๐‹๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐’๐ฎ๐ซ๏ฟฝ...

By writersblockedx

57.9K 1.9K 465

{BOOK 2} [ ๐ˆ๐ญ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐ง๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐จ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐ž ๐Ÿ‘ ๐ฆ๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ก๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ž๐ ๐ข๐ง ๐š ๐๐ฎ๐ง๐ค๐ž๏ฟฝ... More

False Trust.
Needed Departure.
Burned Out.
Unwinding Wounds.
Everything's Changed.
Dying Wish.
Lost Memories.
Showing Weakness.
The Second.
Your People.
What we Deserve.
A Lesson Learnt.
Title Unanswered.
Self-made Promises.
A Needed Deed.
Still Here.
Survivors Guilt.
The Morals that had Changed.
War Beginning.
The Beginning of the End.
Left to Lead.
Finding an End.
Need for Justice.
The Enemy.
Plan B.
A Means to an End.
Stupid Decision.
Out of Sight, Out of Harm.
Leader Roulette.
Without You.
What we Are.
When We're at Peace.
Who we Need to be.
From Peace to War.
Idiots in Charge.
A Means of Survival.
What do we Have Left?
She Knows.
Justice or Survival.
Life and Not Death.
What if?
It was Called Heartbreak.
The Moments That Mattered.
The Last Ones.
The Selfish and The Selfless.
Kill or be Killed.
A Different Life.
Pity Party.
The Savours.
Last Moments.
We Will Rise.

The Conclave.

557 21 50
By writersblockedx

Based of - 4x10
Words - 3268
Warnings - death, blood, violence, wounds.
Song - In this shirt (the irrepressibles)

The flag behind you stood your post as did each of the other clans. Each warrior placed at their own, ready and waiting for the finally horn to sound. And when it came, your feet couldn't move. At least not in the first few seconds. Your body just longed to skipped this part, skip all the killing and all the blood, and instead jump to the part where everyone is safe. That was if yours and Octavia's plan worked in the end.

When you finally moved, you started at a slow jog, referring to your surroundings for any other warriors that stood close to you. At first, there was nothing. But then you turned, reaching into a more open area of Polis, close to the stage. Two warriors stood fight another, blades clinking to one another. Though, neither one had yet to notice you eyes. You used such to your advantage as you hid behind one of the pillows and watched from afar.

Since you no longer had to worry about being seen, you were able to work out each clan the warriors belonged to - Sankru and - what looked like - Podakru. The two kept going at one another before the Sankru warrior left their grip and their weapon went flying. Once that happened, the other warrior pushed their sword right through his stomach. And just like that, one of the first clans fell.

The Podakru warrior took the sigil from the dead man's neck with a smirk, unaware of you lingering behind them. When he started walking again, not hearing your soft footsteps behind him, he placed the sigil around his own neck. That was when you made your move. Sword around his throat, swiftly, leaving no time for the stupid smirk on his face to even leave his lips. Just like the Sankru warrior had done, he fell, the two sigils with him. Unlike him, you didn't war a smirk on your lips. Instead, they were lightly painted in the man's blood along with your mattered war paint.

Leaving the body, you set out to find Octavia. It would be much easier to kill the rest of them together. People like Roan weren't going to go down as easier as the others. You'd need Octavia's help for that. Wherever she was situated right now.

You never got close. One other turn and you were met with another two warriors. Though, one had just fallen and above her, Roan stood, sword dripping with her warm blood. This wasn't the right time to go after Roan, you thought. You had no idea where Octavia nor whatever she might be in trouble. One thought still wondered over where Luna was and whether she had gotten to Octavia before you had. And if she did, you would never stop blaming yourself.

So, before Roan had the chance to notice you, your feet jumped, scurrying along the blooded streets to find the other warrior. That was until your shoe pulled at a stop. "Not so fast!" Roan mocked, turning with his sword in hand.

Your fist clenched for moment before you finally went to face the King. "What do you want Roan? We both know who the better side is in this fight." You challenged. Truthly, you were lying right through your teeth. Roan was strong. Probably strong enough to kill you. But then again, so were you.

The man sneered first as he made his way closer to you, sword swing through his finger tips. "Maybe but the last time we fought, I was wounded. I'd like to see how you fight me now." He argued and you debated on your next movements. 

"You're reluctant." He observed, making your eyes jump up to his. Narrowing your brows, your hand gripped onto the handle of your weapon that little bit more. "Killing should be second nature to a commander, shouldn't it?" He questioned a she tried to push any buttons he knew he could reach. Which, after sharing the throne with you, he had picked up on a few. "Then again, you're not a true commander, are you? You not like Lexa. Your blood isn't pure like their's, it's fake." He taunted, watching as you soon refused to make eye contact with him.

But he kept going and going until you would snap. "And now you would throw anything away for some ego boost in this conclave. You think your people see you as their hero? As their commander?" He went on as if it was some laughable joke to him. "You're nothing but a naive little Sky girl to them!" That was when it happened. You swore to yourself you would drown out his words but in the end, they became too loud.

