Redemption |complete| (SasuSa...

By Mel55_59

511K 14.6K 13.7K

(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the... More

The Rise of Buried Emotions
Strangers or Friends
The Breaking Point
Drinking her Way to Forgiveness
A Journey Ahead of Us
The Delicate Features
The Creation of a Dimension
Arrival in the Lava Dimension
The Labyrinth
I will get her back
He was always the right choice
Stay here
A feeling of vulnerability
The one who turned 20
She wanted to enjoy things as they were
I know what I feel
I am not coming back
Don't make it harder, please
The Land of Birds
You're home now
You better ask her out
That was all it mattered
Timeline 2
I'm happy that you are here with me
Say it
Back to Tsuchigumo
Isn't he the most beautiful
Medical Ninjutsu
The escape
Is this the right time?
What was a part of him
The day before
You are part of my heritage now
Then Don't (Lemon version)
Then Don't (No Lemon)
Maybe next time
Hold him closer
New Theory
Tell her that I am sorry
The little boy in the dark room
The second one who turned 20
Are you trying to kill me (Lemon)
Team 7 reunited
Mission starts
The answer
What does it look like?
First night on mission (Lemon)
Me or no one else?
To keep you safe
Week seven?
A castle appears
Back home
A new treatment
I'm a child when I'm bored
I love you (Lemon)
Snowball fight and Susanoo
Final Countdown
Welcome to our world
I wish you the best
Back to Konoha
Just let me hold you
There is something I want to say
Ten weeks
The Uchiha Compound
You are not real
Bright Orange
Take it off (Lemon)
Take it off (no lemon)
Sai and Sasuke
The festival
Please think about it
The bird without a letter ("soft lemon")
A symbolic promise
A pointless thing to do
The threat
Do we have a plan?
Are you two bickering?
I will love you, always
I'm back (Lemon)
Let's play
You know what to do (soft lemon)
Beg me (soft lemon)
I'm sorry for hurting you
I am a bad mother
The Fight
Until her birthday
He will wait for Sakura
Be quiet (Strong lemon)
The Talk
Preparation for the night
Game on
A bittersweet birthday party
A final goodbye
27 years old
The year of the new beginning

Until we meet again (soft lemon)

5.1K 96 52
By Mel55_59

!!! WARNING !!! You know how it works! This is a chapter that contains a lemon. If you're uncomfortable with it you can skip it, it won't impact the story at all. This is just a little something before the epilogue.

Two years after the last chapter. Sasuke has been gone for four years now. Friday, 5th of June. 

Sakura was packing the herbs that she had bought earlier today. Tomorrow she will need to travel back to Konoha but before that she will have one more restful night away from her responsibilities. The older she was getting, the more she was craving these moments alone. She was glad that her parents were so helpful with Sarada. 

Sadly since Naruto became Hokage, her daughter didn't get to spend any more time with him or with Hinata. She was seeing Boruto at the Academy but her new close friend was Choji's daughter. 

The kunoichi laughed remembering how she used to be when she was Sarada's age. She wanted to hang out with girls more than boys so she could understand why her daughter was looking for a girl friend. She put her bag down and walked to the bathroom to take a shower before getting into bed. It was easy enough but she just wanted to order food to the bedroom and watch a movie or something. 

She stepped into the shower, her brain shivering as her feet touched the chilled cream floor. Her mind was busy thinking about one thousands things and even the water hitting her skin wasn't helping. She decided to wash her extremely short hair. This hairstyle was more practical than the other one and even though she knew that Sasuke liked her long hair better, she still decided to cut it two years ago. Her skin was starting to wrinkle when she turned of the water and stepped out of the shower. She took a second to look at herself in the mirror and wondered if she should start using her seal to make herself appear younger. Traces of her age were starting to show on her face. Little crevasses mapping the story of her life were giving her an adult look that she didn't know if she liked. Sakura shook her head thinking that it would be a waste of chakra to do so. Instead of that she simply towel dried her hair and put on some night clothes. Once she was dressed her eyes landed on a t-shirt that she knew all too well. It had be worn over and over again over these past four years and, with a smile, she removed her top and put it on. The colour and the crest at the back reminded her of when he wore it. Her arms wrapped around her body and she looked at the floor feeling nostalgic. This was one of the last thing she had to feel connected to him and it was getting harder every day. She was missing him but she had gotten so used to the pain of not having him around that her mind kind of became numb to it. She loved him so much that thinking of him was killing her so instead her mind had created a small drawer where it put all of her memories of them. They were locked away so that she could focus on her life. 

