Behind the Scene || OffGun fa...

By Oongya_Oongya

74.3K 2.6K 590

I thought he feels the same way? Guess I'm being too confident to myself --- This is an OffGun fanfic. I don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

1.8K 76 28
By Oongya_Oongya

“ P'Arm? What are you doing here? ”

“ uh- ”

“ where's Papii? ”

“ about that- ”

Arm didn't know what to answer he already rehearsed in his mind what he will say when Gun wake up but now he doesn't know if he can lie in front of the latter.

“ P'Arm I'm asking you where is papii? ”
Arm sits on the side of the bed where Gun is sitted, he try to calm Gun by using his voice hoping it would help cuz the way he see it Gun is panicking

“ look Gun, Off just need to finish something- ”

“ what something? Why he didn't tell me? Why he left me here? ”

“ Gun calm down- ”

“ P'Arm how can I calm down if he's not here? Why are you here? Please answer me. Do you know what's going on between me and Papii? ”

Arm carefully nod afraid that Gun will freak out if he did something wrong “ but we're fine with it but for now I want you to calm down and we'll stay here for a while or maybe a week ”
Gun quickly look at him like he said something impossible

“ a week?! Why would I stay here for a week?! No! ” Gun stand up and immediately grab his bag that is on the chair beside him and put all his things inside “ were leaving now ”

Arm was alarmed when he heard what Gun said he already expected that Gun will act like this but this is too soon. Off haven't message him and he's sure his friend is still busy.

“ Gun wait listen to me ” Arm grab Gun's hand to stop him “ Off is doing this for you so please be considerate let's just follow what Off said- ”

“ is this about the issue with Ploy ” his voice is so cold Arm haven't heard before, Gun is not looking at him he was just standing there staring at his bag.

“ no it's not- ”

“ I'm not dumb, P'Arm. Did he really honestly think I will not know? ”

Arm didn't know what to say when him and Off talk before he leave, he assured that Gun didn't know a single thing about the issue. Guess Off is not as smart as he expect him to be.

“ so please.. Please I want to see h-him ” Gun already broke into tears. Arm heard his sobs and he carefully pull Gun into a hug and the moment he embrace the latter Gun cried hard and Arm can just tap the boy's back hoping it'll help to ease the pain that's he's feeling.

“ P'Arm I want to see him. I want him to know that I'm here that I'm willing to help. P'Arm why does Papii fix his problems all by himself? ” Gun is crying and Arm don't know what to say if he'll say more? he might slip and he's sure Gun will really freak out once he knew.

“ P'Arm p-please I want to leave. I want to be with papii, I want to be with him. This is the time where he needs me the most ” Gun is looking at him, his eyes is filled with tears that doesn't stop from falling. The boy is crying like crazy and begging him that he really wants to leave. Arm is thorn between Off's command to him and Gun begging to him right now.

“ please P'Arm ” Arm let out a sigh well he can't do something about it, Gun is crying can he say no to this?

“ okay, we'll leave but I can't promise you that the moment we're there everything will turn out fine ”

Gun look at him with pure determination in his eyes then nod to him. Arm can't help but smile at him as he messes the boy's hair. They're really meant for each other both of them want to protect each other that they're willing to sacrifice everything he just hopes that once they arrive at the city Off is already done with his plan.


“ you didn't tell me youll leave ”

“ I have no plans on telling you either ”

“ and what? Press con? For what? ”

Off let out a sigh his manager has been asking too many question he can't focus on what he's doing. He bring out the the papers that Arm ready for him he carefully bring out every paper inside

“ what's that? ”

Off didn't answer him, he look at each one of them and a smirk was now plastered on his face.

‘ you want to play dirty? I can play with dirty things too ’

Off's manager manage to get one of the paper he is holding and he just let him. Once his manager already read what's in the paper his eyes grew wider and look at him like he did something wrong “ what? ” Off chuckle at his manager's reaction.

“ what's this? ” Off raise a brow “ don't you know how to read? ”

“ Off I'm serious what's this? ” He grab the paper that his manager is holding and look at it. He's really happy with what Arm did “ don't worry P' I didn't do something wrong, that old hag did and I just found some legitimate proofs oh! And if you're still doubting me there's  a video and voice record inside the laptop on your right you can check it if you want ”

Off's manager is looking at him like he's fucking crazy why is he doing this?

“ if you have that proofs, why do you still need to leave GMM? ”

“ well that's- ” Off was cutted when his phone ring when he look at it it's Arm, his forehead crease ‘ why is he calling? He was supposed to distract Gun ’

“ Hello Arm ” Off didn't hear anything from the other line which makes him nervous what if something bad happened to Gun?

