Genesis | Book One, The Genes...

By DCFanWriter20296

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After being genetically altered by an unstable element, seven high school students must use their newfound su... More

🧬 Foreword 🧬
• Afterword •
• More From The Genesis Universe •


143 13 5
By DCFanWriter20296

Before they could pull their triggers, a yellow blur zipped through the horde of soldiers, knocking the weapons out of their hands in the blink of an eye. Each stride lasted less than a microsecond.

A ferocious breeze whipped past the fire-wielder's face as the speeding streak materialized into a grinning Dylo.

"Well that escalated quickly. And by the way, you totally owe me one." He panted as he smirked, his freckled facial features drenched in sweat. While he could move many times faster than humanly possible, the boy possessed little to no stamina.

In fact, he was thinking about investing in an inhaler soon.

"You sure as hell waited a while before making your grand entrance. Where's everyone else?" Troy grunted, staggering to his feet once more as he rolled to the side, dodging one of the soldiers' throwing knives.

Propping himself up on his knee, he launched another seething fireball towards one of the agents, knocking them backwards. He felt like he was in some sort of action movie.

"Outside, dealing with the rest of the Primus agents. Also, way to blow our cover, man!" Dylo panted, throwing a speeding punch towards one of the soldier's faces, propelling him backwards into a wall.

"Just shut up and run!" Troy replied as he and Dylo darted past Steel as bullets began whizzing past them from all sides. He felt like a major coward running away from conflict like this, but they couldn't fight their way out of this situation.

The two of them regrouped with Amber when they got to the exit doors, relieved to know that she hadn't been killed. Plowing through the titanium doors, they heard a stream of curse words being directed at them-presumably from Steel. Troy resisted the urge to laugh.

Panic ensued as Bianca darted through the hallways, hearing gunshots in every direction she headed. She wasn't able to stick to Kai's plan. The unbelievable feeling of fear proceeded to engulf her entire body.

The confusion and anxiety of not knowing where to move was essentially paralyzing her. Desperately looking for Kai and the others, she turned corners rapidly, trying not to trip over any of the dead bodies, or slip on one of the many puddles of blood.

Eventually, she made her way outside the facility, frantically looking around and hoping the others were okay. Hearing an unfamiliar sound behind her, she turned around, only to be met with a painful energy blast to the chest. She felt the impact of her back colliding with one of the trees, falling to the ground shortly after.

"Who the hell are you?" Bianca asked as she gazed up at the woman in front of her, who was sporting a black body suit, similar to their bio-suits. The only difference was that her suit looked slightly more protective and resistant. Her red hair was up in a ponytail as sunlight reflected off of her golden earrings.

"The name's Rift." The woman said as she looked down at Bianca with a menacing grin. "We're here to bring you into Primus. Courtesy of Ajax, of course."

"Wouldn't really call it a courtesy." Bianca wiped the blood from her mouth as she got back to her feet, acting if she was ready for anything that this woman could throw at her. While she didn't have the time to locate the others, she definitely did have time to kick this woman's rude ass.

"Gonna have to try a bit harder than that." She muttered.

Rift smiled slyly, letting out a soft chuckle, then proceeded to fire a beam of intense energy in Bianca's direction. Instinctively, Bianca summoned her force field to absorb the shock and block the blast. The beam of energy was deflected off of the force field, bouncing back towards Rift as she barely dodged it.

"If it's a fight you want..." began Bianca as she condensed her force field into a ball of energy, preparing to fire it. "'s a fight you'll get."

Extending her hands rapidly, the spheroid of powerful purple energy was propelled in Rift's direction at an incredible speed.

A playful smirk engulfed Rift's face as a portal opened up behind her. She stepped backwards as she seemed to disappear out of thin air. "Too slow." She chuckled.

Bianca looked around in panic, still partially dazed from the blast that hit her earlier. "Shit." She muttered to herself. Her chest was now bruised from the amount of force that the attack had behind it.

She then heard that sound behind her again from before. Another portal. Rift swiftly exited the wormhole, kicking the girl square in the head and sending her flying a few feet.

