Touched | a.i

By MoaningForHemmings

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❝Why are you scared of being touched?❞ Stacey Johnson, thought lowly of human contact and soon it became know... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

26 1 2
By MoaningForHemmings

Ashton frustratedly ran his hand through his hair trying to tame it. He glared at his reflection, pointing out every minor, none exsisting flaw.

"Are you sure I don't have to change?" He asked, looking down at what he was wearing.

"Of course you don't." Calum rolled his eyes. He got off Ashton's bed and stood next to him. "You look good, your hair is neat, you smell good and you don't have any boogers. Therefore, you can go now."

Ashton sighed heavily. "What should I say? Do I have to get anything?"

Calum shook his head. "No, her mum already likes you for tutoring her daughter, but you can never go wrong with flowers."

"That," Ashton started putting a hand on Calum's shoulder. "Is the best idea you've ever had."

Ashton hurriedly took his car keys and drove to the nearest flowershop he could find. Ashton parked his car and made his way inside. He did not realise how many types of flowers there were. He found himself struggling to choose a certain type.

Meanwhile, Stacy kept rushing around her room, cleaning her already spotless room. She went downstairs to check if everything was in place before her mum saw her.

"Stacy, why are you still in your pyjamas?" She scolded.

"I just want to make sure everything is perfect and clean." She explained.

"Everything is fine, honey. Go get dressed, he could be here any minute now." She told her before going into the dinning room.

Stacy went upstairs and into her room. She looked through her closet for something appropriate to wear. She settled on a pair of leggings and a white shirt. She was putting on a pairs of socks when she heard the doorbell ring.

"I got it!" She yelled before running downstairs. She tripped a few times, but she thankfuly caught herself.

She tamed her hair a bit before opening the door.

"Hey." Ashton smiled nervously.

"Hi." She smiled back. "Come in."

"Thanks." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I got your mum these." He gestured to the flowers in his hands. "Not that I didn't want to get you any! I just thought it'd be rude if I came empty handed and I-"

"Is it him?" Her mum asked coming out of the kitchen.

"Mum, this is Ashton. Ashton, this is my mum."

Ashton nervously handed her the flowers.

Stacy's mum gasped. "Are these for me?"

Ashton nodded. "The florist suggested carnations, they smell good too. I hope you like them."

"They're wonderful, thank you Ashton." She smiled.

"It's really nothing, Ms.-"

She quickly interupted him. "Call me Kate. Stacy, show him around, while I prepare the table."

"We can help." Ashton suggested, wanting to make a good first impression.

She shook her head. "It's okay, I can do it myself." She walked back to the kitchen after that.

Stacy stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do next.

"Look, we're matching." Ashton said pointing at her shirt.

"Yea! I didn't notice." She smiled. "Do you want to hang out in my room?" She asked awkwardly. Ashton nodded her and followed her up the stairs.

"This is where I spend most of my time." She told him as the went into her room.

"It's clean." He noted as he looked around her room. He noticed a stack of books arranged neatly by her bedside table. Other than the books in her bookshelf. "You like reading, yea?"

Stacy nodded excitedly. "I love books, my life basiclly consists of reading. I wouldn't mind spending my whole life reading."

Ashton stared at her adoringly. "What book are you reading at the moment?"

"Paper Towns; thought I'd see what the fuss is about."

Ashton nodded. He walked across the room to her window. "So this is how you sneak out?" He asked looking at the large tree by her window.

"That and my extraordinary climbing skills."

He scoffed. "Let's be real here, Stacy. You probably fell too many times while climbing the tree."

"True, but in my defence I only fell because my shoes were slippery." She defended.

"Whatever, Stacy." He rolled his eyes. "We should probably go help your mum."

She nodded and let Ashton go first.

"Do you need any help, Kate?" Ashton asked going into the kitchen. "Whatever you're cooking smells good."

Kate smiled bashfully. "Thank you, Ashton. You can go take your seats, I'll be there in a minute." She told them taking the salad out of the fridge.

They complied and Stacy led Ashton to the dinning room.

"Hey Ashton! I didn't know you were coming today." Will called excitedly from his seat.

"Hey buddy, how's it going?" He ruffled his hair, taking a seat next to him.

Stacy smiled as she took a seat across from them.

"I hope you're hungry." Kate told them placing a bowl of spaghetti on the table. "What are you guys waiting for? Dig in!"

