Deal? || Clexa AU

By Aphrodite_But_Gay

164K 7.1K 7.7K

It's been years since Lexa had seen her best friend Clarke, her very first crush. There was no one on the pl... More

Chapter 1 - Deal?
Chapter 2 - Screw You
Chapter 3 - Jack Daniels
Chapter 4 - Commander Hot Stuff
Chapter 5 - A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 6 - Commander Hot Stuff Pt. 2
Chapter 7 - A Night Of Excitement
Chapter 8 - A State Of Flux
Chapter 10 - Business Is Business
Chapter 11 - The Past Resurfaces
Chapter 12 - The Woods
Chapter 13 - Blissful
Chapter 14 - Blissful Pt. 2
Chapter 15 - Forgive Me
Chapter 16 - Heartache To The Fullest
Chapter 17 - Butt Stuff?
Chapter 18 - Paris
Chapter 19 - Raven?
Chapter 20 - The Other Woman
Chapter 21 - The Other Woman Pt. 2
Chapter 22 - The Other Woman Pt. 3
Chapter 23 - Oh, Commander!
Chapter 24 - A Challenge At Our Doorstep
140AD - The Rise To Empress
Chapter 25 - Blood Must Have Blood
Chapter 26 - Revenge
140AD - The Rise To Empress
Chapter 27 - You Don't Fuck With The Franko's
Chapter 28 - Lesbians Coming Through, Beep Beep
Chapter 29 - See You Soon
A Rose By Any Other Name

Chapter 9 - That's 2 For Woods

5.4K 239 216
By Aphrodite_But_Gay

"How did I get flour behind my ear Clarke?" Raven asks looking in the mirror, her head turned awkwardly.

"I have no idea, maybe it's 'cause Luna practically threw an entire bag of flour at you?" Clarke says rhetorically.

"Right. That happened. Those were some bomb flapjacks though, right?"

"After Lexa rescued them, yes."

Raven turned around leaning against the sink. "So, what else do you have in store for us to do today," Raven asks bringing her watch up to see the time. "its eleven-thirty, still a lot of hours between now and getting sloshed."

"I think I need to go see Bellamy and end things. I've had enough of his drunken escapades." Clarke replies, "But I'm not sure if I'm actually allowed to leave here, Lexa doesn't have actual rules and when I do ask, she gives me this vague answer."

Raven pushes up from the sink and puts her hands on either side of Clarke's shoulders. "You should just ask her, Commander Hot Stuff will say yes to anything you ask because she's got it hard for you Clarkey."

Clarke swats both Raven's hands away. "That makes me feel really bad."


"What's your plan here Lexa?" Luna asks curiously.

"I don't have one, I'm waiting to see what happens, I can't force her to do something, nor do I want to."

"Mhm, this is a mess, especially because he's a cop. Why couldn't she just be dating a simpleton?" Luna asks annoyed, it seemed Luna was more invested in the coming relationship between Lexa and Clarke than themselves.

"That's not like her, Clarke elevates herself, she's special." Lexa chewed at the inside of her cheeks, "I have some business to attend to today, would you mind babysitting?"

"Babysitting Clarke? I'm sure she can look after herself. Raven however, I'll definitely have to look after. Who knows? Maybe Clarke will have to babysit us." Luna says laughingly.

Lexa had to go see Titus today, to go over financials and how much they'd donate to the Business Gala coming up this week. As much as Lexa was involved in the crime world, she was almost more involved in the legitimate businesses. She was working hard to convert all their money into something real, something legal. The last product she had come in and then stolen by Azgeda, was all she needed to finish the process. All the profits would've gone directly into a business selling large shares. Hence why she's so hard-up for money from Jake.

All the other alliances had money on hand to pay her for losses, they'd have to square up with Azgeda themselves to get back whatever they felt necessary. All she needed was Jake's money, but it seemed it wasn't coming soon. She lied to Clarke when she said Jake said it was going well getting the money together, truth is, she hasn't even heard from him. Lexa had sent Gustus and Indra to the Griffin's home, but no one was there. Both Abby and Jake's car were missing, clothes still in the cupboards though. It worried Lexa that they seemed to have disappeared in the wind, but she wasn't going to tell Clarke anything until she was absolutely completely sure. Perhaps Abby's at the hospital, that seemed most likely, but where was Jake?