Your boot came crashing into the mans stomach. Enough force to push him back. Though, he came right back to you, laughing of the lingering pain you had left him with. He smirked at first before coming back to you, blade going for you stomach. Instead, you dodged out of the way, the blade slipping just past your side. 

But he didn't stop there. Roan came back, sword clinking with your own, pressing his force down on the blade until suddenly, your weapon fell from your hands. And for a moment, you were ready to accept your fate. With no sword to protect you anymore, nothing was stopping Roan's sword from pression down into your throat. But then you moved your hands and they met the blade. While the action caused almost immense pain, it may have just saved your life. 

Though, in that moment, you believed it would only be seconds before the pain in your hand became too much and you gave in. Roan thought so to. Luckily for you, a crash came from the building above you, alerting the two of you. And while Roan's head was turned, your hands took a much more comfortable grip over his sword, taking it from him. To which, the king jumped and face back towards you.

Unlike you, Roan was busy questioning what the hell was taking place above them. Whatever it was, he wanted to know. Where as you would only care if it was Octavia. And right now, you weren't convinced. "Next time I see you, you won't get away so easily." He warned before rushing up into the building and up the stairs, leaving you alone on the down fire lit street.

You debated on your next moves, watching around the area in search for any other contestants. And when you realised there weren't any, you made up a plan. Octavia may not be here but Roan would be. Once he realised what the noise was upstairs, he have to come back down. And when he did, you would be there waiting for him.

For the most part, you were stuck behind one of the walls, eyes checking your surroundings every passing second. You had spotted no one. At first, that comforted you. But then you thought of Octavia and how you had yet to even catch a glimpse of her. What if she was already dead, you first thought. What if her body was lurking around here someone and you had just not yet to see it? What if you really had lost the only person you had left?

However, all your worrisome thought had been cut when you heard light steps come up behind you. Without thinking, you turned, blade up ready to attack whoever it was who had dared to come up behind you. But then your eye's met the familiar green eyes and your weapon fell.

Though, just as you were about to speak, Octavia's finger met her lips, signaling to be quiet. "What are you doing here?" You muttered, leaning in so she was still able to hear your voice clearly.

Her hand then moved from her lips and pointed back up to the building that Roan had just slipped into. "He's coming." She warned you. And, of course, before you could plan what the two of you were going to be doing, you spotted Roan come back out from the building.

Glancing to the brunette, you nodded and with that, she understood.  The two of you dipped back under into the darkness and watched as Roan searched for any danger. When he thought there wasn't any, he started to walk. Of course, he hadn't gotten far. The second his guard dropped and he thought it was safe, you sword went straight for his neck. Though, he had ducked just in time and your blade ended up missing his skin.

He was quick to turn as he met you and Octavia. It didn't take him long to realise that the two of you had teamed up. Why wouldn't you? From what he saw in Polis, there was no Octavia without you and vise vasa. Even when you should act like enemies, you were friends. Even when you had to kill one another to survive, you stood together like you always did. And Roan knew he would never be able to beat both of you. So, he let his weapon fall back into his hold.

Octavia looked to you, brows narrow as she tried to work out what Roan was doing. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" You questioned, arm slightly waved out in front of Octavia in case his was just an act and in the space of a moment he would go back to trying to kill you both.

Hands moving up in surrender, Roan spoke. "Proposing a truce. There's only 5 of us left. We can't stop Luna alone, but together we have a chance. One of us must win for humanity to survive." He suggested and waited to see if you would change your demear at all. You didn't.

Then again, Roan never expected you to. His people were your people's enemy. There was nothing stopping you from killing him right in this moment. "We don't need you, Roan." You answered. And while you said such, you knew that deep down you did. Of course you and Octavia was strong but not strong enough to beat Luna. Even if you were working together.

At first, he lowered his head slightly. "You know you do if you want to beat Luna." He reminded you. "And if you kill me now, you'll either have to watch each die or kill each other. Your choice." He continued. To which, you glance up to the warriors next to you. He had yet to realise that if you and Octavia won, you weren't going to kill each other. But instead, save everyone, including Azgeda. 

Octavia let her guard down first, you following her actions as your sword found its way back to your side. "What happens after we kill her?" The girl asked.

Roan shrugged first, still unaware of the plan you and Octavia had come up with before the conclave. "May the best warrior win." He said. And you knew, that once the three of you had taken Luna, Roan wouldn't stand a chance between you and Octavia. So if you went alone with this, used Roan as some type of pon, then you'd win. You'd be able to save to just Trikru, but everyone. Every clan.

Nodding, Roan took that as your agreement, Octavia along with it. "May the best warrior win." You and Octavia repeated before the group of you set out to find the natblinda. 

Roan led the way for the most part, you and Octavia behind him and you watched from above, from the side, anywhere where Luna might be lingering. But you knew that if she was here, she would make herself known. She may have ran from her first conclave but she wasn't a coward. And she certainly wouldn't run from the chance to kill the people who had let Skaikru strap her down and take her blood for her. All to turn you and Clarke into nightbloods. Something they weren't even able to test in the end.

