Opal and the Masked Man

By graceehmke0

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*Cover made by @lindsey667* My savior's a criminal. More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

14 0 0
By graceehmke0

Never in a billion years had I imagined that I would like a burglar. But it's happening. Right now. Daniel is different than any of the guys that I've met before. He's sarcastic, witty, funny, genuine, dreamy...
      "Opal. Earth to Opal!" Daniel calls my name, pulling me from my daydream. "Oh! Sorry, Daniel. I got lost in thought for a second there. Did you say something?" I ask him.
     Daniel shakes his head, chuckling. "No. I was just laughing. You're cute when you're flustered."
     My face grows hot and I seem to babble. "W-what? I'm not cute! Are you implying something?" My thoughts seem to run from me, leaving me with nothing else to say.
     "I'm not 'implying' anything. I'm only saying what's true." He says, and I roll my eyes good-naturedly, swatting his arm playfully. "Daniel, are you always like this?" I ask, raising an amused eyebrow at him.
     "Like what? A handsome, good looking, flirtatious-" I burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh, Daniel! Are you ever not ridiculous?" 
     "Depends on who I'm with. Some people bring out the worst in me, and some people bring out the best in me. Or the ridiculous side of me." He laughs before continuing on. "Anyways, we should probably get going before your mom finds you."
     I nod at Daniel in agreement as we walk away from my house. A comfortable silence is in the air as we find ourselves strolling through a nearby forest. The sunlight sparkles as it filters through vibrant green leaves. I stop walking and I lift my head up, closing my eyes with a sigh as the sun warms my face.
     Daniel speaks, "Enjoying the scenery? It's pretty beautiful out here. And quiet, too." Daniel and I continue to walk through the forest at a leisurely pace.
      I stop in my tracks, and my whole body tenses. Birds were chirping a few seconds ago. I turn my head to see a flock of them fly away suddenly, almost as if they are trying to flee from a predator. I cast one last fleeting glance at the empty tree. I hear footsteps approaching. The distant thudding of boots grows louder and louder as they seem to head into our location. I see the face of a man. He is fair-skinned and has beady black eyes and a scraggly black beard, and is covered head to toe in black leather. My breathing grows unsteady, and I instinctively cling to Daniel, my hand intertwined in his.
       I turn towards Daniel, sheer terror in my voice as I whisper hurriedly,"Daniel, do you see that man over there? He's one of the men who guards the vault. I don't see him often, though, because he works the night shift. Most people come to the vault during the day. We need to find a way to stop him before he has the chance to take me back to my mother."
     I'm so focused on Daniel that I don't see the man coming toward us. My throat catches as realization hits me, and fear grips me like an icy cold hand closing around it. And then I see him. It's him.


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