The Witch's Wolf

By EmiraandVineySimp

110K 3K 5.7K

She turned a corner. There was a snap, that followed afterwards. pressing her body against the tree, and to... More

Ch. 1
Ch 5.
Ch 6.
Ch 8
Ch 9
Another A/N
Ch 10
Ch 11.
Ch 12
Ch. 13
Chapter 14.
Chapter 14. (part two)
Merry Christmas!
unfortunate news...


7.8K 218 594
By EmiraandVineySimp

Amity stared at her ceiling as she lay in bed.

Shortly after the wolf had dropped her off, her siblings came running outside to ask her of her whereabouts, as she responded that she took a walk, and walked into the forest for a bit.

The twins left her alone after that, there was no prank, and no mischief that she had to worry about.

Now her mind was clouded with thoughts of the wolf, Eda, and pretty much the forest surrounding them. Doesn't it get lonely out there?

The youngest Blight sighed, before sitting up off her bed, and sliding in her shoes.

Only a little walk. I need some air..

She walked downstairs from her room silently, careful of waking her siblings, let alone her parents.

Amity walked outside, into the spacious area that surrounded her house as she attempted to clear her mind of all thoughts.

She stopped right outside the Woods.

Why, she had no clue. She only just wanted to take a small walk. Nothing more.

Gazing into the dark of the forest sent a shiver down her spine. The woods seemed ten times scarier when it was pitch dark.

"Hello? " Amity whispered, casting a small spell circle to create an orb of light appear.

The dark didn't scare her, but she'd much rather be in the light.

The Woods seemed unresponsive to Amity's whisper, and she only sighed.

She didn't know what to expect. She came out here for nothing.

When Amity went to go turn around, a voice called out to her.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, Blight? "

She knew that voice. She knew it very well.

"I could say the same to you Noceda. What are you doing out here? "

Gold met Red, and for a second, everything seemed to stop. Luz stepped out the forest, a hand ruffling through her hair.

Amity hadn't had the chance to actually look at Luz's appearance.

A black hoodie, short blue jeans, probably to run in, and some black sneakers.

If this were someone she knew, she wouldn't have said anything about it. But something about Luz was different.

"Take a picture, It'll last longer Blight." Luz grumbled, leaning against the same tree from earlier.

"U-uh why are you here? "

"Why are you outside wearing such revealing clothing? "

Amity stared down at herself, seeing nothing wrong with her The Good Witch Azura Hoodie and some random pyjama shorts she threw on.

"This isn't that revealing."

"Whatever you say Mittens. " The wolf muttered, taking off her hoodie, and handing it over to Amity.

"Wrap it around your waist if you are going to stay here and talk to me. I don't want the creeps that are around here to stare. "

Odd. Why would the wolf care about such thing, if not even a few hours ago, she hated her.

Without much of an argument, she wrapped the black hoodie around her waist.

"How do you know there are creeps around? "

The wolf stared off in some direction, before grabbing hold of Amity's wrist, and pulling her into the Woods.

The sudden action made her Yelp, but Luz clamped a hand around her mouth, and held her close.


Amity looked at the the wolf oddly, before staring into the distance, where a silhouette of someone seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

It seemed to look around, for what, Amity had no idea. But the silhouette disappeared shortly afterwards.

"You should head back inside. It's safer if you did. "  Luz stated in a whisper, releasing Amity from her grasp.

"B-but what about you? You shouldn't be out here this late either, and whatever that thing was can hurt you. "

The witch seemed surprised with the words that came out her mouth. Was she really concerned with the Wolf's safety?

"I'll be fine. I've survived these woods, and I can surely survive some creep. "

Luz looked around yet again, before sighing.

"I'll walk you up to the door. Go straight to your room, I'll meet you up there, got it? " The wolf growled under her breath.

Amity nodded simply, before walking back out into the open field, the wolf close in pursuit.

Once she reached her door, Amity turned around to see the Luz was gone.

Where could she have possibly gone, so quickly?

The Blight walked inside, and silently walked up to her room, releasing a sigh of relief when she woke no one up.

"Took you long enough Mittens. "

Amity jumped, and stared directly at the teen who layed sprawled across the floor.

"How the hell did you get in here? "

"Window was open. Speaking if which, you should lock that from now on. " The wolf responded, her brown eyes gazing up at the witch.

