Ferard One-shots

By DelilahJD

332 20 11

Smut, fluff, etc etc. comment requests if you want something specific. alrighty... enjoy. Some reposts from m... More

Were Just Friends
Why Do You Stay
College au thing
drunk situation
Truth or Dare.... Gone Sexual😱🤯😭

The one where Gees a ~stripper~

110 4 7
By DelilahJD

okayyyy i haven't written a one-shot in a while so i'm gonna start with a basic concept. have fun.

Frank was a lonely, horny, touch starved, 23 year old. It had been this way for ages, since his last relationship that ended about two years ago. And sure, he wanted a relationship. But for now, he just wanted to have fun. He decided he's head down to his favorite club and grab a drink or two, if he came home with someone that would be nice but if not, it's fine, he just wanted to forget about things for a little while. He was wearing skinny jeans tight enough to show off his rather nice ass, and a looser t-shirt, which exposed the rows upon rows of tattoos on his arms. He stood in front of the mirror, ruffling his hair and deeming his looks 'good enough,' rolling his eyes before grabbing his keys and hopping in his car.

A short drive later, he arrived at the building that looked pretty plain from the outside, but was extravagantly lit and decorated on the inside.

He walked in after showing his id to the bouncer, he looked around before heading to the bar and leaning his elbows on it.

"Well hey there pretty, what are you doing all alone here?" A burly man asked as he slid his arm onto the bar beside Frank. The shorter man just quirked an eyebrow and looked to his side at the bartender, who gave him a sympathetic look before darkening his expression and turning towards the man eyeing Frank,

"Leave him alone, Bert" The bartender waved his hand around at Bert, making him roll his eyes and growl. The bartender's poker face didn't budge as Bert slammed his fist down on the counter, trying his best to intimidate.

"Fuck off," he sighed, turning around and walking away, but not before smacking Frank's ass lightly, making his face go red.

"Thanks," he shrugged to the bartender. The man was actually pretty good looking, didn't look particularly friendly, but he was good looking. With thick eyebrows, pouty lips, and a red beanie along with his all black work attire.

"Yeah no problem, that guys always causing trouble around here. Wanna drink?" He perked up, his back was turned on Frank as he put a freshly cleaned glass away, then he turned back and put his elbows on the counter, propping his head in his hands and smiling slightly.

"Oh yeah, sure I'll grab a ( i may be "southern" but i don't know anything about beer so yeah) ~beer~"

"Alright, comin right up," he drummed his fingers on the table and stood all the way up to walk enthusiastically over to prepare the drink for Frank. He seemed like a nice guy actually, maybe just maybe, Frank wouldn't be alone tonight. Though, this guy worked here and was probably used to people trying to pick him up, so probably not. He came back to frank's spot at the counter with the glass in hand.

"Thanks," he looked up at his name tag, "Tyler," he smiled. Tyler bit his lip slightly and smiled back, though even he himself couldn't tell if it was genuine or if he was just being polite.

Right as Tyler opened his mouth to say something, the lights all turned red, and Frank could hear a *click clack* on the floor in the distance. He snapped his head around to see a man who was nothing short of gorgeous, standing on the stage, with flaming red hair, a black corset an shorts so small he wasn't even sure they could be considered shorts anymore.

Frank's jaw dropped at the sight, as the man started spinning around the pole, teasingly picking up the bills that were thrown at him and stuffing them into the top of the corset. Tyler sighed behind him, nothing the bartender wasn't used to. Frank stood up, grabbing his drink and nodding once at Tyler, heading to one of the smaller tables closer to the stage. He was mesmerized, staring bluntly at the man before him. His fluid movements and seductive expressions drawing Frank in, and making his pants a tad bit tighter. They made eye contact at one point, and the performer seemed to be thrown off, but continued nonetheless, glancing over at Frank every once in a while. Frank watched the rest of his performance and watched him strut off stage, his hips swaying so naturally. At the last moment he turned his head and winked in Frank's direction. He assumed Frank would want to take him home later from the way he was staring. At least he was good looking.

