Love Always Wins

By Vettel_Babe

167K 3.9K 900

Love always wins. Love will always find a way. Set around the 2020 Formula One Season, this is the sequel to... More

Not an update but....


1.1K 32 13
By Vettel_Babe

"You don't want to go do you." Chloe murmured tiredly while stroking Seb's arm where it laid across her front. She knew she was right because all he'd done since they'd got back to the hotel was doze on the sofa. She felt his chest rise and fall against her back as he sighed, he was obviously agonising over his decision.

Seb lifted his head for long enough to kiss her head. He'd been all for the night out just before the race had started but that was before all the chaos, safety cars and red flags. With just twelve cars finishing and his Ferrari still only able to manage tenth place, the race had been a long, hard battle that had left him feeling understandably tired. Now he'd got settled and comfy on the sofa with his wife, he really didn't want to move. "Can you blame me? I'm exhausted." He replied, his voice deeper with the need to sleep.

"You said you'd go, you can't pull out now. They'll be expecting you."

"I'm comfy and happy here with you." He let his head fall back against the sofa as her fingers gliding softly over his arm had him fighting to keep his eyes open.

"Have an energy drink, something to eat and a shower, you'll soon perk up. You've got next week off to catch up on sleep."

"You sound as if you want me to go." He moaned.

"It's not that, it's just that you said you'd go and I know the guys are looking forward to you joining them. When was the last time you went out for a drink with them? And don't say the Christmas party because that doesn't count."

"Aren't you comfy here with me?" He asked, wrapping his other arm around her and giving her a squeeze.

"You know I am but you said you'd go." She pointed out again.

Seb just groaned in response, all he wanted to do was sleep.

Chloe could see that she'd have to somehow bargain with him to get him to go. To her, tonight was important for him, it was chance to reconnect with people that he used to class as friends. "If you're feeling that tired then just go for a couple of drinks and then come back, how does that sound?"

"Urgh!" He groaned again and gave her a push to make her move. Feeling grumpy he got up and mooched his way to the bedroom, grumbling. "Fine, I'll go, if you really want rid of me."

She rolled her eyes, sometimes when he was tired it was like having a moody teenager to live with.


Thankfully after a shower, then a bite to eat and an energy drink, Seb has perked up considerably. Now it was Chloe who was wishing he didn't have to go because he looked and smelt divine in a black polo shirt and blue jeans. She kept her thoughts to herself though, because she knew that the moment she said anything, he'd happily turn around and say he was staying put.

"Sure you'll be ok without me?" He asked, putting his watch on.

She glanced down at Luis who was mid feed. "Yeah, I've got this one for company."

He smiled down at his sleepy little boy and bent to place a kiss on her lips. She always looked so perfectly content when she was feeding Luis, it was a beautiful sight and one that he wanted to keep looking at again and again. "I won't be late." He murmured quietly, kissing her again, letting his lips linger against hers because he really didn't want to leave her.

"You've got your room card, be as late as you want, you deserve to let off steam for a while."

"I can think of better ways to let off steam." He smirked suggestively.

"Go have a few drinks with your team, sex maniac. I'll still be here when you get back." She giggled as leant in again and tickled her neck with little kisses.

"Ok, I'll see you soon. Good night little one." He kissed Luis' head delicately before tearing himself away, heading for the door, turning and giving her a longing look as he opened it.

"Have fun!" She called, giving him a wave. "Ich liebe dich!"

"Ich liebe dich mehr!" He pulled the door closed and headed for the lifts. Everyone was gathering for 'socially distanced' drinks in the hotel bar downstairs and he had an awful feeling that Viviana would be there, something that he hadn't dared to tell his wife. Still, with her having a boyfriend now at least that meant he pretty safe from her advances even she did still flirt. Maybe with Chloe not being there, the Italian would behave herself tonight.


"Hey here he is!" Heikki patted Seb on his shoulder and handed him a beer, quietly adding, "Don't drink too many."

"Thanks. Good to see the Finnish fun police is here." He joked as he looked around, taking in all the faces that he knew from his team. Secretly he was grateful that Heikki was here. "And don't forget that we're not training tomorrow."

"Yeah but I doubt Chloe will want you stumbling back into your suite blind drunk, especially if you wake Luis up."

"Don't worry, I don't intend on getting drunk, I want to be able to perform later - if you know what I mean." He replied with a wink.

Heikki pulled a face. "Ooh no, I really do not want to know."

"Ah you're here!!" Noel approached with a tray of small shot glasses. "Vodka?" Seb glanced at Heikki, something that Noel was quick to pick up on. "Oh come on! You don't need his permission, do you?! Get one down ya!"

