Haunting a reaper in training

By A_Bored_Reader

28.7K 1.8K 1.8K

Error goes missing suddenly one day without warning. Nothing major happened. No sudden attacks, no giant batt... More

Introducing Mr. Glitch
Poth is a thing and Error ships it
Forget possible Multiverse destruction, this is the fuel of nightmares
This is my kid now, no take-backsies
Not a chapter [have some badly done fanart instead]
Kidnapping plans and other matters
Blue needs to chill
Introducing Uncles: Edge and Red!
Two edgelords and the godly bean
Sci's not paid enough to deal with this (1)
Sci's not paid enough to deal with this (2)
Sci's not paid enough to deal with this (3)
The only balance that's actually working
Reaching some conclusions
Palette deals with his denial. He's not sure this is an improvement
Communication is key
Bickering is also a sign of closeness, or so Goth has been told

Bath bombs are totes radical, brah!

1.8K 109 102
By A_Bored_Reader

Ink was tired, he had looked everywhere in the Multiverse and still nothing. It was like Error had vanished from existence like a Gaster, but he very much doubted he could go search in the Voids for long enough to find him if that was the case. He had come back to Outertale in a futile attempt, there was always a chance Error was laying low. In those cases Ink knew the other usually went to a certain cliff in that AU. He almost left himself hope. In the end, he was glad he didn't, because all he was met was with disappointment.

He knew finding Error was important. He had a gut feeling, even if he lacked those. And even if it wasn't, the glitch had become a constant in his life. They were enemies, sure, but they were more than that too! If it was up to Ink, he would describe their relationship as some kind of frenemies. They could work together if the need arose, but Error seemed to resent him for some reason.

It wasn't like Ink was the only one of the two that had memory problems either, his just were more common and well known. But he knew Error forgot things from time to time. He rarely forgets things about Error after all. The both of them were powerful outcodes even if that wasn't the reason. He didn't even know it himself. Maybe it was routine, maybe it was obsession, maybe it was something else. Heck if he knew. He just... didn't want to let Error forget about him. It terrified Ink.

Ink sighed. He knew he should have gone back to the Doodle Sphere already and probably somewhere else. He didn't remember where exactly but he had the sneaky suspicion that Dream was mad at him. Oh boy, that always was unpleasant. On the other hand, seeing as he was low on paint in his vials, he couldn't find it in himself to really care about that. That was future Ink's problem.

He was a skeleton in a mission after all.

But maybe a little break wouldn't matter all that much in the end? He was so tired... Ink felt like he had been searching for days non-stop, which now that he thought about it could very well be true. Time was relative and when you mix so many AUs in a row one tends to lose track of it. Sitting down was tempting, but no matter how tired he felt or how comfortable that particular patch of grass Error always sat at looked, he couldn't bring himself to do it. So he just kept standing, his brown scarf moving slightly because of a gentle breeze caressing his face.

He kept looking at the stars in that particular cliff. It was ironic in a way. He always laughed at Error because of his sentimentality on this place, called his brooding cliff and everything too. It was the spot where he almost always found him if Error wasn't in the Anti-Void, after all. He knew the probability of finding Error in there was high, but even so he never could bring himself to fight there. It seemed wrong. Error looked so peaceful, the stars shining bright outlining that rough look... So beautiful and sad... Always brooding that guy, heheh. And here he was, doing the very same thing as the black boned skeleton.

He missed him so much it hurt, in a twisted way you know it's not healthy but don't really care about those things anymore.

Ink stood at the edge and looked to the Void below. It was an impressive view. Dark, mysterious and really powerful. Heh, reminded him of Error. His eye-lights disappeared. He clutched his sash of vials, his face expressionless. The vials were almost empty, but he couldn't go back to recharge them right now. He needed to keep going, just a little bit more. Maybe if he kept trying he would get a lead eventually. Even if he knew it didn't work like that, he would keep going regardless.

He was starting to feel numb, the vials draining without Ink doing anything about it. He had gone earlier to his house to grab his spare sash full of vials for emergencies but he was met with nothing. Had he used it already and didn't remember? Highly likely, knowing himself. What a mess.

He missed the sound of static in the air. It was calming to him.

He turned away and got his brush ready. He needed to keep looking and he already knew Error was not in Outertale, no need to keep loitering around for no real reason.

Ink splashed some purple paint in the floor, getting ready to jump, when he felt a ping in his soul. Someone was summoning him, but this time was different. It came from somewhere he didn't really recognize and it wasn't a Sans calling him. He could tell at least that much.

