I Am Bree - Book 1

Oleh WriterByNight12

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****Copyrighted**** 'Tell me you don't feel it.' He whispered against my lips, and the trembling that had cea... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 - A Brief Introduction
Chapter 2 - The Dice Are Cast
Chapter 3 - Gone
Chapter 4 - A Broken Promise
Chapter 5 - Words
Chapter 6 - Servant
Chapter 7 - Adella
Chapter 8 - A Year
Chapter 9 - Rainbows and Tears
Chapter 10 - A Castle and a Prince
Chapter 11 - A Friend and Confusion
Chapter 12 - A Ball
Chapter 13 - Nobility and Horrid Truth
Chapter 14 - Kindness and Preparations
Chapter 15 - Sword Dance and Complications
Chapter 16 - Dance and Blood
Chapter 17 - Jealousy and an Unexpected Savior
Chapter 18 - Contrasts
Chapter 19 - Visions and Masked Ball
Chapter 20 - Monster
Chapter 21 - Barbarian's Law
Chapter 22 - Dream Turned Reality
Chapter 23 - Family
Chapter 24 - A Letter and Disappointment
Chapter 25 - Promises
Chapter 27 - Accused & The Figure in the Dark
Chapter 28 - Dreams, Letters, & Reality
Chapter 29 - Rain and Black
Chapter 30 - A Plan & Unexpected Aid
Chapter 31 - Unexpected Developments
Chapter 32 - Running

Chapter 26 - Impending Doom

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Oleh WriterByNight12

            We didn't return to their rooms until well past midnight. Madame barely remembered to shove me back into the closet before she collapsed into drunken slumber. Allowed to keep my clothes this time, I was at least warm in the cramped, smelly space. Tired as I was, I curled up as comfortably as possible and drifted off into blessed sleep.

When I awoke, there was a terrible kink in my neck, and my mouth was dry and chalky. Aside from that, I had the terrible feeling that follows a night of forgotten nightmares. My sleep had been restless at best, but though I recalled the shadows of hauntingly realistic dreams, it was nothing more than a glimmer.

A sense of dread left me feeling anxious. Even worse than that, I couldn't shake the thought that I'd forgotten something incredibly important. Taking a deep breath, I comforted myself with the thought that dreams are just that. There was no way I could have dreamt anything important to reality. Right?

Heavy, incessant pounding outside the closet had been drumming in the back of my mind since I'd awoken. Annoyingly persistent as it was, it drew my attention now, and I frowned slightly. What could be making such racket?

Thudding footsteps told me Madame or one of the girls had finally awoken, and then there was the sound of an opening door. Voices speaking words I couldn't understand reached my ears, and I stopped breathing for a moment in an attempt to make out what was being said.

Obviously, something was happening, for the door shut loudly, and the footsteps crossed the room to my closet. I had just enough time to push into a painful sitting position before the door was flung open. I looked up into Madame's thick face, and despite my discomfort, I thought the view up her nostrils was a terrible thing to see first thing in the morning.

"Good, you're awake." Her voice was hoarse with sleep still. "Apparently, the king wants to bid us farewell." Her eyebrows drew together fiercely. "We weren't supposed to leave until the end of the week, but those pretty, little stunts you pulled last night probably urged him to get us out."

I didn't know what to say. Good? Finally? Perhaps, her plotting would end once she was removed from the palace. The thought was fleeting, for even I knew nothing would stop her now.

"Get up and help the girls get ready." She snapped. "We don't have a moment to lose."

I followed her instructions with some difficulty, unfurling my limbs from their cramped position was no easy task. Satisfied that I was listening, she bounded off on some other errand. I could hear her waking the girls, and I was relieved she hadn't asked me to do so. There was a brief moment of silence, and then the storm raged.

Feet pounded across the floor, and shrill, morning voices barked unintelligible things. The door was flung open, and I took an involuntary step backwards, startled. Adella looked like a waking nightmare in her rumpled party dress and sleep-smeared makeup.

"You," she seethed, her eyelid twitching.

"No time!" Madame's voice called from another room. "Make yourself presentable!"

Adella shot me a look that promised blood before tripping back into her room. I stood in the center of the outer room, wondering what I was supposed to be doing.

"Help me find my clothes!" Flora poked her head out of her room frantically.

Holding my breath against the foul stench, I did as commanded. How she had managed to stink up this room in a couple weeks was beyond me, but I never question anything in regards to her scent any longer.

