Let Us Break The Shackles Tha...


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I promised to meet her. At the end. We shall be reunited someday. Until then... I shall break the shackles p... More

Chapter 1: Highschool Boys
Chapter 2: Stay by my side
Chapter 3: What you said
Chapter 4: Jealousy
Chapter 5: Date
Chapter 6: Einherjar
Chapter 7: Counter Measures
Chapter 8: A Nice Chat
Chapter 9: Ratatoskr Welcomes You!
Chapter 10: Lost Memory
Chapter 11: Swimsuit Shopping
Chapter 12: Let's begin our Date
Chapter 13: Ifreet
Chapter 14: Renovation
Chapter 15: Burning Forest
Chapter 16: Thunder Vs Machine
Chapter 17: Home
Chapter 18: Under the Wisteria
Chapter 20: Till the End
Chapter 21: An Ordinary School Trip
Chapter 22: What it means to Duel
Chapter 23: To.The.Beach
Chapter 24: Upcoming Storm
Voice Recording: 207JL-01

Chapter 19: Princess

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"What does it take to keep a promise?
Most would be surprised,
At how difficult it truly is"

Wisteria Clearing

Tohka: Halvanhelev!!

The princess brought down her sword releasing all the stored power within.

It targeted the thunder spirit and so he was taking the blast directly not even dodging.

Shido was blasted off, by the force of the blast. He landed on a tree away from the clearing.

Shido had a few bones cracked and was unconscious.

The blast obliterated everything it touched, half of Tengu City was devastated.

After the blast, huge portion of the City was no longer.

Halvanhelev dispersed and the sword returned to being Sandalphon.


3rd Persons POV

Kotori: (Y/N)? Where is... he?

Kawagoe: Commander, what's our next move?

Kotori: (Y/N) is gone.

The girl said with a monotone voice and eyes like dead fish.

Kotori: He's gone.

She lowered her head, and not have since.

Reine: The Commander needs sometime to recover, I'll take command for now.

Mikimoto: If that's what you think we should do.

The crew adjusted immediately to being commanded by Reine.

Reine: What's Shin's status?

Minowa: He was thrown not far from Tohka, he's unconscious and injured but he's regeneration is starting to activate.

Reine: Good. What about Tohka?

Shiizaki: Her happiness meter didn't move but her mental and emotional state are stabilizing.

Reine stopped for a moment to think.

Reine: Hmm.

Kannazuki: She released a lot of anger of that blast, she may be in a trance of sorts it should be a while before she realizes what she just did.

Reine: Kannazuki's right, after her trance, she'll most likely lose control and completely regain all her spirit power.

Munechika: If Shido reaches her position before she realizes we may be able to minimize the casualties.

Reine: *nods* Worst case scenario, A spacial quake happens and obliterates everything, along with Tohka herself.

Kannazuki: Is Shido's regeneration finished?

Munechika: He just finished a while ago, he's good to go.

Kotori suddenly gave command.

Kotori: Contact him to see if he responds, hopefully the intercom wasn't damaged.

Kawagoe: Commander, are you sure your okay? You can take a rest if you want, we can handle this.

Kotori: What are you babbling about? I have no time to rest, our situations critical, I can't sit around do nothing.

Kotori clenched her fist suppressing her feelings to be able to command Ratatoskr.

The crew understood and began to work.

Somewhere in the forest

Shido laid next to a tree, the tree affected by the impact of Shido's body and the trunk.

<Kannazuki: Shido! come in, Shido! Shido answer us if the intercom's still working>

Shido slowly opened his eyes and press his hand on his ear.

Shido: I'm here, the intercom is fine.

Kotori: Good, because we have no time to waste.

Shido: Wait, what happened to me-

Shido remembered how Tohka unsheathed Halvanhelev and blasted (Y/N) with it.

Shido: Where's (Y/N)?!

<Kotori: I'm sorry, we're not exactly sure what happened to him>

Shido regained composure and focused on the mission at hand.