Very curious but he would ignore it for now. He had other things to do after all. He jumped into his portal, the only evidence of him ever being there a bit of purple drops of paint that didn't dissolve when he teleported.

In the distance, Error let go of his breath he didn't even know he was holding. His mind felt full of static in an unpleasant way. Glad that was over, at least. How disturbing.


Blue was in a good mood, all things considered. Sure, everything was going to hell but at least he was roaming around the Multiverse as he pleased. He wasn't happy with his brother Stretch but if something good came out of being a part of the Star Sanses was that the other didn't try to control him that much on a good day. He needed to go away for a bit or else he would go crazy. Or crazier, better said, because Blue would bet that he was already bonkers after everything that has happened to him after going to the Multiverse from his AU.

On a good day, it would like the past days where he would only worry about training and having a healthy diet while his Papyrus would laze around and go to Muffet's. On a good day, the both of them would banter and bicker like the pair of close siblings they used to be and act surprised each and every time the human appeared. On a good day, he would get to go from the Snowdin all the way up to New Home as pleased, free to do whatever he wanted without having to inform his brother of everything he was doing in phone calls every five minutes.

That week had been full of bad days.

He resented his brother when that happened. Was everything a lie? Would he never get to do what he wanted even if they did get to the Surface? Would that behavior follow him there or was that something that only applied to the Multiverse? Because he was making it a habit and one day he would snap, just like his brother's neck-

But today he was free once again! And he didn't go to that meeting like his brother thought he was, oh no. He would apologize to Dream later for not being there to support his friend, he did regret that because he cared for the cheery skeleton but he had different priorities at the moment. Besides, this would be good for his friend in the long run as well, he depended way too much on Ink for support and leadership when he was better at that kind of stuff. Maybe he had been a little naive at the beginning but Blue himself had been as well, so no worries! He believed in Dream! Dream was way better suited for the job. Ink, on the other hand... Well. He had mixed feelings about the self-proclaimed Protector of AUs.

Blue had been gone a long time now from his AU, needing some time to himself for once. So, since he had an excuse ready to use even if the missed meeting thing was discovered, he was going to darn well relax and spend a bit of his free time on himself. He had to hurry if he didn't want to be found out though, so he had to use his time wisely in case he couldn't later.

So, instead of going with Dream to the Sanses Council, he would go to Nightmare's Manor. Oh, the betrayal. He smiled in mischief. Error would have like that, it felt like a plot twist deserving of Undernovela.

It was very inconvenient that Fresh was still mad but he could deal with it for now. He had met up with the 90's themed skeleton in the Anti-Void as both of them could go in even if it was locked, a privilege only them had  so no worries about being spied on. The Anti-Void had become a part of their codes, may as well take advantage of that.

Blue glitched, his appearance flickering for a moment to that of a black skeleton with three stars in a row next to his right eye-socket. His bones acquired a purple tint in certain parts like his legs and arms, his clothes black and red. He quickly switched back to his normal white boned appearance. Golly, being in the Anti-Void sure messed him up. He needed to be careful with that later. Or not, Blue mused. It was time to consider if it was worth it to let his Blueberror side show more. Maybe he would talk about that possibility with Fresh later. He hadn't used it before because Error convinced him not to. It was inconvenient because someone was bound to recognize him sooner or later, Stretch especially.

But Error wasn't here now, was he?


Blue was in front of the doors of Nightmare manor. Suddenly, he thought if it wasn't too late to go back to how his life was before Error kidnapped him and introduced him to the Multiverse. Then, he remembered how naive and sheltered he had been back then and huffed. Sure, being a double agent for Error in the Star Sanses was tiring, but it was fun too. He considered Dream a friend, even if he noticed similarities in both their personalities that made him uncomfortable. The difference was, Blue had changed. Dream did not.

This whole twin thing was weird and he decided he had enough drama with an entitled younger brother back home, even if the possibilities for pranks were endless.

Blue decided to just get this talk done so all the tensions between him and Nightmare's gang went away. After all, Blue was only an ally, he wasn't part of the gang by a long shot. Right now the situation called for teamwork, but his loyalty lied with Error and Fresh, not the goopy skeleton. A tiny voice at the back of his mind whispered there was no real need to help the gang as much as he did, Blue did it because they were friends too and Error was really close to Nightmare. He told that tiny voice to shut up, he needed a business approach to this meeting, not a friendly uwu one like the one he uses as a Star Sans.

