The Utopian Legacy Awards 202...

By TheUtopianSociety_

14.8K 1K 1.3K

The 1st Awards hosted by The UtopianSociety. Do you lack appreciation for your treasures, also known as "book... More

Participants' Rules
Judges' Rules
Tag Fest
Stickers: Default Genres
Stickers: Language Categories
Form Layout: Participants
Form Layout: Judges
Marking Sheet: Default Genres
Marking Sheet: Poetry
Marking Sheet: Special Categories
Fantasy: Forms/Entries
Chicklit: Forms/Entries
Horror: Forms/Entries
Paranormal: Forms/Entries
Romance: Forms/Entries
New Adult: Forms/Entries
Young Adult: Forms/Entries
Mystery/Thriller: Forms/Entries
Teen Fiction: Forms/Entries
General/Historical fiction: Forms/Entries
Non Fiction: Forms/Entries
Science Fiction: Forms/Entries
Action: Forms/Entries
Adventure: Forms/Entries
Humor: Forms/Entries
Poetry: Forms/Entries
Spiritual: Forms/Entries
Fanfiction: Forms/Entries
Oneshots: Forms/Entries
Short Story: Forms/Entries
Best Cover: Forms/Entries
Best Blurb: Forms/Entries
Best Description: Forms/Entries
Best Prologue: Forms/Entries
Best Epilogue: Forms/Entries
Best Protagonist: Forms/Entries
Best Antagonist: Forms/Entries
Most Emotional: Forms/Entries
Best Mature: Forms/Entries
Best Cliché: Forms/Entries
Best Non cliché: Forms/Entries
Most Original Storyline: Forms/Entries
Best Harry Potter Fanfic: Forms/Entries
Best Kpop/BTS fanfic: Forms/Entries
Hindi Language: Forms/Entries
Urdu language: Forms/Entries
Turkish Language: Forms/Entries
Spanish Language: Forms/Entries
French language: Forms/Entries
Japanese Language: Forms/Entries
Korean language: Forms/Entries
Arabic Language: Forms/Entries
Portugese Language: Forms/Entries
German language: Forms/Entries
Russian Language: Forms/Entries
Malay Language: Forms/Entries
Chinese/Mandarin: Forms/Entries
Filipino Language: Forms/Entries
Dutch Language: Forms/Entries
The Utopian Catgeories
Procedure{Important Notice}

Italian Language: Forms/Entries

55 4 0
By TheUtopianSociety_

Hello Everybody!

Whoever wishes to enter their books, in the category of Italian Language, are more then welcome to do so.

Below the forms for people, who want to enter as a Participant or a Judge are given.

Ciao a tutti!

Chiunque desideri inserire i propri libri, nella categoria Lingua italiana, è più che ben accetto.

Di seguito vengono forniti i moduli per le persone che vogliono entrare come Partecipante o Giudice.

Remember to fill in as an inline comment, beside the respective form.
Note:- Don't clutter the space. Fill the form as a text message, and if you forgot something, reply back to your own message.


Form for Participants:

Gmail i.d(or any other form of social media):-
Book's Title:-
Book's Link:-
Which continent:-
Which language:-
Rules followed:-

Participants submit here »»»

Form for Judges:

Gmail i.d(any form of social media):-
Preferred genre(s):-
Languages you can read:-
Are you a participant:-
Active Oct-Oct:-
Rules followed:-

Judges submit here»»»


People whose entries have been accepted will appear here, in or after 24 hours.
However, if your entry isn't accepted, then we advise you to go over the rules chapter once more.
If the problem persists, then drop a message in the Questions/Queries page.

Thank you!

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