“ hello? Arm? ” this time he use his more serious voice “ Arm answer me I'm not in the mood- ”

Off was cutted when he heard a sob from the other line he can't be wrong when he heard that sound. It's Gun.

“ baby ” Off uses his soft voice to call him. Of course Gun will freak out if he found out he's not there when he woke up. He told Arm that he needs to distract Gun for a week but he assumed that he'll take only 3 days but he didn't expect that 3 days is too short cuz he's sure by now they're on their way to Bangkok.

[ why? ] he heard Gun's stern voice but you can still here the sobs that he's trying to stop

“ Baby I'm sorry- ”

[ YOU FUCKING LIAR! why did you leave me huh! Why do you have to face that problem all by yourself?! I'm your boyfriend but you didn't let me to help you! Am I a burden to you huh! ]

Off can't help but tear up, his baby is worried for him. He just wanted to fix this before he knew but Gun is not dumb. Off just don't want Gun to stress his self to his problem he knows Gun is already 26 but he still treats him as a kid. He didn't want Gun to think that it's his responsibility to help him in this kind of situation although he wanted the latter to let him help if he face this kind of situation someday but Gun helping him? Gun is all he wanted the boy didn't need to do something for him being his boyfriend alone is too much for Off.

“ I'm doing this for you baby ” Off try his very hard not to crack when he said that. His manager that is looking at him right now can't help but feel sorry for the couple. Off didn't tell him about them but he knew since the beginning, he knew and he just let him cuz he know both of them deserve each other but seeing them like this? It hurts him too he didn't expect that the Board member will go to this extent just because Off pissed him during the meeting.

[ for me? How the hell you're doing this for me? Papii you're being selfish ]

Off can clearly here Gun's cry from the other line, he can clearly see Gun crying his eyes out he wanted to wipe those tears, he didn't want his baby to cry. Off cover his mouth when he know he'll let out his sobs. He didn't want the boy to hear how weak he is. Off is just being strong outside but inside he's very scared, scared that if he did something wrong Gun will suffer. He just wanted a happy life with Gun he didn't want any of this drama that is happening. Gun is already enough for him why does God need to give him this kind of problem.

“ b-baby just listen to Arm okay? ”

[ p-papii?... Are you crying? ]

Gun's voice is full of sadness and at the same time shocked that he heard Off's cracked voice cuz of crying.

“ no baby! No why would I cry? ”

Off wipe his tears and try to make his voice as lively as possible he didn't want Gun to get worried for him, not now he needs to be strong.

[ papii you know that you can be weak in front of me. You don't have to act tough all the time, papii please ] Off's tears starts to fall down when he heard Gun's calling him ‘ Papii? ’

He miss his baby even though it's just hours when he saw him but it feels like it's been months. Maybe it's not wrong if he show his weak side in front of him? Cuz Off will lie if he said he didn't need Gun right now

“ G-Gun.. Baby?.. I need you right now.. Please come to me ” Off let out his sobs he will let Gun hear how vulnerable and how weak he is. He wanted Gun so much, Gun is his source of strength how he will face this if he's keeping Gun away from this. He needs him and he needs him now.

[ Just wait Papii, I'll be there ] he heard the conviction and softness in Gun's voice [ I love you ]

“ I love you too baby so much ”

And the call ended there. Off didn't expect he'll broke down just by hearing Gun's voice well what do you expect he loves Gun too much that he is also his weakness.

“ you're fine now? ”

Off got startled when he heard his voice, didn't he leave earlier?

“ you're still here? ”

“ uh yeah? So we'll wait for Gun first no? ” there's a teasing smile thats is plastered on his manager's face that he badly want to remove. He's annoying.

“ can you get out? ” Off rolled his eyes on him but his manager didn't budge he get his phone and about to call someone “ who are you calling? ”

“ uh? You're having a press con later right? That you didn't tell me that's why I'm working on it ” His manager answer him while he type something on his phone.

“ hehe thanks ”

“ you're such a pain in the ass ” then his manager answer the call.


Arm is glancing at Gun then to the road he's very curios what his friend and Gun talk about

“ so? How did it turn out? ” Arm is so curios

Gun gave him a bright smile “ drive faster P'Arm, Papii needs me ”

Arm smile when Gun said those, only Gun can make Off change his decisions “ yes sir, don't worry we'll be there before you know it ”

Gun give him a nod. The drive way back to Bangkok is very fun cuz Gun keeps on playing some fun music

‘ Just wait there Papii, Gun will make things better ’


“ Off I'm very sorry, I- I didn't know ”
Off is currently in P'Tha's office he told him everything what Mr. Pesac Saetang, the board member that pisses him during the meeting. True to his name Pesac, he's really a demon tsk!

