls of Mahal, lass."

"Try the Halls of Mandos, then we're talking quite accurately, Bodur." Liruliniel said, shifting her weight and crossing her arms, her injured one cradled, splints and all with a small sigh.

Bodur looked up at her sympathetically, "You've had it real rough, by sounds of it, and I don't mean because of how you look, half-beaten and healing."

"Life hasn't been easy. You?"

Bodur smiled and stiffly shrugged, "Have finally left home to come and see the kingdom of Erebor." He turned and looked towards the Mountain, work was already underway there, a front door was in the process of being made but Liruliniel believed now Bodur was here, he'd quite easily take charge and get things done.

"I'm proud of you, Bodur." Liruliniel said while placing a hand on his shoulder.

With a raised eyebrow and a laugh, he looked up at her. "That is the last thing I need, elvish sarcasm."

Liruliniel laughed and shook her head, "I was being sincere!"

"Didn't bloody sound it!" Bodur exclaimed back and frowned her way, he looked a little grumpy only to sigh and smile up at her. Liruliniel just smiled back at him before noticing how Bodur was eyeing something to the side of her. She turned and looked at Thranduil, he had ventured near and stood beside her silently and looking from the Mountain to them. Bodur inhaled deeply, he seemed to grab his belt and hike it a little before stepping around Liruliniel and stopping before the pair. Thranduil looked down a little confused, he blinked slowly and frowned a little as his eyes stared at the elderly dwarf in front of him. "Now, listen here. King or not, this kid better be getting looked after. If anymore harm comes her way, you will have to answer to me."

"Liruliniel, I do believe you have beguiled all dwarves alike. They all seem so ready to come to your aid if anything foul falls over you." Thranduil's tone was casual, if not a little blunt as an eyebrow rose and he smirked at the dwarf, Bodur grumbled under his breath, he narrowed his eyes and looked close to saying something else before Liruliniel stood between them with a smile, a very awkward smile.

"You remember Bodur, right?"

Thranduil tilted his head, "Vaguely." Bodur double took, his eyes wide before narrowing dangerously again. "I do believe you have mentioned him before." Thranduil just watched as Bodur went to take a step forward, only to have Liruliniel push at his shoulder with an awkward sounding laugh. In truth, Thranduil did remember the dwarf-smith, very well in fact, but he was just irking the older dwarf just because he seemed to take the bait quite easily.

Liruliniel sighed and rolled her eyes, double taking, she edged away calling out; "Glóin! Is that your son? He is a sweet looking boy, what is his name?" To be honest, Liruliniel was using Glóin and his family appearing on the site as a distraction to get away from these two. It was a little stifling, and it seemed to only get a bit worse as more dwarves seemed to side with Bodur and Thranduil just icily stared them down before sighing and walking away, rather elegantly and silently at that. His next action just had the dwarves speaking up in what seemed like outrage, and annoyance as Thranduil picked up an apple, and with ease threw it towards Liruliniel. She caught it in her good hand with a smile sent at him before kneeling and looking at the young boy who had been introduced to her as Gimli. With her smile still in place, she held the apple out to him and he took it with a hesitant look; seeing that the elves were in fact doing a pass the parcel of food for the boy, those behind Bodur quietened down, Thranduil smirked and turned away again before hearing Liruliniel call out to him to wait for her.

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