Intoxicating Infatuation

By WckdReader

87 7 7

Held captive by the bonds that deeply ensnared her heart, Emilia Williams is caught between the fight of good... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four
Chapter Five


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By WckdReader


In the year 1886, the Joestar carriage was returning from a trip to London.

The day started as a nice one for the close family friends of the Joestars and Williams. They planned to stay the entire day out shopping in London, but then the pelting rain hit. The families had been disappointed by the sudden change of events. After all, the trip was supposed to be a good break from the constant worrying about their newborns.

Jonathan, the firstborn of George and Mary Joestar, was nothing short of a handful. Between his constant cries and wails for attention, sleep was becoming a rare thing in their household. However, after a few exhausting months, he became a lot easier to manage. Although Jonathan was still a baby, you could already start to see how similar he looked to George. From his tufts of blue hair that had already begun to grow along with his large innocent blue eyes that sat above his adorably chubby cheeks.

Henry and Anna Williams almost wished that they had waited just a bit longer to decide to want kids. Anna was still two months away from her due date when the Joestars had given birth to Jonathan. One day a little bit after they had him, the two went to visit them and help out. During that day, Henry and Anna got to see what was awaiting them in just two months. After hearing the stories that Mary and George had to tell and seeing the heavy eye bags that circled both of their eyes like panda bears, neither of them was eager for what was to come.

Once Emilia was born, though, the family couldn't wish for anything more. She was an adorable baby, from her light blond wisps of hair that was already growing to her unique gray eyes that rested above her rosy cheeks. When the sun shone through the large window that sat before her crib, her fuzzy strands, that sat atop her small head, shone like a golden thread. On top of that, she was a quiet baby, only crying when she needed something. At first, it worried her parents. But every time they would check on her, she was grinning happily, reaching her chubby hands out at them.

The steady rhythm of the galloping horses and crunching gravel from beneath the tires finally lulled the two fussing babies to sleep. The trip back from London to the Joestar manor was a long one, and it seemed like Jonathan was having none of it. After about twenty minutes into the ride, his loud wails filled the carriage. Everybody did all they could to calm him down before he caused Emilia to cry. But nothing worked, and soon enough, as they all knew would happen, Emilia's wails began. Once the carriage got to the smoother parts of the road with fewer bumps, their cries finally began to cease.

To say that the adults were relieved was a severe understatement. The babies were at it for a good ten minutes, and they all were beginning to form a pounding headache. Everybody was afraid to make even a peep once they lulled to sleep. As the rain pelted unrelentingly against the window, they could only hope that it wouldn't begin to thunder and lightning. That would, for sure, wake them up.

It wasn't the thunder and lightning that they needed to be worried about, though. The tires made a sharp squealing noise as they struggled to stay grounded on the muddy road. The carriage began to sway back and forth. The driver, outside of the carriage, could be heard shouting as he struggled to keep in control of the horses, who were neighing loudly. Amongst all the chaos, Jonathan and Emilia woke up and began to wail.

The rest happened within the blink of an eye. The carriage spun off the cliff that they had been carefully riding across, teetering down. The horses scrambled to get traction across the rain-washed sides but ultimately failed. Getting crushed into the ground, the horses died upon impact. The driver got thrown harshly from his seat in the front, blood splattered everywhere, as he got thrown atop a set of spikes that impaled him.

Mary, who was already holding him, tucked Jonathan in her arms as protection. At that time, nothing else mattered to her other than saving her son. Henry tried to cover Emilia, as Mary did with Jonathan. However, as the carriage hit a bump on its way down, Emilia got tossed from his arms.

Reaching her chubby arms out, she tried to grasp a hold of anything as she felt herself falling. As glass showered around them, a stray piece got flung from its herd. It cut straight through to the bone of Emilia's outstretched arm. Her wails got louder, and she began to screech in pain as she got bathed in her blood.

Emilia ended up landing on the dead body of her mother. Anna was flung onto the ground from her seat as they fell. Her head got pounded harshly against the floor. It killed her almost instantly, as her back cranium got crushed in against the rest of her skull. Her glossy grey eyes bulged lifelessly against her face.

Mary had the harshest death of all. With one last crash, the carriage finally landed. Mary got flung from where she sat cuddled against Jonathan, protectively. Holding onto him tighter, she curled Jonathan into her stomach. Her legs that landed outside the door got crushed by the metal of the carriage. Her head banged against the sidewall, and it was crushed, killing Mary instantly.

Just before they landed, George and Henry both got flung from the front window. Henry landed headfirst, and his neck broke with a sick crack. The rest of his body crumpled down around him like a ragdoll, his green eyes lifelessly staring off to the side. George landed a few feet away from Henry's body. However, he got lucky, only landing roughly on his back. George's head banged roughly against the ground, and he was knocked unconscious.

