The Universe Key

By chrisfritzwriter

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In the magical land of Emilaba the only group that can possibly keep the peace are the Zaubators. The Zaubato... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Emilaba
Chapter 2: Welcome to Villurb
Chapter 3: The past is not your friend
Chapter 4: The Universe Key
Chapter 5: Welcome to Salo
Chapter 6: Welcome to Saltopoli (kinda)
Chapter 7: the Multi-blade Contest
Chapter 8: Welcome to the Snetop Mountains
Chapter 9: Session just lied to you here's what really happened
Chapter 10: back to the cave
Chapter 11: Knock Knock
Chapter 12: Who's there?

Chapter 13: Ferverous

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By chrisfritzwriter

Unknown to the members of the fearsome foursome not all the Deators perished when they sent the volcano tornado and burned down the camp. Specifically two of them were able to run away into the woods living to fight another day. "Lord Ferverous must be warned." The first Deator says to the second. "Yes sir." Replies the second. 

Fortunately from them they were able to grab some supplies as they ran away from the attack. The first one was able to grab a messenger wasp, and the second was able to grab some paper and a pen. The two of them write a letter describing their defeat at the door. They place the letter in the messenger wasp and they send the wasp off. Flying to their leader, Ferverous. Resulting in their leader being quite angry and disappointed. The two Deators who sent the message don't fear making their leader mad. They don't feel anything. Ferverous just needs to finish this himself.

Right at this moment Ferverous is on a field of battle leading a battalion of five hundred Deators laying siege to a town called Skosh. A battalion of Zaubators has risen up to meet the Deators just outside Skosh. They are led by a Zaubator called Motus the wielder of the earth quake hammer. The Zaubators are armed to with ever last bows and ready to fight the Deators to the end. 

The Deators are armed with dritellum blasters and they're covered head to toe to body armor. They're ready to follow the orders that their commander Ferverous gives them. This is the front lines of the war. This is blood, battle, and conflict. But before any real fighting breaks out Ferverous and Motus meet on the battlefield with their armies at their backs to try to negotiate a truce. If an acceptable agreement can't be met then the Deators will attack and the Zaubators will defend. Both leaders know that as they march to the center of the field to meet each other.

"Don't misunderstand me Motus my goal here is not to kill. I want you and your men and the fine people of this town to join me. I want to show you all something beautiful. I want to show you the future. While the future is bright and glorious you Zaubators still cling to the past and you drag humanity down with you. It is only by my hand that progress will be made I am the only one that will usher in a new age. I am superior and you are inferior. So I'm giving you a simple choice, join me or perish." Ferverous says to Motus starting off the conversation. Not a very good place to start from at least from Motus' perspective.

"Even though you say you don't want to kill I can tell that is a lie. I know exactly who you are and what you want. You have brought war and death where ever you go. You are a sociopath and that army of slaves behind you will never be a better fighting force against the Zaubators. The future you describe is one without morality or decency it is a future that I will not have ..." Motus goes on monologing about how Ferverous is a horrible person and how he will be defeated by the Zaubators when the messenger wasp from before comes flying out of the sky. 

The wasp flies right into Ferverous' hands. As the sociopath opens up the wasp to read what's inside Motus stops his monologue. He's startled by what Ferverous might be reading and it's a little embarrassing in the middle of his majestic speech. "No please go on." Ferverous says to Motus encouraging him to keep monologue. With that Motus continues his speech about how Ferverous is evil and how the Zaubators are awesome.

Ferverous isn't listening though he's reading the note that was sent to him in the messenger wasp. He reads about how the base was taken by the Zaubators and they need backup on the rocky coast. The door is now unguarded and out of his possession. Reading this note makes Ferverous visibly angry. 

He does his best to contain his anger. He breathes deeply and intensely trying to calm himself down after reading the note. He knows what he has to do next and he has a good outlet to take his anger out on. He throws the messenger wasp and the note down on the ground and starts walking away from Motus and back to his troops. Motus yells at him to come back and asks him where he is going. 