“ don't worry P'Tha I know you didn't know cuz that leach really did plan this really clean to be unnoticed but not clean enough cuz Arm found it out and also some of his illegal doings ”

“ Arm? Khun Arm your friend? ”

Off nodded at his boss “ yes P', we didn't call him Mr. Perfect Man for nothing. That man can do everything P' ”

P'Tha didn't know that Arm can do that “ uh P'Tha you know that me leaving Gmm is just an act right? ”

P'Tha look at him and nod, Off seems he wants to tell something but he's too scared “ what is it? ” Off look at him then smile awkwardly

“ well P' in my contract I'm not prohibited in dating right? ”

P'Tha's forehead crease “ yes ”

“ and Gun is also not prohibited right? ” P'Tha nod at him but after some second the older seems to get what Off wanted to say “ wait you mean- ”

Off immediately bow his head and give a wai to P'Tha “ I'm sorry P'! We should tell this to you first but Gun didn't want to but please don't be mad at Gun he's just not ready yet and- ”

“ hold on Off ” P'Tha stop him from talking cuz he of how nervous he is he talk so fast that you'll not able to understand some of it.

“ I'm not mad, it's fine that you date cuz you're already 30 but what I didn't expect is you and Gun. I thought the two of you are just close didn't know the both of you are a couple already ”

“ uh hehe yes P' ” Off let out an
awkward laugh he didn't know if he'll get pissed because P'Tha said that he's 30 when he's only 29 or relieved that P'Tha is not mad that they hide their relationship to him.

“ so what are going to do? ”

Off was back to being serious when P'Tha ask him about his plan “ I just want you to act normal P' or maybe sad that I'll leave, for sure he'll come here and speaking of that, I need to leave I'm afraid that he'll see me here and suspect taht something is going on, just wait for Arm's call P' he'll tell you what to do. I'm going now P' thank you ”

Off quickly leave the building luckily the old hag didn't arrive when he was there. He's driving his way back to his condo when his phone starts to ring, he park his car near the convince store that is close to him before he answer the call. It's Gun.

He haven't say anything when Gun starts to whine from the other line

[ where the hell are you?!- ]

Off immediately move away his phone to his ears the moment Gun's voice ring insde his ear. He can still here Gun's voice and he can just imagine how loud his baby is.

“ I'm on my way baby, I just talk to P'Tha ”

[ Faster! And why the hell you didn't fucking tell me you'll leave GMM?! ]

“ I'll explain later baby ”

[ well you have A LOT of explaining to do, if you're not here within 5 minutes we'll break up ]

Off was taken aback when Gun said that “ Gun what- ”

[ 5 minutes. Bye ]

Off didn't able to finish what he wanted to say cuz Gub already ended the call

‘ did I made the right decision to let him here? ’


Off took a big breath before he opens the door of his condo, the first person he saw is Arm who's obviously waiting for him cuz hesw standing in front of door maybe he was about to go out too

“ Off! Thank God you're already here ” Arm really look relieved when he saw him.

“ why? What happened? ”

Arm pull him closer to whisper what he is about to say “ Gun is really mad, like really mad. He's okay when we're on our way here but when he open his phone and found out that you'll leave GMM his mood immediately change. Off you didn't tell me Gun will be that scary! ” Arm whisper shouted at him, he can't shout cuz Gun might hear him and he's afraid that the boy's mood change again

“ I'm sorry Arm but didn't you tell him our plan? ”

“ Do you think I didn't try? When I'm about to explain he didn't listen to me and he immediately call you ”

Off mentally face palm he should really tell Gun all his where about's and his plans. Now he needs to deal to his mad boyfriend “ thank you Arm, where are you going by the way? ”

“ about to call you to go here faster but since you're already here I'll just buy coffee downstairs cuz I badly need it. Gun is giving me stress ”

“ sorry Arm and thank you for bringing Gun here safe ”

“ sure sure have to go now ” Arm give him a pat on his shoulder before he finally leave. Now he needs to deal with the real boss.

Off carefully walk inside his condo, there he saw Gun sitting on his couch his legs is cross while he's busy scrolling through his phone the normal thing he do in a daily basis. Seems like Gun already recognize his presence cuz the latter put down his phone and place it beside him as he cross his arms on his chest with a raise brow. Gun looks like one of those scary mother you see in series when you sneak out at night and got home and found out that she's waiting for you that's how Gun looks right now but Off didn't find it funny, he know he's doomed.

“ what? Are you planning to just stand there and do nothing? ” Off got startled when Gun speak with his cold voice.
Off slowly come closer to his boyfriend and sit on the empty space beside him. Gun is looking at every move he's making he's like a CCTV that'll watch you if you did something wrong.

