Finding Pan | OUAT Fan-fiction

By Edentopia

407K 8.8K 2.8K

Sixteen year old Elena 'Elle' Weston was found in Storybrooke one stormy night. Having lost her memories, she... More

1: A Fateful Stormy Night
2: The Yellow Bug
3: Operation Cobra
4: The Curse is Broken
5: The Wraith and the Amnesiac
6: Prisoner to Rescuer
7: A Fateful Encounter
8: Behind the Pirate
9: The Beanstalk Aftermath
10: Blurred Lines
11: Like Father Like Daughter
12: Home is Where the Heart Isn't
13: Unhappy Reunions
14: Bad Things Happen During Storms
15: Chaos in the E.R
16: Together We Fall
17: The Unknown Land
18: Old Friend or Foe?
19: Perfidious Mind Games
20: Jailbird and Heartless
21: The Call of a Flower
22: The Aftermath of a Curse
23: Tainted Love
24: A Fairy and a Bittersweet Reunion
25: Celebrations Cut Short
26: Good Form
27: A Game of Trust
28: Plans and Ploys
29: Chaos of Reunions
30: Facing Him
31: Returning to Storybrooke
32: Pan's Plan
33: What it Means to be a Hero
34: After Death
35: Forbidden Lovers
36: Punishment
37: A Change in the Wind
39: The Truth About Elle Weston
40: Time's Cruel Hand
41: Brothers and Lovers
42: The Search for the Green Eyed Boy
43: Taking on Tartarus
44: Shattered Memories
45: The Haunting of the Past
46: A Way to Escape
47: Two Halves of a Whole
48: Kiss of Death
49: The Tale of a Pirate and King
50: Final Preparations
51: Meeting Zeus
52: A Stormy Night
Side Story: A Storybrooke Christmas Adventure
53: Finding Pan
54: Happy Endings
55: Answers and Planning
A Finding Pan Graphics Announcement
56: A Wedding for the Ages
Q/A Session
Finding Pan Soundtrack
Side Story: Orpheus and Eurydice
Bonus: Making of Finding Pan
100k reads Milestone

38: Labour of Love

3.3K 82 8
By Edentopia

Hook jolted awake and wheezed. It was dark with one eye being shut. When he tried to stand, his body faced immeasurable pain. 

"Is this a bloody trick" He grunted loudly. 

Just as he was about to step out a voice stopped him.

"Stop," a girl told him. 

He froze and looked at the girl across from him. 

"That's exactly what it is," she said, eyes closed, "A trick. Don't move. He wants you to think you can escape. But you can't. No one can."

"Aye?" The pirate breathed heavily, "We'll see about that."

He placed his foot on the lower step and the girl's voice snapped to him, "Don't."

Hook was silent. 

"He'll hunt you down," she said scared.

"Hades has already done his worst to me," Hook told her.

"I don't mean Hades," the girl frowned. 

"Who then?" Hook asked

"No," she shook her head, "Just don't."

"Look," Hook said, starting to get frustrated with her cowardice, "This isn't my first cell. I don't just sit around and rot. Now, somebody's come down here to save me, and I need to make her job easier."

Now the girl met his eyes, "How do you know she's here?"

"She got me a message," Hook replied.

"How do you know that wasn't one of Hades' tricks?"

"Because I know," Hook said to her, "When you love someone, you know. What's keeping us in here?"

Fear etched across her face, "Something you don't want to face."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Hook stepped down, "Time to go."

He limped over to the girl and stretched out his arm towards her. 

"You're mad," the girl said to him in disbelief. 

"Perhaps," Hook agreed, "But I'm the best chance you have."

She took his hand and rose to her feet. 

"Are you ready?" Hook asked.

She nodded her head.

"Alright, go. Go!" Hook pushed her ahead of himself and they ran. 

The growling of a beast echoed throughout the area. The girl shuddered. 

"I told you. We'll never make it," The girl cried out. 