The wielder of the earth quake hammer sputters, spouts and yells at Ferverous but the rebel leader doesn't hear him at all. He wasn't listening to a word he said on that battlefield. He just drowned it out like white noise. It was never important to him. Attention has been drawn elsewhere. He marches back to his loyal Deators.

"Attack." Ferverous coolly commands his battalion. With that one word the Deators charge into battle and attack the Zaubators. The battle erupts into chaos as the two sides exchange fire. The siege for the town of Skosh has begun. Though he would be a great help on the battle field Ferverous does not join his Deators in the thick of it. He keeps walking away from the fight and after a minute of walking he uses his dritellum boots to carry himself high off the ground. He flies off away from this battle for he has a better battle to fight. He is needed elsewhere.

After flying for about an hour Ferverous touches down on the rocky shore. He lands in the center of his Deators camp and surveys the destruction that took place. As he sees the true strength of his Deators he is underwhelmed. He's not disappointed in this moment but he is angry. The kind of angry someone would feel if one of their tools broke while they were using them. 

Ferverous walks through his camp slowly to better assess the damage that has been caused here on this day. He does this to get a better idea of the personnel and the equipment that he has to replace. While he walks through his camp of destruction his destination is of course the golden door.

He stares up at the door that had rejected his attempt to open it only to find that it has been opened by another. When he sees this he's extremely surprised and curious to see how it opened. Meanwhile the six Zaubators are still inside of the cave transfixed by these mysterious golden weapons. 

They've all fallen to their knees and cannot escape the spell that these weapons have put them under. The only thoughts going through Brilans mind are thoughts of happiness, fulfillment, and ecstasy. Suddenly these thoughts are interrupted by a voice. A voice he had never heard before. The voice came from nowhere and only Brilan could hear it.

"Enemies are near." The voice whispered softly into Brilans mind. With these words the spell that Brilan was under has been broken. All those thoughts of ecstasy slowly poor out of his mind. Brilan shivers and shakes his body to try to pull his consciousness back into his body as if he's trying to wake up after a deep sleep. 

Finally he's back and conscious again. He looks around to see his fellow Zaubators hypnotized and unable to move in the presence of the golden weapons. Brilan isn't sure what exactly is happening but he is sure that something dangerous is coming for them. He goes over to Ignis and starts shaking him by the shoulders. 

"IGNIS, IGNIS WAKE UP SOMETHING'S COMING FOR US!" Brilan yells out to his teacher. Soon enough he shakes Ignis out of his trance. Ignis comes back to life having no real memory of what happened to him. "What ... what happened... what are we doing?" Ignis asks Brilan as he groggily wakes up from his nap.

"There's something outside it's coming to get us!" Brilan says to Ignis. The owner of the combustion blade rises to his feet and draws his sword. He goes over to the entryway to face whatever dangers might threaten him while Brilan goes over to the other members of the fearsome foursome and shakes them awake as well. 

As the three of them slowly regain their bodies they go over to join Ignis at the entryway and fight the fight. The last person Brilan shakes awake is his sister. "Clara, Clara wake up." He says to her softly. With these words Clara comes back into reality and joins her brother. "Where are we?" Clara tiredly squeaks out.

"I'm here Clara. I'm right here with you. Look somethings coming for us and we have to stay here. I'm gonna stay with you this whole time but right now we gotta stay her and stay quiet." Brilan tells his sister with a little bit of panic in his voice. He doesn't know what's coming for them but he knows it's bad. He hugs his sister as he keeps her still in the glow of the coveted golden weapons. Meanwhile the fearsome foursome get their weapons ready and head outside of the cave to meet a man with spikey black hair, a nose ring, and whose dressed all in dritellum armor. Ferverous walks up to the door to find the fearsome foursome standing between him and what he wants. All four of them have their weapons drawn and are posed in ferocious battle stances.

"Okay how'd you do it?" Ferverous asks the four of them breaking the silence. The four of them don't answer. They know who he is and how dangerous he is. "How'd you open that door? I really want to know." Ferverous asks the four of them. He is met with silence from the Zaubators again. "Guess it doesn't matter now. Anyway, I want what's behind that door. If you give it to me right now we won't have a problem. But if you get in my way we're going to have a big problem. So what will it be, problem or no problem?" Ferverous poses this ultimatum to the Zaubators. The air is filled with tension as this as the deadliness of this ultimatum causes a rift between the two opposing forces.

