By AeshaKabir

120K 23.9K 5.3K

Adeelah Rabi'u would do anything to live her life peacefully. Peace was worth every struggle and hassle. At t... More

Thirty two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
38/ 39
64: The end
65: Epilogue
Author's note.
New book?


1.8K 334 22
By AeshaKabir

Muhammad and ElMustapha's flight landed around eight in the evening so they just lodged a hotel and decided to spend the night there. They were there to see their mother and bring her back into their lives. Maami had revealed to him the exact area where their mother's side of the family resided. She said though, she had never reached to her ever since the unfortunate event. So, they decided to go about finding her as the family house was a famous household name in her country. The Abdallah Asadullah family.

"I wonder if she did married again or something. Or how she escaped the fire accident with none of her kids." Muhammad lamented.

ElMustapha smiled. "Reports said she died in the fire and her remnants couldn't be traced. But Maami said if she's alive, then she's in her hometown."

The two brothers only kept quiet because they didn't like to think about it. Its only a matter of few hours before the night folds and they would know better. So the next morning after breakfast, they started off the journey to their mother's family house.

When they arrived, they pulled off their feet and exchanged looks.

"I will stay while you enter. You look more like her." ElMustapha mumbled to Muhammad. Muhammad eyed him like he was not serious.

"You're the elder, so in you should go."

"Let's go together then."

The gateman only stared at them as they bantered. As per his normal duty, he didn't used to allow guests or strangers till they place a call with the intercom at the gate. When they approached him, he concluded that they were family even though he had never seen them. So he called in the house and said there were guests coming in. ElMustapha and Muhammad were seeing wonders and wondering if they had grew up there how life would have been.

When they set their foot in the giant compound, their bodies froze of nervousness.

"Are we going to be like, hello good morning, we came searching for our mother or what?" ElMustapha asked which made Muhammad laugh.

"Watch me." Right then, an old tall man dressed in a kaftan walked out with his staff with a young woman beside him talking heedlessly as if she wouldn't stop.

"Oldie, you have to start jogging soon because your leg is so fine."

"Oldie, if you don't stop complaining how will i marry you?" She pursed her lips, her hands in the old man's back while she assisted him walk slowly. His white beard which was nearly touching his neck, became their focus as she pulled the beard.

"You know you need a shave ha? I want you to look as young as ever." She continued to ramble. Just then ElMustapha decided they had heard enough so he coughed in a such a way that her attention was diverted towards them.

She and the old men looked at them until they was crease on their foreheads while Muhammad and ElMustapha stood there like new statues. They didn't even know how to react till the old man opened his mouth in an attempt to talk but nothing came out.

"Oh oldie don't bother yourself. I understand to give them a place to sit. Even though they look like criminals."

She narrowed her eyes at them. "Hayya, follow me." The gentlemen smiled before they followed her to a place which seemed to be like guest room.

Muhammad was looking better than ElMustapha who sat like a theif.

"Oldie stammers and due to old age he finds it hard to talk. As you sit here i hope you know that my co wife died a while ago so it's just me and oldie in the house. My brother often travels though."

Elmustapha noticed that the young girl wouldn't talk much if she didn't at aleast found them worthy to be trusted. So when the old man sat down and they were welcomed with grapes. They ate in silence.

"Mmmm marrr maarshall?" The old man finally said with difficulty, his forefinger pointing at Elmustapha who was shocked to even talk.

Without much ado, Muhammad began to explain why they were there till he reached a full stop where ElMustapha concluded,

"We found out about our identity recently and we are here hopefully to meet our mother Kauthar Abdallah Asadullah." The girl's mouth flung open when she heard that. She had been sitting there because she hardly move away from the old man.

The old man coughed and it was as if the cough cleared his voice so he started to speak. "Indeed you're the root of Kauthar and Marshal young boys. I don't need to question you because she had repeatedly said she knew you both are alive. Right now I'm filled with joy and anguish as i will regretfully announce to you that your mother died few years back."

