A stay-at-home Dads Retaurant

By Kshit_Dfck23

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not mine.. More

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By Kshit_Dfck23

965 We Hit It With A Club From The Back And Then Drag It Away"The family of red dragon Jenson was found guilty of disorderly behavior and committing a serious crime against public safety with conclusive evidence. Their sentences will be carried out concurrently. Their penalty is: three years of imprisonment in the Bastie Prison and being banned from entering Chaos City for three years after the completion of the imprisonment."Inside the Gray Temple, the judge announced the sentence publicly.

"We don't belong to Chaos City. You have no right to punish us! I want to see your city lord! Have you thought about the consequences if you do this? The red dragon tribe is not going to accept this kind of punishment!" Jenson shouted hysterically, and the chains on his body jingled loudly.

A hint of panic also flashed through the faces of Chown and his mother. The trauma of almost getting killed the day before was still there, and now they were going to be humiliated by three years of imprisonment. To noble giant dragons, this felt no different from death sentence.

"The laws of Chaos City are established to protect the Chaos City residents' safety. Once you step into Chaos City, you have to obey the rules regardless of your race and status. If the red dragon tribe has any complaints, you are welcome to bring it up to Chaos City. But, this would not have any effect on the verdict. Your objection is moot," the judge said calmly to Jenson before he turned and left.

Knights from the Gray Temple stepped forward and escorted the three red dragons away to Bastie Prison.

They would be spending three years there. Since it was only for reformation, they wouldn't die, but they would definitely suffer.

Chown finally broke down as he cried, and said, "I was wrong! I shouldn't have dined and dashed... I will never dine and dash ever again... Wooo..."

One of the knights in charge of escorting them mumbled, "You guys actually dared to dine and dash at Mamy Restaurant. You must be sick of living."


"Inform the red dragon tribe not to waste their time and effort. It would be a three years sentence, and not a day shorter. Also, tell them it was already very lucky that they survived an altercation with the Lord of Ice and the Lord of Fire. Don't antagonize Mamy Restaurant ever again if they don't want their tribe to be exterminated totally. It would be a hassle to clean up their bodies," Brandli told a staff member outside of the court.

"Yes." That staff member acknowledged and left quickly.


"Chown! Look at me. As true red dragons, we will not lose our pride and ideals because of this kind of event. A mere three years' time is only equivalent to a nap for us giant dragons. You should remember this humiliation. When you are strong enough in the future, return this humiliation to them in double," Jenson shouted at Chown, who slumped in a corner with a depressed look, in a deep voice.

Chown was still a little depressed as he softly said, "But Father, the chest of treasures that you gave me is... all gone."

The mother dragon stroked Chown's head as she smiled, and said, "Silly boy. That's only one small chest of treasures. In the extreme long lifespan of a giant dragon, you would be able to collect far more treasures than that. After we get back to Red Dragon Island, Father will give you a bigger chest of treasures."

"Y-yes," Jenson said with a forced smile.

"That's wonderful! I will be having treasures again!" A hint of surprise appeared in Chown's eyes.


Fire Dragon Island was situated at the periphery of the Dragon Island Archipelago. The Fire Dragon Tribe was not a very powerful tribe among the dragon tribes, so they had lived at the border area of the Dragon Islands for many years.

However, even the red dragon tribe, which ranked last among the tribes, still had a 10th-tier giant dragon. This proved that as a whole, the dragon tribe was powerful—they had the largest number of top powerhouses.

A towering active volcano stood in the center of Fire Dragon Island. Hot lava was spilling out of the crater continuously. The entire Red Dragon Island looked gray due to the volcanic ashes. Visibility was low, and the smell of sulphur and ashes floated in the air.

The purple-striped griffin landed quietly at the northwestern side of the active volcano. The griffin had concealed its aura during the journey, so it wasn't discovered by any giant dragons. His extreme consciousness also allowed him to avoid all potential enemies, so he had reached the destination without a hitch.

Mag had bought two anti-dust respirators from the system to wear under their face masks before he heaved a sigh of relief. This environment was totally uninhabitable for humans.

"Father, where is the piggy we are looking for?" Amy jumped down from the back of the griffin and looked curiously around her.

"It should be living around here." Mag began to look around too. The Fiery Pigs were only found on Red Dragon Island. They loved the heat and fed on volcanic ashes. They were the red dragons' favorite food. They were semi-wild and semi-domesticated, so there should be plenty of them around.


Right at this moment, two dragons' roars came from the sides. Mag carried Amy up and hid behind a giant rock, with Ah Zi quickly following suit. He kept his wings in order to look inconspicuous.

Two little red dragons flew down from the top of the volcano, swept past Mag's head, and then dived downward. Soon after, a commotion could be heard from down below. The ground was shaking slightly as if a herd of big animals was being chased.

"Two smelly dragons! Father, are we going to 'take care' of these smelly dragons too?" Amy's eyes lit up instantly with anticipation.

"No. We are not here to seek a fight today." Mag shook his head. He smiled, and continued, "Although they all look like one another, these two little red dragons didn't do anything wrong. Hence, we cannot simply beat them up, or we would be no different from the smelly dragons."

"Is that so? Amy understands, then." Amy nodded as if she wasn't very convinced. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she pointed to the front. "Father, look. Are they holding onto the piggy that we came for?"

Mag looked at where Amy was pointing, and his eyes widened too. Wasn't that huge pig in flames that was in the grasp of the two red dragons' claws their agenda of the trip—Fiery Pig?!

"So, it lived down there." Mag was thinking about something as he led Amy down the volcano. Blazing heat came in contact with their faces. Fortunately, Amy released a freezing spell just in time to counteract that heat. Otherwise, it would have been intolerable.

After walking for a while, Mag suddenly halted. He pointed to a fiery pig that was eating volcanic ashes nearby, and whispered, "Shhh, see what we have found. There's a fiery pig that is by itself. Its meat texture is exceptionally succulent. But, fiery pigs are not easy to handle. Let's approach it from its back quietly. Don't make a single sound."

Mag and Amy sneaked toward the fiery pig in total silence. Before Mag could act, Amy had already hit on the pig's head with a club.

There wasn't any struggle. It died in peace.

"Yup, that's what we do. We hit it with a club from the back and then drag it away."

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Chapter 966 Host, You"re Going A Little OverboardThe mission was completed without a hitch. Mag couldn't even feel the intense heat from the fiery pig before it was all over."Father, are we roasting or boiling this pig to eat?" Amy asked as she looked at the pig that Mag was dragging with anticipation.

"We are going to make red braised pork with this pig. It's a different cooking method from roasting and boiling. I'll make it for Amy once we get back to the restaurant," Mag replied with a smile.

This fiery pig weighed about 150 kg, and its whole body was covered in blood-red fur. It had a pair of sharp white fangs. Its fur was longer than a boar's, and its body was also slimmer.

The system was indeed very particular. Just to make a red braised pork dish, the main ingredient had to be a 4th-tier magic beast that only lived on Red Dragon Island. If they finished all the fiery pigs on the island, the red dragons would cry.

Of course, Mag wouldn't feel guilty, as he didn't like Red Dragon Island at all.

Mag grabbed the pig and climbed back to the middle of the mountain with Amy. As they prepared to leave, they heard a conversation coming from the other side of the mountain.

Mag and Amy sneaked across and poked their heads out to have a look. It was the two red dragons that had caught a fiery pig earlier. They were eating the pig and talking at the same time.

"Have you heard about it? Chown, that idiot, brought his parents to smash a restaurant in Chaos City yesterday, but they lost the fight and got arrested. Nobody knows when they will be released."

"Hahaha. Chown, that silly boy. It's not surprising that this happened to him. However, Lord Jenson is a 8th-tier giant dragon, how did he fail to smash a restaurant? He was even arrested. That's too humiliating, right?"

The two little red dragons were laughing. Their words were full of schadenfreude.

Seems like they're talking about that family of three red dragons yesterday, Mag thought. The news had indeed travelled fast.

Just as Mag was about to leave with Amy, one little red dragon suddenly said, "If they're not coming back, do you think the other giant dragons will occupy their cave on the fifth Peak? That is a super big cave dwelling."

"Most likely not? Lord Jenson should have accumulated a lot of treasures. If the other tribe members occupied it, he would not let it go easily when he came back," the other red dragon said.

Mag curled his lips before he carried Amy toward Ah Zi.

"Father, are we going back now?" Amy asked.

"No, we are going to a place first before we go home. We are going to earn some money to cover our expenses." Mag smiled and shook his head. He put Amy onto the griffin's back, and gently said, "Ah Zi, let's go to that cave in the middle of the fifth Peak."

Ah Zi spread his wings and dived downward like an arrow shooting straight at the entrance of the cave in the middle of the fifth Peak.


The sound of hitting a barrier could be heard at the cave's entrance, but it didn't affect Ah Zi in any way.

The passageway in the cave was very spacious and wide. Even Ah Zi with his 100 meters long wingspan[1] could walk along it easily.

Luminous pearls that were inlaid on the stone walls shone brightly down on the passageway. There was a resplendent great hall at the end of the passage. Valuable gemstones were left around casually. The refractive radiance from them could easily blind a person.

"Wow! There are so many gemstones." Amy looked around with bright eyes.

"System, I would like to deposit some stuff with you." Mag curled his lips slowly. This trip would be totally worthwhile after he kept all these gemstones.

"Host, your behaviour is immoral. This system is a righteous system, and would never collude with you to do such an action that is against morality and the law!" the system said solemnly.

Mag casually picked up a blue gemstone to inspect as he said, "Say it. What's the storage fee for one cubic meter? I won't pay more than 500 copper coins."

"Hmm... 499 copper coins?" the system replied weakly.

"Deal." Mag put down blue gemstone casually and nodded.

There were even more gemstones in this hall than in the chest which Amy had seized. However, this shouldn't be all of the collection of two 8th-tier dragons. Mag walked around the hall, and then he pushed away the huge golden chair on a platform. A hidden passage appeared.

Mag and Amy walked into the passage. After they removed a metal door violently, they saw a rather big treasure vault.

There were so many piles of gold and gemstones that Mag felt overwhelmed.

"System, keep them away. Don't even leave a luminous pearl behind. I'll give you another 1000 copper coins as the demolition fee." Mag nodded happily before he carried Amy up and walked out.

"Host, you're going a little overboard..." the system said quietly.

"Overboard? He has to pay for his sins eventually. I'll take it that I am collecting payment on behalf of all the restaurant owners whom they had dined and dashed on before," Mag said righteously.

The purple-striped griffin flew out of the cave, and there were only holes left in the resplendent dwelling. Not a single luminous pearl was left behind, and even the huge golden chair was removed.


"Ever since I received my first treasure from your grandfather when I reached adulthood, my treasures have increased consistently over the past hundreds of years. This kind of fun is beyond words. Treasures are my life, and they've become an indispensable part of my life. On Red Dragon Island, my treasures are among the top 10, and they gave me the lofty status in the tribe." Jenson looked at Chown rather self-conceitedly. "Chown, you will inherit my huge treasure one day."

"Father, I will do my best!" Chown's eyes lit up gradually, and he nodded earnestly.


In the Frost Battlefield located in the center of Frost Dragon Island, many frost dragons had gathered around.

Today, on this Frost Battlefield, Elizabeth and Fox would vie to be the new leader of the Frost Dragon tribe.

This was a very important matter to the Frost Dragons, and thus all of them had gathered here.

The post of the tribe leader had been vacant for three years, so electing a new leader was what everyone had hoped for.

However, this duel was rather controversial for the Frost Dragon Tribe. Although Elizabeth was the strongest among the younger generation, her capabilities were still two tiers away from Fox's.

7th-tier vs 9th-tier. This was not a fair duel.


Douglas appeared on the platform, and his voice reverberated throughout the entire Frost Dragon Island. He spoke to all the dragons in a deep voice, "Today, Elizabeth has challenged Fox to a duel to decide the new tribe leader of the Frost Dragon tribe. Fox has agreed. After the elders voted, they, too, agreed to this duel. The victor of this duel will be the tribe's leader!"

"Enter the arena, Elizabeth, Fox."

A Frost Dragon with a 100 meters' wingspan dived down toward the center of Frost Battlefield. After keeping his wings, Fox stood in the middle of the battlefield.

Meanwhile, dozens of meters away, a pattern of a snowflake lit up. Elizabeth emerged from the void and looked at Fox with an icy expression.

Right at this moment, an elder exclaimed, "Elizabeth has advanced to 8th-tier!"

[1] Yes, that's in the raws. Not 10.

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Chapter 967 System, Give Me Two High Power Telescopes

"Advancement to 8th-tier!!!"

All the frost dragons were shocked. They looked at Elizabeth, who was standing in the middle of the battlefield, in disbelief.

It was only less than a year ago that Elizabeth had advanced to 7th-tier, and she advanced again to 8th-tier. This advancement speed was simply too shocking.

Even though Frost Dragon Tribe was one of the top 10 dragon tribes, and had ten 10th-tier elders, an 8th-tier dragon could still be considered as the tribe's top expert.

None of the Frost Dragons below 200 years old had advanced to 8th-tier successfully.

But now, at the age of 19, Elizabeth had advanced to 8th-tier. She had exhibited her shocking and terrifying talents.

This reminded people of that legend that had created havoc amongst the Frost Dragon Tribe—Rankster.

And Elizabeth... was his daughter.

A 8th-tier giant dragon who was only 19 years old. It was very difficult to imagine the heights that she would achieve. Would it be the same as her father? Or, surpassing her father?

Commotion broke out in the Frost Battlefield.

"How could this happen?!" the second elder exclaimed. Elizabeth had advanced to the 8th-tier overnight. This was simply too unbelievable.

All the elders looked shocked. It was a good thing that a genius had appeared in the Frost Dragon tribe, but Elizabeth was going to enter into a deathmatch with Fox now. It was inevitable, and nobody could predict the outcome.

Is it the Frost Dragon Source? Rankster had indeed left something for Elizabeth. However, this lass is too impatient. If she had waited for another 10 years and challenged Fox after she advanced to 9th-tier, the odds would've been better. Douglas looked at Elizabeth with a hint of regret in his eyes.

"Elizabeth, I'm very amazed by your talent. You even remind me of your father." Fox looked at Elizabeth. But the amazement in his eyes was quickly replaced by a sarcastic look. "However, it's a pity. 8th-tier is still 8th-tier. You may never find out the difference between the 8th-tier and 9th-tier."

Elizabeth looked at Fox, and calmly said, "If I lived to be 500 years old, I wouldn't be a mere 9th-tier."

"Very well. I hope you won't regret your decision today. You have no chance to live beyond today," Fox said with a cold expression. He raised his hand, and the space around Elizabeth was surrounded by ice and snow instantly. Just like a cage, it shrunk toward Elizabeth in the center rapidly.

A glow appeared in between Elizabeth's eyes. With a serious expression, she waved her left hand across the ice wall in front of her. As if a sharp knife had sliced across the seemingly indestructible ice wall, a breach appeared immediately, and Elizabeth walked straight through it.

"Seems like I have underestimated you." Fox retrieved his right hand. He spread his hands and transformed into a giant frost dragon with a 100 meters' wingspan. He flapped his wings and took off into the air. He then opened his mouth and spat out numerous icicles at Elizabeth who was right below.

A snowflake formation appeared below Elizabeth's feet. She disappeared at the very moment that the icicles hit the ground. Then, in the sky a few hundred meters away, she transformed into a giant frost dragon that was slightly slimmer and had 90 meters in wingspan. She flapped her wings, and blades of wind together with hailstones swept toward Fox.

"You're asking for death!" Fox roared angrily, and dashed straight toward the blades of wind and hailstones. A layer of ice crystal armor appeared on his body.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

A series of sharp tingling ensued, and a layer of the ice crystal armor on Fox was removed. He dashed forward abruptly without a scratch to his body. He appeared in front of Elizabeth in the blink of an eye.

A cold silver gleam appeared on the dragon's sharp claws. They scratched at Elizabeth like sharp swords.

Elizabeth turned gracefully, trying to avoid them.

However, Fox apparently had the upper hand in speed. He left three bloody scratches with his claws on her back. Elizabeth fell straight toward the ground.


Cries sounded on the Frost Battlefield. Was this duel going to end so soon?

However, when Elizabeth was going to touch the ground, her wings spread out again. She turned around very close to the ground. Chanting sounds could be heard throughout the battlefield. The snowflakes suddenly disappeared as if time was frozen, and even the expression on everyone's face seemed to freeze at that moment.

Then, numerous icicles appeared above Fox's head and rained on him like a storm.


The sharp icicles pierced through the thick armor and embedded themselves in the skin. Fresh blood splashed around instantly.

A pained expression appeared on the smug face of Fox. He swayed and quickly evaded the icicle rain. He then flipped and shook off the icicles on his body, and stared at Elizabeth with a vicious look.


Cheers erupted in the dragon crowd. Elizabeth's counterattacks were impressive. Under the circumstances where there was an obvious difference in their capabilities, it was already very outstanding that the counterattacks worked.

Blood was already spilled on Frost Battlefield during their first clash. This duel was definitely going to be exciting.

And this clash had also kicked off the duel. Elizabeth and Fox began to attack each other madly.

Icicles and ice blades were flying around. It was an absolute clash of violence. Warm blood splashed everywhere on the Frost Battlefield. The Frost Dragons were ignited, and their cheers could be heard throughout the Dragon Islands.


"What is so lively over there?"

After Mag took all the treasures from Jenson's family, and was about to go home with his rewards, he looked toward Frost Dragon Island, feeling a little surprise.

"Father, let's go and have a look." Amy was equally curious as well. She loved to watch a scene of bustle the most.

Mag deliberated for a while, and then nodded.

"Alright. Ah Zi, try to fly a little higher. We don't have to enter Frost Dragon Island's airspace directly," Mag said to Ah Zi before he said to the system in his heart, "System, give me two high power telescopes. The higher the power, the better."

The purple-striped griffin flew toward the sky. He eventually flew so high that it was hard to spot them from Dragon Island. Normal giant dragons also wouldn't fly to this height.

"Great, we shall hover here." Mag took out a small telescope and gave to Amy.

Amy turned it around and placed it in front of her eye. She looked at Mag, and exclaimed, "Father, how did you become so small!"

"Amy, you're holding it the wrong way up." Mag turned the telescope around for Amy with a smile and pointed downward. He, too, held one and looked down.

Amy had finally grasped how to use the telescope. She looked down, and quickly exclaimed, "Wow. There are two dragons fighting! But, why does that white dragon look so familiar? It resembles Big Sister Elizabeth."

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Chapter 968 I Am Saving This Dragon!

"It does not resemble her, it is her." Mag looked at the two frost dragons in the midst of a battle at the center of Frost Dragon Island. Among them, the long and slender one had a clear snowflake on her head which could not be found on the other frost giant dragons.

"They are the same dragons, why are they fighting?" Amy asked.

"Maybe they are in a duel for something." Mag looked at the frost dragons around them. This seemed to be an open battle.

However, he could not guess what it was for.

The battle was very cruel. Both frost dragons were covered in gashes, and fresh blood stained the white Frost Battlefield red. Both parties were seriously injured.

However, this battle seemed to be coming to an end. Elizabeth's opponent was obviously a little stronger than her. With a whack of his tail, he sent her crashing from the sky into the depths of the ice.

Although she spat out an icicle which managed to pierce that giant frost dragon's wing before she crashed onto the ground, Elizabeth, who was lying on the ground motionless, was obviously more seriously injured. In a flash of light, she transformed back to the human form and struggled to get up.

The cheers at the Frost Battlefield had already stopped. The frost dragons had their eyes fixed on Elizabeth, who was laying in a pool of blood, as she struggled to stand, their gazes filled with admiration.

This was not a fair duel. Elizabeth, who'd just reached the 8th-tier, was up against Fox, who was a full 9th-tier. However, she made the battle seem as though they were of equal power.

If they had not seen the battle today, no one would've believed that a battle between an 8th-tier and a 9th-tier would look like this.

Although Elizabeth had shocked everyone with her abilities and resilience, the difference in power still dictated the winner of this battle.

Frost Dragon Fox pulled the giant icicle out of his wing with a claw and threw it aside. He looked with an icy smile at Elizabeth, who was lying in a pool of blood, and said, "You will never win against me! I am the rightful chief of the Frost Dragon tribe. Now, I will take back what your father took away from me!"

Elizabeth managed to sit up, and she looked at Fox as she scoffed, "Back then, you were not fit to be the chief of the Frost Dragon tribe. Now, you are still not fit to be one, just like how you will never dare to challenge the Great Elder. Back then, my father dared to, and now, I dare to. But you, you'll never dare to do it."

"Shut up! I'm going to kill you now!" Fox howled a little hysterically. He opened his mouth, and a ball of glowing crystals started forming inside.

Many of the onlooking frost dragons turned their heads aside, unwilling to watch this scene.

This was a life and death battle that both parties agreed on. Even the Great Elder had no right to interfere.

The fifth elder stood up and agitatedly shouted at Douglas, "Great Elder, Elizabeth might be the pillar of support for us, frost dragons, in a thousand years. We cannot watch her die just like that!"

"We can never find someone as good as her in the younger generation. Great Elder, do you want to watch as the hope of the Frost Dragon tribe dashes just like that?" The seventh elder looked at Douglas with pain as well.

"Do not forget that this is a life and death battle that Elizabeth suggested. Interfering right now is going against the rules of the Frost Dragon tribe," the second elder said coldly to the two elders.

Douglas looked at Elizabeth with his brows tightly knitted together, without saying a word.

"Father, let's help Big Sister Elizabeth. She looks really pitiful, and she's our customer." Amy tugged at Mag's shirt as she pleaded.

Mag, who intended to pass by just like that after watching the show, hesitated for a while after hearing Amy's words. In the end, he nodded.

"Then let's have a heavenly pig descend from the sky." Mag watched on for a while with his binoculars before throwing the Fiery Pig that was hanging on the griffin's tail down.

"Amy, hide under my cape and hold me tight. No matter what happens, never peek your head out and never let go." Mag sat down and grabbed on to a scale on Ah Zi's neck.

"Okay!" Amy agreed and lifted Mag's cape and burrowed in. After that, she held tightly to Mag from behind.

"Ah Zi, dive down. We'll leave immediately after we save her!" Mag patted the purple-striped griffin gently.


Ah Zi raised his head and howled before diving head down to let out a loud sonic boom as he pierced his way straight at Frost Dragon Island.


It seemed as though Elizabeth's death and Fox's reign as the new chief of the tribe were set in stone.

Although the Frost Dragon tribe worshipped the strong, they still felt pity about Elizabeth's loss.

As Rankster's only daughter, her strength and resilience were admirable.

However, even the great elder was unable to go against the rules. Who else could save her?

Elizabeth sat in the pool of blood and watched as Fox accumulated his power for the final blow. The image that surfaced in her mind was not her father, whom she had been searching for, but Yabemiya.

That fool. I haven't told her explicitly yet. I wonder if she would continue keeping the ring and not open it... Perhaps that would be the case. She's so stupid... but I guess that would be good. At least she can continue living comfortably... Elizabeth thought to herself.

"To hell with you! From today onwards, I am the chief of the Frost Dragon tribe! No one will be able to stop me anymore!"

Fox looked at Elizabeth as hysteria danced in his eyes. The glow in his mouth was already very blinding. Since no one would be able to stop him, he could enjoy this very moment as much as he wanted.

"Wow! Look, what's that falling from the sky?" a little dragon exclaimed amidst the crowd of dragons.

Several giant dragons looked up and saw something as red as fire fall from the sky, and were all astonished.

"It's going at Fox! What a terrifying speed!" another giant dragon exclaimed quickly.

That thing was just like a meteor, falling at a horrifying speed towards Fox, who was suspended in mid-air.


Fox could also feel that thing that was coming down from above. However, before he could turn his head, that thing had already landed on his back.


The crisp sound of bones shattering resounded.

The frost dragon that had a wingspan of more than 100 meters fell straight down from the sky, crashing into the ground as though it was hit by a huge hammer.


The earth shook and ice fragments flew everywhere.

"If I wasn't mistaken, that seemed like a flying... Fiery Pig?" A frost dragon gulped in disbelief.

The entire Frost Battlefield fell eerily silent.


A voice broke the silence and a black dot started appearing in the dragons' vision. In an instant, it had already appeared above their heads, and a griffin appeared before them.

"That's...!" The frost dragons all stared wide-eyed in disbelief at that purple-striped griffin.

"A purple-striped griffin!"

The 10 elders all shot up, their faces full of caution.

"I am saving this dragon!" a deep voice said.

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Chapter 969 Who Dares To Stop Me?

That voice was not loud, but every Frost Dragon could hear it clearly.

Fox, who'd been preparing to deal Elizabeth the final blow, smashed a hole in the ice, lying motionless.

That was not a warning, but a declaration.

It was a declaration of whom Elizabeth's life belonged to.


A legendary name flashed past their minds. The dragons' eyes all widened in shock and disbelief.

Alex, whose name traveled far and wide around the Norland Continent because he killed dragons, was thought to be the most dangerous knight by giant dragons.

All the giant dragons who died under his sword were well-known.

Although most of them were the scums of the Dragon Islands, they were all very capable giant dragons. However, none of them was able to escape Alex's clutches.

Even the giant dragons who thought very highly of themselves had to admit that the man was very powerful.

To the frost dragons, this strength was even clearer—just five years ago, at this very same Frost Battlefield, Alex defeated the most powerful of the frost dragons: Rankster.

All the giant dragons of the frost dragon tribe were there to watch that battle. They saw with their eyes as their leader fell in defeat. Alex's prowess was enough to leave all the giant dragons feeling helpless.

At that time, the man was riding on this purple-striped griffin.

Now, he was back.


A loud and unique call resounded with an ear-piercing blast.

In a flash, the purple-striped griffin appeared on the Frost Battlefield. It spread its wings and flew along the circumference of the battlefield, bringing along a strong gale that forced the frost dragons back a few steps. At last, it landed lightly beside Elizabeth.

The purple-striped griffin was glowing with a dazzling purple-gold gleam under the sun. Its domineering stance made all the giant dragons' hearts skip a beat. It was just a ride, but it had such a strong presence and aura.

On the back of the griffin sat a tall figure. That legendary longsword was right beside him. Although he had a mask on, all the giant dragons were sure that he was Alex.

Frost Battlefield was completely silent. All the frost dragons looked uneasily at Alex. What was he here for at Frost Dragon Island after three years? Fox, who'd just defeated Elizabeth and became the new chief, was hit by a Fiery Pig, and no one knew whether he was dead or alive. Without Rankster in the Frost Dragon tribe, who would be able to stop him?"


Elizabeth also looked at the figure sitting on the purple-striped griffin in disbelief. She'd thought that she was about to die in the hands of Fox, but she had not thought that she would be saved by Alex, whom she always saw as her archenemy, and she was unable to wrap her head around the situation.

To her, Alex had always been the reason why her father became down and disappeared and her mother gave in to depression.

To her, the biggest motivation to train was so that she would be able to defeat Alex one day.

Three years ago, Alex's sudden death had been a huge blow to her. It had even caused her to lose the goal for her hard work for a period of time. However, Alex's sudden reappearance some time ago had made her regain the passion and will to train once again.

But right now, before she had reached the stage where she could challenge him, he was going to save her?

Elizabeth looked at that silhouette complicatedly. She did not want to die, because there was still a lot of things she wanted to do. One of them was to win against this man right before her.

I think that was a little too much? Mag thought to himself a little embarrassedly when he felt the atmosphere freeze. He took a look at the Fiery Pig that was smashed, then at the unconscious Fox, and decided that he had to say something to break the ice. "This is your new chief? Seems a little terrible."

The Frost Battlefield was still silent. All the frost dragons glared at him with fire in their eyes, but none of them dared to speak.

The chief of the Frost Dragon tribe being hit unconscious by a Fiery Pig falling from the sky would probably become the joke of the Dragon Islands if word was to get out.

Douglas took a step forward and looked at Mag with a frown as he bellowed, "Alex, you came without an invitation and interfered with our Frost Dragon tribe's duel for chief's position. Is this a declaration of war against the Frost Dragon tribe?!"

"She's the daughter of an old friend. Since I have seen it, I cannot just stand by and watch. Since you all want to watch her die, then I shall take her with me," Mag said to Douglas. After that, he swept a glance at the 10 elders at the elevated platform, and calmly said, "Who dares to stop me?"

All the frost dragon elders' faces turned bright red immediately. However, as they looked at Mag, who was sitting tall on the purple-striped griffin, none of them dared to step forward.

Douglas's brows were tightly knitted, but he did not say anything, either.

"Ah Zi." Mag patted the purple-striped griffin lightly.

The purple-striped griffin rolled Elizabeth up gently in its wing, threw her on its back, and Elizabeth landed horizontally in Mag's embrace.

"Let's go," Mag said calmly.


The purple-striped griffin let out a loud cry and spread its wings as it ascended into the sky, right in front of the 10 elders' elevated platform. It let out a sonic boom, and became a little black dot in the sky in an instant.

"How cocky! Great Elder, are we letting him off just like that? What about the pride of our Frost Dragon tribe?" the second elder said in rage.

"If you're unhappy about it, you can catch up to him and ask him for a fight," Douglas said calmly as he glanced at the second elder.

"I..." The second elder's face grew bright red; he was stumped.

"When have the dragon tribes had any pride in front of Alex and Irina? Even if word gets out, others would just feel sympathy for us," Douglas said with a complicated look on his face as he watched the black dot disappear on the horizon.

When the other dragons heard that, they felt a little indignant. When were the giant dragons reduced to being bullied by a human knight and an elf? This was... too much!

Douglas retracted his gaze and looked at Fox, who was badly battered and lying behind him, with a frown and said, "Carry Fox down to treat his injuries. There is no winner in this battle. The position of chief will continue to be empty."

The second elder came forward, and said a little agitatedly, "Great Elder, if Alex had not suddenly appeared and interfered with the battle, the winner would have been Fox. All of us witnessed it. It is against the rules to conclude it that way! Fox is already the new chief of the Frost Dragon tribe."

"I agree with the second elder!"

"I agree too!"

Very quickly, another four to five other elders stepped forward to concur with him.

"The chief of the Frost Dragon tribe needs to have outstanding capabilities, and most importantly, a heart for the tribe. It cannot be someone who is calculative about his personal gains and losses. Back then, I had multiple chances to kill Rankster, but I've never thought of killing him. That is why the Frost Dragon tribe could regain its place as one of the top 10 dragon tribes," Douglas said as he looked at the elders. He continued in a cold tone, "But today, he only wanted to kill Elizabeth."

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Chapter 970 Father Cut Big Sister Elizabeth"s Dress To Shreds

The purple-striped griffin that was flying at supersonic speed had left the Dragon Islands miles behind him in a flash.

Mag carried Elizabeth horizontally and felt the ball of softness at his chest. As he silently cursed this icy beauty for maturing overly perfectly, he was also silently controlling himself.

He did not want to take advantage of the lady, but Elizabeth looked as though she could die any moment, and even if Mag wanted to put her down, he was worried that if she were to fall from the height of a few thousand meters, she might end up as a lump of flesh and blood just like that Fiery Pig.

Elizabeth's mind was blank at this moment. She had never had any physical contact with a man before. Now, she was carried in a man's embrace, and this man was actually the enemy that she had spent several years thinking of defeating.

However, the battle had used up all of her energy, and her injuries had caused her to lose control of her body. Even moving a finger had become wishful thinking.

She could feel the strength and power in the arms carrying her. The areas that were in contact felt burning hot, and she felt utterly ashamed. She even wished that she could just lose consciousness since she was unable to break free.

"Wait, don't lose consciousness first. Do you have anywhere you can hide? Or is there somewhere I can send you to?" Mag asked as he looked at Elizabeth, who was blushing with her eyes closed.

Although he had saved Elizabeth, Mag was unable to bring her back straight to Mamy Restaurant. That would be equivalent to telling the entire world that he was Alex and he had opened a Mamy Restaurant in Chaos City.

However, Elizabeth's injuries were too serious. It would be very unlikely for her to recover on her own, and she would need someone to take care of her and give her timely treatment. Otherwise, even if she didn't die, it would probably take a very long time for her to recover.

"Somewhere to go?" Elizabeth opened her eyes again and looked at the blue sky. Since young, she did not seem to have any friends. Other than Frost Dragon Island, there didn't seem to be anywhere she could go to.

Isn't there a place I can go to in this vast land? A hint of self-mockery and loneliness flashed past Elizabeth's eyes. Suddenly, a figure appeared in her mind.

"There's an ice cream shop... in Chaos City..."

After saying that, Elizabeth's head turned and she fell unconscious.

An ice cream shop? Isn't that my ice cream shop? Mag stared at the unconscious Elizabeth and was troubled. Hey, young lady, you can't be so irresponsible! How can you just throw all your problems to me?!

Mag was completely at a loss. Saving Elizabeth was just a casual act of help, but he did not think that it would now become a burden that he could not shake off.

Now that he had saved the dragon, how he should deal with it became his biggest problem.

"Is Big Sister Elizabeth going to the ice cream shop? Would she get better after having ice cream?" Amy crawled out from behind Mag and looked curiously at Elizabeth, who was in Mag's arms.

"I guess so. If it's not that she wants ice cream before she leaves." Mag shrugged and looked at Elizabeth, troubled over how he should settle this.

He would naturally not be able to bring himself to throw her down. After all, Amy was watching right beside him.

However, it was not possible to bring her straight home. That would be no different from bringing her straight to the ice cream shop... How frustrating.

"If Father was to bring Big Sister Elizabeth home, then she would have to sleep with him on the big bed. Big Sister Irina would probably mind that, right? Do you need me to talk to her?" Amy mumbled at the side as she troubled over it too.

Mag suddenly shivered and almost fell off the griffin's back. He turned his head to glance at Amy. When did his cute daughter become a little spy?! Besides, she was the kind that would write her own script and add her own scenes!

"No, no. Father would never bring any woman home to spend the night," Mag stated his stand very seriously.

"Then doesn't Big Sister Shirley count?" Amy asked with a blink.

Mag: "..."

"I'm not bringing anyone home to spend the night..." Mag said, a little at a loss for words. This little fellow was getting harder to deal with. Sometimes, it even felt as though he did not know how he should handle it.

However, Amy's words gave Mag an idea. It would obviously be impossible to bring Elizabeth straight back to the ice cream shop. However, Miya and the rest were living in the ice cream shop right now. He could hand Elizabeth over to Yabemiya to care for. Judging by how kind she was, she would definitely not leave her to die.

Mag had always been very reassured to hand any task to Miya.

System, I need some medical equipment for stopping bleeding and sewing up wounds. The idiot-proof kind. Her injuries are too serious. If we don't stop the bleeding in time, she might not be able to last till nightfall when we enter the city, Mag said inside. He looked left and right before signaling to Ah Zi to land at a mountain of rocks.

After laying Elizabeth flat on a large piece of flat rock, Mag pulled out the medical box that the system had just sent over from behind the rocks. He carefully read the manual that surfaced in his mind before pulling out a pair of scissors, getting ready to cut Elizabeth's clothes up to treat her wounds.

She had several wounds on her body, but the most serious ones were the ones on her abdomen and her back, which were still bleeding.

Mag was just about to get started when he saw Amy, who was watching at the side. He quickly explained, "Little Amy, Miss Elizabeth is very seriously injured. If I don't treat her wounds right now, she will die. So I am going to cut her clothes open now so that I can see her wounds and then continue to treat it and stop the bleeding. This is a very pure process."

"Mm-hm, mm-hm. I believe you, Father." Amy nodded her little head.

"Alright, then I'll get started." Mag heaved a sigh of relief, and began cutting the clothes around Elizabeth's abdomen with the scissors.

"Father cut Big Sister Elizabeth's dress up and even ripped it apart," Amy mumbled.

Mag's hands shook and the pair of scissors nearly flew off. It seemed like he had better find some time to set this little fellow's mind straight and turn her to his side!

After regaining his composure, Mag looked at the bloody wound in Elizabeth's abdomen. It should be a wound pierced by an icicle. Even with the giant dragon's strong ability to heal itself, the wound was still unable to heal.

According to the manual given by the system, after sterilizing the wound, he had to sew the wound up with a sewing machine that worked like a stapler, then apply a layer of secret medicinal cream provided by the system, and after bandaging it up, the wound would stop bleeding.

After treating one wound in a fluster, Mag moved on to the wound on her back with the exact same steps.

There was still some time before the sunset. Mag, who had nothing better to do, treated all of Elizabeth's wounds other than those on her crucial parts.

"Father cut Big Sister Elizabeth's dress to shreds," Amy said softly.

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Chapter 971 Maybe She Met A Pervert? The Legendary Sadist?

Nightfall. After making sure that the ice cream shop was cleaned thoroughly, Yabemiya turned off the lights and locked the doors. She and Babla went around to the back of the shop, and climbed upstairs via the staircase along the wall.

"What's that?" Babla said warily. She halted and pulled Yabemiya to a stop as she looked at a black shadow lying at the entrance.

"Seems like a person?" Yabemiya was also a little taken aback. She sized up that black shadow carefully.

"It's not moving. Is it sleeping? Or it's in a coma?" Babla said softly after observing for a while.

"I'm going to take a look." Yabemiya walked over carefully and switched on the entrance's lights. She then lowered her head to look at that shadow.

"Miss Elizabeth!" she said in shock after she saw the face.

The person wrapped in the bright red cloak was none other than Elizabeth. Just like the previous time, her face was pale as if she was severely injured.

However, they couldn't gauge the severity of her injuries, as her entire body was wrapped in the red cloak.

