
Por Inconvenient_Ideal

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For as long as she could remember, Liruliniel had one goal, one hope, one thing she wanted to aspire to be an... M谩s

Author's Note.


490 32 24
Por Inconvenient_Ideal

To say that Thranduil was displeased, was the understatement of the century; or in his case, the many centuries that he had been alive for. The tent, which he first thought was an ideal, yet quiet place for Liruliniel to eat and continue resting, soon got changed. Some of the survivors had managed to clean out, slightly with broken brooms and whatever else was to hand, and light the torches and braziers within the main hall of the town. From what Thranduil had learned, it was where the women and children were to hide during the battle.

It wasn't this which was causing the displeasure, and his face was a fair representation over how he felt at this point in time, no; his displeasure came from something as simple as food and drink. Perhaps, more the drink than the food. It seemed, despite of everything, the dwarves were rather rambunctious to say the least, especially when Dáin had come over to greet his cousin loudly, almost thunderous laughter was tinged with some sly comment about who Thorin was currently keeping in company of.

And who would that have? Well, none other than Thranduil and Liruliniel, more her than himself. Thorin, through some act or another, Thranduil swore down that it was just to irk him some more after their conversation earlier, was sitting on the other side of Liruliniel, the pair nattered on and off, but Thorin sat at this table with them. The clean up of the city had not been forgotten, nor those which still laid in the bloodied streets, but for the most part, the orcs had been cleaned away; or at least, some had, a great many still remained. As for those of the allies which were lost and in the streets, they had been moved and all covered with any material possible in another large space, perhaps an old manor house or another hall. Of course, there were still a lot of the undead to recover, to lay out, and allow those closest to come and mourn before a burial was to take place.

But as for now, it seemed those that survived were wishing to celebrate the victory, while also celebrating those that gave their lives for this victory. Though they could not be here to see them, to know that this city would prosper once again, they would not be forgotten that without them, this perhaps would not be possible. Victory always came with a great loss, unfortunately that was the way in which battles and sieges went.

Hearing some remark or another, Thranduil merely and silently turned his face towards the two dwarves which were still conversing, Dáin being louder than Thorin, evidently the more drunker of the two. Liruliniel awkwardly sipped at her cup and looked around with wide eyes. She didn't have a comment to Dáin's, no response, asking his cousin if he was now a lover of woodland sprites was...awkward, Liruliniel coughed quietly and rubbed at her chest, the alcohol burned a little on its way down and she probably didn't help matters by coughing suddenly. Her ribs didn't like her for that action at all.

Shutting his eyes, Thranduil just relented, he didn't even bother to voice anything, the cousins were still here, still talking, and he wished he could opt out of listening to them, but they just spoke so loudly! Sipping at his own cup, Thranduil just watched those which had crammed into the hall. Beorn was still present, his hulking frame looking most comical as he sat at a table, surrounded by some of the dwarves who seemed to be pestering him too, and some elves which were curious to talk to their neighbouring skin-changer; some had never seen him, heard him perhaps, but never seen and any tales usually came from Liruliniel as she had had contact with Beorn already.

Some of the other dwarves, be them from Dáin's army or those that were in Thorin's group, had commenced a drinking contest to one side, taking over a whole table just for the occasion. The one which Thranduil recalled being called Dwalin seemed to be winning, although he seemed to be tied with the redhead known as Glóin. Thranduil had not really learned their names when he had them imprisoned. It was only Thorin which he conversed with, but Liruliniel had said a quick run-through of their names. Though he dearly wished to say otherwise, he wasn't sure whether Legolas was watching or taking part. He was standing alongside Tauriel and Kíli, the dwarf hadn't been too hurt in the fight, only mere cuts and bruises which had been seen to rather speedily earlier on.

It was hard to tell if they were all trying to get along, or just awkwardly standing in silence. Legolas's face perhaps mirrored his father's, this tense apprehension of being torn between voicing something, which may come off offensive, or staying awkwardly silent and coming off rude and ignorant. Tauriel luckily stood in between them, Thranduil didn't know who he felt more sorry for at this point, Kíli and his nervous looks at the two elves beside him, Tauriel for being the buffer, or Legolas for clearly believing he was overstepping and being an intruder for the pair. Of course Thranduil sided with his son, like he wouldn't.