"We won't. But you will. I'll draw the beasts away. You run! And once you're free, find Emma Swan. I'm Captain Killian Jones. Captain Hook. Tell her to find me."

"Okay," the girl nodded her head. 


Once the girl fled, Hook turn his attention to across the corridor. He heard footsteps and he wondered if that was the monster that plagued this prison. The footsteps faded and Hook released a shaky breath. 

After walking down another corridor, he saw red eyes and knew who he was dealing with. Cerberus, Hades' guard dog. In no time, Hook was at Hades' feet, groaning. 

"This is going to be an exciting day," Hades smirked. 

"It will be... When I kill you," Hook replied.

The god of the underworld chuckled, "Why does everyone say that? You can't kill me. I'm Hades. This... This is death."

"Well, then I'll find a whatever's worse and do it to you."

Hades knelt down, "Oh. I see you've... You've met my pet. Only one other person was able to tame it, but you're about to realize his master is not nearly as friendly."


"Cerberus, buddy, where are you going?" Elle frowned.

The monstrous dog took off with Elle running behind. Cerberus was in pursuit of something and Elle did not want to see another soul fall victim to it. She pushed her legs to keep moving and stopped short to see Hades. Her body froze at the sight of him and he placed a finger over his lips. He then whistled calling Cerberus back to him. 

The three headed dog returned and once it saw Elle, it licked her face. She petted his three heads and Hades looked at her with admiration. 

"Return to the castle," He ordered, "There is some business here that I must attend to."

Elle made a face, "But it is boring there. Isn't it, buddy?"

Cerberus dipped its head agreeing. Hades let out an exaggerated breath, "This is your last warning."

He walked away and Elle secretly followed behind. 

"I called them off," Hades said and when Elle looked, she could not believe her eyes. 

Regina was standing in front of him with Mary Margaret, Emma and Hercules in tow.

"Who are you," Emma asked him. 

"My Uncle," Hercules tensed.

"Hades?" Regina said slowly. 

"Don't look so surprised," Hades shrugged, "Who did you think was in charge of this place, your mommy?"

"Well, if this is your realm, maybe you can answer a few questions," The Evil Queen said in her stern tone, "Like, why does this hellhole look like Storybrooke?"

"I have my reasons and I don't have to share them with you," Hades said. 

"Leave them alone, Uncle," Hercules told the god, stepping forward. 

"There's that famous courage people love to talk about. Oh Hercules, did you really think you could face Cerberus again?"

"Again?" Mary Margaret asked him. 

"You mean, he didn't tell you?" Hades fake gasped.

"Cerberus killed you," Mary Margaret realized. 

"Yeah," Hercules nodded, "I didn't want you to know. Snow, I couldn't let you down."

"Well, it's nothing to be ashamed of, nephew. After all, losing your life to my little pet is what finally brought us together as family. If it makes you feel a little better, only one person besides myself was able to tame it. Your aunt."

Elle cringed being referred to as Hercules' aunt. That would mean she would be with Hades, cue the barf. 

"We're not afraid of you," Mary Margaret said bravely. 

"Oh, Snow White," Hades smirked, "Or is it Mary Margaret? My nephew said you were a spitfire. But trust me, you should be quite afraid of me. Because the next time you interfere with my family, I will come after yours."

"Bring it. We're not gonna rest until we find Hook," Emma stepped forward.

Hook? Elle thought confused, Why would he be here. He was still alive wasn't he?

"Oh," Hades deduced, "And that must make you Emma. Since your pirate likes to send you messages, I told him I would deliver this one personally."

He raised his hand and Elle covered her mouth with her hand. It was her father's bloody Hook. How did Hades get it? She had to be seeing things. She came out from her hiding spot and glared at Hades. 

"Where did you get that!" She seethed. 

Hades just stood there, his eyes not wavering from Elle. Elle wanted to hide away in the presence of the god and his power, but she felt her own power rising to match his. 

