*Discontinued* Shifter

By The_Revenant_King

44K 3.7K 910

In a world where powers are common, Heroes are needed to fight those who use theirs for evil acts. In a small... More



797 76 15
By The_Revenant_King

Virgil bounded down the steps as he ran. He burst through the door getting pelted by the rain. It only served him right. He wasn't a hero. He was a mercenary. He shouldn't have tried to help. Of course, it was a trap. Virgil groaned as he glanced down to see the blood coating his hand from the stab wound in his gut. Roman was going to kill him. 


"SHIFTER BITCH!" Virgil faltered at the voices behind him. He squeezed his eyes tightly as he tried to think. He was outnumbered, which normally wouldn't be an issue, but they caught him off guard with the first attack. He could fight them but that risked worse injury and frankly, he was already a bit exhausted. He really needed a form besides Polarity that lets him escape. He can't keep turning into the hero just to get away.

"WHERE IS HE?!" Shit, that one was closer. Virgil groaned as he tried to shift only for the pain to spark down his spine making him have to stop. Damn it. Fine, he was stuck like this for a bit. Virgil rolled his eyes as he continued on his way, walking down the ally as he tried to look as if he hadn't been shanked by the 'helpless' lady he had attempted to help. 

"THERE HE IS!" Virgil jumped and spun around to see a large group suddenly spilling out into the ally before him. Where was a hero when you needed one? Virgil couldn't help but laugh. He certainly wouldn't be helping him even if one did show up. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Of to the pub. Thought I'd drink to your failures. I mean... How many times have people tried to kill me?" 

"Says the shifter bleeding out onto the asphalt." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he let his hand drop, ignoring the thrumb of pain at the wound.

"It won't be for long. You on the other hand... they'll be picking the pieces of your face off the brick for weeks." Virgil, being stuck in the form he was currently in, fired out a fireball making them have to react. One of the girls in the group created a shield and Virgil just laughed. Oh great... they're actually smart for once. Normally they're all to blind to even think about using their powers. For more focused on the trap then the kill... this won't end well. Not without being able to shift.

"You look scared."

"I'm not." Virgil quickly shot back with an annoyed roll of the eyes. "Just bored with all of this."

"Well alright..." This man stepped forward and Virgil could see how this metal morphed and twisted in his hand until it formed a gun and actually became one. "Why don't we end it then?" The shot rang out making Virgil flinch but after a few seconds... there was still no pain. Virgil frowned as he opened his eyes to find the bullet frozen in the air. It dropped to the ground with a clink, it's echo sounding through the ally.

"You know it's still a crime to shoot someone." Virgil tensed beyond belief as the sound of heavy footsteps sounded behind him. "Murder is especially a crime and yet..." Virgil couldn't help but look back to see Resonant standing there, this look of pure rage in his eyes as he clenched his fist. "You would kill him without thought?"

"He's a shifter." The man responded without hesitation and Virgil flinch, his anxiety burning through him. Is this how he falls? Trying to be the hero and that's what finally ended it all. Virgil whined as he forced himself to put more pressure on his wound having bled out far too much as it was. He needed to get home. He needed to rest so he could shift and heal. And now there's a hero here... the one that would do anything to see him choking on his own blood too. So that's just...

"I don't care." Virgil's eyes shot up as Rez stepped out in front of him. "What you're doing is illegal and immoral. You cannot play judge, jury, and executioner."

"And you can, hero?" Rez smirked as he held his hand up and laughed. 

"I don't kill people. What I do is arrest them. I'm a branch of government and there for..." Rez's eyes narrowed challengingly as the group as a whole seemed to stumble back. "You are all under arrest for the attempted murder of a civilian."

"Civilian my ass." Someone screeched out making Rez's eyes only darken more. Virgil stepped back, highly confused over what was going one at this point. "He's a shifter bitch. The world would be a far better place if they all just..." Rez twitched and all sound seemed to cut out. Panic filled the faces in the group as Roman pulled this phone out and started to dial.

"As I said. You are all under arrest for the attempted murder of a civilian. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights that I have told you?" The group blanched as Rez growled in annoyance. It was if they hadn't actually believed the hero would arrest them. Then again, as Virgil slowly started to back away from the scene, trying hard not to whimper in pain, He himself didn't think it was real either. "I SAID..." Rez's voice roared through the ally shaking the walls as he growled again. "Do you understand your rights?"

"Rez what is this?" Virgil froze up again at the sudden sound of Polarity. Rez was quick to explain a run-down but one thing Virgil notice was the hero never mentioned he was a shifter. Virgil couldn't take it anymore. He took off running.

"WAIT!" Rez's voice sounded as Virgil slipped into the crowd. He didn't care about the blood dripping down his shirt. He didn't care about the pain he was in. He hardly felt it. Adrenaline coursed through him spurring him forward until he found himself hiding out in a store's bathroom. He grunted as he gripped the shirt he had taken from the rack. He quickly undid the tags and turned it inside out before taking off his jacket and shirt as slowly as he could with all the pain. He used the dirty one to clean off some of the blood before putting the new one on with the jacket and just collapsing against the wall. 

There was something going on with Resonant. Virgil frowned as put the dirty shirt under the one he was wearing to put pressure on his wound. That was the second time he had saved him. Virgil had thought the first time was an accident but... this time around there was literally no other way to see it. Rez had intentionally protected him. Why? What was his motive? What did he hope to gain out of it? Was it some kind of trick to lure him into a false sense of security just to turn around and press those shitty shackles onto his wrist and parade him through the precinct and the hero who took down Raven? Virgil just didn't understand and it was driving him crazy. 

He quickly left the store, far to use to acting inconspicuous, to have drawn any attention to himself. He took the long way home, only to hesitate at his door being unlocked. He grunted in agony as he forced himself to shift form, stealing that shirt was pointless then, as he opened the door already on guard. It wasn't until he got to the living room that he could even relax.

"Virgil!" Roman jumped up from the couch, tears in his eyes, as the younger frowned in confusion. "Sorry, I just uh... I had to come check on you. I had a bad feeling and..."

"You broke into my house?" Roman flinched before nodding as Virgil sighed. "You had a bad feeling?"

"Foresight." Roman quickly chocked out a lie not wanting to make things worse now of all times. "I-I have foresight. V-Visions and feelings that c-come true. I-I had one a-about you getting hurt. I just... I had to make sure you were ok."

"Do you know how to stitch?" Roman's face paled, filled with horror, as Virgil carefully lifted his shirt to reveal the stab wound. "I can't go to a doctor, for obvious reasons..."

"P-P-Patton?" Virgil frowned as Roman offered desperately. "He's a healer remember? He can heal you."

"I'm going to be fine, Roman. It's not the first time I've been stabbed. I just need a day to rest and I'll take care of it but right now I need the bleeding to stop so..." Roman rushed off before freezing and coming back with this look in his eyes that made Virgil laugh, despite the pain in doing so. "Medical supplies are in the first room to the left. We need the suture kit."

"On it. You just sit and relax. Don't hurt yourself more." Roman smiled softly but Virgil could see the panic in him clear as day. "Please, my love... I don't want you getting worse."

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