“ uhm ” Off look at Gun the boy is still wearing his blank face “ about me leaving the GMM.. It's just part of my plan ”

Gun raise a brow “ what plan ”

Is he in a court room or in his condo he's fucking nervous answering his boyfriend “ plan in removing Mr. Saetang as a board member and a share holder of GMM ”

“ what do you mean? Why do you want him out of the GMM? ”

Off didn't know if he should say this but Gun already knew if he still try to hide this he's sure Gun will be upset “ baby ” he gently call Gun although he's already looking at him.

“ I.. I once take Ploy home with just the two of us. I'm very sorry if I didn't tell you it's just I don't want you - ”

“ so hiding it from me is the best option you have? ” Gun sounded sarcastic but you can still hear how hurt he is and Off wants to punch his self when the moment he look up at Gun there are tears that is already falling from the latter's eyes.

“ Gun- ”

“ don't you think this hurt me more? Do you have plans on telling me this? ”

“ Baby I have! I am planning to! It's just this whole thing just blew up in my face the next morning and the first thing I want to do is to keep you out of this ”

Gun furrowed his brows “ what do you mean? ”

“ baby I want you out of this cuz it'll affect your career. Few days ago when I talk to P'Tha he told me that some producer backed out their offer for you as their lead character because of the issue- ”

“ what the fuck P'Off? Of all the things that is happening to you? You still think of that? Are you in your right mind? You're being drag down and you're still thinking of my career? ”

Off form a bitter smile and held Gun's face eyes filled with tears and mad face “ because I know you love this. I don't want to steal this happiness from you. You're freaking good at this and I... I can't imagine seeing you falling down, no baby. Never. If I have to play with demons I'll do it just for you ”

‘ sorry, baby ’

Off didn't know what to say to make some sense he loves Gun so much to the point that he'll choose him over everything.

“ baby you're a good actor and seeing that it got in to waste cuz of me... I can't bear that ” Off is looking down at his hands he can't look at Gun and show how pathetic he is right now.

A moment of silence covered the whole room, no one dared to speak after what Off said he didn't know how Gun reacted to what he say but he's sure that the latter is upset and disappointed at him like who wouldn't? He got caught kissing another actress that is not his girlfriend while he can't show to everyone that he already had a boyfriend.

“ Gun.. ” the boy didn't say anything he slowly look up and saw Gun is staring at nothing “ let's break up ”

The boy immediately look at him with a confused expression he'll do this for him. His heart is beating so fast that he could hear it if that's even possible. He already drop the bomb that he planned from the very beginning.

“ w-what did you say? ” Gun's voice broke and Off just want to take back what he said the moment he saw Gun teard up. Fuck! If he can just skip this part but he can't! He have to do this.

“ I said let's break up... I- ” Off can't find the right words to say “ I just brought bad luck to you since we became couple and I guess- ”

A slap on the face make Off stop, he deserve this after all “ you fucking moron! What the hell is wrong with you? I'm trying to stay for you but you're pushing me away?! ” Gun is looking at him with full of hatred and hurt in his eyes but Off kept his stoic face not daring to make his guard down for, he have to be strong.

“ Gun stop. I already made up my mind. You're too good for me and I don't- ”

“ fuck you! If you'll just say you didn't deserve me then fuck you! You want break up? Sure! Then let's break up! ” Gun immediately storm out of the room and slam the door just a few minutes after Gun leave Arm came in with a cup of coffee on his hands. Off burried his face on his palms already regretting what he said.

When Arm saw his friend's situation he already knew what happened “ I'll follow him ” and Off just nod when he heard Arm's voice.

He's tired and exhausted, he's doing this for Gun but he's putting their relationship at risk. After this is he sure that Gun will take him back? That after this chaos Gun will accept him with open arms? For sure not and by just thinking of that Off let out his warm tears that wanting to flow earlier. He's too afraid to loose Gun but if he'll not do this the boy will be at stake.

‘ please baby. Just hang in there after this I'll make it up to you. I promise ’

But that didn't make him feel better it's like he's only saying that to his self so that he can continue with the plan.

“ G-Gun ” it's just been minutes but he's missing him already


[ yes sir I saw the target he's already leaving the condo and he's crying ]

“ He is? ” Mr. Saetang let out a laugh when he heard the news from the man he ordered to tail Gun Atthaphan. In front of him is Ploy his niece, that looks uncomfortable in front of him.

“ leave him alone for the mean time I'll call you later. What's the matter Ploy? ” Mr. Saetang ask his nephew.

Ploy look at him with hurt in her eyes “ uncle don't you think this is too much? I don't want this anymore ”

Mr. Saetang's smile drop when he heard what Ploy said “ you're the one who want this right? You want Off to be your boyfriend even though I don't like him and now that I'm already doing this you didn't want it? ”

“ but I didn't know you'll plan it like this! ”

“ well you didn't tell me how to plan it tho, we can't stop now. I'm starting to have fun ”

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