Thranduil perhaps more than anyone else understood how fickle and painful love could be. He continued to muse and watch his son, while also lifting up a hand and placing it over the cup which Liruliniel was going to lift to her lips again. He didn't even really look her way, though hearing the discouraged sound come from her, his eyes slid sidelong at her, rather plainly at that. With a pout, she pushed the cup away and shifted painfully in the chair with a frown. He didn't think, though whatever healing properties the wine may have, ironically from their own kingdom, someone had the hindsight to save it during Smaug's siege, he didn't think it would actually do her any good. Drunks became so uncoordinated, clumsy even. She was already hurt, though yes, it took a lot for elves to get drunk, in her current state he doubted it would take much. He just wished to deter any worse case scenario from possibly happening, before it even could.

With a slightly pained look, if only from the look sent at the pair, Legolas left them be and soon found himself conversing with Gandalf. Thranduil inhaled heavily. Liruliniel looked up at him oddly and even Thorin leaned past Liruliniel to look quizzically at the elf. Dáin by this point was resting his head on the table, it seemed he had currently passed out. Feeling eyes on him, Thranduil turned and looked passively at the pair. They didn't understand his hesitance at having his son and the wizard talk, well, more in-depth then they already have. Thranduil was acceptant that Legolas was leaving, it seemed surprising that he was still here but then when he thought about it, he was no doubt waiting for his moment to talk to Liruliniel on his own. Thranduil knew his son was likely to want to say farewell to her, of course he would, Legolas wasn't going to just leave her without exchanging words.

Elrond was later to this celebration than anyone else, he was readying to leave and clearly wished to bid farewell to those that he knew here. Thranduil resisted rolling his eyes at how friendly the elf-Lord and wizard were, Legolas too got drawn into the conversation and really, Thranduil didn't quite know how to feel here. He wasn't envious his son got along with both fine, in all honesty, what better two to know? It was more the resignation that giving his son the nudge to explore the world around him, was more clear and evident now, more than it ever had been. Had he held him back for years? Doubtful. Had he clearly ignored Liruliniel saying Legolas was meant for bigger things? Sort of.

Hearing an awkward voice, Thranduil wasn't surprised to see the hobbit had come over. He seemed close to both Thorin and Liruliniel, through some friendly loyalty to both. Though having Thranduil suddenly staring him down, almost, Bilbo practically stuttered out something and looked awkward. Thranduil raised an eyebrow. He could quite easily defend the dwarves, bring the Arkenstone to those that had used it for bribery, had been beside Liruliniel and Thorin as the former slipped into another world, yet now he was all awkward? Thranduil didn't think he'd understand the hobbit.

Liruliniel picked at what food was before her, most of the food had been rationed, it was not a feast fit for the celebration and occasion that it should've been, but it made do. No one was complaining, no one saw fit to complain, and how could they? They survived, others didn't. Something Bilbo said had Liruliniel double taking, even with a piece of bread poking out from between her lips. She waved a hand from the long sleeve of her tunic and wagged a finger at the hobbit, bread still between her lips. Wasn't the most threatening sight, but it had Thorin laughing. His laughter had Dáin suddenly waking, he looked sceptical at Bilbo and he in turn awkwardly smiled. Thranduil just sighed and sipped from his drink again.

Feeling a hand on his arm, Thranduil looked to Liruliniel, through all the bruising and little cuts, she still tiredly smiled his way. "Do you wish to leave?" He asked, earning a raised eyebrow from her. He perhaps sounded strangely optimistic. It wasn't that he wasn't enjoying the experience of, well, this whole thing. But it wasn't like elves celebrated such a thing, or celebrated in general unless it was for something. Not that this wasn't something to celebrate, but they would do so in their own fashion.

