Entangled Fate

By Amyraamyr001

978 257 346

"Many people don't get the one who they wanted to be with,but ended up with who they are supposed to be with... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1πŸ‘‘
Chapter 2πŸ‘‘
Chapter 3πŸ‘‘
Chapter 5πŸ‘‘
Chapter 6πŸ‘‘
Chapter 7πŸ‘‘
Chapter 8πŸ‘‘
Chapter 9πŸ‘‘

Chapter 4 πŸ‘‘

63 27 20
By Amyraamyr001

        Suffering is a gift ,in it is hidden mercy.

Nawar seems to woke up at the wrong side of the bed these morning, with a throbbing cramps & a skull cracking headache everything seems to be against her,Placing a pillow on the bed she lay on it as she held the heating pad on her stomach, she open her Mac book to facetime her best friend.

    "Bitch" her friends chirpy voice was heard as she pick the call,   Nawar gave her a sad smile .
     "Babe what happen why are you crying this early" Manal says looking at Nawar that is Writhing in pain.

     "Ya Allah Nawar you know,Allah does not burden a soul beyond it can bear,you must go through a peril of emptiness to be able to be filled with Allah's love , in good times & bad we have to remember him,trials are part & parcel of life,certainly Allah is the  subtle one,the all knowing,the all seeing,the all hearing & the nourisher of hearts, with every difficulty comes ease,just like after every dark night there is always a beautiful morning,its just a matter of time,be patient everything will soon manifest, I believe Allah has greater plans for you,just trust in him okay, I want you to be strong so wipe your tears" Manal said to her bestfriend who is already in tears.

  "Yes inshaallah everything will surely come to pass,all this is surely a trial, all my tawakul is in Allah & I believe he will make everything easy"she said wiping the cascading tears.
      "And its just some cramps,am perfectly okay"Nawar said giving her a smile.

  "Okay sorry, how are you feeling now"Manal ask with a worrisome look.

"Are you still coming" Manal ask
     "No I have to go to work"
"Okay bye,ciao ciao"Manual said as they ended the call.

    Nawar lie on the bed for sometime thanking Allah for giving her a good,kindhearted friends,she thank Allah for the people in her life who are always there for. After sometimes the pain suffice a little so she move to the bathroom & took a bath,when she was done, she move to her closet that's filled to the brim with designer clothes, time definitely heal everything she though to her self looking at her closet. She got dress in a black longsleeve gown & a crisp blazer then wrap a matching  haute Hijab around her head,she apply some of her mild exotic humrah & some oily based cool perfume, she applied kohl &  a nude Marc Jacobs lipstick,she loves makeup but not on herself,she prefer going the Natural way, putting all her necessities in her bag, she rushed downstairs & headed to the kitchen.
    "Good morning Nawar" Nafisa greeted
   "Morning"she reply taking an apple from the counter then saunter out of the house & enter her BMW then drove off.

      She drove into the staff parking lot of her workplace & quickly park her, she know she is late,its already 10:00am. She love her job & is dedicated towards it,one of the best thing that makes her happy, it frees her from mummy endless nagging.

   Coming out of the car, she trudge towards her office, as she wave at some of her colleagues,entering her office she was surprise when she found layla sitting on her sit doing some work on her laptop,there are some changes in the office.
"Hy" layla wave at her with a faux smile.
     "Hy"Nawar said giving her the same faux smile, the two never gets along & to make matter worst her strong perfume is disturbing Nawar.

     "Are you done with what you're doing,I want to make some changes to some files" Nawar ask politely
    Layla gave her a are you out of you out of your mind look then roll her eyes.
  The door creaked ajar & someone enter the room. "Good morning Nawar" Suhayla said taking her hand & drag her out of the Office.
      Nawar mentally thank suhayla if coming at the right time if not she will suffocate in that room.