"You're not getting what's in here! We won't let you! This war ends with you Ferverous! And it's ending right here and right now!" Ignis yells at Ferverous rejecting his ultimatum as the Zaubators tense up and get ready for the fight.

"Oh my god it's you." Ferverous says at the Zaubators when he recognizes who they are. The four Zaubators are a little off put by his reaction only a small bit of the tension is released. "The fearsome foursome. I've heard a lot of Zaubators tell stories about you. Those stories are kind to you. They say that you're the best team of four Zaubators in the world. Or at least you were, back in the day, before you guys broke up. I guess those days are over. I hate looking to the past but I am flattered that the four of you would reunite just for me and I'll be happy when the four of you join my army." Ferverous menacingly threatens the Zaubators.

Immediately after he finishes his speech Ferverous leaps at the Zaubators. He starts off this fight by charging straight at Ignis. He punches and kicks at Ignis all while dodging swipes from the combustion blade. Ferverous tries to touch the side of Ignis' head with the ring on his left hand. If he does that Ignis will obey his will. His mind will be gone and he'll be one of the Deators. That is Ferverous' goal in this fight, to turn the fearsome foursome into his own loyal soldiers. The other three Zaubators try to get into the fight while trying to avoid a swipe from Ferverous' left hand. In response to the extra opponents ten double edged battle knives fly out of Ferverous' armor. The knives fly at the other Zaubators and deter them from joining the battle.

The nose ring Ferverous wears is a dritellum that gives him the ability to move inanimate objects with his mind. He uses it to control the knives and make them fly through the air relentlessly attacking the fearsome foursome. Altem, Cearulen and Session have no choice but to dodge these knives and try to get them to stop attacking. Ferverous has to pull off multiple feats of agility and mental ingenuity to fight all four of them at once. 

But he pulls it off while making it look easy. He has truly honed his body and mind for this fight and he is more than a match for the four of them. This evenly matched battle forges on until Ignis delivers a solid kick to his ribs. In the space he's created Ignis swings his sword and hits him with a wave of fire. Ferverous absorbs this fire blast and is blasted backwards away from the door even further.

The powerful rebel reconsolidates and is ready to do more damage. He uses his nose ring to pick up a few tons of burning debris from the camp. Mass quantities of stone and wood rise up into the air over Ferverous' head. Then he throws some of it at the Zaubators. As the debris comes crashing down on the heroes Session steps up and runs out to meet it. The three other Zaubators get behind him as blue energy comes out the center of the magna shield protecting all four of them from the falling debris. The mound of flying garbage is stopped dead in its tracks and repels off the barrier that the magna shield created. As the trash falls back down to the ground from whence it came Ignis and Altem rush out from behind the shield. They shoot some fireballs and some air blasts at Ferverous.

Ferverous throws some of his debris to intercept the fire and air blasts. The fire and air never reaches him and he uses his ring on his right hand to build up multiple balls of energy and throw them at the Zaubators. The fight has turned into a long range one at this point. Ignis and Altem keep trying to blast him with fire and air while Ferverous fires back with his balls of energy and throwing his debris. 

Session is able to get in on the long range action by throwing his magna shield at Ferverous and trying to knock him down. Unfortunately Ferverous is always able to telekinetically move debris in his way and block the shield from smacking him. The magna shield bounces back to Session and he is able to throw it again. While the three guys continue their long range fire fight against Ferverous Cearulen feels better when she's fighting closer.

Cearulen has a chance to win this fight as she sneaks around Ferverous' defenses. Quickly she finds a very large rock on the battle field. Something left over from the battle before that hid in the debris. She takes her chameleon staff and she shoves one end of it into the large boulder. The end of the chameleon staff sticks to the boulder and the large piece of the earth becomes part of the weapon. As if the boulder were the head of a hammer and the chameleon staff were a handle. Cearulen picks up her new heavy rock weapon and charges at Ferverous.

