My Nanny

By slxtforme_

1.4M 30.5K 4.6K

A life she would have never thought would turn into when she accepted the job. Drama on top of drama, love, s... More



15.3K 349 97
By slxtforme_

"I ain't talking money, I'm just physically obsessed
And I'm greedy
'Cause I'm so greedy"


"Ava?" I knocked on her door waiting for her to respond but nothing. It was the day after Gabriel got arrested and it was really quiet around the house. The two eldest when to school this morning meanwhile Ava stayed behind because she wasn't had a fever. The rest of the family was on edge with the whole police thing. I ended telling everyone at the end of the day, Ava was the only one who didn't know where her farther was. I worried about Gabriel, I didn't if he would be home soon and Alex wouldn't tell me anything either.

I opened the door when I didn't get a response after a while and I peeked my head around the door seeing her laying down watching her tablet. I sighed and she looked up at me then turned away so her back was now facing me.

"Ava I need to talk to you" I closed the door behind me and walked over to her bed sitting down by her feet.

"I don't want to talk to you" She said and I felt bad knowing she wasn't happy about the baby just like her grandfather who ended up leaving before his family.

"Come on sit up" She slowly sat up and looked up at me in an emotionless expression, sniffling.

"Are you not happy about your brother or sister?"I asked and she nods her head.

"What if you and daddy don't love me anymore because of the new baby" She sniffles and I bring her onto my lap hugging her tightly feeling her warmth.

"Ava we will always love you and when the baby comes we may spend a little more time with them but that doesn't mean we love you any less... it's just that sometimes baby need a little extra attention " I said and she nodded her head as she stared at me with doe eyes.

"Okay mommy, I love you" Ava said and I looked down in shock, I felt my heart beat faster and I ran my hand through her hair trying to stay calm. She didn't realize it but it was probably a mistake.

"Do you want to take a nap?" I placed my hand on her forehead and felt that she was getting hot again. The tired little girl nodded her head and laid down while I stood up and went inside her bathing grabbing a small towel from the small cabinet and wetting it. I went back inside the room and placed it on her forehead, I rubbed her back waiting until she fell asleep to take off the wet towel.

I moved the hair out her face and sat down next to her for a few minutes making sure she was really asleep. I stood up quietly walking out the room and closing the door behind me.


"He can't even call me?..." I looked up at the blank tv.

"Not yet Gabriela... I haven't gotten anything from him, as soon as I find something I'll tell you" I hung up on Alex and placed the phone on my lap. Gabriel's been gone for one day but I missed him already.

"Are you sure you don't want to go out and eat?..." I heard Jennie's voice echo throughout the house as I hear the front door open.

"Yeah, Ava isn't feeling well and everytime I eat I want to throw up" I lie down on the couch hearing the sounds of her heels coming closer. Once I heard it stop I looked to the side seeing Jennie staring at me, with her hand on her hip.

"So what... you haven't been eating?" I shook my head not feeling hungry.

"I did eat... a while ago"

"Babe you're pregnant you can't be doing that shit. That's going to make Gabriel worry even more, don't starve yourself... but you know it's not like you haven't been away from Gabriel before" She grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the sofa as I groaned.

"I know, but the food can't stay down. I'll eat in a few... I know but this time might be different because I don't know how long he might be gone for"

"Well we can only pray and hope he won't be gone for long" I stood in front of her and she dragged me upstairs to my room.

"Put something on and I'll get Ava ready. We'll go to a nice place to get her some soup" I walked inside my closet grabbing the first thing I laid eyes on and sighed as I stripped out of my clothes.


"Are you feeling better? Enough for some ice cream?" Jennie asked Ava and I looked out the window of the car seeing we were coming close to the park.

"Yes!" Ava yelled excitedly.

"I saw an ice cream truck... you stay in the car or wanna meet on one of the benches?" Jennie took Ava and I got out locking the car. I walked down the path, enjoying the cool breeze and decided to sit down on a bench beside the park entrance. A few minutes later of enjoying the scene in front of me a man sat down next to me.

"You must be sad that Gabriel isn't here right now... right? What a lovely day to spend with family" I looked beside me not recognizing that it was Officer Ford as he was dressed in more casual clothing.

