The Grappler in a New World

By JuanCarrillo914

1K 19 8

I feel like Baki doesn't get enough love so I wrote this story. This has offensive jokes to people of race... More

A Fight at the Horizon

The Beginning

609 10 6
By JuanCarrillo914

'Inner Monologue/Thoughts'

"Normal Speech"

'"Telepathy Speech"'

Location: Baki Apartment

Third Person Pov:

A red haired man could be seen standing in front of a apartment door. This red haired man could be seen coming from Japanese descent and being a height of six feet and three inch. He has very tan like skin the type of tan you get when you stay in the sun a long time. He is wearing a pair of dark blue baggy jeans and a dark red shirt long sleeved and baggy red shirt. 

It couldn't be seen from the baggy clothes but the red haired man was a surprising weight of three hundred and thirteen pounds. He had a body that was not normal for any type of person. It the type of body that cannot be compared to a bodybuilder, swimmer, runner, or even an Olympic athlete.

What was even more surprising is the amount of scars that the red haired man has. There wasn't even a 1 inch square on this mans body that wasn't covered in scars except for the private parts and his face and neck. It was all hidden under the baggy clothes. The man blood red eyes where trained like no other far greater than a sniper and better than any animal on the planet.

Baki William Hanma 6'3/ 24 years old

This red haired man was none other than Baki Hanma known in this world as Baki William Hanma Spencer. Now you maybe be thinking what is Baki Hanma doing in front of an apartment door. While, I guess you need some backstory. One day Baki was reborn into an island that was filled with animals long thought to be dead. Baki remember everything from his past life.

Baki remembers falling asleep and then just waking up in a world not of his own. The island that Baki was raised was not a nice one it was a total different world where it was the very definition of kill or be killed world. Lucky Baki had but only one companion. An old middle aged man who was a police officer before he crashed on to this desolate island.

Henry William 6'0/ 55 year old

He was Henry William Spencer a police officer who had taken an early retirement. He had taken a boat trip when he got caught up in a storm that came out of nowhere. It had lead him to finding a baby on that god forsaken island. He had raised Baki as a son and Baki had gotten the one thing he didn't have in his former life. A father figure one he can look up to.

On the island, Baki had to retrain himself to get to his former level. He was surprised that he was able to do this much faster than he was in his past life. Baki couldn't explain why he was learning much faster then he did in his past time maybe it was because he had already lived threw it or was it because of the much stronger opponents that surround him.

It wasn't until Baki had reached the age of fourteen that they was found by a ship that had gotten lost in a storm. Baki had finally gotten off the island much to his and Henry joy. On, the boat trip back Baki had wondered what he was going to do once he had reach back to contact with the world. Baki had always had a feeling that something was different from this world as if something was the same, but very different from his home.

It as if he could no longer feel everyone that he knew in his past life in this world. Baki was a stranger with no ties to this world. He had nobody that knew him or had even meet him. Henry saw Baki distress but had simply thought it was because he had no identity in the world. Hence, him being born in an island people didn't even knew existed.

Henry had decided to give him his name as he adopted him as his son, so that he could have some sort of an identity. It had taken a little bit, but Baki had started his new life. 

So, for the last ten years Baki has traveled across the world and his taken different jobs of all kinds on his journey. He then landed an apartment in New York City and has been living on his own for about a month and has been working as a freelancer taking any job that came by to pay his bills. Baki had just gotten back from doing a gardening job and is now about to enter his apartment he hears a voice coming from behind him.

"Hanmaaaaaa." The voice says to Baki." Yes Satan." Baki question with a smirk and a tone of voice full of humor." Oh, am sorry sir. You sounded like someone I knew." Baki said with a tone of voice full of humor as he turns to look at an old man who was Baki landlord who was very strict on paying on time and having no pets in his apartment complex.

"Never mind the wise cracks Hanmaaa, I keep hearing animals in you room Hanmaa. I heard them again this morning. You know I don't allow animals in my apartments building Hanmaaa." The old landlord says with an old and grumpy tone of voice.

"Sir, you should know me by now. I would never break any rule that you so graciously give us attendance." Baki says with a slight sarcastic tone of voice. The Landlord then looks at the  large bag of groceries that held a large amount of meat, fish, and kibble. Like I mean a weirdly strange amount like almost comical amount of food.