While he's busy shooting energy at her comrades she'll go in for the kill. As she sneaks around the battle field she has to avoid shifting debris underneath her feet and flying around her. Ferverous is truly picking up everything to use in this battle. Trying to scrounge together violence in the aftermath of his minions defeat. 

As Cearulen gets closer Ferverous doesn't sense her and she swings her improvised rock hammer at him. Ferverous sees her at the last moment and dodges it. The boulder comes crashing down into the earth and shatters into pieces. The earth shakes under the pressure of this strike.

While the boulder is gone the chameleon staff is still fine and Cearulen is ready to swipe at her opponent again. Ferverous won't have it as he telekinetically bashes her with a clump of metal. The clump hits her really hard and she is shot back several feet. She crashes to the ground as the impact hits her. Ferverous goes in for the kill but he's stopped by Ignis, Altem and Session swooping in and dumping some more force on him.

This battle turns into more close combat as they swing their weapons to stop Ferverous from finishing Cearulen. Ferverous is ready to fight as he holds out his hands and his knives come flying back to them. He uses his knives to slash at the three men. He's ready to keep this fight ripping and roaring. Cearulen jumps back up and grabs her staff. 

She is ready to get back into the fight. She charges at Ferverous and becomes a part of the intense close range battle. The five fighter's and their movements blend together into a blur of carnage, knives, debris, blood, and flames. Fighting Ferverous is a thousand times more difficult than fighting a Ferean. Their fight is truly epic.

Meanwhile Brilan and Clara are still in the cave. They hug each other while Brilan listens to the battle that is going on outside. Just from what he hears Brilan can tell this is a different battle than anything else. He can't tell if it's the golden weapons or the awe of the battle boiling outside but Brilan really wants to go outside and see what's happening. "Stay right here I'm gonna be right back." Brilan says to Clara. He lets go of his sister and goes walking out the door. He goes outside and he takes a look at the epic battle taking place between the fearsome foursome and the leader of the Deators.

Brilan can tell just from the context and from everything he's heard about Ferverous that he is the man opposes his friends and he might just be their downfall. He can only watch as every single move the Zaubators make is answered with more speed, power and energy than he could even imagine. 

Ferverous is taking everything the fearsome foursome can dish out and giving back ten times more. Clara of course didn't listen to her brother and joined him to watch the fight. The two of them are blown away at the level of combat they are witnessing here. They also watch as the tides turn in the battle and from where they are standing Ferverous seems to be gaining the upper hand.

He throws more attacks at the Zaubators then they can handle. He's far too powerful and he is dominating the heroes with every move he makes. "I have to help them." Brilan says out loud to himself. He knows earlier he was very determined to stay out of any fighting but that was before this overwhelmingly powerful foe showed up. 

Brilan runs over to the door and grabs the universe key that was still in the lock. He puts it behind his back and goes off to find a way to help. Clara follows right behind him. She doesn't really know what else to do and she yells a lot at Brilan for not doing what he said he would do and stay out of the fighting.

As Brilan hurriedly looks around for something that will help the Zaubators defeat Ferverous as he looks he finds Ignis' backpack. Ignis kept it with him this whole time and just before they entered the cave he tossed it to the side of the door for safe keeping. Brilan opens up the backpack with his sister over his shoulder. 

He roots around in there until he finds the cutter craft. In its platter form of course. Brilan quickly takes out the platter and casts the bag aside. He rips the platter in half like he saw Ignis do many times and connects the halves back together. He throws the platter on the ground and it pops up and turns into the cutter craft. Brilan enters the craft with his sister following right behind him.

"What are you doing?! How is this going to help!?" Clara yells at her brother as she follows him to the front of the craft. "You can't be here get out!" Brilan yells back at his sister. She just keeps yelling at her brother. She has no idea what is going on in his mind or what kind of plan he is concocting. The intensity of the battle has taken over the both of them and Brilan has to act quickly if he wants everyone to get out of this alive. 