Amber ducked behind one the vans as bullets whizzed past her, creating miniature sonic booms as a sharp, cracking sound blared through her ears. It was times like these that her hands itched for her bow. Frost emulated from her palms as a cloud of icy fog stemmed from her fingertips.

She felt way stronger here than she had in the lounge for some reason, chalking it up to her cryokinesis being augmented by the cold environment she was in. She figured that Troy's powers worked the same way, seeing that he lost control of his fire powers in the lounge, which was steaming hot.

She clapped her hands as the seams on her bio-suit began to emit a bright, white glow. Directing her hands toward at trio of agents heading for Adam and Bianca, a beam of ice stemmed from her palms and struck their boots. Their feet now immobilized, the soldiers tripped and fell, piling on top of one another.

She smiled to herself, until she noticed Leo, cowering in fear behind one of the crates as an agent neared his position. As she looked closer, she realized that it wasn't fear that was holding him back-it was hesitance.

She wasn't surprised, as the guy had never been in a fight before, let alone a battle against a horde of highly trained combat operatives. She knew that all he needed was a little push.

Leo's mind scattered all over the place like a bolt of lightning as he struggled to generate a single spark of electricity. He tried to move, but his feet were glued to where he was standing, like he was paralyzed. His eyes danced around anxiously, unconsciously performing a headcount of all his teammates.

Amber, Troy, and Dylo has just exited the facility. Adam and Bianca were in the midst of combat against some red-haired lady.

But the only one missing was Kai.

Elsewhere, near the back of the facility, Kai jogged through the identical purple halls of the fortress, fighting his way through hordes of agents to get to the Enhancement Lab. His combat skills were definitely serving him well.

Kai combat rolled into the foggy area, examining his opponents as they lunged towards him. He punched the ground with all his might, creating a small shockwave that knocked the agents right off their feet. His fist swiftly connected with the concrete, feeling as if it were hitting a punching dummy as cracks formed in the ground.

He then lunged towards them, kicking one of them through one the mangled concrete pillars. Dust from the pillar engulfed the area as another grabbed his gun and began unloading bullets, but they ricocheted off of Kai's bulletproof skin, rendered ineffective as the boy smirked.

While grabbing the the man's head and slamming it onto his knee, he turned his focus to the last agent before sending him through the wall with a right body hook, likely shattering his spine in the process.

But they deserved it, because they were hurting innocent people.

Ajax was next.

He then stopped in his tracks, feeling an eerie presence near him. The hairs on his skin stood up as he began to feel rapid vibrations that increased every following second. It was almost like he could sense something behind him.

Everything went quiet.

It felt like the world was slowing to a crawl as he looked over his shoulder, only to be met with a speeding sword heading straight for his head.

He ducked reflexively, feeling the cold edge of the razor-sharp blade as it just barely scathed the tip of his nose. He really wished he had his own sword.

Gritting his teeth in opposition, Kai felt himself being kicked and thrusted into the wall behind him as he struggled to react.

Feeling the shock as his back collided with the steel wall, he looked up to see his armored adversary, his bloodstained sword already drawn. This signaled to Kai that he didn't plan to use his telekinesis.

"You must be very fond of digging your own grave." Ajax sneered at the red-plated warrior standing before him, pointing the tip of the razor-sharp weapon at him

A smile gradually overtook the man's face as Kai was exposed his chipped teeth.

"You don't scare me." Kai growled, assuming a boxing stance. He clenched his right fist and tensed his arm. His biceps bulged as he dug his feet into the ground, bracing himself for his foe's imminent attack.

"I haven't tried yet." Ajax grunted.

"You're on the wrong side!" Kai yelled as he lunged towards Ajax with unmatched ferocity, throwing an overhand punch with his right hand.

The mercenary deflected it quickly, reflexively, and too fast for Kai to follow up with another blow. They moved, back and forth as Kai dodged to the side-right into his knee. He didn't register the pain for the first few seconds due to the copious amounts of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Can't be wrong if I'm on it!" Ajax replied, smirking as he prepared to attack once more. Before Kai could react, an uncomfortable sensation rushed through his lean muscles.

Ow, that hurt.

Even with his superhuman durability, Kai was beginning to realize that he wasn't as resistant as he once thought.

