Better Than Yesterday

By Sprinting_Ginger

45.8K 1.7K 535

The best things in Calum's life have arrived rather unexpectedly, he's hoping the new found surprises will ha... More

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997 37 10
By Sprinting_Ginger

14 Weeks

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Skye?" Calum asks as they pull to a stop in the drop off lane.

"It's not really my choice is it? And my dad and— and Jordan," her voice falters slightly, "they need to pay for what they are doing." She sighs.

"Be so careful, baby. I wish I was going with you." He frowns across the car at her.

"It's twenty-four hours. I'll be home by lunch tomorrow." She smiles softly, reaching over for his hand.

"Text me when you eat, and if you get sick? And let me know how the meeting goes?"

"I will. Kiss Nika for me please? I'll see you in the morning. It's one night."

"I know. I shouldn't be so clingy, and I wouldn't... except you've been so sick, and I'm not sure a flight, even a short one is going to help that."

"I managed to make it to Sydney and back in the worst of it. I think I can manage a little puddle jumper to Vegas." She laughs.

"Alright, alright. Try to enjoy a little bit maybe? And make sure to ask about what all will happen with trial dates and everything, so you know at least a general idea of what is going on and when you might need to be in Vegas again."

"I will. Don't worry. I'll see you in the morning, Cal. I love you."

"I love you too. And the little bump you're hiding under that t-shirt of mine."

"I lost enough weight I'm starting to really sort of show. I needed to not do that yet." She laughs, resting her hand against the small protrusion between her hips.

"It's cute. But you're right. No need for people, and by people I mean my fans, to start speculating yet. They can be obsessed with the Irwin twins for a while first."

"If they ever come. Pour KayKay, she has to be miserable."

"Ash left our place with some idea on how to speed that up last night. We can only hope it worked."

"So what you're saying is he went home and fucked her hard?" Skye laughs.

"Basically. Alright, you shouldn't miss your flight. Get going, pretty lady."

"I'm going to be fine, Cal, I'll see you tomorrow."

"I love you." He smiles leaning across the console to connect their lips.

"I love you too, Cal. I'll let you know when I've landed."

"Thank you."

"Try not to be too lonely without me." She giggle slightly, stepping out of the car and turning back, Calum holding her backpack up for her to take.

"Thank you."

"Be safe."

"I will. I love you, Calum."

"I love you too, Skye." He waves softly as she closes the door, watching her head into the airport and away for the next day. They knew it was coming, it was part of why he really let her sleep through his birthday yesterday, knowing she had to be a functional adult and go to meetings in Vegas today. But he can't help but worry about sending his pregnant and sick wife on a flight alone.

Turning back to the roadway, he pulls into the light traffic heading out of the airport, glad it was not LAX she had to fly out off, Burbank is a lot closer to home and a lot less busy. About halfway home his phone tone sounds through the car, his thumb automatically hitting the accept button on the steering wheel.


"Fuck!" Ashton's voice sounds panicked. "KayKay's in labor! Cal, the babies are coming."

"Calm down, Ash, are you guys at the hospital?"

"Ya. Are you coming? Can you come? I'd really like if you were here."

"I'm headed back from Burbank, I'll head there instead of home. Breathe, man, you are excited remember."

"I know. It's just, fuck, it's intense."

"Get control and be there and be strong for KayKay, okay? I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Sierra's on her way already. Call her when you get here. I have to go."

"I will. Congrats, man, you're going to be a dad. Should have happened yesterday but I'll forgive you for that one."

"Fuck off, but also hurry please!"

"I'm coming as fast as I can." Calum laughs before the call disconnects.


"Skye, thank you so much for coming." Frank, the lawyer their lawyer had referred her to in the larger case greets her in the hotel lobby, having had a car sent to pick her up.

"Happy to help. I know these people, or at least sort of know them, and they deserve to be handed the consequences of their actions."

"We've got you staying in a private room upstairs, rest, eat, whatever you would like for a few hours. I'll meet you back here at three to head for our meeting with a few others from the team." He holds out a key card envelope to her.

"I can manage that, I'll be here just before three." She nods, taking the envelope and stepping past him towards the elevator.

Once in her room, Skye drops her shoulders heavily, the small flight had drained her energy significantly. Pulling out the outfit she planned for the meeting to make sure it isn't wrinkled she falls into the almost comfortable bed, pulling her phone out and hitting call on Calum's contact.

"Hey, baby." He sound excited as he answers.

"Hi." She breathed out softly.

"You tired?"

"Very. I wanted to check in with you, and then probably nap for a couple hours before this meeting."

"Flight went okay?"

"Ya. Not bad at all actually."

"Good. KayKay's in labor, I came here from dropping you off. Ashton was losing his shit, but Sierra got him to calm down quite a bit."

"Of course she is having babies now. I haven't left the house in weeks, let alone the state. But now that I'm in Vegas, it's baby time for them." She laughs.

"It's only for a day, and they don't want an overwhelming number of people here today anyway. Just Si and I for support. Luke's gonna pick up Nika, and she'll have a little sleep over with Matthew tonight if needed. You can meet the twins tomorrow."

"Tell KayKay and Ash I'm excited for them. I can't wait to see pictures of those cute boys, and give them all the snuggles tomorrow."

"I will. You get some sleep and set an alarm so you don't miss that meeting."

"I will. Keep me updated on the babies."

"I will. I love you, Skye, get some rest."

"I love you too." She hums, ending the call and rolling to her side, setting an alarm before letting sleep envelope her body.

Baby Irwin's are coming!

Court shit with Jordan and her dad is starting!

Skye is still not feeling great and now travel is involved?

What could possibly go wrong?

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!

~M =)

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