He knocked on the door and hoped for the best. Maybe he would get to know why Fresh was so mad at Nightmare? How did he even managed to do that, Fresh couldn't really feel emotions.

He heard steps on the other side. It was a great surprise to find Dust on the other side. Usually the one who opens the door would be Cross. Not only that, but Dust didn't have his jacket on... Darn, he looked cute. Focus Blue!

"Follow me" said Dust, inmediately turning around without checking to see if Blue followed or not. Blue nodded anyways, because he was a good guest!

They walked through the corridor in the first floor, going upstairs by the stairs in the right. This set up always reminded him of the Ruins entrance with a pedestal in the middle of a big room and two stairs that go to the same destination. It even had a purple tint, even if Nightmare's castle was way more focused on the blacks. The lamps gave a nice and classy touch as well, but his favorite would always be the windows. There were colorful mosaics that told the animosity between the Dreamtale twins in a simple and gruesome way that left no doubt as to the why of the battles that the two of them had over the years. A singular golden apple surrounded by a circle of black ones in a circular window up and between the mosaics of Dream and Nightmare in a battle position, facing each other. Dream on the right, Nightmare on the left.

Blue didn't know a lot about architecture, so the real names of those things escaped him, but it was so cool!

The walking pair turned right, ignoring the room in the end of the corridor that was the throne room, entering a meeting room instead. There was a cool rectangular table made of wood and black chairs, like those used to make something look more profesional but vintage at the same time. A white board in the back with its own markers. It had signs of wear. Where those stickers depicting the Sanses AUs?! He wanted some!

Everyone was seated, looking at Dust and Blue expectantly. Dust just sat down in his usual place between Horror and Killer, his expression serious. Everyone was very tense and Blue gulped. Gosh darn, it felt so hostile. They were looking at him like they were expecting him to attack them or something. Blue sighed and sat down in front of Horror and next to Cross. The monochrome skeleton at least had the decency to grimace and shoot him a compassionate, if somewhat uncomfortable, look.

"Seeing as everyone is here now, we can start today's meeting" announced Nightmare, looking at each and every one of the in the eyes. The black skeleton nodded and got up, going over to the board. "We need a name for the event that went down in the Multiverse and caused this whole mess, but for the lack of one at the moment, we'll call it The Event. When the meeting at the Sanses Council ends, we'll just change it and use the official name instead" Nightmare stopped. When everyone nodded, he kept going and writing with one of his tentacles at the same time. "We have checked all the original AUs that are accesible, even the ones under special protection, but we haven't found anything about Error yet. Anything to add?"

Surprisingly, it was Cross who got up to talk.

"I've been thinking that, if The Event made everyone go back to our own AUs, could this have happened to Error as well? I mean, it's just logical."

"Well, duh, but Error wasn't in the Anti-Void or we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place" said Horror, somewhat irritated. This sounded obvious to everyone, but Cross looked like he wasn't done just yet. He had that determined look in his eyes.

"Yes, but what if the Anti-Void isn't Error's AU?"

At that, they were silent. They kept thinking. It could be possible, Error didn't remember his past after all. But that made it more complicated.

"I thought the Anti-Void was the remnants of Error's dead timeline" said Blue, putting his own two cents. He was met with a simple nod. Blue was just glad this weird hostile air between him and the gang seemed to be put on hold for the moment.

"Yes, I thought so too at the beginning" Nightmare hummed. His three free tentacles kept wiggling in place, betraying Nightmare's thoughtful and troubled state. "But it was just an assumption, since there is so much we don't know of that place. How would he end up there otherwise? But if he had an AU that didn't end up as the Anti-Void we may be in trouble."

That got everyone's attention. When thinking about it though, it made sense.

"His default setting was lost, he can't change skins like Blue can because he glitched way too much. But did he glitch because of the Anti-Void or because of his AU" Dust said, his expression almost the same except for a furrowed brow-bone.

"I... never thought about that possibility" admitted Blue. "Maybe he is part of one of the unstable AUs, the ones we can't access by normal portals."

"Shoot, that would mean we would need a Science Sans to keep looking" Horror despaired.

"Either that or Ink, but I'm not comfortable with asking that darn squid anything" mumbled Dust, looking down at the table.

That statement was met with a lot of agreement from all the Sanses present.