Kate filled Ashton's plate with everything on the table before taking her seat.

Ashton took a bite from the food, nodding in appreciation. "This is delicious."

"I'm glad you like it. So, Ashton I wanted to thank you for tutoring my daughter; she's never gotten a good mark in math before."

Ashton wiped his mouth. "I didn't do anything, I just cleared a few stuff for her."

"You did more than that. I honestly thought she cheated." She joked.

He shook his head, laughing. "It's all her, she's a smart girl."

"Hey Ashton, can we play Mortal Kombat after dinner? Please? Stacy can't play even if her life depended on it."

She rolled her eye. "I don't have to know how to play video games, Will."

"Sure, only if your mum is okay with me staying for a bit."

"I don't mind." Kate told them.

"Yes!" Will said excitedly. "I'll go set it up." And with that Will ran to the living room.

"That was nice of you." Kate commented.

After that, they ate their dinner leisurely. Kate asked Ashton a few question and Stacy would sometimes jump into the conversation. All in all, Ashton felt good about himself; he stayed calm -as calm as he could be, anyway-, he was polite, he kept the conversation going and nothing went wrong.

"Dinner was fantastic, Kate. You're an excelent cook." Ashton told her as he helped them clean the table.

"Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. I hope you still have room for desert."

"I'm too full, but I won't say no to your cooking."

Kate smiled and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"I didn't know you were good with parents." She mentioned removing the crumbs off the table.

"And why is that?"

"I don't know," She shrugged. "You're quiet and I'm sorry for saying this but you're sometimes rude." She said quietly.

"It's okay, I've been called worse than that." he chuckled.

"I guess I just really underestimate you." she smiled.

"I guess you do." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll go sit with Will." he told her before going to the living room.

Stacy took a deep breath in, feeling as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She was worried her mum would be very judgmental and fry him with questions, but she did the absolute opposite and was nothing but kind to him.

She went into the kitchen to check if her mum. "Hey mum." she started cheerfully. "Need any help?"

"Well someone's in a good mood." Her mum noted. "I do actually, can get the cake out of the oven?"

Stacy nodded, putting on the oven mittens to get the cake out. She carefully placed the tray on the counter and closed the oven.

"Great, now leave it there so it cools down." Her mum instructed her as she washed the dishes.

She placed it carefully on the plate. "Anything else?"

"No, thank you honey. I'll bring it out when I'm done with it."

"I'll go sit with Ashton and Will." She told her mum and moved towards the living room.

"You suck." Will groaned, slumping his shoulders.

Ashton chuckled. "I told little guy, I don't play video games."

"Why don't you tell Michael to come over?" Stacy asked sitting on the armchair.

Ashton grimaced. "Why do you want him to come over?"

Stacy shrugged in response.

"That's a great idea! I'll call him now." Will ran to his room looking for his phone.

"So," Ashton started. "What now?"

Stacy shrugged, causing Ashton to groan. "You shrug a lot."

"I don't talk to a lot of people, so I can't really keep a conversation going."

"Okay then." He said, not knowing what else to say. "I should probably get going; it's getting late."

She frowned. "Don't you want to stay for desert?"

He shook his head. "Maybe another time." He told her standing up. He walked to the door and Stacy followed him, hoping she could change his mind and have him stay for a while longer.

"When's your break?" He asked as he stood by the door.

"I have finals for two more weeks."

Ashton nodded. "I'll text you? But not too often; you should focus on your studies."

Stacy giggled. "Look at you, caring about my education and all."

"I just want you to do well at school." He shrugged opening the front door, walking to his car.

"Bye, Ashton! I'll see you later." She waved to him.

He shook his head, laughing to himself. "Goodnight, Stacy." He told her before getting in his car and driving off.

Stacy closed the front door after he drove off. She smiled to herself as she went upstairs.

"Stacy, where's Ashton?"

"He left." She answered, smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"No reason." She shrugged then continued going up the stairs and to her room.

Stacy wasn't used to her heart beating this fast, nor was she used to talking to people. She never expected that she'd have a friend that she could lean on in every situation. She was more comfortable with herself. She didn't know what she's feeling, but she was sure it's close to tranquillity.

Ok, I really suck and I am an awful person. I'm sorry to whoever reads this story and actually waits on me to update. I'm really sorry. If you're reading this story so far, I love you.

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