He has no choice. Brilan picks Clara up off the ground. The eight year old starts kicking and screaming as Brilan throws her out of the cutter craft and closes the door behind her. Clara starts hitting on the outside of the craft with her tiny fists while screaming and cursing her brother. She has no idea what he is about to do. Brilan heads back to the front of the craft and touches his hand to the control pedestal. The front of the craft becomes clear and Brilan can see outside. He sees the Zaubators fighting their intense battle against Ferverous in the center of the ruined camp.

He touches the control pedestal again and the craft changes its shape. On the outside it shifts from looking like a large bean to looking like a large spike. This happens just as Ferverous knocks down all four of the Zaubators to the ground with one large wave of debris. That was a devastating hit to all of them and they fall to the ground so hard they might not be able to get up. If Brilan is going to help it's now or never. He presses his hand to the control pedestal and the cutter craft starts charging at Ferverous. Just as he's about to go in for the kill the cutter craft speeds on to the battle field and careens right for Ferverous' head.

Brilan wants to run him over with the cutter craft. At the last second Brilan jumps out of the cutter craft and lets it speed off to meet its destiny. Brilan lands on the ground hoping that Ferverous will just be a splatter on the front of that spike. At the last fraction of a second Ferverous sees the craft and pulls up some debris from the camp to shield him from the incoming craft. 

The craft plows into the debris and is blasted into a million pieces. The crash is immensely devastating and explosive. Ferverous is knocked back fifty yards. That might have worked but that cutter craft is never going to hover again. More debris and fire was created by that crash adding to the debris and fire that was already consuming the rocky shore line. Layers upon layers of devastation.

Brilan pulls out the universe key and runs over to Ferverous' body. He has to see if his plan worked. Unfortunately for everyone Ferverous survived that craft strike. He slowly stands and starts to recover from the hit he just took. While it didn't kill him he definitely took some damage. Brilan runs up to his enemy and takes a battle stance wielding the universe key. Ferverous looks over at Brilan and he gets a pleasantly surprised look on his face.

"Wow that move was different. I'll have to remember that for later. Was that you're idea? I'm not even mad I'm just impressed. Have you been thinking about that move for a while or did it just come to you in the moment?" Ferverous asks Brilan with a calm intensity. Even though he's been fighting like an animal his movements and his words are cool in this moment.

"I just thought it up in the moment." Brilan hesitantly says. He's intimidated by Ferverous' presence. Ferverous looks over to see the universe key in Brilans hands. When he sees it a relieving smile comes over his face.

"Of course. A golden key opens the golden door. How could I have been so blind? What's your name kid?" Ferverous asks Brilan.

"It doesn't matter I'm not gonna let you hurt my friends." Brilan says to Ferverous using all of his courage.

"I want to show you something." Ferverous says. Then he goes down to his waist and pulls out a padlock that was clipped to his waist. Inside the lock is a key. He pulls the key out and puts the lock back on his waist. The key then grows to the size of the universe key. It's a dritellum that mirrors Brilans in almost every way. But instead where the universe key is gold his key is black and purple. "It's just like yours. For the longest time I thought it was the only one." Ferverous says to Brilan remarking on his key.

"What did you name it?" Brilan asks Ferverous.

"What?!" Ferverous exclaims being surprised by the question.

"What do you call that key? I made a bet with Ignis that I could come up with an awesome name for my key. Maybe if I know what you called yours it will help me come up with a really great name of my own." Brilan explains to Ferverous.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha I can't help but relate, freedom is so stifling. I call this the key to the world." Ferverous says to Brilan. He's a little bit amused and wants to indulge the fourteen year old for at least a little while.

"Okay that's a really good name." Brilan admits to Ferverous.

"Did Ignis tell you about God? About the ancient religion he clings to?" Ferverous asks Brilan heavily.

"Yes, God gave us all these weapons. Apparently he gave you a lot more than me." Brilan says to Ferverous.

"It's a lie. He believes it because he's afraid. They're all afraid so they desperately search for meaning. God didn't give me these weapons I gave these weapons to myself. I am god and I will always be god. I am the future. I could show it to you. I can show you the truth. I will show everyone the truth and it will give them the meaning that they desperately hope for. Just stand aside and let me claim what's behind that door. What do you say?" Ferverous says to Brilan. Internally Brilan is compelled by the words that come out of Ferverous. He's scared and intimidated by everything he's said and everything he's done. While he is scared there's something deep down in Brilans stomach that helps him stay on his feet and do what he has to do.