Frank was flustered to say the least, but he stumbled up and left his drink, hoping he wouldn't return to it that night. He went to the backstage area that was open to the rest of the club, and he started searching for the red haired man in his lace up heeled boots. He finally caught a sight of the hair through a crowd and he slowly walked towards it, not having a plan for what to say or do.

The performer felt Frank eyeing him so he turned on his heels, facing him, their bodies only a few inches apart in the crowded space,  yet he was so much taller them Frank with the heels, and Frank was just kind of a short guy. In a cute way.

"Hey baby, saw you watching me up there," he smirked, leaving Frank blushing and at a loss for words. "Oh no need to be embarrassed," the taller man chuckled. Frank finally found his words,

"Sorry I uh-" why the fuck was he apologizing. God he was bad at this. He shook his head, "Yeah I uh, I really liked what you did up there, you're a good dancer." He seemed to be surprised at his compliment, Frank figured his usually just received comments about his body and nothing else.

"T-thanks," now he was the flustered one. They stood there for a moment that felt like ages before Frank asked,

"What's your name?"

"Gerard." Gerard's eyebrows furrowed as he realized he usually didn't tell people his real name. What had he gotten himself into.

"Gerard. I like it. Ooh can I call you Gee?" The cute nickname popped into his head and he thought it suit Gerard, "I'm Frank."

Gerard smiled what seemed to be a genuine smile, "Sure, I like Gee. And nice to meet you Frank, I'm not used to having real conversations with people that don't involve sex." He admitted, making both their smiles falter.

Frank wasn't quite planning on asking him to fuck, though that was half the reason he came here, "Oh yeah I bet. People can be gross sometimes." Gee seemed to let out a sigh of relief at the understanding. Another man bumped into Frank's shoulder as he turned to Gerard.

"Oh sorry," he said quickly to Frank, "Hey i'm gonna head out for the night, you have any reservations?" he must have been another performer. Gerard shook his head,

"No I was just planning on grabbing some food and heading home in a little while," He shrugged,

"Alright, well see you tomorrow," They waved to each other,

"See ya Brendon," he said,Gee turned back to Frank,

"Where were we?" he asked.

"Oh um, I could uh- do you wanna grab dinner with me? Fuck sorry if that's weird." Gerard almost laughed,

"Frank, I'm an burlesque dancer and a whore, don't take yourself too seriously. And actually, sure, I haven't been out with someone else in a while."

"Oh ok, sounds good." Frank smiled and looked into Gee's eyes. God were they gorgeous.

"Yeah, let me change real quick and i'll meet you in the parking lot." Gee was surprisingly excited about this, though he knew he should lower his expectations, Frank is probably just doing it to get him in his bed.

Frank gave a quick wave and headed out, awestruck at the interaction. He stood against his car, messing with the hem of his shirt, reaching for his phone to text someone but deciding it best to wait till tomorrow, as he really didn't know what would go down for the rest of the night, when he heard the voice above him,

"Hey," He looked up and smiled when he saw Gerard, still equally as stunning in his more comfortable clothes.

"Hey," he said softly, "Ready to go? You can pick the place." Gerard nodded and he opened the door, letting him into his nice, yet slightly messy, car. Gerard looked a bit weary, which Frank completely understood. He entered and looked around as he buckled his seatbelt. Frank got in on the other side, turning on the car and jumping slightly when rock music started blasting, "Oh shit sorry," he said as he turned it down suddenly, but Gerard's eyes were wide and bright and he was smiling,

"You like The American Spirit too?" and Frank nodded eagerly,

"Love em." He started to drive, glancing over to Gerard who was bopping his head to the beat as he looked out the window,

"Any particular restaurant you'd like?" He asked

Gerard thought for a minute, before answering, "There's this Italian place on Lakeshore that I love, it's kinda expensive though." He shrugged.

"Oh and I love that place. And don't worry, it's my treat," could Frank really afford it? Yes of course. For now that is.

"Such a gentleman," Gerard chuckled, but Frank did seem really nice, and definitely very different than his usual, uh, customers. "So tell me Frankie, how old are you?" He asked on a whim.

"I'm 23, what about you?" He said nonchalantly, assuming Gee was around his age.

"I'm 27 myself." he nodded.

