Tragedy // Luke Hemmings

By flxsteredmxke

1.2K 29 12

"The first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just ne... More

final authors note?


53 1 0
By flxsteredmxke

I put on a blue, strapless dress and wedges for tonight. To be honest, I was so nervous. I had no clue where we were going, Luke hadn't told me. He said it was a surprise. I must say I secretly knew deep down that this was going to be very romantic. Luke wore a nice button down, and his typical skinny jeans. He wore vans that matched his button down and may I say he looked absolutely adorable.

"You look absolutely stunning Ju." Luke said as he pecked my cheek. I blushed.

"Thank you. You look amazing yourself Hemmings."

"I tried my best for you babe." he said as he winked, I chucked as he grabbed my hand and led me to his car.

We were driving for quite sometime when we made it. The Hollywood sign was so great from up close. Luke came around by my side and opened my door. I looked at the view and I must say it was one of the most beautifulest things I've ever seen. The city was huge but so beautiful.

"I've never seen anything like it. It's beautiful Luke."

"Just like you." he said

"Stop being so God damn cheeky." I giggled

"Wait!! I want to take a picture of you looking out in the city!" He snapped a few pictures of me and the city, and we took a couple of cute selfies. I took some of him, and some embarrassing ones too.

"Send me those please." I said to him. He looked at me all of a sudden.

"Ju I don't even have your number." He started laughing so loud, and so did I.

"Here, gimme." I typed it in his phone and added emojis that represented me.

"Okay thanks."

I looked down and noticed he prepared what looked like a dinner thing. It was super cute and romantic. He had candles layed out and a blanket in the middle. It was definitely the best date I've ever been on.

"Luke this is so romantic and cute." I said to him.

"I really did try, with some help of Jack's girlfriend of course." He laughed a little. I smiled at him. We had dinner, Mac n cheese, juice and donuts at the end. It was very good. After we finished eating I helped him pack the car up with the stuff. He grabbed something out of the trunk and placed it at the hood of his car. A speaker. I looked at him confusingly. He put a slow song on, my favorite slow song, and grabbed my hand.

"Will you dance with me Julia Rodriguez?"

"Yes, of course."

Then we danced, and danced and danced. All slow dances to slow, relaxing songs. It was peaceful and very romantic. I was a very lucky girl.

"I can't believe you remembered." I mumbled more to myself than him.


"You remembered my favorite slow song, that makes me happy."

"Of course I remembered. Your my girl."

"Luke?" I didn't stop dancing with him.


"I-" I was going to ask about Tori but we just had the perfect night so why would I?

"What is it Ju?"

"Nothing, your perfect. Thank you for all of this tonight. It meant a lot to me."

"Anything for you baby. You deserve the best." I smiled at him. A few moments later we sat on the roof of his car and just looked at the stars all night. Let me just say it was a perfect night.

We arrived back at the house at around, 1:30 in the morning. I'm pretty sure everyone was sleeping. I took off my heels before I entered the house. We walked to our shared room and peeled off our clothes quickly. Luke and I aren't the type of couples that like to dress up. Not even a couple, I as myself hate dressing up. And I also know Luke doesn't like dressing up either, he's told me before. I don't know I just don't like it. I changed into one of Luke's shirts and just my underwear while he was just in his boxers. I don't know why we felt so comfortable with each other already but some how I felt like I've known him forever. He told me everything about him when we were talking twenty questions. He told me everything, and I told him everything. The only thing I didn't know about him was Tori. And I was going to find out sooner or later, but I was in no rush for him to tell me. whenever he felt like. I looked at him.

"Thank you so much for tonight. Your the greatest." I smiled and kissed his lips, passionatly.

"No I just like you a lot." He smiled as he broke the kiss. I cuddled him and nuzzled my head in his neck.

"I like you too. A lot." I whispered before drifting off to sleep.


I woke up to Luke planting kisses all over my face. He went down my neck, my jaw, my eyes, my lips, cheek, and back to my lips.

"Mornin'" I said smiling

"Good morning princess."

"Good mood already? Why?"

"Yesterday was amazing."

"It was." I agreed

He kissed down my neck, and lightly began to suck.

"Luke? What are you doing?"

"Showing everyone your mine." He mumbled, sucking slightly harder.

"Not fair!" I said gently trying to push him away. He wouldn't budge. He kept sucking everywhere, different places, different effect on every single one. Some were lighter than others some not. Finally I flipped him over so I was on top of him.

