A Slender Chance

By tkdoegirl

279K 8.3K 3.6K

When Sky Steele met Mr. tall, dark, and dangerous in the woods one day, she knew she was dead. So why was she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Eighteen

9.8K 305 51
By tkdoegirl


Slendy was right, by the next morning my fashion sins were forgiven and Trendy no longer seemed to want to see me burned at stake.

Splendy was his normal bubbly self, nearly crushing the life out of me when he engulfed me in a hug, surrounding me with his long arms. "Yay! Sky's here again!" he squealed.

Slendy was still acting a bit off, but it was so subtle it wasn't even detectable to his brothers. I saw it though, and it ate at my heart I little. I really hurt him, didn't I?

Sunday was less eventful than Saturday at least, however that wasn't saying much. Splendy and I had to break up several fights between the oldest and youngest, and then I refereed on my own a couple times when Slender man tried to put Splendor man out of his - or rather our - misery.

At least I was smart enough that day not to start any fights if my own.

That evening the two older brothers finally said their goodbyes and took their leave. The silence in the old house following their departure was unnatural after the past two days. Slendy collapse on his couch and threw his arm over his face. "Thank God that's over," he sighed in relief.

I sprawled in the love seat with my legs kicked over the arm. "Yeah, I'd forgotten what quiet sounded like."

"Mhm," he agreed.

We didn't really talk much for a while - Slendy was in a reclusive mood it seemed. Awkward chit chat seemed to be the best we could manage.

Inwardly I sighed. Apparently we needed to talk about last night - something that I would be happier just forgetting about for the time being.



I chickened out. "You know, you should think about getting a TV for in here."

He looked amused. "I'd never get to watch it," he said.

"Why not?"

"Let's just say electronic devises and myself don't get along," he said.

"Okay?" I said a little confused.

"My... aura affects electric currents and intercepts radio and waves," he explained. "Televisions, cellphones, computers, and radios turn to static when I'm around them."

"Really?" I asked. I occurred to me then that I hadn't tried to use any of those objects before while I'd been with Slendy. I dug in my pocket for my cellphone and clicked it on. The screen was solid snow and a buzzing was emitting from the speaker. "Wow, I bet that gets really inconvenient at times," I said.

He chuckled. "I was around before all that existed anyway, so it doesn't really affect me to not have it at my disposal."

I stared at him wide eyed. "Wow, exactly how old are you, anyway?" I asked.

He still seemed amused. "Don't worry about it little one," he said.

"No, seriously, how old are you?" I asked again, intrigued.

"Older than you can probably comprehend."

"That's not really an answer."

He didn't reply.

Monday came around and before I knew it another week had passed as Friday was staring me in the face again. Slendy and I still hadn't talked about "it," but his mood had finally started to improve. At least until I told him that I had plans Friday night.

"Plans with whom?" he said a little chilly.

"Drew, Mariah, Jackson, Joanna," I counted off. I said Jackson's name a little quicker, kind of hoping he might not notice.

"Jackson?" he growled.

Okay so maybe I wasn't as slick as I thought.

"Yeah," I said trying to sound nonchalant.

"And what will you be doing with Jackson?" Why was he so angry? It's not like this was a date. It wasn't even just the two of us!

"We're gonna go see the new Paranormal Activity," I said, maybe with a little more ice in my voice than I had intended.

He stopped for a moment, amusement flickering across his blank face.

"What?" I asked bemused. Was he mad or not? 'Make up your mind!' my thoughts scolded him.

"I guess it shouldn't surprise me that you're going to go see a scary movie," he said.

That got a smile out of me. "Oh yeah, I love scary movies," I told him.

"Why?" He raised his brow.

"Because," I said stepping forward and grabbing the front of his jacket, "I like scary things." I stood on my tip-toes, reaching for a kiss. He bent his head to meet me half way.

Kissing the Slender man still thrilled me, even after all these weeks. When we kissed, I could feel the emotion and passion and power. The aura that surrounded the tall man would fill my senses, but not in the same way it did when he was angry. When he was mad it was like being filled with a swarm of hornets that buzzed in your ears and stung your insides. They ate at your mind, dousing you in pain and corrupting your thoughts until the pain turned to nothingness, numbness, emptiness.

This version of his power - it was more like butterflies. They brushed against my eardrums and rested on my heart. They fluttered in my stomach, gossiping together in hushed whispers. They sang old love songs and quoted Shakespeare: 'If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it.'

Instead of pain and nothingness, I found my being filled to the brim with emotion. My very soul screamed with longing - longing for this tall, pale man. This tall, pale man that wasn't even human.

Kissing him overwhelmed my senses and left me soft as jelly in his capable grip. When his hands would tangle themselves in my hair and when he would press me closer to his slender form it was as heady a drug as marijuana - not that I knew what being high off marijuana felt like...

When we kissed it didn't matter so much that he was peeved with me, it didn't matter that I was scared of falling in love, and it didn't matter that I was a human and he was the Slender man. I was his, and he was mine. That's all that was important.

I sighed and threw my arms around my Slendy's neck, reveling in the feeling of belonging to this man. Yes, so maybe I was falling in love against my will. To hell with it. If I was already damned, I was gonna enjoy everything I could before the walls came tumbling down.

I had always wanted to go out with a bang.


A/N: That Shakespeare Quote is from "Twelfth Night" by the way, one of my all time favorite Shakespeare plays. ;)

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