Back To The Start

By KaiCos22

10.3K 329 61

Having enough of the shortcomings of the adults meant to help and protect him, Harry takes control of his lif... More



2.5K 59 10
By KaiCos22

     I started awake, breathing ragged. I looked around trying to find where Vernon went, only to find the Gryffindor dorm. The others still asleep. I heaved a sigh in relief, just another nightmare. They were becoming more frequent. But after the goblet of fire spit my name out last night, I knew it was going to be a bad night. The only one who didn't look like they hated me, from what I could see, was Hermione.

     Hermione. My confidant, my angel, my rock. The one person who let me explain and not jump immediately to conclusions. She was always there when I needed her. She forced me to talk instead of letting me sit and spiral even deeper into the depression. The one woman who caught my attention effortlessly anytime she was in the room. I could talk all day about her and never tire. I had loved her since she opened that compartment door back in first year.

      The problem with that was that we were a trio with Ron, but I think that just ended last night. After making it to our dorm room, he went off about me being a sneak and should have helped him do it too. He didn't even try to listen to me when I tried to explain that I didn't do anything, only storming back out to the common room. I was left in the dark room wandering if he had actually ever had my back. I knew he never cared for Hermione, as they fought so heavily. It was only because I fought for her to be around that he put up with her, even through all the arguing.

     I slipped out of the warm bed and padded over to my trunk, hissing out the Parseltongue password and grabbing some clothes. I got dressed quickly and turned to grab my invisibility cloak, the map, my school bag, and money bag. I stopped when a tapping at the window alerted me of a beautiful eagle owl holding a roll of parchment. I quickly opened the window and the regal bird flew in and landed on my bed, holding out the parchment for me to take. I gave it a few treats, and it flew off. Turning back to the papers, I took note of the Gringotts seal staring back at me and opened it.

Dear Mr. Potter,

     We are deeply sorry and angered by the blatant ignorance and downright cruelty of the adults that should have protected you in this situation. The headmaster has once again failed you. We here at Gringotts want to help you and see this as a great opportunity to shove their ignorance back in their faces. We have looked into your living situation and were not able to get past any of the wards without having to remove them. As we don't want anyone to know of our involvement as of yet, we are waiting to make this move. However we here at Gringotts have come to the conclusion that, if you would like, we will emancipate you.

     The form for this has been sent with this letter, should you so choose to become independent and be considered an adult. The competition you are being forced to participate in is technically reserved for adults only. We are using this as a catalyst for the emancipation, as the headmaster can not interfere in anyway this way. We urge you to deeply consider this. It would free you to live wherever you want, be it in one of your familial homes or in a new one that you decide to perchase, and much more.

     We would like to speak more to you in person, and have made this letter into a portkey. The only catch of this mode of transportation is that it wont work inside of the castle or her wards. The activation word is freedom. We hope to see you as soon as you can, thank you for your consideration.

         Warrior and Master Accountant,

     Live anywhere I want? Don't have to tell me twice! This means I could most likely claim my lordship! I could also take my Wizmont seat! I could free Siri! 'Ok, Harry. Slow down.' I thought to myself.

      I flipped the pages around to read the form. The paperwork was straight forward and I couldn't find any loopholes, so I quickly signed on the dotted line and produced a drop of blood in the designated bottom right corner. The parchment glowed a blue color as it duplicated then disappeared, leaving the coppy for me. I went to my bag, and pulled out a folder that I had yet to use and designated it as my legal folder.

     Gathering my things, I decided it was best to sneak down to the kitchens for breakfast instead of going to the great hall. I didn't want to deal with the glares and wispers. I decided that if she didn't avoid me and if she let me explain, I would ask Hermione to be mine. I steeled myself as I exited the dorm, and made my way down the stairs. As I reached the last step, I spotted Hemione waiting in the common room, just like every morning, and hesitated.

     "Harry, I know you didn't do it. We'll figure it out like we always do." She stated as she turned to face me from where she was leaning on the back of the couch. Her face portrayed something I had seen many times from her, but this time it stirred my heart in a new way. Trust and love. It seemed to pull me from my hesitance and make me stride across the room to her, thoughts of food long forgotten. Before I could stop myself, I pulled her up from the back of the love seat and kissed her.

      She didn't fight me like I though she would, as I didn't think she returned my feelings. She, instead, suprised me by leaning into the kiss with a small groan of approval. The kiss was short but conveyed every emotion she ignited in me. The way she wound her fingers in my hair without hesitance let me know just how much she appreciated this. Breaking apart was slow and I rested my forehead against hers.

     "I've loved you form the second I met you 'mione. Will you go out with me?" She pulled back slightly to look me in the eyes.

     "If you think that I would let anyone else kiss me like that, you got another thing coming. Of couse, I will." I smiled and pulled her into another sweet kiss. When we pulled back it was just as reluctant as the first.

     I sighed and decided to bring her with me for the day. Today was a Hogsmeade trip, so it was the perfect time to get to Gringotts to fix everything. I pulled out my cloak, grabbed her hand, threw it over us, and pulled her out of the common room to the statue of the one eyed witch. We slipped into the the secret passage behind it without being discovered.

     "Where the hell are we going Harry? We don't ever really come down this passage anymore." I stopped, feeling the lessening of magic as we left the wards.

     "I became emancipated earlier this morning and Gringotts has asked me to come in and work a few things out with the tournament. We're heading there now, as the letter they sent me is a portkey." She nodded, eyes wide, as I pulled out the letter and held it out for her to grasp.

     "Freedom." We were whisked away with a hook behind our navals. When we landed, we were in a lavish back office with an older goblin sitting behind a large mahogany desk. He looked up slightly startled, and glanced over to 'mione then back to me.

