๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐‡๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง๐ฌ ๐ข๐ง...

By IvinaBrooks

48.5K 979 818

๐™ต๐š’๐šŸ๐šŽ'๐šœ ๐š๐š’๐š–๐šŽ-๐š๐š›๐šŠ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š•๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐šŠ๐š’๐š•๐šœ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐™ท๐šŠ๐š›๐š๐š›๐šŽ๐šŽ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐šœ ๐šœ๐š’๐š‹๐š•๐š’๐š—๐š๐šœ, ๐šŠ๐šœ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๏ฟฝ... More

issue #001
side b
issue #002
commercial break one
issue #004
issue #005
issue #006
issue #007
issue #008
issue #009
commercial break two
commercial break three
issue #0010
commercial break four
pride month special
the brothers' quarrel
out of time
!new special edition!

issue #003

2.6K 52 160
By IvinaBrooks

𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝗮𝗱 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀

there will be smut in this one just as a heads-up.

IN THE FOGGY AREA, SHE SQUINTED TO GET A BETTER LOOK. Finally her eyes settled and noticed a figure on the ground. Eleanor wasn't surprised that something had happened to Diego. Especially with the state the man on the ground was. Let's just say, Chris and Eleanor have seen some shit. The teen gasped at his state. She hoped that the man she had just kissed out of bravery wasn't dead, it would be really unfortunate.

Looking around she saw no one else. Rolling her eyes she looked back at Diego and stomped her foot, "I'm sorry about your pants,"she said sadly not liking the sight of good fashion be ruined. Grabbing him from the armpits she began to drag him through the building. This time yelling for the small boy, "Five!" She yelled as she grunted dragging the heavy man.

And it wasn't long before she heard the teen's footsteps behind her. His eyes trailing over to her, making sure she was alright. Right after landing on his brother, "What happened?"

"He's a fucking idiot that's what," She groaned still dragging him on her own, "Will you help, you useless grim?" She hissed looking down at the curly haired man in her hands.

This resulted in a grin from the boy, "That's the girl I know." He said leaning forward and lifting his legs as she lifted him from his upper body.

Eleanor rose an eyebrow at his words, "What being snappy?" She asked him as now it was easier to carry the man.

Five just nodded, "Wives are exactly that," he said grinning wide, his dimple showing.

"I don't know what past me saw in you," she said huffing looking him over, "You aren't even my type," she quickly followed. It was't that Five wasn't attractive, he was. The whole cocky, all-knowing smile was alluring, but she wasn't looking for more of that.

Five raised an eyebrow at her statement and smirked, "Oh is that right?" He asked with amusement in his voice, "Do tell me what is your type," now curious to know what his wife that didn't know him thought about the male species in as a whole. 

Eleanor huffed through her nose, for a moment she didn't say anything. Fixing her hands as she helped Five carry his brother. She then smiled her smilier dimple appearing, "Well for one, I need man with muscle, a wanting for danger."

The blonde had gotten good at picking up the shuttle cues that Five gave back at television store. He saw the threatening and angry glares towards Diego. He was jealous of seeing her interested in another. Was she evil for playing with Five's feelings? Sure. But she truly didn't know what Five had been for her before. What if he had been abusive? So, in the safety of her life, she would let it play over.

"A man with a beard, that can speak more than one language," she paused letting her eyes slowly trail over Five, knowing he was watching, then back to Diego, "I'm sure you get the message I'm sending?"

Five clenched his jaw that the small motions she was sending. Never in his life would he see what other men in the Commission saw. The sweet cunning smile that was meant to lure them in, but never let them taste the saccharine from her lips, "Crystal," he merely replied.

The duo eventually made it to the original doorway that they had arrived through. Eleanor couldn't help but pause but look at you, "Our secret right," she asked the reader, knowing they were frustrated just as Five was.

Five huffed angrily. He knew he couldn't do much about the situation, but that didn't bother him any less. The girl before him had fallen for his brother. If she didn't get her memory back anytime soon he didn't know what he'd do. Quickly the old couple threw Diego in the back seat and got to drive off the property.

Trying to get his mind off his anger he sighed as he jumped into the passenger seat, "If you like him all that much, why aren't you all that worried for his safety?" That was a whole other thing that was bothering him. She acted in the same way when he was hurt. Snappy and knew he would live, so she treated him like normal.

Eleanor shrugged, "No, I've learned you'll fine with a wound like that for about six hours," she said simply.

Five turned and gave her a crazed look, "And how would you know that?"

