Overlord: Child of the Library

By Tojamaru

117K 2.2K 760

Draven is a 10 year old human child with a rather unique magic power. Draven was not only born with an impres... More

The Human
Chapter 1: Escape and the Overlord!
Chapter 2: The Floor Guardians!
Chapter 3: Games and Knowledge
Chapter 4: Draven and the Maids
Chapter 5: Recovery and Care
Chapter 6: Narberal's chance at Redemption
Chapter 7: Ogre Stronghold!
Chapter 8: A Mother's Love
Chapter 9: Draven's New Workspace
Chapter 10: Aura's Day With Draven
Chapter 11: Planning a Battle Strategy
Chapter 12: Training and Chess
Chapter 14: Trouble in Landschaft!
Chapter 15: Draven's Fear for the Future
Chapter 16: A Difficult Apology
Chapter 17: Summoning Training
Chapter 18: Mischievous Mask & Runesmithing
Special Event: Winter Bells
Chapter 19: Journey into the Frozen Prison
Chapter 20: The Prince's Purpose
The Sorcerer Prince 8 Years Later

Chapter 13: Loki, the Son of Momon!

3.7K 85 41
By Tojamaru

In the last chapter Draven trained with Cocytus and played Chess with Sebas. He also took on Tuare as his assistant when working in his workshop. Although it has been awhile since Draven has gone on a quest.

Draven was currently preparing to head to E-Rantel with his father and Narberal. While his father was the Sorcerer King, the ruler of E-Rantel, they were actually going as their Adventurer personas. His father suggested that he should focus on using a Rapier as Loki, that way no one could link himself and Loki as the same person. Albedo has gone to the trouble of making him clothes for when he went out as his Adventurer self. Demiurge was kind enough to also supply a mask for him to completely conceal his true identity from the outside world and those of E-Rangel.

(AN: This but without the Violin.)

Draven was finally dressed in his new attire as he just needed to get a Rapier, apparently his father had tasked the guardian of the Treasury to handle that task. "It appears the clothes fit you rather well Draven, are you ready?" Draven turned to see that his father was still in his usual attire as he looked his son over. "Are we not ready to depart yet father?" Draven asked as he looked up into his father's eyes. "Not quite, we are still waiting on your sword." Ainz said as he turned to look down the hallway. "Apologies for the wait Lord Ainz! I had to make sure that I only supplied the very best for the young Lord!" A rather dramatic voice said as Draven noticed a doppelgänger wearing a mostly yellow outfit approaching them.

"Father, who is this?" Draven asked as he had never seen this person before. "Oh it is a pleasure to finally meet you Lord Draven! My name is Pandora's Actor, the Guardian of Nazarick's Treasury! I was created by your father for such a purpose!" Pandora's Actor said in that same overly dramatic tone he seemed to default to. Draven looked over at his father in surprise, but also found it rather amusing his father created such a character. "It's a pleasure to meet you Pandora's Actor, I look forward to getting better acquainted." Draven said as he smiled at the doppelgänger as he bowed in return.

"Pandora's Actor, do you have what I requested?" Ainz asked as the doppelgänger stood at attention. "Yes Lord Ainz, I was able to find a weapon perfect for Lord Draven!" Pandora's Actor said as he pulled out a Rapier that seemed rather simple in appearance, but Draven felt something strange about it.

Draven gently took the Rapier from Pandora's Actor before unsheathing it and examining the blade closely. "What is this? It looks normal on the outside, yet feels off as if it's not what is seems." Draven said as he continued to examine the blade. "Most impressive Lord Draven! It is called the Trickster's Rapier, rather then relying on the wielder's physical strength for power it uses the wielder's magical prowess instead!" Pandora's Actor explained as Draven sheathed it before strapping it to his waist and nodding.

"Thank you Pandora's Actor, I appreciate this gift greatly." Draven said as Pandora's Actor kneeled before him. "You are to kind Lord Draven! It was my pleasure!" Pandora's Actor said before he took his leave. "Now we should be ready to leave for E-Rantel." Ainz said as he used his magic to change into a suit of black armor with two large swords on his back.

Draven strapped his Rapier to his waist before turning to face his father. "Narberal should already be waiting for us in E-Rantel, let us not keep her waiting." Ainz said as both of them were teleported away to the city of E-Rantel, where they would be meeting up with Narberal.

Momon and Loki walked through the streets of E-Rantel as Nabe followed behind them as they were heading towards the guild.

Loki looked around at the bustling city with a trained eye as he would have to get used to this place considering he was now the Sorcerer Prince. "Momon! It's wonderful to see you again!" A feminine voice said as Loki quickly turned to see a short girl with blonde hair and a red hood approach them.

"Nabe, who is that?" Loki asked as he walked up next to the girl. "That would be a rather annoying mosquito I've had to work with Lord Draven." Nabe said with disgust present in her tone. "Oh? Now who is this child?" The girl said as she looked at Loki curiously. "Evileye this is my adopted son Loki, he has been training to become an adventurer. "My how adorable! So you wish to follow in your father's footsteps?" Evileye said as she patted the top of Loki's head affectionately.