Shido: I should stop worrying, He has regeneration he should be fine.

<Kannazuki: It seems he hasn't told you yet... his power to regenerate disappeared when he went to Norway>

Shido: What?! But he took... Halvanhelev's blast directly.. Is he dead-

<Kotori: We don't have time to sit around, We need you to seal Tohka's powers before she realizes what happened to (Y/N)>

Shido: Your right.

Shido started running towards the directly he was facing.

Shido: But won't Tohka just get her power back after she realizes what she did.

<Kotori: We'll figure that out later, I'm sure we can make a plan to prevent that>

Shido: Okay then (Did you really die? No, I'm sure your still alive)

Wisteria Clearing

Tohka panted after releasing all her pent up rage, she was on her knees and taking a short rest, not yet realizing what she did.

Tohka: Liar, He tricked me.

Tears falling from her eyes. She wiped her tears and regained composure.

She then sees the damage she dealt to the city due to her outrage.

Tohka: Did I... do that?

Her eyes widened, realizing she directly hit (Y/N) with Halvanhelev.

Tohka: (Y/N)? Shido?

She looked around her surroundings, no one was by her side.

Tohka: He's... gone? I killed... (Y/N).

He eyes went dull, dark purple energy surrounded her.

A dome of dark purple energy covered the clearing, stopping anyone from getting close to her.

Tohka: Gone... He's gone.

With Shido

Shido's POV
As I was running towards the clearing dark purple energy began to appear and I suddenly crashed into it.

Shido: What is this?

I touched the energy it was like a barrier surrounded the clearing, a whole dome to be exact.

<Kotori: We're too late>

<Reine: This is bad, at this rate something worst than a spacial quake may happen>

I tried to pushed through the barrier but to no avail, it was rock solid.

Shido: Crap! Tohka!! Tohka!! Let me in! It's me Shido!

I tried to call out to Tohka but it seems she couldn't hear even so I kept calling out to her.

Tengu City

A lone body laid in the edge of the all the wreakage.

(Y/N): What.. happened.

A male wearing only a piece of shattered armor on his waist covering his crotch said.

(Y/N): That's right... Tohka.

(Y/N)'s POV
I couldn't open my right eye due to the amount of pain I was feeling from the right side of my forehead.

My body was mostly fine though blood was clearly visible from every inch of my body.

Wounds were present everywhere.

I closed my eyes to refresh my memory.



She just needs to release some steam and then I'll be able to talk to her peacefully.

Tohka: Halvanhelev!!

As soon as the blast was released both my angels formed a cross in front of me to protect me.

The blast pushed me to the middle of Tengu City, again most of my armor was crushed.

My angels shattered due to taking most of the blast for me.

I was sent flying unconscious after the blast.

End of Flashback

(Y/N): My armor keeps being destroyed, guess I shouldn't complain it is the reason I'm still here.

I tried to get up and immediately felt pain in every wound on my body, which was everywhere.

(Y/N): Shit! I hope tommorow's not gonna be this fucking miserable.

Suddenly in the direction of Tohka, a dome of dark energy covered the clearing.

(Y/N): Can't I catch a break!? Remiel!

Thunder materialized in my hand to form Remiel once more.

It's blade turned into pure thunder responding to my body's condition.

Both of my eyes glowed golden and the sky turned dark.

Thunder surged throughout my body,
Thunder enveloped me and I flew towards the dome of energy like a bolt of lightning, ignoring all the pain I felt.


Shido: Kotori I can't get through this barrier! Whats the plan now?

Kannazuki: Shido needs to be inside the dome to seal Tohka however...

Kotori: Guess we have no choice, we'll use Mistletain and open a path for Shido.

Suddenly a light flashed through Tengu City then after a short while a rumble of thunder was heard.

Shiizaki: Was that lightning!?

A huge smile appeared on Kotori's face, tears of happiness falling from her cheeks.

Kotori: (He's alive)

<Shido: Hey Kotori was that bolt of thunder just now, (Y/N)?