"My brother and I got in a fight with a gang once, he got stabbed," she replied unfazed, then starting up the car, and floor the petal.

The time-traveler shook his head in disbelief, "God even when life gives you a normal life, you're far from it," he whispered in amazement glancing over at the blonde as the wind blew through her hair.

"Normal is overrated either way," she replied with a smile glancing at him for a moment. There was something about him that made her have doubts about her whole little plan.

"You're mental," Five said chuckling.

"Thanks, darling," was all she said and continued to drive, leaving the car in silence.

Soon enough they got back to Elliot's place and carried Diego up the steps.

"Lila! Get me needle and thread, alcohol, and a towel!" Eleanor yelled as they moved up the steps.

The brunette gasped at the sight of Diego and rushed to find the supplies the blonde asked for. The old couple carried Diego to the nearest couch.

Eleanor got to work removing her blazer, leaving her in a white shirt and vest. The blonde went forward and ripped open his shirt, her eyes darting over it for the injury.

"Five slap him or something I just need him to wake up," she said towards the boy and he nodded. And he did just that, the man woke with a pained groan, wanting to look down, Five pushed his face down. Just then Lila dropped the supplies next to her.

Eleanor grabbed the towel and poured some liquor that she had brought her, over the wound. Then cleaning the blood off, as well as disinfecting it. This caused Diego to groan loudly in pain. The blonde straddled his legs as she began to stitch him up. The man continued to move, "Diego I swear to whatever god you believe in I will punch you if you keep on moving," she hissed at him.

Five chuckled at the sight and nodded, "I'd listen if I were you," he commented, remembering all the missions she yelled at him for squirming, then reached over to  grab an alcohol pad. Pressing it to his neck where Pogo had scratched him.

The sight made Lila laugh, "Did you cut yourself shaving? I could teach you to shave like a big boy," she asked at the sight of the teen looking at Eleanor as if she was missing something.

Rather than reply, he answered, "No, I just ran into an old family friend."

As Diego continued to move, Eleanor sat up to hover over his face, and slapped him, "Diego are you deaf?" she muttered leaning back to pull the thread through his injury.

"Ow!" Diego hissed, feeling each puncture of his skin.

Five watched as Eleanor slapped her forehead, "God! You wimp!" she yelled angrily, her hair slightly glowing, but not for too long. Five smiled slightly knowing she did still have her powers, he just hoped she was able to get them together soon.

As she finally finished she reached for scissors as she knotted the stitches. Covering him with a large gauze and wrapping it tightly. Removing herself from him, she grabbed a glass and poured him some alcohol, "Painkiller," she said simply.

Excusing herself from the group, she walked away from the group. Moving over to where she had spotted a phone. Picking the receiver she moved her fingers through the rotary dial, calling home. Hearing it ring, she bit her lip waiting for someone to answer.

"Hello?" A female voice rang through, causing Eleanor to smile.

"Mom, It's Eleanor—"

"—Eleanor! Goodness I was worried something had happened, but Luke said not to worry since you are a big girl..." the woman ranted. Eleanor could picture her mother playing with the hem of apron as she called.

The blonde shook her head, "Dad was the right mom. I'm okay. I actually found some of my family. Apparently I have siblings, and well I'm hanging out with them for a while," she told the woman as she glanced at the living area, where Diego and Lila conversed, and Five drank from Diego's abandoned cup.

"Oh! That's great honey, but come home soon okay? You dad and brother miss you—NO I DON'T MOM!—oh Chris—" she said, and heard Chris' voice in the background.

"Tell him I miss him to mom, I'll see you soon," She said with a smile looking back down to her feet.

"Okay darling, good night," Lucy's voice said, "Take care and make sure to eat!"

The blonde laughed at her words, "Good night, mom, I will," Eleanor replied, putting the phone back.

Walking back to the living area, she poured herself a cup of liquor and stood by the railing looking over the abundance of TVs. Thinking how different her life had gotten in a short amount of time.

"You don't have to help us, Eleanor," Five finally said next to her, he realized this as she spoke with her family over the phone. Seeing she had become happy in this new world.

"But I do Five," she said, not looking at him. "I may have a new family here, but something in my gut tells me I have to help you," she said lifting the cup to take another sip.

"Eigh—Eleanor—" he corrected, pausing to look down at the neon light through the glass across them.

"—Five you don't have to call me Eleanor. You'll be the exception," she said this time turning to him with a smile.