The rest of the ride was pretty silent. except for the music, until they got there. Frank got out first and opened the door for Gerard. They walked close to each other and Frank brushed his hand against Gerard's, "May I?" Gerard looked hesitant as he nodded, though sighing a bit when he felt Frank's fingers gently intertwine with his, and he couldn't help but smile. They entered the restaurant together and sat down at a small table with a purple flower sitting in a glass in the middle. Frank sat across from Gerard and couldn't help but gaze at Gerard and his stunning features. If they hadn't gotten this close and Gerard wasn't so relieved at someone wanting him for anything other than sex, Frank would definitely want him in his bed right now. But he was still perfectly happy where they were, he just liked being with him, and they barely knew each other.


"So," Gee replied, staring into Frank's eyes. "W-what made you want to take me here. most people just take me to their bed ya know." Frank was too caught up in tracing his face with his eyes to realize what he said, but when Gee gave him a questioning look he snapped out of it and shook his head. He blushed as he scrambled to find his answer,

"Oh, I mean you seem pretty cool and I don't know, I haven't been out with someone in a while, and I heard you say you were just gonna be like alone and bored for the night, and I honestly wasn't expecting you to say yes, but I'm glad you did." He stumbled over his words a bit, not really knowing if his answer sounded good, though it was true. "And you're... like really attractive, but I'm sure you're used to hearing that." Gee's eyes went wide, of course he was used to hearing that, but never from someone who sounded so shy and genuine.

"I'm glad you did too." They were silent for a little while after, except for when they ordered.

"Are you from around here?" Frank asked the dancer.

"Oh yeah, just a few hours south of here really, I grew up in Summit." He thought back to his teenage years he spent with his grandmother after his parents kicked him out.

"Oh cool, I grew up in Belleview." He nodded.

"What's your job, you obviously know mine." He forced a smirk at the remark though he was genuinely curious about what the younger man did.

"Oh I'm in a band actually, I play guitar and sing." Gerard's eyes widened. "I don't know if you've heard of us, we're called The Future Violents." Gee was smiling and biting his lip as he listened intently. "Yeah we do like kinda like punk and alternative type stuff." Frank was happy he seemed so interested.

"Wow that's really cool actually, i'll have to check you guys out. I used to sing a bit but never too professionally, just recorded a few songs myself." He didn't usually tell people this but he told himself it was just relevant to the conversation, not anything to do with Frank. Frank nodded along with a smile.

Their food came quickly and Gerard looked surprisingly happy about it, he usually either didn't eat or just got cheap takeout, so this was a nice change. They both dove in, making quite a few "mmm" noises. Frank smiled at the taller man across from him who seemed to be staring at the window as he ate. Frank raised one eyebrow and cleared his throat to get Gerards attention. He turned back towards Frank and didn't look flustered in the slightest. He swallowed and pointed out the small window,

"There's a butterfly," Frank looked over and saw the delicate blue butterfly perched on a leaf. He smiled innocently and turned to Gee,

"That's adorable." There was silence between them for a moment before Frank whispered to himself,

"Like you are," and apparently Gee heard him as he blushed and said,

"I've been called a lotta things, adorable is not one of them." He admitted.

"Well it's true, you are. You're literally fascinated by a butterfly, it's cute." He told him, making him blush further.

"Mhm," he replied sarcastically, turning away from the window and looking down at the table, twiddling his thumbs.

They finished the meal without saying much and, keeping true to what he said, Frank paid. They were on the way out when Frank said,

"Care for a ride home?" as he pointed his whole hand towards his car. Gee noticed he talked with his hands a lot. He was less hesitant this time in saying,

"Yes please and thank you," Which made Frank smile as he opened the door for Gee. They both got in and Frank asked for his address, Gerard thought for quite a few seconds about whether he should give him his real address or just one of his friends houses or something. Frank seemed to notice his internal questioning and assured him,

"Or i can drop you at a hotel or something, looking back that seemed like a weird question," he admitted. Gerard looked more hopeful at his words, so he nodded and said,

"Yeah, sure that would be better, thanks," and Frank nodded, turning the car on, adjusting the seat a bit because, short, and it was nighttime, and heading off to where Gerard told him. Gerard bit his lip and watching Frank drive intently. They got to the hotel and Frank said,

"Alright well here you are," shrugging and smiling a half smile at him.