"I'm so sorry i have to be the bearer of this news."

The revelation brought the both of them to their knees from their sitting position. As much as they wanted tears to come out of their eyes, tears ceased. The old man was not in tears too but the young girl beside him only stood and left the room with tears.

Muhammad and ElMustapha sat there for as long as they couldn't count before the old man cleared his voice.

"Your father was a noble man. I can still remember when he used to come to see your mother in his army uniform. I can still remember when they got married, they were so in love. Nearly before they moved to Nigeria, Kauthar came to visit me with the two of you. She was so disturbed that Marshal's friends were evil and she has a feeling that he's going to leave her. As fate has it, he died just three years after she complained. Shortly, she was brought to me burnt but alive. She made me know that she knew the fire accident was not natural. She told me to her shock, it's Baba Mahmoud Kabo that rescued her through the back door and in a private flight, he fled her back here. He made her promise to never look for her kid as he will take care of him. If she makes any attempt, she will die. I wanted to take the case to the law but she stopped me. She told me her biggest fear is that you kids will grow up to hate her. Subhanallah, you came looking for her. I wish she could see that you both are eager to meet her with no grudge. Ya Auladi, which one of you is the eldest?"

Muhammad spoke. "I am. I wasn't in the fire accident. I was disturbing her about our father's whereabouts and she chased me away so in my own childish thought, i walked out to look for him. I wouldn't accept that he died. That's how I ended up with my adopted family. And here Adeel ElMustapha had always been their target so they managed to save him from the fire."

The old man began weeping. The sound  did nothing but weakening their hearts.

"Samaira is your little sister." He added, although they thought he was referring to the young girl of earlier, he shook his head.

"Kauthar was pregnant with Samaira when she came to visit me then. It's a type of pregnancy that one could hardly notice. And it's unplanned because Adeel was just few months old. So she gave birth to Samaira and left her with me because she felt that the environment she lived was becoming toxic. She's also panicking alot. She left Samaira here when she's just six months old. Marshal knew of her and they decided to just let it be as though there wasn't Samaira. She didn't want her daughter to be in danger as you two were already in.

"And Samaira married a Nigerian man too at the age of eighteen. I was scared at first. The little girl that brought you in is Samaira's daughter who was named after Kauthar. She's just twelve as big as she is. Samaira died when giving birth to Kauthar Sughrah. Kauthar your mother, took care of her after she'd recovered from the burns she sustained. Kauthar is therefore your daughter as well."

Then the tears came unplanned. They cried for the mother they lost and the sister they never knew they had. They cried for Kauthar Sughrah for being an orphan at such a young age and even losing her grandmother whom she treated like her mother. They cried for the Kabos' evil that afflicted their family.

The old man cried with them because he had always been strong for his little grand daughter.

He had been holding himself for her. He omitted the fact that Samaira was divorced. And her ex husband was their cousin from their father's side. He ommited the fact that their cousin only married Samaira so he would know about her brother's whereabouts and to reach the ample wealth which their father left.

The old man hid it so they would be at rest. He just hope they wouldn't try reaching their father's side of the family because doing that was risking their peace of minds of the rest of their lives.


Aunt Siddiqah looked at Adeelah in disbelief. "You know he said he's going on a two year course that same day. And you became that course Adeelah!" She exclaimed, handing baby Jasrah to Adeelah as she slipped her hand into a glove.

Adeelah rocked Jasrah on her shoulder before she smiled. "And i was there misbehaving saying I wouldn't make coffee for him. They say ignorance is darker than the night."

Aunt Siddiqah laughed. "When you were not even ready to settle down. Anyway anyway I can't believe you fell in love i swear."

Adeelah whirled away to put Jasrah in her walker before she came back and slipped her hand into a glove too.

"You know love just happens."

"Yeah i never believed you love Ameer."

Adeelah swallowed something. It sounded too outlandish to link Ameer with love. "Ameer was just an escape from the reality that i was in love with my chauffeur."