Five gave her a small smile and nodded, "Thanks, Eight," he replied smoothly. There was something about that smile, that gave her a feeling she couldn't quite figure out. The blonde left the spot and walked back to one of the couches and sat on it. Hoping to get some amount of sleep while on this goose chase, that she barely knew about.

"Hey we got one," Elliot said in the middle of eating, "Hey one of those machines you asked for is going crazy," he said rolling his chair to the side.

"Which one?" Asked Five who was beside him in an instant.

"It's uh, atmospheric radar," he said looking at the bright green screen.

"Good," said Five.

"I don't get it. What are you tracking? A hurricane, storm front?"

"Sound waves," Five said, looking at the screen as well, then backing off and giving the now sleeping blonde a quick look, before blinking.

"Sound waves," Elliot repeated softly, still not understanding, "Wow, what—" he asked and turned as the boy was now gone.

It was sometime later and Lila looked through the living area seeing no other than Eleanor sleeping. She went over and poked her cheek, "El," she whispered.

"El—" she shrieked this time as the blonde swung her fist forward.

"Oh, sorry Lila, I don't like being woken up. What is it?" she grumbled looking at her.

"I'm going to the store so don't wait up for me okay?" she said smiling, "Now's your chance with Diego," she said smugly, also hating herself for doing this.

Eleanor groaned and threw her a pillow, "Go!" she said.

Lila laughed and waved leaving the place. Sighing she did get and check up on Diego. As she walked in it seemed the man was just waking up.

"Good morning," Eleanor said leaning on the side of the doorless place.

Diego sat up looking at the blonde in the doorway, "Morning," he rasped getting up. Eleanor gave a snicker.

"What?" Diego grumbled.

"You think you're leaving?" said Eleanor as she began moving forward.

"Well yeah, My dad attacked me last night and that says he's definitely on the assassination against Kennedy," he said reaching down for his pants but stops when female legs were in front of him.

[ok under the belt, if you are a young audience or uncomfortable, just lookout for the next bold message. also sorry ahaha!]

"Uh what are you doing?" he asked, swallowing nervously, standing up straight. His eyes settling on the blonde before him. He couldn't breath, his brain was screaming, yelling and blaring alarms all at once.

Eleanor leaned forwards running her hands softly over his chest, causing him to shiver, "Finishing what we started," she said leaning forward and catching him in a kiss. Diego was surprised once again, dropping his pants, he moved her hold her waist tightly, pulling her closer if possible. He gasped as he her hands once more on his chest, but watched her bruised lips as she passed him onto the mattress. As he bounced on it he looked at her as she removed her blazer holding it with her finger.

Biting her lip, "Unless you don't want to?" She asked, raising a single brow.

Again those same alarms were blaring in his ears, shoving loudly, "If you stopped now, I wouldn't forgive you," Diego said instead, ignoring every sane thought that ran through his head.

"Good," she smirked, removing her shoes, and climbed onto the bed to straddle his hips. Leaning down to kiss him once more. Their lips moved hastily and quickly, smack sounds echoing the room only slightly.

Diego's calloused hands trailed over her vest and shirt, his fingers sibling unbuttoning the small article of clothing. Then moving her her shirt completely off, their lips separated for only a second. Leaving her in a pretty lacy white bra.

As their lips slipped and smacked, Eleanor hands gripped at his hair. Getting out small little breaths from Diego. Shivering as she felt his hands move from her waist to her hips, squeezing only slightly before slowly trailing to her ass. He couldn't help himself when he squeezed.

Relishing in the moan that was fed into his mouth. The grip on her ass helping her grind on the spot they both wanted. He could't believe this was happening. Head was dizzy from the heat radiating off both their bodies. This was so wrong, but he didn't want to stop. Sorry, Five.

But then he pulled apart, those loud alarms in his head getting to him, "We shouldn't be doing this," he mumbled pulling slightly away from the kiss.

He bit his lip hard when she continued to roll her hips down on him, "Do you want to stop?" She asked seriously, her eyes on his, slowing down her movements wanting to see his reaction. And as she expected he sighed and closed his eyes, he was looking his restraint.

The man sat up and moved his lips to her throat as he began sucking on it, Eleanor let out soft moans. Gripping his hair as he moved down her chest. Where the delicate bra pressed on her soft skin.

"Diego," she gasped out loud, gripping his hair tighter, earning a moan coming from him.

"Yes?" He asked as his lips trailed back to her throat.

"Take it off," she breathed looking down at her breast.