She opened the door and walked straight to the window to close it. It was cold at night in this side of the continent and sleeping with the window open will give her a sore throat. As her head and arms leaned out of the window to close it, an arm wrapped around her waist. Her breath got stuck in her throat and her mind paused for a minute. She could recognise the hold on her and the drawer suddenly opened and all the memories invaded her brain until she felt dizzy. She looked down and saw the arm that was holding her. The clothes were different but she could recognise the hand. 

"Sasuke?" she whispered afraid of the answer. 


She didn't know how to react. She didn't know if she was supposed to be happy, sad, angry or ecstatic and so she decided to stay quiet. He did the same and for a few minutes all they did was acclimate to each other's presence and remembering their energy. She could smell the forest from his clothes and the tears filled her eyes. No one smelled like that, only him and a bubble bursted in her chest. She pressed her lips together and turned around to face him. Her eyes were closed, just as if she was afraid to open them and see him. 

His breath hit her skin and she inhaled deeply before slowly opening her eyes. First she saw a vest-type of clothing covered by a cloak. She travelled up and stopped at his neck when she saw his hair brushing it. She convinced herself to continue and she finally discovered his jawline, not as round as it used to be, his lips, his nose and finally his eyes. They were the same, exactly the same but the only difference was his hair covering one them. It wasn't a simple fringe like it used to anymore. Once again she didn't know how to react but a small smile formed on her lips. The more she stared at him, the more details of his face she was seeing. Small wrinkles had formed between his two eyebrows, sign that he was often frowning. He looked like a man and that was the only different thing about him. This and his hair. 

"You haven't changed."

He looked down and her smile only grew bigger. 

"You have."

She rose an eyebrow. "In a good way?"

He looked back into her eyes and she got the answer to her question. "You cut your hair."

She nodded and put her hand against his cheek. Her hand looked smaller than it did compared to the size of his face. "I did. How did you find me?"


"He told you where I was?" she could feel his head pushing against the palm of her hand just like he was trying to feel more of her touch. 

"He did. How are you?"

She ignored his question. "You came for me." she couldn't stop her other hand from cupping his other cheek. "You knew where I was and you came to find me."


He felt so far away and so close to her at the same time and it was unsettling. She didnt know what she was supposed to do so she moved her right hand in his hair. It played with his locks while she continued to get used to the sight of him. 

"Do you need any healing? Food?"

He shook his head and her heart broke. Why was he so distant? Her hands dropped against her thighs. After looking at him again, she pushed him out of the way and called the reception to order some food to the room. She also ordered something for him. Once she was done she sat on the edge of the bed and waited to see if he was getting closer. He eventually did and sat beside her. 

"You don't remember how to talk to people, do you." it didn't even sound like a equation because she knew that it was exactly what it was. "Sarada is fine. She still looks exactly like you."

"How is her sharingan?"

"I haven't seen it since she got sick. How is your mission going?"



Once again the silence filled the room and the sadness filled her heart. She knew that he will change and that a journey alone will change him but she didn't think that the difference will be this big. 


Her heart beat faster when she looked up. She didn't find the strength to look at him. 


"I'm sorry."

She blinked to push the tears back. "Why?"

"Because I am hurting you again."

Sakura swallowed her saliva and found the courage to look at him. "We knew that it was going to happen." his beauty struck her again. "I don't regret marrying you, I only regret that things have to be this way." 

"If you had married someone else-"

"But I didn't. I told you already, it was going to be you or no one else. No one else could've make me happy."

"But you would have someone."

"No, I would have a partner who lives with me. I wouldn't have someone I love like I do now. Why dint you write in two years?"


"Do you need to go back in one?"

"Not immediately."

Someone knocked on the door and she walked to it to get the food. "Here." she said as she handed him what she ordered for him. "You need to eat something."

Instead of eating it he put in on the bedside table before he did the same with her plate. She frowned her eyebrows. "We won't eat until you feel fine."

"I'm fine." she replied while faking a smile. 

"You are not. This is not a real smile."

"Look Sasuke there is nothing you can do about it."

"Hn, maybe there is."

