Lust For Life. | anakin skywa...

By heavenstruckk

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"we're the masters of our own fate, we're the captains of our own souls." cover by @lazylangdon [anakin x fem... More



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By heavenstruckk


The war stretches days and weeks away from Anakin into feeling like months. She's pulled all over the galaxy, sometimes with her boyfriend and Obi-Wan, other times with Master Yoda or her father and the rest leading her own battalion on her own.

Lana can barely keep still in her fighter as she leaves her position to join Anakin and his new Padawan, Ahsoka, on their Republic warship. He's currently stationed in the Bith System, about a half parsec away from Lana's current position, and getting closer every moment. She closes her eyes and reaches out for their connection. She can feel his growing excitement and a shred of growing irritation which retreats as soon as he feels her.

He's stood in the control room, impatiently waiting for Lana to arrive. Knowing their luck, something will happen that requires them to leap straight into action before they can even greet each other properly. He has to repress a smile when he feels her tugging at their connection. It formed right after the start of the war— Obi-Wan assumed that it formed because they wanted to be together so much more often than they have been allowed to be so far.

"Waiting for Master Lana to show up?" Ahsoka asks, spotting his small smile.

"She should be nearly here," he nods. "I think I'll go and greet her when she arrives."

"Great! I'll come with you! I haven't seen Lana in ages, she's so cool," she gushes excitedly. As much as Anakin loves how likeable Ahsoka finds Lana, he really wants to see her alone.

"Is there nothing you can be doing up here?" he asks, gesturing to the bridge. He feels her getting closer and knows that his Padawan won't give up quickly. "I mean, I'll be bringing her right up, so I wouldn't worry about missing her."

Ahsoka sighs, but accepts that she's going to have to wait here. "Fine, I'll wait. Bring her quickly, I'm getting sick of all the men."

Anakin grins and leaves quickly. Lana guides her fighter down, spotting Anakin strolling towards her quickly. She hops out with a wide smile, thanking her R5 unit before Anakin grabs her hand and pulls her into a secluded alcove. Nobody can see them in the shadows and Lana relishes in the feeling of his hands on her waist.

"We can't be long," he mutters, pressing kisses all around her face happily. "Ahsoka is desperate to see you."

"Makes sense, she's been around you so long that she's probably hoping to salvage some of her sanity," Lana retorts, catching his lips sweetly with her own. "I've missed you."

Anakin chuckles. "Not nearly as much as I've missed you."

"We have this argument every time. At least you've got Ahsoka. I didn't get a Padawan."

"You didn't want a Padawan," he corrects before sighing and allowing her to pull them both out of the alcove. They are forced to detach themselves from each other reluctantly, but just the sight of the other beside them in the flesh is enough to lift their spirits considerably. They both catch each other up briefly, avoiding discussions about missions until they have to return to actually working.

Once they reach the bridge, Ahsoka comes bouncing up happily.

"Lana!" she grins, throwing her arms around the new arrival.

"Hey, 'Soka! How's Anakin been? Driving you mad?" she asks, hugging the Togruta back.

"Crazy. I don't know how you've coped for so long," she groans. Lana laughs and shrugs.

The transmission system beeps and the three of them make their way over.

"Koh-ta-ya, Master Plo!" Ahsoka greets.

"Koh-ta-ya, little 'Soka," the Master replies.

"How's the hunt for the mystery weapon going?" Anakin asks, crossing his arms to stop himself reaching out for Lana like he wants to.

"We've tracked it to the Abregardo system. We need reinforcements," he says.

"We'll have to ask the Council, Master Plo," Lana says apologetically. "We've been given strict orders to protect our staging area." The hologram of the Jedi Master buzzes and flickers.

"Master Plo?" Ahsoka asks, pressing a few buttons. "What's happening?"

"The transmissions are being jammed," Lana groans, trying to help Ahsoka re-establish the connection. She sighs and shakes her head. "We've lost them, there's too much interference."

Anakin turns and begins to walk away, but Lana can sense Ahsoka's worry.

"You heard Master Plo," Ahsoka says, following Anakin and Lana. "He needs our support, we have to go and help him!"

"We have to see what the Council decides first," Anakin reminds her. "This is an important meeting, Ahsoka. Remember, be mindful and speak only when spoken to."

"Don't I always," she sighs, her shoulders sagging slightly. Lana sends her a sympathetic smile as they walk in.

"This mystery weapon has struck in a dozen systems and disappeared without a trace," Master Windu says on hologram.