Locked in the closet for so many days, I'd lost all ability to estimate time, but it must have taken at least half an hour to locate her clothes. Her shoes were another matter entirely. I had to sort through a pile of filthy slippers that left my hands smelling so strongly of her feet, I almost vomited.

Finally, she was satisfied. When I passed by her mirror, I saw my thin, ragged face staring back at me beneath my tousled hair. I looked crumpled and disheveled, but it would have to do.

We all but ran down the halls and corridors. Madame's face was red, and she was panting heavily before we reached the end of the second hall, and we had to slow down. Beside me, Adella was still fiddling with her attire. She looked over at me with a mocking smile.

"You won't feel so fancy looking at the prince this time." She straightened, seeming to feel satisfied with herself. "Anyone would think you were nothing more than a filthy ragamuffin now."

I didn't give her the satisfaction of a response. I was too tired and hungry to properly form one, anyway.

She scoffed. "What? No response? You're already subdued? I was quite enjoying the thought of watching you struggle against me, only to realize after much pain and suffering that it wasn't worth your time. Mother told me all about how she did it to Father. He was such a weakling that it didn't take long."

My exhaustion flew away, and I straightened. Her words disgusted me, and I had the sudden urge to throw caution to the wind. What good would it do, though?

I tried to bite down on my retort, but it was already exiting my lips. "Subdued?" I spat. "If you think this is the end, you've never been more mistaken. I chose not to respond, because I know I am above exchanging insults with an animal." All Una's kind words flashed through my mind. "I am worth more than your petty taunts."

Something clicked in my brain, and I realized the truth behind the words as I spoke. I was a human, living and breathing. It would be better to die than to allow them to sell me off to the highest bidder without a word.

Adella's cruel smile froze on her face, and she raised a brow. She'd assumed my silence meant I was docile, and make no mistake, I was frightened to be in her power again. I was not, however, willing to sell my soul just for self-preservation.

Her hand closed over my wrist, and she might have stuck me if a door hadn't opened loudly. I had no time to be thankful for the noise however as I looked up to see the familiar expanse of the throne room.

Immediately, images flashed through my brain of the last time I'd seen that enormous room. The blood had been scrubbed from the floor, and there was nothing left of the barbarous behavior I'd witnessed. On the opposite side of the room, King Erik sat in his enormous throne, Aidan beside him.

"Mrs. Angarden, do come in." King Erik's smile was patronizing.

Madame and the girls tripped into the room, preening foolishly. I must look a sight next to them. I felt a blush crawling up my cheeks.

"Your majesty." Madame stooped low in a curtsy. "Forgive our late appearance. I was not informed until recently that we were to come before you this morning." Was that reproach in her voice? Was she daring to speak in such a manner to the king?

"Yes, well, I thought it high time I clean out my castle." He responded, raising a brow.

Madame coughed. She'd been effectively put in her place.

"We'll be so sorry to see you and your girls go." King Erik continued.

Lies. Nothing would please him more. Unable to stop myself, I snorted softly. Everyone had to dance around the truth, even the king. King Erik's head snapped up, and he pinioned me with a glare.

I froze at the intensity of his piercing gaze. He looked as though he wanted to devour me whole on the spot. I couldn't look away, and I didn't want to, either.

I knew he was thinking about what had happened the last time both of us had been together in this room. I had done nothing wrong. There was no doubt about it in my mind. Saving a human life about to be thrown away like so much garbage was no reason to be ashamed.

"I hope you and your daughters settle well in your new home." He barely moved his mouth to speak, and I couldn't breathe. "I know you'll understand how pleased I am to empty my home of guests at this time."

His ice cold—almost triumphant—smile said he was pleased to be rid of us in general. The statement was a dismissal, too. As if we were nothing more than an annoying fly, he was telling us to begone.

"I understand entirely." Madame stooped low in another courtesy. "I can only hope—"

"The invitation to attend the wedding will reach you in enough time to prepare for the festivities." He cut her off almost harshly. He was done with us.

"You're too kind." Madame smiled.

"Yes," he said.

With a wave of his hand, the servants opened the door for us. Obviously, he wanted to hear no more from Madame today. Stooping low, we backed a few paces away from the throne. Madame seemed to understand the foolishness of speaking more.

When we'd turned away from the throne, I finally felt as though I could breathe again. I would be glad to get out in the hallways if only for a moment.