He leaned in and before she understood what was happening, his lips caressed her gently before he backed away. She looked at him in shock until she understood what he wanted to say to her through that kiss. When she did, she hid her face with her two hands. 

"You still love me."

She didn't need to see his reaction. Deep down she knew that he did in his own way. Something was put on her lap and when she moved her hands away from her face she saw that Sasuke had giver her her plate back. 

"Now let's eat."

She turned around and smiled at him, her eyes sparkling like one million stars.

"Thank you." she said as she started to eat. "Tell me, what did you see while you were away?"

To her surprise he spent the rest of the dinner telling her stories of his journey and what he discovered or what eh thought he discovered. Sakura was listening to every single word that he was saying. His voice was deeper than it was and she was loving that. It sounded beautiful. 

When they finished she brought everything just outside of the bedroom so that the inn could clean it up. She then walked back inside the room and stood in front of Sasuke who was still sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked at her confused at what she was doing. She laughed and straddled him. 

"Wanna know something?"

She smiled when his hand rested on her hip like it used to. 


"It's been two years of not being able to do anything... I'm kind of in need of something and only you can help with that."

His head slowly nodded and he smirked. "What makes you think that this will happen?"

"Because if it doesn't I will follow you on your journey and you don't want that."


"What?" he didnt reply and she got offended. "Ok look, maybe you went to these places men go to when they feel in need of that but I didn't. The thought of it didn't even cross my mind. But now you're back and... I want to be close to you again."

"I didn't."

"You didn't what?" his hand moved to her lower back. 

"I didn't go to one of these places."

"Why? You can... as much as I hate the thought of it I understand."

"I didn't go there for the same reasons as to why you didn't go there."

"Can I kiss you?" she asked shyly. He rose an eyebrow and his face was asking her if she was serious about asking him stupid questions like that. She giggle, wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed him down to kiss him. She kissed him like she wanted to be kissed and like he used to kiss her. It was soft, living, sensual and hot. She was battling against his lips but instead she was dancing with him a sort of waltz that was making her dizzy. The heat rose in her cheeks as his tongue caressed hers delicately. Even after all these years a kiss from him was making her happy. 

He pushed her away and climbed on top of her. She landed on her back with a laugh. Her hands caressed his entire body lovingly as his lips crashed against hers again. Her hands captured his back pulling him closer against her. His hand crawled to her waist and squeezed the skin there. Something wet licked her lobe and she threw her head back. Sakura rested her chin on his shoulder while he licked, bit and kissed her earlobe. 

All of a sudden his hips started to rock on her pelvis. She bit his shoulder out of surprise. Sasuke let out a little scream. Though fabric separated their bodies, the hardening bump forming in between his legs was hard to ignore. It rubbed against her through the thin fabric. She felt no shame in rolling back against him following his movement before she swapped places with him. It was easier to move than him because she could rest her wait on her two elbows. His hand grabbed her ass and he helped her move. She slipped a hand under his top and she finally felt the heat of his skin. His muscled tightened under her touch and she kissed his neck to help him relax a bit more. 

Sakura sat on his lap and removed her t-shirt before she helped Sasuke do the same. She forgot to breathe when her eyes scanned his muscular body. All this time away had definitely given him more muscles than before. She was so mesmerised that she forgot that she was half naked in front of him. As soon as she realised that, she covered her face. 

"Sakura, look at me." he slowly moved his hand from her lower back to her hip. She let him explore her body trying not to think about his intense gaze on her. She was feeling nervous. "You are beautiful." he said in a quiet whisper. She covered her face again but this time it was to hide the bush on her cheeks. "Come here." he said as he pulled her down to him again. 

He kissed her gently and she could feel his hand caress every inch of her skin. She smiled into the kiss and felt his chest tremble. He was laughing too. Her hand moved lower, to the top of his pants. Sasuke let out a small moan.  

Before she knew him, both of them had removed the bottom part of their outfit and she was finally naked against his bare skin. Before they even planned it, he was already inside of her as he pinned her to the bed and moved on top of her. The feeling of it brought her back to reality. Up until now she felt like she was floating around. 

Her fingertips dig into his broad shoulders, but she was careful not to scratch him like she did in the past. Tonight was soft and gentle. His movements were slow and steady, his mouth was devouring her neck passionately and she was throwing her head back in pleasure. Her legs wrapped around his hips unconsciously, causing him to go deeper. 

