𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙚 || 𝙍. 𝙇�...

By Ambythenomaj

125K 3.7K 3.3K

"THAT GIRL IS AS BAD AS THE REST OF THEM!" Asteria Nott, an exchange student from Durmstrang Institute, finds... More

Lost Mouse
New Friends
Easy Potions
Friendly Foxes
Hospital Banter
Charm Catastrophes
Christmas Secrets
Daisy Chains
Common Room Parties
The First Transformation
Secret Closets
James's Match
Lost Cat
Moony's Birthday
Daily Prophet Rumours
Lake-side Drama
Bad News
Two Years Later
A Troubled Christmas
Her Fault
Dark Truths
Lily's Surprise
White, Red and Pink
Lily's Second Surprise
A Notty Christmas
Rose Gold
Her Torment
Slipping Through Their Fingers

Rose-shaped Lollipops

3.7K 117 142
By Ambythenomaj

"James could you possibly get any dumber?" Remus sighed in frustration.

"What's going on?" Ast asked as she sat down under their usual beech tree.

"James here is going to fail his O.W.L.s if he doesn't start studying." He said, pulling out a sheet of notes, "take these, it's for Charms, it's not everything but you'll get the main ideas."

He handed the paper to James. O.W.Ls were all Remus seemed to talk about these days. Ast thought that he was beginning to sound like their teachers.

It had been three days since the boys first turned into animagi. They'd been transforming whenever they had free time and it was starting to get really annoying. Asteria and Remus had been planning their upcoming date which would take place on their next Hogsmeade visit which would be on Saturday. Fortunately, it also happened to be the same day as Valentine's Day. The other boys still had no idea though.

They had, however, come up with nicknames for the group of them; Prongs for James, Padfoot for Sirius, Wormtail for Peter, Moony for Remus, and Vixen- or Vix for short- for Ast.

The full moon was also that night. Oscar and Remus would be paired up once more. Remus had seemed to be growing fairly acquainted with Oscar. They had shared a bond over their horrible curse.

"Well it's no problem for you two since you're both the smartest in the year," James pointed out.

"I wouldn't say the smartest," Ast argued.

"Says the person who turned into an animagus during her third year and gets perfect grades."

"Oh shut up you're making me sound like a smartass."

"That's 'cause you are," Remus said.

"Shut up,"

"Make me," he grinned.

Peter looked between the two of them with a disgusted look on his face. James and Sirius grinned.

"Could you two get a room?" Peter asked.

Ast glared at him and quickly stood up. Peter stood up too and began running away from her. Ast ran after him, however, he was too quick. She followed him all the way to the edge of the lake. Peter swerved so quickly that she didn't have time to register what had happened before Peter pushed her in the water.

When she reached the surface of the water, Peter was already back at the tree, high-fiving the others. She sighed and pulled herself out of the water. Her hair and clothes soaking wet, Ast walked back towards her friends. She shot a death glare at Peter while Remus wrapped his robe around her shoulders.


Later that night; Ast, James, Sirius, Peter and Remus walked down the grassy steps towards the Whomping Willow.

They stopped in front of the tree, which was already spreading it's branches, preparing to attack them. They quickly checked to see if the coast was clear then Peter turned into a rat and pressed the knot on the tree's roots.

It immediately stopped spreading its branches, allowing the five of them to go through the opening in its trunk.

"Doing this is so much easier now," James said as they crawled through the tunnel.

They reached the door to the Shrieking Shack. James pushed the door open since he was in the front of their group. He gasped. Oscar was standing inside the room. He was transforming. Ast looked at Remus, he was transforming too.

"Quick give them the potion," she yelled.

But it was too late. They both fully transformed and now were baring teeth at each other. Oscar growled and pounced onto Remus.

"Stop!" They yelled, but it was no use.

Ast heard Remus whimper. Fear was settling in and she quickly transformed too. She jumped in the middle of the two of them. She had to stop it, before someone got killed.

"Ast!" The boys shouted.

But she didn't care. She needed to protect both of them. Even if that meant her getting hurt.

Oscar stopped for a split-second. Allowing Remus time to scamper away. Oscar's eyes darted from Remus to Ast. He bared his teeth again. He didn't recognise her. He slowly walked toward her, getting ready to attack. She transformed into back into a human in time for her to put her hands in front of her face, tears running down her cheek, expecting the inevitable.