"You're not god. You're a liar and a murderer you're wrong and I won't just stand aside and let you do whatever you want." Brilan says to Ferverous summoning all of his courage. A thick silence falls over the battle field as Brilan realizes he will have to fight an opponent that is way more powerful than him.

"Ugh that's a shame. I'll tell you what, since you're only twelve I'll give you a fighting chance and only fight you with the key to the world. Your key versus my key, that sounds fair to me. Doesn't that sound fair to you?" Ferverous says to Brilan.

"I'm not twelve I'm fourteen." Is the only thing that Brilan can say back to Ferverous.

"My mistake." Ferverous snaps back at Brilan and charges at him with his key. He brings the key to the world smashing down towards Brilans head. The teenager uses the universe key to defend himself. Brilan can feel the strength of his opponent surge through both of their weapons. From there an epic and fast pace duel breaks out between the two key wielders. Brilan is forced to go on the defensive and desperately tries to block every swing Ferverous launches at him. Brilan is barely able to launch any of his own attacks as he's too busy defending against his older and more experienced adversary. In the battle of the universe key versus the key to the world, the key to the world is winning. With every swing and slash that Ferverous throws it could be something potentially deadly for Brilan.

He dodges and blocks with all of his being but eventually Ferverous strikes him in the shoulder with his key then he kicks Brilan down to the ground. Ferverous raises his key up high over his head and brings it crashing down. Brilan clumsily blocks it with the universe key. Ferverous tries a strike like that one again and again but Brilan keeps blocking the overhead swings. Finally one of those swings comes down too hard. 

Ferverous knocks the universe key out of Brilans hands with one giant swoop and it goes crashing away onto the battle field. Brilan's now defenseless and disarmed. In the heat of the battle Ferverous prepares to deliver a killing blow. He raises his key high above his head and just before he can bring the key crashing down into Brilans flesh a blast of fire shoots in and knocks Ferverous to the ground.

That blast came from the combustion blade. Brilan looks over to see that Ignis and the others got back up and saved him at the absolute last second. The fearsome foursome come rushing in to get in between Ferverous and Brilan. They've found new reserves of strength and adrenaline. When they saw Brilan in danger it all came pouring out of them and now they're ready to fight Ferverous again. The downside is Ferverous is still ready to fight them and he will not hold back this time. "Saw that coming!" Ferverous remarks out loud to himself as he gets ready to refresh the battle field. He telekinetically picks up some debris from the field and starts to fling it at the Zaubators. He also peppers in some energy spheres for good measure and to keep them on their toes. The point is this fight is about to plunged into maximum overdrive.

The Zaubators try to attack him from medium and close range. But they can barely get any hits in. They're willing to leave everything on this field to stop their enemy. They're ready to do whatever it takes. Even though they have the will Ferverous has the way. He over powers them all just like before. "We need something more powerful." Brilan thinks to himself. He then immediately jumps up and runs away from the battle. He runs back towards the golden door as quick as he can. Just before he reaches the door he's greeted by Clara who starts yelling at him incoherently. Brilan can't hear her over the sound of the fight in the background but she's mostly yelling at him about how stupid he was to blow up the cutter craft and try to fight Ferverous by himself.

Brilan ignores this and runs past his sister and into the cave inside the mountain. He runs up to the five golden weapons that once paralyzed him and his friends. He stares at them in awe and tries to resist any emotion manipulating effects they might have on him. He has a goal and his goal will not be erased from his mind and replaced with joy. He is determined to save his friends and he can't do that if he's paralyzed. 

As he gets closer to the weapons he is not overcome with the happiness that he was earlier. He's not sure if it's because he's built up a resistance to it or if the weapons don't want to infect him this time but he is keeping his mental facilities intact. He goes up to the weapons he grabs the golden shining spear out of the air. 

When he touches the spear he can feel the reverence and importance of this weapon. As he feels the weight if it in his hands he can feel energy pulsing and flowing through it. He gets the tiniest glimpse of true power of this weapon. It's a power he may never understand but it might be the thing that can save his friends.