"My turn." I said

His eyes grew wide, pupils dilated. I knew he was turned on by my sudden domence. I kissed gently on his neck, then up to his jaw. Then I began sucking on his neck, hard. In all different places. I kept sucking harder on his neck each time. I saw purple bruises up and down his neck and finally I was satisfied. He was mine. That's that. He looked at me still with wide eyes.

"You just really turned me on."

I laughed.

"Your mine." I mumbled

"Sorry I couldn't quite hear that dear, what was that?"

"You heard me." I said

"No I didn't. Repeat yourself."

"I said that your mine Luke."

"That's right baby. And your mine, Julia."

I kissed him lightly.

"That's right."

I got up from our position earlier and walked to get dressed. I grabbed shorts, and a band t-shirt. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I got out I entered our room as I saw Luke sitting on the bed, deep in thought.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I just-I. Look Julia I really need to tell you something."

"You can tell me anything."

"I know." He whispered

I smiled grabbing his hand. I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles. I nodded at him telling him that's it's okay, and to keep going.

"Okay here I go. I-erm. Before you I had another girlfriend. She was amazing. She was beautiful, crazy and she claimed she didn't know me when we first met. But later on..I figured out she did know who I was. She was actually a really big fan. And the only reason she dated me
in the first place was because I was Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer. But that's not what bothered me, I couldn't careless that she dated me for that. What bothered me about our relationship was-" He choked. He started balling. He couldn't contain his muffled sobbing. He didn't even try to not cry. I felt so awful for him. He was such an amazing guy but I wanted to know what she did, that he was crying so much.

"I'm sorry I can't-not-not right now."

"Whenever you're ready."

"Later okay, I promise. I just can't right now."

"Luke look at me."

He did.

"Baby I'm not worried about it. Okay?"

"I'm going to tell you baby."

I kissed him.


Calum smiled from across the table at something Luke said. I was quiet all day, thinking mostly. I wasn't mad or sad just confused. We had just finished dinner twenty minutes ago.

"We should all go swimming." I said finally saying something

"Yeah that sounds really good!" Lexi said

"Yeah why not?" Ash said

Everyone agreed and we all went to our rooms to change. I grabbed one of my favorite bathing suits. Luke came from behind and begin kissing my neck.

"You were quiet all day. What's wrong?" He mumbled still kissing me.

"Nothin. Just thinking."

He sighed.

"About Tori?"

I turned around and looked at him.

"No..more about us."

"Oh. Anything bad?"

"Im afraid your going to leave me and find someone better...but I dunno." I looked at my feet

"Baby, look at me." He lifted my chin to make me look at him

"You shouldn't be. I like you a lot. It's actually the opposite, I feel like your not going to like me. I mean I have to go on tour and leave you alone for so long and you might find someone who's gonna be there ya know? And someone who will cuddle with you everyday not every two months..I-"

"Luke stop. Please. I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay. I like you a lot."

"I like you a lot too, Lucas." I winked at him.

"Now get out so I can change.."

" about I undress you?" Luke said and smirked at me.

"Nice try Hemmings. But maybe tomorrow or somethin." I winked at him

"Ughhhh Juuuuuu."

"Get out perv." I locked the door and quickly changed. I went downstairs with two towels and noticed everyone was outside by now. I smiled grabbing my phone.

"Hey!" I shouted, everyone looked at me

"Let's take pictures?"

Everyone agreed. We all took pictures. Me with all the boys, me with Lexi. All the boys together. And somehow we took a group picture. I lastly took one last pic with Luke. He was kissing my cheek and holding me from behind. I blushed like crazy. I smiled as I looked at the picture.

"Send that to me! I want to post it." Luke giggled

"No I'm posting it!!!" I yelled

"Fine." He smiled at me

"What should be my caption?" I asked him

He grabbed my phone and typed something and and handed me my phone back. I looked at what I just posted and smiled at his caption.

"My boy😛❤️"

"Your so cute."

"You too babe." He said and kissed my cheek.

We walked out to the beach. It was dark out, and I'm like 80% sure that it was just us on the beach! And that's very very good. I was actually happy. I went up to the shore and touched my toes in it. It was warm. I smiled but all of a sudden I felt myself being grabbed. I looked as Luke picked me up and threw me in the water. I got up and looked around for Luke. He was right behind Calum about to dunk him in, but instead I jumped on his back and made him go in the water. I laughed hysterically as I got up. He looked at me stunned.

