"That All You Got?" Male Read...

By YourFriendToru

296K 4.4K 3.2K

"Did you think after everything you have done to me i would come back?" "All the Pain and Suffering you let... More

Life Is So Unpredictable (Prologue)
Am I Actually Free? (Eps 1)
Angels And Stuff (Eps 2)
So It Is True (Eps 3)
The Truth Comes Out (Eps 4)
The Angel And The Lord (Eps 5)
To be Free (Eps 6)
The Heavens Have Called (Eps 7)
The Seven Ascendants [Bio Chapter]
Operation S.A (Eps 8)
You can't even remember me... (Eps 9)
A Very odd day... (Eps 10)
Problems Arise (Eps 11)
A Talk With Ophis (Eps 12)
Meeting With A Friend (Eps 13)
I Got Some Bad News Y'all
Koka Who? (Eps 15)
Mistaken Ideals (Eps 16)
Teacher Stuff (Eps 18)
The Devils And The Demigod (Eps 19)
Disappointing fight (Eps 20)
Just a heads up
Heavenly Rage Talks From The Darkness (Eps 21)
Author Note
The Meeting And A Unfortunate Reunion (Eps 22)
An Odd Encounter With The Siblings And....Lulu? (Eps 23)
Meetings And Unknown Problem Emerging (Eps 24)
The Devil Beatdown (Eps 25) (Part 1 - 2)
The Devil Beatdown (Eps 25) (Part 2 - 2)
The End Of An Era (Season Finale)

The Dreams Of Pain And Giving Erone The "Talk" (Eps 17)

4.9K 87 31
By YourFriendToru

Hey Everyone. Toru here with another chapter.

I apologize for the late chapter. i was having my first case of writers Block and couldn't find motivation to write. I finally got my courage to give y'all a EXTRA long chapter as an apology.

Oh yeah I was in the mood for some exciting, nostalgic music while writing this. so enjoy that if you want lol

I used PC for the first time for wattpad.

Only Follow or Vote if you Truly like and enjoy the chapters in my Books.

That's it and I hope you enjoy.

| D R E A M I N C O M I N G|



It was cold as I sat on the hard metal floor. Chains keeping my hands up and my torso up.

I couldn't speak as I felt the pain rush through me as they pulled on the lever. My bones Cracked and my skin was Ripped open little by little.

If I screamed they'd only make it worse.

Why are they doing this...Why did Mom say those things to me...

It hurts really bad....but it only heals up quickly so they continue.

Dad...Where are you?

Why do they hurt me?

Did I do something bad?

They call me mean things...

They cut my wrists, but i don't scream.

They tear my fingernails off, but i don't React.

Am I doing good Mom? Can I...Can I leave now?

I looked at my hand to see black blood which confused me.

I heard whispers and laughter around me as I felt...small and fragile...as if the world could hurt me in any way.

???:"Useless Kid" A Voice Whispered.

???:"Such a Disappointment" Another said

???:"I hope they tear your head off next" A Voice Rung out

???:"Peel his skin off slowly!" A Man Screamed.

I grabbed my head in pain.

"Please Stop..." I uttered out as they laughed and yelled death threats to me.

???:"How pitiful"

???:"Cower in fear of voices. Go die in a fire You Worthless Mutt"

???:"It's sad the gods had to made such a Disappointment"

???:"I'd you wanna make the world happy. Why don't you go Kill Yourself"

I looked up to see that i was no longer in that cell. I was In darkness with a dim light Hovering over me.

"Kill....Myself...?" I asked out loud as I Saw a knife in front of me.

???:"Kill Yourself!" I heard as the voices began chanting.

It was unbearable to Hear. It was driving me crazy.

I looked at the knife in caution. I didn't know what was going on.

I suddenly stood up and began to walk towards the knife as the chants got more intense the closer I got.

The Knife was As big as a Butcher Knife. It had a Small curve that Was Hidden by the Sharp Coil That edged the outline of the weapon.

As I grabbed I the chants stopped. There was pure silence. There were no more voices. No more Insults. No more laughter. Only me and the Knife.

I slid my finger down the edge of the knife, but recoiled in pain due to how sharp it actually was. It cut into my hand on first movement. It was definitely a deadly Weapon if chosen.

"They wanted me to kill myself huh?" I said to myself as I looked at the blood that dripped from my finger.

"No matter how much you break me...." I gripped the knife with as much strength as a 13 year old could muster.