The three of you came to a stop when a scream come be heard from the fountain area. And when you heard the scream, heavy foot steps followed. All of you knew then that the only other warrior was down and it was just the you four left. Roan nodded to the two of you, implying for you Octavia to split of. She did, you and Roan then making careful steps to where you assumed Luna would be standing.

Passing the dead warrior, you were met with Luna's eyes. Her two swords swinging in her grip as she gain distance towards you and Roan. And for a moment, she scoffed in her head. Of course in the end you had teamed up with Azgeda. In her mind, the two of you were both killers, you practically made the perfect team.

Her head turned, able to meet the Skairipa that was trying to sneak up from behind her. Smirking, she glance back to you and Roan. "Last time we fought, I was wounded." She reminded the King. Something you hadn't witness, too busy saying what you thought what be your final goodbye to Murphy. "Not this time." She added as you tighten your grip on the handle of your sword.

"Last time we fought, I wasn't trying to kill you." Roan counter acted as he took a step in front of you, silently saying he would go first when it came to Luna. Something you would gladly let him do.

While he striked first, you snuck around Luna to the side, the girl becoming quickly surrounded. And when you had done, she moved her actions from Roan and to you. Her blade came crashing down at you. Only to me met with your own over your skin. She kept pushing down. Just like Roan had done earlier. Though her she had a lot more force than he did. And you knew straight away she would soon win if you did nothing. So, you carefully placed your boot just outside her own. When she was so sure you were about to give in and your sword was going to leave your grip, you moved your foot across, letting the woman fall to the stone floor.

She groaned, keeping a hold onto her weapon. And when you went to finish what you had started, placing your blade above her chest, her foot came flying back into your stomach. Thus, you were then forced onto the ground. But Luna was never given the chance to kill you as Octavia took your place, her sword clinking with Luna's.

In that moment, all you wanted to do was stay on the floor and pretend that you weren't in the middle of a conclave and that the end of the world was coming. But it was and you were here and if you didn't get up soon, Luna would turn around and shove her blade through your heart. So you pushed yourself back up to your feet, taking your weapon back into your hands as you did so.

The warrior looked between the three of you, now having sussed out all of your weaknesses. "My turn." She smirked before going straight for Roan, trying her hardness to get her blade to meet with him rather than his sword. It never did. Instead, she turned back around to you. Before you could even realised what was coming, her leg came flying around. It was high enough to hit your hand. And it was strong enough to force your weapon out of you hand and over somewhere you couldn't even see.

You weren't able to do anything after that. Quickly glancing towards Roan and Octavia, you pushed your feet from the Ground to go find where your sword had fallen to. When you reached a small covering just past the fountain, you where to spotting the glimmering, metallic weapon on the floor. But of course, it would never be that easier. Because just as your hands were able to get back a hold of it, a loud struck of lighting came from the sky and following it, rain. Black rain.

"Octavia!" You yelled, alerting the girl of what she could already fell. "Run!" When she heard you voice, she did. She got up from the floor and ran as fast as her legs would take her. Which then left Roan. He was so close to killing Luna but then the rain came and he was put at a great disadvantage.

Once you knew Octavia was safe, you took a few steps forward, wondering whether your new blood type would save you. Your place your hand out first, letting a few droplets hit your skin. And when your body didn't wince in pain, you left the cover and you ran. But your legs weren't quick enough. Instead, you were forced to watch Roan in his last moments as Luna pushed him into the water of the fountain.

His body stopped and Luna stood. Roan was dead. The King was dead. And now, she was faced with you. Octavia still had yet to move. She would only do so when she knew you were safe from whatever Luna was about to do. "You're welcome, by the way." She started, taunting you as she gracefully took her sword back into her hand. "There only reason your standing here was because your people strapped me down and took my blood so you could have it." She continued as she made her way towards you.

Swallow, your feet didn't move. You thought that maybe you should run, join Octavia so you could kill Luna together but you stayed where you were. "I never wanted to do that." You told her. Though, you were pretty certain she was already aware of such.

"But you still did it." She argued, now only a few feet from you. Which, apparently, was close enough for the girl as her sword went for your neck. You dodge it first, ducking down just in time. When you reach back up to her level, you went to do the same. But Luna had caught on and instead you were met with her blade. Yet again, it was a question of who was stronger. Something you already knew the answer to.

However, Luna then dropped her sword, smirking lightly. "Your heart was always in a good place." She told you before catching you off guard and pushing her foot into your stomach, forcing your head to bang on the stone of the fountain.

 All the while, Octavia was left watching from the small hunt she was standing. Everything in her body was telling her to run, to help you. But she knew if she did that, she'd get caught in the black rain. But another part of her said that none of this would be worth it if she didn't get to survive with the one person she had left.

Her thought had been a second too late. Because while she had finally made the decision to run, Luna's sword came above you. And in your weakened state, you could do nothing. Instead, her blade came through your stomach and a final breath left your lips.

And while all you could see was Luna above you, all you could hear was the broken scream of Octavia who had just been forced to watch you die right in front of her. Then, everything went black and you felt nothing.

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