The entire landscape looked like nothing but carnage. Blood was everywhere, and almost everyone appeared to be dead.

At least, that's what Dario Brando thought, as he came across the wreckage. The full moon illuminated brightly over the set of figures who stood atop the cliff. With the natural light as their guide, it was easy for them to spot the tire tracks that were woven unevenly across the muddy road. You could tell that there had been an attempt made to keep in control of the carriage, but they'd ultimately lost their battle.

Dario had been drunkenly stumbling back home from his night at the bar when he came across the tracks, his mistress following close behind him. Looking to where they ended, the male came across the sight of carnage. You would think that most people would be horrified by this scene and either leave or desperately call for help. However, Dario was not a man of honor. Nor did he have a kind soul. So instead, a loud cackle passed through his mouth, that was barren of most of his teeth. The ones that he did have were yellowed and rotting.

Sliding down the slick cliff, Dario grasped tightly onto the black top-hat that sat snuggly upon his greasy white hair. Brushing off his purple coat, he called upon his "lover" to help him pick through the wreckage. Dario was a man of poverty, but he never attempted to work his way out. It seemed that cheap tricks and petty crime worked well enough for him.

"I don't want to get involved in this!" His mistress called out, staring down in concern at the wreck.

Dario only cackled in response, disregarding her concern. Seeing as he wasn't going to give up, the woman saw no other choice but to slide down and help; she didn't want to be alone up there. Grasping tightly onto her purple hat, she nervously slid down the slippery cliff. The woman watched the sight before her uncomfortably, gripping tightly onto her purple overcoat. There was an overwhelming scent of metallicness hanging around in the air; it seemed like it was trying to suffocate the unfortunate souls who would come across the scene.

With no respect for the tragedy that had occurred there, Dario looked greedily on. Just what should I take first? That was the foremost question that hung in his mind. He had glanced over at the carriage but determined it was too hard to scavenge through. Coming across the driver next, he wrinkled his nose in disgust at the grotesque sight. Nothing good here either. But, a little ways away from the driver, the man thought he had come across a jackpot. There was a suitcase! There must be something valuable in there.

However, as he bent down to further inspect it, Dario was left disappointed. All that was in there was some creepy mask. The expression on the stone mask was angry, and from the lips, a set of fangs peeked out. What could he do with that?

While Dario snooped around, his mistress could hear wails. It sounded like they were coming from the carriage! Were there actually some survivors? What a miracle! Stepping closer to it, she peeked inside and saw two babies lying there keening. One remained cuddled tightly in who she guessed was its mother's arms, while the other was carelessly resting upon another body, blood spurting from her arm.

"Their babies survived, one is injured though," the woman called out, looking over to Dario.

"Some brats are in there? Who cares?!" He was too preoccupied with the blue-haired nobleman that rested on the ground. Lifting the man's hand, he fed his money-hungry gluttony by taking his expensive-looking ring. It was likely worth a pretty penny. Admiring his money-maker for a second, he pocketed it, before demanding his mistress to help him pull the nobleman's teeth.

"What?" The woman gasped out. She was astonished that the man could even think of that. Who would do something so crude?

"He's a nobleman, so his teeth must fetch a good sum," Dario elucidated, assuming that he would have gold fillings or replacements. Although she believed that their actions would be vulgar, the woman couldn't deny the good money-making opportunity.

Dario reached toward the man first to pry open his mouth. However, he was intercepted by a hand, roughly snatching his. Dark blue eyes stared wide-eyed into his. "Y-you saved me," The man managed to get out, although you could tell it was painful for him to talk. He seemed like he was sitting on a fine-line of consciousness and unconsciousness. Dario jumped back in shock. He thought for sure that the nobleman was dead. This dumbass thought I came to save him! Dario snickered to himself, what luck.

"Please, before I lose my consciousness again, tell me your name," He begged the man crouching beside him.

"My name is Dario Brando," he proclaimed, putting his hat to his heart, in a show of "honor." Dario figured that it couldn't hurt to tell him his name. After all, he was likely to die after their meeting.

"Is everyone else, alright?" The nobleman pleaded desperately. What would he do if he was the only survivor? He was sure that he would lose it. As his concern kept building up inside him, his "savior" finally answered.

"Um, the kids were the only survivors." The nobleman could only blame himself after hearing those words uttered to him. He wished that it had been him to pass instead of his wife and close friends. However, he was more than relieved to hear that at least their children had survived.

"I wish I could repay you for your kindness sadly, though it seems someone must have come in before you and stolen my wallet," The nobleman apologized. "However, in the name of Joestar, we are forever indebted to you for saving our lives," George promised.

A/N: Thank you, so much for choosing to read my story. I'm kinda experimenting on this story with the way I write, and some of the stuff that I planned out, so I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment down below, I love reading them, and any constructive criticism you have is always welcome. I'm constantly trying to improve my writing.


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