"Miya, is she the dragon?" She seems to be gravely injured?" Babla asked as she checked out Elizabeth. Although she hadn't asked much when Miya brought a dragon back to the dormitory previously, she was still aware of it.

"Yes, Miss Elizabeth is my friend. Babla, open the door please. I need to carry her in." Yabemiya nodded. Then, she squatted down and lifted Elizabeth up gently.

"Okay." Babla stepped across, took out her keys, and opened the door.

"Thanks." Yabemiya carried Elizabeth in.

It seems like someone sent her here? Why is she always sent here every time? Babla stood at the door and gazed around warily before she closed the door with a perplexed look.

"Father, Big Sister Miya and Big Sister Elizabeth are friends. In this case, we don't have to worry about her anymore," Amy said smilingly on a tree not too far away.

"Yes, we don't have to worry anymore." Mag smiled and nodded too. Things went more smoothly than he thought. He had successfully thrown his burden, Elizabeth, away.

"However, Father had cut up Big Sister Elizabeth's dress. Would Big Sister Miya think you're a pervert?" Amy mumbled curiously.

"That was purely for treatment... purely..." Mag sighed in his heart. He smiled at Amy. "Are you hungry, Amy? What would you like to eat tonight?"

"I wanna eat braised red piggy!" Amy's eyes lit up. But she quickly dejectedly said, "But, we threw the piggy away. No more piggy for us tonight."

"It's alright, Father would make that for Amy tomorrow. Let's eat roast duck tonight. The two of us shall eat the whole duck by ourselves," Mag said smilingly.

"Yes, yes!" Amy nodded her little head.

The two of them jumped down from the tree and walked toward Mamy Restaurant.


"What happened..."

In the room, Yabemiya gasped after she looked at Elizabeth after she unwrapped the bright red cloak.

"Maybe she met a pervert? The legendary sadist?" Babla was shocked too, and there was a tinge of pity in her eyes.

Elizabeth had dozens of cuts on her body under the cloak. She was bloody, her white skirt was shredded, and her snowy white skin was exposed in the air. She looked so pathetic as if she was just bullied by a pervert.

A sad-looking Yabemiya suddenly noticed the wounds on Elizabeth. Her eyes lit up and she looked through Elizabeth again. She shook her head, and said, "No. The parts that were cut all had a wound, and the wounds were treated. Although we don't know what meds were used and many parts were shredded, there are no signs of violation on the chest and that part. Maybe someone had saved Miss Elizabeth."

"That seems like what happened." Babla scrutinized the wounded person carefully and nodded in agreement. But, she added, "But, that person must be a pervert. There's no way a normal person would cut dozens of holes in a girl's skirt.

"I don't know what happened to Miss Elizabeth, but she's too seriously injured. We have to get someone to treat her as soon as possible." Yabemiya was a little anxious.

"I don't know healing magic." Babla shrugged to indicate that she couldn't help.

"Aisha left..." Miya paced around in the room anxiously. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. "Yes. There's still Big Sister Xixi!

"Babla, look after Miss Elizabeth for me. I'll be back soon," Yabemiya said before leaving quickly.

Babla stood in the room and looked at Elizabeth on the bed. She perplexedly mumbled, "Why is a powerful Frost Dragon alway coming here to look for Miya after she got seriously injured?"


"Big Sister Xixi! Big Sister Xixi!"

Yabemiya was knocking on the door of the magic potion shop.

Soon, Xixi opened the door of the magic potion shop. She asked the anxious Miya with a concerned look, "Miya, what's going on?"

Lulu appeared behind Xixi, and put a piece of warm clothing on her shoulders quietly.

Yabemiya ignored that blatant show of love. She urgently said, "Big Sister Xixi, can you help me to save my friend, please? She is seriously injured."

"Of course. Where is she now?" Xixi agreed without even giving it a thought.

Yabemiya beamed, and swiftly said, "In my dormitory. I'll bring you over."

"Alright, let's go." Xixi nodded. She came out and held Miya's cold hands in hers. As they walked, she consoled, "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."

Lulu followed her out silently. He closed the door gently and then followed behind them.

"Just as I expected. It seems like I don't have to worry anymore." Mag, who was standing at the door, turned and went into the restaurant in a relaxed mood.

Amy sat on a bar stool behind the counter. She looked at the sad-looking Ugly Duckling sitting on the counter as she consoled, "Ugly Duckling, even though we didn't bring you along for the trip again this time, it's alright. Because things like this are going to happen frequently in the future. You would get used to it slowly."

"Meow~" Ugly Duckling whined pitifully.

"Do not talk like a cat!" Amy warned seriously.

"Meow, meow~" Ugly Duckling cried even more pitifully.

"You must remember that you are a duck. No matter how ugly you are, you can't give up on yourself. If I didn't give up on you, how could you give up on yourself." Amy squeezed Ugly Duckling's fat cheeks before she looked into its eyes seriously, and said, "Now, learn to talk like a duck with me. Quack, quack, quack."

"Meow, meow, meow?"

"It's quack, quack, quack!"

"Meow, meow... meow~"

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Chapter 972 It"s Safe When This System Does The Thunder Strikes!

Yabemiya sent Xixi to the door and said with gratitude and guilt, "Big Sister Xixi. Thank you for making this trip in such cold weather."

"Saving a life is a good deed. Furthermore..." Xix placed her hand in Lulu's big hand, and smilingly said, "With Lulu around, it's not cold at all."

"Hehe." Lulu smiled bashfully before placing the coat back on Xixi again.

Yabemiya, who had a lot of words of gratitude to say initially, suddenly choked on her words. There was only one word in her heart now: goodbye!

"Alright, Miya, you have to go back to take care of that lady now. She had exhausted her physical and mental strength greatly. However, it's fortunate that her wounds were treated in time, so the situation is not too bad. After she wakes up tomorrow. she will be able to move around freely. But, to recover fully, she'll have to at least rest for a month," Xixi explained with a smile.

"Got it." Miya watched Lulu and Xixi walk away hand-in-hand for a distance before she turned about and went in.

Although Elizabeth, who was lying on the bed, was still wearing that shredded skirt, the horrible wounds on her had already healed and became light red scars. Blood had also returned to her pale face. The Life Magic that Xixi used had a great healing effect.

What happened to Miss Elizabeth after she left here? Why is she so severely hurt? Yabemiya looked at Elizabeth and felt sorry for her.

I have to change her out of these clothes. She would feel bad if she wakes up and sees her clothes like this, right? Even though we don't know who treated the wounds for her, like what Babla said, this treatment method is... so perverted, Yabemiya thought. She went to get a basin of water and wiped Elizabeth's body. Then, she went to the cupboard to get the pyjamas that she wore previously and changed them for her.

After she kept everything, Yabemiya, who had changed into her pyjamas, stood next to the bed and looked at Elizabeth. She mumbled, "It should be fine that I sleep next to her, right?


At the same time, Mag, who had just tucked Amy in, lay on his bed to enumerate his rewards today.

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the mission, you have captured a Fiery Pig successfully! You will be rewarded with a copy of the red braised pork recipe, and it's already in!" The system's voice sounded in Mag's brain. A shiny golden experience bag appeared in Mag's brain.

Mag didn't tap to open it; instead, he smilingly asked, "System, convert for me. What's the value of those treasures that I seized today?"

"Based on the recent market valuation, the estimated value of the treasures seized by the Host today is roughly about 1.530 billion copper coins," the system replied rapidly.

"Interesting." The smile widened on Mag's face. Today's trip was a fulfilling one. Besides getting the red braised pork recipe, he even got 1.5 billion copper coins.

"System, I have 1.5 billion here and 300 millions downstairs, which is a total of 1.845 billion copper coins. I'll like to buy 2 strength points from you so I can return to my peak form. Deal?" Mag asked expectantly in his heart. Although 1.8 billion was a huge sum, if it could restore him to his peak form, he wouldn't hesitate to throw it all to the system.


The system's answer was quick and decisive.

"Not even 1.8 billions? System, ain't you getting too greedy?" Mag frowned.

"Please respect this system, Host. This is a God of Cookery Cultivation System, and not a system that you can pay to upgrade. Although paying would make one stronger is an universal law, this system is one with his own morals and bottomline.

"Improving the host's capabilities is to make sure the Host could protect himself in this alternate world while he is working on improving his culinary skills.

"But, the Host has to remember his priorities. You came to this world to be punished. You have come to become the God of Cookery under this system's supervision, and at the same time undertake the great mission of conquering this world with Earth's cuisines. You are not here to conquer this world with might!" The system's righteous voice sounded.

"Therefore, you are not selling it?" Mag frowned.

"Sell! Of course, I'm selling it!" the system answered quickly. "However, the Host's capabilities increment has exceeded this system's predetermined range. To prevent being struck down by lightning if we were discovered by God, this system has to impose necessary restrictions on your capabilities upgrade!"

"The meaning is?" Mag frowned even harder.

"The Host is only allowed to buy 0.5 strength points from the system in a month. The system will do an evaluation after a month to decide if the Host is allowed to purchase again. At the same time, the system will not open the purchase permission for strength points after 8th-tier. The Host will have to complete an assigned mission first before receiving the permission," the system replied.

"No negotiation?"

"No negotiation!"

Mag sighed. It really made him feel melancholic to have money that he couldn't spend.

What gave Mag a bigger headache was that the last two strength points couldn't be obtained by purchasing. Judging by the system's decisive tone of voice, it should be nonnegotiable. It had to be the setup determined by God.

This put an end to his intention of buying all the strength points he needed using the huge sum of money he would get after selling his shares of the steam engine locomotive.

The most imminent part of improving his capabilities was to return to his top form so he could go to Wind Forest to rescue Irina and defeat all his enemies from the past.

The peace negotiation treaty would be signed three months later. If all the races failed to reach a consensus then, Norland Continent would most probably fall into chaos. He had to make sure that he had the ability to protect himself before that happened.

He might not be able to save this world, but he had to protect Amy properly.

"In this case, I shall use 300 million to buy one strength point," Mag said in his heart. The earlier he bought it, the earlier the waiting period would pass. It was a simple rationale that even he could understand.

"Ding! 300 million's worth of gemstones was already deducted! 0.5 of a strength has already been delivered. Would you like to activate it with the Seven Thunder Strikes now?

"Wait a minute!" Mag jumped down from his bed instantly and walked to the balcony as he said, "System, try to keep a low profile. Don't let people notice it."

"Relax. It's safe when this system does the thunder strikes!" the system consoled.



Seven bolts of lightning lit up the sky and woke many people up from their dreams.

Mag covered his vital part with his hands, exhaled a mouthful of white smoke, and rolled his eyes as he said, "System, you promised that it's safe?" His hair was all standing up and smoking.

"In the safety aspect, this system has already protected the Host perfectly," the system said while feeling very pleased with itself.

"Hoho, System. Damn you." Mag turned and ran downstairs. It was shameful to be butt naked.

A person in black clothes appeared at Mamy Restaurant and whispered to himself, "This is the Mamy Restaurant. I wonder if the person that Young Master Timothy wants to kill is here?"

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A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 972 It's Safe When This System Does The Thunder Strikes

Yabemiya sent Xixi to the door and said with gratitude and guilt, "Big Sister Xixi. Thank you for making this trip in such cold weather."

"Saving a life is a good deed. Furthermore" Xix placed her hand in Lulu's big hand, and smilingly said, "With Lulu around, it's not cold at all."

"Hehe." Lulu smiled bashfully before placing the coat back on Xixi again.

Yabemiya, who had a lot of words of gratitude to say initially, suddenly choked on her words. There was only one word in her heart now: goodbye!

"Alright, Miya, you have to go back to take care of that lady now. She had exhausted her physical and mental strength greatly. However, it's fortunate that her wounds were treated in time, so the situation is not too bad. After she wakes up tomorrow. she will be able to move around freely. But, to recover fully, she'll have to at least rest for a month," Xixi explained with a smile.

"Got it." Miya watched Lulu and Xixi walk away hand-in-hand for a distance before she turned about and went in.

Although Elizabeth, who was lying on the bed, was still wearing that shredded skirt, the horrible wounds on her had already healed and became light red scars. Blood had also returned to her pale face. The Life Magic that Xixi used had a great healing effect.

What happened to Miss Elizabeth after she left here? Why is she so severely hurt? Yabemiya looked at Elizabeth and felt sorry for her.

I have to change her out of these clothes. She would feel bad if she wakes up and sees her clothes like this, right? Even though we don't know who treated the wounds for her, like what Babla said, this treatment method is so perverted, Yabemiya thought. She went to get a basin of water and wiped Elizabeth's body. Then, she went to the cupboard to get the pyjamas that she wore previously and changed them for her.

After she kept everything, Yabemiya, who had changed into her pyjamas, stood next to the bed and looked at Elizabeth. She mumbled, "It should be fine that I sleep next to her, right?

At the same time, Mag, who had just tucked Amy in, lay on his bed to enumerate his rewards today.

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the mission, you have captured a Fiery Pig successfully! You will be rewarded with a copy of the red braised pork recipe, and it's already in!" The system's voice sounded in Mag's brain. A shiny golden experience bag appeared in Mag's brain.

Mag didn't tap to open it; instead, he smilingly asked, "System, convert for me. What's the value of those treasures that I seized today?"

"Based on the recent market valuation, the estimated value of the treasures seized by the Host today is roughly about 1.530 billion copper coins," the system replied rapidly.

"Interesting." The smile widened on Mag's face. Today's trip was a fulfilling one. Besides getting the red braised pork recipe, he even got 1.5 billion copper coins.

"System, I have 1.5 billion here and 300 millions downstairs, which is a total of 1.845 billion copper coins. I'll like to buy 2 strength points from you so I can return to my peak form. Deal?" Mag asked expectantly in his heart. Although 1.8 billion was a huge sum, if it could restore him to his peak form, he wouldn't hesitate to throw it all to the system.


The system's answer was quick and decisive.

"Not even 1.8 billions? System, ain't you getting too greedy?" Mag frowned.

"Please respect this system, Host. This is a God of Cookery Cultivation System, and not a system that you can pay to upgrade. Although paying would make one stronger is an universal law, this system is one with his own morals and bottomline.

"Improving the host's capabilities is to make sure the Host could protect himself in this alternate world while he is working on improving his culinary skills.

"But, the Host has to remember his priorities. You came to this world to be punished. You have come to become the God of Cookery under this system's supervision, and at the same time undertake the great mission of conquering this world with Earth's cuisines. You are not here to conquer this world with might!" The system's righteous voice sounded.

"Therefore, you are not selling it?" Mag frowned.

"Sell! Of course, I'm selling it!" the system answered quickly. "However, the Host's capabilities increment has exceeded this system's predetermined range. To prevent being struck down by lightning if we were discovered by God, this system has to impose necessary restrictions on your capabilities upgrade!"

"The meaning is?" Mag frowned even harder.

"The Host is only allowed to buy 0.5 strength points from the system in a month. The system will do an evaluation after a month to decide if the Host is allowed to purchase again. At the same time, the system will not open the purchase permission for strength points after 8th-tier. The Host will have to complete an assigned mission first before receiving the permission," the system replied.

"No negotiation?"

"No negotiation!"

Mag sighed. It really made him feel melancholic to have money that he couldn't spend.

What gave Mag a bigger headache was that the last two strength points couldn't be obtained by purchasing. Judging by the system's decisive tone of voice, it should be nonnegotiable. It had to be the setup determined by God.

This put an end to his intention of buying all the strength points he needed using the huge sum of money he would get after selling his shares of the steam engine locomotive.

The most imminent part of improving his capabilities was to return to his top form so he could go to Wind Forest to rescue Irina and defeat all his enemies from the past.

The peace negotiation treaty would be signed three months later. If all the races failed to reach a consensus then, Norland Continent would most probably fall into chaos. He had to make sure that he had the ability to protect himself before that happened.

He might not be able to save this world, but he had to protect Amy properly.

"In this case, I shall use 300 million to buy one strength point," Mag said in his heart. The earlier he bought it, the earlier the waiting period would pass. It was a simple rationale that even he could understand.

"Ding! 300 million's worth of gemstones was already deducted! 0.5 of a strength has already been delivered. Would you like to activate it with the Seven Thunder Strikes now?

"Wait a minute!" Mag jumped down from his bed instantly and walked to the balcony as he said, "System, try to keep a low profile. Don't let people notice it."

"Relax. It's safe when this system does the thunder strikes!" the system consoled.



Seven bolts of lightning lit up the sky and woke many people up from their dreams.

Mag covered his vital part with his hands, exhaled a mouthful of white smoke, and rolled his eyes as he said, "System, you promised that it's safe?" His hair was all standing up and smoking.

"In the safety aspect, this system has already protected the Host perfectly," the system said while feeling very pleased with itself.

"Hoho, System. Damn you." Mag turned and ran downstairs. It was shameful to be butt n.a.k.e.d.

A person in black clothes appeared at Mamy Restaurant and whispered to himself, "This is the Mamy Restaurant. I wonder if the person that Young Master Timothy wants to kill is here?"

 Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 973 You Are Correct A Strike As Your Reward

Mag, who had taken a bath and changed, walked to the window and looked at that person in black as he lifted the curtain. He had realized his existence long ago. He only didn't expect that he would be still here after he had his bath.

His attire was obviously telling people that he was up to no good. He might as well have written the words "bad guy" on a black cloth and put it across his face.

7th-tier, Human, Rodu's citizen. Is he finally here? Mag twitched his mouth. He came later than he had expected. However, this had also proven that the news that he was Noya Gould had spread and people believed it. That was why a 7th-tier knight had come.

Mag had specially found out about the enmity between Noya Gould and Timothy when he was in Rodu. Sending a 7th-tier knight to kill him meant that he really hated him for stealing his wife.

It's not possible to act here. Urien's intense spiritual power would be able to sense everything that happened around here, and there is no rainstorm to camouflage the sounds. Another suitable murder location is needed. A hint of ponder appeared on Mag's face.

I've heard the rules of Chaos City are very strict. I have to confirm that the person I'm going to kill is Noya, and I can't leave any traces behind. Otherwise, it would be bad if I am caught by those guys from Gray Temple. Downstairs, the person in black, Kassadin, had some hesitation and caution on his face too. He moved toward the restaurant's door slowly, and a cold gleam could be seen from his sleeve.

"Did Timothy send you here for me?" Right at that moment, a calm voice could be heard from the second floor's window.

Kassadin, who was about to grasp the door's handle, froze. Then, he raised his head to look at Mag, who was standing by the window. This guy looked exactly like the painting he hid in his bosom under the moonlight. He was the target of this trip.

"It seems like you know what I came for, Noya Gould." Kassadin released the door handle and took two steps back. He smirked at Mag. "Since this is the case, why don't you come down and let me kill you straight away. It will save you some pain and save me some trouble. Why not."

"You have oversimplified your mission. You ain't a competent assassin." Mag placed his hand on the window and leaped down. He curled his lips as he said, "Come chase after me. I'll let you kill me if you catch me."

He ran as soon as he finished saying that.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Poisonous arrows and all sorts of darts flew at Mag from behind, but they all missed him narrowly and landed on tree trunks and rocks.

This chap has rather good luck. He actually escaped from all of them. Kassadin frowned and looked to the second floor's window with a sinister smile. He seems to have a half-elf daughter, and Young Master Timothy wants me to bring her back alive. But I should go and kill that chap now. He's running toward an isolated place, which is just to my liking.

A dark shadow went into the darkness and followed after Mag.

Aden Square was huge, and Mag led that guy around in a circle in the square. He finally stopped at the remote stone forest. It was diagonal to Mamy Restaurant, so even if something happened, nobody would suspect it had anything to do with Mamy Restaurant.

Under the cold moonlight, the terrain here was the miniature version of the goblin stone forest on Vic Mountain. The four, five meters tall huge rocks looked rather spectacular, but under this cold moonlight, they looked rather eerie instead.

"Why did you stop running, Chap?" Kassadin stopped at a five, six meters' distance and smirked at Mag. This chap's speed was beyond his expectations. Even he, who was the most adept at speed, almost lost him a few times. Fortunately, he was gifted at tracing, so he didn't lose track of him.

"To make sure that you caught up, I have waited for a while." Mag looked at Kassadin with a smile. After his advancement to 7th-tier, he could feel a sense of power in his body. This made him want to try it out. This opponent who was also a 7th-tier was a good practice subject.

"Ah, Chap. Quit boasting!" Kassadin's face darkened as he drew a short sword from his waist, and coldly shouted, "Under the orders of Young Master Timothy, I have come to claim your life!"

Mag drew out his longsword, and solemnly said, "Since this is the case, a duel is inevitable."

"Duel? Ah, you are a mere 4th-tier. What capacity do you have to duel me? This is only a massacre," Kassadin said disdainfully. He took one step forward and straight into a void. When he reappeared, he was already right in front of Mag.

However, all his actions suddenly halted at this instant. His widened eyes looked downward slowly, and stared at the longsword that was driven into his heart with disbelief. "Y-y-you couldn't be that fast"

"Don't sprout nonsense, I am very lasting." Mag took a step back with a serious expression. He removed his longsword, looked at the discontented Kassadin, and grudgingly said, "It's you who is too slow. You're so slow that I am a little disappointed. We are both 7th-tier, but why are you so lousy? Boring."

Kassadin's eyes widened again as he said with difficulty, "You You are not Noya"

"Congratulations, you are correct. A strike as your reward." The longsword in Mag's hand struck again and slashed his throat.

After wiping away the blood on the longsword with Kassadin's clothes, Mag processed the scene meticulously. He backtracked his steps, removed all the traces, and took away all the weapons that Kassadin had thrown out earlier. After he made sure that no traces had been left behind, he went back to room through the window again. He bathed again, changed into his pyjamas, and lay on the bed. He clicked and opened the red braised pork experience bag.

Fatty but not oily, the soft and sweet red braised pork was a homemade dish that many Chinese loved to eat. It had its place among the traditional dishes.

Mag was a loyal fan of the red braised pork. This dish's cooking methods differed depending on the region. For example, the selection of spices would have obvious regional features.

The system's red braised pork recipe's cooking method should have merged both the methods from the North and the South. But, Mag had never tried making red braised pork, so he had no idea how the taste would turn out.

However, as a dish that he had eaten frequently in the past, he had to have criticized it very often. Now, as he looked back he'd been a young punk. He had said so much then, and now he was going to be the one to suffer.

"Bring it on, red braised pork. I wanna see how difficult this dish can be." Mag turned to look at Amy who was already fast asleep. Then, he closed his eyes and pushed open the door to the test field for the God of Cookery.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 974 This Time I Will Fight Alongside You All

Red braised pork was not a complicated dish. The homemade version could be made by anyone following a tutorial.

The bad part was that Mag had made too many unreasonable requests in the past, and now they were going back to him.



"Fail again!"

Mag looked at red and shiny red braised pork on the plate, and unconvincingly said, "This request of yours is too much, System. This coloring's already done evenly enough, right? You can't reach my standard even if you use a brush, but you still say it failed!"

"Let this system make a correction. This isn't requested by this system. The details can be referred to the first request: every piece of the red braised pork should be red, shiny, and flawless as if it was colored with the finest paintbrush."

"Damn. Which idiot made this request?" Mag rolled his eyes.

"Weibo user: Shen Mag, released on 2017.5.20."

Mag: ""

"Excellent. Only this unrelentless attitude could result in the most scrumptious red braised pork." Mag forced a smile, and then threw the red braised pork into the rubbish bin. He began to make the red braised pork anew.

This was a difficult night.

Mag had wished to transmigrate back many times so he could punch himself who was dating an influencer that day. Why did you say so much nonsense!

Rodu, the second prince's manor.

"Your Highness, Alex had appeared in the Dragon Islands today. After he rescued Rankster's daughter, he disappeared again," a man in black reported to Josh.

"He had appeared frequently near Chaos City recently. Continue the search, focus on Chaos City and its vicinity," Josh said in a deep voice.

The man in black hesitated for a moment before he forced himself to say, "However, Your Highness, even if we found Alex, given his capabilities, nobody could threaten him. Instead, we could be retaliated upon if we antagonize him."

Josh narrowed his eyes, and coldly said to the man in black, "You have to find him even if you get retaliated upon by him. I want to know his whereabouts and where he hid his daughter. I can only control him if I find his daughter. I'll make him to understand what's respect!"

The man in black still wanted to continue. "But"

"You only have three months' time. You have to find him before the signing of the peace treaty, or else all of you will commit suicide," Josh interrupted the man in black coldly.

"Yes." The man in black paled immediately. He swiftly acknowledged and left.

"How's the situation in the Wind Forest?" Josh asked the butler who just came in.

"Your Highness, the scout has replied. After Princess Irina was deposed, she retreated into the Tree of Life. The Spring of Life has stopped flowing for a period of time, but it started flowing again a few days back. However, Princess Irina still hasn't shown herself."

The elf queen was still in her retreat, and nobody knew when she would come out of it. According to the think tank's deduction, there was a 50% possibility that she was already dead.

"Helena didn't explain why she's joined forces with the first prince. She even stopped the mail communications with us this month. Instead, Borg has made tentative contact with us," the butler reported coherently.

"Borg made such a big hoo-ha so he could be the first elf king in the elf's history, right?" Josh smirked sarcastically. "Ah, he really dreams big. Only Irina will ascend to that position, and then she will marry me so she can play her best role."

"Your Highness, do you want us to reject the contact made by Borg?" the butler asked.

"No, we shall maintain the contact to see what Borg wants." Josh shook his head. "The situation with Helena is unclear. If she is going to forgo our cooperation and work with Sean, then we have to be prepared in advance. Borg's status and capabilities within the elf race are already on par with Helena's. Besides, he is much more stupid."

"Alright, I will make the arrangements now." The butler nodded and strode out.

"Alex, even though you are back now, I will make you remain dead the next time." A cold voice reverberated throughout the room.

The Wind Forest.

Under the Tree of Life, Irina, who was restored to her peak form, walked one round the Tree of Life perplexedly.

She mumbled, "This is weird. Why did all the Ghost Aura disappear?"

The Tree of Life's branches were all green again. The hundreds of hanging branches were full of life as if spring was here. The branches swung happily as if they were in a good mood.

"Maybe it is the God of Life? But it doesn't look like it. I didn't feel the befall of the Magic of Life. It seems to be that heavy rain that night." Irina shook her head as she still couldn't understand.

"Never mind. One thing that I'm sure of is that both old pal and me have recovered totally. Then, I should be doing something now." A smile appeared on Irina's face. Her feet tapped lightly, and she leaped out of the opening at the top of the cave and stood on top of it. She cleared her throat, and loudly spoke, "I, Irina, am back again!"

A clear and melodic voice reverberated throughout the Wind Forest and greeted every elf's ears.

"Princess Irina!"

Some of the elves were shocked, some cried out in their shock, some were worried, and some were happy.

"It's the Princess!" Sally, who was following Elliot to Helena's dwelling, halted and looked toward the Tree of Life in surprise.

"Has she recovered fully?" Elliot's expression was complicated. He looked at Sally, who had a happy expression, and continued onward.

Sally retrieved her gaze and quickly caught up with Elliot. She was going to accept the final votes of the elders that was going to decide if she could be the new elf princess.

Of course, she knew in her heart that as long as Irina was there, nobody in the world could ever replace her status in the normal elves' hearts.

She didn't want to replace her. She had only hoped to guard that position for Irina and prevent the elf species from falling into the dark abyss before she returned formally.

In Borg's residence, in a dark secret chamber, Borg, who was holding a piece of elf's skin, was shocked. He turned around and revealed a hideous face. There were lines of black corrosive marks where bones could even be seen at some parts. It was startling.

"Irina How could she recover?!" Borg shouted hoarsely.

"Princess Irina is back!"

The elven slaves cheered restrainedly. The happiness in their hearts was indescribable.

The only hope they could feel in the whole forest was Princess Irina.

"Since freedom is shackled and abandoned, tear away the shackles and return to the souls of the elves! Fight back, my people. This time I will fight alongside you all!" Irina's voice sounded again as she left the top of the cave at the Tree of Life.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 975 Exclusive Benefits Of The Gold Member

Mag woke up in bed in a shock the next morning. He looked at the alarm clock next to the bed. It was only five in the morning, and he was a little stunned.

He had spent 50 days and nights to achieve the standards he had set in the past for a mere red braised pork. That was achieved by standing on the shoulders of many top chefs and practices that disregarded the wastage of ingredients. Even Mag, who was a chef that was used to the test field for the God of Cookery, found the process difficult.

"Seems like we cannot just shoot our mouths off. We'll pay for it sooner or later," Mag mumbled in a complicated mood. His body was well rested, but his mind was still a little tired after going through his own tortures. He went back to sleep for another hour before he got out of the bed energetically.

He did a set of military drills first after he got out of bed. This 7th-tier body was indeed different. Vigorous power overflowed in every muscle in his body. Mag felt he could even bring down a dinosaur with just a punch.

Apart from making red braised pork last night, Mag had also done adaptive training on his body in the test field. After all, the opponent yesterday was too weak, and didn't give him sufficient practice. Hence, he would have to do it himself.

7th-tier. Amongst the magic casters, they would be known as the advanced magic casters. Amongst the knights, they would also enter another level.

A 7th-tier knight's power wasn't only manifested in his strength and speed. After corresponding with his combat skills, he could release a massive power.

In Alex's memory, there was a combat technique called "Thunderflash", which could be used after advancing to the 7th-tier. The most important thing that Mag did last night was to practice "Thunderflash".

This combat technique could let Mag achieve super speed and explosive force in an instant. Furthermore, it had a strong growth propensity. As one got stronger, the power would get stronger too. This was one of the combat techniques that made Alex famous.

If I had used 'Thunderflash' yesterday, that chap wouldn't even have got a chance to speak. Mag shrugged as he felt rather emotional. He remembered how he was paralyzed when he just came to this world, and now he had become a high-tier knight. He also slowly gained some knowledge about being a father. All these achievements made him feel proud of himself.

SInce I couldn't restore my power to the 10th-tier within a period of time, then I shall activate Mamy Restaurant's Gold Member System. Mag walked to the study after washing his face.


Elizabeth sighed comfortably. She felt she was lying on a soft and comfortable bed and covered by a sun kissed blanket. But, her arm seemed to be pressed upon by a soft and round object. Although it was a little heavy, it was soft, warm, and rather comfortable.

Erm?! Where am I? Wasn't I brought away by Alex? Elizabeth flicked open her eyes instantly, and then saw the face that was right in front of hers.

Elizabeth didn't jump back immediately, because she knew this pretty and delicate face very well. She had even slept with her before.

Miya Seems like she understood what I've said previously. Elizabeth sighed a breath of relief. This situation was at least easier to accept than waking next to Alex. If it was the latter, she would definitely drive a sword into his heart.

After feeling her body carefully, Elizabeth was surprised to find that her injuries had already recovered by 50-60%. Even though some internal injuries weren't going to recover so easily, at least she wouldn't have trouble with basic activities and walking.

Did she save me again? And that elf? Elizabeth's gaze became gentler as she looked at Yabemiya who was snuggling into her arms. The feeling of seeing her as soon as she woke up was rather special, as if she had someone to care for in her heart. It was a fuzzy feeling.

Soon, Elizabeth realized what was pressing on her arm. After sizing it up for a moment, she thought, Even though she is thin, her growth is rather good. They are almost as big as mine.

"Emm" Yabemiya snuggled into Elizabeth's arms further unconsciously, seeking a comfortable place to lie on, and continued to sleep.

Elizabeth was stunned for a moment as she looked at Miya with a little distress, and thought, It must have been hard for you all these years. She then hugged her gently.

Yabemiya woke up in a warm embrace with a hazy consciousness. She dazed for a while after opening her eyes. She looked at Elizabeth who was still in a deep sleep. She was almost fully tucked into her arms, and her head was resting on her bosom. She blushed and slowly pulled away nervously. She secretly sighed in relief after she got out of Elizabeth's embrace.

"Why is my sleeping posture so horrible? Miss Elizabeth was already hurt, and I still pressed onto her," Yabemiya mumbled to herself angrily. She gazed at Elizabeth whose eyes were still shut, and said with a little distress, "It seems that Miss Elizabeth's injuries are indeed rather serious. She's still asleep, but I have to get to work now. I'll bring her some breakfast later."

Miya left a note beside the bed, and then left after closing the door gently.

Elizabeth opened her eyes and glanced at the note as a smile appeared on her face. It wrote, "Miss Elizabeth, I am Miya. Please have a good rest in the room. I will bring you breakfast shortly! Please do not wander about."

The door was pushed open again, and Elizabeth swiftly shut her eyes.

Yabemiya came in holding a glass of water. She placed it on the bedside table and looked at Elizabeth before she left.

Elizabeth sat up gradually and took a sip from the glass which was still warm. It seemed to be honeyed water that was slightly sweet and warm. It was very considerate of her.

Would I bring her a lot of trouble if I stay? If Fox knew I'm here, he would send someone after me, Elizabeth thought as she looked at this pink room with a severe expression.

"I shall leave immediately after I recover," Elizabeth said to herself after a while. "Before that, I shall remain here quietly."


In order to maintain the restaurant's order and peace, Mamy Restaurant will roll out the Gold Member System today. Any customers above 7th-tier, as long as he/she is willing to help Mamy Restaurant once whenever Boss Mag needs it, will become Mamy Restaurant's Gold Member after he/she signed the letter of commitment!

Exclusive benefits of the Gold Member:

1. Allowed to order an extra helping of tofu pudding (Only with purchase)

2. Have a certain probability to be selected to try out the new dishes. First to eat the delicacies!

3. To be continued.

Anyone interested to become a member, please tell the service staff after payment to obtain the letter of commitment and the Gold Member card.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 976 Uncle Mag Is Holding Big Sister Miya

Someone read the announcement aloud outside of Mamy Restaurant and caused a commotion among the customers.

"An extra helping per week! This This is pure happiness!"

"My gosh. Doesn't that mean that those Gold Members can order two helpings of tofu pudding every day?"

"No! I'm not hearing this, I'm not hearing! I can't stand this! I'm still a baby, when will I reach 7th-tier!"

Majority of the customers were lamenting. After all, the 7th-tier capabilities were considered advanced combat power on Norland Continent, and not everyone was able to reach that tier.

"Although I can't be a Gold Member, I agree with Boss Mag rolling out this system very much. After all, there seems to be quite a number of ignorant people seeking trouble at Mamy Restaurant frequently, if the restaurant and Boss Mag got into trouble, then we won't get to eat the delicacies anymore," Harrison said with a smile.

"I agree too. Just imagining eating two helpings of tofu pudding makes me feel happy. I have to train harder and quickly advance to 7th-tier!" a middle-aged man said seriously with fire in his eyes.

"I wonder if it will go into effect today? I can't wait to have two bowls of savory tofu pudding." Brandli followed with a smile.

Everyone was discussing the new announcement excitedly. Even though they were surprised by Mag's unique idea, most of the customers welcomed and supported it, even those who couldn't reach the requirements to be a Gold Member.

However, some customers were also worried that it would be difficult for the normal customers to get their tofu pudding while satisfying the requests of double helpings of the Gold Members

Yabemiya, who was standing at a side, bit into her roujiamo and said to Mag, "Boss, will there really be 7th-tier powerful beings joining the Gold Members System?

"That's right. They're after all 7th-tier powerful beings, they wouldn't do that for a helping of tofu pudding, right?" Babla also said with suspicion.

"From today onward, I will give you an extra beef kebab for every meal. Are you willing to defend Mamy Restaurant within your capabilities when it is in danger?" Mag asked Babla.

"I'm willing!" Babla blurted out almost immediately. Babla blushed after sensing some people giving a weird look. But, she pretended to be calm, and said, "I won't do it for an extra beef kebab. I'll do it because I don't want to clean up the restaurant after it got thrashed."

"That's great. I was already going to add it on, but I didn't expect Babla to be so noble," Mag said smilingly.

"But!" Babla raised her eyebrow and her voice rose by a pitch as she gazed at the plate of beef kebab in front of Mag. "If you are going to add it on for me, I won't decline. I deserved it."

"There you go." Mag put a beef kebab on Babla's plate with a smile.

Will this create a superpower? Shirley pondered. She had seen that announcement on her way in. On the surface, it seemed to be Mamy Restaurant's self-defense means. However, if there was a high number of Gold Members, then they would become a group of fearsome experts. No matter what they could be asked to act upon once, many forces would think twice about provoking them.

"Welcome to Mamy Restaurant," Mag, who came out with a smile, said loudly to the customers. "From today onward, the tofu pudding supply for every meal will increase from 200 to 300 helpings. Furthermore, the extra tofu puddings ordered by the Gold Members will not be included in the 300 helpings."

"Long live Boss Mag!"

"Boss Mag is invincible!"

After a moment of silence, the entrance area erupted into a loud cheer.

"Boss Mag, whoever tries to touch Amy or Mamy Restaurant, I will crush them," Krassu said to Mag with a smile. "I would like to have two sweet tofu puddings this morning. I shall order them right now."

"I would like to have two savory tofu puddings," Urien said from the side before he entered the restaurant.

"Sure," Mag replied with a smile. The promise from these two was a talisman of protection.

"Boss Mag, even though I don't eat tofu pudding, I would like to be Mamy Restaurant's Gold Member. I will sign that letter of commitment straight away," Sargeras said with a shy smile as he touched his bald head.

Mag turned around, and said, "Anna, give Chief Sargeras a letter of commitment and a gold card." Anna passed a piece of paper to Sargeras, and he wrote down his name seriously. He passed it back to Anna and got the gold card from her.

With Krassu and Urien taking the lead and Sargeras setting a great example, many powerful presences amongst the customers followed suit. They signed the letter of commitment and received a gold card from Anna.

