So I'm Alive, Just Like Last...

By Ualejej

82 0 0

I've always believed in the supernatural, like ghosts and stuff. This apparently proved useful in what I woul... More

Character Profile
Chapter One~
Chapter Three~
Chapter Four~

Chapter Two~

8 0 0
By Ualejej

Credit for the image goes to the creator on Picrew.

"I've been stabbed in the eye so many times I'm surprised I'm not blind."

°Four Years Ago°

"(B/n)... (B/n)... (B/n)... Where the fuck are you!?" You've been searching around your dad's house for a full hour. It wasn't that big but there were quite a lot of hiding spots that he could be in. Especially since he's only 6 and can fit almost anywhere.

You were running around like a madwoman, tears soaking your shirt. 'Where could he have gone?'

Running out of the house and into the alleyway by your house, you saw him. He was surrounded by at least 3 grown men. He was silently crying as they were kicking him, one by one. You stood frozen in horror. Your voice was caught in your throat and you couldn't breath. You knew these men, they were always nice to you, and they were kicking your little brother.

Anger replacing fear, you started running to the males, "HOW DARE YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY LITTLE BROTHER!" With a big push you sent the closest barreling into the other two. You looked over your shoulder to see (B/n) looking at you. You could tell they had broken some of his bones. He was laying on his right side, cradling his left arm. His legs were limp and it looked like they broke those as well.

Anger turned to rage, your blood was boiling. They had the audacity to lay their hands on your sibling. The one who looked up to you as if you were the brightest star in the sky. The one who would comfort you when your mother would make you hate yourself. The one who was always smiling. But there was no smile, his face was twisted in excruciating pain.

You looked back over to the grown men with wild eyes. "Why the hell would you even think you could get away with this? No one, and I mean no one, touches him."

The leader looked at you with regret on his face, "Hey kid, I'm sorry, the boss is the boss. We gotta listen to her orders. You actually weren't supposed to be here yet." You couldn't believe your ears. Your mom told them to do this?

"And what exactly was that order?" You knew exactly what it would have been. If (B/n) was broken it was your punishment. Not your dad's. And they wouldn't have stopped there,

(B/n) would be dead right now if you hadn't intervened when you did...

(1st P.O.V.)

Ah fudge-biscuit, my head is pounding. This pasty-white room isn't helping either. It looks like I'm at the hospital, on... Life support. Dammit, not again. I don't even need to go to the hospital unless it's like, for a vaccine, that's it.

Of course. I have to take all these stupid wires off. I.V, check. Heart monitor, check. All the other thingy-mabobbers, check. Okay, gotta find a doctor and get out of here. Ugh, I don't even have the money for this stupid stuff.

I walk out the door of my room, I was wearing this frilly little hospital dress thing too. *Gag* "Akiraaaaaaa, how long have I been here?" He comes out of nowhere and starts laughing at me. "Y-you've been h-here for a f-full day." By this point he's WHEEZING.

I glare at him, "What the heck, man? Why didn't you wake me up?! Ugh. Whatever. Can you bring me to the front desk, pleaseeeeee best friend?" I change my facial features from a glare to the best puppy dog face I could as I looked at him. He just chuckles and slings his arm around my shoulder. "Well of course, what best friend would I be if I couldn't help my bestie? Just follow me my lady." Pfft- he's starting to sound like Ace with this 'my lady' business.

Eventually, we end up at the front desk and ask the lady what happened. She told us, or rather, me, "You should still be in bed young lady! You almost died!" I deadpanned before calmly explaining to her that, that's normal to me because if my quirk.

After much convincing, I was able to leave the hospital and I walked to my apartment with me ghosties. As usual, Ace was trying to flirt with me while I ignored him, Rose was acting stuck up and better than everyone, Bo was just humming some sort of video game song, Rainy and Akira were having an actual conversation with one another and I was enjoying the familiar noise that surrounded me.


"Ughhhhhhh I'm so tiiiiiiirrrrrrrrred. It's nappy time. Wake me up in an hour." The moment I got home I jumped on my bed and fell asleep, starfish style.

~Large time skip~ brought to you by Izuku's stuttering~
(You already got your results, you're walking into 1-A)

Oof, the door is absolutely massive... Must be for people with transformation quirks. I walk in, only to be greeted by a blue and blonde haired argument. The blonde had his feet on the desk infront of his, and Iida was yelling at him about how disrespectful it was. I suddenly got an idea and snuck up behind the bluenette. I swung my arm around his shoulder and said, "What seems to be the problem here Iida?"