"I wish to walk," Liruliniel corrected, she didn't mean to shoot his idea of leaving down. She didn't wish to go, she wished to walk around, to see and talk to her friends. Sitting in one place was making her seize up, she could feel it, her muscles contracting and her bones aching. There was an attempt to find her the most stable chair possible, and they had tried, but it still was causing her pain. She could feel her spine particularly hate the chair, her ribs were protesting with each move she made. Walking perhaps wasn't the best idea, but she was bored of sitting and watching everyone.

Thranduil pushed himself to a stand, the dwarves and hobbit present looked up a bit warily. He just rolled his eyes and turned away from them, while helping Liruliniel to a slow stand. She kept a firm grip on his hand with her one good hand, he could see the fingers on her other one instinctively flex. "Where to then, my Lady?" He asked quietly once away from the table, he got a small laugh from her even if she hissed painfully. "Apologies," he didn't know what he said would've made her laugh, he felt for her moment of pain.

Liruliniel shook her head and looked at him with a smile still in place. "It will be short lived. I will heal. You have nothing to apologise for." She said while setting her eyes forwards again, nodding in a direction, Thranduil took slow and measured steps, he didn't rush and walked in pace with her. One of his arms stayed around the back of her, just to keep her steady while his other arm and hand kept tight hold of her own hand still.

It seemed the more the day was dragging on, the slower she was getting and the more tired too. Her pace wasn't fast to begin with, but now she practically limped and dragged her feet around. Yet, from the expression on her face, she wasn't letting this deter her at all in her mission to get where she wanted to. It just so happened that where she wished to go, was to the three figures which Thranduil had been watching on and off throughout the evening.

Naturally, Gandalf and Elrond looked surprised, pleased to see her, though perhaps surprised Thranduil was in tow. In all honesty, they did look rather mismatched right now, him in his rather clean and regal attire, and her in some tunic that was found and happened to be clean, untucked and stopping near the middle of her thighs as the trousers were too long in the leg for her. She still didn't have shoes on either, so her bare feet made shuffling noises against the ground as she went. Whereas he seemed to naturally glow within the torchlight within the hall, all the light did for her was accentuate the dark bruises and how muddy her hair still was.

Legolas just looked between them, some form of lingering on his face as Liruliniel tilted her head and nodded. Letting go of Thranduil's hand, she reached forwards and grasped onto Legolas's arm. He steadied her and looked at his father, Thranduil just inclined his head, they had made peace and there was not a whole lot else to say, their words earlier said enough. But Liruliniel wasn't privy to that, and had her own words to say to him.

They went outside, Liruliniel taking in a big lungful of air before wincing, Legolas kept hold of her arm as she looked at the sky. The stars were shining brightly, pinpricks amongst a dark velvet sky; even the moon glimmered from its position high above them, casting everything in a silver glow. Though cold, their breaths came out in small plumes, neither were cold or suffered as such from its effects. Snow littered the street, it seemingly had started again while everyone was inside. The bodies which hadn't been moved were now being buried under the white flakes. It was sad, lonely even and Liruliniel let go of Legolas's arm, much to his hesitance, and shuffled over to a wall.

She heavily sat down, at an odd leaning angle to relieve the pain in her ribs. Wincing and rubbing her side gently, she looked up at him. "Oh, come now. Do not look at me like that, you are much like your father right now. I will heal." She commented with a sigh, Legolas rolled his eyes and got a pointed look from her. Yes, he was exactly like his father right now. Yet he moved over, he sat beside her and looked around too. He listened to Liruliniel's slight ragged breathing, he looked at her worriedly. How could he not worry? She was his friend, but also she was like a mother to him, and no one liked to see their mother pained.

"You gave us both cause for alarm." Legolas's calm voice echoed out into the night air, Liruliniel opened an eye and looked at him before straightening the best she could. "Do not blame us for worrying. How could we not? We both believed you dead."

"I did die." Liruliniel frowned, a solemn expression on her face as she shook her head sadly. "For a little while, that is. I was surrounded by darkness, yet I was so light, glowing even like the moon above us. It was beautiful in its isolation. I was scared, but I didn't feel any pain." She explained, Legolas couldn't help but tilt his head curiously, listening as her voice got softer. He could see the far off look on her face as she recalled the experience.

"Does my father know?"