Mag looked at this scene with a smile. Things had gone smoother than he had expected.

After the breakfast service was over, Anna placed the last letter of commitment on the counter and used Ugly Duckling to press on it. She said to Mag, "We've received 10 letters of commitment and gave out 10 gold cards this morning, Uncle Mag."

"You did a good job, Anna." Mag patted Anna's head with a smile. The 10 letters of commitment from powerful beings 7th-tier and above included the two legendary great magic casters, one 9th-tier magic caster, two 8th-tier demons, one 8th-tier elf, and four 7th-tier powerhouses. There were 12 customers 7th-tier and above who came for breakfast, so this take-up rate could be considered very high.

These were only the customers who had come for breakfast. There would be more customers coming for lunch and dinner.

If he could get the commitment from 50 powerful beings 7th-tier and above, then nobody on Norland Continent would dare to seek trouble at Mamy Restaurant ever again. No matter how the situation evolved in the future, Mamy Restaurant would be able to defend itself.

As for how to utilize that one attack, that would be Mag's ultimate secret weapon.

Those silly elves from Wind Forest better don't try anything stupid. Otherwise, he would let them have a taste of the foodies' wrath.

Mag said to Yabemiya, "Miya, I heard Xixi say that you took in an injured young lady, right?"

"Yes." Yabemiya nodded, and embarrassedly said to Mag, "I'm sorry, Boss. I shouldn't have let others stay in the dormitory without your permission"

"I'm not scolding you. Saving a person is a good deed. You should be praised." Mag shook his head smilingly. He went into the kitchen and swiftly came out with an insulated lunch box. He passed it to Miya. "There is a helping of Yangzhou fried rice, a bowl of sweet tofu pudding, and some chicken soup. You can bring them to her. But from this afternoon onward, you have to eat your share of food, and I will prepare another share for her."

"Boss" Yabemiya gazed at Mag with tears gathering in her eyes and threw herself into Mag's arms.


Mag's arms were frozen in midair awkwardly. Then, he patted Miya's shoulders gently with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Mag is holding Big Sister Miya with an odd smile on his face," Anna mumbled quietly in a corner. "Should I tell Amy?"

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 977 I Only Feel Happy When I Am With My Daughter

In a teahouse, Robert looked at Derrick, who was sitting across him, concernedly. "Mr Derrick, the progress of your food tasting seems to have stopped for three days. Is your body unwell?"

"This" Derrick, who was about to drink from his cup, hesitated for a moment before putting down his teacup. He embarrassedly said, "I'm not unwell. It's because I encountered a restaurant whose food was so delicious that I can't help but to go there to eat for every meal. After I finished and came out, I couldn't eat any other food anymore."

Robert looked at Derrick in astonishment. He was a famous food reviewer in the culinary world, and he was stopping his footsteps for one restaurant? He thought for a while before his eyes flicked open. "Is it Mamy Restaurant?"

"Yes, it is. So President Robert knew this restaurant too." Derrick nodded.

"Boss Mag's culinary skills are the best in Chaos City. He was even declared the best chef by the king of Roth Empire on his birthday feast. How can I not know him?" Robert said smilingly. But, he held back his words as he looked at Derrick when he was about to say more.

Derrick obviously knew what Robert was trying to say. He sincerely replied, "Honestly speaking, the culinary standard of Chaos City is still a distance away from Rodu's. There are even many restaurants that don't sell vegetarian food, and there is also a lack of respect for vegetarian food. They made it hard for me to find an appetizing restaurant. Therefore, if the president has a shortlist, please give it to me. I obviously am not able to complete the mission of trying every restaurant on the scheduled list."

"This" Robert seemed to be in a difficult place. The Food Association was going all out and coming up with new rules to select the really outstanding dishes and restaurants. If it was reduced to a shortlist before being given to Derrick to review, it would differ from their original intention.

However, Derrick was not wrong, either. There were indeed many restaurants in Chaos City that had a nonchalant attitude toward vegetarian food. To an expert culinary reviewer like Derrick, it was impractical to continue trying those sub-par and awful vegetarian food. Furthermore, there also wasn't enough time to do so now.

After hesitating for a while, Robert finally nodded at Derrick. "Alright, Mr Derrick. There will be a person handing you a new list of shops to try. You only have to try those restaurants in the new list."

Derrick had the best reputation and prestige amongst this year's panel of reviewers. If he could introduce more about Chaos City's delicious food in the culinary review, maybe some chefs would be attracted to come, and new energy would be injected into Chaos City's culinary world. This would have a great effect on Chaos City's culinary development.

"Do you know what happiness is?"

On Aden Square, a white-haired old man holding a wooden staff was asking a child, who was eating sweets on a chair, with a smile.

"Grandpa, I already used my last copper coin to buy the Exploding Fireball Magic from that grandpa earlier. I don't have money to buy new ones anymore." The kid took out a spell book from behind and shook his head.

"Shallow. How could happiness be bought with a mere copper coin?" The old man shook his head as he looked at the boy in disappointment before he moved on to the next child. In his crossbody bag, the same spell book could be seen.

The old man Angus finally sold a spell book for a copper coin after pacing around Aden Square for the entire afternoon.

"Today is indeed a happy day." Angus lay on a bench in a corner. He placed that copper coin in front of his eyes, and his face revealed a bright smile. Half of the teeth in his mouth were already rotten.

A young man suddenly stood next to the bench, and smilingly asked, "Old Mister, is it that joyful to earn one copper coin?"

Angus kept the copper coin after he heard him, and sat up by supporting himself against the back of the bench. He looked at the well-dressed young man, and smilingly said, "I would feel much happier if you buy another one."

"I'll buy two, then." Mag took out two copper coins and passed to Angus with a smile. He came out for a walk because he was feeling bored, and then he met this old man who was selling fake spell books to children.

Although there was some fraudulent nature in this behavior, even a comic book cost more than one copper coin. Therefore, Mag wasn't too annoyed by the old man. Instead, he felt pity for this hunched old man who was only wearing an old and tattered padded jacket. If he could help it, an old man of his age wouldn't keep bending over for a mere copper coin in this cold wind.

Angus accepted the copper coin. He took a spell book called "Skyhigh Flames" out from his bag and passed to Mag. He smilingly said, "A person can only buy one copy. Too many of this will cause you to go crazy and deranged."

"One will do too." Mag looked at the thin booklet the size of his palm. It did look like those comic books he had when he was young. He didn't insist as he kept the other copper coin away and prepared to leave.

"Young man, what do you think happiness is?" Angus asked Mag with a smile.

"Happiness?" Mag halted, and thought seriously for a moment before he smilingly said, "I used to think having more than enough money to spend was happiness. Now my pursuit has become higher, I only feel happy when I am with my daughter."

Angus gazed at the smile on Mag's face. His eyes darkened, and he nodded. "Yes. Being together with your child is indeed the happiest."

"It's getting cold, Old Mister. You should return home now," Mag said with a smile. His finger flicked, and a gold coin fell into an open pocket silently. Then, he turned about and prepared to leave.

"Home is too far. I can't go back anymore. Young man, are you willing to hear my story?" Angus asked Mag whose back was facing him as he shook his head.

Mag turned to look at Angus.

"If my son wasn't lost, he would be around your age now." Angus looked at Mag and sighed. His eyes were full of regret.

Mag looked at Angus. This old man seemed to have lost everything in an instant. He felt a tug on his heartstrings. After a moment of silence, he said, "He could be living happily in some place with a cute child and a nice family."

A gleam lit up in Angus's eyes again. He chokingly replied, "Thank you."

Mag sat next to Angus, and softly asked, "Where did you come from, Old Mister?"

"I came from the Roth Empire, as a citizen of Rodu. I had a few houses and shops originally. 25 years ago, my three-year-old son disappeared when he was playing at the door. My wife cried every day after our child went missing. She died the following year. I have been travelling from the north to the south all these years. I have covered the whole Roth Empire, but I still couldn't find a trace of my son"

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 978 One Picture 10000 Copper Coins

Angus's story was very long. Although his narration was a little intermittent and train of thoughts was unclear, Mag listened to him attentively the entire time with a frown. There was pity and also anger in his eyes.

The kidnappers shattered a happy family. A millionaire who gained a son in his old age became a homeless man who measured the entire Norland Continent with his feet.

In the past, Mag didn't feel too much about the kidnappers' news, but he felt very different now. If Amy was kidnapped and taken away, he would also embark on a journey to search for her just like Angus. He would have to find her even if he had to search the entire Norland Continent.

Mag looked at Angus with respect in his eyes.

"I have been searching in Chaos City for over a month. Even though I didn't find any information, this is a good place, a very good place." Angus looked at the children playing in the square with a bittersweet smile. "See, how cute those children are. How much fun they're having. Even in Rodu, I seldom see so many children playing together."

"Yes. Chaos City is indeed a good place." Mag smiled and nodded. Then, he said to Angus, "What are you planning to do after this? Are you going to continue searching in Chaos City? Or you are going somewhere else?"

"Chaos City is too big. My brain is not as good, as I got older and I got confused. I don't know where I have searched and where I haven't after a month of searching." Angus shook his head, and helplessly said, "I have decided to go back to Roth Empire to search again. I'll be setting off shortly before the snow falls to one last place to have a look. When the snow falls, it will be time for me to go too."

Mag looked at Angus in silence. He had so many words of consolation for him, but he couldn't even voice one of them.

What right did he have to ask him to let it go when he had never experienced the pain himself before?

"Thank you, young man, for willing to spend time listening to this old man talking about all these useless things," Angus said to Mag with gratitude.

"I should be thanking you for teaching me how to be a father." Mag shook his head.

"Don't be a father like me." Angus quickly shook his head.

Mag got up with a smile, and said to Angus, "I have listened to your story, and now you have to eat a meal that I cooked before you can leave. Let's go, Old Mister. Come to my place and I'll give you a send-off."

"This will not do. How can a person like me go to your place? No, no." Angus pointed to his old and tattered jacket as he shook his head.

"I don't even bother to invite the king of Roth Empire to my place, so what does it have to do with how you dress?" Mag smiled as he picked up Angus's staff. "Let's go. It's just up ahead. Have a good meal before you depart. It will get colder in the north."

Angus looked at Mag's clear eyes and then smiled. He nodded. "Then, I shall accept deferentially rather than decline courteously, and go to your place for a meal with a thick skin."

"A skin that could exchange for a meal is a good skin." Mag smiled.

Angus followed suit and smiled.

Mag led Angus to Mamy Restaurant slowly. However, Angus halted when Mag pushed open the restaurant's door.

Mag turned, and said to Angus, "Come in, Old Mister."

"No, no. How can I go into such a clean and high-end restaurant? How are you going to welcome your customers if I dirty the place?" Angus shook his head continuously. He said to Mag, "Thank you, young man. I have already felt your sincerity, but I should get going."

"This is my restaurant. You are my only customer before it opens for business today. Speaking of it, I used to be a citizen of the Roth Empire too," Mag said smilingly.

Angus looked at Mag's sincere smile, and then at the restaurant that was so clean that it seemed to be glowing. He hesitated for a long time before he nodded and went closer. He looked around after he stepped in. He didn't go in further, and instead took a seat that was closest to the door. He sat on the edge and appeared to be very uncomfortable.

"Have some water first. I will cook for you now." Mag placed a glass of water in front of Angus, and then went to the kitchen.

"Boss, he is?" Firis looked at Angus strangely. It wasn't opening hours yet, so why was Mag specially cooking for a customer? Furthermore, judging from his clothes, he wasn't a customer that could afford a meal.

"He is an old man with a story. I want to offer him a meal." Mag was reminded of the result given by the Omniscient Door when Angus first stepped in. All those late-stage incurable diseases made him realize that Angus wasn't saying nonsense earlier. It would be really hard for him to survive the winter.

He didn't have a word of complaint even when he had lost all his fortunes and spent 25 years wandering around. He had alway been living in regret and guilt.

If he died without seeing his son who was lost for over 20 years, it would be an immense regret for Angus.

With regard to this issue, Mag, too, felt a sense of intense helplessness. After all, this was a child who was lost in Rodu 25 years ago. So many years had already passed, so how would he look now, and was he even alive? These were all unknowns.

Wait a second! How would he look now?! Mag's eyes lit up. He said in his heart, "System, are you able to draw a picture of how Angus's child would look like now based on the child's features when he was young?"

"This is not part of my proper duties, so this system normally will not do it," the system drawled.

"One picture, 10,000 copper coins." Mag said calmly.

"Dear Host, the system is very happy to be of service to you. This system has done systematic and comprehensive research on portrait drawing, and has an extremely deep understanding of human evolutionary development. If there is enough accurate information on physical characteristics, and with the collected DNA from the father, this system will be able to draw a picture that is far more accurate than any criminal portraitists." The system's humble yet confident voice sounded.

"Excellent. If he is found, you will receive a reward of one copper coin." Mag nodded with a smile. He already had a new idea now.

"This This is so good!" A row of words floated across silently.

Mag pursed his lips. The system's happiness was so cheap. Useless.

However, Mag still trusted the picture that the system produced.

He had watched the news on how portraitists helped to reunite long-lost relatives. With a picture, it would be much easier to look for a 30-year-man than depending on Angus's description of a five-year-old alone.

After all, 25 years had passed. Angus might not even recognize the child even if he stood right in front of him.

Furthermore, Mag had a platform like Mamy Restaurant.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 979 The First Experience Of Red Braised Pork

How could there be such a beautiful and exquisite restaurant in the world? Even back in Rodu, I haven't seen something like this before. Angus was appraising the restaurant with an impressed look. He had been rather well-off, so he had visited all of Rodu's famous restaurants. When it came to exquisiteness and beauty, none was comparable to this Mamy Restaurant.

Of course, diamonds and gold were not pretty in his eyes. They were simply shinier.

But the two impressive gigantic crystals in Mamy Restaurant had already surpassed all the gold and gemstones.

It must be expensive to dine in such a restaurant? But I Angus touched the only copper coin in his pocket and sighed in his heart. He felt very uncomfortable, as if he was sitting on needles. He could only continue to drink sips of water from the glass.

15 minutes later, Mag came out with a bowl of red braised pork and a bowl of rice, and placed them in front of Angus. He smilingly said, "This is red braised pork, the new product that the restaurant is releasing today. No customers had tried it yet. Old Mister, please help me with the tasting."

"It smells great!" Angus's eyes lit up. The strong aroma of meat that greeted him smelled better than any meat that he had eaten before.

He looked at the red braised pork in the black terracotta bowl. It had equal parts of fat and lean meat and looked shiny red. Even the skin looked bouncy and chewy, and it set his mouth watering.

"Meat Just from this delicious aroma, I know this is a rare delicacy. But my teeth are bad, they can't chew meat for many years now. I can appreciate your kind efforts, Boss." Angus sighed lightly with a little regret. It was a pity that he could only look at but not eat this scrumptious delicacy.

Mag smiled. "Don't jump to conclusions yet. This is a dish that is very friendly to the elderly. If you don't try it, how would you know?"

"Would I be able to chew it?" Surprise flashed through Angus's face when he heard that. He gazed at Mag and hesitated for a while before he used the chopsticks to pick up a piece of red braised pork.

The cube-shaped pork had distinct skin, lean meat, and fatty meat. A piece of meat that usually made people feel greasy now looked very tempting.

Angus held the meat close to his mouth and bit on the skin that was normally the most difficult to chew.


The usually chewy skin was easily bitten apart by his rotten teeth without any obstruction, and the fatty meat underneath the skin melted away in his mouth. He could chew slowly without any pressure.

The sweet and soft red braised pork was fatty but not greasy. A gentle bite let the sweet juice out from the meat. The scrumptious taste of the red braised pork was released perfectly at this moment.

The long-lost taste of meat made Angus's tastebuds cheer, and that delicious taste that he had never experienced before had him deeply mesmerized.

The scrumptious red braised pork accompanied with the soft white rice chased away the coldness of winter, and let him immerse in the delicious warmth.

It reminded him of some people. His dependable wife, his little son The few years that were the happiest time in his life were spent with them.

If that incident hadn't happened, all three of them would've still been in Rodu, leading a very blessed life.

A tear glided down Angus's old face slowly and fell onto the ground.

Angus put down his chopsticks and looked at the empty bowl in front of him. He said to Mag, "Thank you, Boss. This is the most delicious food I have ever eaten."

"Let me get you another bowl of rice." Mag smiled as he took the bowl to the kitchen. He quickly came back with another bowl of rice.

It seemed that this red braised pork had very good adaptability; even an old gentleman with bad teeth could easily eat two bowls of rice with. A successful experiment could be considered done.

After Angus finished his second bowl of rice, the bowl of red braised pork was finished too. Not even a drop of gravy was left behind.

"I have beer and meat. Let us have a drink together." Mag came out with a plate of beef kebabs and two big mugs of beer. He put one in front of Angus and one in front of himself.

"This I make you spend again," Angus said ashamedly, but his adam apple couldn't help but move when he stared at the beer's white foam and took in the aroma of the beer in the air.

He used to be a man who had to have a nightcap before he slept. However, in the later part when he had to travel further, he couldn't afford to buy liquor anymore. It was then that he quit drinking. He hadn't drunk a single drop of liquor for more than half a year. The last time he drank was from a broken can that had beer mixed with rain water.

Mag raised his mug and gestured. Angus lifted the mug carefully with his hands and gestured to Mag before taking a little sip from the mug.

The ice cold beer that flowed down his throat tasted more refreshing than the springs in the mountains. There was a light barley fragrance and an unique aroma.

It was similar to the barley beer, but this refreshing beer made one want to continue drinking more than the slightly bitter barley beer.

"Nice beer," Angus praised before taking another big sip. The little greasy feeling after eating the red braised pork had disappeared totally. Although it was a little chilly to drink cold beer in winter, it only felt more refreshing to an old liquor drinker.

Angus finished the big mug of beer shortly and burped.

Mag poured him another mug again before saying, "Actually, I'm also a portraitist, Old Mister. If you trust me, maybe you can tell me your child's features and I will draw you a picture of how he may look like now. Having a picture with you when you are searching will increase the success rate.

"Really?!" Angus looked at Mag with surprise.

"Yes." Mag nodded.

"My child" Angus began to get lost in his memories before he began to describe the physical characteristics of the child that was lost 25 years ago intermittently.

Mag followed the system's instructions and guided him along in his remembrance. He tried to

restore his actual appearance, and not the image that lived in Angus's imagination.

"There is a mole slightly toward the left in the center of his brow. There is a scar in the shape of a crescent on the back of his head. His name was Beck Barzel" Mag began to confirm the crucial information.

"Ding! Information collection completed!

"Ding! Gene sampling completed!

"Entering into the phrase of analyzing and painting. Based on the genetic mutation rate, the system will draw up three possible appearances and provide three directional views!"

The system's voice sounded in Mag's mind.

"Well done. I'll give you one copper coin as a reward," Mag said with satisfaction.

"It's this system's honor to serve you. This system would try its best to provide a better service for you!" The system's excited and fawning voice appeared again.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 980 I Have Found The Method To Find My Significant Other

Mag downed all of his beer before he stood up, and said, "Wait a second, let me go upstairs and draw it for you. You can go and enquire at the city lord's castle when you get the picture. They might be able to render you some help. I will also put up a few missing-person posters here. Chaos City has a population of one million, so maybe you can stay for a few more days."

"I have really bothered you. I don't even know how to thank you properly." Angus bowed deeply at Mag with red eyes.

"It is not a bother at all." Mag shook his head with a smile before he walked upstairs. He retrieved three stacks of pictures from his wardrobe. The system had sent them to the wrong place.

The pictures resembled color photos closely, but in order to look like they were drawn, they were oil paintings, actually. The man in the three pictures looked similar, but there were slight differences in the shape of his face and features. He looked rather handsome with the mole in the middle left of his brows and the crescent-shaped scar. He didn't look like everyone else.

Beside the frontal view, the system also drew out the left and right profile for each picture.

"He most likely didn't come to Mamy Restaurant before. I don't have an impression of him." Mag stared at those three pictures for a while and then shook his head. He asked in his heart, "System, out of these three pictures, which one has the highest probability to look the most like him now?"

"According to the comparison done by this system on 100 million copies of human genetic samples, the probability that he would turn out like the middle picture is 95%. The other two pictures were just supplementary," the system replied.

"This one, then." Mag threw the other two sets of pictures into the trash bin. He kept one picture in his apron pocket before he brought another one downstairs.

Angus had finished his second mug of beer, and he didn't touch most of the beef kebabs on the plate. He kept looking at the staircase with an anxious gaze.

"Did this grandpa lose his child? It's so sad." Anna looked at Angus with pity from the kitchen.

"Yes." Firis nodded too before she curiously said, "Boss only listened to how he described his child at the age of five. Could Boss really draw how he looks like now?"

Mag came down, and Angus stood up immediately.

"This could be how he looks like now." Mag passed the picture to Angus directly.

Angus received the picture with shaking hands. His tears began to fall after just taking one look.

The young man in the picture looked 70-80% like him when he was young. His eyes were exactly like the child in his memory. He could confirm that this was his child with just a single look.

"Thank you, thank you so much. This is my child. This really is my child." Angus bowed deeply at Mag. Words couldn't describe his gratitude.

"Uncle Mag really drew how that child looks like now! He's awesome!" Anna looked at Mag reverently.

"Yes, and he did it so fast. It only took him a moment to do it." Firis looked astonished too.

Mag reached out to help Angus up. He smilingly said, "Don't mention it. Take this picture and go ask the city lord's castle for help. They would provide you with a place to stay and some food for the time being. As for whether they will conduct a wide-spread search for you, I am not very sure about that. At the same time, I will put up a missing-person notice at my restaurant's entrance. I will also inform you immediately if I have any news."

"Thank you, thank you." Angus kept repeating this phrase to Mag.

"I wish every child who is forced to leave their home can find their way back home soon." Mag shook his head and smiled.

Angus managed to calm down after a while, and kept that picture carefully. He turned and saw that a long line was already forming out outside of the restaurant. He hastily said, "The customers are coming. I cannot affect Boss's business. I shall leave right now."

"You don't have to hurry. It's not time for business yet," Mag consoled him.

"I couldn't pay for this meal after eating such delicious food cooked by Boss. I am really ashamed" Angus looked at the empty bowl on the table with an apologetic look.

"No, you could." Mag shook his head, and smilingly said, "This meal cost a total of one copper coin."

Angus was a little stunned before he smiled. He reached in and took out two copper coins and placed them in Mag's hand. "One copper coin is for the meal, the other copper coin is to show my respect for the delicious food."

"Thank you. This is the best compliment I had today," Mag said smilingly as he kept both coins. Even though one copper coin was not much, no customer had ever used half of their fortune as a tip.

"I am Angus. How may I address you?" Angus asked Mag as he was sending him out at the door.

"You may call me Boss Mag like everyone," Mag said smilingly.

"Thank you, Boss Mag." Angus bowed again before leaving slowly.

"Why is a customer leaving after his meal when the restaurant is not open yet?"

"Boss Mag is sending him out personally. Could he be some big shot?"

The customers in the line were discussing curiously. This wasn't a common sight.

"There will be a release of a new dish this afternoonred braised pork." Mag didn't explain, but instead he told his customers about the new dish smilingly.

"Wow! You are too outstanding, Boss Mag! Another new dish!"

"Although I don't know what method of braising is red braise, it sounds very delicious!"

A commotion exploded amongst the customers. They were all excited beyond description.

Mag went in with a smile before he went upstairs to write the missing-person notice and stick on the picture. Then, he went down and pasted that missing-person notice at the door.

Although it was half an hour before the opening hours, there were already more than 100 people in the line. All of them were looking at Mag's actions curiously.

"Dear customers, I have a favor to ask from you all. This is a missing-person notice. An old man from Rodu had wandered around Norland Continent for 25 years in search of his child, who was kidnapped by human traffickers 25 years ago. He is now in Chaos City. This could be how the child looks like now. There is also some basic information about him. If anyone can provide crucial information or find him directly, this restaurant will provide one set: a luxurious buffet set meal for two! Every dish on Mamy Restaurant's menu will be free and unlimited. The two people shall utilize it together once," Mag said to the customers loudly.

There was a moment of silence outside Mamy Restaurant before a commotion burst out again.

"My heavens! Did I hear it correctly? Every dish will be free and unlimited! This is the ultimate super reward!"

"Including the tofu pudding? If it includes the tofu pudding, I will marry anyone who finds him and brings me along!" a pretty woman screamed.

"Alright, I have found the method to find my significant other."

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 981 The Judge Of The Meat Category

The new notice that Mag put up caused quite a commotion amongst the customers because the reward was simply too attractive!

All the items in Mamy Restaurant would be free flow and free of charge, including tofu pudding!

Almost all the customers going into the restaurant would take a look and try to remember the person in the picture. Even though they didn't know him, what if they met him on the road one day?

There were even people taking down crucial information with a notebook. They seemed to have the idea of setting up a search party.

Yabemiya and the gang also found out what Mag was doing during their lunch. They saw the customers reading the missing-person notice seriously, and all of them thought, Boss is really a kind man.

Mamy Restaurant seems to be very famous recently. I heard it has already overtaken Ducas Restaurant as Chaos City's top restaurant. But I wonder if it lives up to its reputation. After all, the roast pig that Beate made was rather impressive. The ranking of the meat dishes would have to follow according to their actual tastes. An elderly man with white hair looked at the signboard outside of Mamy Restaurant before he followed the crowd in.

Avis, who had left Chaos City for Rodu at the age of 16, became an apprentice chef at Reid Restaurant, and continued working there for 50 years before becoming a sous chef.

Reid Restaurant was in the top five restaurants in Rodu. It was very popular and had a great reputation.

The roast pig was the signature dish of Reid Restaurant, and was considered the best pork dish in Reid Restaurant.

Beate had been an apprentice in the Reid Restaurant for 10 years, and he was his mentor.

Beate later left Reid Restaurant. He returned to Chaos City and became the head chef of Ducas Restaurant. He made Ducas Restaurant the best restaurant in Chaos City with the roast pig.

Avis rather liked his disciple, Beate, who was quite talented. He was the one who gave him the advice to set up Ducas Restaurant then.

Rodu was a very hierarchical place. He had spent 50 years, and was the best chef of Reid Restaurant at roasting pig, but he could only be a sous chef at most.

Therefore, he didn't want to see Beate, who also hailed from Chaos City, waste his whole life there and never get to the position where he could be the one to make the final decisions.

He ended his career as a chef in Reid Restaurant using his health as an excuse a while back. He had also rejected the other restaurants' invitations with a high salary. He decided to return to Chaos City to enjoy his retirement as his children and their families were all living in Chaos City.

Robert had gone to invite him to be the judge for the meat dishes ranking. He only agreed after listening to Robert's ideals of reviving Chaos City's culinary scene.

Although Beate was his disciple, Avis didn't tell him about him being the judge. And in order not to affect his judgement, he had placed Ducas Restaurant as the last on his list.

The first restaurant he picked for that afternoon was Mamy Restaurant. He was a little surprised with its popularity. The line outside it was even longer than the one at Reid Restaurant.

However, the popularity wasn't going to affect his judgement, because he was only going to review the meat dishes. A restaurant only needed one scrumptious dish to be popular, for example, like the Reid Restaurant.

Actually, there was another reason that Avis had agreed to Robert's invitation and that was the boss of this restaurantMr Mag.

As the sous chef of Reid Restaurant, he had naturally been present at the birthday banquet of the King of the Roth Empire.

Reid's roast pig had taken the title of the best dish of the court banquet thrice. He was in charge of the roasting twice out of the three times they won. Hence, he had only viewed Chef Bellmann as his competitor for the court banquet's best dish.

But nobody had expected that the court banquet's best dish would be won by an unknown young chef. The king hadn't even tasted the roast pig coming after.

That was the trigger that caused him to leave Reid. This was a huge setback to him. Yet, he was also very curious when Chaos City had such an impressive young chef like him. It made him want to go back to have a look.

Avis glanced at the missing-person notice at the door when he entered. Helping a vagrant to look for his long-lost son? This gave him a different perception of this young chef.

As he was early, there were still seats available when he followed the crowd into the restaurant.

He sat down and began to appraise the restaurant.

Compared to the four-stories-tall Reid Restaurant, this Mamy Restaurant was not big at all. In fact, it wasn't even as big as a single story of Reid.

But the restaurant's decoration made a person feel very comfortable. The original wooden tables and chairs even had the same markings when he observed closer. There were nice green plants hanging on the carved railings which made one feel warm in this early winter.

The murals on the walls were rather elegant as they portrayed the different species very intricately.

What made Avis even more astonished was that the restaurant not only didn't segregate the zones, it didn't even segregate the tables. Demons and elves were sitting at the same table. Orcs and humans were sitting side by side. Even in Chaos City, such scenes were not usual.

It seems like this Boss really has something up his sleeves, Avis thought. Then, he flipped open the menu on the table, and the descriptions with pictures made his eyes widen. He was surprised at the same time.

The cheapest snack on the menu cost 200 copper coins. The Peking Duck even cost 2000 copper coins a helping. The roast pig in Reid Restaurant only cost 5000 copper coins, and that was meant for six people.

Furthermore, Reid Restaurant was a 100-year-old enterprise. How could this six-month-old restaurant compare to it?

The spicy grilled fish got the best dish award at the court banquet, but this dish should be considered under the seafood category. There were also the braised chicken and rice and pepper steak at the court banquet. The braised chicken and rice has soup in it, I wonder if it is listed under the soup category. In this case, today I shall try the pepper steak, beef kebabs, Peking Duck Avis looked at the dish that was marked with the red words "new item" under the meat category. He mumbled, "Why don't I try this red braised pork first? Creation of a new item is the ultimate test of a chef's capabilities."

"May I take your order?" Yabemiya asked with a smile when she came to Avis's table.

Avis wasn't in a hurry to order, and instead he asked Yabemiya, "May I ask what kind of pork is this red braised pork made of?"

"This red braised pork dish is made with the meat of the Fiery Pig," Yabemiya answered smilingly.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 982 A Huge Mountain Between

"Fiery Pig? That's a 5th-tier magic beast! And it's only found on the Red Dragon Island and nowhere else!"

"Oh my! If I remember correctly, the red dragons love to eat Fiery Pig, right? How does Boss Mag do it?"

"Those giant dragons who came to make trouble and were crushed were red dragons, right?"

The customers suddenly lost their cool after they heard Yabemiya.

Surprise also appeared on Avis's face. This red braised pork, which was priced at 800 copper coins, actually used a 5th-tier magic beast as the main ingredient. Even the roast pig at Reid Restaurant only used the domesticated 1st-tier black mountain pig. For them to use the 5th-tier magic beast, a VIP customer would have to make a reservation before they would purchase and cook it.

"Pork Then, I shall have a helping of red braised pork and a helping of pepper steak. Please serve them in the reverse order." Avis closed the menu. This review was going to be done anonymously. If he ordered too much and wasn't able to finish, it would be very obvious.

Besides, he already estimated that he wouldn't be able to finish these two dishes.

"Sure, please wait for a moment." Yabemiya nodded and proceeded to the next customer.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Avis was also observing the restaurant. This Mamy Restaurant, which was capable of accommodating over 100 people of different species, was extraordinarily quiet when compared to normal restaurants.

Even the dwarves and orcs, who were famous for their loud voices, were also speaking gently in the restaurant. That was quite a sight.

Dishes and dishes were sent out of the kitchen. Avis gazed toward the kitchen. Although separation was done for the kitchen, it wasn't complete. Instead, it was separated by a huge crystal wall. The customers outside could see all the actions going on in the kitchen.

This was something Avis had never seen before. To a chef, his culinary skills were his life. They even would keep some of their skills from their disciples so nobody would know all of their culinary skills.

However, Mag had opened up his kitchen, which meant showing the entire cooking process to his customers.

He was so confident. Wasn't he afraid that people could steal his techniques? Avis thought curiously, and couldn't help staring at Mag's back.

Three stoves, a grill, a big pot, two ovens He was just like a spinning top that kept moving in between the kitchenware. He was flipping the fried rice on the stove, the beef kebabs were sizzling on the grill, the baked fish was slowly turning golden brown in the oven. Everything seemed so smooth, and there wasn't any hint of busyness.

This is an expert. Avis stared for a long time before he praised Mag in his heart.

He was a chef, so he understood how important focus was to a chef.

In the back kitchen of Reid Restaurant, there were over 100 chefs and apprentices who all had their specific jobs so they could serve the food to 1000 customers.

But over here, Mag had to prepare food for 300-400 customers alone. That was simply unbelievable!

He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it for himself.

But will the food cooked in this manner be delicious? Avis had some doubts in his heart. Everything has its pros and cons. Something must be given up when they choose to speed up. That's for sure.

"Your red braised pork. Please enjoy it." Yabemiya placed a helping of red braised pork and a bowl of rice in front of Avis.

"This aroma!" Avis, who was staring at Mag, snapped his attention back. He looked at the red braised pork in front of him in disbelief. This rich aroma was even more impactful than the roast pig he made.

The block of meat with layers of fat and lean meat was shiny red. It didn't look greasy at all. Instead, it looked very enticing.

The white pork meat usually seems unappetizing, especially the fatty part and the skin which look very greasy, but he has used spices and seasonings to make the pork's color look enticing. This is similar to roast pig, but the roast pig's color isn't as good as this. Color: five stars!

I wonder what spices did he use to cook this? It actually made the pork give off such enticing aroma that even surpassed the roast pig. Aroma: five stars!

The color and aroma are both excellent. I wonder what it tastes like? Avis thought before he picked a piece of red braised pork and put it in his mouth.

After biting gently with his teeth, Avis's eyes lit up instantly.

The skin and fatty meat were definitely the main focus here. The soft and chewy skin was just of the right texture, and the fatty meat melted away with just a gentle bite. The sweet and soft taste was simply indescribable, and it made Avis raise his eyebrows.

Also, the lean meat was the perfect complement. It was lean but not dry at all.

This mouthful was fatty but not greasy, sweet but not sticky, and rich but not salty. It was simply a delicacy out of this world!

After swallowing that piece of red braised pork, Avis only felt that his taste buds were still cheering for it. The long-lost satisfaction and anticipation made him amazed.

He had once believed that he had already reached the pinnacle of cooking pork. Even if there were better chefs than him, they could never surpass him at cooking pork. Nobody could make a tastier roast pig than him.

But now, after tasting this red braised pork, his thinking was totally subverted.

He had never heard anyone could cook pork like this!

Although it was not roasted, the red braised pork had exceeded his expectations and imagination in the aspects of spice configurations, cooking techniques, and innovation. It blew him away.

Even though his pride after roasting pigs for 50 years made him unwilling to accept his failure, as a true chef, he chose to follow his heart.

The taste and texture are equally great! Five stars! Avis thought as he stared at the bowl of red braised pork in front of him. Then he looked at Mag, who was working hard in the kitchen, and a deep sense of respect began to rise in his heart.

He was just one person doing everything by himself and cooking for so many customers, yet he produced such an amazing delicacy. Furthermore, this was just a new released item and a completely innovative pork cooking method.

A chef like him deserved to receive the court banquet's best award. Truly deserving!

Avis ate a mouthful of rice. The soft and fluffy rice covered over the tiny bit of greasiness in the red braised pork, and made it even more scrumptious. A mouthful of red braised pork with a mouthful of rice It was simply impossible to stop.

The distance between Beate and him is a huge mountain. One that even I can't overcome. 10 minutes later, Avis stared at the empty bowls in front and sighed in his heart.


A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 983 I Won't Be Able To Repay All Of Your Kindness In This Life

This red braised pork is simply too delicious. I've got to control myself. I had already put on 1.5 kg this month, so if I continue to put on weight, I'll be 50 kg. A teenage girl stared at the three pieces of red braised pork and her empty rice bowl and hesitated for a long time. Finally, she raised her hand. "Give me another bowl of rice. please."

"This has totally subverted all I thought about pork, even the roast pig at Ducas Restaurant didn't bring me such a surprise. It's fat but not greasy. It's a fragrant, sweet, and tender soft delicacy. It's simply too scrumptious!" A middle-aged man sighed as he put down the bowl that he licked clean.

Avis listened to the customers' praises. If he'd been at another restaurant, he would've thought they were people engaged by the boss, but after tasting that delicious red braised pork, he only felt that their reviews were too superficial and lacked actual power.

Red braised pork, it's divine!

Soon, the black pepper steak was served. Avis, who was still submerged in the scrumptiousness of the red braised pork, soon fell into the delicious trap of the black pepper steak.

As Avis looked at the signboard after exiting Mamy Restaurant, he emotionally said, "He's indeed the chef who received the court banquet's best dish award. He really got what it takes."

Then he turned and left. That was all that afternoon. He was already stuffed.

The golden opinions that the customers heaped on red braised pork made Mag feel successful. He felt that all the suffering he had gone through in the test field for the God of Cookery was worth it.

Bringing the best delicacies to the customers was also a thing that made one feel blessed.

After the lunch service, Mag wrote two more missing-person notices by hand, and then proceeded to the Food Association and the city lord's castle.

Very soon, the missing-person notices appeared on the notice boards of the city lord's castle and Delicious Cuisine Rankings.

The notice board at the city lord's castle was a column that the people of Chaos City paid a lot of attention to on the normal days. With Aden Square being the shopping district with the highest foot traffic in Chaos City, the magic notice board that stood in the middle of the square naturally gained plenty of attention.

For that period of time, this missing-person notice became a hotly discussed topic in the streets of Chaos City. Those who were not familiar with Mamy Restaurant lamented the father's determination even after 25 years. They spread the news as they were touched.