"We cannot afford to lose more ships, my friend," the Chancellor adds. "Ah, Master Skywalker! Master Alden, good to see you made it there safely."

"Thank you, Chancellor," she replies, bowing slightly.

"Have you had any success in finding General Grievous' secret weapon?" he asks.

"Master Plo was here, in the Abregardo system when we lost contact," he says, pressing a button and displaying the position of the ship. "We're concerned that he may be coming into contact with Grievous and his new weapon and we have had no further contact from Master Plo Koon. The absence of distress beacons indicates that his fleet was... that his fleet was destroyed like the others."

Ahsoka and Anakin exchange a worried look as Lana's eyes find the floor sadly.

"We are about to prepare a rescue mission," she says, looking back up at the hologram.

"Hasn't Clone Intelligence reported that this weapon never leaves any survivors?" the Chancellor points out.

"The Separatists are being particularly tidy," Obi-Wan points out. "They don't want any witnesses."

"Tragic are these losses, but prevent more we must," Yoda says.

"All our battle groups will be reassigned to guard our supply convoy, including yours Skywalker," Windu instructs. "I'm afraid we can't risk any more ship with a rescue mission."

"Wait!" Ahsoka interrupts. "Just because there haven't been any survivors before doesn't mean there won't be any this time."

"Boldly spoken for one so young," Palpatine says.

"She is learning from Anakin," Obi-Wan reminds them.

"Excuse my Padawan," Anakin says, irritation flooding his voice. "We will deploy as you have instructed, Master."

The hologram disappears and Ahsoka immediately turns away. Anakin and Lana exchange a quick look.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin calls, reprimand seeming imminent.

"If anyone could survive, Master Plo could!" she says immediately. "I don't understand why—"

"What you don't understand is Jedi protocol or your place, my young Padawan," he reminds her sternly. The doors slide open and Anakin drops his irritation. "Admiral. We'll split up our ships to maximise our defence area."

"We'll scout ahead for enemy activity," Lana suggests, moving forward and standing beside Anakin. She sends Ahsoka a sympathetic look.

"Isn't that risky, with the mystery weapon out there?" the Admiral asks.

"It might be," he answers, "but I know you won't argue my orders." He sends a pointed look towards Ahsoka and, when the Admiral's back is turned, Lana hits his arm discreetly. "Come on, Snips."

They exit back onto the bridge and make their way towards one of the ships that they're supposed to use as a defence ship for the supply convoy.

"Set those new coordinates R2?" Anakin asks, his eyes meeting Lana's as he peers around. R2 beeps affirmatively and Anakin winks flirtatiously at her. She rolls her eyes and kicks the back of his chair lightly.

"Eyes on the sky, Cloud Stroller," she mutters, trying to disguise her red cheeks. She really has been away from him too long.

"Master, I should tell you why I spoke up before," Ahsoka says.

"You don't have to explain anything," Anakin says, shaking his head lightly. She pouts slightly and sinks in her seat a little but Lana just smiles softly. Anakin reaches up and flicks a few switches before pushing them into Hyperspace. Ahsoka switches seats and Lana slips into the one next to Anakin.

"You shouldn't make her suffer so much," she tuts, leaning towards him temptingly.

"You shouldn't make me suffer so much," he echoes, resisting the urge to lean forward and kiss her. "I haven't seen you in weeks, I've missed you."

"You know, I'm pretty certain that Ahsoka is suspicious of us already," she chuckles.

"And I'm struggling to keep her not suspicious. Anyway, she shouldn't have spoken to the Council like that—"

"You mean like you used to?" Lana asks, tilting her head in fake innocence. "She's a lot more like you than you want to admit. You two are going to make a formidable pair."

"Shut up," he mutters, trying to repress the grin trying to form. Lana shakes her head at him. Always so reluctant to admit that he cares.

When they pull out of Hyperspace, the Abregardo system is what greets them. R2 rolls up to Ahsoka and beeps.

"R2, set up the scanner," she says absently, not even looking up. "Modulate for incoming... mystery weapons."

"No, R2, tune the scanners for life forms. Highest sensitivity," Anakin corrects.

"Why would we scan for life forms to spot an enemy weapon probably just filled with... battle... droids." Her brow furrows as she recognises the planet they're approaching. She walks up behind Lana's chair and puts her hand on the back of it. "The Abregardo system... huh. So it's okay when you two don't follow what the Council says!"

"Doing what the Jedi Council says, that's one thing. How we go about doing it, that's another," Lana points out, a small smile pulling at her lips.