Cross sat down in his chair again, looking crest-fallen and somewhat guilty. For what, Blue couldn't guess.

"I mean, there is always the possibility Fresh could get in as well."

Oh, that explained it. The whole gang tensed, looking at Blue carefully. 'Well' thought Blue, 'may as well get this over with and rip it like a band aid.'

"What even happened between Fresh and you, guys?" Blue swore he could hear Cross gulp. "Is this because of the fight we had because of Nightmare's tsundere tendencies and Error's disappearance?"

Killer burst out laughing, quickly followed by a startled laugh out of Cross that seemed to surprise everyone as much as it surprised himself. Nightmare looked somewhat pissed, but when you get to know him in his corrupted form one can know when it's serious. This time wasn't it.

"I don't have tsundere-"

"Sorry to tell you, boss, but you do" interrupted Dust. This only made Horror grin insanely and the other two to raise their volume in their laughing. Nightmare pouted. Betrayed by his own team of misfits. Blue smiled, happy they were getting along well again and didn't look at him warily anymore.

"But, seriously, what happened? Was it because of that reason? Because it doesn't seem likely" Blue asked when everyone calmed down a bit. "Like, sure, Fresh has a connection to Error, but that usually doesn't matter to him for long and it doesn't explain his behavior right now."

"Yeah, well, that fight was pretty bad" said Cross while nervously playing with his metacarpals.

"Dude, don't lie" intervened Killer, amused "Fresh was mad because of the Error thing at the beginning, sure. But-"

"Dude, no, what the heck, don't be a tattle tale!" interrupted Cross embarrassed, throwing a rubber chicken at Killer and hitting him in the whole face, cutting the other off.

"But what." As amusing as this scene was, Blue wanted to know.

"But" continued Killer, an annoyed expression in his face while rubbing his skull where the rubber chicken hit him and clenching the other hand around said toy, making it squick. "Most of his anger comes because of the bath bombs."

Did Blue hear well? Was he imagining things or was this a prank? After a moment waiting for the punchline and nothing happened, he cautiously considered it seriously for a moment. He knew Fresh had a lot of bath bombs because he liked how colorful everything got when he threw it in Waterfall. It made sense, since it helped him to spread his virus faster and Fresh even used it sometimes with that specific purpose when he was feeling lazy. Such a classic Sans move that Blue secretly thinks Fresh originated from one.

"His bath bombs? What happened to them?"

"Those idiots" said Dust, his tone of voice and face practically screaming at the world how done he was with everything " threw Fresh's bath bombs in the toilet."

"You threw  Fresh's bath bombs in the toilet?!" screamed Blue, alarmed. No wonder Fresh was that mad at him! That just wasn't done, he thought the black one had more common sense than that! "What the heck, 'Mare!"

"Well, I mean" Nightmare glared at Dust for a moment before switching that look to Cross, who gulped in fear again. "Technically it was Cross who did."

Wow, that explained Cross' behavior alright. A prank gone bad was much more likely in Blue's books, especially if either Epic or Killer were involved with it.

"Hey, it wasn't entirely my fault! Killer flushed the toilet after I did that, repeatedly!" And there it was.

"Yeah, Horror just laughed the whole time and filmed it all. Good times."

"...heh" said Horror, blushing and looking proud of himself. Blue privately thought that the other didn't have any rights looking that cute while having a hole in his skull and staying in a permanent state of being covered in blood.

"Dude, Cross, what the actual f*ck" said Blue, turning to Cross who was seating next to him and sweating lots. It was almost comical. "What are you, Kris?"

The question seemed to throw everyone off just enough to forget about the mood and turn to look at Blue strangely.

"What is Kris?" asked Killer, tilting his face to the right.

"It kinda sounds like a name, so wouldn't it be who is Kris?" asked Horror. He knew more human names out of them all so it made sense for him to make the connection, but it still threw him off. He hadn't heard that name ever, but it kinda sounded like last week's rations, Chris. Heh, neutral names were a pain, he still didn't know if he should use the "him" or "her" pronouns and his Snowdin had already eaten the kid.

"Oh, oh, I'll do you one better, why is Kris?" Cross asked, excitedly. This was just like a meme Epic showed him the other day!

"Oh my stars, you are all so dumb."

"You.. don't know who Kris is?" Blue asked, confused.

"Um, no? Should we?"

"Oh, right, this is an undertale Multiverse only, no Deltarune at all. My bad."

"What are you on, Blue."

"Nothing, nothing."

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