"Yes, we were heading to find a quest to take young a Loki on to get him used to real adventurer work. Now if you would excuse us Evileye." Nabe said as she did her best to hide her own disgust from the adventurer. "Come now Nabe, I just so happen to have a quest that I was planning on taking! Care to join me?" Evileye said as she turned to look at Momon for an answer. "What quest did you have in mind?" Momon asked as Evileye grew a smile as she handed him the quest paper.

Mountain Range
Loki was currently following behind his father as they were assisting Evileye with a quest to slay a monster that is referred to as the Emperor of the Mountain. "Now then Loki, this quest will be very dangerous, so make sure to retreat if things get out of hand." Evileye said as she gave the young adventurer a smile over her shoulder. "Understood Lady Evileye, but I am much stronger then my appearance shows." Loki responded as Evileye let out a small giggle at his words. "My such a gentleman! Your father has raised you well." Evileye said with another smile as Loki noticed Nabe had her hand on her sword.

Loki gently placed his hand on top of Nabe's as she looked at him in surprise. "Don't Nabe, she's not worth the trouble." Loki said calmly as she sighed before letting go of her sword. The group continued walking as they were on the lookout for the monster in question. The silence of the mountain range was broken by the thundering of feet on the ground above them. The party looked up to see a monster with large horns that easily stood at fifteen feet tall as it glared down at them.

"It would appear that we have found our target." Momon said as he drew both his swords. Evileye casted her magic, which caused the rock the Emperor of the Mountain was standing on to collapse as the creature swiftly jumped down to meet them. The group rolled out of the way of the beast's landing before quickly going on the offensive. Momon quickly struck the beast's legs, causing it to stagger backwards in pain. Evileye summoned crystals with her magic that she shot into the beast's side. Nabe joined Momon in slashing at the creature's legs with her sword while also firing off spells of her own.

            Loki drew the Trickster's Rapier before concentrating. "While Ice and Dark Magic are my specialty, I should try and improve in the areas I'm lacking." Loki thought as fire coated the blade of his Rapier. Loki performed quick thrust attacks in the air in front of him the quickly turned into small birds made of fire that flew into the monster's eyes. The beast roared in pain as it stumbled backwards, now being blinding. Loki followed up the attack as the flames coating his blade turned into a king cobra made of fire that extended from the blade as it shot towards the Emperor of the Mountain, fangs ready.

                The fire king cobra coiled around the beast before sinking it's fangs into the monster's neck. This caused the beast to let out a pained roar as it's whole body caught on fire. Loki could feel the sweat starting to run down his forehead from using those magic attacks, but he didn't feel as exhausted as he usually does. Momon quickly took the opportunity to cause the beast to collapse by cutting the tendons on its front legs as Evileye finished the job by running a large crystal through its neck, killing it. Loki sheathed his Rapier as he let out a sigh of relief now that the battle was over and the beast was dead.

It was already getting late so the group decided to set up camp for the night. "I must say I'm rather impressed with your abilities Loki! Your such a young child, yet your use of magic with your sword is on an expert's level!" Evileye complimented as Loki blushed under his mask as he scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "I have both father and Nabe to thank for that, they both taught me everything I know regarding swordsmanship and magic." Loki said as he was quickly pulled into a hug by Evileye. "Oh your just so precious! So skilled, yet so humble!" Evileye said as she continued to hug Loki tightly to her.

             "Lord Ainz, should we let that oversized mosquito near Lord Draven?" Nabe whispered to her disguised master as she glared daggers at Evileye. "Remain calm Nabe, Evileye has helped us and she still does not know our true identities. She does not mean any harm towards Draven as well." Momon whispered back as Nabe let out a frustrated sigh but obeyed her master's orders none the less. "You needn't worry over me Lady Evileye, I am content with just having a father!" Loki said as Momon and Nabe turned their attention back towards the other two members of their little adventurer party.

              "Nonsense Loki! Every child needs a mother in their life, and I am more then happy to fill that role for you!" Evileye said as Loki chuckled nervously. "I pray Albedo and Shalltear never find out about this, I would rather not watch the rampage of those two." Loki thought to himself as he tried to remain calm in his current situation. "Narberal, we never mention this to either Albedo or Shalltear, is that understood?" Momon whispered as the maid nodded in understanding. "I wholeheartedly agree Lord Ainz, some adventures are best kept a secret." Nabe said as the party turned in for the night before returning to E-Rantel the next day to collect their reward.

So Draven has fully developed his Adventurer Persona, Loki! He also met Evileye and battled a rather powerful beast. Now I still don't know when I plan on doing the timeskip, but I would like to know if there is anything else you would like to see Draven do while he is still a child. What awaits Draven next in the Tomb of Nazarick? What else will he learn and develop with his magic? What is Nazarick's next plan of action? How will Draven face the challenges ahead? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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