Kotori: Yeah, looks like

<Shido: We both know you were worried about him>

Kotori: Shut up!

Kannazuki: Looks like he's heading for Tohka.

Reine: He'll most likely be planning to seal Tohka's powers.

Mikimoto: He sealed a spirit once, are we sure that he can seal more than one?

Kotori: Have faith.

The crew looked towards they're commander in a questioning manner.

Kotori: That idiot always pulls through in the end, we just need to have faith in him.

Everyone understood after all they've seen it first hand.

<Shido: If I had to rely on anyone to save Tohka it'd be him.

Reine: He never breaks his promises that's for sure.

Kannazuki: Something like this should be no problem for our Einherjar.

Shiizaki: The Commander says so it's our job to follow.

Minowa: We really don't have any options left, so I guess we'll leave it to him.

Kawagoe: He's earned the respect of the Commander, why shouldn't I trust him.

Munechika: Have faith huh, Well can't say its a bad idea.

Mikimoto: Everyone already agreed so I guess we'll leave to him.

Kotori: Looks like everyone's decided.
Shido your on standby, let's leave this one to (Y/N).

<Shido: Alright then (I knew he was still alive, he wouldn't die that easily)

Wisteria Clearing

Tohka stood motionless her body slowly being covered by dark energy.

Tohka: I killed him... I killed him.

Suddenly the dome pulsated from an impact from an outside force.

(Y/N): TOHKA!!

The princess snapped out of her trace and the dark energy around her dispersed.

She looked towards the direction of the shout where she saw a boy trying to break through the dome of energy.

Tohka: (Y/N), your still alive!

(Y/N)'s POV
The barrier stood firm even after coming in contact with Remiel's blade.

(Y/N): Hold on I'll be there in a sec.

I continued to push through the dome, lightning and sparks escaping from the Remiel.

(Y/N): Don't stand in my way!!

I held Remiel with both my hands, I tightened my grip on its hilt and pushed it in further.

(Y/N): Remiel...

The thunder released from Remiel began to take the form of the usual dragon.


This time the dragon that was formed had arms and it's size was five times the usual dragon, responding to the amount of damage to my body.

The dragon grabbed the barrier and barred it's fangs onto it, breaking it and letting me pass.

The dragon raised it's head and let out a thunderous roar, thunder erupted in the sky.

The dragon slowly dispersed and Remiel returned to it's original form, I landed in the ground not too far from the wisteria tree.

As soon as my foot touched the ground Tohka hugged me, while tears flowed non-stop through her eyes.

She burried her face in my chest.

Tohka: (Y/N), I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that to you, please forgive me!

I placed my hand on her head and stroked her hair.

(Y/N): Finally got that out of your system huh, you willin' to listen to me now?

She didn't say anything she just nodded.

(Y/N): Look about that kiss, Origami misunderstood what I said and we accidentally kiss.

Tohka: So your not leaving me for her.

I answered reassuring her that I would never leave her.

(Y/N): No, I'm not leaving you for her.

Tohka: I'm glad.

Tohka released me from her hug.

(Y/N): So what do you say we seal your powers.

Tohka: Can you really do that?

(Y/N): I did it once so I probably can do it twice.

Tohka: Before you do. Tell me, why didn't you move when I unsheathed Halvanhelev.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Kotori would call me a moron if she knew this. I didn't dodge because that would mean I would be breaking my promise.

Tohka: What?

(Y/N): I promised to be by your side, especially when you felt lonely, If I dodged it would be like I ran away from you.

Tohka: Of course! I get it! It would feel like you left me if you dodged.

(Y/N): Yeah, although I didn't exactly plan to be blasted off to the other side of Tengu City.

Tohka gave you a soft smile.

Tohka: About earlier when I yelled at you, I'm sorry for that.

(Y/N): That's all in the past, don't worry about it too much.

I placed my hand on her chin and connected our lips together.

It was a long passionate kiss, her clothes returned to what she wore before she rampaged.

We both separated from each other and gave each other a smile.