"You're not supposed to be talking to me, aren't you testifying?" I look around making sure that Jennie and Ava weren't nearby.

"I'm not so there isn't a problem with talking"

"So I'm being followed now, isn't that just fucking great" I wrapped my arms around myself hearing him laugh.

"You know once Gabriel is found guilty... we'll come after you too"

"Oh yeah let's see how that goes, you do know that I'll be telling Gabriel this when he gets out, let's see who really goes down" I smiled and he looked taken back.

"Are you threatening a cop?"

"If that's how you're taking it then yes" He stood up quickly and left. I heard skipping coming towards me and I saw Ava happily running towards me showing off the powerpuff girl ice cream.

"Mommy look" I nodded my head and she giggled. I felt Jennie's eyes on me and I knew she was thinking about what Ava called me.

"Mommy huh?" Jennie said once Ava ran inside the playground and I looked at her nodding my head.

"Yeah... she said it last night. She said and didn't even react after, I was trying so hard to not say anything. I was freaking out... I mean Gabriel and I have been dating for almost a month, everything is going too fast Jennie... a bit too fast"

"You need to talk to him then... and use condoms too" I  playfully nudged her slightly and she handed me a huge ice pop.



"So it's real, they're trying to get me arrested on a murder charge?" I sighed rolling my eyes. I tried to raise my hands but forgot that they were handcuffed to the table.

"They are Mr.King, for murder in the first degree and drug charges from previous arrest. But as you know they cannot do that since this is the murder case they don't correlate. One thing they don't have is evidence that you did it. It's based on the couple who swore they saw someone with dark hair, I think the police may have convinced them that they saw you on the path that's something I'll say in court, it'll help your case" I nodded my head.

"That's so fucking ridiculous, I know I have a chance of not going to prison but if I do I don't want Ariel getting full custody of the kids... I'll even sign something if I have to" I leaned forward and he placed on his glasses looking through the thick notebook laid in front of him.

"She's affiliated with Micheal Chase another known mafia boss, but I don't think that can be used in this case. If anything we can find something that can tell us that Ariel is deemed unsafe for your kids"

"Can I make my girlfriend Gabriela, their guardian?" My lawyer nodded his head and wrote that down. Mr.Hale started packing up his stuff meaning our time was soon over.

"We'll meet tomorrow at the same time?"

"Yeah" I said thanking him and he left the room. A few minutes passed and a officer came in unlocking me from the table and brought me out while gripping the chains that held my hands together. I was brought into the elevator and I notice him press the last floor.

"The warden wants to see you" The officer said and I smirked seeing the frown on his face. Once we got on the floor the two huge doors were opened and I was pushed in. I squinted my eyes trying to look around the dark room and the lights turned on, the warden turned around with a huge grin on his face.

"Santiago... man it's good to see you again" I smiled and he snapped his fingers. Two officers came out from the dark corners of the room and uncuffed me. I smiled and walked towards him sitting on the black leather seat in front of the desk.

"Welcome back friend... now tell me what is it that you did this time" He brought out a whiskey bottle and two glasses making me laugh.



"He's going to go through trial and then he'll be out in less than a week or days?" I breathed in excitedly while following Alex into the kitchen.

"Yeah, also you should be able to visit him today since you signed the visitation papers" I was excited to see Gabriel after three days of not seeing him. But hopefully he'll be out before the appointment with the obgyn that was in three days and my parents visit was in a few days.

"I'll go ahead with the kids... are you coming?" He turned around with the glass of water.

"No I'm going to meet with his lawyer tomorrow before the trial, so I'll see him then" I nodded my head and he went back to the living room.

"Ava!" I yelled for her name knowing she was watching tv in the living room when she didn't answer I walked to the living room seeing her trying to copy the dance moves on the tv making me laugh.

"We're going to see your dad now... go put on your sweater" I said and she jumped up screaming. I went upstairs knocking on Aubrey's and Jayden's door telling them to get ready. I went back downstairs grabbing his grey Audi Q7 car keys and went inside the garage and got inside the car seeing how fancy everything looked with its black interior.

"Hey, I was wondering why dad hasn't called since he's been arrested? He called the last time" Aubrey said getting inside the passenger seat.

"Your dad went to jail before?" I looked at her while starting the car.

"When I was eleven he did for a few months and he would call everyday but this time he hasn't" I looked back hearing the door open.