Despite his trainer shaking his head, Seb took one of the glasses from the tray and downed it.

"Good man!!" Noel boomed and grinned from ear to ear. "Have another, Gio is making a toast!"

At that moment there was a loud banging of hands on the bar and the room fell a bit quieter but not totally. Everyone could see that Gio was already drunk. "Silenzioso! Silenzioso!! Sta 'zitto!!" (Quiet! Quiet!! Shut up!!)

"In English!!" Someone yelled.

"Alright alright!!" Gio yelled back before lowering his tone only slightly. "I just wanna say happy one thousand races to Ferrari! Forza Ferrari!! Essere Ferrari! Grazie ragazzi!"

"Yeah yeah, we get the point!!" A woman shouted, laughing.

Gio stumbled over his own feet before carrying on. "I just wanna say...Seb we'll miss you...."

"I'm not going yet!" He laughed.

"But we don't blame you, we all know this car is shit....."

"Good job Mattia isn't here." Heikki muttered quietly.

".....but we still love Ferrari! Here's to the next one thousand races, let's hope we win at least one of 'em! Forza Ferrari!! And now we drink!!" Gio held his glass before yelling at the top of his voice, "Saluti!!"

With two shots of vodka now consumed, Seb knew it wouldn't be too long before he was starting to feel the effects but Heikki was on hand already with a glass of water.

"If you're going to get pissed, then pace yourself." He said, sliding the glass towards his driver.

Seb gave him a grateful smile before picking the glass up and drinking some. He really didn't want to get as drunk as Heikki thought he was going to be. Standing near the bar was proving to be a good vantage point, it was clear that Gio wasn't the only one who was already half cut.

"They've been raiding the mini bars in their rooms." Heikki explained as he looked around also. "There'll be a lot of sore heads on their flight back to Bologna tomorrow."


Back up in their suite, Chloe was already missing her husband. It wasn't often that she was left on her own in the evenings since she'd been coming with him to races and as keen as she'd been on him going and spending some time with his team away from the pressures of their work, she was already counting down the hours and minutes until he'd be back even though she wasn't sure how long he'd be. Left alone with their son, she took her time to study his little face. Already he was losing that new born look, gaining his own little personality and looks that bore a striking resemblance to his father, most notably those beautiful blue eyes. They were one of her favourite parts of Luis and she was so glad that he'd inherited Seb's azure blue orbs. In fact, Luis seemed to look so much like his father that she couldn't see much of herself in him at all, maybe her face shape if she looked hard enough but that was it. "You're going to be such a heart breaker when you grow up." She said quietly, placing her finger into his little grasp. "I can see you're going to look as handsome as your daddy, you certainly don't look much like your mother."

Deciding to put him in the travel cot in their bedroom, she got up and carried him through. There was a bottle of wine in the mini bar with her name on it and if Seb was going to have a drink then so was she, though she'd only have the one glass. She needed that to try and keep from her mind the worry that Viviana was probably down in the hotel bar making eyes at her husband.


Now on his third beer, Seb was feeling quite chilled or as Heikki liked to call it, mildly inebriated. Social distancing had gone out of the window, the music was on loud and people were drunkenly dancing, laughing and generally fooling around. As wrong as it probably was, it felt good to see his team enjoying themselves as if Coronavirus had never even happened. It had been a long time since everyone had been able to really let their hair down like this. In previous seasons, their would have been parties after race wins that he would have nearly always attended but last season and most definitely this season, reasons to celebrate were very rare. Viviana had been here for just over an hour now and like her colleagues, was already half cut when she'd arrived. Dressed in a short black skirt with a revealing gold, shoe stringed, camisole top, she was now as drunk as everyone else and was teetering around on her black strappy heels. How she'd not fallen over yet, Seb had no idea but he was going to the laugh the loudest of all them if she did.

As she danced with Gio, she couldn't help but keep glancing over towards Seb. She wanted to go over to him but with Heikki there she knew the chances of holding any sort of conversation with him would be nigh on impossible. She was actually surprised that Seb had come at all after such a long, fragmented race this afternoon but she was glad he had, especially after what had happened with his wife. If Chloe thought she'd got away with what she did, she was very wrong. Viviana was simply biding her time. Heading over to the bar, she stood just a few feet away from Seb as she ordered a tray of shots and persuaded the barman to turn the music up. She could feel the gorgeous German's eyes burning into her and although she knew he wouldn't be looking at her with anything other than contempt, it still gave her a thrill. Sliding the tray along the bar towards him, she was quick to notice Heikki leaving with his phone to his ear. "Drink Sebastian?" She gestured to the tray, noticing the glazed look to his eyes and flushed face. He was more drunk than she'd thought. To her surprise he took one and thanked her and she smiled in return, taking the tray away to her colleagues before Heikki returned.