"Hey." Clarke says entering the lounge, shortly followed by Raven who goes to take a seat next to Luna. Clarke opts to sit on the couch across from Lexa, face to face, but several feet apart.

"Hey." Lexa and Luna reply simultaneously.

"I was thinking and I'd like to go see Bellamy today, if that's okay with you? He's off today and he'll only be off again next Sunday. He's too busy during the week to actually reach out to and to meet up." Clarke says nervously, her knee bouncing. "I need to see him."

Her gaze never once leaves Lexa's as she speaks.

Lexa purses her lips then licks them, annoyed at the name. "I see." Lexa knew this was coming, that Clarke would go back to him. Therefore, she didn't get her hopes up. "I understand. I can't take you though, I have things to do, so your needs will have to wait." She replies bitterly.

"I can take her." Luna says and Lexa shoots daggers at her with her eyes, if looks could kill, Luna would be stone-cold dead.

"I mean- ergh" she clears her throat too, "I- nevermind, I'm busy too."

"You both suck, I'll take her." Raven replies and then Lexa & Luna eyes her too.

"Oh- oh, no, I'm busy too." Raven clamps her mouth shut.

Lexa facepalms herself, "Fine, Luna, I'm sure you can rearrange your plans. Please take Raven and Clarke there. Do what you feel is necessary."

Luna nods at her sister, knowing exactly what she means with 'Do what you feel is necessary.' Lexa was a hot head, but she learnt from the best. Luna is an even bigger hot head and she doesn't need any excuse or provocation to start an altercation.

"Thank you." Clarke huffs out. "Lexa, where are you going?"

"Nowhere that concerns you Clarke." Lexa says getting up, sliding her leather jacket on. "I'll be back later."

Clarke stares at her dumbfound and turns to Luna. "Did I do something wrong?"

Luna just shrugs and slides her hand up and down Raven's leg. "Perhaps something just crawled up her ass." She says smiling at Clarke. "Shall we go? I have nothing better to do than to get day drunk and that's probably not the best choice right now."

Raven looks to her, "You're perfect, I swear."

"This is cute and all but yes, let's please go." Clarke says getting up and tying her hair up into a messy bun. It was an excessively hot day today.

"Clarke has spoken!" Luna says raising her hand into the air, "Road trip!"


"I can't believe you drive a monster like this." Raven says with conviction, rubbing her hands over the leather of the seat under her.

"A beauty, isn't she?" Luna replies, pushing her hair back that the wind coming through the windows had ruffled around.

"I have wet dreams about Mustangs like this! A GT500! Best part is, I've seen yours around town, I just didn't realize it was you." Raven says, "This is probably your chick-attracting mobile huh?"

"I won't say that, but it sure gets their heads turning, the real magic happens when I step out." There's a devilish grin imprinted on her face, "But I have a feeling those days are over."

Raven blushes, knowing what Luna is referring to. "I bet you say that to all the girls."

"Only one."

"You doing okay there in the back Clarke?" she had been quiet the whole ride, only occasionally giving directions as to where and when to turn. Clarke was in her own head, wondering why Lexa had such an outburst. Maybe that wasn't even an outburst, maybe that's just how Lexa is and Clarke just hasn't seen that part of her. She wonders how many parts of Lexa she in fact hasn't seen.

"And here we are." Luna says putting the car in park and turning the engine off. "You gonna be okay in there lil Griff?"

"I should be, thanks Luna."

"Alright, well we'll be right here if you need back-up." Luna says getting out of the car and puts her seat forward so Clarke can get out. When Clarke gets out, Luna lightly grabs her arm. "If anything goes wrong, just yell, I'll be there."

"Will do, thanks." Clarke says hugging Luna.

"Not what I was expecting, but I'll take it. Knock'em dead, literally, please."

"You're funny, who knew?" With that she walks up the driveway to the front door and knocks a few times.

Luna takes a seat back in the car and takes Raven's hand into her own.

"I hope she can actually go through with this."