Startled, he leapt backwards in an attempt to regain his balance, appalled at his opponent's immense speed. It was evident that he was much faster than he'd had previously anticipated-and was far faster than himself.

"What're you planning, Elias?" Kai grunted, panting as he reassumed his boxing stance.

"That is not my name!" In an effort to overwhelm Kai, Ajax lunged forward once more at such a speed that he could barely react.

The two combatants closed once again as Kai threw a well-executed left hook in the direction of the man's cranium, but he simply weaved the hit, countering with an upwards elbow to the boy's chin.

As he felt a few teeth crack inside of his mouth, he also felt the warmth of his own blood as it leaked from his jaw. He was shocked as he began to feel a sensation that he hadn't felt in a long time-pain.

"That name is only a nuisance, a thorn in my side, and so are all of you." Ajax said, extending his sword as Kai was instantly rendered motionless.

Shit. Not again.

He couldn't even speak. The only thing that came out of his mouth was a series of grunts as he struggled against the invisible force of Ajax's telekinetic power.

His corded muscles rippled as they flexed as they struggle against the force, narrowly beginning to counter it. While he was doing better against the man's powers than he had been before, it still felt like it all amounted to nothing.

With a wave of his hand, the mercenary sent Kai flying across the corridor, heading for the exit doors.

Adam heard a rumble nearing their position, sounding as if it were coming closer. "Hold on, I hear something."

"Yep, that's how sound works, dude." Dylo replied.

Adam rolled his eyes and cut them over to the entrance as Kai's body toppled down the stairs, along with the doors that had once been on their hinges.

Sweat poured down his face like it had been raining, and small cuts and slices decorated the exterior of his bio-suit-but his skin was unharmed.

The glare pierced the boy's eyes as he staggered to
his feet, panting as he reassumed his combative stance. He reminded Adam of one of those action movie protagonists that fought to the very end. While he was getting his ass handed to him, the guy really was an inspiration.

"That all you got?" Kai growled, rolling his neck from one side to the other to loosen the kinks as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Hardly." Ajax grunted, clenching his fist.

Kai half turned and half stepped back as he was being driven all around the area, each blow feeling as if his bones were breaking. Ajax rapidly advanced towards him, nearly becoming a blur.

He had to think fast, for Ajax was moving with far greater speed than he was. In attempt to establish the man's own momentum and use it against him, Kai whipped around as swiftly as he could, barely evading Ajax's attack as he felt the wind rush past his face.

Now facing the backside of the man's body, Kai attempted to execute a swift snap kick-that barely made contact with him.

Ajax anticipated the sloppy attack, and locked Kai's foot within the gap between his armpit. Utilizing his momentum from before, he jerked the right side of his body forward, sending his young adversary colliding into one of the black vans, denting it with his momentum.

One of the agents was about to attack Amber from behind-before a bullet entered the exterior of his helmet, exiting through the back of his skull. The man toppled over, hitting the ground with a thud.

Amber turned around to find Agent Owens standing before her. "What the hell do you guys think you're doing?!"

"I... um..." Leo stuttered out. He wasn't used to people yelling at him.

"Save it. Just get back to the jet. If one of you brats get killed, it's gonna be on all of our asses."

Leo had no problem complying.

"We gotta get back to the jet. Come on!" Amber said as Kai hurled the van towards Ajax with a grunt. The man attempted to use his telekinetic abilities to stop the van from falling on him, but it was to no avail.

Kai wished it killed him, but even he knew that that wouldn't be the case. Ajax was much too durable to be slaughtered by something as insignificant as a flying vehicle. At least it slowed him down, giving his team time to get back on the jet and escape.

He spearheaded the group, with Amber only a few paces behind him as they increased their speed. Dylo whooshed past them, arriving inside the aircraft in less than a microsecond.

Shutting the door behind them, Bianca encased the entrance to the cargo bay inside of her force field, preventing any bullets from piercing the rough exterior as the jet took off from the ground.

Dylo's face didn't look so jovial anymore, instead being dull and heavy with the weight of failure. They'd lost to Ajax, and failed the mission. On top of that, the last of those crates never got shipped inside of the facility, meaning they'd messed that up as well.

It was gonna be a long night.

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