
By favado0429

33 13 6

Jasmine is a 17yr old girl who struggles to adjust to her new environment because of the constant movement of... More

New Home
Meeting school
Introducing me
New plans
Falling into his arms
Pairing me


3 1 0
By favado0429

I looked like I just saw a ghost.

"Lander" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, where you expecting someone else" he said sarcastically.

He was just there by the door, with his hands in his pocket and his body leaned against the door. He almost looked like he was invited.

"Wouldn't you let me in" he removed his Hands from his pocket and crossed his arm.


"Jas, just let him in" I heard my mom.

I turned to give her a quick look for her to understand I didn't want him here, she just smiled at me.

I sluggishly left the entrance, turning my back and making my way in with him following my lead.

"So what are you doing here Lander" I asked with more interest.

"Or did Gabby give you my address" I turned to him giving him that warning look.

"Nope! Never mind" He just smiled at me.

"I just came so that we could do our assignment together" he looked really serious, which he never was.

"What makes you think I would" I said rolling my eye.

"Jas be nice" my mom scolded.

I just sighed and stole a quick glance at her,she seems to be smiling, perhaps she was happy to see me with new friends and it's a boy.

"Fine Lander, come let's go" I just turned round and head for the stairs.

He followed me immediately without much hesitation.

"Have a great time" my mom yelled.

"Mom, we just studying" I was almost at the last climb when I replied her shouting so loud so she could hear me.

I opened the door for him to come in and just made my way directly to my reading table and switched on the lamp.

He just scanned the whole room as if he was looking for something.

"Looking for something Lander" I turned around to take a good look at him so that he could see that he was not welcomed.

"Not at all Faaitu." he just shrugged his shoulders and went to my bed.

I was annoyed and I know he could sense that.

"Can I be honest with you Faaitu?" He asked calmly.

I just nodded my head in confirmation.

"You are quite different from what I thought a girl would look like, not in a bad way I mean."

I just rolled my eyes and nodded my head slowly for him to give more emphasis but seems he would not.

"So what do you think a girl looks like?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning my back for a better explanation.

He just paused and looked at me with that questioning look.

"Girls love Barbie and usually put up stuff on their walls with this pink wallpaper, then they have magazines of all type, I'm just saying don't get me the wrong way".

I burst into hard laughter, perhaps this is the dumbest thing I've heard today.

He may be correct to some extent about girls loving the color pink and magazines, to be honest i wasn't a magazine type, I have tried to become one because Janelle loves magazine but anytime i tried to, it always turns out boring. I don't know but maybe I was cursed not to ever read a magazine.

"What's so funny" he asked looking confused.

"When last have you been in a girls room" I said trying to catch my breath.

"I can't remember" he just said shrugging his shoulders this time he felt more comfortable on the bed.

"What about your girlfriend"  I asked quizzically.

He just looked at me for while

"I don't have one" he said not really looking bothered.

"What!, How come the great Peter Lander has no girlfriend?" I exclaimed.

This time I became more relaxed.

"Nothing, just nature i guessed". He quickly said that.

"About you Faaitu?, I bet alot of guys would be swimming at your feet".

It was my turn now to feel bad and to be honest it sounded funny to say I don't.

"Nope Lander, still single" I said just spinning around the chair before stopping to look at him.

His gazed widened and dropped immediately like as if he just saw something bad.

"Don't you ever say that Faaitu." he said that in a low tone.

"Why.... not..." I said that so that he could lay more emphasis.

He stared into my eyes, that was the same look I saw the first day I saw him.

"You are too beautiful to say that F'otai".

That just hit me in the chest, to be honest i was flattered, but Lander was so full of jokes so I never believed him.

"Enough jokes Lander, let's get down to why you are here." I quickly said turning to my table to have a deep breath.

I could feel him walking closer to where I was, his smell filled my nose and stopped my breath.  Then he leaned towards me his face was close to mine, I could feel his cheek against mine, Lander would you stop whatever this is.