"Elle, you're here," Emma said, puzzled. 

"We'll save the touching reunion until later," Elle told her without glancing back, "Now tell me Hades. Where is he? And where is Peter?"

Hades' eyes flared up at the mention of her father and lover. 

"That is information you do not need to know, my queen," Hades said to her.

"What did you do to him?" Emma asked Hades. 

"It's not what I've already done you should worry about, no. It's what I'm about to do."

He dropped the hook and left in blue flames. Elle stood there and looked at Emma and the others. 

"Emma..." the girl said, stepping forward. 

She rushed into their arms and wept. Finally, she was no longer alone.


They reconvened at the Blanchard apartment and there, Emma was assisting the girl they had met, Megara. 

"Please tell me you're not all dead," the pirate's daughter scoffed crossing her arms.

The mysterious girl looked at Elle and immediately started to panic.

"Easy," Emma calmed her down, "It's just Elle."

She shook her head, "No... She's the Queen. Persephone. He'll have our heads for keeping her here."

Elle rolled her eyes, "Look, I don't want to be here anymore than you do."

"You're with Hades?" Emma asked Elle who shook her head.

"Not willingly. I woke up here after the curse. Supposedly I'm his missing lover or something, I don't know. Why is my father down here? And why does Hades have him?"

Regina looked at Emma, "She deserves to know."

Emma took a deep breath before explaining everything that had transpired after her death. She noticed Elle's shoulders lower hearing her father becoming the Dark One. When she finished recounting the tale, Elle looked at her unforgivably, "My father is in love with you, but you practically set him on this path."

Emma shook her head, "No, we're here to save him. We'll need your help."

"Not interested," Elle stated, "Peter is my top priority."

"After we save your father, then we'll save your precious Peter," Regina told her. 

"You despise him," Elle snarled, "Why should I believe you?"

"We know he makes you happy," Regina replied, "We want you to be happy. I'm not the biggest fan of the boy, but I trust you to keep him in line."

Elle smiled at Regina and Emma looked at David who just entered. 

"Did Mary Margret talk muscles into giving it another go?" Regina asked him. 

"I don't think so," David shook his head. 

"You're speaking of Cerberus, aren't you?" Elle asked them.

Emma nodded her head. That's when the loft collapsed and fell. 

"Run!" Emma shouted, "Go! Go!"

They all raced out of the building and Emma sprinted down the stairs.

"Let me guess. The Cerberus?" Emma asked.

The three headed dog was on top of the stairs and they fled into the Underbrooke. The hunt had begun. 


Elle joined Mary Margaret and Hercules to find Megara who got separated in the commotion. 

"He found us," Megara pointed to Cerberus who was stood in front of them. 

"What now?" Hercules asked.

They ran into the library and Mary Margaret turned to Elle, "Can't you stop him?"

Elle replied sarcastically, "Well I don't exactly have a box of Scooby Snacks on me. Next time I do, I'll let you know."

"There isn't going to be a next time if we don't figure out a way to defeat him," Megara argued. 

"Any bright ideas?" Hercules asked Mary Margaret.

"We hit all three heads at once," Mary Margaret told him. 

Elle frowned knowing that Cerberus would have to be killed. She could never forget his true master, Hades. The only reason it let her live was mostly like due to him. 

The window shattered and Megara yelped. Elle moved beside her protectively. Mary Margaret looked over at Megara with a plan. 

"Give her your dagger," Mary Margaret ordered the Greek Hero.

Hercules did exactly that. Megara held up her hands, "No, I can't do that."

"Yes," Mary Margaret urged her, "You can."

Cerberus was just outside the door and everyone stepped back. Elle wished she had a sword or gun to use instead of relying on her magic. 

"You can, You have to try," Mary Margaret said.

"I believe in you," Elle told her. 

Megara accepted the dagger and they all looked tensely at the door. 

"Ready?" Mary Margaret asked them. 

Elle nodded her head and braced herself. Cerberus broke through the door looking rabid as ever. 