A city-wide search exercise began to proceed quietly, driven by three missing-person notices.

It was getting late at night.

An unknown blacksmith in a small lane at the north of the city still had a dim oil lamp lit.

A hunchbacked old blacksmith removed his dirty apron and put a padded jacket he took from the side. He rubbed his hands and shouted into the shop, "Hada, let's wrap up. Master is bringing you out for a drink. We need a nightcap on such a cold night."

"Okay," a hoarse voice answered from inside. After a series of banging sounds, a fit and muscular young man emerged from the blacksmith shop. He'd look like a perfectly positive and handsome young man if not for the two missing fingers on his left hand and crippled right calf. He still looked positive as he smiled at the old blacksmith even when he had a few streaks of charcoal on his face.

"Let's go, Master. It's cold today, you got to wear more." The young man called Hada wrapped the old blacksmith up with his own clothes. He was only wearing a thin shirt.

The old blacksmith walked slowly as he calmly said, "I don't feel warmer even when I wear more clothes. I most likely won't get through this winter. Guard this shop after I'm gone. This shop is all I have in my life. I will rest assured passing it to you."

"Master" Hada followed up chokingly. Although he was crippled, it didn't show in his gait. His right leg quickly followed as he put his left leg forward. If one didn't look closely, he looked just like normal people.

"Silly boy, don't be sad. All humans will die. The king of the Roth Empire may not even live to my age. Am I proud?" the old blacksmith said with a smile.

"Master, it was you who rescued me from the streets, fed me, and taught me to be a blacksmith. You have to live for a few more years so I can pay you back" Hada said chokingly.

"It was your own good luck to be able to escape from that place then. I happened to see you lying by my doorstep. It was so cold, and I couldn't bear to see a young child like you freezing to death, so I brought you home. I don't have any children, and you have kept me company for all these years. You have saved me by getting a doctor to me a few times. You don't have to feel that you owe me anything," the old blacksmith said, waving his hand.

Hada shook his head with tears in his eyes, and said, "You taught me how to be a human, gave me a new life. Those people broke my leg and chopped off my fingers. If you hadn't taught me how to make a living, I would've still been begging at some corner. Therefore, I do owe you, Master, and I won't be able to repay all of your kindness in this life."

The old blacksmith halted, but he didn't turn his head when he said, "Silly boy. After I'm gone, throw out whatever should be thrown out in the house. Pack up nicely and marry the tailor's Rachel and have a few kids. She's a nice girl. That's all I expect from you."

Hada's mouth trembled. Finally, he nodded, and said, "Okay."

"Alright, let's not talk about this. Let us have a drink." The old blacksmith continued onward. At the start of the lane, there was an open-air stall which still had its lights on. Steam came out from the pot, and one could smell the aroma of mutton soup from a distance away.

After the Blue Suede Fashion released its windbreaker, it took Chaos City by storm. Hundreds of windbreakers sold out in a day. It created a trend of wearing windbreakers in the aristocratic circle.

And Blue Suede had also become the clothing store that was the most discussed among the ladies.

Clothing store. What an unusual name.

In the past, the rich people's clothes had to be custom-made to measure. In their eyes, only the poor would wear those poorly made and even unfitting clothes.

But now, in order to snap up a piece of Blue Suede's clothing, the noble ladies and the wealthy girls didn't care whether the size fitted them anymore. They wouldn't mind altering it themselves after they bought it.

The clothes manufacturing factory of Blue Suede Fashion was separated from the shop totally. The factory located to the east of the city had already had its tailors and apprentices enter into a two-shifts system because of the high order demands.

As the wages were two times higher than what they could earn custom-making clothes for others, and they didn't have to fawn over customers, do repeated alterations, and worry about orders, but simply follow the drawing and do their jobs to get a rewarding salary, all the tailors were highly motivated.

Benjamin used to be an old tailor from the north of the city. He couldn't earn much being a tailor to the poor.

A while ago, an old friend recommended him to try at Blue Suede. Because of his good skills, he was selected, and he brought his daughter along to this factory.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 984 Hada Your Father Is Here Searching For You

The boss of this factory was a good person. Not only was she pretty, she was also generous. After verifying his skills, she gave him the same pay as the rest of the tailors: 10,000 copper coins per month.

Even his daughter, Rachel, was able to get 3,000 copper coins as her pay. He hadn't dared to expect that initially.

Furthermore, the work wasn't very tiring. Although it was a two-shift system, there was plenty of resting time every day, and meals were providedthey were even better than those they had for their New Year celebration.

He had already decided to work here until he couldn't move anymore so he could prepare a nice dowry for Rachel and marry her off to a nice family.

The master tailors were in charge of the main cloth making procedures, and the female workers were responsible for sewing the corners and removing excess threads in the adjacent workshop in a more relaxed environment.

A female worker finished her job, and while waiting for new excess threads to be removed, she softly whispered, "Have you heard? There's a restaurant boss from a restaurant called Mamy Restaurant who put up a missing-person notice today. The city lord's castle and Food Association forwarded it too."

The female workers who weren't very busy looked at her curiously. Only a pretty female worker who was sewing the corners in a corner remained unmoved.

"Really? That's impressive! Who is that boss?" A female worker at the side couldn't quite believe it. The other female workers had almost similar expressions.

"Of course, it's true. I couldn't sleep this afternoon, so I went for a walk in Aden Square. I saw it with my own eyes." The female worker swore before she mysteriously continued, "By the way, do you know that restaurant is really impressive? The cheapest item on the menu there already costs 200 copper coins. The most expensive item even costs 2000 copper coins. If anyone finds this person, he or she can bring one person along with him or her to eat anything they like on the menu for free!"

"My heavens! 2000 copper coins for a helping of food! That's too expensive? Are there really people who can afford it?" a female worker exclaimed.

"Yes. I can only afford one helping with one month of my pay" All the female workers were astonished.

"Even though we can't afford it, I deliberately went to have a look at the restaurant's entrance. There was a long line of more than 100 people." That female worker was satisfied that the others looked so shocked. Then, she smiled mysteriously, and said, "Furthermore, can you all guess whom I saw?"

"Whom?" All the female workers' interest was piqued.

"I saw our boss, Miss Gloria. She, too, was lining up." The female worker smiled.

"The delicacies that even Miss Gloria has to line up to eat? Now I believe that it costs 2000 copper coins for a helping."

"Yes. Even someone as beautiful, graceful, and rich like Miss Gloria, huh. I wish I can go to that restaurant for a meal too."

All the female workers looked wistful. The 2000 copper coins' price made it impossible for them. They needed to support their family with 2000-3000 of monthly pay, so they couldn't spend it carelessly.

"Cynthia, share with us quickly. What kind of person is he looking for? Maybe it's someone we know! If we find him, we will be able to eat the same kind of food as Miss Gloria!" a female worker said excitedly.

All the workers looked toward that worker called Cynthia.

"I did memorize that," Cynthia said a little smugly. "The missing-person notice said, an old man from Rodu was looking for his son who was lost 25 years ago. That child was called Beck Barzel. He had a black mole in between the middle-left of his eyes and a crescent-shaped scar at the back of his head"

"Ah." The female worker, who was embroidering the clothes in the corner, jerked, and the needle pricked her fingers. The pain made her cry out. Her eyes were widened as if she heard something unbelievable.

"Are you alright, Rachel?" Cynthia stood up and walked over to that pretty worker. She saw that her finger was still bleeding, so she rapidly removed her finger away from the clothes, and nervously said, "Why are you careless, Rachel? This is not a serious cut, but our pay will be docked if we dirty the clothes."

Rachel didn't care about her finger. She stood up immediately and grabbed Cynthia's hands agitatedly. "Cynthia, you said that old man came from Rodu? The child was lost for 25 years, and he had a black mole in between his eyebrows?"

"Y-yes." Cynthia nodded perplexedly. She looked at the agitated Rachel, and suddenly her eyes lit up. "Oh my! Rachel, do you know that person?"

Rachel didn't answer her. Instead, she asked, "Where can I see that missing-person notice?"

"You can see it at the city lord's castle gates and the Food Association's magical screen on ranking in Aden Square," Cynthia replied. She then curiously asked, "Do you really know a person like this? Who is it?"

"I am going out for a while." Rachel put the clothes aside and jogged to the entrance.

"Hey, Rachel, it's still operation hours! Where are you going?" Cynthia shouted loudly, and watched Rachel disappear out of the door. She dejectedly said, "What's this? Still saying we're good sisters? She just ran away without saying a word. I'm only curious. What's so great about that meal?"

"Rachel?" Benjamin, who was in the next workshop, heard Cynthia's voice. He was stunned for a minute before he walked toward the door. He stepped outside just in time to see Rachel's back disappear at the end of the lane.

Benjamin frowned as he thought, This lass, where is she going so late in the night? He returned to the workshop again and continued sewing the clothes.

Rachel was always an obedient child since she was young. She had never made him worry before. She would definitely come back later.

A dainty figure ran all the way from the streets at the north of the city to Aden Square. She stood below the magical screen and panted as she raised her head to look at the missing-person notice on it. There, she saw that picture with familiar eyes and features.

Rachel teared up immediately. She cried as she chokingly said, "Hada Your father is here, looking for you Barzel, so Barzel was your surname. You remembered correctly

"I have to tell him this news. He will be so happy." Rachel wiped away her tears, then turned, and ran toward the north of the city.

Her clothes were soaked with her sweat. It was bone-chilling when the cold wind blew, but Rachel was full of smiles.

The little cripple who grew up with her, took a beating for her, and strove for her. The man she loved deeply. His father was finally here to look for him.

It had been so many years. Although he had never said it, she knew he would still miss home. That home which he couldn't even remember very well.

"Hada! Hada! Open the door now, Hada!"

Rachel knocked hard on a door that was rather old.

The door creaked open, and Hada came out. He looked at the sweaty Rachel nervously. "What's up, Rachel? Something happened? Are you alright?"

"Silly man, I'm fine." Rachel shook her head. She said to Hada with tears in her eyes, "Hada, your father is here, searching for you! He's really here!"

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 985 Be Like A Man. Don't Be Wishy Washy

Hada, who was about to put the padded jacket that he was wearing onto Rachel's shoulders, froze on the spot. He looked at the teary-eyed Rachel, and hoarsely asked, "W-what did you say, Rachel?"

"I said your father's here looking for you, Silly. I saw the missing-person notice that he put up. The man in the picture drawn was you. He really came to look for you," Rachel said smilingly as she wiped her tears away.

Hada shook his head and took a step back. He confusedly said, "H-how could this be? It's been so many years, how could he still be looking for me? You must have seen wrongly. It couldn't be me"

"How could I have seen wrongly? The missing-person notice said there was a black mole near the left eyebrow and a crescent-shaped scar at the back of the head. You have all of these." Rachel grabbed Hada's hands, looking into his eyes, and said, "Furthermore, he came from Rodu and the child was lost 25 years ago. Didn't you say you remembered your home was in Rodu? Barzel is your surname. You remembered correctly. Your name is Beck Barzel. He really is your father, and he's looking for you."

Hada's eyes widened and his body started to shake uncontrollably. Veins on his forehead began to pop up too.

"Hada? Hada, are you alright?" Rachel looked at Hada and backed off a step in fear. Hada now looked a little scary, and wasn't the silly guy who laughed at her in her memory.

"No He is not my father! My father is long dead! I don't have a father, and I didn't come from Rodu. I am not called Beck Barzel I am Hada. I only have Master no father!!" Hada shouted angrily and grasped his hair with a twisted expression.

"Hada" Rachel stared at Hada. Suddenly, she rushed forward and held Hada tightly. Tears flowed down her faces and she began to sob.

Hada heard Rachel's crying, and he calmed down gradually. He looked at Rachel, who was crying in his arms and soaking his clothes with her tears, and felt all his strength had left his body. He slumped to the floor and sobbed with an empty look in his eyes. "Why, why is he only looking for me now? Why did he only think of looking for me after 25 years If he had come to look for me earlier, my fingers wouldn't have gotten chopped off by them, my leg wouldn't have been broken, either. If he had come to look for me earlier, I wouldn't have been a cripple, and I would've been able to ask your father for your hand properly W-why now"

Rachel hugged Hada, who was crying like a child, tightly. She, too, was crying nonstop. She only held his face in her hands after he had calmed down. Looking into his eyes, she said, "Silly man, I don't care how you look. As long as you ask my father for my hand, I will marry you. I don't need his approval."

Hada looked at Rachel with tears in his eyes. He hugged Rachel tightly in his arms, and said with a choked voice, "Sorry, Rachel, sorry. I need to take care of Master now. He gave me a second lease of my life. I should stay with him"

"It's alright. If you really don't want to meet him, then don't. I respect your choice." Rachel shook her head. She could feel his pain and desperation just now. If their roles were reversed, she, too, might not know how to face that father.

The old blacksmith suddenly appeared at the doorway with his padded jacket slung over his shoulders, and said to Hada in a deep voice, "Why don't you meet him? At our age, if we don't get to see our biological son before we die, we definitely cannot die in peace."

Hada looked at the old blacksmith. "Master, I"

"Hada, I know you are filial, but he is still your father. Furthermore, how did you know he hadn't gone looking for you for the past 25 years? Norland Continent is huge, and he is only an ordinary person. How would he know that the human traffickers brought you to Chaos City?" the old blacksmith interrupted Hada. "Why don't you meet him and ask him personally?"

Hada's expression became a little hesitant.

"Go and see him tomorrow. Even if you have found your father, I am still your master. If you are still willing to take over this blacksmith shop, it is still yours. You're still responsible for burying me after I die." The old blacksmith waved his hand. After taking a look at Rachel with a smile, he said, "Be like a man. Don't be wishy-washy." Then, he went in.

Hada remained seated in a daze.

"Hada, are you willing to meet him?" Rachel asked softly.

Hada's eyes became focused again. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded. "Yes, I'll go."

"Good, then I will go with you tomorrow." Rachel smiled, and then she sneezed uncontrollably.

"You have sweated quite a bit. You are going to catch a chill when the wind blows. I'll send you home first." Hada quickly covered Rachel with his padded jacket. Then he stood up and walked toward a small courtyard hugging Rachel in his arms.

"I'm fine. It's just a sneeze. I just need a change of clothes and sleep." Rachel shook her head and smiled.

Hada shook his head and insisted, "No. I will make you some ginger soup. Drink that before you sleep."

"Today, my my father is working the night shift, so he's not home"

"That's great. I can send you into the house, then I'll go home to cook the ginger soup for you."


"You are really a blockhead." The old blacksmith sighed after he saw Hada came back with an empty bowl.

The missing-person notice had gained some traction after a day, and attracted quite a bit of attention in Chaos City. Mag had never imagined that this one kind act had unintentionally advertised Mamy Restaurant to the entire city. It made the customers lining up for breakfast double in number.

Hence, Mag had to magnify the menu, make it into a stand, and put it at the entrance directly so those people who were simply curious would go away by themselves.

The pricing on the menu had a very strong filter effect.

Of course, this had also made the missing-person notice even more talked about.

An unlimited buffet for two would at least cost 10,000 copper coins, right? That was quite an enticement.

Benjamin walked to his small courtyard quickly after he finished his nightshift. He mumbled to himself, "This lass, Rachel, didn't come back for the whole night. Did she go home first because she was not feeling well?"

The door opened from inside just as he was about to open it.

"Father!" Rachel was stunned after she saw Benjamin at the door. Then, she walked past him and jogged out. "I am going out for a while."

"This lass!" Benjamin looked at Rachel, who disappeared down the corner of the lane. He stomped his foot, and then went into his courtyard.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 986 It's Him It's Him It Has To Be Him

Rachel poked her head out to look at her closed courtyard's door before walking over the other courtyard gingerly, and knocked on the door. "We should set off now, Hada!"

The door opened rapidly. Hada, who was wearing a padded jacket, stood at the door. He looked at Rachel as he scratched his head, and said, "Rachel, what do you think of me dressing like this?"

"It looks good." Rachel smiled and nodded. Then, she put a straw hat on Hada's head. After taking a quick look at him, she took his hand, and said, "Let's go. Let's set off now."

"But, why am I wearing this straw hat?" Hada followed her out and pointed at the straw hat perplexedly.

"This hat is going to be very helpful." Rachel smiled, but she wasn't planning to tell Hada why.

"Alright." Hada didn't continue to ask. His smile grew wider as he looked at his hand in Rachel's. However, he quickly hesitantly said, "But, what should I say when I see him later?"

"You have never thought about what to say to him when you see him before?" Rachel asked Hada.

"No." Hada shook his head. "Once, they hit me on my head with a wooden club, and I forgot many things about my childhood after that. I even forgot what he looked like. I only remember the name Barzel."

Rachel squeezed Hada's hand tight as her heart ached for him. She shook her head, and said, "It's alright. You will know what to say when you see him."

In front of the magical screen in the center of Aden Square, Angus looked at the missing-person notice on the screen in a daze.

If he hadn't met Mag, he most probably would not have known how Beck looked like as a grown-up, and could've never put up such an attention catching missing-person notice in the busiest location in Chaos City.

There were so many people in Chaos City, so maybe Beck was right here. Or he could be in a town in the Roth Empire.

He didn't know, but he was still waiting hopefully.

He had made it through 25 years. He could wait for another few more days.

But, for the past 25 years, he had never felt the warmth and concern that he had felt in the past two days. Be it Mag, who was willing to help him despite that they had only just met, or the city lord's castle which provided him with food and lodging, they provided the concern that he had never felt in 25 years.

I shall go and have a look at Mamy Restaurant. I wonder if Beck would be found Angus leaned on his staff and walked toward Mamy Restaurant.

No long after, a young couple came to the magical screen.

Rachel pointed at the magical screen, and whispered, "See, Hada. Doesn't he look exactly like you."

Hada, who raised his head, was totally stunned. The picture on the screen looked exactly like him. His eyes became moist as he read the descriptions.

It had been 25 years. He had long forgotten how his father looked, but he still remembered how he looked when he was young.

"Let's go to that restaurant." Rachel held onto Hada's hand tightly and led him toward Mamy Restaurant.

Hada was quiet on the way there.

Mag came back after sending Amy to school. He met Angus at the door, so he stopped and greeted him. "Angus, have you eaten your breakfast?"

"Yes. I have eaten my breakfast at the relief station." Angus smiled and nodded. He looked at Mag expectantly and nervously at the same time. "Boss Mag. Beck, he Is there news about him?"

"So, he is that old man? He's such a poor thing. He must have suffered a lot all these years as he searched for his child."

"He had walked all over the Roth Empire on his legs. Only a father's love could have kept him going."

"Damn those human traffickers. They should all be arrested and jailed in Bastie Prison for the rest of their lives!"

The customers in the line were looking at Angus, who was talking to Mag, with pity and indignation.

A short distance away, Hada, who was wearing the straw hat, stared at the rickety old man as his body trembled. Those lost memories flashed through his mind like fragments.

He'd been a tall, well-built, and wealthy-looking middle-aged man. That image slowly merged with that rickety old man with white hair and dressed in tattered clothes a short distance away.


A hoarse voice came out from Hada's throat as the straw hat was blown away by a gust of wind and revealed his face.

Angus's whole body shook. His eyes widened as he slowly turned away to look at the young man, who stood a short distance away, in a total shock.

Mag, who was still thinking about how to console Angus, also looked over as he heard the sound. His eyes lit up as he saw that man who looked exactly like what the system had drawn. The mole near the left eyebrow was especially obvious.

"It's that man in the picture!"

"It's him! It's him! It has to be him! He's exactly identical!"

"My heavens! Is this the reunion of the father and son?"

A commotion broke out amongst the customers in the line as they watched this scene in disbelief.

"My son!" Angus suddenly regained his wits and quickly stode toward Hada shakily.

Hada also limped forward, and then he hugged Angus tightly.

"My son My son" Angus hugged Hada and repeated those two words again and again with tears.

Hada, too, was crying as he hugged Angus who was already a head shorter than him.

The tall and strong father in his memory had become so weak and small now. He didn't seem to have much flesh on his body. He felt like he was hugging a skeleton that could easily fall apart anytime. It made him feel sad and self-reproachful.

He'd actually been searching for him all these years. He suffered as much as he had on the road for the past 25 years, and yet he had alway blamed him.

The customers quieted down gradually as they looked at Hada's broken right leg and left hand with two missing fingers with pity.

This issue seemed to have a happy ending, but the child that the human traffickers had kidnapped had to have endured unimaginable pain and suffering, and nobody knew how he had survived all these years. Even after finding his father, how was he going to face his future life with a physical handicap?

"Your hand Your leg" Angus noticed Hada's leg and hand rapidly. He touched the scars that were healed long ago, and said with self-reproach, "These are all my fault. It's my fault. If I had watched after you properly, you wouldn't have been kidnapped by them. Your hand and leg It's my fault My fault"

"No, Father, this is not on you." Hada grabbed Angus's hands as he attempted to slap himself. Shaking his head, he said, "It's on those human traffickers. They were the hateful ones. Furthermore, I can live normally now. You don't have to blame yourself."

Angus looked at Hada. Even though the padded jacket that he was wearing was well-worn, it was very clean. Although his leg was crippled, he was still a strapping man. His arms were almost two times thicker than normal people's. It almost made people forget about his handicap.

"Nice to meet you, I am one of Mamy Restaurant's customers. I feel very sorry for what happened to you guys. This is a small token, and I hope that you two can have a better life in the future." Constantine came up to the two of them from the line and gave them a cheque from Buffett Bank with both his hands.

Hada looked at Constantine with gratitude, but he shook his head, and said, "Thank you for your kind intentions, but I will take care and provide for my father myself. I have arms and legs, so I can work to provide for him."

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 987 The Father And Son Reunion

Constantine looked at the determined Hada, and hesitated for a moment before he kept the cheque away. Instead, he extended a name card out, and said, "Alright, if you ever need anything, you may come and look for me. I can provide a suitable job for you."

Hada looked at the name card that Constantine was holding. After a moment of hesitation, he finally took it, and said, "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Constantine rejoined the line and glanced toward the restaurant. He saw that beautiful figure behind the glass panes and smiled. Miss Shirley must have noticed my generosity and kindness, right? This is quite a good start.

Shirley looked at Constantine and pursed her lips with disdain as she said, "Oh my, he's showing off just because he's rich. He doesn't care if it is appropriate."

"Yes." Anna, who was standing next to her, agreed wholeheartedly and nodded. Then, she looked at Angus and Hada with a smile, and said, "However, the grandpa has managed to find his child. That's fantastic!"

Yabemiya nodded with tears in her eyes, and said, "Yes. Boss is so kind-hearted and loving." She could empathize with Hada's current feelings very strongly. But when would her father come and look for her? What did he look like?

Could Boss draw a picture of my father too? Yabemiya looked at Mag, and a thought flashed through her mind and consumed her.

She had alway been waiting for her father to come and look for her. Why couldn't she go and look for him instead? 18 years had passed; was he searching for her too?

I will ask Boss once the service is over, Yabemiya thought.

Mag watched the reunited father and son with a smile on his face. However, as he looked at Hada's missing fingers and crooked right leg, he felt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart. Damn human traffickers!

Angus and Hada embraced each other for a while before Angus brought Hada over to Mag and said with gratitude, "Thank you, Mr Mag. Thank you for reuniting my son and I."

"Thank you." Hada bowed deeply at Mag too. If Mag had not made this missing-person notice, they wouldn't have seen each other in this vast world again.

It was only when he met his father that he finally realized he had always wanted to see his family again, even after all these years. He had never expected to meet his father again in Chaos City which was thousands of miles away from their home.

"Don't mention it." Mag helped them up with a smile. "It was nothing difficult. I am also very happy that you two can see each other again."

"Rachel." Hada turned and waved to Rachel, who was standing at a side quietly. He shyly said to Angus, "It's Rachel who told me about the missing-person notice. And it's her who brought me here. She is the woman I like."

Angus looked at Rachel, who was about 20 years old and looked fair, and smiled brightly.

"How do you do, Uncle." Rachel stepped forward. She was holding onto the edge of her shirt nervously with a blush on her face.

"Good Good." Angus nodded with satisfaction in his eyes.

Mag got the buffet coupon from Yabemiya, who already prepared it in advance, and passed to Rachel with a smile. "It is a good thing that the father can reunite with his son. This young lady had brought Beck to the restaurant, so this buffet coupon for two belongs to you. You can bring one person along with you to have a meal in Mamy Restaurant during any of its opening hours."

"Wow! That is fantastic!"

Everyone was staring at the buffet coupon in Mag's hand with wide-open eyes. To the foodies, this was equivalent to an admission ticket to the heavens!

Rachel looked at the coupon in Mag's hand and hesitated for a moment before accepting it. She said, "Can I regift this?"

"Regift it?" Mag looked at Rachel with a perplexed expression.

The customers were also staring at Rachel. Didn't this lady want to have a romantic dinner with this gentleman who had just found his father?

"Yes. I would like to give this buffet coupon to Hada and his father. They should be the ones to enjoy a great meal together." Rachel nodded and smiled at Hada with a loving look.

"This big sister has such a beautiful smile," Anna whispered.

Everyone was beginning to look at Rachel with a gentle gaze too. A young lady like this was indeed very beautiful.

She's really a good girl. Mag's eyes lit up too. He had such strong mental strength despite his physical disabilities, and even met such a good young lady. He didn't have to worry for him anymore.

"Rachel" Hada gazed at Rachel. He was deeply touched, but he didn't know what to say.

Angus quickly waved his hands, and said, "No, no, no. How can you give this to me? Beck and I can eat anywhere. This is a place for you youngsters to come to eat." Then, he gave Hada a suggestive look.

"But" Rachel still tried to insist.

Hada, who understood the look, scratched his head and grasped Rachel's hands. He shook his head, and said, "Let's come together again, Rachel."

Rachel looked at the gentle Hada and the smiling Angus, and then looked at the buffet coupon in her hand. She hesitated for a moment before she agreed and kept the buffet coupon.

Applause erupted at the entrance and the customers were all smiling.

Although they all wanted to have that buffet coupon, that was the best outcome without a doubt.

Angus said to Mag, "I'm very grateful for your help, Mr Mag. You let me see Beck again. He says he wants to bring me home, so we shall take our leave first. Don't let us delay your opening hours anymore. We will come back to thank you properly later."

"Please don't mention it. If you require my help for anything, please feel free to look for me here at Mamy Restaurant," Mag said smilingly.

Mag only retrieved his gaze after the three of them disappeared from his view. He glanced at his watch and realized that it was already 10 minutes past the opening hour. He apologetically said to the customers, "Please pardon me for wasting 10 minutes of your time. The breakfast service will end 10 minutes later today. Welcome to Mamy Restaurant, everyone."

"It's fine. For a matter like this, even another 10 minutes' delay will be fine too," a customer answered, and the others all agreed.

In the line, Gloria was watching the three of them walking away as she wondered, Rachel? She seems to be an embroidery worker in Blue Suede? Furthermore, her skills are rather good too.

However, Mr Mag is so kind-hearted. He is such a learned and refined person. Gloria looked at Mag with sparkling eyes.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 988 I Hereby Sentence You To Death

After the breakfast service, Mag went to the city lord's castle and Catering Association personally to notify them that they had found the person. He expressed his gratitude as well.

This was the first time that Mag had done something like this. There was indeed a special feeling after he found the man.

On his way back to the restaurant, Mag saw a little beggar who was crawling along the sidewalk. He had two missing fingers and a broken leg.

His bicycle slowed down gradually as Mag looked at the boy who was around six, seven years old. He looked so weak as if he had only a layer of skin left on him. He was only wearing a set of thin clothes in such cold weather. His pants were already torn due to the crawling and blood could be seen on his black knees. There were many battered marks on his face and arms.

Pedestrians who walked by him would stare as they couldn't help themselves. Sometimes, someone would drop a few copper coins into his broken bowl, and the little boy would do a few kowtows and mumble a word of thanks.

Mag felt his heart clench at that instant. It had been 25 years, and yet the same problem was still happening.

Anger rushed up to Mag's brain instantaneously.

But he didn't go forward. Instead, he just observed from the side.

The number of copper coins in the little beggar's bowl began to increase, and soon it was almost half a bowl full.

A bony man, who was squatting a short distance away, walked over. He glanced around before he bent over and poured all the copper coins from the bowl into his pocket. He even kicked the little beggar when he got up before he bent down again to say a few words to him. Then, he turned, looked at Mag viciously and strode toward him. He showed Mag a short dagger hidden underneath his clothes when he passed him by, and coldly said, "Scram. Keep your nose out of my business, or else I will slaughter you."

"Alright." Mag grabbed hold of his bicycle handles tightly before he slowly pushed his bicycle and walked away.

That whole day, Mag rode his bicycle all over the entire Chaos City. His expression slowly changed from anger to calmness, and finally to indifference.

The same problem was indeed still happening in Chaos City. It didn't change because of time, and even the method had remained the same.

There were at least over 300 children who were maimed and forced to beg on the streets and lanes of Chaos City.

There were seven gangs who were controlling these children. Humans, demons, and orcs were all in cahoots.

Underneath the surface of Chaos City's peace and equality hid darkness that shocked Mag.

It was late at night.

Amy was already asleep.

Mag was writing seven letters with his left hand in the study. He put the letters into the envelopes and then wrote on every one of them: "Urgent! Private and Confidential, For the City Lord's eyes only!".

The light in the study was extinguished. A shadow leaped down from the second floor of the restaurant, and then disappeared into the darkness.

"Cry! You can cry harder! I will kill you if you make one more sound!" In the slums at the north of the city, in a courtyard surrounded by high walls, a drunk middle-aged man was holding a whip and lashing fiercely at the little beggar in front of him.

That little beggar was only seven, eight years old. His clothes were torn by the whip's lashes and revealed the wounds beneath them. His body was twisted in pain, but he covered his mouth tightly so he wouldn't cry out, because he knew if he cried out then, he would really die on that day.

A few dozens of little beggars were huddled together in a corner in the courtyard, staring at the man holding the whip with fear.

Everley was the scariest demon. A little beggar would die in his hands every few days. Nobody could escape from his clutches. Anyone who had tried to escape died. Even if they managed to escape, they would be recaptured and slowly tortured to death in front of everyone.

"If you even dare to keep one copper coin in the future, you are dead." Everley spat on the face of the little beggar before he pointed the whip at the other little beggars and smirked. "And you guys remember this. You all are the dogs I reared. The money that you got from begging all belongs to me. If you dare to keep any copper coins, I will kill you all!"

The little beggars all lowered their heads and averted their gazes from Everley.

Everley was satisfied with their behavior. It made him feel like a king. Nobody had escaped from his clutches in the past 20-odd years.

Oh, no. There was one, which was a humiliation to you.

But, he was still young then. After that, no imps had ever escaped from his clutches again. Those who did were all dead.

A bony man came in from the yard with a sinister smile, and said, "Boss, a new batch just arrived. There are two little girls, do you want to try first?"

"Great. It has been some time before we had new stock. Let's go check them out. I'll give you one after I'm finished with them tonight." Everley's eyes lit up. He walked toward the door as he rubbed his hands.

"Great." The bony man's eyes lit up, and he strode excitedly toward the door.


The worn-out door opened in gradually from outside.

"Didn't I ask you to wait outside!" the bony man shouted unhappily.

A figure holding a sword walked in as he indifferently said, "They are still outside."

"Who are you!?"

Everley and the bony man were shocked as they looked at the man in black who just came in. His face was covered by a piece of black cloth, and only his eyes were visible. Right behind him, a few figures were lying in a puddle of blood. They were the delivery guys.

"Guys, come here! Someone's here looking for trouble!" the bony guy shouted into the yard in panic. After a series of noises, figures carrying weapons rushed out and stood behind Everley.

The arrival of his minions boosted Everley's confidence. He coldly said to the man in black at the door, "Although I don't know which gang you belong to, it doesn't matter. I'm not interested. What I am sure of is that you are dead meat."

Mag looked at the child lying on the ground and those children huddling at a corner. He said in a chilling voice, "It's an unforgivable crime to abduct and mutilate children. I hereby sentence you to death."

"Acting as a hero? Smash him!" Everley swung his hand, snatched the saber from a minion at his side, and attacked Mag.

Mag raised his hand and stabbed his sword into Everley's heart.

There wasn't any hesitation. The sword already went through another man's throat as if he was just stomping on an insignificant ant. Like an agile snake, the sword slided across those people's throats and finally stopped in front of the throat of the bony man.

"Don't kill me Don't kill me" The bony man had already broken down. 20 men were all killed in an instant, and even Everley, who was a 3rd-tier knight, didn't survive more than a second. He collapsed in front of this man just like a helpless ant.

"I simply like to stick my nose into others' business," Mag said calmly to the bony man.

"You!!" The bony man's eyes widened immediately as he thought of the man he met in the morning.

The sharp longsword went into his throat and stopped the rest of his words.

"Don't be afraid. Someone will come to rescue you," Mag said to those children who were screaming in a panic as he sheathed his longsword and disappeared into the dark night.

"Right here!"

Very soon, a series of footsteps could be heard from beyond the yard. Men who were wearing the uniforms from the city lord's castle and the Gray Temple rushed into the small courtyard. They were all shocked when they saw the terrified children who were huddling in a corner.

"Those animals!"

The official from the city lord's castle who was leading the team said with tears in his eyes, "Rescue the children! Report back to the city lord!"

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 989 A Father

The city lord's castle was brightly lit, and the staff were all walking around with serious expressions.

"My Lord, this is the fifth letter." An official strode into the meeting room and presented him a letter.

The meeting room was full of people. They were officials from the city lord's castle and people from the Gray Temple. Their expressions were all serious and furious.

Their gazes all landed onto that letter. In front of Michael, there were already four identical letters. Because of these four letters, they were all awakened from their slumber and rushed to the city lord's castle immediately.

This was a rare 5th-tier incident.

As Michael tore open the envelope of the fifth letter with a somber expression, a staff member rushed in, and announced, "My Lord, the fourth team just reported that they have discovered 51 abducted children and 23 suspected human traffickers. The suspected human traffickers were all killed before the fourth team's arrival! The children found on the spot all had different degrees of mutilation, except those who were just sent to the lair. According to the children, it was a man in black who saved them. There is only one person."

"Another 50 children!"

The expressions of all the people in the meeting room had changed. They could barely control their anger.

In less than an hour, the city lord's castle had received four letters. There were four addresses in the letters which all turned out to be lairs of the human traffickers when the city lord's castle personnel arrived. There were already over 100 children found.

These human traffickers were so horrendous that it raised their hackles!

They wanted to crush those human traffickers after they saw what they had done to the children.

"Who is that man in black?"

Everyone was curious about the man in black who triggered this incident. He was fully in charge of everything. Even the city lord's castle was just his sidekick.

He was working alone, so how did he find out about those human traffickers' lairs hidden deep within the slums and dark alleys? And he always managed to kill all the human traffickers and leave the scene before the people from Gray Temple arrived.

Michael took out the fifth letter with a somber expression. This letter, too, only had a phrase and a sentence: "Human traffickers' lair. Get the children out."

Michael passed the letter to the chief secretary at his side, and said in a deep voice, "Order the fifth team to depart now. All the leaves of the city lord's castle and Gray Temple's personnel are cancelled. Inform all our medical personnel and magic casters who know healing magic to assemble at the city lord's castle and await orders. Bring all the children back and do our best to provide them with treatment."

"Yes." The chief secretary turned about and strode out quickly.

As Michael looked at the officials present, he shook his head and said, "I am very disappointed. There are so many children who were mistreated so cruelly right under all your noses, and yet you people could manage to ignore them all these years? If there weren't all these letters which were delivered to the city lord's castle today, were you guys going to continue to pretend that you have already made Chaos City a stable and peaceful place?"

All the officials lowered their gazes in a silence.

A Gray Temple official stood up and said with shame, "My Lord, this is the Gray Temple's dereliction of duty."

"No. This is the dereliction of duty of both the city lord's castle and Gray Temple." Michael shook his head and smashed his fist onto the table. He somberly said, "Tonight, regardless of how many letters will be delivered to the city lord's castle, and how many children will be saved by the unnamed hero, I want you guys to do everything you can to eradicate every single human traffickers' lair in Chaos City. Rescue all the children, apprehend all the human traffickers!"

"All the 10th-tier magic casters are to coordinate and move out with us. This is the city lord's order. Codename: Operation Daisy." Michael wrote two lines of words on a piece of paper. Then, he took out his city lord's seal and placed his mark on it.

"You shall inform Lord Rolan that we need the Gray Temple to coordinate with the city lord's castle for this operation," Michael said to the Gray Temple official who had spoken up earlier.

"Yes!" that official answered, and strode toward the door.

"I hope all of you can end this before the sun rises, otherwise the children who are left behind will be in grave danger." Michael passed the city lord's order to the official who stood next to him. All the city lord's castle's officials and Gray Temple's officials stood up and walked out of the meeting room.

"This is a battle. A battle to rescue the abducted children!"

The city lord's chief secretary returned to the meeting room, and whispered next to Michael's ear, "My lord, these letters were delivered to the city lord's castle by pedestrians. They didn't know what was in the letter. There could still be pedestrians on their way to deliver more letters. If we could find these pedestrians who are on their way here, maybe we would know the man in black's next target."

"Leave it." Michael waved his hand as he shook his head, and said, "All these are obviously part of his plans. Tonight, both the city lord's castle and Gray Temple would not have done better than him. Let him do whatever he intends to. What we have to do is to bring all the children back safely and heal them with all we can, and destroy all the human traffickers syndicates that are not included in his plan."

The chief secretary nodded with a thoughtful expression.