I didn't realize how fast I was walking until I'd all but passed Madame. Just at the threshold, when I could fairly taste the freedom, I came face to face with Kotaro.

His dark eyes locked with mine, and for the briefest moment, something flashed in their depths. It was only a split second, but I almost felt as though he might be pleased to see us.

"Ah, Prince Kotaro." Madame pushed me roughly aside. "I'm glad for the chance to see you before we go."

Was the slight quirk of his brow a show of disgust? I couldn't be certain, but it seemed I wasn't the only one who could see through the overly sweet words.

"You see, we'll be leaving today." There was almost a hint of annoyance in her tone.

His eyes flicked to me. "Good." The word was barely audible, and then he pushed past us.

"Let's go." Madame hissed.

The doors shut behind us on our way, but I couldn't help glancing back one final time at that broad back. What could he have meant by that? As if he felt my eyes on him, he turned and looked at me over his shoulder, and then the door shut.

"Foolish girl." Madame's hand struck me on the back of my head with jarring force. "You've made our name into one of disdain. As if your father weren't enough!" He foot connected with my shin bone, and it took all my self-control not to cry out.

She shoved me bodily against the wall, her rank breath puffing in my face. I felt nausea creep through me in a rush, and try as I might, I couldn't hide my gag.

"Insolent brat!" She growled. "The minute we're out the door, I'll teach you such a lesson you won't ever forget."

"Mrs. Angarden!" Aidan's voice was bright and cheerful.

Madame immediately stepped away from me. Her smile was too wide, and she brushed the wrinkles out of her dress.

"Prince Aidan." She beamed.

"My father sent me to tell you he's arranged one of the coaches for you to take." He smiled winningly. "There are some attendants waiting for you in the foyer, and he's arranged for some servants to move your things for you."

Lights sparked to life in Madame and the girls's eyes. To be seen, in public, in a royal coach, it was beyond anything they could have imagined. I was immediately forgotten.

"Thank you, your highness." Madame bobbed a curtsy.

"Thank my father." Aidan said. "You should hurry. There's probably quite the crowd gathering."

Barely giving proper curtsies, they scurried down the hallway. I could hear their exited whispers as they went. Straightening slightly, I frowned after them. Should I follow?

"Are you all right?" Aidan touched my shoulder gently as though he were afraid I might break. "I'm glad I planned for this ahead of time. Let's go." He reached out to take my arm before stopping himself. "You want to come with me, right?"

I did. Foolish as it may sound, I wanted nothing more than to escape into the safety of the world Aidan and Una had made for me. I wanted to feel cherished and wanted.

He didn't take my arm. He just started walking and left my decision up to me. Anyway, I didn't want him to touch me.

For a brief moment, I glanced up and down the hall, uncertain. Then I did a foolish thing. Turning, I ran after him. I used the excuse that I needed to find out what he wanted to tell me, but really, I just wanted to be with someone who treated me like a human being—if only for a moment.

Aidan beamed down at me when I caught up to him. His vibrant, blue eyes fairly danced with happiness, and I couldn't help but smile back. If he had reached out and taken my hand or my arm in that moment, I think I would have let him, but he didn't.

We walked in silence. I had no idea where we were going, but it didn't seem to matter. I was away from Madame and the girls and could finally rest. Aidan, however, seemed to know exactly where he wanted to go. He walked with incredible purpose.

Beside him, I was a ragamuffin. What must we look like to others? I lowered my eyes, catching sight of my rumpled and stained clothes. Wasn't he embarrassed to be seen next to me?

"I don't know about you, but I could use some fresh air." His voice sounded forcefully light as if he were trying to make the situation more jovial.

A draft of air followed the statement, and I looked up into warm sunlight. A lump formed in my throat, and I stepped out onto the balcony, almost forgetting his presence entirely. The gentle breeze stirred my snarled hair, bringing a last, final taste of freedom.

Behind me, I could hear Aidan's footsteps slowly following me, but a part of me wanted to pretend he wasn't there. How was I supposed to welcome whatever he said to me? Could it be anything more than justifications for his change in feelings? Of one thing I was certain: us being here together like this would only hurt Una.

"I know you think ill of me." His voice was bitter, and I refused to look at him. "You must believe: I never meant for this to happen."

Did anyone mean for bad things to happen? Perhaps my hunger and exhaustion were taking hold of my senses, but blindly accepting his excuse was out of the question.