Tohka: (Y/N), Thank you.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Don't mention it.

Suddenly my vision blackened and I felt myself fall down.

Tohka: (Y/N)? (Y/N)!!

The next day


I woke up in a medical bed in a medic bay. I was probably in the Fraxinus.

I tried to get up which took a lot of effort due to the pain in my body...

(Y/N): What happened?

Reine: You passed out due to fatigue and blood loss. You body is still that of a human, you should be more careful.

I looked at my left and Reine sat in a chair, writing in her clipboard.

(Y/N): Is that so...

The door to the medic bay opened and Kotori entered with Shido.

Shido: Oh your awake, that's good.

Kotori: That was stupid of you, taking Halvanhelev's blast head-on, your not invincible you idiot.

Kotori lectured me which I understood as her way of saying she was worried about me.

(Y/N): Wow, so Kotori was that worried about me?

Reine: Yes, she was devastated when she thought you were dead.

Kotori: No, I was not!

Shido: Come on Kotori, I think lying's not doing you any good.

Reine: However she wasn't the one who was worried the most.

Reine pointed to my right and I saw that Tohka was sleeping next to my bed.

Shido: She was really worried, she never left your side since you passed out

I couldn't help but smile at Tohka, which caught Kotori's attention.

Kotori: I was also here you know.

(Y/N): Yeah, your always there for me.
Thank you Kotori, I really appreciate it.

Kotori blushed and looked away.

Kotori: Well I should get going, I still have some reports I have to finish
I'll stop by again later.

Kotori left the medic bay.

Reine: I'll also be taking my leave.

She exited the room after her announcement.

Shido: You sure took a beating.

(Y/N): Yeah, it sucks but I should be fine in a few days.

Shido: Guess I'll be the one packing your stuff for the school trip.

(Y/N): Shit! Forgot about that. Oh by the way...

I gestured Shido to come closer and he did and I flicked his foreward as hard as I could.

Shido: Ouch! What was that for?!

A small flame ignited in his forehead and the swelling disappeared.

(Y/N): Half of Tohka's powers, you'll need it since you only know how to wield Sandalphon.

Shido: Oh Thanks for that, I owe you one.

Shido scratched the back of his head as he said that.

(Y/N): You'll need it when we duel.

Tohka then started to wake up.

Shido gave a wry smile and said.

Shido: I'll leave you two for some privacy.

He exited the room leaving me and Tohka alone.

Tohka: *yawn* (Y/N)? (Y/N)! Your okay! Thank goodness your okay!

Tohka said as tears of joy filled her eyes. She hugged me which made me winced in pain.

Tohka: I'm sorry I didn't mean to-

(Y/N): Don't worry about it, I'm fine.

She lowered her head and tears fell from her eyes.

Tohka: (Y/N) I'm sorry it's my fault that your like this... It's all my fault...
Please forgive me...

(Y/N): Look Tohka if you want me to forgive you then stop crying.

She looked at me with a questioning gaze.

(Y/N): I love seeing your cheerful innocent smile, so if you want me to forgive you then smile for me.

She wiped her tears and gave a cheerful smile.

(Y/N): That's the Tohka I know!

It took almost all I had to just my hand over to her head and give her a headpat.

(Y/N): There, there.

Her ribbons twitched happily as if it was part of her body.

(Y/N): *chuckles*

She then moved closer to me.

Tohka: Can we.. Umm.. kiss again?

She requested to which I answered with moving my face closer to hers.

Within the infinite void of light

The Torii gate wrapped in golden chains stood firm, motionless.

Next to it a silver metallic medieval gate with unknown markings, in front of it a throne sat with a sword sheathed onto it's back.

Purple energy lively circled the silver gate. It's markings seem to resemble that of an old civilization's writings.

Man that was one hell of a ride.
I know the chapter with Kotori was longer and way more impactful but hear me out, I have plans.

Hopefully I can get the next chapter out, quicker.
Anyway Stay safe, Enjoy and Stay Tuned.

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