He jumped and looked at me, "Oh! (L/n)! Well I was just explaining to Bakugou that his behavior is a sign of disrespect to those that sat here before us, and that he should just put them down!" I laughed a little at his wild hand movements and took my arm off of his shoulder, "I see, well, let me see if I can help you. Also, please, call me (N/n)." He nodded and looked at me curiously, trying to figure out what I would do.

I turned my head to the 'Bakugou' with a sweet smile "Hello Bakugou, it is a pleasure to meet you. Now, I know that this was probably normal for you in your previous schools, but you are now at U.A. Here, you have to show a bit more respect. Like Iida over here said already."

He just looked at me like I was some kind of bug he stepped on, "Why would I listen to some fucking extra. You probably won't even make it the first week." He smirked at me and I just raised my eyebrow in amusement. So, he's THAT kind of person.

I put both my hands on his desk and leaned in close, glaring at him. He wants to play? I'll play. I put my face next to his ear and whispered, "Don't you dare underestimate me. Or I'll have to put you in your place. Speaking of places, you need to get your feet off of this desk." I leaned back up and "booped" his nose, I then waited for around 5 seconds before taking action. "Akira, you know what to do." I just passed by Bakugou and went and found an empty seat at the back of the class.

He turned back to me and looked at me like I was crazy. I just gave him my own smirk back. All of a sudden, his legs got slammed down under his own desk. When he went to stand up and probably yell at me he got pushed back down and pinned by my favorite ghostie.

I got bored with the string of curse-words leaving his mouth and looked away. I noticed that all eyes were on me, besides the idiot that was still struggling underneath Akira. I shyly waved towards everyone with a small blush on my face. After taking a quick look around the room I noticed the girl and boy that I saved at the entrance exam. They both seemed to notice me as well, being that they both walked up to me simultaneously.

"U-uh h-hi. A-a-are y-you ok-kay? I-I heard y-you w-were i-in the hosp-pital ?" Midoriya looked really nervous, and to be honest, kind of guilty.

He must have passed his nervousness on to me because I couldn't find my words for a few seconds. How did he know that I was in the hospital? Does news travel that fast around here? "Oh, uh ya. I'm completely okay. It sort of has to do with my quirk. Overuse just causes my medical levels to drop." He looked a bit relieved to hear that and he was going to ask me something else when the girl beat him to it.

"Hi! I'm Ochako Uraraka, I didn't get a chance to during the exam so I wanted to say it now," She had really pink cheeks and a determined look on her face, "Thank you for saving me, I-" Just then, a wild yellow caterpillar appeared~

(Too be honest I'm mostly going off of memory so if I get stuff wrong, sorry.)

"It took you eight seconds to shut up, that's too long. Hello, I'm your teacher, Shoto Aizawa. Now, everyone get your PE uniforms on and meet me outside."

~Small Time Skip~ brought to you by the author's laziness~

"Bakugou, how far were you able to throw a ball in junior high?" Mr. Aizawa brought us out to the field for a 'quirk apprehension test.' The first activity being softball throw, "67 meters I think." Teach offered him a mischevous smile, "This time I want you to use your quirk. You can do anything as long as you stay in the circle."

As soon as Aizawa said that, the little jerk looked over to me, smirked, and strutted his egotistical self into the circle. I just stood there looking very, very, unimpressed.

He got into a throwing position and threw the ball with a massive explosion yelling, "DIE!" Mr Aizawa glanced towards the device before holding it up for the rest of the class to see. It read 705.2 meters.

I raised my eyebrows in astonishment, "Wow, that's awesome, Sea Urchin!" His dirty little smirk turned into a rage-filled glare.

"HAH?! WHAT'D YOU JUST CALL ME NERD!?" I just ignored him and tuned into whatever Aizawa was saying, "-whoever comes in last place will be expelled." Oh my- That doesn't sound very good.....

Apperently Uraraka didn't either, because she started saying how it was so unfair and whatnot. Aizawa replied by explaining that nothing is fair. Natural disasters and villians aren't fair, and we need to understand that. I just silently nodded in approval and looked down. I've known first-hand how unfair life can be.