Her eyebrows raised then as she looked at him guiltily. "He knows I died. But you are the first that will hear of my experience. I awaited entry into the Halls of Mandos, Legolas. But I was not alone. I saw my family, even my grandfather and mother. I felt so much joy, burning almost was the feeling as I looked upon my brother's face again and my father...you don't realise how much you truly miss someone, until you meet them again in the afterlife. Their deaths have always hung over me. Mainly because I blame myself not being able to see the attack which was to come, they essentially in some ways blindly walked into a trap, and I didn't know until it was too late. The same went with your father, of course. It is after all how we lost your mother." Liruliniel blinked, with a gentle sigh, she placed her hand on his arm again. "Your mother was there, Legolas. So was your grandfather. Do you remember them?"

Legolas visibly tensed then, he was not expecting to hear that come from her. The thought of his mother, and his grandfather caused a weight to settle upon his heart, in his stomach too he felt something plummet. His father was all he had, for so long, same went for Liruliniel. As far as Legolas could fully remember, they were his family. But his mother, his grandfather? A smiling face with flowing blonde hair came to mind, a whispering kind voice and arms which would hold him so tightly came to mind; but likewise, so did a sterner face, a serious aura which wasn't too dissimilar to his father, yet underneath that there was honest, earnest care. The former his mother, the latter his grandfather; Legolas recalled distantly tales which both would tell him, his mother's tales more optimistic and sweet, his grandfather's more realistic and detailed.

Slowly he turned and looked at her, almost distantly, "I do, though their faces are hazy; I recall them vividly when I really try."

Liruliniel smiled softly, "You shouldn't deny yourself dwelling over them. It pains me to think of my father and brother, but fondly I remember them. Because we need to, you know? They were all so important to us, we cannot forget them."

"You were older than me when they passed." Legolas didn't mean to sound bitter but it was true. Liruliniel was much older when she lost her father and brother, Legolas was so young when his mother and grandfather were taken from them.

Liruliniel's hand tightened on his arm, "True as that may be, but my words are still true. They awaited entry into the Halls, Legolas. Those which wait have nothing to do but watch the world pass. What do you think they have spent their time doing?" She looked at him quizzically, even with a small smile seeing if he'd reply. "They have watched us, Legolas. More importantly your mother has watched you grow up with pride, and your grandfather is pleased with the elf you have become. Well, I suppose in part they are both incredibly proud of you, how could they not be? There was nothing but love coming from them, even if they did not voice anything the mere thought of you and I was surrounded by that warmth, that adoration that they have for you."

Legolas was silent for a long time, Liruliniel watched him muse over what she had said. He looked distant, saddened even in some way, before nodding his head slowly and turning on the wall to look at her. "Thank you."

"Oh, Legolas...you have nothing to thank me for. Like I would not tell you." Liruliniel said honestly, her face softening as he looked thoughtful, he supposed she was being true there. Liruliniel had been most honest to him, for as long as he could remember.

"Did father tell you I am to leave?" Legolas asked suddenly, the comfortable feeling passing by as he returned to business. Liruliniel smiled, he was too like his father, what was it about affection and sentiment that made them both a little awkward?

"In a passing comment, yes. You are to go on an adventure, I believe this adventure will have you seeing the wider world. You will meet new people, and I am sure you'll make many friends." Liruliniel smiled, kicking her bare feet against the ground, she grinned up at the sky and rocked a little, feeling her ribs clench with a wince.

Legolas remained silent for a moment before looking at her with a slow growing smile. "I'm surprised that is all you have to say."

Liruliniel chuckled, only to groan and her hand was against her side again. "Don't make me laugh, I haven't even got started."

"And here it comes," Legolas whispered with a sigh, raising an eyebrow when she simply swatted her hand at his shoulder.