"Who Who are you"

A 7th-tier demon grabbed the longsword that was stabbed into his chest as he kneeled in front of the man in black with unwillingness.

"A father." Mag removed the longsword and sliced the 10 fingers off the demon's hand.

"You are safe now," he gently said to the children in the black cages at the side.

Footsteps could be heard from beyond the courtyard. Mag put away his sword. He leaped out of the courtyard and disappeared into the dark again.

He hid on a dead tree a short distance away, and observed that small courtyard that was brightly lit up by torches. He could hear the shouts of the city lord's castle's and Gray Temple's personnel. The children were freed from the metal cages before they were blindfolded and carried out of the courtyard. They were put in the horse-drawn carriages that were prepared in advance and drove toward the city lord's castle.

Seven lairs, 150 human traffickers, 342 children. Even though we cannot eradicate them completely, from today onward, there shouldn't be any more organized human traffickers syndicates in Chaos City anymore. Mag threw the longsword he borrowed from the system aside casually. The system kept it away automatically. An intense feel of tiredness washed all over him.

It was tiring enough if he had to hack through 150 blocks of wood, let alone killed 150 human traffickers. There were even two 7th-tier demons and one 7th-tier orc among them.

I hope Lord Michael won't disappoint me with his following actions. Mag glanced at that courtyard again before he leaped onto a roof at a side and moved toward Aden Square.

Mag avoided a few teams from the city lord's castle and Gray Temple on his way back. He was shocked to sense a few 10th-tier great magic casters' auras among them. At the same time, he felt gratified.

Mag let the system keep and handle the black clothes when he got back to the restaurant. He took a shower carefully to wash away the bloody scent before he changed into his pyjamas and lay on the bed.

The gross feeling that arose from killing too many people made it hard for him to fall asleep. However, he didn't regret his actions at all. As a father, when he saw those children who were maimed, there was only one thought in his mind: human traffickers deserved to die!

Mag sat up and looked at Amy who was sound asleep on her bed. This little one was hugging Ugly Duckling with a smile on her face as if she was having a wonderful dream. Mag's heart calmed down gradually, and a smile appeared on his face.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 990 You Have To Kiss And Hug Her And Raise Her Above Your Head

That night, many didn't sleep in Chaos City.

The powerful magic casters were wandering around the slums and lanes at the north of the city. They were scanning the surroundings at the full expense of their spiritual powers. Many courtyards with high walls were barged into, and human traffickers who were deep in their slumber were taken away. The abducted children were brought to the city lord's castle.

The city lord's castle was brightly lit through the entire night. The children's cries were pacified gradually. The healing magic casters had tears in their eyes, and some even ran out to brawl their eyes out before going back to continue healing the children.

It was almost dawn when the tired-looking chief secretary came into the meeting room with a doc.u.ment folder. Facing Michael, who also didn't sleep the entire night, he said, "My Lord, the cross search was fully completed with the coordination of the Gray Temple and the city lord's castle. After deducting the 150 human traffickers who were killed by the man in black on the spot and the 342 children that he rescued, the following search resulted in apprehending 52 human traffickers and rescuing 61 abducted children. The children are all accepting healing right now. The healing magic casters have all done their very best to help their children regain their health, but there are still 120 children who will remain handicapped for the rest of their lives."

Michael received the doc.u.ment and read through it carefully with a somber expression. He nodded. "The search will carry on in secret. Continue to monitor and investigate suspicious people and locations. Make sure we don't miss out on anything.

"Organize the children's information and release it to the public as soon as possible. Find their parents for them and send them back home. The city lord's castle will set up a special fund to raise those children nobody claims. They will be properly educated, and when they grow up, they will have the skills to make a living for themselves.

"At the same time, we have to improve the emergency response mechanism for missing children. Once we receive a case of missing children, the city lord's castle and Gray Temple must respond actively and plan necessary deployment to find the children as soon as possible.

"And arrange a meeting with Rolan for me. With regard to human traffickers' penalties, I feel there is a need to introduce a law amendment in Chaos City. I need to discuss it with him."

"Yes." The chief secretary jotted down everything rapidly in his personal notebook. He paused, and asked Michael, "A law amendment would require both the city lord's castle and Gray Temple to vote. May I ask how much you think the punishment should be increased?"

"They don't even spare the innocent children. Death penalty is the minimum," Michael said solemnly.

"Yes." The chief secretary nodded.

"Oh, yes. Didn't Boss Mag help an old man find his child who was kidnapped by human traffickers 25 years ago yesterday?" Michael said suddenly.

"Yes. You had agreed to put up the missing-person notice on the notice boards earlier. Mr Mag had come to the city lord's castle again yesterday to notify us that the old man had already found his child. Therefore, we had removed the missing-person notice and released a new notice." The chief secretary nodded.

Michael nodded thoughtfully. "Add in Mamy Restaurant into my schedule. I am going to see Boss Mag."

The citizens of Chaos City discovered in shock that all the little beggars, who were alway begging on the streets, had disappeared in one night.

This made those people who always gave to those children worried. They wondered if the poor children were frozen to death as the nights were starting to get colder.

Mag went to the little bed with a smile, and gently said, "Little Amy, time to rise and shine. Wash and eat your breakfast, or else you will be late for class."

Amy shook her head with her eyes closed, and said, "Hmm~ Your little Amy is not awake."

"Then what shall I do?"

"Your little Amy says you have to kiss and hug her. And raise her above your head before she will wake up," Amy said with a naughty smile.

"Alright then." Mag smiled helplessly as he bent over and kissed Amy lightly on her forehead.

"Your little cutie is already online." Amy flicked open her eyes and stretched out her arms at Mag as she poutingly said, "I want you to hug and raise me above your head."

"Alright," Mag said indulgently with a smile. Then, he carried Amy up, raised her above his head, and gently lowered her down. He repeated the moves a few times.

"I'm flying! I'm flying~"

Amy's crystal clear giggles filled the room.


Ugly Duckling, which was at the foot of the bed, was staring thoughtfully. It lay back on the ground, closed its eyes, and stretched out its two little paws.

Mag only lowered Amy after she had enough fun. Then, he took out the clothes that she was supposed to wear today.

Amy sat on the bed and trod on Ugly Duckling's belly gently as she said, "Don't play dead, Ugly Duckling, Get up now."

"Meow, meow."

Ugly Duckling twisted around with its eyes closed, seeking her favor.

"Don't you know what you look like?" Amy retrieved her little foot.

Ugly Duckling opened its eyes and gave Amy a gloomy glance before standing up and rubbing against Amy's leg with its head.

Amy rubbed Ugly Duckling's head with her feet as she consoled, "It's fine. It's not your fault that you are ugly. This is your fate."

It's cold today, so Amy's got to wear her padded jacket and bunny beanie. Mag brought a white down jacket and a little beanie over. After helping Amy change out of her pyjamas, he wrapped her up with the down jacket and put on the beanie for her.

The white bunny beanie had two cute droopy ears. The beanie could cover the ears nicely, and there were two white furballs that fell to her hands' level. Wearing it together with the white down jacket made her look like a little white rabbit, which was so adorable.

Mag nodded with satisfaction as he felt that his dressing sense was getting back.

"Meow~" Ugly Duckling gazed at Amy in shock as it almost couldn't recognize her.

"Father, how do I look?" Amy asked expectantly.

"Erm, very adorable." Mag nodded.

"Amy wants to have a look too! Amy wants to have a look too!" Amy said excitedly.

"Then, Father will carry you." Mag carried Amy to the bathroom.

"Wow. Little bunny is so cute!" Amy looked at herself in the mirror with wide eyes. Then, she began to sing, "Little bunny, white and chubby, two pointed ears"

"Little Amy, you can try to pull those two furballs," Mag said smilingly as he suddenly remembered something.

"This?" Amy took one white furball and pulled.

The left bunny ear stood up.

"Wow!" Amy blinked and stared at the pointed ear in amazement. Then, she grabbed the other and pulled it. The other ear stood up too.

Pull and release, and the bunny ears would rise and fall. Amy's eyes widened as she made all sorts of cute expressions.

"It's so fun and cute! Father, I really like this little bunny," Amy said happily as she held Mag's face and gave him a kiss.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 991 Wow What A Cute Rabbit Spirit

"Miss Elizabeth, do you feel better?" Yabemiya asked gently when she walked into the room with a cup of water and saw Elizabeth standing by the bed, looking down.

"I'm fine now." Elizabeth turned back and nodded slightly when she saw Yabemiya. She received the cup of water from Yabemiya naturally, and took a couple of sips before putting it on the window ledge.

"That's great." Yabemiya smiled. However, she wore a worried face quickly. She hesitated for a while before asking, "Then, are you going to leave?"

"Mm-hm," Elizabeth replied with a slight nod. Her gaze was fixed outside the window. The overly comfortable days spent here had almost caused her to forget the oath that she swore back then. One day, she would return to Frost Dragon Island and defeat all the frost dragons there to keep that position for her father.

Therefore, she had to leave.

Of course, most importantly, it was because she was worried that Fox might find his way here.

"But you've been severely injured twice in a row. Where do you intend to go this time?" Yabemiya's face was full of worries.

"I'm not sure yet," Elizabeth replied calmly. There was a lost look in her eyes. That's right, where to go?

Yabemiya watched Elizabeth. She hesitated for a long while, and finally gathered the courage to say, "If you haven't decided, continue staying here. Chaos City is a very safe place. If you don't mind, I can recommend you to Boss Mag so that you can also become an employee in Mamy Restaurant. That way, you won't be bored."

"Become an employee?" Elizabeth frowned.

"If you're unwilling, it's alright. I'm just worried that you would be bored staying in the room" Yabemiya quickly waved her hands and wanted to hit her mouth. How could such a dignified giant dragon like Miss Elizabeth work as a service staff member like her?

Elizabeth looked at Yabemiya silently for a while before saying, "Let me consider it for a while."

"Hmm?" Yabemiya, who was already prepared to hear Elizabeth dismiss that idea, was stunned. Her eyes gleamed with surprise, and she quickly nodded her head. "Mm-hm, mm-hm. Then I'll ask Boss in the morning!"

"Mm-hm," Elizabeth replied, picked up the cup of water, and took another sip as she looked out of the window.

She, too, did not know why she would give such a reply. That was totally not like her, and was not according to her previous plan.

"Then I'll get to work. I'll bring you some delicious breakfast later." Before Elizabeth could regret her decision, Yabemiya walked out the door happily.

Be a service staff member in Chaos City? No, I can't fall by the wayside, but why do I feel like I don't want to reject her? Elizabeth stood by the window and looked at the cup of water in her hand, baffled.

"Little Rabbit, let's go~ let's go down!" Mag was full of smiles as he carried Amy downstairs. The little fellow would always lift one's mood up.

"Wow, Amy's little rabbit hat is so cute!" Anna, who was already in the restaurant, said as she saw Amy come down.

"Little Amy is so cute!" Firis was also blown away. There was a moment she felt that she had seen her princess. She could not help but think of Princess Irina when she saw her demeanor and expression.

Yabemiya and the rest also crowded around and praised Amy's outfit today. There were some of them who could not resist the urge to reach out and pinch Amy's rabbit ears.

When she heard everyone's praises, Amy's little face was filled with joy. She reached her hand out to grab two furry balls with a smile, and said, "I can even show you a very impressive magic trick."

"Magic?" Anna rushed up to the front and watched Amy curiously.

Everyone also looked at Amy curiously, wondering what the little fellow would conjure up.

"Mm-hm. Watch carefully." Amy nodded. She stretched out her index finger on the hand holding the furry balls, pointed to her left rabbit year, and said, "left ear."

The floppy left rabbit ear suddenly straightened.

"Right ear."

The right ear also straightened.

"Left Right Left Together"

As Amy chanted, one of the rabbit ears would straighten, and then the other one, and coupled with Amy's quirky expressions, her audience burst out into laughter. They were all melted by Amy's cute performance.

"Wow, how impressive, how cute!" Anna clapped her little hands and looked enviously at Amy's little rabbit hat.

It looks like Little Anna likes this little rabbit hat very much too, Shirley thought as she looked at Anna.

"Let's have breakfast first." Mag brought everyone's breakfast out from the kitchen. After this period of time, everyone was very familiar with Mag's eating habits.

After breakfast, Mag put on his gloves and pushed his bicycle out to send Amy to school.

The moment Amy stepped out of the door wearing the little rabbit hat, the customers' eyes lit up.

For the regular customers of Mamy Restaurant, there were two reasons for coming to Mamy Restaurant: firstly, the delicious food, and secondly, the adorable little boss!

There were certain things that people would find lovely just by watching.

The little boss obviously belonged to that kind.

"Little Boss, the little rabbit you're wearing today is very cute!" Harrison said with a grin.

"Uncle Gray Fatty, your little tummy today" Amy took a look at Harrison's large tummy and shrugged apologetically. "I'm sorry, I really can't bring myself to praise it."

Harrison: ""

Although he was very angry why was he unable to blow his top?

The customers all laughed. One of their joys came from hearing the little boss diss the customers.

"Uncle Three Hair, keep working hard and you can become Uncle Two Hair," Amy said seriously as she climbed onto the bicycle and broke out in a smile at a balding uncle. She even made her two rabbit ears straighten a few times in encouragement.

That uncle twirled the three strands of hair left on his head silently, trying to make that oasis in the desert look denser.

Mag laughed as he shook his head and reminded Amy to hold on tight. He stepped lightly on the pedal and rode off.

"Wow! What a cute rabbit spirit!"

"That's not a rabbit spirit, it's obviously the recently super popular little hero Amy!"

"It's the same hat, but why does it look so good on her?"

As Amy entered the school, she attracted the gazes of many students because of her hat.

Mag used his stern gaze to frighten the few children who looked like they obviously had romantic thoughts. Although they were just seven- to eight-year-olds, he still had to strangle all of it in the cradle.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 992 The Number One Knight In Norland Continent

On the way back, Mag observed carefully and saw no more signs of any of those little beggars. Meanwhile, there was an obvious increase in the people from Gray Temple and the city lord's castle patrolling around.

This was undeniably a good thing. When it came to kidnapping, the most Mag could do was to scare the kidnappers off, and he still had to depend on the city lord to solve the root of the problem.

In his last letter for City Lord Michael, Mag raised some of his opinions, and if the city lord could consider some of his suggestions, the kidnapping cases in Chaos City would be curbed to a very large extent.

The busy operating hours had ended, and the people in Mamy Restaurant could finally get some rest.

Mag was removing his apron while walking out of the kitchen when Yabemiya came over and hesitated for a while before saying, "Boss Mag, I have something to talk to you about"

"Oh, right, Miya, the chicken soup and fried rice are already packed in the thermal boxes. You can just take it. Is the injured lady feeling better?" Mag said with a gentle smile as he turned around after hanging his apron at the side.

"Mm-hm, mm-hm. Her injuries are getting better. She is fine now." Miya nodded. She hesitated for a while before continuing, "There's something else I want to ask you. Does the restaurant still need more service staff?"

"Hmm?" Mamy Restaurant looked at Miya with surprise. An idea flashed past his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. Nodding, he said, "Yeah, there are more and more customers in the restaurant now. We are indeed a little short-handed. If there were more employees as good as you, it would naturally do us good."

Yabemiya's eyes lit up, and she said a little nervously, "Then can I recommend someone? She's better than me at everything, and is even better-looking than me."

"Recommend someone?" Mag's expression suddenly changed. No way, does it work this way? When he recalled that lady who fought to the very last moment at the Frost Battlefield, Mag did not think that she would look like a giant dragon who would be a service staff member at Mamy Restaurant.

"Yes." Miya nodded profusely and looked at Mag with anticipation.

Mag thought for a while and nodded, saying, "Since you recommended that person, you can let her have a go at the restaurant first. If she passes the interview, she is very welcome to join Mamy Restaurant."

Mag had already thought things through. Since the people in Mamy Restaurant are from all over the placethere's a drag queen, a princess from the Moon Nation, a traitor of the elves, and the number one knight in Norland Continent (this can be omitted)having the daughter of the chief of the Frost Dragon tribe as well would not hurt. After all, she's an 8th-tier powerhouse.

"Thank you!" Yabemiya smiled in surprise.

"I should be the one thanking you if you can find me a suitable employee," Mag said with a smile.

Yabemiya looked at Mag and hesitated for a while before she resolutely said, "I still have to trouble you with something."


"I saw the portrait you drew for Uncle Angus. It looked exactly like his child. I have never seen my father ever since I was young. I only know what he looks like based on what my mother said. Can you help me draw a portrait of my father? I want to look for him once I've saved enough money. That was my mother's dying wish" Yabemiya looked nervous and expectant.

Mag's heart went out for Miya. He smiled and nodded as he gently said, "Of course, although I might not be able to draw out what he looks like exactly, I will try my best."

"Thank you, thank you!" Yabemiya's eyes reddened instantly, and she bowed deeply towards Mag.

"You're welcome." Miya helped Yabemiya up as he thought, System, draw me another portrait. 1000 copper coins, deal?

"Host! The system's previous work was worth 10,000 copper coins. Isn't it a little too much to just cut the price by 10 folds?" The system was a little dissatisfied.

That's because I gave you an extra red packet of 9000 copper coins to congratulate you on your opening. Now it's back to the market rate, 1000 copper coins. If I don't buy it from you, wouldn't you be wasting this function of yours? Think about it, would you be able to earn 1000 copper coins just by working hard to harvest vegetables for a year? Now all you have to do is simply activate your photocopier and you get 1000 copper coins. Can't you even do such simple math? Mag said inside with a grin.

"That seems to be the case" The system was wavering.

"Start listing out your questions. What information do you need? I'll ask." Mag continued the conversation very naturally.

"Erm I need distinctive physical features"

Mag quickly asked Miya the questions based on the system's request, and obtained all the necessary information.

"Wait here for a while. I'll go upstairs to draw it out for you." Mag stood up and went upstairs. He went to the study to read for a while. Around 10 minutes later, he walked back down with the portrait that the system had already delivered.

"This is the portrait that I've done to the best of my ability. I cannot guarantee if it's accurate." Mag rolled the portrait up and passed it to Miya.

When Miya received the portrait, her hands were obviously shaking, and her breathing also became faster.

In her world, the only things about her father were the ones that her mother often repeated to her before she went to bed. Although she had always tried very hard to construct a complete image in her mind, she was still unsure what her father should look like up until now.

She unrolled the portrait slowly. A man dressed in gold and silver armor, with one gold and one silver dragon horn on his head, appeared before her eyes. Even though it was just a portrait, those eyebrows as sharp as a sword, the gaze as cold as the edge of a knife, and that long scar above the left eyebrow exuded an aura of contempt that made one want to bow down in submission.

"Father" Yabemiya's eyes were already red. When she saw the man in the portrait, bits and pieces of imagination in her mind finally pieced together. So this was her father, the man her mother had waited for more than a decade to come back but never got to see again.

"You will find him," Mag said gently as he put his hand lightly on Yabemiya's head.

Miya calmed down when she felt the warmth from the top of her head. She looked at Mag and agitatedly said, "Thank you, Boss."

After keeping the portrait, Yabemiya carried the thermal box and walked quickly towards the dormitory. Her footsteps were so light it seemed as though she was about to fly.

When she opened the dormitory door, Miya put the thermal box on the dining table and opened the door to her room. Facing Elizabeth, who was standing by the window, she happily said, "Miss Elizabeth, Boss agreed to let you go for the interview. Also, he drew me a portrait of my father! I finally know what my father looks like!"

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 993 Then.. Can I Call You Big Sister?

"A portrait of your father?!"

Elizabeth turned around in an instant. She looked at the rolled-up paper in Miya's hand doubtfully.

"Mm-hm. Didn't I tell you last night that our boss drew a portrait for an old grandpa of his missing son, and it was used for the missing-person notice? This morning, the child who was lost for 25 years came to Mamy Restaurant and reunited with his father. My gosh, he really looked exactly like what Boss drew!" Yabemiya nodded.

She waved the portrait in her hand excitedly, and continued, "Then I asked Boss to help me draw a portrait of my father. Although I've never met him, and only know what he looked like based on my mother's descriptions, I feel that what Boss drew is my father!"

Elizabeth looked at an excited Yabemiya with some mixed emotions, and said, "Do you really want to know what he looks like so badly?"

"Of course! I really want to know what he looks like. I even often dream of him, but every time I wake up, I forget what he looks like." Yabemiya nodded and was a little dejected, but she became happy again very quickly, and said, "But now I know. He definitely looks like this. Let me show you."

As she said that, Yabemiya untied a thin string on the portrait and unrolled it slowly.

An awe-inspiring man in a gold and silver armor, with one silver and one gold dragon horn on his head appeared in the portrait.

"Father" When she saw the person in the portrait, Elizabeth blanked out for a moment. After not seeing him for three years, the image of him in her memory was already beginning to get blurry. After she saw the portrait, it became clear instantly.

However, she was quickly doubtful. Even she was unable to draw her father's portrait so vividly, but Miya was actually able to get such a portrait from Mag. Could he really have drawn this portrait based on what Miya had told him?

Of course, what made her more unsettled was that from this moment on, it would mean that Miya knew what her father looked like.

That pair of gold and silver horns was rather well-known in the Norland Continent.

"Miss Elizabeth, isn't my father very handsome? I intend to look for him the moment I've saved up enough money. Or, I could take this portrait and ask any giant dragon customers if they know my father in the future. I believe I would be able to find him one day." Yabemiya smiled hopefully.

"You want to look for him?" Elizabeth felt strange seeing her smile. If Miya really did that, her identity would be exposed. Their father had way more enemies than friends.

Miya could also feel the change in Elizabeth's mood. She curiously asked, "Miss Elizabeth, do you know my father?"

Elizabeth looked at Yabemiya silently for a long while before nodding. "I do."

"Really?!" Yabemiya's eyes lit up. Her voice trembled a little as she gripped Elizabeth's hand, and she said in surprise, "You You really know my father? Do you know who he is? And where he is now?"

It had been more than 10 years. It was the first time she knew what her father looked like, but she did not expect to be able to get news of him so quickly. It even felt surreal.

"Because he is also my father." Elizabeth tried to control herself, but there was still a slight tremble in her voice.

"You" Yabemiya was stunned. She blinked as she watched Elizabeth and still felt as though she had heard her wrongly. She asked, "Miss Elizabeth, what what did you just say?"

"He is your father, and also my father," Elizabeth answered.

"How How can this be possible?" Yabemiya was finally certain that she did not hear wrongly. She took two steps back and looked at Elizabeth with increasing disbelief. How could her father be Miss Elizabeth's father!?

"His name is Rankster. He is the chief of the Frost Dragon tribe and a very powerful giant dragon. I am Elizabeth, Rankster's daughter, and also a frost dragon." Elizabeth tried to speak calmly as she looked at Yabemiya.

Yabemiya opened her mouth, but did not say anything as she looked at Elizabeth for a very long time. Her mind was in a mess, and Elizabeth's words kept echoing inside.

"Did you already know?" Yabemiya asked as she looked straight at Elizabeth after a while.

"I'm sorry, I had to keep this from you because of various reasons." Elizabeth nodded. She was very apologetic. However, she quickly put on a serious expression, and said, "But I have to tell you that Father has a lot of enemies. If others find out about your identity, you will be in great danger."

Yabemiya's eyes reddened. As she got choked up with emotions, she said, "Where is he? Why hasn't he come even once after so many years? He promised my mother that he would come, but did not even come to see her for the last time."

"I don't know. They said that he is already dead." Elizabeth shook her head. She did not tell her that he was not there when her mother passed away as well.

"Dead?" Yabemiya was shocked. Her eyes lost color and her body shook as though she was almost unable to stay upright.

Elizabeth held Yabemiya's shoulder, and gently said, "That's just what they said. No one has seen his corpse. I feel that he's just trapped in some place."

Yabemiya looked at Elizabeth when she felt the warmth on her shoulders. She pounced right into her embrace and started crying in an instant.

Elizabeth stiffened slightly. Her heart softened immediately when she saw Miya, who was shaking and crying in her embrace. She lifted her hand and placed it gently on her back, comforting her.

She did not know how she should comfort Miya, because she had never been comforted before.

However, she wanted to bring some warmth to Miya to let her know that at least she was there.

"Then can I call you 'big sister'?" Miya asked softly after crying in Elizabeth's embrace for a long time and soaking her shirt.

The term "big sister" caught Elizabeth a little off-guard. However, when she saw how pitiful Yabemiya looked, she could not bring herself to reject her. She thought for a while and nodded, but quickly added, "You can only do so when there's no one else around."

"Mm-hm, mm-hm." Yabemiya nodded her head hard and smiled.

Ever since her mother had passed away, she had never felt an embrace as warm and dependable.

It was the first time that she found out that other than her father, she still had a sister in this world.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 994 Host How Can You Bargain Like That?

After she calmed down, Yabemiya curiously asked Elizabeth, "Err Big Sister, how did you find me?"

"I got the ring that Father left behind. He told me about you, so I found you based on the information he left behind." Elizabeth opened her hand, and in her palm was the ring that she had told Miya to take care of.

"Although Father did not look for you, he still felt guilty towards you. In this ring, there is a present for you. It's a golden dragon source. Once you absorb the dragon source, you will be able to get rid of your identity as a half-dragon and become a real giant dragon." Elizabeth put the ring in Miya's hand.

"Become a real giant dragon?" Yabemiya looked at the ring in her hand with hesitation.

Elizabeth said, "Giant dragons fly in the sky and exist in the highest level of the Norland Continent. After you become a giant dragon, you will be able to have strong powers. That way, you will be able to protect yourself and the things you want to protect."

"Protect the people I want to protect" Yabemiya looked up at Elizabeth. Her gaze slowly became resolute. She nodded her head hard, and said, "I want to become a real giant dragon. I want to protect you and not let anyone harm you again."

Elizabeth looked at Miya. It was ridiculous for a half-dragon with only brute strength to say that she wanted to protect an 8th-tier dragon like her, but when she heard it, she felt warmth in her heart.

Even her parents would only keep telling her: you need to become strong so that you can protect yourself. They never told her that they would protect her.

"In another 10 days, you can consume this golden dragon source. When you become a real giant dragon, I will teach you how to train and fight."

"What about you? Will you stay? Boss already agreed to let you go for an interview. If you're willing, you can go to the restaurant for an interview with me today." Yabemiya looked at her expectantly.

Elizabeth hesitated for a while. When she saw Yabemiya's expectant gaze, she nodded. "Alright."

"That's great!" Yabemiya said with joy. She wiped the tears off her face and pulled Elizabeth to the window to take a seat. "I have so much to ask you"

"Say, where did you go last night? And where were you this morning?"

In a stone hut, Benjamin looked at Rachel solemnly. His voice was stern.

Rachel hung her head low, afraid to look at Benjamin as she softly replied, "I I was feeling a little unwell yesterday, so I went home early. This morning This morning"

"This morning, Rachel went to visit my father with me." Just then, a voice came from the door. Hada walked in and glanced at Rachel, and then suddenly dropped to his knees in front of Benjamin as he sincerely said to him, "Uncle, please give me Rachel's hand in marriage. I will treat her well and won't let her suffer a single bit."

When she heard Hada's voice, Rachel was surprised, but when she saw Hada kneeling in front of her father, the nervousness on her face quickly became joy.

"What What are you doing? Get up!" Benjamin looked a little unhappily at Hada kneeling in front of him, and said, "You can't even take care of yourself, what right do you have to say that you can take good care of my Rachel and not let her suffer? If Rachel married you, she would still have to support you and the old blacksmith. I will never agree to this!"

Hada's gaze became dim. He looked at his two missing fingers, and did not know what to do all of a sudden.

Rachel dropped to her knees as well in front of Benjamin and looked at him as she resolutely said, "Father, I am willing to marry Hada! I am willing to live with him, whether in wealth or in poverty, I am willing to face everything with him."

Hada's eyes lit up. He looked at Rachel and Rachel looked back at him. The gazes were filled with love when they met each other.

"You Get up!" Benjamin looked at Rachel and was so angry that even his mustache was shaking.

"I won't get up if you don't agree to it." Rachel shook her head.

"I will never agree to it, not even if I die!" Benjamin stood up in a huff and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

The two knelt in silence for a while. Hada stood up with the help of the wall, and then reached out to help Rachel up. He apologetically said, "I'm sorry, it's me"

"You're great. It's just that my father is too stubborn." Rachel reached out and gently covered Hada's mouth. She shook her head as tears glimmered in her eyes.

Hada's gaze became resolute. He held Rachel's hands and gently said, "I will think of a way. Don't be too upset, and don't upset Uncle, either. He isn't young anymore. It will be bad if he falls ill because of that."

"Mm-hm." Rachel nodded. She smiled. No matter what others might think, this man could always make her feel at ease.

Silly girl, how much suffering in this world have you experienced? If you marry that silly boy, Hada, God knows how much more you're going to suffer. How am I supposed to face your deceased mother? Benjamin leaned against the door and sighed deeply.

It's all my fault. Useless old man. I can't even help Beck marry the lady he likes At the corner of the wall outside, Angus sighed in self-reproach, his eyes filled with worry.

A black horse-drawn carriage pulled over in front of Mamy Restaurant. Michael got off from the horse-drawn carriage and looked at Mag, who was lying leisurely on a lounge chair at the door, and said, "Boss Mag, I hope I didn't disturb you by turning up without an invitation?"

There was a small coffee table beside the lounge chair, and on it was a little furnace that was boiling some tea. The water had already come to a boil, and the fragrance of tea wafted out.

Mag opened his eyes when he heard the voice. He quickly stood up with a smile when he saw Michael walking over, and said, "It's my fault for not welcoming the city lord properly when you graced us with your presence. I wonder what brings you here?"

"I have something to trouble you with." Michael went straight to the chair at the side and turned it to sit by the coffee table. He smilingly said, "Boss Mag, are you not inviting me to have some tea? This scent is much more enticing than the tea leaves I have."

"I've overlooked it." Mag sat down with a smile, poured a cup of red tea in a purple sand cup, and placed it in front of Michael.

Michael picked the teacup up and took a sip. His eyes lit up, and he nodded with a smile as he said, "Wonderful tea."

Michael placed the teacup down and looked at Mag as he said, "Boss Mag, I am here because of that missing-person notice you put up yesterday. I heard that the old uncle found his son thanks to the portrait that you drew. Last night, Operation Daisy was held in the city lord's castle and the Gray Temple. With the help of a mysterious hero, we saved 403 children. Some of these children had been kidnapped for years, so they look very different from what they used to. I would like you to draw a portrait of their parents for these children. Is that possible?"

"500 copper coins for a portrait," Michael said as he looked at Michael with clear eyes.

"Host! How can you bargain like that?!" The angry voice of the system sounded.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 995 Host I Haven't Agreed To It

Michael looked at Mag's clear gaze and fell silent for a while before saying, "The city lord's castle's finances are a little tight recently. We can only afford 250 copper coins for a portrait at the most. Boss Mag, do you think you can make do with it?"

"That's settled." Mag nodded.

"Hey!!! Host, I haven't agreed to it! 250 copper coins? Wasn't it supposed to be 500 copper coins? Why is it cut by half?? It's not your money, so your heart doesn't ache at all!!!" the system howled in Mag's mind.

"System, I am getting you a part-time job here. Have you seen anyone's boss so generous to find his employee a part-time job without asking for a single cent? Besides, this amount of money comes in a bulk. All you need to do is switch your photocopier on and print these pictures out, then all the money will end up in your pocket. It's much less troublesome than having to farm," Mag said calmly.

"Now that you put it that way it does seem to make sense, huh?" the system mumbled.

"You don't have to be too touched. I will still introduce you to any other good stuff like this," Mag said with a smile.

"Boss Mag, you have contributed greatly to Chaos City. I have no idea how I should thank you." Michael looked at Mag gratefully. For a top chef like Mag, a simple plate of Yangzhou fried rice would fetch him a sum way higher than a portrait. Besides, it was apparent that it would cost him less time too.

"Then why don't you get a membership card with me, City Lord?" Mag pulled out a notebook and a gold card with a grin.

After successfully promoting a membership card and obtaining a 10th-tier knight as a member, Mag sent Michael off with a grin. He lay back down on his lounge chair and enjoyed the sun.

Michael's original intention was to send the children to Mamy Restaurant one by one so that Mag could ask them questions for the information he needed for the portrait, but this suggestion was turned down by Mag.

Mag got the system to print out a stack of questionnaires and listed all the questions he needed to ask on it. The staff in the city lord's castle would do the asking, and also take a strand of hair from the interviewees before sending all of them to Mamy Restaurant. That way, the system would be able to come up with the portraits at its pace, and it would also save him a lot of trouble.

Of course, there was another reason why Mag was unwilling to face those children. He was already unable to do anything more for them, but if he saw them, he would definitely want to think of something to do for them.

It had been several days since the VIP membership had been launched, and Mag already had six 10th-tier members, 24 9th-tier members, 62 8th-tier members, and 120 7th-tier members in his notebook.

Although it was an almost non-restrictive promise, this large number of powerful members was enough to allow Mamy Restaurant to have a strong foothold in Norland Continent.

"Ding! The host's expenditure has reached 336,520,000 points. The host can upgrade the restaurant from level four to level seven! After this upgrade, the restaurant's defense level will reach level seven, and you can receive an additional S-grade air defense missile that will be able to hit level seven aerial targets! In addition, the host will also receive a chance for a free restaurant makeover, which includes opening up the space on the second floor, setting up private rooms, and more." The system's voice suddenly rang.

"Wow!" Mag was slightly stunned. The sudden benefits that the system gave caught him by surprise.

The restaurant's upgrade had almost nothing to do with his abilities. The strength that he spent 300,000,000 on successfully added on to the expenditure, and was enough to level up the restaurant's defense to level seven, so it could be considered well-spent.

"System, where did you copy that S-grade air defense missile from? The Patriots or the Red Flag?" Mag asked curiously.

"Nonsense! How can you talk about copying when it comes to weapon-making? I got the idea from the strengths of others and invented the world's strongest air defense missiles that can explode with horrifying power in a very small space, therefore killing all enemies," the system said solemnly.

"If an S-grade can kill a 7th-tier target, what about an SS-grade and SSS-grade? Have you made them?" Mag continued asking with interest.

"God said it's not to be disclosed," the system replied calmly, and did not speak further.

Mag raised his eyebrow and did not continue asking. As for that makeover chance, after thinking for a while, Mag decided that he would not use it for the time being. The restaurant just had a makeover recently, and it would seem very pretentious to keep doing it.

Besides, if he were to increase the number of private rooms, he would need even more service staff, and would even have to redo some of the service flow patterns, which was not what he wanted.

"Boss, I've brought Miss Elizabeth over. She wants to become our restaurant's staff member." Mag was falling asleep with his eyes closed when he suddenly heard Yabemiya's voice by his ear.

Miya opened his eyes and reached out to block the sunlight to see Elizabeth, who was standing beside Yabemiya.

She had already regained the color on her face, but her breathing was still a little unstable. It was obvious that it would still take some more time for her to recover fully.

When he recalled the day he cut her dress up, guilt flashed past Mag's eyes. Although the intention was indeed pure, he could not help but feel a little weird seeing Elizabeth again. He felt as though he had done something shameful.

Could it be because I've been too pure recently? Mag raised his brow. It was not like he was some pure little puppy that would actually feel uneasy because he cut up a dress. Back in the days, he had done things even more perv pure.

Of course, what shocked him more was that Elizabeth, a proud 8th-tier giant dragon, was actually willing to work in Mamy Restaurant!

That was indeed beyond his expectations. At the same time, he was impressed with Yabemiya's ability to trick people.

Elizabeth looked at Mag calmly. That pair of eyes felt inexplicably familiar.

The first time she saw him was at the city gate of Chaos City. It was Amy that made her take notice of this mere human. To think he could actually make such delicious food.

However, looking at him right now made her feel a little different. Although he was still a normal human, he gave off the aura of someone who could not be overlooked.

Besides, she kept having the feeling that she had seen that gaze somewhere before, not at the restaurant.

"Hello, Miss Elizabeth." Mag stood up and reached his right hand out towards Elizabeth with a smile.

Elizabeth looked at Mag's hand and hesitated for a while before reaching out a finger to touch him lightly and quickly retracting it. She nodded slightly, and said, "Hello."

Mag glanced at his hand. This was the first time he experienced such a handshake. However, he did not dwell much on it. He retracted his hand with a smile, and said, "I'm very happy that you're willing to work at Mamy Restaurant. However, before that, I need you to go through some simple tests."

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 996 Should I Report To Big Sister Irina?

Although Elizabeth was very indifferent during the entire test, she was very cooperative. She completed Mag's test outstandingly and maintained her 8th-tier giant dragon's dignity.

Her outstanding speed and judgement made her more than capable to take up the important task of serving.

Therefore, Mag decided to employ her.

"Congratulations, Miss Elizabeth. You're hired," Mad said to Elizabeth smilingly. Then, he congratulated himself in his heart for employing another super-skilled but low-paid super employee.

Being an unscrupulous businessman really felt so good!

"Erm." Elizabeth only nodded slightly. She didn't look very happy.

"Great!" Yabemiya jumped up ecstatically. She seemed much happier than Elizabeth.

"If you don't have any other arrangements for today, you can have your lunch at the restaurant and get to know the others. You could also familiarize yourself with the work content and process during the lunch service first. I believe Miya will guide you properly," Mag said to Elizabeth.

"Alright." Elizabeth nodded.

"Don't worry, Boss. I got it," Yabemiya said confidently.

During their lunch, Mag announced to everyone that Elizabeth would be joining the restaurant. She was warmly received.