We started off with a 50-meter dash, everyone did really well and now it was my turn. How can I speed myself up? I can probably change my density to make me lighter, and I can push off Ace, he's sturdy. But when I looked over to my right I saw that little jerk getting ready to run with me.

"Huh? What're you doing?" He glanced over to me and gave me a mischievous grin, "Well, you don't have anyone to run with so I, being the kind person that I am, volunteered." I just looked at him with a best 'you're an idiot' face I could muster.

"But I need your help." I changed my expression to the best puppy eyes I could and then he laughed.

"Na fam. Ghosties like me gotta stay vigilant too, have one of the others help ya babe." Without another word, he got back to stretching. But then I got an awfully wonderful idea and gave him an evil villian-smile. 'Oh yes, I will get one of the others.'

I called for Raven, my Griffin. She looks like she's been waiting for this too, being that she's prancing around like a golden retriever about to run after a ball. I just chuckled a bit when I remembered that I should probably show the teacher what I can do.

I grimaced a bit and patted Raven on the side,"I'll be right back girl." Walking over to my teacher, I looked at all the students. They were looking at me like I was some kind of crazy person. Probably 'cause it looked like I was talking to myself. But no matter, I'll... Let them... See... Eventually. Awww! Gag! I hate this! It's so nasty, but I still have to let Mr.Aizawa see.

"Why are you walking over here (L/n)? Go get back over there."

My grimace just deepened and I mumbled, "Sorry Mr. Aizawa, I forgot to do something earlier and I need to do it now. Do you happen to have a knife on you?" Now HE was looking at me like I was crazy. "I-it's for my quirk. I swear I'm not insane." His gaze still held a bit of skepticism but it was more 'what are you doing' rather than 'is she mentally stable.'

"No I don't, but I could get you one if you really need it." He called over the girl named Momo Yaoyorozu and asked her if she could create a knife. She nodded and started taking a knife something out of her hand. I just stared in wonder as she pulled out a sharp knife from her hand.

"Oh wow Momo, that's amazing!" I circled around her like a vulture looking at its prey, but not. Because she's not my prey.

She rubbed the back of her head in a shy manner, "I-it's not really that great. But anyway, you should probably go get started." I blinked a couple times, 'ya she's proabably right but I'm sort of just procrastinating.

"Hey Momo, do you think you could make me a cup as well?"

"Oh! Uh, ya sure." She gave me the cup and without another word I made a relatively deep cut on my forearm. "Oh my! What are you doing (L/n)!"

Ignoring her, I let the blood drip into the cup. When there was enough to take a sip I held it up to Aizawa, "If you want to properly grade me I need you to drink this please." He just stared at me, bewildered. I gestured for him to drink the cup again.

He hesitantly took it and looked like he was about to puke. He took another unsure glance towards me and I nodded, "Sorry Aizawa, I know it's gross. I don't really like doing this either, so you're actually only the third person to do this." He looked back at the cup then held it up a bit as if saying, 'cheers.' Then downed it all in one gulp.

"Sorry, this is gonna hurt a bit."

"What do you- ARGH" He pressed the palms of his hands to his eyes, but as quick as the pain came it disappeared. He whipped his gaze towards me in a glare and was about to say something until he saw me, his eyes widened. My eyes did too. He looked a little angry, he wrapped me up in his capture weapons and pulled me towards him.

I completely forgot that my scars become visible too, no matter what covering I'm using. He made me look up at him and he asked, "What is this?" I stammered a bit. This was actually really nerve-wracking.

"U-uh, Mr. Aizawa, um. It, uh, has to do with my quirk. I-I can explain more a-after class if you want." He still looked wary if me. 'Shit, I probably look like some kind of villian to him.' He let me go and I walked back over to the line.

"What are those (L/n)? And why do they look like they're gonna kill me?" I turned my gaze to everyone and they were, in fact, looking menacingly. I sweatdropped and yelled at them, "Guys! This is my teacher! You can't just give off murderous vibes just because!"

They didn't stop.

I sighed heavily and turned back to Aizawa, "I'm sorry, for now you're just going to have to deal with them."

"Alright. That's... fine." I sighed and got back into my position with Raven. I swung my left leg over her and got onto her back.

"1, 2, 3, go."


"What an odd situation."

Total Words: 2879

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