"Una doesn't deserve to be treated like this." I finally turned to face him.

My expression must have been more severe than I'd intended, because he took a step back. His eyes widened slightly, and he lowered his head. He looked like a little boy.

"I know." His voice was low. "You don't know how hard it's been for me, Bree." His teeth clamped down on his lower lip. "I was at my wit's end when you showed up, and then—it was so easy with you. None of the officials—or my father, for that matter—looked twice when we were together."

"I never wanted this." Tears welled in my eyes, but I refused to allow them to spill over. Inexplicably, I felt the need to appear strong in this moment.

"And you think I did?" Aidan burst out. "I didn't want any of this! Do you know how hard it is to live my life?"

I raised my head. He was right. We were both victims of a cruel fate in which our lives would never be our own.

"Stay with me?" He sounded like a little boy, a child crying out for help.

I sucked in a sharp breath. The offer tempted me unlike anything I'd faced before. If I were with him, Madame, the girls—none of them would dare touch me. With one word, I could change my fate.

The sound of rod pummeling flesh echoed in my ears, and bile rose in my throat. How could I stay here in the company of a man who had watched someone brutalize his own son? Aidan had been there, too, for that matter.

I looked at him intently. If I stayed, if I allowed myself to give in to the desire to be free, would I be damning myself? What could Aidan do if his father chose to dispose of me? I hadn't seen him stand up to King Erik even once, and I would be fooling myself if I believed it would somehow be different because I was involved.

"I can't." Everything within me rebelled against the words. "I shouldn't even be here right now."

"Bree, please! I can protect you." He begged.

If I stayed here a minute longer, I'd give in. I had to go. Whatever cruelty fate had for me in the future, our lives were not destined to be intwined. Right?

"We can leave here." It was a last, desperate plea.

I stopped mid-step. Leaving. . .I would never have to face Madame, Adella, or the cruel court ladies ever again. I could forget all of this and live out the rest of my days peacefully.

But no. How would we survive? Aidan had lived his life in the luxury of a palace, and I had lived mine locked in a scullery. Leaving all this behind us would mean starting another life of unhappiness and suffering. My heart desperately wanted me to turn around and go back to him, but my brain knew it was foolish wishful thinking.

"You know we can't do that." I said, my voice less firm than I would have liked. One more moment and I would lose all my self control.

My half-hearted determination wasn't enough to propel me further from him. I stood, frozen in place, trying to bolster what courage I could. If I stayed here, I would convince myself that I was wrong, that I should forget my reservations and follow him.

"Bree?" Coming out of Aidan's mouth, the word was a strangled choke. Startled, I turned to look at him.

Blood. There was blood dribbling down his chin. He looked confused and almost scared. Reaching out as though to touch me, he pitched forward.

Frothy red, the blood sprayed from his mouth at the impact of his landing. And then I was on my knees beside him with no memory of closing the distance between us. Something was terribly, terribly wrong.

A voice screamed for help, and I barely had time to recognize it as my own as he collapsed onto me. He looked up at me, and it was as though he were a terrified, little boy. He opened his mouth as though to speak, but a conclusion seized him, and he began to shake like a man possessed.

Unfamiliar voices cried out around me, but I couldn't take my eyes off his contorted face. I was shoved roughly aside, and someone lifted him up and carried him away. I sat on the ground, unable to move, staring at the blood on the ground where he had lain.

Footsteps echoed in my brain, and I looked up into King Erik's face. He was not a tall man, but from this angle, he may well have been a giant. I felt small and insignificant sitting there at his feet with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Guards, take her." His eyes bored into me, and for the first time, I saw a slight resemblance to Kotaro. That wild, bloodthirsty gaze looked as though he would devour me whole on the spot.

His words registered in my brain, and my foggy thoughts cleared immediately. Take me? What could he mean? Somewhere deep within me, I felt doom blossom. Something was terribly, terribly wrong.


How cow! Has it really been over a month since I last posted?! Time is flying! I'm so sorry this update is late, but I was only just able to get it done, because one of my classes was cancelled. I'm not even sure I like how it flows, but I figured y'all might appreciate an update....or maybe not considering where this one ended...Unfortunately, I have no idea when I'll be able to update next. College life has definitely been keeping me busy, and sadly, I've had to sacrifice a good portion of my writing life for class time and assignments...

What do you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen next? Let me just say, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. I've literally been waiting to write it since about chapter 16...

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