"The only reason why I am not fretting, is because I trust you. I trust you, and I know you will not do anything foolhardy. You are a kind soul, with an even kinder heart, Legolas. I am more than certain that wherever your path takes you, you will grow and learn from the experiences along the way. I have always said I foresaw more for you, and I like to see I was right. Finding a lost King, or one to be...I am envious," she said lightly with a smile, only to shake her head. "I have been around too many Kings in my life. Not sure I could deal with another right now." She mused with a light sigh, glancing up at him as she tilted her head thoughtfully. "You'll be fine. I know you will be." She groaned as she stood on shaky legs, Legolas just sat and looked up at her cautiously, he didn't know if she was about to keel over. "Let me know what this King is like, I am curious."

"I'm sure if you ever meet him, he would like to be regaled by you and your stories of his ancestors."

"You're not too old to get clipped around the ear."

"I am not sure you could move so quickly, you may fall over." Legolas retorted back quickly, Liruliniel let out a pained laugh yet nodded. Legolas smiled as he stood too, he took her arm in his and steadied her as it really did look like she was about to fall.

"I will miss you, in all seriousness."

"And I you," Legolas's tone was hard, admitting such a thing was always going to be hard for him. Yet, Liruliniel had always believed he was the less emotionally stunted out of him and his father. Thranduil really did struggle, she'd have better luck getting blood from a stone at times.

They reentered the hall, the loudness within almost deafened them from the eerie silence of outside. Liruliniel saw where Legolas's eyes were drifting, with a sad sigh she nudged against him gently. Legolas looked down, trying his best to look as if he hadn't been caught out watching. "Kíli is a good dwarf, Legolas. I know it does not help soften the blow, but one-sided love is a painful thing. You can love Tauriel, but it will be in a different way, and even if she doesn't voice it, I can see she loves you too. I think you will find love, Legolas. And when you do, you will see that it is different than the feeling now. As I said, you are kind, caring, understandable and tolerable; when you find love, or new friendships, you will protect it with everything you have. She will be looked after, if she isn't, I will lecture Kíli, and you know I will. I hear his mother is on her way, I'll get her to do my work for me."

Legolas smiled softly, bowed his head so it wasn't obvious how much her words had settled warmly over him. He believed her, all of what she had said he wholeheartedly believed. Hearing quiet footsteps, he looked up and wasn't surprised to see Thranduil there. Of course his father would approach them, the moment he saw them reappear he'd come and collect Liruliniel from his care. Legolas turned, noting how Elrond too was standing close by, he would travel partway with the elf-Lord before Legolas's road would diverge elsewhere.

Liruliniel, despite of Thranduil trying to deter her in sudden movements, she still pulled Legolas to her. Her chin resting against his shoulder and Legolas looking up at his father with wide eyes. Thranduil didn't aid his son, he knew trying to tear them apart would have Liruliniel frowning unhappily. So instead, he just raised an eyebrow and watched the pair. Both knew that he was to leave before this whole celebration had ended. He had a long way to travel, the sooner the better even if that meant travelling through the night. But it wasn't like he had bad company, Liruliniel couldn't help but think really that travelling and being around Elrond had done wonders for her, it could only further Legolas's character.

"I think I understand how Caladhiel feels whenever she's had to watch me depart. The unknown of when I will see you again has my heart feeling heavy. But I know I will see you again, and I look forward to that. I am excited to hear of what you get up to, by all means, you don't need to coast over the details; I truly didn't hold back with Caladhiel or your father." She chuckled and frowned at the stitch like pull in her side. She pulled away, or was going to before she found an arm loosely around her, hesitant even as Legolas's head rested against hers. Liruliniel was sure he was grateful they were shielded and away from direct view, or else he'd probably not embrace her back.

"I think I understand how you felt in regards to Lady Caladhiel," Legolas replied his eyes shutting slowly before he pulled back and looked at her. Liruliniel looked up with wide eyes, a distant look flitting onto her face before she fully realised what he was trying to imply. Thranduil looked torn, between the past and the present and future; Legolas knew his mother, if but for a short time, it was no one's fault his memories were faded and confused, it was even more so no one's fault that he imprinted onto Liruliniel.

"In that case, I suppose our parting words will be me channeling my honorary mother; be safe, be well, do not do anything too reckless, or well, what I would do...maybe do the opposite but with more grace. If you are to go to Imladris, don't annoy Lindir like I evidently did, he is tolerable at best but I think even he has a limit. If you venture to Lórien, I am sure my cousin shall welcome you, Marchwarden Haldir and his silent brothers are more welcoming than they appear. All in all, I wish you a safe journey, and I'll see you when you return, son."