Aunt Siddiqah began chopping onions and Adeelah took the other bulb and began to cut it. Aunt Siddiqah was amazed but she didn't want to comment now.

"You would have cheated your life."

Adeelah giggled. "I just couldn't believe i could fall in love in my chauffeur, you know. I can't imagine coming to you to say I'm in love and if you ask who the lucky man is, i will just be like he is my chauffeur. Eww."

Aunt Siddiqah laughed hard. "It's all the same. On a different scenario imagine your kids asking you how you met their father and you will be like; he's my chauffeur..." both of them busted and Adeelah was so annoyed that she had to smack aunt Siddiqah's shoulder.

"Whatever. I can just be like he chose to be my chauffeur because he's so smitten. And he's scared to approach me as that young billionaire."

"Still the same. The whole Adeelah Rabi'u Danbatta fell in love with her chauffeur."

Adeelah glared at her because it wasn't funny anymore.

"Yenyenyen. Suit yourself."

"I don't even understand. When did you begin to have interest in cooking? Is this real?" Adeelah pinched aunt Siddiqah which made her wince.

"Yeah it's real. I'm getting married. I just kinda want to wow him!" She winked.


"You won't believe it when you see me with a bump soon." She shrugged. Aunt Siddiqah dropped the knife with mouth agape.

She touched Adeelah and made her look at her. Adeelah laughed at the expression.

"Seriously?" She managed.

Adeelah twirled around. "I'm in love aunt. I so much love Adeel ElMustapha more than anything and anyone else! I finally admit it. I'm in love with him. He is my chauffeur too!" She danced deliberately to shock aunt Siddiqah.

Aunt Siddiqah was dazed but she couldn't be more happier than she's right then. Tears of joy filled her eyes but she blinked them back.

She began to slice plantain open while Adeelah sped out when she heard the screeching of tires. ElMustapha had told her he was coming to see her.

Aunt Siddiqah watched through the window as Adeelah waited for him to come out of the car and meet her. She could see the love brewing in her eyes in an adorable way.

Aunt Siddiqah sighed happily.


"I feel so sad that you're doing this for me Adeelah. Aren't you denying him his right to be with his wife anytime soon?" Nafeesah complained, rubbing her belly.

Adeelah shook her head. "I did it with his consent. He's okay with us having our wedding after you deliver Ya Nafeesah. I am doing this because i want the best for you. I want you to comfortable at my wedding. I want you to forget about what happened to you and enjoy your life just once after the unfortunate event."

Nafeesah burst into series of cries. She'd never imagine Adeelah could do this to her. She'd never thought of a day like this will come. She couldn't forget the fact that Adeelah convinced her parents to take her back willingly. She's indebted to her and she felt close to her more than anyone else. She's just two months away from delivery now.

Adeelah used her thumb to clear her sister's tears. "Ya Nafeesah you're my sister whom i have always looked up to. You're the epitome of a happy and obedient child. You have always been lovely to me even when i was cutting you off. I can remember those days when Oum's death was fresh, you used to make sure i ate. You used to come to my room to see if i was able to fall asleep and pull my blanket over my shoulders when you thought i was sleeping. I haven't forgotten when i scratched Abba's car and you said you did it to cover for me even though you knew you would be beaten black. So many memories which you thought I didn't appreciate. You did so much for me Ya Nafeesah and even if you didn't do anything to me, i will gladly be there for you as long as i breath. Ya Nafeesah you can count on me even when the world is against me. Ya Nafeesah you're among the stars that illuminate my life and made me who i am today. So please stop worrying. I can do more than this for you."

Nafeesah tried to hold Adeelah in a hug, the bump being a barrier between them.

"Oh my God, Ya Nafeesah it kicked!" Adeelah was taken by surprise because she had been anticipating for that kick. She had been reading alot of books and putting Ya Nafeesah through as she seemed uninterested in it. She had been accompanying her to antenatal check ups and everything. No matter how she tried to revive the old Nafeesah, it was impossible because Nafeesah was drown in regrets of her actions. It pained and killed Adeelah on the insides but there was nothing she could do.