Brilan takes the spear and runs out of the cave. When he exits the cave Clara is still there yelling at him but when she sees that he has the golden spear in his hands she becomes quiet very quickly. She can only imagine what her brother's plan is for this spear. Brilan runs past his sister and back on to the battle field. 

The fight between the fearsome foursome and Ferverous is going just as well as it did before. Ferverous is dominating this round of the fight just like he did in the first round. With his telekinetic abilities and his energy blasts he knocks down all four of the Zaubators one by one. Each with individual devastating strikes. The renewed strength of the fearsome foursome wasn't enough to beat Ferverous' overwhelmingly advanced and superior artillery.

As the Zaubators lay on the ground bloody, broken, beaten and bruised and as Ferverous goes in to touch them with the ring on his left hand Brilan swoops in with the spear. "No." Ferverous says quietly to himself when he sees Brilan holding the spear. Brilan gets closer to Ferverous and the evil dictator starts to feel the emotionally manipulating effects of the golden weapon. He falls to his knees as he feels the overwhelming happiness and immense joy that the spear forces into his brain. 

He starts breathing heavily and his body starts shaking. With every fiber of his being he resists the effects of the spear as if he knew what this weapon could do before he saw it. He struggles to make is body move in any way at all. He is determined to make sure this weapon will not defeat him. As Ferverous falls down and is apparently rendered immobile by the spear Brilan starts to feel some optimism. He can beat Ferverous if he just keeps using this spear.

As the light and the energy pours out of the spear and into Ferverous' body the seemingly paralyzed dictator slowly moves his head and makes eye contact with Brilan. "You should have used them all." Ferverous struggles to spit out at the fourteen year old. Brilan is disturbed and confused by this cryptic and stoic remark. Ferverous slowly reaches his left hand up to his head while Brilan wonders what he could possibly be doing. He jerks his hand and touches his mind control ring to his own temple. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Ferverous screams out as the power from his ring reacts against the power of the spear. He's trying to purge the effects of the spear from his mind using his ring. As if a battle is going on inside of his own mind. He screams and yells in agony as parts of his brain and his emotions are ripped apart. The only way Ferverous can possibly survive now is if he breaks free of the spears influence.

As Ferverous uses his ring to fight against the energy of the spear this mound of golden light energy and blue energy from the ring form in between Brilan and Ferverous. Brilan desperately holds on to his spear with all of his strength as the energy builds and Ferverous just keeps on screaming. Finally the energy builds until it can't get any bigger. Then it explodes in a fantastic and cascading shock wave that blasts Brilan back twenty yards and knocks the spear out of his hands. 

Ferverous stops screaming and takes his hand away from his temple. He has broken free of the spear but there is a cost. His body and mind have been nearly decimated. Pain flows through his body like blood. Ferverous throws up the entire contents of his stomach. He stands on is feet and he feels as if his body is made of rocks. He limps and stumbles as pain smothers his body.

In his pain filled stupor he is able to pick up the key to the world. He looks over to the Zaubators and he can tell that even though they have been knocked down they're still alive and they'll keep fighting. He is in too much pain to continue this fight. So he uses his boots and flies away from the shore. He didn't get what he wanted but if he retreats now it might be the only way he'll survive. 

He flies off and leaves the Zaubators behind. He'll come back when he's not in pain anymore. Brilan picks himself up and dusts himself off from that final blast. He watched Ferverous retreat and he's extremely happy. He has won the fight and now his friends and his sister are safe. Clara comes running on to the battle field as soon as she sees Ferverous fly off.

"Holy shit! What was that?!" Clara says to her brother excitedly and dumbfounded. 

"Language! I'm not really one hundred percent sure what happened here but I think we won. Come on lets help these guys up." Brilan says to his sister as he's too tired to really get that mad at her swearing. The two of them go over to the fearsome foursome and help them get back on their feet. 