"She looks determined, I'm sure she can do it." Luna says reassuringly. "If he tries anything, I'm kicking his ass way worse than Lexa did."

The front door opens and Bellamy brings his arm up to shield his eyes from the sun. "I thought I heard a car outside and boy am I impressed, that's a sweet ride." He leans forward to kiss Clarke but she puts her hands on his bare chest turning her head away.

He contorts his face, leaning back again. "What's wrong Clarke?"

He's sporting a large purple bruise on his jaw, Lexa's doing.

"Uh- I just came to talk." She smiles weakly, "What happened to your jaw?" she asks playing dumb.

"Work, it's nothing, the guy refused to come in to the precinct and decked me in the face. It's nothing." He's lying and Clarke almost cracks a laugh, he has no idea where he was last night.

"Anyway, what do you wanna talk about? Do you want to come in? I can put on something coffee if you want." He steps aside and gestures inside.

Clarke turns around and looks to the car, both Luna and Raven gives her a thumbs up. Guess she's going inside then.

"Yeah sure, no coffee though, I've had a ton today already."

He closes the door behind her and follows Clarke inside. "No coffee then, a beer?"

"No thanks." Clarke says taking a seat on his couch. The place was a mess, empty plates everywhere, half eaten pizza in boxes, it was disgusting. No wonder he hardly ever brought her here.

"So what do you wanna talk about? Is everything okay?"

She's grown uncomfortable and doesn't know what to say anymore. She'll just rip the band-aid off, that would be the best thing to do, no sugar-coating it.

"This-" she gestures between the two of them "it's not working out."

He frowns at her words. "What do you mean? We're doing great, maybe a few bumps in the road but doesn't every relationship have that?"

"Bellamy..." she sighs, "This is more than a few bumps, we're practically the bump itself at this point."

Bellamy shakes his head side to side, refusing to hear what Clarke has to say. "I get drunk sometimes, I know, that's the problem isn't it? I'm under a lot of stress at work, you know that babe."

Clarke cringes at the pet-name. She hates pet-names.

"That's one of the problems I suppose. We're on different paths Bellamy, you want different things out of life than what I want." She sighs. "We're just not working out and we haven't been working out for a long time now I realize. I was inlove with the idea of loving you without actually loving you."

Bellamy looks away from her refusing to meet her eyes. "You're seeing someone else, aren't you?" He asks blankly.

"No, I'm not Bellamy, I just don't want to be with you anymore." There it is, the entire band-aid, just ripped off.

Clarke gets up to leave but he closely follows after her. She swings the door open and attempts to descend the steps but as usual, he grabs at her and catches her arm in a tight grip. That will definitely leave a mark.

"Clarke stop, we can talk this out, we can fix this, I can change, I can be better."


"That's enough for me." Luna says to Raven and steps out of her car and hurriedly approaches the front door, a wicked smile on her face.

"That's enough buddy." She says.

Bellamy's eyes shoot to her. "Who the hell are you?"

"Someone's who's going to kick your ass if you don't let go of her." She says spiting the words at him.

"Luna, please, it's okay." Clarke pleads.

"Shut up Griffin, it's not okay."

"Luna." Realization hits him like a truck, or Lexa's fist if you must. "Luna Woods, of course. I see what this is about." He throws Clarke's wrist out of his hand. "Lexa Woods' infamous sister, one un-convicted murder charge which they somehow found you unguilty of and two charges of aggravated battery. You're just as bad as your sister. Both of you nothing more than pitiful criminals, just like your father."
The statement boiled Luna's blood but she was going to hold out on kicking his ass for now.

He looks to Clarke, "You're whoring for these two now?" he lets out a unhumorous laugh, "I knew you were easy, but not that easy."

He takes a step down, his chin held high and his hair hopping with every step he takes. He moves his hand groping his crotch, "In our entire relationship, my only regret is not shoving this into your mo-"

Luna powerfully strikes him on the jaw, on the exact same spot Lexa landed her shot last night. But she doesn't stop, she gets ontop of him, swinging right, left, right, left. Bellamy just tries to shield his already bloody face, Luna doesn't stop until both Raven and Clarke pulls her off him, she stumbles a few paces back and starts laughing. "You're lucky my sister isn't here; she would've killed you!" They continue pulling her backward.