"As you wish," he said, moving his hands to her back where he easily unclasped it, now moving the straps down her arms. His eyes then trained on her exposed breast.

Leaning up he gave Eleanor a quick kiss, before trailing his lips to her breast, his tongue now swirling around her nipple. Taking a euphoric moan out of the blonde. His other hand made sure to give attention to the side of her breast.

"Diego, please..." she sighed as he gripped his hair, her legs wrapping around his hips, moving in circles to get any relief.

"Please what, doll?" He said now hovering her face, her pupils dilated staring at him.

"I need you to fuck me Diego," she said leaning up to kiss him, his tongue this time inviting himself in. Brushing against the sides of cheeks and teeth. Tasting the very want that she was feeling at the moment.

Diego moved his hands down her hips, unzipping her skirt from the side and pulling it off her legs. Now able to skin against his fingers as moved from her breast to waist to thighs.

Eleanor, couldn't help but grind her hips up to his, just as his hissed at the feeling. But soon it was gone, his eyes watched as she moved off him. Eyes intently following her hands moving to her hips. Hooking onto the elastic, slowly moving it down her thighs. The filthiest smile grew on her face as she spread her legs.

Diego was silent at the sight, never in his wildest dreams did he ever think this would happen. Five was going to kill him, but for now he just palmed himself through his underwear. His dick rock hard at the sight of glistening slit. Quickly he pulled them down and crawled over to her.

"You're gorgeous," he said quietly feeling this was all a dream. He hissed when the tip began sinking in.

The two both gasped as he stretched her open, filling her completely. Mouth wide open as she glanced up at Diego.

Dios was she a vision, Diego thought to himself. Ever since he knew about the feeling of his downwards regions, he couldn't help but want to spend it with Eleanor. That was scratched off when she left obviously, but the moment she returned looking like this he couldn't help but have those dark thoughts return, and here she was completely bare to him. Swollen lips, and flushed cheeks. Her perky breasts along with her hardened nipples. Her soft curves that led all the way to her soft thighs. Right to where the two were joint, the sight making him feral. He couldn't help but call Five lucky for having this all to himself all those years.

Slowly drawing back before slamming it back in. The mesmerizing sight of her bounce of her tits, made him do it all over again. Eleanor's moans and quiet praises only egging him on. Descending into a brutal pace, he gripped at her thighs, but not enough to leave marks.

Tossing her head back, she closed her eyes in pleasure. There was so much wrong at this moment, but Eleanor couldn't help but continue in the moment. There couldn't have been a more glorious feeling. "Diego..." Eleanor breathed, gripping scratching at his back, not caring if anyone else would see the world.

The room was filled moans, coming from both Diego and Eleanor. The duo leaned in for a kiss, a messy one at it.

"Good to know, I didn't peg after you for nothing," Diego chuckled as he continued his thrusting, Eleanor rolling her hips to meet his after each one. Bringing each of them closer and closer to their release. It wasn't long that Diego decided to drop Eleanor on the mattress as he gripped the headboard for the final thrusts, which eventually brought them to their deserved release. The two of them groaning in pleasure as it finally did.

Releasing himself out of her, he planted himself beside her, sighing profoundly. The two turned to their sides looking at one another, "Did we just do that?" Eleanor whispered.

[well you can read from here down, lmao.]

Diego swallowed and nodded, "We did," he whispered back, now feeling empty and hollow.

The blonde sat up, and gathered her clothes, and changed back into them.

Where are you going?" Diego asked sitting up, watching as she quickly had gotten dressed. Not much more want to stay with him any longer.

"I uh, don't stay the night with my endeavors," she replied zipping up the skirt, then moving to put on her white shirt and vest, "Also Lila and Five will be back soon," she finished picking up her shoes and blazer walking out of the room to see, Elliot eating some type of fruit jello.

"Elliot," She said starling the man.

He looked up at her and noticed her hair was messy, "I think I have a hairbrush in the bathroom," he told her shoving a spoonful of the jello.

Eleanor slipped her shoes on and hummed, "Sorry," she said walking off and slipping on her blazer.

Walking out of the restroom, hair brushed, she passed Elliot, "I'll be back soon," she said and walked out of the building getting in her car. Driving home to get a new batch of clothes. But also to reflect on the events that just happened. She would admit that she enjoyed it because he wasn't all that bad. But she felt nothing when the two kissed as it felt like every other time she kissed another boy. Eleanor now knew that maybe she didn't have feelings for Diego the way she thought.

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