"I won't give up...Someone will save me...and when they do...." The Darkness becan to consume me overtaking my body slowly.

"I will do things my way" I said with no emotion as I felt myself suffocating in the darkness.


I awoke from the Dream as I Sat up in my bed.

I sighed and Rubbed my hair slowly.

"That dream was different..." I Muttered as I Stood up and looked at the clock on my dresser.

It was 2 in the morning...Its nice to sleep even though I don't need to.

But the dreams do bother me. They always come back.

I gustily opened my blank eyes and got out of my bed to get on some clothing. I was debating on what I should wear. The final two options were.

A) A Silky Blue Suit with a White and blue virtical striped tie.

B) A good old fashioned Black Suit with a Red Ribbon and a Rose near the right breast.

I decided to pick Option B because it felt right to me. Now don't get me wrong Option A was tempting, but I don't want too much attention. It would make me look like I was going to a Business meeting with a Rich Organisation.

As I left my room and closed it I had vividly thought about what had occurred yesterday and smiled a little.

| F L A S H B A C K I N C O M I N G| aka The rest that I didn't want to write Last Chapter...

There was a Deep Silence In the room as I watched her There was no tension. There was no Heart ache. Only Silence and the moving of clothing and wood.

You could hear the beating of the girls heart as She moved around the room frantically with tear stains Sitting on her cheeks.

I didn't know what caused me to take her in in that moment. I understand that she and I have....Identical Life stories, but I never intended to keep her as my roommate...

What was I thinking? I don't have a problem with it, but If she's living with me she'll be bound to get involved with the supernatural.

She suddenly stopped and looked at me with no real expression.

I could sense she was grateful, But she definitely didn't trust me yet. I'll let time do my bidding with that. For fate will decide our out-coming relationship.

Erone:"Thank you... I don't know why you're doing this for me, but i Appreciate it"

I looked down to her as she twirled her brown hair in a small circular sequence.

"Don't worry about it. You were only doing what you knew how to do.And I Believe you deserve another chance...With a real family" I said with a small smile as she stared into my light red eyes.

She looked at me for a moment before going back to cleaning.

Erone:"Though you have done things that I am grateful for....I will never acknowledge you as a fatherly figure. Only a guardian. I will take care of myself while I'm here" She Muttered as she finished Putting the clothes back in the drawers.

I guess Family Relationships are a no for her, but i'm okay with that. I can tell she's holding her emotions in. Resulting in her Being Aggressive when something spoken in a personal matter is said.

"You don't have to see me as that if you don't want to, but I will not allow you to go back to your old ways. This is your home now, and it'll have everything you need to live. Now come on. I'll take you to your room." I calmly said walking out of the room as she silently followed.

It wasn't a long walk as the room was two doors away from Mine.

I opened the door for her as she warily walked in.

"The Bathroom's on your left  near the window. Your bed is on the right as well as a drawer for the clothes i'm gonna buy you tomorrow"

Erone:"You don't need to do that Mr.(L/N). I'm okay with what I've got"

"I definitely need to! Your clothes are filthy!" I said forcefully as she looked at me annoyed.

Erone:"...okay" She quietly said as she walked into her room and quietly shut the door.

I only sighed and walked back to my room.

Why are children so Hard to deal with?

| F L A S H B A C K E N D I N G|

Since it was Still early and the sun hadn't risen I decided to go out to check on my Garden.

Due to Erone possibly be disturbed of her sleep I decided to quietly move around the house as to not make much noise.

As I silently closed the front door the slightly windy air blew upon my face as I sighed in happiness.

"How could such a wonderful world be plagued by Selfish Idiots" I wondered as I began to make my way towards My garden.

The Air moving between my soft but shaggy hair. My light red eyes slightly dilating in the moonlight. It felt so peaceful but you wanna know what the best thing of all was?

The Silence.

I Never get to have this much Silence even up in Heaven Day after Day, Night after Night. I never get a break. I know that I'm now taking my Father's Position, but can I get a break?

God Needs Love too....and relaxation.

But I don't really want to call myself a 'God'. I Feel like more of a....Angel With a Twist. A Judge of Choices if you will.

I inhaled the cool relaxing air as I exhaled in euphoric emotions.

As I had entered the garden the resurgence of sweet floweric aromas filled my nose as I smiled once more.

"Ah...Hello my Beautiful creations" I Happily said as i stared at the blooming flowers swaying in the wind.