"That's what I'm trying to teach you, my young Padawan."

"So you always meant to come out here for survivors?"

"Lives are in danger, Ahsoka," he says. "We can't just turn our backs on them."

"That's what I said back in the briefing room!" she exclaims.

"I know, but the way you said it was wrong," he explains. Lana returns to her original seat, letting Ahsoka take the co-pilot seat again. She lets Anakin explain it to Ahsoka, watching the way the pair of them interact.

"Hurry up, switch on the illuminator," he instructs.

She does as she's told, a smile pulling at her face. "We haven't got much time before the fleet misses us."

Their ship approaches the debris field slowly, the light carving a path through the darkness.

"The scanners are practically useless," Ahsoka sighs. "Got anything on the emergency channel, R2?"

He turns to check and Anakin gets slightly nervous.

"Now, Ahsoka, we might find something you don't want to find," he says slowly.

"I know, Master, but I have to believe," she says determinedly.

"I don't think Master Plo is dead," Lana adds. "I think I would've felt it, especially since we were so close."

"How do you know Master Plo, Ahsoka?" Anakin asks.

"He's one of my oldest friends," she explains. "It was Master Plo Koon who found me and brought me to the Temple where I belonged. Now he's lost, so I thought maybe I could find him."

R2 beeps urgently from behind them and Lana spins around to listen to the droid.

"Incoming transmission, Anakin," she informs him. "I think someone noticed that we're gone."

A hologram appears of Obi-Wan and even with the poor quality, Lana can see that he's annoyed.

"Anakin, Lana, where are you?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, hello, Master," Anakin says cheerfully, as if they're not exactly where they've been told not to go.

"Lana," Obi-Wan calls. "I can see your foot in the picture."

"Hello, Obi-Wan," she greets, leaning forward and sending him a smile. "What can we do for you?"

"I need to know where you are," he repeats.

"Uh, we made a quick stop in the Abregado system," Anakin shrugs.

"A rescue mission, I suppose," Obi-Wan sighs. "You had other orders."

"It was my idea, Master Obi-Wan," Ahsoka says hurriedly.

"Oh, I'm sure," he replies, clearly not believing it. His eyes graze over Lana's sheepish smile.

"Well, have you found any survivors?"

"No," Anakin replies. "You were right, the Separatists don't want any witnesses."

"All the more reason for you to rejoin the defensive escorts," he says sternly. "We need you, Anakin. You're going to miss the rendezvous with the fleet if you don't hurry."

"We know, Master," Lana says, disappointment lacing her voice. "We're on our way."

The hologram disappears and Ahsoka hangs her head.

"I'm sorry, 'Soka," Lana says gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I wish we would've found something."

Anakin guides them back out of the debris field until R2 beeps.

"What is it, R2?" he asks, turning in his seat to face the droid. He beeps again.

"He thinks he's got something on the emergency channel!" Lana says, hope rising once again in her chest. She leans over Ahsoka and presses some buttons quickly.

"Can he trace it?" Anakin asks. R2 beeps as though he's slightly offended at being questioned.

"Let's get going!" Ahsoka exclaims, the light flooding back into her eyes.

R2 projects the map and they try their best to follow it quickly.

"Are we still picking up that signal?"

"Yes, but why aren't we finding anyone?" Ahsoka asks desperately.

"I don't know, Ahsoka," he responds with a slight sigh.

Lana closes her eyes and reaches out with the Force, hoping to find something that proves that someone is alive.

"Is anyone out there? This is Ahsoka Tano. Can anyone hear me?"

Lana squeezes her eyes shut a little harder. "I can feel something," she mutters. Ahsoka continues trying to reach out on the radio.

"R2, see if you can boost reception," Lana instructs. R2 beeps again and Ahsoka groans.

"Patience. We're trying to boost the power, hang on," Anakin advises.

As they continue their search, another hologram comes in, this time from the Chancellor. Lana sinks lower in her seat, trying to hide from the hologram's reach with a roll of her eyes.

"Anakin, the Council is furious. Why have you left your post?" he asks. Lana prays slightly that the hologram system will crash.

"I decided that we couldn't just give up on Master Plo Koon," he says simply. Lana has noticed that since their conversation on Tatooine, he has become a lot more reserved around the Chancellor.

"A noble gesture, Anakin. But the Council feels that your daring may put others in danger," he says. "Please listen to me, Anakin. Return at once."

"Yes, Excellency," he responds after a second of hesitation. The Chancellor disappears and a tug in Lana's gut causes her head to snap up.