"Sakura." he moaned between his kiss-swollen lips. Her hand grabbed his chin and Brough his face in front of her. She caressed the skin of his cheek with a tear rolling down her face.

"I missed you so much."

He answered by kissing her. Sakura was trying to find something to say but forming a coherent sentence was impossible right now. She was too lost in feeling him. Her grip around his hips tightened and he stilled inside of her. It felt so good to feel him there, to feel him where no one else could go. Sasuke tried to move but he only ended up hitting a spot inside of her that made her shiver. 

His head dips down to her collarbones as he adjusted himself slightly. He didn't pull out but instead he let go of his weight and landed on her body. His breath hitched in his throat as her nails dug deeper into his shoulder blades. He moved his weight to his right elbow and started to move again hitting the same spot inside of her. Sakura moaned. 

"Sasuke... I..." but he left her speechless after hitting the spot again. Her walls tightened around him. 

"Shh... I know what you have to say." his breath tickled her skin, his lips trailing over her chest and collarbones. She can't hep but feel the smile on his lips. 

Sakura managed to bring him to her neck and he understood that she wanted to be kissed there.  Her head automatically pushed against the mattress. A soft moan escaped her lips as he continued to hit the same spot steadily. The sheets clung to her now wet skin. A drop of water feel on her shoulder and when she wiped it with her hand, she felt that it was coming from his forehead. Her fingers wiped the seat off of it before she played with his hair. Her eyes were closed and Sasuke took the opportunity to look at her without feeling embarrassed. He was enjoying watching the pleasure wash over her. 

Her walls tightened around him even more and he felt dizzy from the pleasure. He re-focused himself on your pleasure to forget about his. His eyes never left her face and he pushed himself deeper inside of her. A louder moan left her lips and Sasuke felt the pride taking over his chest. He loved making her feel this way. His thrusts were becoming sloppy as he was getting closer to his climax. He smiled as he watched her bit her bottom lip to keep her pleasure under control. She was beautiful right now. Her hair was messy, she was sweating and she seemed beautifully tortured by him. She was glowing and even he was affected by how happy she seemed. It was making him happy. 

Her breath got stuck in her throat as the orgasm took over her body. Sasuke felt it because of how her body trembled under him. He kept his firm grip on the sheets as she squirmed underneath him. Finally letting go, he allowed his own orgasm to take over. His member twitched inside of her before strings of cum filled her up. 

He murmured something as his face was buried in her neck. Slowly her eyes opened and she could see that he was fully laying on her. A big smile formed on her lips. 

"I love you." 

He sat on his knees, still inside of her hair and his hand pushed away a strand of damp hair from her forehead. He gently poked the on her forehead. 

As she was staring into his eyes she realised that something was different from when he showed up in her room that night. It was something she immediately recognised. 

In this very moment it slipped past his lips. It felt so natural to say it right now that he didn't stop it. It felt like he was always meant to say it. "I love you, Sakura."

His wife chuckled under him. "I know you do."

He pulled out and lay by her side. They stared at the ceiling for a while until Sakura started to speak. 

"Wanna watch a movie with me?" she said as she stood up to put on his t-shirt. He nodded and put his underwear back on. The next minute she was under the blanket asking him to cuddle her. The tv was on but none of them paid attention to what was happening on the screen. He was too distracted by her nose brushing his neck as she was laying sitting between his legs, her back pressed against his chest. Her head was resting on his shoulder but somehow she had managed to bury her face in the crook of his neck. Every now and then her eyelashes brushed his skin and he tried hard to ignore that but he couldn't. Instinctively his hand was caressing her body. Eventually they ended up kissing again and soon after they were back to connecting their bodies. 

They spent the entire night doing that and when the morning came none of them had slept. Sasuke didn't mind. He didn't mind because that night he found something he had forgotten: the feeling of being loved by someone and no one had loved him the way she does. Her love for him was so deep that it make him laugh, smile, say things he wouldn't or act in a way that he feared. One day he will be back to her, he knew that, he wanted that. 


Last chapter........ I'll fully correct it tomorrow, I just have to wake up in six hours so I will get to sleep xx 

I hope that you enjoyed it guys and I hope that you enjoyed this story. It was a wild ride but thanks for being a part of it and thank you for being present every day for the new chapter. 

I won't be too melodramatic now, I will leave that for after the epilogue ahah

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