"Maybe it's because of the case" I didn't say anything else knowing that the kids didn't know about what he was being charged with and I wouldn't want them to know.

"If you're scared that your dad might go away for a few months, trust me I don't think he is... I hope not" I muttered the last part and Aubrey connected her phone to the car playing music. I look back handing Ava my phone since the drive was almost two hours away and I know she would be bored.

"Jayden did you eat something before we left? I left you a plate of food in the fridge to heat up" I asked looking up in the mirror watching a he took off his headphones.

"Yeah I did, thank you Gaby" He said calmly placing his headphones back on.


"Daddy said he wants to see you now" Ava skipped out happily and I made sure she was with Aubrey and Jayden before I went inside. I nervously pushed opened up the heavily door and saw him in a grey colored track suit. He gets up like nothing with his arms out, while smiling.

"You aren't wearing cuffs? What is going on?" Gabriel completely ignored me and pulled me by my face, planting his warm lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me enjoying his embrace. I started kissing him back and I felt my back hit the wall. I pulled away out of breath and Gabriel did so too smiling when he looked at me.

"I missed you" He said and I smiled missing him so much.

"Are you eating? Alex told me that you haven't been eating a lot" He said and I rolled my eyes trying to move away from him but he placed his hands beside my head keeping me trapped.

"I am eating... you shouldn't have to worry. I'm the one who's supposed to be asking you this" He laughed and I glared at him.

"You're the one that doesn't have to worry, I got it covered here. You need to eat so I won't have to worry so much, I told Aubrey to make sure you eat and she told me she barely sees you eat" He leaned down whispering in my ear and I looked away sighing.

"Of course she would snitch" I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"You need to eat okay?" I nodded my head agreeing.

"Alright... why aren't you wearing any cuffs?"

"I'm friends with the warden, business partner to be exact but we go way back" Of course he would be friends with him.

"You know we still have things to talk about and I want to tell you, but there's never a good time to" Gabriel moved my hair out my face and placed it behind my back. I leaned into his touch and he grabbed my hands leading me to the metal table.

"Take your phone out and record" He said and I did so placing it on record seeing the glowing red light in the corner of the room.

"Wait before you do... I'm sorry for going through your office I just had to see for myself if any of this was true"

"It's okay baby... I should have told you before" I bit my lip, staring at him. He looked really sexy right now with his hair all over the black. His beard slowly growing in. I couldn't help myself I wanted him.

"Ho fatto la metà di quelle cose che hai visto sulla lista ... alcuni di quei casi elencati erano vecchi, da quando mio padre era in corsa. Mio fratello si è messo nei guai un paio di volte" I stared at him like I understood him.

(I did half of those things you saw on the list... some of those cases listed were old, from when my father was running. My brother has gotten himself in trouble a couple of times)

"Go go to Marvin or Alex and ask him to translate for you" I shook my head erasing the sexual thoughts and started to be serious.

"Non ti piacerà, ma l'ho ucciso, ho scoperto che aveva fatto delle ricerche su di te e le avrebbe usate contro di me. Stava per smascherarti e io ho dovuto farlo per la tua sicurezza"

(You won't like this but I did kill him, I found out he had been doing some research on you and was going to use it against me. He was going to expose you and I had to do it for your safety)

"Okay" I said and he started to laugh.

"You look so clueless right now... I miss you a lot gorgeous" He leaned in kissing me and I kissed him back pulling him into another hug. I felt his hands wrap around my waist and I pecked his lips.

"Don't you think that I forgot about the obgyn appointment in three days and your parents visit, because I didn't and I'll be out before the time comes... so don't worry"

"Alright" Was all I can say because I don't know what to believe.

"Time's up" An officer barged in making us pull away and I stopped the recording on my phone quickly stuffing it in my pocket. I get up and give Gabriel another hug before he gets dragged out the room and I follow behind him. I sigh heavily and walk outside to the kids.

Greedy - Ariana Grande

EDITED 11/30/23

LISTENING TO: Shhh - Kiss Of Life

Thank you reading❤️
I hope you enjoyed these past few chapter 💕
Thank you so much for 240k🤍 Sorry for the slow updates I was changing up this chapter before I published it
Pls vote 😭💛

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