"Pay backs a bitch yeah?" I said to him

He started running towards me and picked me up again but instead of throwing me in the water he kissed me. Passionately. It was an amazing moment, only to be ruined by Ashton pushing us in. I laughed and dunked him down. Next thing I know I was being dunked by Lex. We all started laughing.

"Lets have a chicken fight!!!" Lexi yelled

The boys looked at her like she was crazy.

"It's when we get on one of your shoulders, and the other person gets on another persons shoulders and you try to push them off. It's actually really fun." I explained to them

"Oh hell yeah I'm so up for it!!!" Ashton sounded excited

"Get on my shoulders Ju." Luke said. I looked at him worried, Luke was very skinny. I wasn't saying I was big or anything but I'm like pretty sure he was skinner than me. He saw me bite my lip and came over to me.

"I can carry you trust me. Your skinny baby don't ever feel insecure around me." He whispered to me

"Are you sure?" I whispered back

"Yes, now get on my damn shoulders!" He shouted, I giggled and dunked him down I got on his shoulders quickly and before I knew it we were in the air. Lexi was across from me and Cal next to me.

"Go!!!!" Calum screamed we all started laughing and pushing each other and hard as possible. Cal was the first one down, which I expected. He didn't really know how to play that well, me and Lexi were pros at this game. I pushed her over and over and finally she flopped down pulling Michael with her. She did a few good pushes in there where I thought I was gonna go down but I re-balanced myself back up. Me and Luke hollered as we were the champions!

"Now the boys turn!" I shouted, I hopped down from Luke's shoulder told him we were gonna mix things up. Ashton got on my shoulder, Luke on Lexi's and Mikey on Calum's. This was going to be interesting.

"Go!" I shouted, they all started pushing and laughing at each other. They were yelling and pushing. I also started laughing because they acted like girls. Luke went down first. I started laughing when he went down. Mikey pushed Ashton so hard and he flipped over, kicking me in the face as he went in. I laughed but wanted to cry because of how mad my mouth hurt. I know he didn't do it on purpose so I wasn't mad but it did hurt. Luke came over and hugged me all giddy. I was laughing but crying because I felt tears stream down my face. Luke cupped my face in his hands.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm fine." I laugh/cried

"Are you sure bec-"

"Yes!!!! Let's party." I laughed and dunked him in, let's just say the rest of the night was super fun.


I sat with Luke on the bed, we were cuddling but we were both up. 4:23 am. We couldn't fall asleep because of how much fun we were having.

"She cheated on me." Luke blurted out

I looked at him confusingly. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Tori. She cheated on me with Chris. He was my best friends besides the three lads out there. He and I have been best friends since I can remember. On Tori's birthday, I came over to her house to surprise her, I was going to take her and my virginity. She said her parents weren't gonna be home all weekend, so I went there early. When I got there, there was music playing in her room. I walked up there to see clothes all outside the door. Guys clothes too. And right away I knew they weren't mine. I opened the door to catch them having sex, in her bed. She was moaning his name so loud, and he kept saying "mine, mine" as if Tori was his. I was pissed, sad and confused. Chris never showed signs of liking Tori. But later on I figured out that he was always jealous of me and wanted to get a good fuck out of Tori. When she saw me watching she stopped and said she was sorry. She told me I should go. She didn't try to explain herself and she never texted, called or emailed me ever again. I saw her the day before I met you. She was at our show. And it destroyed me. But when I met you, I thought you could be a second chance, and Im so happy I made the choice to meet you, because so far your the best thing that's happened in my life. Besides my band of course." He looked at me and kissed my temple.

"Thank you-for telling me. I know it was probably hard. You mean so much to me Luke."

"You mean a lot to me. And I just wanted to let you know. When Tori did that I always got drunk and smoked to get the pain away but ever since I met you I stopped all of it, because you've helped me so much. So thank you Julia. You saved me."

I looked at this boy. He was happy again. That's good, I remember those times I'd see leaked photos of Luke out partying. I always thought they were fake. Guess not. I was thinking and thinking. This boy thought I saved him? Little did he know he's the one who saved me.

AN: YESSSS! tori & date all in one yess. okay this was interesting(: tell me what you think! and sorry its so long :( good or bad so far? anyways thanks for readin love youu. :) xx

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