She felt herself being tossed across the room and a sudden pain erupted in her leg. People were yelling "Stupefy!" and Oscar was flown off his feet and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Ast! Are you alright?" Sirius shouted as he, James, and Peter came to her aid.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," she lied, tears practically streaming out of her eyes. "Quick give them Wolfsbane, before they come back to their senses."

They obeyed and forced the potion down the two werewolves' throats. She looked down at her leg, blood was pouring out of a wound. She must've damaged it when she was tossed.

"Ast... your leg,"

"I know, I know. There's nothing we can do now, we'll just have to wait until morning."

"You should go to Madam Pomfrey,"

"No! I'm not leaving them," she said, hugging her leg.

Sirius took off his shirt and gave it to Ast so she could mop up the blood. She turned her attention to Remus who was still whimpering in the corner. He had a large slash down his chest. He seemed to be having trouble breathing.

"We should take him to the castle." James urged.

"No, he could still be a danger to others," Ast pointed out.

"But Ast he's-"

"I know!" She shouted, dropping some drops of Dittany onto his wound, "this should do for now,"

This was going to be a long night.


They all drifted in and out of sleep. Occasionally checking on Remus and Oscar. The sun finally rose and they both transformed back into humans again. James helped Remus out of the shack while Sirius helped Oscar.

Ast's leg was still killing her because she used all the Dittany on Remus. Peter struggled to lift her up but he managed to get there in the end.

"Are you sure you're okay, Oscar?" Sirius asked.

"I'm fine, Sirius, I just need rest." Oscar panted.

They dragged them through the grounds and castle to the hospital wing, thankfully they didn't bump into anyone on the way. They dropped each of the three onto a bed while Madam Pomfrey fussed over them.

"Why you didn't come to me first, only Merlin knows," she said as she surveyed Oscar, "only minor injuries to you, the same can't be said about you two I'm afraid." She indicated to Remus and Ast.

Once she was done healing then all up and gone back into her office, they all sat in silence until Oscar piped up.

"Ast I'm sorry,"

"No I'm sorry I-" Remus began.

"Oh will both of you just shut it! I've had it up to here with people apologising for things they didn't even do. You two have done nothing wrong, you couldn't control it. So please don't apologise." She said.

"Right," Oscar said.

Sirius smirked, "Moony, your girlfriend has got an attitude today,"

"She's not my girlfriend," Remus chuckled, a blush crept onto his cheeks.

"Yet," James and Sirius said in unison.

Ast rolled her eyes. This time, it was her turn to blush.

"Gross." Oscar said, pretending to throw up.

If Ast could hit him from where she was sitting, she would.

And as if things couldn't get any more hectic; Ben bursted into the room.

"Oh bloody hell," Ast muttered under her breath.

"I know what you are Asteria," he began.

She sat up straight, "You do?"

"It's obvious!"

"It is?" She gripped her wand under her bedcovers, ready to hex him if she had to.

"Yeah, you're a vampire. But don't worry I'll keep your secret safe." He winked.


Ast walked in on the Marauders sitting in a circle on James's bed.

"Uh... What kind of cult have I stumbled upon?" She asked, mildly confused.

"You're late to our business meeting." James said.

"Our what?"

"Our meeting, I told you last night."

She tried to recall what happened last night. The only time she saw the Marauders was at dinner. However, she wasn't even sitting with them at the time. She was with Marlene, trying to talk her into asking Dorcas out.

The full moon was two days ago so Remus and Oscar were still recovering. Her and Remus's date was today and they were supposed to be leaving by now.

"I really don't know what you're talking about,"

James's face relaxed, "I'm just joking, come on were doing something brilliant, come join the cool kids."

"James, in your language 'brilliant' may sound like a wonderful thing. But in everyone else's language, you've done something completely horrible," she said, crossing her arms across her chest.

In Sirius's lap was a piece of parchment with dots moving around.

Sirius noticed her staring at the paper and said, "Well Ast, we've come up with a plan and we need you to help us execute it. You see this paper here?" He held up the paper, "this is a map. What we want to do is document every single nook and cranny in Hogwarts. Including secret passageways in and out of this castle."

"How long have you been planning this?" She asked, eyeing the moving dots on the paper.