Hajiya Sadiya moved from the doorway when she felt like Adeelah was coming out of the room. She's so proud of Adeelah in a way that she couldn't describe.

When Adeelah came out, she was angry because Ya Nafeesah was not excited at all. She cried instead of rejoicing with Adeelah for experiencing the kick.

Annoyed to the core, Adeelah knocked on her father's door. That rude girl in her was back and what she was feeling was something she couldn't hold till she spilled it out. So when her father opened the door, she entered and close it with a key.

"You know what Abba? I don't believe you lost your memory. You're just pretending so that you don't have to face the sad reality of your life!" She fumed. Danbatta only looked at her, surprise of how she was bold. He'd forgive who his baby Adeelah was.

"You better stop hiding and face what you caused upon us! Your sins are affecting us. Abba please repent sincerely to Allah. Abba if i wish i may say I didn't forgive you and you know Allah will avenge for me right?" Tears were already blinding her eyes.

"What are you saying Adeelah? What is that nonsense?" He thundered.

Adeelah let out a humorless laughter. "What Abba? Why are you pretending? Why don't you remember that the boy you took care of you in the hospital is none but Ameer your illegitimate son whi i would have married? Why don't you remember that you married me off to my chauffeur? Why don't you remember that while you're sure my chauffeur didn't divorce me you married me off to his brother? Why don't you remember that you lost your eye because you're involved in a cult group? Why don't you remember that above alL the sins, you had a hand in my mother's death? Why don't you appreciate the fact that i concealed all of this to make you appear as innocent in the face of everyone Abba? Why will you appreciate me my forgetting all of these? And then you blame Ya Nafeesah! Why Abba? You see i was able to remain sane and healthy after all these but Ya Nafeesah? I doubt if she's ever going to be back to normal after you have chased her out. Abba I'm so sorry i sound rude but it's good to let you know of all of this. And all i want you is to accept Ya Nafeesah with an open heart."

Danbatta could not stop the tears coming. His biggest regret was forgetting some of these. If his daughter could tell him, it meant it's true. As it seemed like, people would think it's better for him since he's forgotten but to him it's the most agonising realization ever. As much as he tried, the memory was gone. Painfully, he surrendered to being the way he was. So he looked at Adeelah.

"I want you to know that whatever happens to someone, it has already been decreed. I know you're pained. I know you feel so hopeless and devastated to know I can't recall some of my memories. Even though none of your talks rang a bell. I'm grateful for all you've done. And for all that you endured, may Allah grant you Jannah as compensation."

Adeelah let her hand slip off the door handle. She didn't intend to listen to anything he would say but as soon as they words hit her eardrums, she became mellow.

"Abba i love you even when you don't remember me, i love you even though i knew you made some mistakes in your life. Abba i love you and I'm proud to have you as my father. You've been everything you could ever be. I know you did married me off to shield me from knowing your past. Abba, know this, your secret is always safe with me."

Danbatta felt his eyes getting tearful. He summoned for Adeelah to go to him. "Come here baby Adeelah."

Not thinking twice, she hugged her father and began to whimper. But the good news was, she's happy. She felt better. She felt herself at her best.

Danbatta cleared his tears. True, he lost his memories but it's that type kind of memory loss where one could gain them back. Even though no one knew, he had a rush of his memory last midnight. Somethings were better left unsaid.

For his safety, he would rather remain this way till his remaining time tick off.


Eid Mubarak people!🥳💓
I hope you've had a splendid moments the past two days! For today, an update is here to make your day brighter in sha Allah.
May Allah accept our good deeds and grant us the position of His righteous servants.
So yeah, we are two chapters away from the ending😩 i just hope they turn put better than this roughly written chapter. #Iamnotsatisfied with the content of this chapter by the way. Please tell me what you think of it.

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