"What with the kibble Hanmaa?" The Landlord questioned with a glare on his face." Fiber." Baki quickly responds with a raised eyebrow." Come on inside I will show you. Come on come in I got nothing to hide." Baki said to his landlord as he goes to opens his front door as unseen by the landlord but Baki can be seen whistling at such a level that was unheard by the landlord.

Living room




"Is this good enough for you Mr. Landlord." Baki says with sarcasm clearly in his voice. The Landlord didn't respond as he walks into the apartments. He stops a couple steps in as he looks around for any sign of an animal. He even starts to smell the air around him. It took a moment, but the landlord was finally finished with his inspection.

"You pass this time Hanmaa, but If I ever catch you with any animals in here. You will be looking for a new place to live you got me." The Landlord says with a strict tone of voice." Crystal." Baki responds with a smirk as he step aside as he motions the landlord to take his leave in which he does.

Baki quickly closes the door behind him as he puts down the food on the ground. Baki then quickly opens his arms as he whistles again in a way that people couldn't hear, but the ones who could immediately started to come out.

A white Siberian Tiger named Tai Lung and a lion named Sunny comes out of underneath the sheets of the bed.

A Cheetah named Kudi gets up from under the bed.

A group of four Baby Emperor Penguins named as the Spanish Inquisition individually they where named Skipper, Kowalski, Private, and Rico come out of the freezer of the fridge.

A Capuchin Monkey named Spike comes out of a bread box.

A Dog named Zwei comes out of underneath the couch.

A Cat named Chomusuke comes out from behind the T.V.

A Fox named Kurama comes out of under a cushion on the couch.

They all ran toward Baki with a happy tone in there step. Baki bear hugged them all as he went to sat down as they all sat on the couch with him. As, Baki turned on the tv it showed to the news report of on a crime scene of a broken in store.

The reporter was on the scene as she interviewed the store manager. The manger was a middle aged man with a little excessive weight, black hair, and wearing a striped shirt." Thank you Tim, I'm here with the store manager Joe voicing his concerns regarding the department's long-time policies. Joe, do the police have any leads at this time?" The blond reporter ask the man who was clearly losing hair.

"We're at a loss, we really don't know what else to do. It's been a tough few weeks, we've basically run out of ideas. Hopefully, th-the police will be able to crack this one for us." Joe says as Baki notices as the store manager fiddles with a paper clip as he avoids eye contact with the reporter. He can also be seen sweating excessively. As, if he was under a great deal of pressure usually when your lying.

Baki then picks up his phone from his pocket and dials a number." Hello, this is the New York  Police Station."  A woman says answering the phone." It the store manager." Baki calmly tells the women on the phone." Uh, excuse me." The woman ask in a confused tone of voice.

"The store manager that on the channel five news. He was the one who did the store robberies. He hands are focused on the paper clip, he is sweating a lot, and he won't look the reporter in the eyes he did it." Baki says as he lays back on the couch." And your name?" The woman police officer ask Baki." Baki William Hanma." Baki said answering to the question as he cancels the call.

Time skip 

Baki can be seen walking in front of a large building. The building was the New York Police Department.

Baki walks inside to see a bundle of people mostly police officers walking around doing there daily work. He walks up to the front office to see a blue haired women wearing a police Officer uniform with the name tag Nojiko. Nojiko had tan like skin, light blue hair that went to her shoulders, and she had the heavy scent of oranges.

Nojiko 5'7/ 24 years old

It was a slightly heavy scent which would be uncomfortable for anyone else, but she seemed fine to it. She also had a couple of muscles on her frame that you don't get from police training but more from farm work. She also has a red bandanna around her hair. It looked a little bit worn and torn it was probably from her childhood.

"Hello miss Nojiko, where do I go to pick up my check. I called in a tip yesterday involving the store robbery that happen a couple of days ago." Baki told to the blue haired women." Oh, uh wait just a moment sir." Nojiko says as she looks threw her computer." How are the oranges on your mother farm by the way. I was thinking of doing some grocery shopping." Baki says with a slight smile.

Nojiko eyes widen in surprise." How did you know?" She asked in a surprised tone of voice." Am psychic." Baki said with a shrug as he goes to take a seat at a bench near by. Nojiko looks at Baki strangely as if she though there was some truth to Baki joking statement.

It took a while, but Baki was then escorted to an interrogation room. As, he was being walked to the room Baki was passed by a holding cell. 

There was a skinhead looking really nervous about to break at any minute. A biker small pieces of a broken tail light on his left boot. From the trajectory he probably wiped it from shoulder. And a third person a cop with the name tag Officer nabb repeating a certain repeat of foot step most likely for a wedding.