Amy wondered as she gazed at Elizabeth, and mumbled, "Father shredded Big Sister Elizabeth's dress and then let her join the restaurant. I think things are not as simple as they look. Should I report to Big Sister Irina?"

Mag, who was using his chopsticks to pick up the food for Amy, dropped a piece of fish onto the table. Was it that scary?

"The fish can't be eaten, since it has fallen on the table. What a waste." Amy looked at that piece of fish with a tinge of regret. After pondering for a while, she reached out to pick up that piece of fish and placed it in front of Ugly Duckling. She smilingly said, "Come, Ugly Duckling. I am giving you a piece of fish."

Ugly Duckling looked at Amy reproachingly. Didn't she say it couldn't be eaten? But it opened its mouth uncontrollably and swallowed it after it smelled the irresistible aroma.

It smelled so good.

Frost Dragon Island.

In the biggest hall, a robust old man wearing a golden armor was shouting at Douglas, "Douglas, you old fool. Why did you let Fox have a duel with her? Were you trying to kill her on purpose? Although Elizabeth is a descendent of the Frost Dragon tribe, she also came from the blood of the Golden Dragon tribe. If you Frost Dragons tried to kill her because you don't want her as your leader, we, the Golden Dragons, would definitely not stand by and watch you do it!"

The several Frost Dragon elders present looked furious, but the other party was one of the top five powerhouses in the Dragon Islands, and thus none of them dared to interrupt him.

"Cecil, you old foggy. This is Frost Dragon Island, and not your Golden Dragon Island. It's not up to you to give orders here!" Douglas also shouted coldly. "Elizabeth was the one who suggested the duel. As the great elder, I would never break the rules set by our ancestors. This is a Frost Dragon tribe's matter and none of your business!"

"I will make things clear today. If anyone dares to touch Elizabeth, then they will be the enemies of the Golden Dragon tribe. The Golden Dragon tribe will hold its duels to select our tribe leader in a year's time. Any young giant dragons with Golden Dragon's blood will be eligible to take part. Elizabeth is eligible too."

"What shall we do now, Great Elder? If Elizabeth really becomes the tribe leader of the Golden Dragon tribe, then the power of the Golden Dragon tribe will increase, while ours will be weakened. Then, our situation will become worse than it is now," the seventh elder said worriedly.

"Ah. I think Elizabeth is already in cahoots with the Golden Dragon tribe. She was even friendly with Alex. Such a rebellious character is exactly reminiscent of Rankster in the past. I think we should send someone to kill her to set an example!" the second elder said coldly.

Douglas glanced at the second elder, and calmly asked, "After killing Elizabeth, will you be able to prop up the future of the Frost Dragon tribe for the next 1000 years?"

The second elder moved his lips, but he couldn't voice out a word. He was almost reaching the end of his life. Don't even say it's for 1000 years, he might not even make it to the next 200 years' mark.

"Pass down this order. Forbid anyone from hurting Elizabeth. Cancel all the tracking," Douglas said. He continued on to the second elder, "Furthermore, tell Fox that he still has another chance a year later. However, if he even touches a single scale on Elizabeth, he can forget about becoming the leader of the Frost Dragon tribe ever again."

"Have you heard about it? The person that everyone in the city was looking for was found!"

"Really? Whose luck is so good?"

"I don't know. I heard it was a young lady."

In the Blue Suede's factory, the female workers were chatting as they were getting ready for their shift that night.

Cynthia looked at Rachel, who was sitting in a corner looking out of sorts, and curiously asked, "Rachel, was it you who found that person after you ran out in a hurry yesterday?"

All the female workers looked at Rachel curiously after they heard that. She knew the rules of the factory very well, and was never late or left early. However, she ran out without applying for leave yesterday, which made the supervisor rather displeased. The factory most probably would deduct her pay. Everyone was curious where she went yesterday.

"Yes, It's me." Rachel noticed everyone's gazes and nodded. She didn't like to lie.

"Wow! It's really you!"

A commotion erupted in the workshop. All the female workers looked at Rachel with amazement and envy. That was a buffet coupon that was worth over 10,000. She would be able to enjoy the same delicacies that Miss Gloria enjoyed. That little pay deduction was nothing when compared to that!

Cynthia rolled her eyes about and then went to Rachel full of smiles. She took her hand, and said, "Rachel, when do you intend to go and use the coupon? Anyway, you don't have anyone to bring along with you, so why don't you bring me along? We are such good friends. You won't say no to me, right?"

Rachel shook her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, Cynthia. I already promised someone else."

"Alright." Cynthia released Rachel's hand disappointedly before going back to her seat and sulked.

"Excuse me. May I ask, is Master Benjamin working here?" Angus asked the guard respectfully at the factory's entrance.

"Yes, he does. Why are you looking for him?" The guard nodded and then sized up Angus. He wondered why this vagrant-like old man was looking for Master Benjamin.

Angus pleaded, "I have something important to speak to him about. Can you bring me to him please? I won't take up too much of your time."

"This" The guard seemed to be put in a predicament. The old man looked quite pitiful, but the factory had its regulations. Outsiders couldn't be allowed in without permission.

"Let him in." Right at this moment, a melodious voice appeared from the side.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 997 Why Does A Woman Have To Depend On A Man To Be Respected?

"Miss Gloria." The guard turned around as he heard the sound. He immediately greeted her politely and waved his hand at Angus. "You are lucky to meet our boss. She agreed to let you in, so I will bring you to Master Benjamin now."

"Thank you." Angus bowed to Gloria with gratitude before he followed the guard in.

Did he come to Master Benjamin because of Rachel? A hint of curiosity flashed across Gloria's eyes, and then she followed them in too. She would come to inspect the factory every other day. The trench coats' popularity had made Blue Suede Fashion famous. It was now the top fashion brand in the wealthy ladies' social circle in Chaos City. This brought a great income to Blue Suede.

Although it was already winter, and the thin trench coats were no longer suitable, there were many noble ladies who had placed their orders. Even if they couldn't wear it now, they would be able to wear it in the coming spring when the weather got warmer. Therefore, the factory was still having many orders.

Of course, half of the masters were currently manufacturing the thick trench coats. These thicker trench coats that could be worn under the harsh winter winds had already received plenty of pre-orders before they were even put on the production lines.

Gloria followed Angus toward the production workshop. She recognized that this was the old man who'd found his long-lost son at Mamy Restaurant's entrance that morning, and Benjamin was Rachel's father. She felt that couple was actually rather sweet.

"Please wait here for a moment." The guard made Angus wait at the workshop's entrance as he went to say to Benjamin, "Master Benjamin, there is someone looking for you."

"Someone is looking for me?" Benjamin, who was making the pattern, was slightly taken aback. He turned to look at Angus at the door, and Angus smiled and waved at him. Although he didn't know him, out of courtesy, Benjamin still got up and walked to the entrance.

"You are? Do I know you?" Benjamin asked Angus doubtfully when he got to the entrance. He still couldn't recall who this was even after thinking very carefully.

"You do not know me, Mr Benjamin. But, I know you. I am Beck's father," Angus said to Benjamin full of smiles before he quickly changed his words. "Or, I should say Hada's father."

Benjamin's eyes became cautious immediately as he sized Angus up. His shabby jacket was full of holes and patches. He wouldn't even be surprised if he said he was a vagrant. With furrowed brows, he said, "You are the father that he has found today? Why did you come to look for me?"

"Yes. I had been searching for him for 25 years before finally finding him in Chaos City." Angus nodded as he slid his shoes with holes backwards. He sincerely said to Benjamin, "I have to ask you for a great favor today. I have met Miss Rachel this morning. Hada and her love each other. I would like to respectfully ask you to allow them to be together. Hada is a good kid, I believe he will take good care of Rachel."

"Take good care of Rachel?" Benjamin laughed sarcastically. He pointed at Angus and said in a louder voice, "If he was a physically able person and had a normal family, I would give them my blessings. But, he has physical disabilities, and has to support an old blacksmith who even has problems taking care of himself. He can't even support himself, and now he has a father who can't do anything. Tell me, how is he going to take care of Rachel? If Rachel marries him, she would have to take care of the three of you every single day, and she also has to earn money to support that family!

"I only have one daughter, and I did all I could to bring her up. Everyone who met her praises her. I want her to marry into a good family and live a respectable life! No matter what you say, I will never agree to their marriage!"

Angus looked at the determined Benjamin with disappointment. In the past, he did have many assets and could afford a good dowry, but he didn't have even one copper coin in his pocket now, let alone a dowry. It would be good enough if he didn't add onto Beck's burdens.

He, too, was a father, so he could understand how Benjamin thought. Who would want their children to suffer?

"Benjamin's girl is pretty and capable. How can she marry a handicapped man?"

"That's right. There are many of us here who want our sons to marry his daughter, but Rachel has turned all of us down."

Benjamin's voice was rather loud, so it quickly attracted many people's attention. Many master tailors even put down their work and went to take a look at the entrance. They were discussing quietly among themselves.

Why can't they be together since they love each other? Gloria thought perplexedly as she watched from a short distance away. She had seen Hada that morning. Even though he had physical disabilities, he didn't take charity from others. He had much more integrity and aspiration than a lot of normal people.

And when the two of them gazed at each other, she had even seen what true love looked like. She was a little envious, and at the same time wished to give them her blessing. But, she hadn't expected that Rachel's father would be against them so strongly.

"Rachel, you need to go and take a look now. Your father is arguing with someone!" a female worker, who ran in in a rush, said.

"What?" Rachel had a shock, and quickly dashed to the entrance. She saw the deflated Angus, who was standing in front of Benjamin, who resembled a fighting c.o.c.k that had just won a fight.

"Father, why did you come here? I had a hard time looking for you." Before Rachel could go forward, a limping figure rushed in. He heaved a sigh of relief after he saw Angus. Then, he noticed Benjamin who was standing at the side. Even though he was shocked, he swiftly respectfully greeted, "Uncle."

Benjamin coldly said to Hada, "You came just in time. Since your father is present today too, I will make things clear to all of you. As long as I am Rachel's father for a day, I will never allow Rachel to marry you. It will be over my dead body. You'd better give up and tell your father to never come to look for me again! And I forbid you to see Rachel again!"

Hada's eyes darkened as he rolled his fingers into fists slowly and then released them helplessly.

"Father, no matter what happens, I am going to marry Hada!" Rachel dashed forward and grabbed Hada's hand as she looked at Benjamin determinedly.

Benjamin was so angry that his moustache trembled. He pointed at Rachel. "You You are going to be the death of me! How is he going to provide a respectable life for you? He will only let you suffer for the rest of your life!"

"Is he the one who is going to have the buffet with Rachel? A cripple. Isn't her taste in men bad?" Cynthia said as she pursed her lips and sized Hada up.

"Yes. He doesn't seem suitable for Rachel at all. What is she thinking?" The female workers wondered too.

"I guess she was enticed by that one meal and lost her way. She would be laughed at if she married a cripple. It isn't respectable at all," Cynthia said with a hint of jealousy.

The female workers were all talking about it and waiting to watch a good show.

"Why does a woman have to depend on a man to be respected? Couldn't she earn it for herself?" Right at this moment, a curious voice spoke up from the side.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 998 Find Him. Find The Method To Remove The Curse

Gloria, who had been watching silently at the side, stepped forward gradually with a smile and said to Rachel, "I have seen Miss Rachel's sewing skills. They have already reached the level of a master. I have specially come to sign a new contract with her today. Furthermore, I have great hopes for her. I believe she could have a very respectable life with her own hard work and skills."

The surroundings quieted down immediately. Everybody was looking at Gloria in disbelief.

All the masters in the factory were old masters with at least 20 years of skills. Even if they were not famous master tailors, their skills were impeccable.

But Rachel was just over 20 years of age, and she had only done some sewing-the-corners work previously. Although her skills were slightly better than the usual female workers', she simply wasn't senior enough to become a master now, right?

How could this be! Cynthia was full of disbelief. Becoming a master meant having a minimum salary of 10,000 copper coins, and the job was much easier. A female worker only earned 3,000 copper coins despite working much harder. Although they were both workers, she had joined one month earlier than her, so how could Rachel become a master?

Rachel also looked at Gloria in a shock. She felt she must have heard it wrongly.

Benjamin was a little stunned too. His kind boss had just said something that he didn't comprehend fully. Smiling, he said hesitantly to Gloria, "Miss Gloria, are you saying that you want Rachel to be a master?"

"Yes." Gloria nodded.

Benjamin shook his head rapidly, and said, "No, this simply will not do. She is just a little girl, how can she be a master? Her skills are not accomplished yet. If she mishandled the clothes, it would damage Blue Suede's reputation. This simply isn't feasible at all. Furthermore, she is so junior, how could she be a master?"

All the masters were looking at Gloria too. Promoting such a young girl to their level had indeed made them feel a little uncomfortable.

"In Blue Suede, all I care about is your capabilities. I don't care how long you've joined the company for. I will pay you according to how capable you are and how much value you can generate for Blue Suede.This is a fair deal," Gloria said to Benjamin and the other masters before landing her gaze on Rachel. "For someone with Rachel's capabilities, it's a waste of talent to let her remain as a worker. Hence, there's nothing wrong with me promoting her to the rank of master, because I believe she can generate more value for Blue Suede."

Gloria's gaze turned to the female workers, and she smilingly said, "Of course, if anyone of you is as outstanding as her, please continue your good work. Let me see your capabilities, and you will be the next new master."

After a moment of silence from the female workers, a round of applause erupted from them, and an unusual sparkle glowed in their eyes.

There were tears glistening in Rachel's eyes. Choking, she said to Gloria, "Miss Gloria, I"

"Believe in my judgement and your capabilities." Gloria looked at Rachel smilingly before looking at Hada. "I shouldn't have interfered in your family matters, but someone told me before that as long as I am capable, a woman can make a living by herself and doesn't need to obey anyone."

"Mm-hm." Rachel nodded with conviction. She held Hada's hand tightly, and said to Benjamin, "Father, I will have a respectable life with my own capabilities. I want to marry Hada and I believe we can make our lives respectable together. We will not be impoverished."

"Uncle, I am a blacksmith. I can support both my father and master with my hands. I will not drag Rachel down," Hada promised to Benjamin solemnly as he held Rachel's hand tightly.

"That's good enough, old pal. Your daughter will be earning more than you in two years' time. She alone can let her whole family live respectably."

"That's right. We, the old fogies, had worked for our entire lives, and were no different from this little girl now. This young man is not bad, either. He will be nice to your daughter."

The old tailors had changed their attitudes, and began to talk him out of his disagreement.

Benjamin looked at Hada and Rachel, who were holding theirs together tightly, with a frown. He sighed loudly after a long period of silence. "Since you are so stubborn, I shall not bother with you anymore. But you have chosen this yourself today, don't ever blame me for not stopping you in the future." Then, he turned and went straight into the workshop.

Surprised smiles appeared on both Rachel and Hada's faces simultaneously. Then, they hugged each other tightly.

The crowd also smiled before they dispersed. This seemed like a rather good ending.

Angus, who was standing at the side, also had a relieved smile on his face.

Gloria also walked toward the workshop with a smile. She didn't disturb the couple who had just gone through their biggest obstacle. She thought, If Mr Mag knew about this incident, would he think that I have done a good job?

Under the Boundless Sea Realm at the south of the Demon Islands, there was an area of sunken ruins.

In the middle of that ruin was an altar.

A sorcerer in black robes was holding a blue crystal ball as he piously chanted, "Supreme God, please guide our tribe out of the fog and create a new era"

There were numerous merfolk below the altar. They had a human upper body, but instead of legs, they had a tail like a fish. They used seashells and seaweeds to cover their abdomens and b.r.e.a.s.ts. They all gazed at the altar piously.

Right at this moment, a strong blue light burst out of the crystal ball, and scenes began to play out right above the altar.

That was a scene on the land. It was a huge city, a big square, massive crowds The scene finally stopped at a restaurant and a man standing in front of it.

"It has been 1,000 years! The Supreme God has finally answered our prayers again! This is the opportunity for our Lantisde to return to the Continent! And this place and this man are the crucial clues to lifting the curse on us, the Merfolk!" the man in black robe said agitatedly as he stared at the frozen scene.

The entire ocean seemed to be excited too as sounds of cheering could be heard.

The man in black robe kept the crystal ball slowly as he said in a deep voice, "Wake Gina up. She will bear the hope of Lantisde and proceed to the continent to seek out the method to undo the curse."

A crystal coffin raised up gradually from the middle of the deep ocean. In it lay a beautiful mermaid.

A merman stepped forward, and worriedly said, "Great Sorcerer, Gina is still not able to survive on the land for a long period of time. If we let her go on the land now, she could die."

"It will be her utmost honor to die for Lantisde." The man in black robe's voice reverberated through the ocean. He waved his hand lightly, and the crystal coffin's cover disappeared. The mermaid in the coffin opened her eyes gradually too.

The man in black robe pointed at the disappearing scene, and shouted, "Gina, find him. Find the method to remove the curse!"

 Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 999 To Obtain Miss Gloria

The restaurant was going through its upgrades secretly. Almost no changes could be seen on the exterior, but nobody knew that there were many scary cannon barrels hidden in that chimney.

The system had retrofitted the restaurant with the first type of equipment that could defend itself from attackers and counterattack. However, the activation requirement was that it had to be attacked first.

Mag didn't really mind that, as he was already at 7th-tier. The only issue was that he couldn't use his power in public. Hence, if there were stupid trouble-makers who dared to touch the restaurant, these several missiles would be enough to make them suffer.

Of course, Mag was really excited about the next upgrade of the restaurant because the system has said that once the restaurant reached lv8, it would make a sky garden restaurant available.

Although there weren't any detailed descriptions, the words sky garden were attractive enough.

As for that chance to upgrade and retrofit, Mag had decided to keep it and not utilize it for the time being.

Chaos School. The Principal's Office.

A teacher from the administration office faced Novan, who was sitting behind the desk, and hesitantly said, "Principal, the new school building was completed according to the request, and we are entering the stage of recruiting the additional teachers required. However, some teachers have different ideas about the usage of the new building. They believe the new children and teachers should familiarize themselves with our school at the old building first"

"The money that was used to build the new school building came from Teacher Luna's foundation. Moreover, this foundation was established to give those children who don't have a chance to sit in a classroom a chance to do so. Who do you think deserves to attend classes in the new building?" Novan, who raised his razor-sharp gaze, asked that teacher.

That teacher shivered, and quickly said, "It should be those children."

Novan continued, "Since the building was already completed, we should hasten on the recruitment of teachers. But, we should be very strict on the review mechanism and process. I will still be the examiner of the final interview round. We have to find responsible teachers for the children."

"Yes." That teacher swiftly nodded again.

"Additionally, since the administration office is in charge of collaborating with Teacher Luna's foundation, please do a good auxiliary job and help Teacher Luna count the number of children and demands. It is your mission to make sure that every child can attend classes in Chaos School."

"Yes." That teacher nodded and left the principal's office.

"These old fogies. Instead of doing research on knowledge, they began to research the old and new school buildings." Novan shook his head as he took a register book of teachers from the bookshelf behind him and began to flip through it.

The city lord's castle. Luna took out a folded registration form and passed to Vivian. Smiling, she said, "Vivian, the Chaos School has begun a new round of teachers' recruitment. I have brought you a registration form. Fill it up quickly and then send it to the registration point. You could become a teacher at the school soon!"

"Really?" Vivian's eyes lit up as she took the registration form. She read through it carefully and hugged Luna. She happily said, "It's great, Luna! I will be a teacher at Chaos School too!"

Luna tapped Vivian's forehead helplessly with a smile, and said, "No. This is only a registration form, and not an admission letter. You still have to go through an exam and the interview round with Principal Novan before you can become a true teacher."

"It's fine. Given my capabilities, I will definitely pass the exam. There won't be a problem at the interview, either, as Principal Novan is super nice to me. Therefore, getting this form means I am going to be Chaos School's teacher. For sure!" Vivian laughed confidently before she curiously asked Luna, "But Luna, doesn't Chaos School always conduct its teachers' recruitment at the end of the year after the students go for their holidays? Why is it conducted so early this year?"

"Because the new school building was already completed. The children will be able to start school earlier this year to learn some basics as long as we can find suitable teachers. This is also beneficial in helping them to blend into Chaos School."

"So that was the case." Vivian nodded thoughtfully. With a laugh, she said, "Aren't you envious that the children that I am going to teach in the future are those whom you have helped?"

"You'd better spend your time reading on the test questions. If you fail to pass the test, you can forget about becoming a teacher." Luna laughed with exasperation before she continued in a more serious tone, "And, although Principal Novan is very nice to you usually, he is very principled when it comes to selecting his teachers. If he believes that a person can't teach the children properly, regardless of who you are, you will not pass the interview. You'd better think through properly if you are ready to be a teacher."

Vivian looked at Luna silently for a moment before she stopped smiling and nodded seriously. "I have been thinking about what I can do since my body began to recover. Finally, after much thought, I would still like to spend my time together with the children. In the past 10-odd years, I have never felt much energy and happiness, but when I am with the children, I may be able to get back what I have lost from them. I guess this will be a happy and interesting matter."

"Excellent, then you shall prepare for the test now," Luna said smilingly. Then, she retrieved a stack of papers from a bag, and said with a blink, "These are past-year questions and they are not available to the normal people. Do them once diligently and ask me if you have any questions."

"Ah. Although you mean well for me, are you treating me as your student? It's such a huge stack of papers, and you expect me to do them all? I hate you" Vivian looked at Luna with a pained expression.

Luna held up her fists as she encouraged, "Nothing worth having comes easy. Go for it. You are the best."

Vivian changed the topic, and excitedly asked Luna, "Did anything romantic happen on the long journey to Rodu with Boss Mag? Isn't your grandfather rather impressed with him? Did he profess anything to you?"

"There were so many people sitting on the flying magic beast and we reached Rodu within a day. Nothing could happen."

"Tsk, tsk. Why do I sense a tinge of regret?"

"You're asking for a beating"

"Hahaha I'm sorry, I'm sorry Stop tickling Hahaha"

"Madam, are we really going to carry out Plan S this time? This doesn't seem like a good idea?"

Under the night sky, a giant bat slowly glided into Chaos City. A black-robed figure followed her silently as it whispered, "What's not good about it? In order to come up with this perfect Plan S to obtain Miss Gloria, I have spent over a month's time in the castle. Now this plan is complete, and it's the time to execute it."

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1000 The Way To A Woman's Heart Is Through Her Stomach

"But, Miss Gloria is the young mistress of Moreton, after all, and is even the heir presumptive of the Moreton Family. Given their family's status in Chaos City, if you decide to use force, the city lord's castle and Gray Temple would not stand by and watch. This is still Chaos City, we" the black cat said with hesitation.

"Force? Ah, I have never used force on women. That is only a lousy method used by those useless men. There's no point to obtaining a person's body, I want her heart." Countess Bartoli smiled sinisterly as she landed on the roof of a three-storey building. She gazed at the big manor far away and licked her s.e.xy red lips. With a smile, she said, "This Plan S is not for show only. I have prepared myself for multiple failures before I would obtain such a beautiful and talented young lady."

"You used force numerous times before" the black cat mumbled.

"What are you saying?" A whip appeared in Camilla's hand as she looked at the black cat with an unfriendly expression.

"I said you would definitely win the lady's heart!" the black cat said rapidly in shock as all the fur on its body bristled.

"Excellent. I think so too." Camilla nodded in satisfaction before keeping the whip away.

"The first step shall begin with a lullaby. Every woman would love to fall asleep in their lovers' song. I suppose Miss Gloria will be no different," Camilla said to herself softly. With a gentle tap of her foot, she landed on a roof that was dozens of meters away and started to dash toward that manor.

"Is that really so?" The cat had doubt in its voice, but it still continued to follow behind her silently.

An exquisite small courtyard within the Moreton Manor.

Gloria was trying to sleep as she lay on her bed. Her mind kept replaying that scene from the evening. As long as the lovers stayed together, they could overcome any obstacles in their way. That kind of emotion was simply too sweet. It made people envious.

She had never dared to dream of being in love for the past 10-odd years due to the mark on her face.

Until the appearance of Mr Mag. He had used the delicious tofu pudding to remove the mark on her face, and told her that there were many things to try and choices to be made in life. He was just like a light that shone into her heart.

She was no longer the cowardly girl, and yet she was still the same: gentle, courteous, learned, understanding

"Ah~ My lovely girl, have you ever thought of me" Right at this moment, an eerie voice suddenly appeared outside her window.

Gloria had a shock, and twisted her head to look toward the window. A figure with long hair hung upside down at the window in a weird and horrifying posture which looked even more scary in the dark night.

"Ghost!!!" Gloria screamed in a shrill voice.


A soft thud sounded as Camilla, who was hanging by the window, fell down.

"Aiyo Miss Gloria. It's not a ghost It's me" Camilla stood up by supporting herself with the window. The window shut close and bolted up just as she was about to poke her head in.

Camilla looked at the tightly shut window with a complex expression. She opened her mouth, but she couldn't make a sound.

"Let's go now, Madam. Someone is coming," the black cat urged with a hint of haste in its voice.

Trespassing in a private manor was a huge deal; furthermore, Madam's motive was so impure. If they were discovered, they wouldn't be let off the hook easily.

Camilla gazed at the tightly shut window sadly. Even though she had 10,000 methods to break open this wooden window, she chose not to do it. She heaved a sigh before she transformed into a black fog and disappeared from the small courtyard.

"Little Black, you could see how perfect my entrance was, how beautiful my singing was, and how romantic I looked when I was singing. Why would she think that I was a ghost?"

"Any normal person would react like her if they saw a long-haired woman hanging upside down by their window at night," Little Black mumbled.

"Say it again."

"Tonight's moon is so bright"

"Gloria, what's going on? What happened?" Lance, who was the first to rush into the courtyard, asked nervously from outside. When he saw Debra come in, he immediately urged, "Go in and check on the child."

Debra, too, quickly went over and knocked on the door as she nervously asked, "Are you alright? Don't be afraid, it's me. Open the door, child."

Mickey walked over as he rubbed his eyes sleepily, and tensely asked, "Is Big Sister alright?"

After a moment, the door cracked open. Debra quickly walked in and closed the door.

"Mother." Gloria rushed into Debra's arms. Her body was still shaking.

"Don't be afraid, Mother's here." Debra hugged Gloria quickly and began to rub her back to soothe her as she consoled her. Only after she had calmed down did she gently ask, "What was it, child? Did you have a nightmare?"

Gloria pointed toward the window as she said, "There There was a figure hanging upside down earlier. She She was singing too"

"A figure hanging upside down!?" Debra was shocked. She turned to look at the tightly shut window. She didn't see anything, so she hugged Gloria and continued to console her. "You may be hallucinating because you are too tired recently. You will be fine after a good night's rest."

Gloria furrowed her brows as she shook her head, and said, "It was not a hallucination. But her singing was horrible Although it was a little scary, now when I recall it, I feel a little like laughing"

"Mother will sleep with you tonight. Relax, she won't appear again." Debra released Gloria with a smile. She went to the door and waved to her husband and son standing in the courtyard. "You guys can go back to sleep first. I will sleep with Gloria tonight."

"Is she alright?" Lance was still a little worried.

"It's nothing. I will tell you more tomorrow." Debra nodded before closing the door again. She pulled Gloria back onto the bed.

"Let's go. We shall go back to sleep too." Lance shivered. He ran out in a hurry without even putting on a jacket. Since Gloria seemed fine, he walked out of the courtyard with Mickey.

"Madam, the first step of Plan S has failed, and it could even have caused psychological trauma to Miss Gloria. What shall we do now?" the black cat asked Camilla.

"This failure is purely accidental. But it's fine. A single failure doesn't mean anything. Plan S is a perfect plan, and it will not stop just because of a tiny failure."

A confident smile appeared in Camilla's lips. "The way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. And I am that person for Miss Gloria."

"May I ask what you intend to do now?"

"Of course I am going to procure the freshest and sweet blood for Miss Gloria."

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1001 What Kind Of Drugs Did He Put In His Food

Gloria woke up early after having a good night's sleep in her mother's arms. She was no longer as traumatized as last night. She got out of bed lightly and changed as she prepared to go to Mamy Restaurant to have her breakfast.

She was already used to starting her new day with a nice breakfast, and of course, Mamy Restaurant was her only choice.

She didn't know if she went there for the food or so that she could see Mr Mag once every morning.


Gloria stepped out of her room and kicked away a bowl that was placed in front of her door. She was stunned.

"Blood!" She looked over and suddenly jumped back into her room in a shock.

A white jade bowl landed a short distance away. Fresh red blood splashed all over the floor, and a strong smell of blood washed over her.

Gloria, who had just woken up, felt her stomach churn. She covered her mouth and took another two steps backwards. She closed the door with a pale face.

"The fresh blood that I procured!" Camilla, who was on a roof not far away, had a pained expression. She perplexedly asked, "Why? Why did Miss Gloria turn and run when she saw the fresh and sweet blood? Why did she kick over the bowl? This is the breakfast I have freshly prepared for her!"

"Madam, usually when people prepare breakfast for others, they will place it on the table. Only the breakfast prepared for the dog will be placed on the floor And, although you like fresh blood, humans don't drink fresh blood. Most of them hate fresh blood, in fact," the black cat mumbled.

"Nonsense! Is there anything that is more delicious than fresh blood?" Camilla said coldly. After pondering, she added, "The problem must be with the blood. It's because you stopped me from killing this and that, and I ended up procuring a bowl of rabbit's blood."

"Yes, yes, yes You are absolutely right"

Debra was awakened by the sound made by the door slammed shut. She opened her eyes in a daze and looked at Gloria, who was standing at the door with a pale face. She swiftly got up from the bed, went over to her, and concernedly asked, "What is it, Gloria?"

"Blood Someone put a bowl of blood at my door" Gloria said with a tinge of fear.

"Blood?" Debra was shocked too. She grabbed Gloria's cold hands and consoled her. Then, she cracked open the door lightly and peered out. There was indeed a puddle of blood on the floor. It hadn't solidified yet, and looked rather terrifying.

Last night's hanging ghost and splashing of fresh blood this morning. Who is that punk that keeps trying to scare Gloria? I have to ask Master to seek justice for us, or else Gloria will be scared out of her mind soon. Debra closed the door. With a consoling smile, she said, "It's alright. It's only a little blood, and definitely not a human's. I will ask your father to look for your grandfather later. He will investigate who is the person that is scaring you with tricks. He will definitely catch the punk behind all this."

"Mm-hm." Gloria gazed at Debra for a while before she calmed down slowly. She opened the door again to have another look. Although the blood was still glaring, it wasn't so scary after all. She closed the door again after she had sorted out her thoughts.

"I am going out now, Mother," Gloria said to Debra, stepped over the puddle of fresh blood, and strode out quickly.

Her stomach began to churn the moment she saw that fresh blood. All she wanted now was to leave the yard as quickly as possible.

"It seems like Miss Gloria indeed doesn't like fresh blood. I have to see what she likes to eat for breakfast." Camilla watched Gloria as she stepped into the horse-drawn carriage. She flitted away with the black cat.

The horse-drawn carriage left the Moreton Manor, and went all the way to Mamy Restaurant before it finally stopped.

Gloria came out of the carriage and saw the familiar restaurant. Although the cold winds were blowing, she felt a hint of warmth and dependability for an inexplicable reason. Her tensed up emotions began to relax; she went to join the line that had 20-30 people in it, and waited for the restaurant to open.

Camilla stood far away with furrowed brows, and mumbled, "Mamy Restaurant? Why does it sound so familiar?"

After a short while, the restaurant's door opened, and Mag came out pushing his bicycle with Amy following behind him.

"It's them." Camilla's eyes lit up immediately. She had a deep impression of Mag and Amy. She had to admit that the black pepper steak that she had had that night was the most delicious food she'd ever eaten apart from fresh blood.

Gloria gazed at Mag who had just stepped out, and her gaze became gentler as she watched him. She felt that the hurt and shock she suffered from last night and this morning was actually nothing as she watched him.

Camilla quickly noticed the change in Gloria's demeanor, and her gaze on Mag began to turn cold. "So, Miss Gloria wants to eat the breakfast that he makes. It seems like this chap wasn't being honest with me, then."

Mag felt his neck was a little cold for no reason, and he quickly covered his neck with the scarf he was holding. He ditched his final stubbornness when he faced the biting cold.

He greeted the customers as usual, and sent Amy to school with the bicycle.

The restaurant began its business after Mag came back. He greeted the customers individually at the door with a smile.

"Good morning, Mr Mag," Gloria said to Mag with a smile.

"Good morning, Miss Gloria," Mag replied smilingly. After looking at her, he concernedly asked, "Miss Gloria, you don't look very good. Did you not sleep well last night?"

"I had a bad dream. But it's fine. I will recover after eating a bowl of tofu pudding that Mr Mag makes," Gloria said as she shook her head gently. A hint of blush went up in her cheeks. Is he concerned for me?

"Alright, then come on in," Mag said smilingly.

"Miss Gloria is actually blushing. That chap must have teased her, right? Smelly man. There is indeed not a single one of them who is decent. They are all indecent." Camilla's expression became colder. If she could kill with her gaze, Mag would have died numerous times.

A bowl of yummy Yangzhou fried rice and a helping of sweet and heart-warming tofu pudding. Gloria felt herself healed after eating them. All the bad feelings were forgotten.

"Thank you, Mr Mag." After Gloria paid her bills, she deliberately went to the kitchen's entrance to say that Mag with a smile. Then, she left with a blush.

"Ah. I have to see what kind of drugs he put in his food that made Miss Gloria like them so much." After watching the horse-drawn carriage go far away, Camilla walked toward Mamy Restaurant.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1002 This Is Your Harem?

Mag, who just came out, saw Camilla at the restaurant's entrance, and said in shock, "Countess Bartoli?!"

Her black cat servant that was wearing a black robe was still standing behind her.

"Ah, I didn't expect you to still remember me." Camilla smiled coldly.

"Not many would be able to forget you." Mag's gaze swept across her body. Her dark hair was loosely worn down her back in big waves. Her turquoise green eyes were so seductive that they seemed to be able to talk, and her sickly pale skin accentuated her blood-red lips.

Her long and tight black dress revealed her snowy bosom and a s.e.xy cleavage. A slit that went all the way up to her thigh revealed her round and s.e.xy long legs.

It was indeed difficult to forget a vampire countess who had a queenly presence and a seductively, deadly figure.

"May I know what I can do for you, Countess?" Mag asked calmly.

"I said I would visit you, and I have to make true to my promise. Today I will gobble you up." Camilla licked her red lips and smiled seductively as if she was a female wolf that was looking at a lamb.

"Excuse me, I reject." Mag turned over the wooden plaque on the door handle and took a step back with a smile. "The restaurant is closed now. Please come again next time, Countess."

It was just having a meal, why did she have to sound so l.u.s.tful? It made him a little expectant?

"Closed?" A hint of confusion flashed through Camilla's eyes as if she couldn't understand Mag.

"The restaurant operates till nine in the morning. It's nine o'clock now, so we don't take any more customers." Mag could only explain again.

Camilla pondered, and asked, "According to your rules, customers are people who pay for their meals, right?"

"You can say that."

"That's excellent. I'm not paying today, so I am not a customer." Camilla nodded and walked past Mag straight away. She pushed open the door and went in.

"Although it sounds quite reasonable, something doesn't sound right there?" Mag was a little stunned. Wasn't that a rogue? If she was ugly, the missiles would be aiming at her now.

However, these air defense weapons were not helpful in this instance. This vampire countess had a 9th-tier power. These S-grade air defense missiles meant for the 7th-tier targets were nothing in front of her.

Shirley and the ladies, who were clearing up, were also rather taken aback to see Camilla walked in. Mag didn't usually allow customers to come in during their rest time.

Shirley even revealed a hint of wariness as she could sense a dangerous aura from Camilla. This s.e.xy woman should be a demon, one that was even more powerful than her.

Mag followed her in, and helplessly said, "Countess Bartoli, you"

Camilla already sat down at a clean table and crossed her legs elegantly. She said to Mag, "I would like to have the same breakfast as Miss Gloria. If it isn't available, then I will have to consume you this morning."

So, she came because of Miss Gloria. Could Miss Gloria's pale complexion this morning have had something to do with her? Mag thought. Camilla had warned him previously because she rather liked Gloria, and now she had come to order the same breakfast as Gloria. There must be some connections here.

Countess Bartoli. Is she here looking for trouble? Elizabeth looked at Camilla from a corner. This vampire could be considered a legend amongst the women, which was why she knew her. But she didn't expect to see her here.

Mag pondered for a while before he shook his head, and determinedly said, "The opening hours of the restaurant are over, so the restaurant will no longer provide food. Furthermore, there are only 300 tofu puddings for every meal, and they all sold out this morning. If Countess Bartoli wants to experience the same breakfast as Miss Gloria, please come and line up early tomorrow morning."

"They really sold out?" Camilla looked at Mag's eyes.

"They sold out." Mag nodded honestly. If this countess was really looking for trouble, he could only ask Urien for help. After all, he hadn't utilised that extra help chance from the VIP membership yet.

No. If I lash out directly, Miss Gloria will definitely find out. Then, my image in her heart will become very uncouth. This is not favorable to my image sculpting. Camilla looked at Mag as she thought, But this face is simply asking for a lesson. I want to tie him up, give him a good whipping, and then drip candle wax all over him. That will show him my prowess.

"Alright, then I shall return in the afternoon." Camilla stood up and glanced at Elizabeth at the corner. Then she looked at Shirley and the girls before saying to Mag, "This is your harem?"

"They are the restaurant's service staff." Mag shrugged.

