PUBLISH for FREE ' No need to...

By arthurcrandon

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PUBLISH for FREE ' No need to pay penny to see your book in print"

82 2 2
By arthurcrandon


Short description

A short guide to getting your book in print and on ebook shelves without spending a penny. A friendly and concise guide to issues and opportunities from a published author who has 'Been there' and 'done that'. Lots of tips and valuable contacts.

Extended description

Arthur Crandon, a technophobic lawyer has spent two years writing and publishing a total of four books now, with no assistance with the writing, formatting, cover design or publishing. The tecnnological revolution is making it easier to do this all the time. Unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous 'publishers' who will take a lot of money off of you to do things that you can very easily do yourself. Have a go first, then if you need help ask for it. There is lots of it out there, and most of it for free .               


Make a REAL BOOK for FREE!

(Yes, Free – you won’t pay a Penny to Anyone!)

Once you have written your book, you want to see it in print, don’t you?  Of course, everyone does.

Arthur Crandon, the author of this book, did it – and so can you.  If you are on a tight budget this book will show you how to take you book from a word file on your computer to a REAL book, for sale on the biggest ebookstore – for No Money at ALL

©2012 - It Works! Publishing

Smashwords Edition.

Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study,

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Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in

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Advances in technology are affecting every aspect of our lives, at an ever increasing pace.  Nowhere is this truer than in the field of Publishing. Publishing used to be a closed world where aspiring authors would spend months or years sending their manuscript to big publishing houses and waiting to receive the almost inevitable rejection letter.

No More!  You can write, edit, format and layout your book with NO previous experience and little understanding of IT.  No one is was more ignorant about modern technology than I was – and I did it! So anyone can!

Print On Demand (POD) has revolutionized the publishing world. These technologically amazing machines can produce just ONE BOOK AT A TIME – to and amazing quality which is indistinguishable from any book in a bookstore.

You can also design a superb professional cover, easily, with no experience – you want to know more please click this link available in smashword;


free publishing easywriting bookselfhelpmoney saving

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