Raven takes a quick glimpse to Luna's blood covered knuckles, "Hey are you okay?"

Raven doesn't get an answer to her question because Bellamy rolls to his side and gets up, swaying backward once off balance and continues forward striking Luna in the face with all the strength he can muster.

Clarke and Raven quickly let go of Luna when she yanks her arms forward with all her might, she spits the blood to the ground and smiles at him with bloody teeth. "Nice shot Detective Douche, do you wanna try that again?"

He swings his right fist again and Luna ducks under it and lands a punch on his gut, he double's over and grunts. "Come on, you can do better than that! Try again!" He stands up and tries an uppercut but Luna quickly steps back dodging it. "Again!" she yells. "Even for a cop you're sleazy!"

Raven was just watching on, her eyes wide. Clarke was anxiously searching the car for Luna's phone, she needed to call Lexa. Raven and herself can't stop Luna and she wasn't about to listen.

Clarke unlocks the screen with shaky hands and dials Lexa's number. She answers after the second ring. "Hey Lun, every-"

"Lexa! Come to Bellamy's place! You know where it is right? Should I send a location ping?" she yells into the phone.

"Clarke?! What's hap- you know what, nevermind. I'll track Luna's phone. I'm coming." With that she hangs up the call, tapping a few places on her phone then putting it in the car cellphone mount. She shifts the gear leaver into steptronic, the normal automatic gearbox will be shifting too slowly for the speed she wants to go, paddle shift it is.

Clarke looks up at Luna and Bellamy again.

"Come on you little bitch, hit me!" Luna yells at Bellamy mockingly. Her hands in-front of her gesturing for him to come at her.

Blood has started running down his chin now, dripping onto his bare-chest, his muscles rippling under his skin with every movement. Luna just had her bloody mouth from the initial hit he landed on her when Clarke and Raven was restraining her. Sweat started to form on both of them. Bellamy's attacks on her were futile, sometimes she'd just dodge him and when the opportunity presented itself, she'd land a shot on him.

He surged forward and Luna tactically lunged forward too, lifting her knee connecting it with his face as she pushed his head down onto it. She got onto him again swinging left, right, left, right...

A loud engine roared behind them coming to a stop, Lexa jumped out of the car running toward her sister, her brown waves of hair gliding through the air. She wrapped her arms around Luna and picked her up. "That's enough Luna, can't you see he's not moving? You have made your point!"

She puts Luna down a few steps farther, pushing her forward. "Enough!"

Luna turned around, seething, her teeth clenched. She was breathing harshly and pushed Lexa back. "He spoke shit about you and dad! He got what he deserves!" She goes forward again toward Bellamy to continue her onslaught. "In fact, I'm not done yet."

Lexa catches her in her arms again and lightly pushes her backwards. "Hey, calm down!"

Raven moved to Luna's side and lightly nudged her away. "Hey, it's okay calm down. That was REALLY sexy but please calm down."

"Yeah?" Luna asks out of breath, she looked past Raven's head at Lexa also breathing heavily, "I'm sorry Lex."

Lexa waved her hand in dismissal, "It's fine, take Raven, get out of here."

Luna nodded once and got into her car; Raven followed suite getting into the passenger seat. The Mustangs engine roared to life and she backed out of the driveway into the street. She lowered her window and yelled, "That's 2 for Woods by the way!" Then she set the car into drive and put her foot down making the tires screech against the tar.

"Should she be driving in that state?" Clarke's voice came softly from behind Lexa.

"Yeah, Yeah, if there's anything my sister can do is drive a getaway car in any sort of state." She turned her gaze to Bellamy, "Excuse my language but this is a serious fuck up Clarke, what happened?"

"We were talking and then he grabbed my wrist again."

Lexa stared at her tentative. "And then?" she walked to his unconscious body, crouching next to him looking him over, careful not to touch him.

"Luna came and told him to let go of me which he didn't immediately do, then he said some stuff about Luna's record which was a little frightening to me," Clarke swallows and continues, "He called you both criminals, comparing you two to your father then he called me a whore and said I was easy."
Clarke walks over to him as well, crouching too. "Then he groped his crotch and said something like all he regretted not doing was shoving it into my mouth I assume."