Once, Baki was taken in the room It irritated Baki a bit that he wasn't getting his check right away even after all the waiting. Baki waited and a second later a lady of African descent walked in to the room with a elderly man of Caucasian descent.

"Baki William Hanma adopted son of detective Henry Willaim. My name is detective Rafael Scarfe and my partner detective Misty Knight. You have no credit score, no social security number, no criminal record, hell not even a birth certificate. You suddely appeared ten years ago with a missing detective and you have spent those eight years doing odd jobs anywhere your accepted." The white police officer now known as Rafael Scarfe says as he reads off a file that he is holding.

Misty Knight 6'0/ 31 years old

Rafael Scarfe 6'1/ 50 years old

"What am I here for?" Baki ask as he leans back on his chair." You gave us a tip about the store robberies that was correct." Misty says to the red head man." Then what am I here for? Did you guys catch the guy?" Baki questions once again with a raised eyebrow.

"No we caught the guy, but he had a partner and that bit of information that you gave us was a bit to good to be just a simply guest." Scarfe says in a very accusing tone of voice.

"What you accusing me of being that accomplice. I have sent in plenty of tips to the police before check it out." Baki responded in a slight annoyed tone of voice." We know and they all been spot in as well. We want to know how all of your tips seems to be so spot on." Misty argued back to the twenty two year old man. 

"I don't know what you guys want from me. I can just read people is all." Baki says in defense as he gets annoyed from the pointless questioning." Then give us a reading."  Scarfe points back with an annoying smirk on his face. Baki brain quickly stops to take a moment to process his words then takes action.

"Two people in your holding cell the skin head is ready to break, the biker all the evidence you need is in his left shoe, and tell officer Nabb he's getting good at dancing for that wedding  he's going to." Baki says with a smirk as he sees the two confused faces on both of the officers. Scarfe face goes to confusion to annoyance as he goes straight out of the room to see if there are any truth to the claims. 

"You really think you going to get out of here so easily." Misty Knight ask with an incredulous look on her face." I know I am when your partner there comes back and proves that everything I just said is the truth and nothing but the truth." Baki says with a smirk that annoyed the police detective.

It didn't even feel like a minute when Scarfe walked back in with the same annoyed look on his face that he walked out with." He's free to go." He said with much reluctance much to the annoyance of his partner and much to the joy of Baki.

Baki can be seen walking down a street with a big smile on his face as he just cashed his check from the police station. It was pretty funny seeing the annoyed faces on the detectives as he walked out of the precinct.

Time skip

Baki can be seen going for a walk in the dead of night in the big apple. He can be seen wearing dark blue combat pants with a hoodie. The city was unnaturally quiet as if it was waiting for something big to happen today. Baki quickly frowns when he starts to smell something, so hideous it almost makes him throw up.

Baki quickly looks around to find the source of the smell. Baki quickly runs to a rather desolate area in Harlem it was an a abandoned building that lead to in an abandoned underground room. It seemed like multiple people had been here repeatedly in the last few days. The faint smell of death and blood filled the area.

In the corner of Baki eye he could see a pair of kids one a  brown haired kid whit a pair of sunglasses on his head he was wearing torn blue shorts, and a long black shirt. The other kid had a dress shirt and black pants as he also had white hair with green tips as big as his head.

They where surrounded by eleven people in robes in a circle around the boys. Baki was able to overhear there conversation." Hey misters are you going to give us the science equipment that you promised us." The kid said with an excited tone of voice.

'He's a dumbass.' Baki quickly thinks to himself as he get closer with out alerting the circle of people. Baki found that the smell coming from directly the people in the robes.' Why does they smell like that?' Baki questions to himself as he looks even closer at the unknown people.

'There movements and stance where that of something not normal plus with the strange smell surrounding them. There definitely not human more like something pretending to be.' Baki continues to think to himself.

"Fir ere lird aln saliir t eipal gile yia fun fier dre thosen nelle weip eipal otir gile yia laba efla sial fir yiar consumkan suf drat eipal kol welcome yia ilko ere wirlk ali krunse ere wirlk." The main person in robes said in a creepy distorted tone of voice as the person get rid of there robe to reveal an a regular looking man of white descent in a white mawashi.