As i checked to see if there were any Dying Flowers or unwanted critters that would harm the Plants of life i heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see Erone staring at me with a blank expression.

As we had a small peaceful standoff she walked past me and stared at some of my flowers.

There was a silence between us as neither one of us made a sound.

Erone:"You know..." She started as I looked at her.

Erone:"I've always liked flowers. even the ones that would prick your skin when you grabbed the stem" She said with a calm smile as she Softly grabbed a Dying Stargazer Lily that was in the ground and Pulled it out of the ground.

Erone:"Though I've always wondered" She said as her hand visibly tightened around the flower.

Erone:"Can they actually bloom without help?"

"What do you mean?" I asked as she closed her eyes and smiled.

Erone:"Can a flower live without the sun and let a Small light take care of it? Could a Pot be too big for a small flower like this? Can flowers be...Resurrected to bloom once again in the wind along with its Predecessors?"

I looked at her in silence as i felt she knew something.

"I'd think that would be impossible Erone"

Erone:"...You're lying"

"I am? What would make you think tha-"

Erone:"I saw what you did to that rose two days ago" As she said this I went silent for a moment. I had a feeling this would happen seeing as she was there for a while.

Erone:"You cant just revive a flower with the touch of the hand! That's simply impossible! And you're clearly not a normal person because you have....powers? Yeah I'll call them that." As she talked I looked down in uncertainty pondering if i should tell her everything or not.

i feel as if she's ready due to her life before me, but I feel like something bad could happen to her if they knew of her affiliations with me.

Erone:"So Mr. (L/N) No. Whoever you truly are"

She suddenly turned around and pointed at me with a suspicious expression.

Erone:"Who are you. And what are you!" She exclaimed as she stared at me expectantly awaiting my answer.

I Didn't think for a minute and just stared at her before finally opening my mouth.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). And i'm the son of god" I said bluntly as her eyes widened.

She looked me straight in my eyes to see if i was lying. She likely couldn't tell due to me unreadable expression.

Erone:"I don't believe that. You'll have to Prove it."

"I was waiting for you to say that"

Before she got the chance to retort and question me a Pair of Pearly White Angel wings Erupted from my back. Her eyes looked as if they would fly out of their sockets.

My wings were again, Pearly white along with a golden outline covering the full extent of the wings. The wings glowed in the darkness giving off a Holy Feeling that she couldn't believe.

"I only bring these out when things get serious. Not even my team have seen these things" I muttered Flapping them around again.

Though i enjoy having them out. They can be a hassle to have out at times as they're massive compared to other Kinds of wings.

Erone:"How is this possible? You...You're really the son of god?" She said in shock as I nodded with a small smile.

"You can touch them if you think their fake" I offered as she slowly walked up to me.

She hesitantly put her hand on my right wing as her eyes widened as it twitched slightly to her touch.

Erone looked at me in confirmation as i nodded in approval as she softly moved her hand around my wing.

Erone:"So soft..." She muttered as she felt my wings.

After a couple of minutes i retracted them and stepped back a little.

Erone:" So you're really a-"

"Supernatural Being? Yes I am. And there are other types of us out there that i will inform you about in due time" I calmly said as i looked at her calmly.

Erone:"So if you're god's son. Wouldn't that mean you're like the Christian god's son Jesus?"

"No" As i said that she was visibly confused.

"Though the terms are similar with us both. We have major differences. And those differences are that he was a human with a Pure Heart while i am not. Though I have holy blood in me I will not hesitate to kill anyone who stands in my way. I am kind hearted....but im also a Cold Blooded killer. Do you see where i'm going with this Erone?"

Erone:"Yes. I get the gist of it" She said looking up.

"Now i'm going to tell you of what you need to know...About the three factions"

Erone:"Three Factions?"

"Yes three factions..." I began to tell her the Information on the Devils, Angels, And the Fallen ones in a small timeskip due to the Author not wanting to make this too long for the readers as he knows they will lose interest quickly.

Erone:"Okay Mr.(L/N). I get it now." She said as the information just blew her mind.

"Do you need some time to think about this?"

She was silent for a moment before warily smiling at me.

Erone:"Y-Yeah" She Muttered as she began to walk to their home.

[I cant stop my hands help! I'm too motivated!]

I looked at her until she left my sight.

I then sighed and looked up at the moon that stared back as the lights dimmed down into the darkness I was so comfortable with.

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