I Found My Mate!But She's in...

Por OopsIDisneyedAgain

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Katie is a girl whose father just died and nobody knows how. Her stepmom is a horrible person and sends her o... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

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Por OopsIDisneyedAgain

Chapter 14

          Katie's Pov:


          "You know you don't mean that! We're going now so go up there and ring the doorbell" he replied smirking the whole time and turned to go back to the truck. Big Ben gave me one last lingering look, and I granted him a small smile as he briskly headed back to. I sighed and went to ring the doorbell. It made a low, chiming sound like the one a grandfather clock makes when it changes hours. I waited and waited. I heard shuffling from inside and the door swung open.

          End of Recap (still Katie's Pov)

          There stood Ethan, Trent's friend that sat in the passenger seat on the way to school this morning. His expression was impassive, no emotion showed through his barrier. He crossed his arms as if to further hide his emotions. That's when I noticed that he had no shirt on. Well, somebody certainly works out a lot. He noticed me staring and lightly coughed gruffly causing a blush to flare up onto my face.

          "Trent, she's here!" he called off into the house. His voice was calm and respectful, as if he was talking to a superior instead of his friend.

          "Ethan, if you're joking again..." a voice I immediately recognized as Trent's replied trailing off, but the intent was clear. It wouldn't be good. I heard heavy, energetic footsteps bounding closer and closer until I saw Trent rounding a corner coming up to stop next to Ethan. "Well, hello there. Where have you been?" he asked nonchalantly, but you could hear the hint of anger. He was angry that I didn't tell him where I was. I strode into the house without even asking for entrance and dumped my bags on the floor sitting hesitantly on the expensive-looking black leather couch. Trent and Ethan followed looking slightly miffed at my sudden boldness and sat down across from me each in a black leather armchair that matched the couch perfectly. Truth be told, I didn't even understand why I did that either. I guess I was just fed up with dealing with people. I couldn't believe all this had happened in a day. I was physically and emotionally drained.

          "I'll ask again. Where have you been all this time? You didn't show up in the parking lot" Trent said narrowing his coffee-colored eyes. I took a deep breathe.

          "I was taken by the council" I replied. Their eyes expanded in shock. I opened my eyes to continue the story but was cut off.

          "Hold on, I think the rest will want to hear this," Trent commanded, "Mackey, John, Oscar, Wesley, Todd! Get your butts down here, now!" The sound of thundering footsteps like a herd of stampeding elephants filled the house as the rest of his "pack" responded to Trent's demand. Soon the five boys Trent had called came striding in. Mackey looked over me and smirked. I recoiled back repulsed. Seeing Mackey again brought some memories back. I remembered the little boy in the dream who didn't like me was named Mackey, but mostly, I remembered how Danny had saved me from his clutches earlier today. A wave of despair crashed on the shores of my emotions as I thought about him. Was he looking for me? Surely he was; he said we were friends after all. But I couldn't help but reason that maybe that was just an act to make me feel better. The thought dampened my mood considerably.

          "Alpha, what's this all about?" questioned a stout boy about my age his cold eyes glinting with annoyance.

          "Don't be rude, John! Katie has something she needs to tell us" answered Trent. John scowled but didn't retort, most likely because Trent was Alpha. Trent turned to me and nodded curtly, signaling me to start.

          "Well, it all started in the south parking lot..." I told them everything. How that guy kidnapped me from the parking lot, though I left out the part where I was with Danny; I don't know why, but I didn't think it was a good idea to mention him in front of them. How I got knocked out and woke up to two strangers standing over me. The part about the cloaked council members and the wolf that turned into the leader dude. I told them my whole conversation with the formidable man. Then about the car ride from heck and finally arriving at their house. Each boy had a calculating face as if pondering the meaning of life. I yawned even more exhausted after telling my tale. Trent smirked.

          "You can take a nap you know. It's been a very long day for you" but the way he said wasn't caring at all, just amused and mocking.

          "Whatever" I replied stretching out on the couch letting the cool leather sooth my tired body. I relaxed and dozed, not quite awake not quite asleep. The last thing I heard before I let slumber envelop me was the deep chime of the doorbell.

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