Suddenly, the mans get down on his knees as he digs into his stomach as he opens it as a portal inside his stomach begins to grow as his flesh begins to melt. As the portal finishes growing it was about thirteen feet all around as the case was made of the man bones. As the portal fully opens up for six tendrils with sharp blades of metal the size of a hunting knives at the tip come out of the the portal. The kids couldn't stop shaking in fear of the sight before them as the tendrils get closer to there direction.

Suddenly, the monster was out of the kids line of sight as they where grabbed and moved to the side of the room as the kids look up to see a red haired man." Hey kids are you alright." The man asked them whose words broke them out of there daze." Uh, yeah thanks mister, but what are you going to do about them." The green tipped boy says as he points toward the approaching remaining robe members and the portal getting up as well.

"Yeah I thinks it time we got out of here." Baki says as he grabs the kids and bolt straight out of that building. A man in pure black come out of the shadow and tries to stop them by swinging a sword from his back and attacking Baki trying to impale him. Baki quickly side steps away, but  it tears his jacket taking a piece of it. As Baki get away the portal roars as it impales two robed members as it consumes them spewing a waterfall of blood, guts, and bones as it disappears leaving only carnage in it wake.

Time skip  

Baki and the kids where able to get away as they now stand on the roof of a random building complex." What was that! What where they! What was all of this!" The brown haired kid says shouting out in panic before the green haired tip kid slap him in the face making him go back to his senses." Thank you." The kid said to the green tipped boy." Your welcome, and thank mister for saving us." The kid says to Baki.

"No problem kids, I was just doing what anybody would do." Baki says with a shrug as he leans against an a air conditioning machine." Well where still thankful my names Senku Mankanshoku and this is my brother Mataro Mankanshoku or you can just call me Senku and you can call him  Mataro for short." The kid now known as Senku says to Baki as Mataro waves with a big smile.

Senku Mankanshoku 3'5/ 9 years old

Mataro Mankanshoku 3'7/ 11 years old

"So, you guys are brothers huh that neat. My names Baki Willaim Hanma where do you guys even live anyway, I will walk you guys home, so you don't get attacked by those freaks on your way home." Baki suggest to the kids." Sure, thanks mister we live over at 932 Trout Rd Brooklyn, NY 11207." Mataro says with a smile." What? You can't live there?" Baki said with confusion in his voice.

"Wait why?" Senku said with a raised eyebrow." Because I live there for like a month and I never seen you guys once?" Baki said with confusion." Wait are you that new guy that moved into the empty apartment room." Senku said as the wheels in his head started turning." This is so cool we live like three doors down to the dude that saved us." Mataro says with a big smile.

"Actually no it better that we keep this incident to ourselves. Those people in robes might be looking for us, and why where you guys even there with them?" Baki questioned the two kids." We were trying to get some new equipment for my brothers science project." Mataro says with a shrug.

"What type of stuff are you going to need anyway? That you can't find in a regular store." Baki said with a raised eyebrow in questioning." Hey my lil bro really smart and he needs super high tech equipment that you can't find in stores!" Mataro said with a big smile on his face and a smug tone of voice.

"Well how about next time you need equipment or just help in general just come knock on my door. I got connections everywhere, so I will just hook you up. We wouldn't want to what happened today to be repeated." Baki says to the two kids.

"Thank you mister Baki that is greatly appreciated." Senku says with a bow." No problem kid now lets take you home before your parents get worried." Baki says as he notice a little reaction they have when he says parents. After a minute they can all be seen walking toward there apartment complex.

Scene Change

The robed figures can be seen walking toward a throne where a person in a pure white robed person sits on the throne." How could you all lose the intruders and the children that where necessary for the sacrifice. We already know that one of those children was one of the twelve chosen ones needed to be sacrificed to awaken our lord and savior t!" The robed says as it brings them much pleasure to simply say the name of there savior.

"Am sorry my lord, I failed to capture them, I could only simply rip a part of the intruders clothing." The dark dressed person who had the sword of said as they bowed and gave the person on the throne the torn piece of clothing. 

"You have failed in capturing the intruder, recapturing the one of the destined twelve, which lead to the deaths of two of are members!" They said with disappointment and disgust in the robed voice.

"But since you are one of H's servant they should decide what to do with you." The robed on the throne says as he gestures one of the roped men. A roped ,the second tallest of the roped figures, nod as they walks in front of the dark dressed man. Suddenly, the black clothed had a large hole in there chest. As some sort of black goo come out of the hole of the person chest as it starts to cover them and transform them into something more something nonhuman.

To Be Continued

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