"Quiet a while now, I think we'll be able to finish it now that we are animagi,"

"So why am I here? You seem perfectly capable of doing this yourself,"

"Ast have you seen this place? It's massive. There's no way we'll be able to do this by ourselves. I mean Peter and Remus have offered to help, so why can't you?"

"More like forced," Remus interrupted.

"I'll think about it," Ast said.

"Excellent," James said.

Ast checked her watch on her wrist. "C'mon you lot, let's get going."

The boys clambered off James's bed and pulled their coats on.

"I still don't see why we can't join you and Remus." Sirius whined.

"Seems mighty suspicious that they're meeting on Valentine's Day, doesn't it?" James said.

"I told you," Ast said, "we're just having a little chit chat."

"Why can't we come then?"

"We don't want bratty children joining us." Remus commented.

"I'm older than all of you!" Sirius exclaimed.

"You don't act like it."

Sirius puffed his chest out. "Fine, I'd rather be with my best friends James and Peter than you two nerds."

"Fine by me."

All five of them walked to the courtyard where all of the other students were gathered. They waited for McGonagall to finish calling out everyone's names and then began walking. Remus and Ast were separated from the other three, walking behind Marlene and Dorcas. Ast smiled to herself, Marlene must've succeeded in asking Dorcas out.

"Where to?" Remus asked.

"Hm- I was thinking of Honeydukes, Zonkos and paying the Three Broomsticks a visit too." Ast said.

"Sounds like a plan."

They arrived at the village and headed to Honeydukes first. Inside the warm sweet shop, Ast and Remus helped themselves to the candy on display. Ast picked up a handful of Fizzing Whizzbies while Remus chose some chocolate. Ast was just about to ask Remus if they were going to pay when she felt something tap her shoulder.

She turned around to find Remus holding a rose-shaped lollipop that changed flavour every time it was licked.

"For you, m'lady." He smiled.

"Aww thank you." She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

They walked over to the cashier and Remus offered to pay, but Ast saw his face fall when he saw the price. She knew that Remus was poor, and since she wanted him to have a good time, so she payed for their sweets without batting an eyelid.

"Let me repay you, Ast." Remus said as they walked to their next destination.

"No, Remus. I told you it's fine." Ast said.

"But I feel bad, let me repay you."

"You can repay me later." She winked at him.

He smirked and shook his head.

They stopped off at Zonkos, bought loads more pranking material and then decided to finish off their date in the Three Broomsticks. Ast and Remus entered the pub, both covered in snow, their arms linked and found a place right at the back. They ordered two Butterbeers and made themselves comfortable.

"You look pretty with the snow in your hair." Remus admitted.

Ast blushed, "thanks."

Remus liked making her smile. It always seemed to brighten whatever mood he was in. Not to mention that she also had the prettiest smile he had ever seen.

Ast reached over and pulled a stray leaf out of his hair. She brought his face closer to her and placed a playful kiss on his lips. So quick that it almost didn't happen. It was his turn to smile like an idiot now. Their hands laced together under the table and he slowly rubbed her thumb with his.

"Out of all the dates I've had," Ast said, "this is by far the best."

"I'm glad I've made you happy." He said.

"How did I manage to score Gryffindor's most wanted boy?"

"Oh please, Sirius and James are far better choices."

"Well... Sirius and James are both very handsome, Peter too. But people talk, Remus. They want you the most. And I wouldn't blame them, you've got the most handsomest face I've ever seen."


"But you are!" Ast cupped his face with her hands. "You've got the most beautiful eyes and hair, and the sweetest smile, what's not to love about you?"

"My scars," he whispered.

She kissed the scar on his cheek, "they're beautiful, just like the rest of you."

The pub door opened and a group of three rowdy boys came strutting in. Ast quickly moved away from Remus as the boys plonked themselves down on their table.

"Having a nice chinwag?" Sirius asked, shaking snow out of his hair.

"It was fine until you three came along." Ast shot at them.

"Oh come on, we're the life of the party, Ast! We make your lives ten times better."

"You also seem to make my headaches ten times worse." Remus muttered, still stroking Ast's hand underneath the table.

Ast felt butterflies flutter around in her stomach. All she wanted to do was to snuggle up next to him, but she couldn't. She wished that the others would just go away.

"You love us Moony." James winked.

"Unfortunately, I do."

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