   "Nawar i miss you ,its been a long week,how are you'' suhayla said hugging her, she is one of the few friends Nawar makes in the company.
  "Too tight"Nawar muttered making suhayla to chuckle.

  "Am fine,how are you"
"But what are you doing in layla's office, I thought you quit" suhayla said aware that the two don't get along.
  "What, who is quitting" Nawar ask with a surprise look.
    "Come on don't play with my intelligence,the boss said you resign & as you can see layla took over your position,we are already tired of her, the only thing she does is snap at everybody" suhayla said rolling her eyes.
      "You're kidding right"Nawar said not believing what she just said.

   "Do I look like a joker to you, go & meet him in his office you know how he can be" suhayla said leaving Nawar who is still in a trance.

Making her way to the elevator,different thought occupying her mind,standing infront of the door,she knock on it & a deep masculine voice said come in,she said her taslim get in.

   "Good morning Angel"the same voice said as she entered.
     Any other day she would have admire his handsome face but not today,how dare him, they both remain quite as she glare at him while he gave her a tedious look.

    "I was told something about me quitting or some sort & I don't remember giving you my resignation letter" she said angrily Arm akimbo.

"Am sorry Angel it skipped my mind"

   "It skipped your mind or what did you just say, wow now I can see the reason you gave me a whole week,that is 7 days leave,we talked throughout the night yesterday & you can't even tell me"she snapped glaring at him if looks could kill he will be 6 feet below now,the cranking cramp also kicking in making her very angry.

    "My intentions are clean & I gave you the week leave bcos I want you to rest & have some fun, you've been working hard, I know you were stressed &" he said letting out a sigh

  "So why the quitting story" she said rolling her eye.

    "You know I will never hurt you, I was just in a fixed position, Umma & you, both of you means a lot to me'' he said brushing his hand through his Fulani hair.
     "What happen to Hajiya" she ask worriedly.
"Nothing happen to her,she is perfectly alright"
     "She has something to do about these right'' Nawar ask her voice breaking, she does not understand why Hajiya did not like her.

     "I know how this job meant to you,I gave you week off with clear intentions,two days back Umma  insisted on you quitting & you know I can't go against my mom , I don't know how to break the news to you that's why I did not tell you"

  "But atleast you should have tell me, I will know how to cope & wouldn't have come here & make a fool of my self, I hope this quitting will make Hajiya happy"she said keeping her  Channel bag on the mahogany desk before sitting down on one of the visitors chair.

   "I pray so" he said optimistically
Nawar gave him one of her dimpled smile though she is hurt about what happen,but Hammad her love,the love of her life,her everything.
They've known each other for about six years now & have been sating for four years,he is always there in every part of her life, the rainy days,the cloudy,sunny,thunderous,bad, the good,Hammad is nice,handsome, caring ,supportive,smart,loving,amazing & affectionate, he is everything she ever wished for.

  She sat on her seat looking at his handsome face as he makes some calls, her mind dating back to the first time they met,:


              Six years back,
Like any other other faithful days,the chatter of her sisters filled the car as mallam Ibrahim bring them back from school,Nawar as usual minded her business without talking to any of them, but today her mood was different, she was all bubbly & happy,as soon as mallam Ibrahim parked the car,she open the door & came out of the car without waiting for any of her sisters,she was excited,its her bestfriend birthday the next day & she wants Nawar to bake her birthday cake.