The four adult Zaubators are all aching with pain, that battle left them in quite horrible shape. The kids help the adults get on to their feet. None of them are wounded too severely. They will heal from this battle with time hopefully they can find some time. Eventually all four of them get up on their feet, they wipe away the blood and the dirt and the dust that the battle has covered their bodies in.

"Ugh, what happened?!" Ignis asks Brilan in a groggy, tired and confused tone.

"Ferverous is gone. He didn't get the weapons and we won. That's the short version story. The long version of the story is a whole lot more complicated." Brilan tells Ignis. One other thing Brilan has to clean up is the golden spear. He goes over and looks amongst the rubble of the battle until he finds the spear. It isn't hard to find because it's still glowing. He picks it up and brings it over to Ignis. 

"You know what, I've thought about it and I'm not going to come up with a better name than the universe key. You win the bet. That's what I'm going to call it from now on." Brilan tells his teacher.

"Woo hoo." Ignis says unenthusiastically. "What'd I tell you? I know my stuff kid." Ignis continues.

"Do we have to name this one too?" Brilan asks Ignis referring to the golden spear in his hand.

"No let's hold off on that for a while. We need to know what these are, and how they got there, and what they do, and we control them and oh my god that sounds like a really big headache." Ignis explains to Brilan as he starts to get a little overwhelmed.

"Do we need some more help?" Brilan asks.

"Yes, yes, yes we do. We need to contact the UZA. Get those weapons somewhere the Deators can't get their hands on them." Ignis thinks out loud.

"Do we do that now?" Brilan asks his teacher.

"No, right now I just need a minute to catch my breath." Ignis says to his student as he finds a rock to sit down on. Brilan joins Ignis on the rock. Both of them need to rest their muscles after a fight like that.

"Do you remember anything from before we got attacked? When we were just in the cave." Ignis asks Brilan.

"I just remember this really warm feeling. It's hard to describe but it's like nothing I've ever felt before." Brilan tries to explain to Ignis.

"Yeah I felt it too." Ignis says.

"Have you ever seen a dritellum that can do that to people?" Brilan asks Ignis. "No, never. That is something new to me. That's what's so fun about it you keep on discovering new weapons and new things you can do with them." Ignis says to Brilan.

"This is really serious isn't it?" Brilan asks Ignis.

"Yes it is." Ignis replies simply.

"Hey that dickhead is gone. I guess we beat him!" Cearulen says to Ignis as her and the rest of the group walk over to join Brilan and Ignis.

"Yeah, it's all thanks to the kid. But I taught him everything he knows so I'm the real hero here." Ignis says in his own special way of congratulating Brilan. "Way to go Brilan. I'd hug you but a whole lot of my body hurts so I'll hold off on it." Altem says to Brilan as the group gathers around the two of them to rest. "

Yeah don't worry about it guys let's just take five and catch our breath." Ignis says to everyone.

"Did you blow up the cutter craft Brilan?" Session asks Brilan.

"Uh technically Ferverous blew it up so that makes him one bad dude." Brilan says defending himself as the group looks to him for his answer.

"Yeah but I saw you launch it at him like a catapult." Clara says poking holes in Brilans story.

"Look I'm not really focused on the minutia and the tiny little details of everything that happened in the heat of battle I think we can all agree that it's a good thing Ferverous is defeated." Brilan says defending his battle plan.

"All our stuff was in that cutter craft." Session says in a disappointed tone as some of the others jeer and groan about how the craft blew up.

"Okay, okay, okay maybe some mistakes were made. But deep down we can all move forward and I think some really good lessons can be learned from this." Brilan says trying to save some face.

"Yeah right, If I wasn't so tired I'd teach you some lessons." Ignis says sarcastically as some of the others in the group laugh a little.

"I'm not tried. I could teach him some lessons if you want me too." Clara chimes in keeping the joke going.

"You're not tired because you didn't do anything Clara." Brilan remarks to his sister.

"I'm eight what did you want me to do?! Beat up that guy with the nose ring all by myself?!" Clara sarcastically yells at her brother. The entire group laughs so hard at this bickering between siblings. The six of them have a lot of work ahead. They've found five golden gifts that will shift the course of history for Emilaba. They have a lot of dangerous times ahead but no matter what they will face everything together.

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