"Now!" Mary Margaret yelled. 

All three of them charged with their weapons that soon were embedded into each of Cerberus' three heads. Cerberus stumbled and its body became dust. He was gone. 

Hercules was the first to let out a breath of relief. His face then turn to concern as he rushed to catch a hyperventilating Megara.

"I guess I'm not used to all that excitement."

They made eye contact and Elle glanced away. She knew that look. It was the look of true love. 

"I'm Hercules," the boy introduced.

"Megara," Megara smiled back, "My friends call me Meg."

"Thanks for the assist, Meg."

They returned to the diner and Hercules and Megara were sitting at a table alone while Elle stood with the remaining heroes. She could not hide her jealousy as she watched them.

"Looks like Herc found a new friend," David acknowledged. 

"Maybe defeating Cerberus wasn't Hercules' only piece of unfinished business. Maybe he needed to save her, too," Mary Margaret thought aloud. 

"You okay?" Emma asked Mary Margaret.

"Yeah," Mary Margaret assured Emma, but Elle could sense the uneasiness in her tone. 

Mary Margaret sighed, "You didn't know me in the Enchanted Forest, Emma, but I was someone who took risks, even when she was afraid. I was someone who, I guess, inspired people. An old enemy reminded me of that. I just don't ever want to ever run the risk of forgetting who I was again."

"What are you saying, Mary Margaret?" David asked her.

"I'm saying I don't want to be Mary Margaret anymore. I want to be Snow White again."

"Well it's about time," Regina said finally. 

"I think we can make that happen," David smiled at her, "Snow."

They headed to the Fiery Cave believing that Megara and Hercules' unfinished business was completed. The path leading to Mount Olympus was unveiled to them. 

"Do you think you can get to the prison through the tunnels?" Megara asked Emma.

"Yes, thanks to your map," Emma answered. 

"If it weren't for Hook, I'd still be rotting in that cell," Megara said, grateful, "You'll tell him I did the right thing? That he was right to trust me?"

"I will. Thank you," Emma smiled.

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay and help?" Hercules asked. 

"I think you've been down here long enough. And if you don't cross before your uncle finds you, who knows what he'll do," Mary Margaret warned him. 

"I was right," Hercules said, "You became an amazing hero."

They hugged one last time and Elle held back a tear. Then the pair departed hand in hand to a better place. As they did, Elle felt the clock tick twice signalling their departure from the Underworld. Only god knows what happens now.


Hook was even bloodier from a beating with Hades. He was sitting against a pillar while Hades stood over him. 

"The prisoner you aided in escape, she moved on from this realm," Hades informed him. 

"Good for her," The pirate smirked. 

Hades unsheathed a chisel. Hook just scoffed, "Get on with it, then."

"Oh, this?" Hades said, "No, this? No. This isn't for you. It's for your friends."

He forced Hook to hold it. 

"What the bloody hell am I supposed to do with this?"

"Simple accounting, really. At first I wanted your friends to leave. I really had such a smooth-running operation going here. I even had you daughter at my side before they arrived."

Hook stiffened at the mention of his daughter who died two years ago. Since he got here, he never came across Elle and was unable to due to Hades' constant surveillance. If she were to find out his whereabouts, she would be disappointed in him for choosing revenge once again. 

"One minor detail about my queen," Hades said, "She seems to be just as defiant as you. For that of course she had to be punished. I knocked her out for two years and placed her in the exact same prison as you. How amusing that you both were just a single turn away from encountering each other, it's sad really. A touching father-daughter reunion that shall never come to past. And now she found your friends. Now, I've decided they've caused too much damage, so my vindictive side... Did you know I had one? It wants to punish them. So, from now on, for every soul your friends free, one of them is going to have to stay."

He summoned three gravestones that were blank. Hook stared at them intensely. He hated what he was being forced to do. 

"And, Captain," Hades said, "You get to decide who."


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