    Entering the house she quickly made her way upstairs to remove her school uniform & pray so that she can start baking the cake before mummy or their Islamic teacher comes,stripping out of her uniform,she enter the bathroom to have a quick bath but ended up spending 30 minutes in the bathtub bcos she was playing with water,coming out of the bathroom she move to the exquisite closet(sarcasm),the closet was huge & all decorated in a pink princess theme but only holds a few clothes that will not filled a Ghana must go bag,sometimes she wonder why the need for a closet when whenever her dad buy her any new clothes,mummy will collect everything from her, if she is lucky she will be given one to wear whenever her dad is around,She foes not have a problem in choosing what to wear perks of not having much clothes, taking a dark blue jeans & a maroon top,she tied her hair in a pony tail & took her hijab,she move to her room & started praying,when she was done she supplicate , then remove the knee length Hijab & tied a black veil around her head before trudging downstairs looking all bubbly & happy, baking & cooking is one of her favorite things, for a fourteen years old, she knows the do's & don't of  the kitchen, how she wish she can become a chef but she is aware that her father will never agree due to her health condition,he does not even know that she  enters the kitchen not to talk about cooking for the whole house whenever he is gone for months & Alhamdulillah the kitchen was spacious & well ventilated never for once has she had an attack while cooking, its surprising though.

    Her happiness was short live when she saw mummy at the end of the stairs looking at her loathsomely,she reduce her pace & trudge down the stairs slowly.

   "Good afternoon ma"Nawar greeted going down on her knees,she has been warn several times not to call her mummy & she can't make that unexquisable mistake,she is not ready for another beating the one she had these morning is enough.

  ''Mummy did not respond to the greetings not that she expected any reply,mummy let's out a hiss before thrusting some money & a list into her hands

     "Go & buy these foodstuffs & groceries for me,thats N 50000 my money should not miss a dime,I've written all the prices & it should not exceed that price,moreover I will call Mallam Usman & ask how much he sells everything to you" she said glaring at Nawar with despise

''That remind me don't repeat the nonsense you did the other day by going to shoprite ,I want all my stuffs from the market kin ji ko"She said in a strict voice giving her a  warning

   "Hmm, May be I should go to shoprite,the Islamic teacher will soon be here" she said in a scared tone,these is the 3rd time in a week she is missing the class.

   ...Ptasss....a resonating sound filled the hallway,the maids all stop what they were doing giving the girl a pitiful look before going back to their work.

"What did I say about questioning my authorities"mummy yelled abhorrently

  Nawar stood there as tears accumulated her eyes her body quivering in fear as she held in her sob,bcos the tears or her cries must not spill out,thats mummy rule(tabdi Jan, A duke ka kuma ha anaka Kika😕😠)

    "Am sorry ma" the 14 year old says in a whimper turning to go back to her room.

  "Where are you going malama" she ask
    "To take my hijab"Nawar stuttered with a throbbing heart.

    "You know today is Thursday & your father will be calling,if you like sleep in the market,you will come back & meet me"mummy said pushing her aside as she trudge upstairs.

   Nawar moves to her room,her sanctuary with a heavy and glassy eye,sitting on her bed,she let out the agonizing pain she has been holding, the tears keep flowing like river Benue. After sometimes she move to the bathroom & splash some water on her face,from the way her cheeks were stinging her she knew it was red she does not have to check the mirror to know there is a pattern of her hand on her face.
   Picking up a dark blue knee length hijab, she wore her jalabiya,& kept the money in a black side bag,she also put her phone in the bag & her rescue inhaler & trudge out of the house.

     She sauntered downstairs to where mallam ibrahim was waiting for her & entered the car...............

Assalamualaikum Amigos😘, how are you & your family ?, fine inshaallah🙋🙋.

       I've change the name of the book from "the second choice" to "Entangled fate" I hope its okay by you😍😍.

So what do you think about these chapter😆😆.    Wayyoo Allah mummy😎😎,that woman is something else.

   How do you 😔 think there meeting will be like 😂😂😂,I want to know your thoughts about how they will meet.

    I know its a cliffhanger😂😅,well the next chapter is already drafted so I might consider a double update(am such a darling right😘, flip my imaginary hair), but  I need a favour from you before I can publish;

      Please tag as many people as you can,tag your friends, your friends friend,your friend's friend's friend's.....................Anybody with the highest tags number will have the next chapter dedicated to him or her😘😘.

    Vote & Comment pls,ghost readers are we fighting😩😩😩,pls show some love I know you can do better👍👍.



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