"Thanks for tonight, I want to repay you sometime," Gerard told him, having a few things in mind to repay him that people typically enjoy.

"No it's fine you don't have to, I enjoyed it," he told him honestly.

"Well I want to, how could I repay you Frank?" he asked with puppy dog eyes.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, realizing he probably had to give in, "Well what were you thinking?" he asks, smirking.

"Care to come in with me, maybe we can talk about it in there," he says snarkily, nodding towards the building. This was his job after all, of course he was good at being flirty. Gerard wasn't actually sure what Frank was going to say, it seemed like if he wanted to have fucked him he wouldn't have said something by now. But Frank raised his eyebrows and said,

"Sounds great," as he turned the car off and got out, walking over to Gerard's side and opening the door for him. He was actually kind of flustered and nervous but he hid it as he was excited as well. They got out and headed towards the building. They opened the big glass doors and walked into the lobby, taking in their surrounding, Gerard walked up to the desk before Frank could say anything, he opened his mouth but Gee snapped at him,

"No arguing, i'm paying, it's just one night it's fine," Frank closed his mouth and stood aside. Gerard walked back over to him and said,

"Shall we?" Frank nodded with a somewhat blank expression which made Gee question it too much, but they walked up to their one-bed room and once the door was closed Gerard's hands were getting to know Franks body a bit better. First, it was his hands on his tattooed shoulders, drawing little circles with his finger on his neck. Franks breathe hitched when Gee whispered in his ear as he grabbed his hips,

"How would you like me to repay you darling? What do you want me to do to you, i'll do anything," Frank's eyes closed and he shivered as the breath hit his ear. He pulled away from the taller man slightly with wide eyes. In one swift yet hesitant motion, he grabbed him by the back of the neck and connected their lips. He moaned lightly into his mouth as their lips and tongues collided. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife all night, so this didn't have any chance to be gentle. Gees hand were pulling Frank closer to his body by his hips, so their hard ons were touching through their pants. Frank pushed Gee against the wall, grabbing his hair with one hand, the other hand trailing up and down his chest. He started to kiss down his jawline and neck, making the taller man bite back a moan through his teeth. He pulled away and looked Gee directly in the eyes, putting both his hands on his chest, as Gees were still around his hips.

"Can I fuck you?" he asked in a raspy voice, that alone made Gee want to moan.

"I'd love that," he replied honestly, for the first time in a while. He nodded towards the bed and they let each other go. Gee layed out on the bed with his legs spread, though he was still fully clothed. Frank got over him and grabbed his crotch, making his back arch of the bed.

"Strip" he told him, and Gee happily did so, yanking his shirt over his head and slipping his pants off, revealing the red lace panties he was wearing. Frank stared down at his body and paused his own stripping. Gee was, as always, self conscious, so he was worried Frank was looking out of disgust. He hadn't eaten in a few days before tonight, so he hoped his stomach didn't look to big, but there was only so much he could do. His body was littered with small scars and stretch marks here and there, but most clients usually ignored them. Gee took a deep breath and closed his eyes tight, opening them to Frank still staring.

"You're so gorgeous" he whispered, in true awe of Gerard.

"R-really?" he didn't want to sound so lost, but it wasn't something he heard everyday.

"Yes really, you're beautiful," Gee was blushing hard and Frank was looking into his eyes. After a moment, Gee asked,

"Well baby are you gonna fuck me or not," so Frank growled and tore his own clothes off, resting on his knees over Gee's crotch. Gerard skimmed his hands up and down Frank's chest.

"God, you're hot," he sighed,

"Right back at you," Frank told him, leaning down and grabbing his waist as he attached his lips to Gee's neck. The man under him moaned lightly as Frank sucked marks onto his skin and reached around and grabbed his ass, lifting it off the bed and spreading his cheeks apart. Without even being asked, Gee reached over and pointed to his pants that were on the floor, indicating what they needed was in there. To his disappointment, Frank got off and searched through his pockets before grabbing the lube and condom and heading back to the bed. He leaned down and kissed Gee before asking,

"Prep?" Gee shook his head and sighed,

"I fucked myself earlier," he told him as he motioned for Frank to get on with things.