"I still don't have a sit, or maybe we could sit on the floor.". He said standing up straight.

Seriously Lander, was that it, how could you make a fool out of me again.

I just turned around and hit him in the gut.

"Ouch" I could hear him scream still rubbing the spot.

"Was that necessary Faaitu?" I could hear pain in his voice.

"Of course Lander we could use the floor." I stood up and smiled victoriously.

He just nodded and sat close to my bed. I sat close to him.

"So where are your books" I said opening mine.

He just rubbed his forehead like it was in it.

"Hey!, Lander, where are your books" I asked giving him that hideous look.

He turned and looked at me slowly like a child who was about to be scolded.

"Actually, I left it" he said sheepishly.

I throw my head backwards and use my palms to cover my face and groaned frustratedly.

"Does everything looks like a joke to you, huh! Lander". I asked him with my hands slowly leaving my face.

"I have an idea" he said looking all bold again.

I gave him that questioning look.

"Maybe you could do it and I will write it on a sheet of paper and take it home" he said smiling.

I looked at him with disbelieve.

He smiled at me so that I could give him an approval.

Men..... I could never say no to that smile, he may look stupid but it was catchy.

"Fine Lander" I said in approval not looking entirely happy but deep down I was happy.

We started immediately, it was fun learning with him, he was intelligent as well we would gist and crack jokes about the school and everything. To be honest he was damn funny.

We where almost done with the assignment when I heard my stomach growled.

"You hungry" he said smiling

"Yeap" I answered shyly.

"Don't worry let me go get something, you want some Lander". I asked looking at him.

He just smiled and nodded.

"Be right back" I said exiting the room.

I got some snacks from the fridge went back to my room the door was wide opened. It was then I noticed how handsome Lander was, his thick black hair, down to his handsome face, I traced his jawline with my eyes, gosh.... his eyelashes where so long to the extent I became jealous of it, he looked so handsome and innocent staring at that book, now he is starting to look like someone i have seen, so familiar.

His eyes caught mine, immediately I just walked in looking all shy.

He just smiled at me.

"Well Faaitu, it's not a crime to admire something good looking."

"What! who told you I was admiring you" I ate my potatoes chip looking all nervous.

"Well, have a hard look, mama gave me that look" he just smiled looking all proud.

I scoffed "peacock" I whispered underneath my breath.

"What was that Faaitu."

"Nothing, let's just finish the assignment". I said holding my book.

He just turned around I never knew what he caught his eyes on, immediately I felt an unexpected pain on my head but it did not hurt that much.

"Ouch" I looked at him, to find a pillow in his hands. Did he just hit me with a pillow?.

I gave him that warning look.
I got up walked slowly to my bed and picked up a pillow, I hit him real hard with all the strength in my body.

He just looked at me and widened his gaze.

The next thing we where already hitting each other so hard with the pillow laughing and giggling, running round my room to avoid each other's hit.

"Jasmine, what the hell is that" I could hear my mom, she sounded upset.

"Nothing mom" I quickly said dropping the pillow.

Lander and I laughed so hard.

"What was that Lander" I asked whispering trying to catch my breath.

"Nothing, let's just finish the assignment" he said sitting still trying to catch his breath.

I nodded in agreement.

We finished the assignment, I tore out a page for him to write the answers.

I looked at my clock which was hanging close to my reading table.

"It's almost ten Lander, how are you going to get home."

"You want me to stay" he just smiled at me as he stood up, squeezing the paper and putting it in his back pocket.

"Quit joking lander, im serious".

"Nevermind, I leave in this neighborhood".

I don't know but I seemed happy.

"Maybe you could join us whenever you want to go to school." I said quickly and excitedly. I never knew when that came out.

"Don't worry, I have my own ride".

He does?, Come to think of it, I have never seen Lander with a car before neither his friends.

"Night Faaitu, my grandma must be pretty worried". He said and exited the room.

"Grandma?." I thought to myself.

What's your thought on this chapter.
Thanks for reading😁😊
Kindly follow me on Instagram for more updates@adom2911

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