It was getting late and Noel, Gio and some of the others were starting to flag. Heikki had given in and gone up to his room and Seb was now sat amongst his team, just as intoxicated as the rest of them, like a sitting duck. Viviana, despite her drunken state, had just seen her chance. Treating her team of drunken male colleagues to an impromptu lap dance, she gyrated shamelessly to Not Afraid Anymore, a track she knew well from a Fifty Shades movie. In that moment it suited her well because she wasn't afraid, not of Seb, Britta or Heikki and most certainly not of Chloe. Seb was no longer this untouchable, off limits man. He was here, he was drunk, he was watching her dance, he was staring unashamedly at every curve of her body as she moved. Viviana could have any man she wanted and tonight she'd set her sights firmly on him. She had to admit that when she'd first met him, she really hadn't set out to seduce another woman's husband. She'd started this job purely to work for Ferrari and work with Seb but his wife's attitude and threat on Thursday had changed all that. Now she wanted Seb and couldn't give a shit about his wife. With wolf whistles and loud cheers of encouragement coming from around her, she lapped up the adulation of the team members that still had a little energy left and bit down on her bottom lip as her dark eyes met the intense blue hues of her target. She made a mental note to thank the gods above for sending him her way tonight.

Watching Viviana making a complete and utter fool of herself, all Seb could do was imagine how utterly divine his wife would look dancing to this. Maybe she'd strip, removing each item of clothing and underwear agonisingly slowly until she was naked and then she'd sink to her knees in front of this red chair and give him the most mind blowing oral sex he'd ever had. Suddenly feeling aroused, he shifted in his seat, his drunken mind telling him to go up their suite and make her do the things he'd just imagined. In the low light of the room, he could still see Viviana dancing, making eyes at him, swinging her hips and gyrating suggestively. Was she heading his way?

With Seb looking up at her through heavy, hooded eyes, Viviana moved closer feeling her insides tighten at the thought of getting her hands on his honed, athletic body. His eyes moved slowly down her body, setting off sparks in their wake and she bent over, placing a hand on each arm rest of his chair. She was so close now she could almost taste him. She could imagine fucking him to this music, watching his body move as he gave it to her, watching his hips as he ground himself into her. Screw his wife, she'd make him forget all about her, just like she deserved. She leant in, not caring who could see them, everyone else would be too drunk to remember this anyway.

"No! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

Suddenly she found herself being forced back with such ferocity that she ended up on Gio's lap and she looked up to see Seb on his feet, looking at her, his face contorted with hate and disgust. Around her she could hear gasps and then drunken laughter while in front of her she watched Seb's retreating form as he stalked away. What the hell?! She'd thought he was drunk! Now it seemed as if he was anything but.


Walking along the corridor to their suite, Seb could barely believe what had just happened. Had that vile woman really just tried to kiss him in front of his team?! Or was he so drunk that he was hallucinating? Either way, thinking about his beautiful wife had got him so worked up that he was now hoping and praying that she hadn't gone to bed yet. He was craving her on the most unimaginable level. Opening the door to their suite he fist pumped the air when he saw her sitting on the sofa. However, upon closing the door and getting closer to her, he found that she had fallen asleep but at least she'd got changed into her white vest and skimpy white knickers. His craving for her intensified. Standing behind the sofa, he hovered over her and bent to place a light, upside down, kiss on her lips. He felt her lips curve into a smile as she kissed him back so he tried his luck, reaching over and placing his hands on her breasts.

"Mmm you smell of alcohol, I like it." She hummed sleepily, feeling his fingers starting to work her left nipple while a hand glided its way down towards her knickers.

He didn't want to muck around and got straight to the point. "Wanna fuck?"

"I like drunk Seb!" She giggled as his hand roved back up to grasp her right breast. "I hope you're not going to be gentle."

He kissed her once more and growled with lust as his hands gripped her white vest and ripped it open, exposing her breasts. Consumed with drunken lust, he greedily swept his hands over them, his eyes wide as he stared at them, touched them and handled them like he couldn't get enough. Leaping over the back of the sofa, he was instantly on top of her, scrambling to undo his jeans and free his aching erection. Yanking her underwear to one side he claimed her body with his own while biting down on her bottom lip in a display of domination. The odd event that had happened just a short while ago had already escaped his mind as if it was nothing but a bad dream.

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