Amity let out a sigh, before walking up to her bed. Wonder if the werewolf would be staying the night.

Hopefully the silhouette was long gone from the Blight Manor, but she still felt frightened.

Hearing some odd shuffling, Amity picked her head up to see that Luz was playing with her shirt, as she attempted to get somewhat comfortable.

"Do you want to sit on the bed for now? Or would you rather I bring out a bean bag? " The witch offered, as she laid her back against the headboard.

"M'fine. Don't worry about it. Just not.. Comfortable. Here. " Luz muttered, looking around in the room, which oddly enough was mostly pink.

"What's wrong with the color pink?"

"Nothing. It's just... Too much" The wolf muttered, ducking her head to avoid gazing at the witch.

Amity smiled slightly. She wasn't a fan of pink either, but her mother or father won't change it any time soon.

"I need to go back to Eda soon, but I'd prefer if you fell asleep first. " The wolf finally muttered after minutes of silence.

"Why do you care?" Amity questions, raising her eyebrow.  Luz glares at her for a second, before looking away.

"I don't care. I'm a wolf, and you are nothing but a witch. You know what, I'm leaving. " The wolf went straight up to the window, before Amity grabbed her wrist.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry I asked.. Just stay, for a little bit? " She pleaded softly, squeezing the Wolf's wrist slightly.

"Why should I? Give me one good reason Blight. " Noceda whispered harshly, but otherwise remained still.

"I-I don't feel safe. Not after the t-thing that was outside."

The wolf growled, muttering something under her breath. It was some language she didn't understand.

"Lay on the bed. Try to sleep. I'll be outside, making sure nothing is here" And with that, Luz jumped out the window gracefully, landing on her feet like she hadn't jumped from a second floored building.

Amity stared out the window for a few minutes, watching as Luz shifted, and walked around her yard in wolf form.

She seems dark brown, reddish brown even, but seemed black due to how dark it was.

Looking down at her waist, she unwrapped the black hoodie from her waist, and hung it off her bed frame. Maybe, just maybe the wolf would come back into her room to get it back.

And maybe. Just maybe the wolf would stay.

Releasing a big sigh, Amity lay on her bed and pulled her blanket over her, and fell asleep.

The hoodie was still there. Meaning Luz hadn't come back up. Nor does it mean she bothered to stay.

Amity felt sad. She had no idea why it would have such an effect in her, but it did. She grumpily got off her bed, before trudging into her bathroom to do her daily routine.

Twenty minutes later, she came out refreshed and ready to go to school. Again, the Blight looked at the Black Hood on her frame, thoughts of the Wolf flooding into her brain.

Grabbing the black fabric, she took off her own, and put it on.

If the owner wouldn't put it to use, then surely she would. Pulling on her shoes, she walked out her room, downstairs, and into the kitchen, where the Blight Twins seemed to take residence.

"What's with the grim hood Mittens? "

"Yeah mittens, what's with the hood? "

Amity rolled her eyes, before grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter.

"Heading to school. Cya there. Yada yada yada. " She grumbled, walking out the door, and onto the path that lead me to Hexide.

Looking out the window to her class she could have sworn she saw Luz staring at her from the bushes. When she squinted to take a look, her teacher called her out.

"Ms.Blight, what's the name of the organ the stores a witches magic? "

"The Witches Bile Sac. "

"Very Good"

Nothing Amity couldn't handle. She new all this from the beginning. Perks of being smart.

School let out early since some of the schools idiots (including her brother) trashed the schools cafeteria lunch,  causing half the school to get sick.

Amity sighed to herself. Is she the only one that held the Blight name intact?

She approached her friends at the school entrance, and waved.

"So, where'd you get the Hood from Amity? " Boscha points at the black material that I wore.

Straight to the point.

"Bought it brand new. What's up with hickey central? " Amity pointed at her neck, causing Boscha to pull her collar up, her face turning red.

"Bug bite? "

"Bug bite. "

Amity looked around her house, for any sight of the teenage wolf who has invaded her thoughts.

It sucked that she wasn't here. Not that Amity cared. She simply just wanted the werewolf to at least drop by and get her hoodie back. But it seemed like that wouldn't happen.

"Not like I care anyways. "

Yet, the crawling feeling of disappointment clouded her mind and body.

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