     "Mr. Potter I wasn't expecting you so soon, but it is a very welcome thing. Might I acquire the name of the lovely witch with you? Then we may start." The goblin kept his voice polite. The nameplate on the desk read Silver Fang.

     "Good morning Master Teller Silver Fang. This is my girlfriend Hemione Granger. You had things you wished to go over with me?" I spoke with confidence, but was very polite. Goblins were a proud race of wariors. They were kind to you if you were kind first, and they hated when someone thought they could demand their way around the bank as if it was their territory.

     "There is much to go over. I want you as prepared as possible for anything thrown at you. I've been going through your ledger, all the way back to about the year before your parents death, and have found many anomalies. Anomalies worthy of great concern." He slid a large folder across the desk as we took the availible seats.

     I picked it up, leaned back in the plush leather chair and flipped through the pages, a patern soon coming to my attention. Great concern was an understatement. The year before my parents died was normal, but the day directly after it had had money pulled out. This happened every month, the ammount increasing. The last page told which vaults had been tampered with, along with how much each one had taken out and who did it. I was suprised by the amount of vaults and their names on them, but what hurt was who did all of the money grabbing.

     "Exuse my french, but why the actual fuck has Dumbledore, Ron, Ginny, and the Dursley's been taking or recieving money from my vaults? I wasn't even aware that I had this many and quite frankly I'm freaking terrified to find out how much they've taken and how much I have altogether." Hermione gripped my knee when my voice wavered at the end, catching my attention.

     "This doesn't change anything Harry. It just meens you have a better chance for a better life. It doesn't change my love for you, or even who you are." She knew just what to say to sooth my tension and fears.

     "The lass is right Mr. Potter. This doesn't change anything. Now, we want to run a test to go over all of your vaults and possessions. We want to make sure that we know all of the vaults that are legaly yours along with any properties, be them homes or store fronts in any of the alleys or magical towns." Silver Fang grabed another set of parchments, a bowl full of a pearl pink potion and a ritual dagger from the left side of the desk. He set them all infront of me and indicated for me to take the dagger. "7 drops of blood into the potion, stir it with the knife 5 turns clockwise, then pour it over the parchments when it changes color."

     I did as he said and cut across my palm, then held it over the potion. After giving the correct amount of blood, I did a quick healing spell for my hand; then used the blade to stir the potion. The second my blood had entered the pink potion it changed to a green color, but when I stired it it changed again. Flashing blue, purple, black, and yellow, but when it was finished it was a swerl of every color imaginable. I quickly poured it over the parchments, now we just had to wait for it to work its magic.

     Hermione took the folder and went back over the papers, to make sure we didnt miss anything. It had only been about five minutes when she gasped, catching our attention. When Silver Fang asked her what happened, she simply layed the folder back on the desk, turned it around and pointed to a small section down at the bottom of the last page. This caught Silver Fang's attention and he snatched up the parchment and began reading furiously. Growling in anger he stood, placing the paper down, and pacing. I grabed it and read the indecated section.

     Posessions are missing from client's vaults! Excessive amounts of stolen goods that are up to 30 billion Galleons in value. Some may be damaged, extreme caution as others apear to have had blood magic performed on them! Items range from wepons, to jewlry, to books (Grimoire[s] included).

     Of corse nothing gets to be simple. Before I could delve down into a bad headspace,  I took notice of a soft golen glow coming from the papers on the desk. Picking them up, I began reading through them. If I thought I was ready, I was so wrong.

Name: Hadrian James Remus Potter

Parents: James Fleamont Potter, Lillith Rose Potter neé Evens

Godparent(s): Sirius Orion Black, Remus John Lupin, Apolline Delacour, Alice Leanne Longbottom neé Lightwood

Lord to:


Heir to:

     La Fey


      Godric's Hollow
      Potter- castle (1), mansion (4), cottage (6), villa (3)
      Emry's- Castle (2), mansion (3), cottage (1), villa (4)
      Black- 12 Grimauld Place [BEING USED BY ORDER OF THE PHOENIX], castle (3) [ALL IN RUINS], mansion (5), cottage (7), villa (4), private island (2)
      La Fey- castle (1), cottage (6),   private island (3), villa (2)
      Peverel- castle (3), Mansion (5), Villa (3)
      Diagon Alley- 4 empty shops (1379, 1214, 1998, 1036), Apothecary
       Knocturn Alley- 7 empty shops (2000, 2010, 2405, 2376, 2575, 2731, 2004), Tailswift and Tattlings
       Hogesmead- 2 emty shops (17, 23), shrieking Shack
       Star Alley- 1 empty shop (157), Memento Jewlry, Warrior Cafè, Wand Gallery, Subornatus est scriptor, Nigrum sanguis Taberna Quando Sumus

Stolen Property:

      Potter Grimoire
      Potter engagement rings
      Potter wepons (swords, daggers, spears)
      Potter armor and sheilds
      Potter familial magic books
      Black Grimoire
      Black familial magic books

Blocks/ Potions:

       Study inhiblitors
       Amortentia (keyed to Ginerva Molly Weasley)
       Loyalty Potions
       Compulsion potions

     Hermione was peering over my shoulder and reading. I could feel the anger and awe fighting for the forefront of her mind. I was much the same as I handed the papers over to Silver Fang to sort through. As he read through and made notes, I glanced over at Hermione and soothed her anger by pulling her into my arms. This worked as she put her head under my chin and burrowed into my chest.

    "Now that we know exactly what all has been taken on top of the extensive amount of money, we can gather it all back with interest. Now, moving on to the tournament. We need to come up with something that can both tell the officals working this event to shove it and that they can't control your every move now." We got to work with a plan. Basing multiple things off of what he knew of the tasks.

     Word count: 2481

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