"Anakin, wait," she says. "I feel something."

Ahsoka's eyes widen. "We have to stay!"

"You two... I want to believe that Master Plo is alive, but—"

"He is alive!" they both yell.

"I can sense it," Ahsoka adds. She takes the controls and turns sharply to the side. Lana almost falls out of her chair but Anakin spins in his and catches her. She then reaches out and catches R2 with the Force before he can slam into the side. He beeps gratefully as she pulls him back up and settles back into her chair, Anakin's hand lingering cautiously.

The illuminator lights up an escape pod with Master Plo and two clones hanging onto the top of it.

"There they are!" Lana calls, pointing them out.

"Ready tow cable," Anakin nods, beginning the prep. Lana rushes to the panel.

"Cable loaded, Ani." He releases it and it attaches to Master Plo's pod. Both Ahsoka and Lana rush into the back and Anakin joins them a moment after.

Lana leaps down and checks on the clones momentarily before watching Ahsoka help Master Plo stand up. Anakin releases the clone that is still in the pod and helps him out. The medical droid emerges from its station,

"Will they be alright?" Anakin asks, joining Lana at the side of the other clones.

"The pressure suits offer some protection, but they require a medical frigate for recovery. I will stabilise them, sir."

"Your men are safe now," Lana tells Master Plo, crouching down and giving him a hug.

"Tell me," he asks. "Were there any survivors?"

She shakes her head lightly. "We didn't find anybody else."

"The hunters must have destroyed the rest," he sighs.

"I'm sorry, Master Plo," Ahsoka says, giving the man a hug. The two women help him up and they move through to the cockpit.

"We tracked the mystery weapon to this system," he explains as they walk through the door. "That is when we found out that it is an ion cannon."

"An ion cannon?" Ahsoka repeats.

"A weapon that neutralises all power to our ships, leaving the target defenceless."

The radar beeps loudly and Anakin checks it.

"There's a massive vessel approaching," he says. Master Plo jumps forward.

"Shut down the power systems before they detect us," he says, letting the ship drift. R2 beeps and Lana leaps towards him, pressing his shut down button as quickly as possible. As the ship comes into view across the front of the cruiser, Ahsoka breathes out.

"That is one big cruiser-crusher."

The ship begins to turn and Lana clutches Anakin's hand worriedly.

"They're coming back," she whispers.

"Are all the systems shut down?" Master Plo asks.

"Is there a problem, sir?"

Lana's head snaps towards the Medical Droid.

"Oh, shit," she mutters.

All four Jedi begin frantically reloading the ship, preparing to move as quickly as possible.

"We've got to get the power back on now," Anakin instructs.

"Can I be of assistance?"

"No, thanks. Just get in the back and take care of the clones."

"That is my programming, sir."

"Come on, we've got to get out of here," Lana implores.

"I know, I know," Ahsoka replies hurriedly.

The engines start back up and they jerk into action as the Separatist vessel still turns.

"R2, programme the navi-computer. Be ready to get us out of here!"

"I turned R2 off!" Lana calls, stepping back to him and switching his power back on.

"R2, programme the hyperdrive," Ahsoka yells. He beeps questioningly. "Anywhere! Hurry!"

The shudder from the firing of the ion cannon ripples out as the energy comes pulsing towards them. Anakin pushes the ship as fast as it can go, the whirring of the engine signalling its top end coming into reach. It continues to gain on them, the ship rattling more and more.

"Master?" Ahsoka questions.

They spin through a few more pieces of debris, Anakin's face hardened in focus.

"We're clear!"

He pushes the lever for the Hyperdrive forward, propelling them into Hyperspace. Lana lets out a sigh of relief and sinks into her seat.

"Stars, I forgot how stressful working with you is," she laughs.

"Says the most chaotic strategist I know," he scoffs in return.

"My ideas work!" she defends. "Just because not everyone can pull them off doesn't mean they're not good."

"Mhmm, sure Lana," he shrugs, not sounding convinced. She laughs slightly as they rejoin the fleet.

"Skywalker, Alden, it's time to give our report to the Council," Master Plo says, garnering the attention of both of them. Lana and Master Plo lead the way while Anakin speaks to Ahsoka.

"I wanted to thank you for coming to get us," Master Plo says. "You did well, little one, and displayed plenty of patience."

"Thank you, Master," she nods, her cheeks darkening as Ahsoka and Anakin rejoin them. "But we are getting so told off for this."

"Oh, definitely," Anakin laughs, throwing an arm around her shoulder as they walk towards the makeshift Council room.

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