"Ah. Do you think I will believe in your nonsense?" Camilla pursed her lips in disdain before heading to the door directly. "Men are indeed all indecent. None of you is good. I will not let the kind Miss Gloria fall into your trap."

Mag: ""

All the ladies in the restaurant looked at Mag in silence as their expressions became a little complex.

Is she deliberately trying to destroy our restaurant's harmonious and friendly atmosphere?! Mag was tempted to curse, but he didn't know how to explain or refute after seeing the ladies' innocent gazes.

Harem? What's that? What did that big sister mean when she said all that? Should I tell Amy? Anna wondered hesitantly.

"Madam, judging from Miss Gloria's expression when she came out of the restaurant, the person who holds the key to her stomach should be the boss of this restaurant. What shall we do now? Shall we get rid of him?" the black cat asked softly.

"Isn't he just another indecent man? I will let him stay here so Miss Gloria could know who is the one that could bring her happiness. I will not stoop to the level of removing my competition. This would show I don't have any capabilities. I want to crush him directly." Camilla shook her head and raised her chin slightly with pride and confidence.

"If we are going to deliver rabbit blood sneakily every day, I'm afraid that we are the ones going to be crushed" the black cat mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"I said Today's sun is very round too"

"Nonsense! Have you ever seen the sun flat before?"

"Yes, yes, yes"

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1003 I Had Dug Out Your Great Grandfather From His Grave Kicked Your Grandfather's Butt And Knocked On Your Father's Head

"Are you going to the ice cream shop with me, Big Sister? All the kids adore you," Yabemiya said to Elizabeth with a smile as they walked on the road.

"Adore me?" Elizabeth frowned. She didn't actually like the noisy kids, as she liked to be quiet. She went to the ice cream shop yesterday because she was bored in the dormitory. She just scattered some snowflakes casually, and didn't even smile at them at all.

"Yes. The children are asking me if you are a real snow queen. You look beautiful and cold, and have control over ice and snow." Yabemiya nodded with pride on her face.

"Snow Queen" Elizabeth whispered as she remembered the children's smiling faces. She gave a rare smile as she nodded. "I'll go there for a short while."

"Alright." Yabemiya smiled and nodded as she continued walking with her arm linked with Elizabeth's.

In the ice cream shop. An orc with sunken eye sockets pleaded with Yabemiya, "Miss Yabemiya, can I ask you for a favor, please? Can you hold a snowflake birthday party for my child's last birthday please? He was borned on a snowy day, and he has loved snow since he was young. He loves ice cream too. But the doctor says he won't live for too long now, and most probably won't get to see this year's first snow. I beg you, please make an ice cream cake for him and let him watch the snow fall even though it's fake"

"Mr Curtis, how is little Kyle doing? You said you will be bringing him over previously, but I didn't see you guys at all. Is his illness very serious now?" Yabemiya asked the orc with some heartache and urgency.

"I'm sorry. Someone said there is an old physician at the city's outskirts who might be able to cure Kyle, so I brought him there. But Kyle got even worse after a few days of treatment, so that physician asked me to bring him back. He won't last for more than a few days." Curtis looked sad and despondent.

"Kyle is a good kid. Heavens are so unfair to him." Yabemiya looked at Curtis piteously. He had always brought little Kyle to the shop for ice cream since it was open for business. He was a healthy child who just suddenly fell sick one day, and never came back to the shop again.

And this man who could be considered successful became haggard within a few months because of his child. Bays of being parents.

Curtis had come to the ice cream shop once when Kyle became critically ill previously. But he hadn't come again after that, so this matter just went away quietly.

Yabemiya looked pleadingly at Elizabeth, who was sitting at the side. She didn't know magic, and she couldn't conjure up snowflakes, but Elizabeth was super good at that, and the snowflakes she conjured up were even real. If little Kyle could see the snowfall from last night's, he would be very happy.

She's always so kind. I really don't know what to do with her. Elizabeth nodded helplessly.

Yabemiya's eyes lit up, and she nodded at Curtis. "Please bring little Kyle here tomorrow night. The ice cream shop would be operating for the entire day tomorrow. However, I still have to ask my boss's permission for this. But, he is a super nice person, so he most probably wouldn't say no."

"Thanks. Thank you." Curtis bowed deeply at Yabemiya. Then, he wiped his tears and left.

I hope there will be a miracle. Kyle is still so young Yabemiya thought as she looked toward the door.

"Since he will not recover after having an ice cream cake, why does he still want to eat it?" Elizabeth said perplexedly.

"I heard that when a person dies without any regrets, he or she will be able to go to a carefree place," Yabemiya said with a smile.

"Go to a carefree place" Elizabeth wondered, and no longer said anything.

"Boss, a customer came to the shop today and asked us to hold a birthday party for his son" Yabemiya informed Mag about this matter at noon.

"I'm sorry. I agreed without asking for your permission first, but Kyle is such a poor thing. He's only 4.5 years old," Yabemiya said to Mag.

"Miya, you are the manager of the ice cream shop, so you are totally authorized to decide about this. And if he had asked me, I would have agreed too. Although we are operating an ice cream shop, I hope the ice cream that we sell has warmth to it, not simply being an ice cube," Mag said with a smile.

"He's such a poor thing. Why doesn't Father make him a good meal? Then he will recover," Amy said sympathetically.

"Tomorrow's the restaurant's rest day. Let's celebrate little Kyle's birthday together tomorrow night. If this is going to be his last birthday, he should be even happier to receive so many blessings," Mag said after some pondering.

"Yes. He has been a very active child, and he would love the company." Yabemiya nodded and looked at Mag with a touched expression. The boss was indeed a very kind-hearted person.

After lunch and a short period of rest, the busy lunch service began.

"Amy, do you know what a harem is?" Anna asked Amy softly after she got her into a corner with her.

Amy shook her head, and curiously asked, "Harem? I have no idea, Big Sister Anna. What is that? Is it a palace1?"

"I have no idea, either. That big sister said that this morning." Anna shook her head and pointed at Camilla, who just happened to come in. "She said that Big Sister Shirley and the rest are all Uncle Mag's harem."

"This must be a term with a deep underlying meaning. There could be a giant secret hidden beneath it. I have to ask someone who knows it in order to fulfil the assignment given to me by Big Sister Irina." Amy nodded thoughtfully.

Gloria didn't come to Mamy Restaurant for lunch.

"I have wasted so much time lining up, and yet I didn't see the person I wanted to see the most. This is so disappointing," Camilla mumbled disappointedly before she pulled out a chair and sat right across Krassu.

Normally, this seat was vacant as nobody dared to sit right across the legendary great magic caster, even though he didn't seem to be very scary and even looked very kind.

"Hey old man, you look rather familiar?" Camilla asked, having stared at Krassu for a while after she sat down.

"Because I had dug out your great-grandfather from his grave, kicked your grandfather's butt, and knocked on your father's head," Krassu answered calmly.

"If you say so, then you should be very familiar." Camilla nodded before her eyes suddenly widened. She jumped up instantly and took two steps back as she looked at Krassu warily and said, "You You are the Lord of Fire, Krassu!" Le editor's remark: one of Chinese words for harem is literally "back palace", so it's probably that; I just don't know if it's used for the anime-derived harem.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1004 It Seems Like I Can't Use Brute Force Here

Before one went out to explore the world, the elders at home would warn them about certain tough characters that they should never cross. The Lord of Fire, Krassu, and the Lord of Ice, Urien, both ranked in the top five of this list.

The number one spot belonged to Alex and Irina. The former could defeat anyone, and the latter dared to beat up anyone when she got angry. Of course, the most important point was that they basically moved and acted together.

Of course, to vampires, Krassu and Urien brought a more complicated feeling due to certain reasons.

For example digging up their family graves.

The black cat servant instantly hid behind Camilla. It was so afraid that it even dropped its robe. All the fur on its body bristled, and it trembled behind Camilla.

"Load of crap. I dug up all of their family graves. There was nothing except for a bunch of dried bats hanging upside down." Urien pursed his lips with disdain at the side.

"That was because you dug in the wrong direction. Who was the one that only knew how to dig up the coffins? There were of course only dead people in the coffins, all the good stuff was on the other side." Krassu had an equally disdainful expression.

"I wouldn't have bothered to dig up their family graves if the old bat had not begged me to help them catch those haunted dried bats. I simply didn't bother to expose you when you went to cheat them."

"You were the cheat, not me. I helped them burn those dried bats to bring a permanent end to the problem. Furthermore, those dried bats that became spirits had long escaped from the graves. Those you killed were only the insignificant ones, the real deal was all out there, and it was me who dealt with them."

The customers were all stunned to hear Krassu and Urien's argument. There was no other place that they could hear such a shocking story except at Mamy Restaurant.

Is it really nice to discuss digging out her family graves in front of her? Mag raised his eyebrows in the kitchen, but he had a hint of smile on his lips. He couldn't help feeling happy to see Camilla embarrassed.

Camilla's feelings were indeed complicated. As a core member of the vampire tribe, she knew all about the matters that Krassu and Urien said. These had really happened.

There was a mutation in the vampire family's graves and situations of their ancestors' dried corpses becoming spirits and coming back to life kept occuring. These spirits had lost all of their mental abilities except for viciousness. However, they still retained 80% of their peak combat abilities, and were massacring their tribesmen mercilessly.

The powerhouses in the tribes were wary of the ancestors' identities, so they invited Urien and Krassu to come to suppress them. They only managed to suppress the dried corpses mutation then.

Even she wasn't very sure what had actually happened. But then, the tribe cemetery became a forbidden place. All vampires weren't allowed to enter since then.

However, she had discovered some burnt marks at the place where they prayed to their ancestors. She had thought they were made by incense, but according to the conversation between Krassu and Urien now, she began to suspect those marks weren't caused by incense, and were made by Krassu instead.

No matter what, Krassu and Urien were indeed the benefactors of the vampire tribe. Although they were handsomely rewarded, and were not blamed for the damage done to the cemetery during their fights, Camilla still felt embarrassed to hear the two of them bragging about how they kicked the tribe leader of the vampires and punched the vampire powerhouses.

She hesitated for a moment before saying, "Gentlemen, you might have remembered wrongly about the minute details of the past. It would be best not to recount them here again."

Krassu shook his head as he seriously said, "Remembered wrongly? No way. Given your dad's loser behavior, I wouldn't forget him even if he turned into dust."

"Does your family still have the hobby of drying bats? Let me tell you, it's best to get rid of this bad habit. Things go bad when they are left hanging for a long time. You'd better burn them early," Urien also added with a serious expression.

Camilla felt exasperated. She began to regret coming into this restaurant and sitting here listening to them.

Of course, what made her even more curious was: why would the legendary incompatible Lord of Fire and Lord of Ice appear together in a restaurant and have a meal together peacefully?

This had a great discrepancy with the legend!

Fight? She was definitely going to lose to them. Even her father could only stand and listen to them if he had come. After all, even her grandfather had been kicked in the butt by them.

"Masters, no shouting in the restaurant, or you will disturb the other customers' meals," Amy, who came over with Ugly Duckling in her arms, said to her teachers gravely.

"Alright, my precious disciple has given the instruction. Stop talking now. Let's place our orders and eat," Krassu said with a smile.

"I shan't argue with you for Amy's sake." Urien also turned and smiled at Amy indulgently.

Disciple? Camilla looked at Amy and was stunned. She immediately recalled the news she had heard earlier about Krassu and Urien taking in a disciple. She hadn't paid it much attention, as she thought it was just silly fake news.

She hadn't expected that the news was actually real, and what made her even more shocked was the two of them took in the same disciple!

Camilla had quite a strong impression of Amy, but she didn't expect that this rather cute half-elf girl was taken in as Urien and Krassu's disciple simultaneously. This meant that she had two horrifyingly strong backers.

Of course, what was more important was that Amy was the daughter of that horrible boss!

Which meant that the indecent man who was seducing Miss Gloria also had the strong backing of Krassu and Urien.

It seems like I can't use brute force here. Camilla looked toward the kitchen with some regret in her expression.

"How do you do, Big Sister Camilla," Amy greeted Camilla with a smile. She had a very important question to ask her, but it was inconvenient to do so in front of so many customers. Hence, she decided to greet her first before finding a chance to ask her later.

"How do you do," Camilla said a slight nod.

Although she was hostile to the indecent man, she had to agree that Amy was really very lovable. She had a delicate and chubby face, and her big blue eyes were big and glistening. She was sorely tempted to pinch her little face.

Ugly Duckling looked at that black cat warily, and it made a hissing sound as a warning.

Krassu was just sitting across her. Although he didn't say a thing anymore, that invisible pressure still made Camilla a little nervous. She ordered a helping of Yangzhou fried rice and a helping of sweet tofu pudding, and continued to sit upright. An unrestrained countess was forced to behave like a prim and proper lady.

Ah. I shall launch an attack after I eat the terrible food. In that case, even though Krassu and Urien are his backing, they wouldn't be able to interfere, Camilla thought as she put down the menu.

"Your Yangzhou fried rice."

A bowl of fried rice was placed in front of her.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1005 Madam Are You Already Captured By The Enemy?

What's that smell?!

The aroma of eggs and chopped green onions washed over Camilla, and her eyes lit up immediately. It smelled fresh and special.

She looked at the fried rice in the bowl. Every grain of rice was distinctly coated by the eggs, and all the ingredients were cut into the same size as the rice grains. They looked colorful and harmonious together, which made people want to start digging in.

It was just a simple fried rice that she wouldn't even eat in normal times, and now it made her unable to wait to start eating.

Try it out?

Camilla felt as if a voice was saying that enticingly to her in her heart.

Let me see what kind of drugs this chap put into his food that made Miss Gloria fall in love with them, Camilla thought as she took a spoon and fed herself a mouthful of rice.

The texture of grain-sized shrimp and ham was so smooth, and the egg-coated rice had a sweet flavor after being chewed well. The taste of every ingredient melted in her mouth and tickled her taste buds. Even when it was all swallowed, her mouth was still full of aroma.

This refreshing texture and taste were different from the fresh blood's richness and freshness. It seemed to have reopened a door in her world and allowed her to cross over.

This taste was just incredible!

For the first time, Camilla had experienced the scrumptiousness of food apart from meat that had blood in it.

It was also Mag who'd let her experience the delicious taste of food previously. However, that was a medium black pepper steak. Steak and red wine were food that she could easily accept.

But, she had never tried any of the ingredients in this helping of fried rice before in her life, and had even believed that she would never try them for the rest of her life.

However, they brought her an incomparable fresh experience in taste and freshness!

One mouthful was simply not enough. Camilla swiftly scooped another spoonful of fried rice into her mouth. One mouthful quickly followed another mouthful. It was so delicious that she simply couldn't stop.

Very soon, the bowl of fried rice was empty.

"I want another bowl of Yangzhou fried rice," Camilla said without any hesitation.

She surprised herself by saying that as she stared at the empty plate in front of her. With a weird expression, she mumbled to herself, "Did he really put drugs in it? How did these simple ingredients taste so scrumptious and irresistible?"

"Your sweet tofu pudding. The fried rice will be sent to you soon."

Before Camilla could sort out her thoughts, Yabemiya had already placed a bowl of sweet tofu pudding in front of her.

Sweet tofu pudding. That was another delicious feast.

Half an hour later, Camilla was burping as she left Mamy Restaurant. She took a break by supporting herself against the door frame as she looked toward the kitchen. "Burp He must have added drugs! But it's so delicious If I wasn't already so full, I would definitely have another bowl"

Amy followed Camilla out with a smile, and asked, "Big Sister Camilla, I have a question to ask you."

"Question?" Camilla looked at Amy.

"Yup." Amy nodded her tiny head. She looked around her to make sure nobody was paying attention before she whispered, "I would like to know, what is a harem?"

"Harem? That is the collective name a king gave to all his women." Camilla paused and looked toward the kitchen before continuing, "But, there are some stinky men who would shamelessly call his women his harem."

Amy's eyes lit up immediately. She felt she had just heard an incredible piece of information.

"Bye." Camilla turned into a black fog and disappeared.

In this case, are Big Sister Miya and the rest considered Father's women? Although they were very pretty and nice, if Big Sister Irina knew about this, Father would definitely be beaten up?

And if Big Sister Irina became angry and refused to join Father's harem, then I wouldn't be able to hug her to sleep every day.

This simply was not good.

Should I tell her about such an important matter? This is such a dilemma.

Amy squatted in front of the restaurant's entrance and thought frustratedly with her hands supporting her face.

"Madam, were you already captured by the enemy?"

"Ah, how could he capture me with such trivial tricks?"

"Then, was the Yangzhou fried rice delicious?"

"It's so good!"


"Let me tell you this, I am just infiltrating the enemy's base to spy on him. Just as the saying goes, 'know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated'. You definitely understand this rationale."

"Then what shall we do now?"

"The facts have already proven that the way to Miss Gloria's stomach is already inaccessible. Although I don't know what drugs that chap put in his food, I have to admit that he has successfully grasped Miss Gloria's stomach Burp"

"Including yours too?" A quiet mumble.

"Shut up!"


"Since the tender and heart-warming technique is a dead end, then I have no other choice but to play my trump card: the Dominant President technique!"

"The Dominant President?"

"Yes. The invincible, one and only Dominant President!"

The black fog dissipated gradually as Camilla appeared and gazed at the Demi Fashion from afar. She revealed a confident smile as she walked gracefully toward it.

The door was pulled open as soon as Camilla reached the entrance, and a store assistant smilingly said, "Welcome to Demi Fashion."

Camilla walked in with her chin slightly raised, and calmly said, "I will take all the clothes you have in here. Let me emphasize again: all."

"This" the store assistant said with an awkward expression. "I'm sorry, dear customer. All the clothes in the store are reserved. Even the next month's output is reserved, so there are no clothes available for sale in this store at all."

"Huh?" Camilla, who had tried to act calm and collected initially, raised her eyebrows and looked at the store assistant. She couldn't help but raise her tone as she said, "Not even one piece?"

"Yes. Not one piece is available." That store assistant quickly nodded. This customer's aura was simply too scary. Even those noble ladies had never made her feel so pressured before.

Wasn't this going to make her fail at acting cool?!

Camilla frowned as she pondered. Then, she smiled again, and rather dominantly said, "I will pay double the price for all the clothes in the store now and all those you can manufacture next month, regardless how much the others pay you."

The store assistant began to look at Camilla differently with her mouth slightly agape. Paying double the price for all the clothes in the store would cost a few million copper coins. She said in a trembling voice, "Please wait for a minute. I have to get the boss as I cannot decide this."

The other store assistants in the shop also had shocked expressions on their faces after they heard Camilla.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1006 No Man Is Able To Resist My Charms

Camilla was very pleased with the assistants' expressions. Since she was a countess, she definitely had money. She had inherited her dead fiance's fortune as there was nobody in his family left to do so.

She could be considered as the richest vampire in the tribe except for a few old fogies.

Money could really enable her to do as she pleased.

Her gaze swept over the few pieces of clothes on the racks. She was surprised to realize that some of these clothes were actually quite nice, especially that long coat. It had already attracted her attention when it was just simply hanging there. She began to imagine how beautiful she would look wearing that.

"Double the price?" Gloria, who was checking the accounts in her office, was shocked. She put down the bills and started to proceed out.

"Countess Bartoli?" Gloria was a little taken aback to see Camilla who was standing in front of a black trench coat. She had quite a deep impression of this vampire countess. Although her behavior was a little weird, she was indeed quite high-ranking in the vampire tribe.

Although she was surprised that Camilla wanted to buy all the clothes, Gloria quickly regained her composure. She went up with a smile. "How do you do, Countess."

"How do you do, Miss Gloria." Camilla turned around with a smile and said to Gloria, "You still look so beautiful as usual."

Gloria was a little stunned before she smilingly replied, "Your beauty remains the same as before too, Countess."

"Oh, yes? I thought I had started to look haggard because I missed you." Camilla sighed with a hint of sadness.

"Huh?" Gloria was stunned again. She gazed at Camilla with a weird expression before she quickly continued, "I heard from the assistant that you would like to buy all the clothes in the stores and those scheduled for next month, Countess?"

"Yes." Camilla nodded with a smile. As she looked into Gloria's eyes, she lovingly said, "I want all the clothes that Miss Gloria made, regardless of how many there are."

Camilla's gaze made Gloria feel really uncomfortable. She shook her head, and said, "I beg your pardon, Countess. All these clothes are reserved."

"I will pay you double the price." Camilla's tone was very insistent.

"I'm sorry, Countess. We at Blue Suede pride ourselves on our integrity. The clothes that are reserved by our customers will definitely be delivered to them. This will not change because other customers decide to pay us more."

Camilla's brows furrowed slightly as she gazed into Gloria's determined eyes. The plot's progression didn't go according to her expectations. Shouldn't Miss Gloria be looking at her lovingly and give her her heart and all the clothes ecstatically now?

"Please don't be mistaken, Miss Gloria. What I value is the unique and intricate design of your clothes. These clothes are the most beautiful clothes I have seen. There are no fancy gems and excess accessories, yet they attracted my attention easily. I even fell in love with them." Camilla pointed at the black trench coat and gazed at Gloria lovingly. "I was wondering who designed this beautiful piece of garment earlier. I think that person must be very talented. I even began to think I am already in love with her."

A tinge of nervousness began to appear in Gloria's face. Even her voice started to tremble. "You You fell in love with Mr Mag too?!"

"Yes, I have fallen in love" Camilla continued naturally before she paused and stared at Gloria with her eyes wide open. "Huh?! Who did you say it was? Mr Mag?! Didn't you design these clothes?"

"I didn't design these clothes." Gloria shook her head and began to look at Gloria warily. Perhaps the countess had also fallen in love with Mr Mag? What was she doing here today? Did she come to find trouble?

However, Mr Mag was so outstanding that it was normal people would like him. She began to feel slightly depressed when she thought of that. It felt like others had discovered her precious belonging.

Damn! Why does that chap have to appear everywhere! Furthermore, she said "too"? It seems to mean something? There was confusion in Camilla's heart. The lines she had prepared in advance were stuck in her throat. She couldn't continue, and started to feel frustrated.

Never mind that she had failed to grasp Miss Gloria's stomach. That chap was even involved with the most important aspect of a woman's life, clothing! Furthermore, he had done so well. It was intolerable that he didn't give others a chance at all!

"If the Countess likes this piece of clothes, you can place a reservation with the store. However, according to the orders sequence, you may have to wait till next month before you can receive it," Gloria said cautiously. Although Countess Bartoli had her reputation, this was Chaos City, after all. As the heir presumptive of the Moreton Family, she couldn't actually do anything to her, so she wasn't really afraid.

"Then, I shall reserve one piece," Camilla said with complicated feelings. She had come to showcase her dominant queen's presence, yet she had failed spectacularly. She only wanted to find a place to calm herself down now so she wouldn't go back to murder that chap.

"Please register for the Countess," Gloria indicated to a store assistant at the side.

Camilla started to regret her words immediately after she said them. She thought, No way. This piece of clothes is designed by that chap. Doesn't it mean I acknowledge him if I buy it? Then I will be inferior to him in front of Miss Gloria. This shan't be allowed to happen!

"What color do you prefer your trench coat to be, Countess?" the assistant asked smilingly.

"Black! Just like this design. It's so pretty."

10 minutes later, Camilla walked out of Blue Suede with a complicated expression. She had a stack of receipts in her hands.

"He grasped the women's stomachs, and now he grasped the women's clothing. That chap is definitely a formidable opponent," Camilla mumbled to herself as she held onto the receipts.

"Miss Gloria's eyes are already blinded by him. She is already deeply entrenched in his trap and unable to extricate herself. Since this is the case, I have no other choice but to let him reveal his animal nature to Miss Gloria. This is the only way to wake her up and let her realize who is truly worthy of her."

"Madam, what do you plan to do now?"

"Plan C. I'll sacrifice myself in order to make that animal reveal his true colors."

Camilla's expression began to look seductive. Her pink tongue glided across her s.e.xy red lips lightly. "In this world, no man is able to resist my charms."

"Wouldn't you end up trapping yourself instead?"

"Shut up!"

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1007 I Feel The Water Content In My Body Is Going To Be Gone Soon

Under the Boundless Sea Realm, an ancient palace was entangled by sea weeds, yet one could still see its majestic past.

"High Priest, the holy maiden Gina has already embarked on the search for the Chosen One through the teleportation portal. However, the teleportation portal is already over 1,000 years old, it is unknown if it could still send her to that place," a siren reported respectfully to the siren in black robes sitting on the altar.

"That is an ancient altar which is a remnant from the ancient times. It is still standing after 10,000 years. As long as it isn't damaged, it can start saltatory teleportation between all the teleportation portals. Gina has the unique Lantisde's power stone, which can activate the portals. She is able to activate the teleportation portals three times. If she still can't find the Chosen One after three transmissions, then she will have to walk." There was a hint of worry in the voice of the high priest too.

"You have deduced that the Chosen One's location is near one ancient altar, and believe that our omnipotent god will make sure Gina finds him."

"I certainly hope so."

In a desolate desert valley, an ancient teleportation portal lit up. A beautiful figure appeared in the middle of the altar.

She was wearing a seaweed skirt with both her long legs close together. Two white seashells barely covered her ample b.r.e.a.s.ts, and her pale skin was as white as snow, while her golden-red hair was still wet as if she had just come out from a bath.

Hmm? Where am I? Could this be the continent? The lady opened her light golden eyes, and a gleam of light flashed through them as she stared at her surroundings curiously. Heat was emanating from the golden sand that stretched on endlessly. Everything was so new and amazing.

Then, she raised her head and looked at the sun in the sky. It was hanging in the sky like a huge golden-red plate. It resembled a continuously burning fireball.

"Is this the legendary sun? It's so round so bright so glaring!" She swiftly retrieved her gaze, and she felt her surroundings had become black instantaneously.

"Am I blinded? No" Gina blinked her eyes in panic, and reached her hands out to feel her surroundings. Fortunately, she began to regain her sight after a while and heaved a sigh of relief. She covered her face with her hands and peered at the sun through the tiny gaps between her fingers. With a lingering fear, she mumbled, "So Grandma had said the truth. I really can go blind if I look at the sun. This sun is indeed so petty. I can't even look at it.

"Oh yes. I have come to find the Chosen One. The high priest said I had to find him, then knock him out and bring him back. I am so excited just thinking about it." Gina rolled her eyes around as she remembered the motive of her trip. She didn't see the scene of the blocks of buildings from the image when she looked around her. Her gaze landed on the tall sand dunes next to the valley. "I am going up there to have a look."

Gina came to the edge of the altar and placed one foot on the sand.

"Shhh!!! It's so hot!"

Gina quickly retrieved her snowy white foot the moment she touched the sand. She lifted her foot with difficulty. The bottom of her foot was already red. She blew at her foot with teary eyes as she mumbled, "Why is it so hot? It even cooked my tiny foot. So, the people living on the continent have to live like grilled fish every single day? Such poor things. It's really more comfortable to live underwater. Then, why does the high priest try all his best to return Lantisde to the continent?"

Even though she was complaining, Gina stood up again after sitting on the altar for a while. However, she didn't try to touch the ground directly this time. Instead, she tore a portion of her seaweed skirt off and made two things that resembled straw shoes.

After Gina put the straw shoes on her feet awkwardly, she took a deep breath and stepped onto the sand.

Gina could feel the steamy, hot air surge from the ground crazily the moment she left the altar. She felt as if she was in an oven, and it made her uncomfortable. Fortunately, now that she was wearing her straw shoes, the ground didn't feel as hot as before, so it was still tolerable to her.

Oh no! I feel the water content in my body is going to be gone soon, and there is no water element in this place. I have to return to the altar before I become a sun-dried fish. Gina moved in tiny steps and swung her arms rapidly as she moved forward. The distance between every step was only 10 centimeters. She resembled a penguin that was trying its best to run. Although the frequency of her steps was high, the speed was indeed no different from a penguin's.

Even though she had started her training of splitting her tail into legs and walking since she was young, the sensation of walking on land and walking in water were totally different.

That was one small step for Gina, but one giant leap for Merfolk.

After Gina's constant struggles, she finally climbed up the 30-meter-tall sand dune half an hour later.

It was still sand behind all this sand Are we really coming back to this desolate place? The sweaty Gina gazed out to the desert, but she didn't see a single living soul. She sat on the ground weakly and disappointedly before she quickly jumped up again. She patted her butt rapidly as she felt she was almost roasted alive.

No way. I have to go back to the teleportation portal to replenish my water content. Gina walked toward the altar below weakly. Dehydration made her very weak, so she spent almost half an hour before she got back to the teleportation portal.

Gina slouched over the teleportation portal feebly, and whined, "Mommy I miss home The continent is too scary I almost became a dried salted fish"

She took out a big water bag from a space distorting bag and began to gulp down the water. She finally put down the water bag after drinking for five minutes. She heaved a long breath as she felt she came back to life again.

"It's fortunate that the high priest gave me a huge bag of seawater, or else I would have died of thirst here. The water in this bag could fill a big pool, and should last me for a period of time. If there is no more water left, then I will have to return to the sea," Gina talked to herself. She got up and walked around the teleportation portal as she looked at the hot desert with a lingering fear. This was definitely not that location in the scene.

No, I have to find the Chosen One as soon as possible. Lantisde is still waiting for me! Gina's gaze became determined as she pressed the teleportation stone into the center of the teleportation portal's groove.

A golden beam lit up and Gina disappeared from the teleportation portal, leaving behind a water bag.

"Aiyayaya!!! My water!"

A scream of deep despair sounded in another space.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1008 It's Made For My Father

It was another rare day off.

Early in the morning, Amy sat up on her bed and stretched her arms. She climbed onto the big bed as she rubbed her eyes and kneeled next to Mag's pillow. She was about to wake him up when she paused as she looked at Mag who was sleeping peacefully.

"Father works so hard usually, I shall let him have a good sleep on his rest day." Amy retrieved her hand and bent over to kiss Mag's cheek. Then, she got off the bed quietly and waved to Ugly Duckling, who was still trying hard to get up to the bed. She carried it in her arms and started to make her way downstairs. After closing the bedroom door, she quietly spoke, "Don't wake Father, Ugly Duckling. He works very hard every day."

"Meow, meow~" Ugly Duckling gazed at Amy as though it understood, and its cries became much softer.

"Father cooked for me every single day. I have decided to cook a breakfast of love for Father today." Amy put Ugly Duckling down after they were downstairs. She then went to carry a little stool over and stood on it. She tiptoed to reach for a little apron that was hanging next to the door.

It was given to her by Auntie Bernice, but she had never used it before.

Amy tied the apron on her just like her father before she carried the little stool into the kitchen. Then, she washed her hands and ran to the fridge to check on the ingredients. She seemed to be in a dilemma.

"There is so much meat and vegetables. What should I make?"

"Meow, meow~" Ugly Duckling said as it clawed at the fish tank with anticipation.

"No. Father said we should have a light breakfast, so we are not having fish." Amy shook her head.

Ugly Duckling went to the other side of the fish tank and clawed at the compartment that held the prawns as it cried, "Meow, meow~!"

"Prawnies are a good choice." Amy nodded. She took a small net and struggled to scoop out two fat prawns as she stood on the stool.

Plat. A big prawn that was unwilling to die jumped out of the net and fell onto the floor. It tried to jump toward the sewage

"Meow!" Ugly Duckling went over immediately. It lifted a paw and pressed on that big prawn.

"Good job, Ugly Duckling." Amy came over and grabbed the prawn that was as big as her hand from Ugly Duckling's paw. "I'll give you a prawn's head as a reward later."

"Meow, meow, meow~" Ugly Duckling called out excitedly.

"Apart from prawns, let's have some beans, beef, mushrooms Oh yes, how do I turn on the fire? Never mind, I will just release a fireball Uh-oh! The fire seems to be too big. Why is there a hole at the bottom of the pot? Nope. Let's start again"

Amy was meddling in the kitchen alone, and strange sounds came out every now and then.

Mag was woken up by a burning smell.

"What is that smell?" Mag opened his eyes drowsily as he naturally looked toward the little bed. He could see Amy's sleeping form every morning, but she wasn't in her bed today!

"Amy!" Mag jumped up from his bed immediately and went over to touch the little bed. It was cold, so the little one had to have got up for quite a while.

"Where is she?" Mag couldn't even bother to change as he simply went out in his pyjamas. The smell of burnt food washed over him and made him cough as soon as he opened the door.

What is this little one doing? Trying to burn down the house? Mag was shocked because the smoke and burnt smell obviously came from downstairs. He was having serious suspicion that there was a fire downstairs as he rushed down.

"It still looked a little weird. I wonder if Father will like it. Come Ugly Duckling, try this" Mag heard Amy and halted as soon as he reached the kitchen's entrance.

Is Amy making breakfast for me? Surprise flashed through Mag's face. His heart immediately felt warmed. The little one had actually got up quietly and sneaked downstairs to make breakfast for him.

Mag didn't make a sound. Instead he peeped into the kitchen and saw a weird scene.

Amy was holding a long soup ladle that was filled with some sticky black soup and walked slowly toward Ugly Duckling with a smile.

Meanwhile, Ugly Duckling was backing off slowly until it was cornered. It was staring at the thick black soup with its big eyes. It was standing on its two hind legs, and was covering its face in despair.

"It's alright, Ugly Duckling. Although the taste is a little weird, it's made for my father, so I got to make sure that he won't die after eating it. So, you got to be the poison tester." Amy removed one of Ugly Duckling's chubby paws with a smile.

"Meow~" Ugly Duckling looked at Amy grudgingly. Are you the devil? You don't even know if it's inedible, and you are feeding it to me!

Mag didn't know he should laugh or cry when he saw this.

But, Mag's smile began to fade a little as he looked at the kitchen. Even though the kitchen looked rather neat generally, there were three pots with holes in the bottom lying neatly in a row, and a fireball was dancing on the stove. She was the kitchen terminator.

"Amy, why did you wake up so early?" Mag said to Amy with a smile as he could no longer watch Amy forcing Ugly Duckling to be the tester.

"Father!" Amy was slightly taken aback. She hid the soup ladle behind her when she turned to look at Mag. She depressedly whispered, "Because Amy thinks Father works very hard, so I want to make breakfast for Father. But But"

"So it was Amy trying to cook breakfast for Father. No wonder I could smell a sweet aroma in my dreams earlier. Let me see, what scrumptious food did Amy make?" Mag walked into the kitchen with a smile and straight to the stove. His eyelids twitched as he looked at bubbly black stew on it.

"This is prawns stew with beans, stewed beef, stewed mushrooms, stewed"Amy counted with her fingers. She listed almost all the ingredients in the fridge. Then she looked at Mag expectantly. "Father, do you like it?"

Mag looked into Amy's big blue eyes. This little one was never interested in cooking, but in order to make him a breakfast, she had put in so much effort. Even though the smell was a little weird, the thought made him very touched. He patted Amy's head with a smile. "Yes. Father likes it. Thank you, Amy."

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1009 You Will Become As Fat As This

Amy's eyes lit up instantly. With a smile, she said, "Since Father likes it, you will finish it, right?"

"This" Mag was stunned. His inner self was going to collapse as he stared at that black stew, but he maintained his smile on his face. "Of course I will finish it because Amy made it."


Ugly Duckling came over and rubbed Mag's calf with its head and looked at him with gratitude as if he had just saved it from purgatory.

"I think the heat is almost there. Amy should remove this fire now." Mag could vaguely smell the burnt odor from the big pot. The taste was already weird enough; if it got burnt some more, Mag might not be able to swallow it even if he pinched his nose.

"Yes," Amy answered obediently, and retrieved the fireball on the stove with a wave of her hand.

Mag stared at the stove that had a hole burnt through it and began to negotiate a price for repair with the system in his heart. They agreed on a repair price of 5000 copper coins. This breakfast was so expensive.

After he went up to wash up and change, Mag carried a bowl of that black stew and sat down in front of the table. A complicated scent greeted his nose, There was the scent of prawns, beef, mushrooms and all of the ingredients. It was difficult to imagine that they would all appear in the same pot.

Mag gazed at Amy, who was standing next to the table with anticipation. After a moment of hesitation, he still picked up the spoon and fed himself a spoonful of the stew.

It wasn't delicious; it was a little fishy among the sweet and tangy taste instead. Ingredients that were mixed together without being handled properly would never become a delicious stew even though they were the best ingredients in the world separately.

"How is it, Father?" Amy asked.

"Erm Very scrumptious." Mag nodded and smiled as he fed himself another big spoonful.

"It's great!" Amy clapped with a happy expression. After giving it a thought, she said, "Then I will have a bowl too."

"No." Mag swiftly stopped her. Smiling, he said, "Because it is so delicious, Father decides to finish it all. Father will make something nice for Little Amy later."

Amy looked at Mag and nodded after some pondering. "Alright, since Father loves it, then I will leave it all to Father. And I shall cook for Father every day from now on."

Mag almost dropped the spoon in his hand. He immediately shook his head, and said, "No. It's so cold in winter, how could Little Amy wake up early every morning to cook breakfast for Father? You will continue sleeping in the future, and Father will make you breakfast."

No way. He could only eat this kind of breakfast once. He couldn't handle any more of it!

After drinking two bowls of stew, Mag threw away the rest in the pot when Amy wasn't paying attention, and this ended the breakfast debacle.

However, Amy's thoughts had warmed his heart immensely this winter morning.

"Father, are we going to celebrate the birthday of that big brother orc today?" Amy asked Mag who was washing the bowls in the kitchen after breakfast.

"That's for tonight."

"Then, what will we do for the day?" Amy looked at Mag expectantly.

"This morning" Mag pondered before his eyes suddenly lit up. He turned around, and said to Amy, "Father will bring you to an interesting place later."