"He's lucky I wasn't here then."

"Luna said the same thing."

"Well, miss med student, assess him, tell me the damages." Lexa says, half smile in place.

Clarke did as told, lightly touching him, pushing down on already bruised places on his abdomen.

"Maybe a cracked rib or two, no obvious signs of internal bleeding though." She moved up to his bloody face opening his mouth, "All teeth seem intact. So that's good, means he didn't swallow any of them." Clarke took her phone out of her pocket and turned the flashlight on, opening his eye with her thumb and index finger. She flicked the light over his eye and then did the same to the other. "His pupils aren't responding to light, that's not good."

She leaned her head over his mouth and then moved to his chest, "He's not breathing normally either. Lexa, he needs to get to a hospital." Clarke says urgently.

Lexa gets up abruptly placing her hands on her hips and purses her lips. "Think Lexa, think." She says aloud.

Clarke started to shake again. "This is all my fault." Her voice laced with panic.

In an instant Lexa was in front of her putting her hands on either side of Clarke's face. "Hey, it's not your fault, I'll figure this out." Lexa says pressing an urgent kiss to Clarke's forehead.

She lets go of Clarke and turns looking around. There were only two houses really close to Bellamy's, one sat vacant she notices and the other didn't have a car home, which hopefully meant no one was there.

"Clarke can you remember if someone maybe drove past here?"

"Uh- uhm- I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention but I don't think so." Clarke says her voice shaky.

"Good, okay Clarke, listen to me closely now." Lexa says, putting her hands on Clarke's face again, "We're going to take him to hospital okay? Call your mom and tell her we're coming in. Tell her that we came to Bellamy's house because you wanted to talk to him and then we found him like this. Do you understand Clarke? Tell me you understand."

Clarke just vigorously nods, "Yeah, I understand."

Lexa half smiles at her. "Okay, get to it then, I'll get him in the car." With that she presses another kiss to Clarke's forehead, "it's going to be okay. I promise."

Lexa let's go of Clarke and moves her car farther into the driveway, closer to Bellamy. She exists and opens the back door then kneels next to Bellamy and slides her arms under him, trying to lift his limp body. She struggles to lift him at first but manages to get him in the air after her second attempt then puts him on the back seat.

"Get in the back seat with him Clarke, lay his head on your lap, make sure he doesn't move too much." Lexa orders.

Clarke again does as told without any sort of protest.

Lexa closes the back door and gets into the driver's side, revving the engine up as soon as Clarke's in the car.

Lexa backs up out of the driveway and sets out to the hospital.

"Have you called your mom yet Clarke?" Lexa asks eyeing Clarke in the rear-view mirror.

"No, not yet." She fishes her phone out of her pocket and dials her mom's number. After the third ring, Abby answers the phone.

"Hi honey, how are you? Is everything okay?"

"Hi mom, I'm fine- uhm everything's not okay." Clarke's voice is breaking, tears threatening to spill.

"Honey? Did Lexa hurt you?" Abby asks, worry in her voice.

"No mom, Lexa didn't do anything." At that Lexa's eyes shoots to the rear-view mirror meeting Clarke's blue eyes. "It's Bellamy mom, Lexa took me to see him and mom-" the first tear runs down Clarke's cheek but she quickly wipes at it. "Mom we found him in the driveway out cold, he's covered in blood."

"Did you check him Clarke? Is he breathing fine? Is it his own blood?" Doctor Abby Griffin was on the phone now, not a concerned mother. "What happened?"

"His breathing isn't fine mom, I checked his pupils, they're not reactive."

"Okay, stay calm, there's no time for an ambulance, you guys have to bring him yourself if you feel it's safe to move him, I trust you know this." Abby says, waiting for Clarke's reply.

"Yeah, we have him in the car already, we'll be at the ER entrance in probably 15 minutes mom."

"I'll be there waiting Clarke."


Remember to smash that little star if you liked what I wrote, also point out any spelling errors, I make mistakes sometime seeing English isn't my very first language. Comment on what you liked and disliked and what you think might happen next or perhaps what you want to happen next.

Thank you for your support.

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