Legolas could only silently nod, his eyes pricking a little as the familiar burning sensation that came with tears was lingering behind the bright blue irises. Even behind her Thranduil looked on sadly, her words were so heartwarming, so honest and with so much care how could it not take either back slightly? Legolas looked to Elrond as he stepped closer, he had that expression which usually accompanied a reprimand.

"You are doing a lot of moving, if I remember rightly I did say to rest." Elrond even looked at her sceptically, Liruliniel smiled awkwardly, "But then what do I expect? You never listened in the past whenever I instructed you on such things."

"In all fairness, this battle was much different than me being beaten in a training session." Liruliniel commented with an awkward smile and half-shrug.

Elrond seemed to think over this before sighing and shaking his head. It wasn't like he could argue against that. He all but remembered the small elf girl whining almost and having a strop because she could not beat whomever she was training against, or if she couldn't get something right. "If you ever wish to visit, you are welcome, both of you." Elrond's almost lavender eyes flicked from Liruliniel to Thranduil, he inclined his head in thankfulness of the offer, Liruliniel beamed. She had loved the waterfall city so much.

"Thank you, for saving my life."

"It was mainly all you." Elrond replied placing a hand on her good shoulder, Liruliniel just smiled up at him quietly. "Take care, and I am sure our paths will cross again."

"I will keep an eye on the horizon, I may be hurt at the moment, but it won't stop me from guarding and protecting our homelands."

"Of course it won't, there really is no stopping you." Elrond despaired, though he was eased to hear this. Those parts of the world needed a guardian, and Liruliniel had accepted that role without truly realising. Elrond guessed the responsibility was thrusted upon her when she first had visions, but never truly understood what it meant. Not just for her home, but for everyone else. It was the same for him, in a way.

"Even death couldn't stop me."

"You probably shouldn't say that while smiling like that." Elrond pointed out, Liruliniel was grinning almost. But he relented, there was no changing her, she wouldn't listen. So, with a sigh, he inclined his head to the pair and glanced in Gandalf's direction before doing the same to him. He left soon after, Legolas looking between his father and adopted mother with a lingering smile before he followed Elrond outside. Once the doors shut, they were gone and Liruliniel let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Jumping a little when a hand was placed on her shoulder, she looked up at Thranduil. "I think I'd like to retire now. Perhaps Lord Elrond was right, I am and have been doing too much moving." Thranduil merely nodded, he pushed open the door while leading her out. His tent was still up, and her bunk was still in there so he guided her back to it, aiding her to lay and get comfortable before she fully gave into the sleep nagging at her.

"We will be staying, if only for a short time." Thranduil said, perching on the edge of the small bunk and brushing wisps of hair out of her face, Liruliniel looked up happily at that. "Do not misunderstand me, we all need rest, and we need to recover. Our dead must be taken care of, we have to do right by them. We are not staying because it is a trip, Liruliniel. Our stay is business."

"Sure, sure," she didn't believe him as she smiled his way. Thranduil sighed, of course she wouldn't believe him or take his words seriously.

"That means rest for you."

"Oh, I got that." She replied, eyes shut and head nestled against the pillow.

"Are you sure? I am doubtful." Thranduil watched as she let out a heavy sigh, the bunk may not have been comfortable but she seemed to be so tired she didn't care. He was about to stand and leave her, when he paused hearing her voice, he turned back, sitting back down as her tired eyes looked up at him. "What was that?" He wasn't too sure whether he fully caught her words or not, his eyes looked her over, assessing her as she propped herself up before sitting up awkwardly.