"That's fucking hot," he told Gee, making him whimper. He spread his legs and sat between them on his knees, he slicked himself up and leaned his head back, moaning at the contact. Gee was watching him with eager eyes. When he was ready he started to line himself up with Gee's hole. He pushed in and they both moaned,

"Keep going," he sighed, before moaning louder as Frank pushed all the way in.

"Oh- fuck that's good," Frank moaned as he felt Gee tighten around him when he started moving.

"Okay?" He asked, not moving and just staying inside him.

"Yeah- yeah so good," he whined, grabbing onto one of Frank's hands and keeping the other tight around the sheets.

Frank started moving, and quickly at that, he pulled all the way out then slammed back in, making Gee squeeze his eyes shut and let out a high pitched moan.

"So tight for me, yeah?" He growled.

"Y-yeah, fuck you're s-so big," it felt like Frank was filling him up and he loved it. Frank lifted one of his legs and rested it on his shoulder, hitting a new spot inside him.

"O-oh fuck right there, keep going," he moaned out loudly, gripping the pillows behind him harder. The new angle was so deep and made Frank hit his prostate harshly every time. They were both breathing hard while moaning and letting out dirty words without even thinking. Frank leaned so their torsos were touching, making Gee's cock slide between them, making him whimper at the little bit of friction. Frank was biting his ear and neck and whispering things like

"You're my little whore a-aren't you," making Gee not his head rapidly and moan. They kept their fast, heated pace and Frank propped himself up over Gee with his hands. He sped up his hips and snapped them forward into Gee, now they both knew they couldn't last much longer.

"Fuck, keep going, I-i'm so close," Gee moaned out. God did he sound lovely, his noises were whiny and desperate and deep and hot. Frank was breathing heavily and grunting every once in a while, he was too caught up in pleasure to focus on what was slipping out of his mouth.

"M-me too."

Gee whined and grabbed Franks hips tightly


Frank knew that neither of them could hold off for much longer,

"Cum for me Gee," he told him. Gee immediately complied, coating both their chests and tightening around Frank.

"Fuck," he sighed out, finishing inside of him. He fell over Gee and layed on his chest, feeling the warm stickiness between them.

"That was great," Gee told him, wrapping his finger lightly around Franks hair and just playing with it.

"Yeah it was," he said, nuzzling his face in Gees chest. "Should we stay together tonight?" Frank asked tentatively.

"Yes, i want to cuddle," Gee made grabby hands towards Frank who was still laying on him and Frank smiled, happy to comply. He scooted up and wrapped his arms around Gee, loving the closeness between them even though they only met a few hours ago. He ended up tying the condom and throwing it in the direction of the trash and, before laying next to Gee and putting his face in his neck. The soon fell asleep like that, drifting off into the peaceful comfort of sleeping next to someone.


The next morning, they both slowly woke up around the same time, and Frank remembered that last nights activities had come to an end and they would both just have to go home and have that be the end of things. Frank wasn't very happy with that fact. He groaned as he woke up, still in the same position they were in when they fell asleep.

"Morning," Gee said quietly.

"Morning," Frank replied. He hugged Gee tighter before pulling away and spreading his whole body out into a star shape on the bed and stretching. Gee chuckled and sighed,

"What time is it?"  Frank looked over to the clock and told him,

"Around 11" he told him. Gee shrugged and turned over,

"I've gotta go soon," Frank frowned and told him quietly,

"I know," Gee shifted and sat off the side of the bed, leaning forward and grabbing his clothes from the ground. He got dressed quickly and walked around to Frank, who was sitting partially clothed at the end of the bed.

"I had fun Frank, I hope to see you again sometime," Gee told him with a smile.

"Me too Gee, i'll be around later this week, I promise."  They shared one last kiss for the day and Gerard walked to the door, he opened it and started walking out, turning around to say,

"Bye Frankie."

"Bye Gee."

Holy shit this took literally a month to write i don't know why but i hope you like it.
(4321 freakin words!)

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