After putting Ugly Duckling into the bicycle's basket, Mag rode the bicycle toward the west of the city with Amy.

There was a big bazaar in the west of Chaos City. It was also a place where traders from both the north and south gathered. Businessmen gathered here, and street artists were a common sight.

On a rest day, the bazaar had two rows of street vendors along the two sides of the street. The place was full of tourists, and it was busy and full of life.

The orcs were selling beasts' teeth; the demons were performing fire breathing on the streets; the elves were earning money and claps using their beautiful voices; succubi were dancing seductively with snakes to attract the men's attention.

"Look, Father! There are two spring onions growing out of that big demon's nose!

"Wow! That's a beautiful bird and it sings!

"Look at that huge snake that is tangled on that big sister!"

Amy sat on Mag's shoulders and looked around her wondrously. She kept exclaiming and her big blue eyes seemed to be glowing.

Ugly Duckling was also huddled on top of Mag's head, shaking like a leaf.

This was also Mag's first visit to the bazaar in the west. He only found out about it two days ago when he overheard the customers talking about it. This was a great place to visit besides being a place where everything could be bought and sold.

Everyone, regardless of their gender and age, could find their fill of fun there.

Mag gazed around and discovered that many of the traders were not from Chaos City. He could see a little of all the different local customs on Norland Continent from them.

"Father, I want to eat that sweet." Amy pointed at a boy who was holding onto a sweet in a bird form.

"Is this sugar figure?" Mag looked at the sugar figure in that boy's hand. He looked around and saw a stall next to an alley where a white-haired old man gave a little sugar lamb to a child. He walked straight over.

"Little friend, do you want to have some sweets?" the old man asked Amy smilingly.

"Yes." Amy nodded honestly.

"Spin this wheel. I will make whatever the wheel lands on. If it lands on a blank space, I will make one that you like for free," the old man said with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded happily.

Mag let Amy down with a smile so that she could spin the wheel. In his distant memory, his father had also brought him to a bazaar and let him spin the wheel of the sugar figure artist.

"Wow, it's blank! Father, look. I landed on the blank space!" Amy's surprise voice interrupted Mag's thoughts. Mag also smiled when he saw where the arrow landed on the wheel. He patted her head. "That's fantastic."

"You are so lucky, little girl. Say it. Which one do you want? Grandpa will make it for you." The old man also smiled at Amy.

"I want" Amy looked at all the different pictures of birds and animals, and finally chose a fat tiger.

Soon, the fat sugar tiger was done. It looked very cute with its delicate whiskers and silly features.

"Thank you." Mag nodded to the old man as a form of gratitude.

"Thank you, Grandpa," Amy said obediently as she received the sugar figure. She continued on her way holding onto Mag's hand. She raised her head to look at Ugly Duckling on Mag's shoulders. "Did you see this, Ugly Duckling? If you continue eating, you will become as fat as this."


Amy took off half of the tiger's head with one bite. "Yummy," she said as she chewed.

Ugly Duckling's eyes widened as it looked at the sugar tiger without half of its head in Amy's hand.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1010 The Host Complaining About Chefs Again

After walking around in the bazaar for an entire morning, they were prepared to eat a mud-covered roast chicken made by two orcs. This roast chicken was prepared very similarly to the beggar's chicken, and it gave Mag a surprise.

However, that was only with the preparation method.

The control of the heat is terrible. The chicken meat is too dry and the texture is all gone. The condiments are too simple and basic. And what the hell is that grayish-black spicy condiment? Never mind that it's not wrapped in the lotus leaves, but why weren't the feathers removed? Although the feathers dropped off cleanly after the mud was knocked off, is it really fine to eat this chicken that wasn't cleaned properly?

Mag complained silently in his heart after watching the orc's preparation method. He had already lost his appetite for the roast chicken in his hand.

Right at this moment, the two orcs roasting the chickens furiously shouted at Mag, "What did you say!?"

The people surrounding them were also staring at Mag with interest.

Mag looked at the two muscular orcs, who were almost two meters tall, stunned. Shaking his head, he said, "Did I say anything?"

He was only complaining in his heart. Perhaps these two chaps knew mind-reading? Mag was confused.

"Father, you said their roast chicken is not nice," Amy whispered as she bit into the drumstick.

"Huh?" Mag raised his eyebrow. Did he really say it out loud?

The bald orc on the left cracked his fists as he shouted at Mag, "Who are you? Are you out to find trouble with us brothers? This is the traditional method of making mud-covered roast chicken passed down by our ancestors. The secret condiment is even the best in this world. In our tribe, we are the best at roasting chicken. You have to apologize to us properly today!"


"This system had detected the host complaining about chefs again, and it triggered a hidden mission: please create a perfect beggar's chicken within three days. The system will provide a beggar's chicken recipe and experience bag, but there will be no opportunity to use the test field for the God of Cookery!

"If the mission is successful, the host will receive a chance to spin the God of Cookery upgrade wheel. You will receive a recipe if you acc.u.mulate two chances at spinning the upgrade wheel. However, if you fail, 0.5 strength point will be deducted, and you'll have to apologize to the chefs seriously."

Right at this moment, the system's voice appeared in Mag's head.

Damn! You are framing me, System!

Mag raised his eyebrow as he finally understood. The system had broadcast his thoughts, and thus he said out all the thoughts he had earlier. This was akin to trashing their livelihood directly in their faces!

Even in the past, he seldom trashed people's livelihood directly in their faces because if a conflict arose, those people who were wishing for his death every day would be all rushing out of the kitchens with their cleavers. His millions of online fans wouldn't be able to protect him.

Hence, he usually complained on Weibo after he got back.

However, he wasn't overly concerned as those two orcs were only normal orcs with 2nd-tier prowess. Even Amy could easily defeat ten of them.

But Mag was a civilized person, after all. Their roast chicken was badly done due to their lack of culinary skills. They didn't have to fight over such trivial issues.

However, this chicken was indeed badly done.

Since the system had already broadcast it out and even issued such a nonsensical mission, there was no point in Mag trying to hide anymore. He stepped out before Amy could conjure up a fireball, and smilingly said, "I am naturally considered your customer since I have bought this roast chicken from you. You do not dictate if this roast chicken is delicious or not. Your customers will judge for themselves after they try it. What I have said earlier was what I felt after eating your roast chicken.

"You are running a business, not being robbers, so why can't people comment?"

The surrounding people nodded. Although Mag's words were a little overboard, they were reasonable. Would it be a joke if the sellers dictated whether it was delicious?

That orc didn't seem to be as righteous as he was earlier after seeing Mag's calm demeanor. After all, they were in Chaos City, and not in their tribe where they could fight it out whenever they were unhappy.

However, selling this mud-covered roast chicken was the two brothers' livelihood. They naturally would feel unhappy when someone badmouthed them like this. They had to seek an explanation and make Mag apologize to protect their reputation.

The orc at the side rolled up his sleeves and walked out. He glared at Mag with his bull-sized1 eyes, and said, "Pr*ck, you are trying to malign us! Are you able to find another roast chicken that is better than ours in Chaos City? I think you are asking for a beating. Duel with me if you are a man and let me tear your nonsense-sprouting mouth apart!"

"Don't be rash, Eugene." The other orc, Fabian, stopped him with his outstretched arms. His younger brother was a little hot-headed and easily agitated by others.

Mag hadn't even said a word when Amy at the side already excitedly said to Eugene, "Duel? Yes, yes! Father will be considered as bullying you if he duels with you. Why don't we fight it out. I super love fighting! As long as you don't say that I am bullying you."

Everyone was looking at Amy with eyes wide open. She had silver hair, big blue eyes, and exquisite features, and was wearing a bunny hat and holding a chicken leg. She looked so adorable!

This little one hadn't even reached the waist of the orc, and yet she wanted to fight on her father's behalf? She even told the orc not to deem her a bully?

Although she sounded arrogant, she looked super cute doing that.

There was a hint of smile on Mag's lips too. Amy wasn't being arrogant. This little one had a 5th-tier prowess now. She could indeed be considered as a bully if they really fought it out.

Eugene stared at Amy as his mouth twitched before raising his head to speak to Mag, "Is this how you behave as a father? How could you use this adorable little one as a shield? Fight your own battle if you are capable. I don't hit women and children!"

He is rather principled. Mag felt a little like laughing. However, this brother's principles had saved his own face. Otherwise, how awkward would he be if he was defeated by a four-year-old girl.

"I came out for an excursion today, and not for a fight. I am also a cook. I didn't control my mouth and have offended you. However, since I have already said these comments, I will not take them back. They are indeed my feelings after I tried this dish. If you feel unjustified, bring your stuff and look for me at Aden Square's Mamy Restaurant," Mag said to Fabian. "We chefs, of course, will duel in our own ways. Let's have a roast chicken duel." Probably meaning: as big as a bull's eyeballs.

 Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1011 Then Let Me Make A Ugly Duckling First

He cursed the system silently 10 times for making him face a duel for no reason before continuing shopping around the marketplace with Amy, who looked regretful.

"Big Brother, are you going to let that fellow off just like that?" Eugene was indignant.

"Eugene, how many times have I told you that in Chaos City, you need to think before you act. If you break the rules, you will be locked up. When that happens, we will not be able to continue our roast chicken business, and will have to go back to the tribe," Fabien said helplessly.

"But that fellow"

"Since he had already arranged a roast chicken battle with us, we'll just have to wait for that fair duel at the place he mentioned three days later. He was right. Chefs have their way of battling. Fighting and killing aren't how a chef should act," Fabien interrupted Eugene.

"Mamy Restaurant? It's quite a famous restaurant, right? Could he be the boss?"

"The missing-person notice a couple of days ago was given out by Mamy Restaurant. I heard that the food in the restaurant is delicious."

"In that case, we can go over and take a look three days later."

The passersby were all talking about it, and some were prepared to go over to watch the show.

After walking around for a while more, Mag brought Amy back to the restaurant. The little fellow ran over to the magic potion shop with Ugly Duckling to look for Black Coal and Green Pea, while he returned to the kitchen to start studying that experience bag he received.

Just like before, when he opened the glimmering, gold experience bag, the recipe and experience for making beggar's chicken rushed into his mind.

The most famous beggar's chicken was naturally Changshu's beggar's chicken. It was famous because of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", but it was already very difficult to find one that was cooked in the traditional way: wrapped in lotus leaves, covered in clay, and then cooked with coal. Mag had only had it twice in the past. The first one was not bad, but on the second time, he had to leave after taking a small bite.

In a modernized kitchen, the current trend was to make it using the microwave oven or oven. Many even made do without the lotus leaves. However, in order to taste the authentic beggar's chicken, one would naturally have to use the traditional method.

This beggar's chicken recipe that the system provided should be considered an improved recipe from the traditional beggar's chicken. However, the essential clay, lotus leaves, and coal were not left out because it was troublesome. Without them, the essence of the beggar's chicken would be lost.

Without the test field for the God of Cookery chance, and with only three days, Mag had to make use of all the time he had to create a delicious beggar's chicken.

Luckily, the system unlocked all the ingredients, and also provided the kitchenware needed for making beggar's chicken. At this moment, beside the roast duck oven, there was an additional three-tier coal oven. It was a highly efficient coal oven that the system designed specially to roast beggar's chicken.

Mag closed his eyes to digest the sudden influx of information in his brain. When he opened his eyes again, everything was clear.

"Alright, let's start with this chicken first." Mag put on the apron that was hanging at the side, took out a defeathering tool, and prepared three yellow chickens1.

In the evening, Amy peeked her little head into the kitchen, and asked Mag, "Father, Big Sister Xixi also wants to join tonight's birthday party. Shouldn't we set off now?"

Mag looked at the three yellow chickens that were completely stuffed in his hands and nodded with satisfaction. He glanced at his watch. It was almost 5 pm. He quickly put the three yellow chickens back into the fridge and took his apron off. He said, "Yes, we should be setting off."

"Amy told me about that child. I want to take a look. Perhaps I can provide some help for him," Xixi told Mag at the restaurant's entrance.

"Your healing magic is so powerful. If it works, that child will be really lucky." Mag nodded. Xixi was the most powerful healing magic caster he had seen so far. Great Dryad's nature magic did have a very strong healing ability.

The closed sign was already hung on the door of the ice cream shop, and the curtains were down to block out people's gazes.

Mag knocked on the door, and Miya opened it quickly. When she saw the people standing at the door, she smilingly said, "Boss, you guys are here."

"How are the preparations?" Mag asked as he walked in.

"Almost done. We didn't have to decorate much because our shop's theme was originally snow and ice." Miya nodded, and only then noticed Xixi and Lulu, who were behind Mag. Surprised, she said, "Sister Xixi, you're here too!"

"Yes, I want to take a look at the child to see if I can do anything for him," Xixi said with a nod.

Miya exclaimed, "That's great! Sister Xixi's magic is so powerful. I am sure little Kyle would be cured."

"You'd better not tell them about this first. There are still many illnesses I cannot cure," Xixi said with caution.

"Mm-hm. I understand." Miya nodded.

The temperature in the ice cream shop was a little lower than outside, at almost 0C.

Other than the full white decoration, there was also a pile of snow that was around 20 centimeters deep on the empty space on the floor and cabinets of the restaurant, looking as though the place was in an icy snow land.

Elizabeth, Firis, and the others were all there. Anna was sitting in the corner, making a small snowman. Blour, who was back in male clothing, was sitting at the side, watching quietly.

When she heard them, Anna turned around and beckoned Amy over. "Amy, come over here quickly. Let's build little snowmen. Big Sister Elizabeth made us a lot of snow just now."

"Okay, okay!" Amy replied merrily. She put Ugly Duckling on the floor and ran towards Anna.

"Meow~" After leaving the warm embrace, Ugly Duckling shuddered, but quickly ran over with Amy happily. However, it did not manage to stop in time, and ended up crashing into a thick pile of snow in the corner, leaving only two hind legs and a tail dangling outside as it failed to struggle free.

"Look, I told you you're fat, and you didn't believe me. You can even get stuck in snow." Amy grabbed Ugly Duckling's legs with some disdain and pulled it out from the snow, making a soft "pop" and leaving a cat hole in the snow.

"Meow~" Ugly Duckling shook its head to shake off the snow on its head and looked innocently at Amy.

Amy ignored it and squatted beside Anna, watching her make little snow animals like rabbits and sheep. She could not help but praise, "Little Sister Anna, that's impressive. The little snowmen you make look so pretty."

"Amy can do it too. It's super simple," Anna said with a smile.

"I can do it too? Then let me make an Ugly Duckling first." Amy nodded and picked up a lump of snow. She rolled it into a round snowball and poked three holes in it, and then put it beside Ugly Duckling. She nodded with satisfaction. "Mm-hm, it's exactly the same." Popular breed of chicken in China with yellow beak, yellow skin, and yellow feet.

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1012 Is It Time To Eat The Cake?

"Meow, meow?"

Ugly Duckling looked confusedly at the round snowball.

Anna also stared at the snowball for a while before continuing to make a snowman as she stifled her giggle.

"Boss, is this arrangement okay?" Yabemiya asked Mag.

"It's very thoughtful. I believe little Kyle will like it." Mag nodded and pulled his clothes to cover himself tighter as he said, "But this temperature seems a little too low for someone ill. Although the theme for tonight is ice and snow, the temperature can't be too low."

"But if we increase the temperature, the ice and snow will melt," Miya said.

"Leave that to me." Mag walked over to the central air conditioning control board.

One of the basic functions of this air conditioning system that the system set up back then was localized temperature control. However, the operation was a little complicated. Usually, Miya and the rest would basically use the idiot-proof one-button operation that the system set to match the day's weather and humidity to give the customers the most comfortable dining experience.

The moment the heater was switched on, the temperature in the central area started to rise to around 20C, while the peripheral regions remained at 0C. That way, there would not be any changes to the previous setup because of the rise in temperature.

When he felt the temperature rise and the air become warmer, Mag nodded with satisfaction. Although it might not necessarily help the child, if this was going to be his last birthday, hopefully he would be able to spend it happily.

"The temperature really became higher only in the center! That's impressive, Boss!" Miya exclaimed after walking back and forth in the peripheral region.

"Is the ice cream cake ready?" Mag walked over to the work area.

"It's already ready. Mr. Curtis had already paid the deposit. He wanted the biggest cake, so we made a 32-inch three-tier ice cream cake," Miya said as she followed behind Mag.

He had to admit that Miya was indeed talented in dessert and cake-making. On the 32-inch ice cream cake, there were two orcs, one large and one small, on the top tier, looking into the distance as they huddled together. Their life-like eyes were filled with hope.

"Very good." Mag nodded. This was already beyond what he had taught Miya. She was really talented.

"This is a birthday party, so be more relaxed later and let the children have fun," Mag told everyone in the restaurant when he walked out of the work area.

Everyone nodded and understood what Mag meant.


The doorbell rang.

"Coming." Miya's eyes lit up, and she walked towards the door.

When she opened the door, a tall and skinny orc stood at the door, holding a skinny little orc.

The lights in the shop dimmed immediately, and the colored lights lit up on the snow, presenting a beautiful world of ice and snow.

The little orc's listless eyes lit up immediately as though he had discovered a new land. The glistening ice elves and setting filled with snow made him feel as though he had fallen into a wonderland.

"Wow, it's beautiful," the little orc exclaimed and subconsciously let go of his father's hand as he walked into the ice cream shop alone. The place looked like it just snowed heavily. There were thick piles of snow and little snowmen. Everything looked so real that a pure smile hung on his slightly pale face.

Tears welled up in Curtis's eyes. Ever since Kyle had fallen ill, he had not seen a smile on his face for a very long time. He looked at the people in the shop with gratitude.

"What a pity I didn't get to see what it looked like when it snowed, ' Kyle said with a slight disappointment.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you" Just then, the birthday song was sung gently. Firis and Babla pushed a giant ice cream cake with a thin candle on it out on a little cart.

At the same time, snowflakes started fluttering in the sky, descending slowly from nowhere.

"It's snowing! It's snowing!!!"

Little Kyle was stunned for a while before he exclaimed in surprise. He reached his little hand out to hold the snowflakes. When the snowflakes landed on his hand, it felt cold, but they quickly melted. The smile on his face became wider as though he had seen the most beautiful thing in the world.

Curtis turned his head around to wipe his tears. He looked at little Kyle with his eyes red. What a nice child he would be if he did not fall ill. Why must my child be down with such illness Why must he endure such pain!

What illness is this? Why is he so pale? Mag frowned slightly and looked at Kyle. Usually, an orc's skin was green, but this child looked like an orc with faded colors. His exposed skin was almost white, and he was probably so greatly tortured by the illness that he was only left with skin and bones.

He was just a five- to six-year-old child, and that broke Mag's heart.

Miya walked to little Kyle with a crown and put it on his head with a smile as she said, "Happy birthday, little Kyle!"

"Happy birthday!" everyone said with a smile, making the atmosphere cozy and welcoming.

"Thank you, Big Sister Miya. Thank you Thank you, everyone," Kyle said as he stifled a cry.

Kyle looked at the large cake and the smiles on everyone's faces, and tears welled up in his eyes as well.

"This is a birthday party your father prepared for you. Let us spend your birthday with you today," Miya said.

"Mm-hm." Kyle nodded. He turned back to look at Curtis. "Thank you, Father."

"It's said that if you make a wish before blowing out the candle, the wish will come true. Now, little Kyle, close your eyes and make a wish before blowing the candle out with your father," Miya said with a smile.

Curtis walked over, picked Kyle up, and walked towards the cake.

Kyle closed his eyes and put his hands together as he made a wish in silence. After that, he opened his eyes and blew the candle out with Curtis.

"I hope that even if I were to leave, Father can continue living happily and healthily," Kyle said softly as he looked at Curtis.

Curtis tightened his grip on Kyle, and his tears fell silently.

The shop fell silent all of a sudden. Everyone could not bear to watch this scene.

What a nice child. Why did he have to fall ill with such a strange disease?

Just then, Amy peeked her little head out, and asked, "After blowing the candle out, is it time to eat the cake?" She looked at the three-tier ice cream cake and gulped.

The silence remained for a while. Everyone had a slightly strange expression.

Curtis wiped his tears and squeezed out a smile as he said, "Little Kyle, let's cut the cake together and share it with big brothers and sisters and the children."

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1013 There Is No Illness That A Bowl Of Red Braised Pork Can't Cure

The surface of the ice cream cake was laid with a variety of fruits. The cake was easily cut into small pieces with a cake server rinsed in hot water, and the pieces were then put on small plates and passed to everyone.

As the delicious food was shared, the atmosphere in the shop slowly became lively again.

There was also a smile on little Kyle's face. Ever since he fell ill, his father did not allow him to have ice cream. Snowflakes and ice cream were his favorite things. Now that he had them all, he felt very blissful.

After having the ice cream cake, little Kyle's mood looked obviously better as he had fun building snowmen and having a snow fight with Amy and Anna at the side.

Curtis bowed deeply with his eyes reddened to Mag and the rest as he saw Kyle full of smiles, and gratefully said, "Thank you, thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Mr. Curtis. We merely did what we could." Mag shook his head. He could understand how difficult it must have been for a father who had been putting in so much effort for his child.

Miya hesitantly said, "Mr. Curtis, what do you plan to do after this?"

Curtis was a little gloomy as he said, "The doctor said that nothing can be done. I plan to bring him back to the orc tribe to meet his grandfather."

Just then, Xixi stood up, and said to Curtis, "I am a healing magic caster. I cannot guarantee that I can cure your child, but if you don't mind, perhaps I can take a look at your child's condition."

Curtis's eyes exploded with rays of hope as he quickly said, "Please do."

Xixi walked towards the children who were playing, but did not give Kyle a checkup straight away. Instead, she played with the children and summoned a World Tree under the pretense of a game. The green glow enveloped Kyle's body.

"How can this be" Xixi had a sympathetic look on her face. She drove the World Tree to inject the green glow into Kyle's body. A withered leaf fell from the tree, and Kyle's pale face regained a little color.

"Kyle" Curtis looked at Xixi, who walked back over, nervously.

The others were also filled with anticipation.

Xixi shook her head apologetically. "The child's condition is very serious. His bodily functions are almost withering, and are continuing to wither. It is completely irreversible and uncontrollable. What I can do is only supplement him a little to slow down his condition for the time being, but this can only last for only around 10 days."

"10 days" Curtis was a little disappointed, but he still bowed to Xixi and gratefully said, "Thank you."

Everyone sighed silently. Xixi's words were akin to giving Kyle a death notice. 10 days was his final period in this world.

"System, can you do a check-up on Kyle's body with the omniscient door to see what illness he has? Is it treatable?" Mag asked inside. It was really difficult to just watch helplessly.

"If the host wants to open the omniscient door outside the establishment, you need to pay a roaming fee," the system replied.

"99 copper coins. Nothing more."

"Hey! Host, this is such a complicated process, and you're not even willing to give me 100! Isn't that a little too much?!" the system said angrily.

"Then 100 copper coins it is."

"Deal!" the system said decisively. "Starting the scan!

"Kyle, Orc, Male. Suffering from acute leukemia. Already in the final stage of his illness."

Mag looked at the information that surfaced in his brain, and his heart felt heavy. The final stage of acute leukemia would be equivalent to the death sentence. That was nothing different from Xixi's previous diagnosis.

"System, didn't you say you're almighty? Even Earth could develop targeted therapy. It shouldn't be a problem for you to develop some effective medicine to treat leukemia, right?" Mag provoked.

"The system stands on the shoulders of human civilization. It is naturally no problem for me to develop an effective medicine, but this is a foreign world. As a candidate for the God of Cookery, can't the host solve such a simple problem? Isn't this a problem that a simple dish can solve?" the system said.

"Hmm?" Mag raised his brow. Was there a hidden meaning behind the system's words? Could there actually be a cure for leukemia among the dishes that he made?

"Host, the ingredients used in the restaurant are harvested in the various areas of the Norland Continent where the essence of heaven and earth converge. If it was in the fantastical realm, then they would be the legendary treasures of the land. Just randomly throw a radish in, and that would be enough to cause a fight among those cultivating to be immortals. Let's just talk about the Fiery Pig in Fire Dragon Island. It feeds on the iron ore in the volcanic rock of Fire Dragon Island which is rich in iron and has also absorbed the explosive attributes of the volcanic rocks. It can be considered a natural remedy for leukemia."

"Although I have always kept a very low profile, as a qualified candidate for the God of Cookery, these things are very basic knowledge, host. You should know them. Otherwise, how can you serve the medi dishes to your customers?"

The system's voice was filled with a rich sense of superiority.

Mag could not be bothered about the system being pretentious, because to be able to rear a pig into a medicinal ingredient was indeed impressive!

"System, Kyle's leukemia is already in the final stage. Are you sure he can still recover after eating red braised pork made with Fiery Pig?" Mag was slightly nervous.

"500 grams of red braised pork eaten with white rice for three meals a day. Seven days make a course of treatment. He would be able to recover completely after seven courses," the system replied.

You're forcing me to become the new generation of the God of Medicine Mag thought with mixed emotions. However, the system's words were undeniably great news.

Mag looked at Curtis, who was filled with melancholy, and said, "Mr. Curtis. I am Mag, the owner of Mamy Restaurant, and also the owner of this ice cream shop. I've come across little Kyle's illness before, and I have an old remedy. If you believe me, perhaps we can give it a try."

"Are you serious?" Curtis looked at Mag with surprise. He had brought little Kyle to countless famous physicians. There were a few who said that they had come across such symptoms, but those with such illnesses all died, and the doctors could not do anything about it.

"I've seen someone cured of this illness using this remedy." Mag nodded his head with certainty. At this juncture, he had to convince himself first. Otherwise, even he wouldn't be able to bring himself to say that they could depend on a bowl of red braised pork to cure leukemia.

"Mr. Mag, please save Kyle. I am willing to give up everything. I just hope for him to live." Curtis fell to his knees in front of Mag.

"Mr. Curtis, get up first. You don't have to do this." Mag quickly helped Curtis up. He looked at him, and said, "To cure little Kyle's illness, bring him to Mamy Restaurant from tomorrow onwards and order a serving of red braised pork with rice for three meals a day. Continue on for 49 days and he would be completely cured."

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1014 The Story Of Nian

The ice cream shop became silent. Everyone looked at Mag strangely.

It was a strange disease that even nature magic could not heal, but Mag actually said that as long as he went to the restaurant and had red braised pork for three meals a day, he could be completely healed? Wasn't that too absurd?

He's not even letting go of the money from a child that's about to die, isn't that a little too much? Blour thought as he looked at Mag with a frown.

Although the food Boss makes is indeed delicious and extraordinary, could it really cure little Kyle's illness? Miya was also a little uncertain. Even though Mag had always been very dependable, this was about little Kyle's life and death. Could a bowl of red braised pork really be the cure?

Curtis's jaw dropped too when he heard that. For a moment, he did not know what to say. This was the first time he heard someone say the words "completely cured". He had tried so many cures, but to no avail, and watched as Kyle's condition worsened. Actually, he was already not holding on to much hope.

This man runs a restaurant, after all, and not a medicinal hall. Besides, the old remedy he mentioned has nothing to do with herbs or treatments, but is to eat a specific dish in his restaurant.

If he met him outside, he would definitely give this conman a slap in his face.

But they had, after all, just organized such a thoughtfully planned birthday party for Kyle, and that magic caster even extended Kyle's life for 10 days. This Mr. Mag did not look like a conman, either. This put him in a difficult position.

"Boss Mag, the child's condition might be slightly more serious than you think" Xixi hesitated to speak as she looked at Mag. She knew that the dishes Mag made did have several extraordinary effects, and could even bring new life to her World Tree. However, she had just checked on little Kyle's body, and his bodily functions were completely destroyed. Even using life magic was not able to save him.

Even I wouldn't believe it after saying that. Mag looked at everyone's gaze. He felt a little helpless too. If it had been him, he would probably have already landed a punch on the other party's face.

"If Father says it can cure him, then it would definitely be able to cure him. I believe in Father," Amy, who walked over with a snowball in her hand, said with certainty as she looked at Mag.

"I believe in Uncle Mag too." Anna nodded.

Seeing the trust in the two little fellows' gazes, Mag started to believe in himself too. He looked at Curtis calmly, and said, "Mr. Curtis, you might find it a little incredible, but I can take responsibility for my words. Of course, you are little Kyle's father. You have the right to not believe me."

Xixi looked at Mag's gaze, thought for a while, and did not speak further.

She had always thought that Boss Mag was a mature and kind man. He definitely would not joke about something like this. He probably really had a way if he was able to say something so resolutely.

Everyone slowly believed him. The restaurant was not lacking customers. Many who lined up were not even able to get a taste of it. Mag did not need to lie to make Curtis buy a set of red braised pork.

Curtis was a little hesitant. If Kyle was really to depart, he would like to bring him back to their hometown because he had not been out of Chaos City before.

But if what Mag said was true, he would miss a chance to save Kyle's life, and he would regret it for the rest of his life.

"Father, I want to try Uncle's suggestion." Just then, little Kyle walked over and reached out to hold Curtis's hand. He looked up at him. "I still want to live on with you"

Curtis's tears fell immediately. He wiped them away quickly and looked at Mag as he said, "Mr. Mag, I believe you. I am willing to give you all my assets as long as it can cure Kyle. Please save him"

Mag reached out to Curtis, who had gone down on his knees again, with a smile and shook his head as he said, "I don't want your assets. You just need to foot the bill for the meal every day. There are quite a lot of customers in the restaurant. Remember to bring the child earlier to line up."

"Alright, I will." Curtis nodded hard as his eyes gleamed with gratitude.

The children played with the snow for a while more, and the birthday party ended on a happy note.

When the door opened, the three children rushed out first.

"It's snowing! It's really snowing!"

Amy's excited voice came from outside.

Everyone walked out and was equally surprised. The soft snow fell slowly from the sky, looking extremely beautiful.

"It's the first snow of the year. It came earlier than the previous years," Yabemiya said with a smile as she reached her hand out to catch the snowflakes and watch them melt on her palm.

The children had been playing with snow for the entire night, but when they saw the snowflakes falling from the sky, they were still very excited.

"Alright, Amy, it's time to go. We still have to go to school tomorrow," Mag said with a smile.

"Goodbye, everyone." Amy picked Ugly Duckling up and waved at the rest of them. She ran over to Mag and held his hand.

The rest of them also parted.

"Father, I am very happy today. Thank you," Kyle said with a smile as he hugged his father in the horse-drawn carriage.

"I am very happy too." Curtis held Kyle tightly, and gently said, "It's all going to be fine. You will recover very soon, and when that happens, you will be able to have a snow fight with the children in the snow."


"Of course."

After washing up, Amy lay on her little bed and used Ugly Duckling's tummy as a hand-warmer. She looked at Mag, who was sitting by the bed, expectantly and said, "Father, would the entire world be covered in snow tomorrow morning?"

"If the snow is heavy enough tonight, that should be the case." Mag nodded with a smile. He calculated the days. According to the earth's calendar, it was almost the new year. He wondered if that desolate house would be able to remain lively with gatherings without him, but it would probably be as desolate as it usually was.

"That's great! It's going to be super beautiful!" Amy said happily as her eyes shone.

Mag looked at Amy who was full of smiles, and he suddenly felt something inside. He had already forgotten how long it had been since he had last celebrated the New Year properly because every New Year, there were always people missing at home, and he also slowly became one of those who did not appear.

But it's different now. He had Amy, and spending the New Year with her would probably be interesting like how they spent mid-autumn festival together, right?

"Father, what story are you telling me today?" Amy asked.

"Today, Father will tell you the story of Nian," Mag said with a smile. "Once upon a time, in a place called China, there lived a monster called Nian. It has sharp horns on its head, and was very fierce and scary"

A Stay At Home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World Volume 2 Chapter 1015 Father Let's Celebrate The New Year Too

Mag told the story of Nian in a gentle tone. It was different from the usual fairy tales, but Amy was still very intrigued.

"The Nian got scared by the lights and sounds of the firecrackers and fled. From then on, on every New Year's Eve, people would paste red couplets at home, light up firecrackers, and make sure their houses were brightly lit, and they would stay up throughout the night. That is how this important festival of celebrating the New Year1 came about. No matter where they were, people would always try to return home for a reunion dinner to celebrate the New Year together."

"Reunion dinner!" Amy's eyes lit up. She looked at Mag expectantly, and said, "Does staying up throughout the night mean that the dinner lasts until daybreak?"

"Meow~" Ugly Duckling also peeked its little head out and looked at Mag.

"Erm" Mag was slightly taken aback. He smiled and nodded. "You can think of it that way."

"Then it must be super blissful!" Amy looked at Mag longingly, and said, "Father, let's celebrate New Year too. Let's also have a reunion dinner, the kind that lasts till daybreak."

"If Little Amy wants to celebrate New Year, then we shall celebrate it." Mag nodded with a smile. He thought for a while, and continued, "But we would have to wait for around a month before it's New Year."

"Father said that when we celebrate New Year, everyone will reunite. Then what about Mother? Will she come back? Would she be celebrating the New Year with us?" Amy looked at Mag expectantly.

Mag felt his heart tighten a little as he met Amy's gaze. Although she had seen Irina previously at Rodu, they had only spent a short amount of time together, and Amy did not know that she was her mother.

The situation in the Elf Tribe was still unknown. He was not powerful enough, and Irina could not bear to leave her pitiful people, so it was still unknown when Amy could acknowledge her and their family could reunite.

He struggled inside to answer that question.

"I am very happy as long as I can be with Father." Amy seemed to have noticed Mag's hesitation, and she smiled sweetly at him before closing her eyes obediently as she said, "Goodnight, Father."

Mag looked at the obedient child and felt uneasy. He stood up and kissed Amy gently on her forehead, saying, "Goodnight, Little Amy."

Ugly Duckling buried its head back under the covers and fell quickly asleep as it held Amy's little hand.

"Power, how worrying." Mag sighed. He left quietly and went downstairs to put on his apron again. He closed the door to the kitchen and continued trying to figure out the way to make beggar's chicken.

The Wind Forest.

In a dim, large hall, a middle-aged elf looked worryingly at Borg, who was sitting on an elevated platform, and anxiously said, "Master, Irina already gathered hundreds of rebelling elves outside the Wind Forest at the southwestern corner to form a rebel army. In addition, there were still elves joining her over the past few days. They are getting larger day by day. What should we do?"

"It's just a rebel army formed by a mere few hundred lowly elves. What's so surprising about that?" Borg smiled stiffly. "But this is a great chance to get rid of Irina legitimately. Just let her continue for a while more. The day she starts invading the Wind Forest is when she and those fools meet their death."

"But High Priestess Helena"

"That old hag should be even more anxious than us. She was the one who had been attempting to unite the Elf Tribe, and whatever Irina is doing now is akin to giving her a slap in her face. I want to see how long she can put up with this. She would still have to come to me sooner or later. Jek, jek" A chilly laugh echoed around the hall.

"High Priestess, there are another 30 elves who joined the rebel army. Other than slaves, there are six who came from noble families." A figure rushed into Starry Cave.

Helena's face was as cold as ice. She coldly said, "Have you found out who they are?"

"The masters of the families are already kneeling outside the cave, seeking forgiveness. Should I let them in?"

"No. Give them 50 beatings each as a warning, then lock their eldest son up in jail. Tell them if it happens again, they would have no more heirs.

"Spread the word. One rebellion and the entire family suffers!"

"Yes!" That elf left quickly.

"Irina, are you trying to ruin the queen's and my efforts over the centuries?" Helena looked up at the brightest star in the sky and coldly said, "Although I brought you up, if you're really bent on doing this, then I can only kill you."

Outside the Wind Forest, in a canyon at the southwestern side.

The basic shape of a fortress was already formed.

A thin silhouette stood at the highest point of the fortress as she looked out quietly over the Wind Forest. Her white dress danced in the wind, and even the night could not mask her beauty.

"Princess, the three layers of defense are completed. However, I'm afraid they would not be able to stop 10th-tier intruders," a young elf said politely to her back. His eyes were burning with admiration.

In the short time span of a few days, a rebel army was gathered outside the Wind Forest, and there were still endless streams of elves rushing over from the Wind Forest.

She exuded with an aura that would make one revere her. Her speech about freedom was an epiphany for many elves. They were not afraid even if they were to face death.

"If we have 10th-tier intruders, I will deal with them," Irina said calmly.

"Yes," that elf replied and left quickly.

The situation is better than expected. A free spirit will never be restrained. Wait for a while more, and it will be time to attack. Irina smiled. After a while, she turned towards the south. Little Amy, give me a while more. We will soon be able to be together.

"Wow! The world has really turned white!"

Amy woke up the moment the sky brightened up. She walked to the window and drew the curtains apart to see the world covered in white.

"It really is." Mag got up and walked to the window to take a look. A thick layer of snow covered the world. On top of trees, roofs, statues it was white everywhere. The snow had acc.u.mulated to a thickness of 10 centimeters over the night, and it looked just like a world from a fairy tale.

"Meow, meow~" Ugly Duckling leaned on the window excitedly as well.

"Father, I want to play with the snow!" Amy said as she turned to look at Mag.

"Sure, but you must be warmly dressed and you must wear your gloves." Mag nodded his head lovingly. He put on a thick jacket for Amy and helped her put on a pair of waterproof woolen gloves before he let her go out to play.

Ugly Duckling followed behind Amy eagerly and fell deep into the snow. After a while, it managed to struggle free and fell right into another pile of snow.

Curtis brought Kyle over to the restaurant to line up early in the morning. The word "Nian" is also "year", and celebrating the new year, "Guo Nian", is also literally "passing the Nian".

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