"I said that your father is proud of you." She rubbed her chest with a wince, smaller bruises and cuts seemed to be giving her bother now, especially the stab wound near her collarbone. She looked to the almost lost expression on his face, Liruliniel moved her hand and placed it against one of his. Thranduil seemed to snap to attention then, his eyes looking sharply at her. Without words, his look said enough and Liruliniel smiled, she relented. "I was relieved of the burden of his death. In fact, I discovered that he saved my life during that battle. He looks like you, or rather you've grown to look very much like him. Beautifully terrifying, yet so honest with your thoughts and feelings; even if you keep your feelings guarded. I actually threw my arms around him, your father didn't really react. It was awkward, but I got carried away. He, there were no words exactly but I...they opted not to go to the Halls, in favour of giving what remained of them to me. It sounds weird, but each of those that greeted me...I can feel them in my heart." She tilted her head, sounding confused over her explanation as she put a hand over her heart, feeling how it beat so steadily underneath her palm.

"You found your solace." Thranduil spoke, his voice didn't sound like it came from him. He was aware how distant he sounded as he stared at the injured elf before him. She blinked rapidly and looked back up at him, lowering her hand to her lap while her hand in the sling twitched again. He watched the almost pathetic wiggle of her fingers before fixing his eyes back on hers.

"I told Vanadessë that you still love her, and think of her often. She too was filled with pride in over how Legolas has grown. The pair of them couldn't be more proud of you two, honestly. I have never seen two who could've be more full of hope and concern over how things could've turned out, but didn't. I am not sure you have heard it before, but you have done brilliantly in the face of adversity, you really have." Liruliniel said with a smile and a nod, Thranduil's expression was still blank, but his mind was reeling still from everything she had said, or more or less everything.

"You said that?"

Liruliniel looked confused, "Why wouldn't I? I spent a while conflicted, but who am I to deny the ability to love more than one? Both loves have a time and a place, and one may burn brighter than the other; but it is still love nonetheless. I am not going to lie to her, not when she was before me looking so...ethereal, beautiful and without any pain, just...peaceful..." Liruliniel trailed off, her eyes staring at some unknown spot in the tent. With a sigh, she moved with speed which caused her to groan and regret doing so. But she threw her legs over the bunk, with her good hand she held onto his hand and pulled it into her lap. With a smile sent up at him, she gave a sure nod. "All is good. All will be good." She leaned her head against his shoulder and shut her eyes with a small sigh.

"You better not be planning on sleeping sitting up." Thranduil quipped, his voice still unsure sounding as he thought over all she had said. Frowning and gently nudging her away when she let out fake snoring noises, he just shot her an incredulous look. "Lay down and sleep, Liruliniel. It has been quite the day." He said while helping her back down, brushing hair out of her face as she went.

"It's been quite a life."

"No need to be dramatic." He despaired with a roll of his eyes, yet watched her sink against the bunk and struggle to sleep again. "I will be here," Thranduil all but whispered, staying awkwardly on the edge of the bunk as his hand sought out to hold her one.

"Perhaps I shall have pleasant dreams for once." Without the opposing force of Sauron nearby, Liruliniel's sleep had been reasonably peaceful, whenever she could sleep that was. She could only hope this would stay, she would like some nice dreams for once, or just nothingness. Either was good by her as she felt her mind growing numb. "Who do you think won that drinking contest?" Her voice was distant, her eyes shut and Thranduil could feel the grip on his hand lessen with every second that passed. He wasn't surprised that somehow in her sleepy state, that this was the one thing which came to the forefront. He didn't reply, he was going to until he realised that heavy, yet slightly rattled breaths were coming from her. She was asleep, and he had to admit she did look peaceful. Thranduil could only hope she got what she had asked for, he hoped she had pleasant dreams as he leaned forwards and kissed her on the forehead. She murmured a little in her sleep, yet he managed to pull his hand free. He would stay within the tent and keep vigil incase she had any nightmares in the night or woke in pain. Pouring himself a glass of wine, he sat down in the chair and looked onwards at the sleeping elf within the poorly padded bunk.


(A/N: I've had a bad time at work this week, almost had a tearful breakdown on one day - and I am not a crier. So I thought, what better way to cheer oneself up than updating? I am also here to be the bearer of bad news that I guess this will be ending soon. I guess a few more chapters I'll try and stretch out. Epilogue too anyone? Aha, yeah why not! Hope everyone is safe and well! Catch you later. =D) 

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